CEPM Install and Config Guide
Common Installation Steps

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Common Installation Steps

Common Installation Steps


The installation process does following activities:

Creates the CEPM installation directory (/CEPM-V3.3.0.0).

Updates the configuration files on completion of the basic installation steps through the command line.

Creates database objects (such as tables and functions) and populates the bootstrap data and a sample application.

Note If you are connecting the PAP and PDP to two different database servers, you must install these components separately by configuring the installer.

If installer has embedded Tomcat, Tomcat is installed. The PDP and PAP WAR files are deployed on embedded Tomcat.

Installation steps:

The following PAP and PDP installation steps are common across all the environments. These steps are also valid for individual PAP or PDP installation.

Step 1 Extract the CEPM_V3.3.0.0_Win<Server>.zip / CEPM_V3.3.0.0_Linux<Server>.tar.gz file in your system.

Installers are categorized on the basis of different operating system / server combinations. The distribution file name contains the operating system (Windows/ Linux) followed by the server (Tomcat/ WebLogic/ WebSphere)

For example, for Solaris / Linux installation:

a. Open a terminal and extract the tar file using the following command:

gunzip -v CEPM_V3.3.0.0_Linux<server>.tar.gz

b. When this command is run, the CEPM-V3.3.0.0_Linux<AppServer>.tar file is created in the specified extraction folder.

c. Untar this tar file to extract CEPM-V3.3.0.0 using the following command:

tar -xvf CEPM_V3.3.0.0_Linux<server>.tar

This will create CEPM-V3.3.0.0 directory in your machine.

Step 2 For Windows, after extracting the content of the zip file, open the command prompt.

Step 3 Change your directory to CEPM-V3.3.0.0/bin.

Note Prior to this, make sure the environment variable $JAVA_HOME is defined in the machine where the application is being installed. If you are using Oracle 11g as your application database, make sure that your JAVA_HOME is pointing to JDK 1.6.

Note If you are using Oracle Thick Driver, use the separate PAP and PDP installers instead of using the combined installer.

Set the following variables before installation:

ORACLE_HOME = 			/usr/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib (for Linux/Solaris)
PATH=%PATH%;%ORACLE_HOME%/lib;%ORACLE_HOME%/bin (for Windows)
PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/bin (for Linux/Solaris)

Step 4 Run Install.bat (for Windows) or Install.sh (for Linux/Solaris) from CEPM-V3.3.0.0/bin folder. The following message is displayed along with the first prompt:

Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (CEPM) Installation and Configuration
 * value in [ ] is the default value,
     just press Enter to accept the default value
     or type in a different value
 * value in { } is an example,
     type in the right value in the same format

Step 5 Choose the component(s) to be installed. At the `Enter a number between 1 and 3:' prompt, enter the number of the component(s) to be installed from the list and hit the return key from the given options. For example,

Enter 1 to install only the Policy Decision Point (PDP).

Enter 2 to install only the Policy Administration Point (PAP).

Enter 3 to install both PAP and PDP.

Step 6 Choose the database server. At the `Enter a number between 1 and 8:' prompt, enter the serial number of the database server from the list and hit the return key. For example,

Enter 1 if you are using Oracle 9i Thin Driver

Enter 2 for Oracle 10g Thin Driver

Enter 3 for Oracle 11g Thin Driver

Enter 4 for Oracle 9i Thick (OCI) Driver

Enter 5 for Oracle 10g Thick (OCI) Driver

Enter 6 for Oracle 11g Thick (OCI) Driver

Enter 7 for MS-SQL 2000/2005

Enter 8 for IBM DB2

Step 7 At the `Enter database server IP:' prompt, enter the host IP address of the machine where your data base server is running and hit the return key.

Step 8 At the `Enter database port:' prompt, enter the port number of the machine where your data base server is running and hit the return key.

Tip Default port number for Oracle is 1521; for MSSQL, it is 1433; for DB2, it is 50000.

Step 9 For PAP-PDP combined installer: At the `Use the same database schema (SID) for PDP, PAP and XACML [yes]/no?' prompt, enter yes or no.

Enter `yes' to use the same database SID for the PAP DB, PDP DB and XACML DB. Go to Step-10.

Enter `no' to provide the SID for these databases separately.

Hit the return key after entering the value.

For PAP only/PDP only: At the "Is the database schema (SID) shared between PDP and PAP yes/[no]?" prompt, enter `no' to provide different SID for PDP and PAP.

Enter `yes' to share the same database schema for the PAP and PDP. Go to Step-10.

Enter `no' to provide the schema for these databases separately.

Hit the enter key after entering the value.

Step 10 At the `Enter Database schema name/SID:' prompt, enter the schema name or the SID and hit the return key.

