
App Overview & User Guide

Notification Settings

Contact Cisco Support

Find a Reseller

Cases & Contracts

My Devices & Support Coverage

Bug Search & TAC Support Docs

About & Additional Resources


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App Overview & User Guide

The CTS Mobile App User Guide provides and in-depth look at major features and functionality.

Login to access Cases & Contracts, Bug Search, Tools, TAC Support Docs, and user Settings using your credentials.

Please send us an email if you are having login issues.

My Shortcuts is a collection of previously bookmarked Support Cases, Bugs, Videos, Podcasts, and RSS Feeds.

Cases & Contracts allows you to view, update and create support cases, view RMA details including tracking information and initiate a return (co-ordinate shipment & schedule pickup); view your contracts and set expiration reminders; check support coverage/entitlement for your devices; and self curate a list of up to 10,000 devices where product support coverage and important lifecycle milestones can easily be monitored.

Bug Search allows you to research bug information using a simplified version of Bug Search Tool.

Tools includes a basic SSH/Telnet client, IP Sec Overhead Calculator, and the Cisco Reseller Locator tools.

Videos gives you access to videos from several Cisco Support YouTube playlists.

Feeds lets you browse, search and bookmark selected Cisco feeds and security podcasts.

Product Information provides access to's mobile optimized product support pages.

TAC Support Docs access to over 1,800 troubleshooting docs written by TAC, for TAC, and available to our customers.

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Notification Settings

There are two ways to control receipt of mobile push notifications.

Users can control the types of notifications received from within the "Push Notifications" section found under "Settings" (accessible from the app's Home Screen). This option will require you to first log in to the mobile app as settings are managed at a user level. If you don't have a Cisco CCO ID, you can either create one, or try one of the next few options:

If you don't have a Cisco CCO ID (user account), you can turn off all notifications to the Cisco Technical Support mobile app at the OS level.

For iOS devices, launch Apple's "Settings" app, tap the "Notifications" menu, and scroll down until you see an entry for the Cisco Technical Support mobile app. Tapping the "Tech Support" menu option will provide notification options, including toggling "Allow Notifications" off to stop all mobile push notifications to the Tech Support app.

For Android devices, tap on "App notifications" from Android's Notification Settings screen. You will be presented with a list of installed apps that allow mobile push notifications. Within that list, tapping on "Tech Support" will provide fine-tune adjustment options to control notifications sent to the Tech Support app.

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Contact Cisco Support

For all customers, partners, resellers, and distributors who hold valid Cisco service contracts, Cisco provides around-the-clock, award-winning technical support services over the phone.

Enterprise & Service Provider
U.S. / Canada: 800-553-2447
Worldwide Phone Numbers

Small Business Products
U.S. / Canada: 800-606-1866
Worldwide Phone Numbers

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Find a Reseller

The Cisco Partner Locator tool can help find a local authorized Cisco reseller with expertise in a given technology or service offering.

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Cases & Contracts

Why can I not access "Cases & Contracts" after I have logged in?
This feature is limited to users with active service contracts associated with their user profile. If your user profile is missing contracts, you can either submit a request to add contracts, or contact Cisco for assistance. Otherwise, learn more about the benefits of having a Cisco Service Contract

What timezone are the timestamps based on?
By default, timestamps are relative to GMT+7. Starting in v3.11, users can change the behavior to covert timestamp information relative to their current location within the "Settings" section of the app.

How do I contact my TAC Engineer?
Tap on the "Contact TAC Engineer" hyperlink within the case to call or email them directly.

Can I be notified of Case updates?
We will send you a notification when any case you create has either been assigned a TAC Engineer, or has transitioned to a Customer Pending state. Tapping on the notification will launch the app and bring you to the case in question.

Alternatively, you can opt-in (subscribe) to receive updates to any case you are entitled to view from the Actions menu when viewing a case.

Where's my Support Case Notification?
Mobile push notifications appear for a limited period of time. If you missed the notification, you can look in your Notifications Center for missed notifications. Tapping on the notification within the Notification Center will launch the app and take you to the support case in question.

How can I escalate my Support Case?
We recommend you first call your assigned TAC Engineer and ask to escallate the support case (fastest process). If you are not satisfied with the outcome, call your local TAC number, and ask to speak with the Duty Manager on call.

