Cisco Telemetry Broker

Optimizing telemetry pipelines for the hybrid cloud

Cisco Telemetry Broker vastly simplifies the consumption of telemetry data from your business-critical tools. It can broker hybrid cloud data, filter unneeded data, and transform data into a more usable format. We seek to democratize telemetry for all.


Cisco Telemetry Broker has several key functions that address the growing concerns of our customers.

Brokering data

Routes and replicates telemetry data from a source location to multiple destination consumers. 

Filtering data

Filters data that is being replicated to consumers. Provides fine-grain control over what they see and analyze. 

Transforming data

Transforms data protocols from the exporter to the consumer's protocol of choice. 


Cisco Telemetry Broker helps to free telemetry from proprietary protocols. It allows customers and tools to coexist seamlessly.  


Provides increased visibility to hybrid cloud environments in on-premises tools through AWS VPC Flow Logs translation to IPFIX.


Increases reliability through monitoring, detecting non-responsive consumers, and highly available services.


Offers simplicity and flexibility with a pre-paid consumption licensing model that lets you pay as you grow.


If you have questions about Cisco Telemetry Broker, want to speak to our sales team, or have questions for our support team, please use these links to reach us.

Onboarding support | Technical support