Step 11 At the `Enter Database user ID:' prompt, enter the database user name and hit the return key.

Step 12 At the `Enter Database user password:' prompt, enter the database password and hit the return key. The password should be typed in normal format. Note that this password will be shown in encrypted format in the configuration.properties.

Step 13 At the `Enter an absolute path to CEPM Home [C:\CEPM-V3.3.0.0]:' prompt, enter the path of CEPM Home if you want to place it in a directory other than the default directory. For example, C:\CEPM-V3.3.0.0 (for Windows) or /home/cepm/CEPM-V3.3.0.0 (for Linux/Solaris).

Step 14 At the `Enter domain name [Default Domain]:' prompt, enter the domain name. If you want to continue with the default value, that is, Default Domain, hit the return key without entering any value.

Step 15 This is optional and is applicable when you select `no' in step-9. If you are not using separate repository for PAP and PDP, you must configure JMS to establish communication between these components. To enable JMS for PAP/PDP individual installer:

Set SHARED_REPOSITORY to false if you want the PAP and PDP to have different database (non-shared repository), otherwise set it to true for a shared repository. The <sharedrepository> tag of the pap_config.xml and pdp_config.xml files will be dynamically updated with this value. As a result, if you set this tag to true, then the <sharedrepository> tag in the configuration files will be updated to true.

Provide the JMS Server-related information by setting the following properties.





CEPM.JMSRECONNECTINTERVAL = JMS Reconnect Interval in milliseconds




Update the JNDI_ENABLE= tag to true if you are using JNDI to read JMS configuration properties. You may provide the following authentication details for JNDI connection (It's optional).





Update the REPLY_TOPIC= tag with the reply topic name.

Step 16 The system will display the configuration information entered upto this step. Following is a sample Configuration information:

The configuration information entered
### CEPM installer version 1.0 ###

JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.5.0
CEPM.PDPDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host IP>:1521:cepmdev
CEPM.PAPDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host IP>:1521:cepmdev
CEPM.XACMLDB_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host IP>:1521:cepmdev

If you install PAP/PDP, the corresponding DB details will be displayed. For example, if you are installing only PAP, the DB details for PAP will be shown and DB details of PDP will be commented.

Step 17 At the `Edit the data yes/[no]?' prompt, enter yes to edit the above information, else enter no or hit the return key to continue.

Step 18 This is optional. At this stage, if you want to configure JMS for PAP-PDP database separation, follow this procedure before continuing to the next step of the main installation:

At the `Edit the data yes/[no]?' prompt, enter yes.

The system will open the configure.properties file in the dafault editor of the operating system, such as, Notepad (for Windows), EMACS or GVIM (for Linux/Solaris).

Save and close the configure.properties file.

Step 19 At the `Continue with the installation [yes]/no?' prompt, enter yes and hit the return key to continue. Else, enter no to exit the installation process.

For Windows, this action opens a new command window. At the same time, the existing window displays the following message:

Running in another window, please wait ...
Close that window, when finished, to continue this ...

For Linux/Solaris, the process will be continued in the same window.

This action will run the configure.xml (for PAP and PDP installation), configure_pap.xml (for PAP installation), and configure_pdp.xml (for PDP installation).

For Windows, close the window when finished.

Step 20 At the `Create tables yes/[no]?' prompt, enter yes to create CEPM tables in the database.

Caution If you are doing an upgrade installaion or if the CEPM tables already exist, you do NOT need to create tables. Doing so will result in LOSS OF DATA. Refer to Chapter 10, "CEPM Migration Information" for more information.

For Windows, this action opens a new command window. At the same time, the existing window displays the following message:

Running in another window, please wait ...
Close that window, when finished, to continue this ...

For Linux/Solaris, the process will be continued in the same window.

This action will run the createtables.xml (for PAP and PDP installation), createtables.xml (for PAP installation), and createtables_pdp.xml (for PDP installation).

For Windows, close the window when finished.

You can verify whether the database tables are created successfully by refering dataload.log file in CEPM-V3.3.0.0/log folder. This file will not be present initially in the log folder but will be created after the createtables file is run.

Note You can directly create tables in the CEPM database by executing createtables.sql from '/CEPM-V3.3.0.0/db/scripts/oracle/ or '/CEPM-V3.3.0.0/db/scripts/mssql/ folder. Refer to Chapter 20, "Executing createtables.sql" for more details.

Step 21 To proceed further, choose your own installation profile from the following list:

Chapter 4, "Installing PAP and PDP on Windows"

Chapter 5, "Installing PAP and PDP on Linux/Solaris"

Chapter 6, "Installing PAP on Windows"

Chapter 7, "Installing PAP on Linux/Solaris"

Chapter 8, "Installing PDP on Windows"

Chapter 9, "Installing PDP on Linux/Solaris"