Can I view my co-worker's Support Case?
Using the "Search Cases" set the Scope filter to "All Cases Against My Contracts", select "Case Owner ID is" and put your coworker's CCOID in the search field. If you leave the search field blank, you will see all cases associated with your contracts.

Where are the rest of my Company's Cases?
Within the "Cases & Contracts" section, "My Open Cases" refers to cases that only you created. Starting in Version 3.8 of the app, end user customers have the option to select "All Open Cases" to see a merged view of all your open cases and any open cases associated with your contracts created within the last 90 days.

Can I open a Support Case?
You can open either a P3 or P4 support case on devices whose serial number are associated with your contracts using the "Open a New Case" tool.

How do I add a case to My Shortcuts?
When viewing a specific support case, tap on "Add to Shortcuts" from the actions list. Once a case has been added to your Shortcuts, it can be removed from the Actions menu, or directly from within your Shortcuts.

How recent is the case data?
You can see the timestamp when data was last retrieved by "tugging" on any case screen. Continue to tug, and then release to refresh the data.

Can I view the status of my RMA?
If your support case has an RMA, you can tap on the "View RMA Details" hyperlink. From there you can contact your On-Site Contact, Field Engineer (if applicable), as well as track your replacement part shipments from the courier.

Is there an easier way to navigate from one case to the next?
If you have multiple cases, you can move from one case to the next by swiping left to right when viewing the details of a case. Left to right swiping also works with advancing through Case Notes and RMAs.

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My Devices & Support Coverage

How can I check if my device is covered by a Cisco Support Contract?
Within "Cases & Contracts" is the "Check Device Coverage" utility. You can either manually enter the Serial Number, or use the embedded camera based bar code scanner to capture the serial number from the barcode on the device.

Entitled users (the device is on a support contract tied to your user profile) will see extended information about the support coverage.

Learn More (~2.5 min video)

Can I view my contracts? How can I be reminded before my contracts expire?
Within "Cases & Contracts" is the "My Contracts" utility where you can see the list of contracts associated with your user profile.

Tapping on the calendar icon will create a calendar reminder 90 and 60 days prior to the the contracts expiration with details on how to renew your coverage.

Learn More (~2.5 min video)

How can I generate End of Life and Support Coverage Renewal reports?
Within "Cases and Contracts" and on the Cisco Support Home Page, there is a utility called "My Devices".

Either from the app, or through the website, users can self curate a list of devices by adding Serial Numbers from the mobile app, or through the My Devices website.

Once devices have been added, users can access "Reports" from the menu, from which you can select Contract Renewal or Product Lifecycle related reports.

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Bug Search & TAC Support Docs

Why can I not access Bug Search?
The ability to access bug search is limited to users with an active support contract. If you do not have an active support contract, you can utilize the web to look up specific Bug IDs.

What is the maximum number of results displayed?
The mobile app will return a maximum of 300 results. Further refining your search terms will decrease the total number of results found.

Can I bookmark a Bug for future reference?
You can add a bug to your Shortcuts from the Actions menu when viewing the bug.

I'm not seeing the expected results of my Bug search?
In the event you have used a model or series name in the search field, try refining the product name. Ex: removing the port suffix will result in more matches.

Can I refine the number of TAC Support Docs to look through?
TAC Support docs supports keyword filtering. Once you have at least 2 characters entered in the filter field, the numbers of docs in each category associated with that keyword will automatically update.

How do I save a TAC Support Doc to my device?
Once you are viewing a pdf, open the document in your device's browser from the actions menu. Once in the browser, you can use the browser's controls to save the doc to your device.

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About & Additional Resources

Thank you for downloading the Cisco Technical Support mobile app! If you have issues with the application or would like to send us a feature request, you can contact us by sending an email to:

Maintenance Windows

The app may be inaccessible during the following regular maintenance windows:

  • Wednesdays 6:00AM - 8:00AM PST
  • Sundays 12:00AM - 1:00AM PST

iOS Tips

Starting with iOS8.1, users can access photos from their iCloud. To enable this option, go into the "Settings" app, then "Photos & Camera", and turn on "iCloud Photo Sharing".

Additional Cisco Resources

Pocket Read-It-Later Resources

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