Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability System Guide, Release 4.2(1)
CDR Analysis and Reporting

Table Of Contents

CDR Analysis and Reporting

Understanding CDR Data

Understanding CDR Analysis and Reporting

CAR Administrators, Managers, and Users

CAR System Settings

CAR Reports

CAR Reports General Information

User Reports

System Reports

Device Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

CDR Search

Internationalization for CDR Analysis and Reporting

CDR Analysis and Reporting Configuration Checklist

Where to Find More Information

CDR Analysis and Reporting

Cisco CallManager Serviceability supports CDR Analysis and Reporting (CAR) under the Tools menu. CAR generates reports for Quality of Service, traffic, and billing information.

Note CAR does not handle iDivert calls (feature that diverts calls to voice-messaging system) and treats them as normal calls. The part of the call after iDivert feature gets activated may not get charged to the correct party.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Understanding CDR Data

Understanding CDR Analysis and Reporting

CAR Administrators, Managers, and Users

CAR System Settings

CAR Reports

CDR Search

Internationalization for CDR Analysis and Reporting

CDR Analysis and Reporting Configuration Checklist

Where to Find More Information

Understanding CDR Data

Call detail records (CDR) detail the called number, the number that placed the call, the date and time that the call was started, the time that it connected, and the time that it ended. Call management records (CMRs, or diagnostic records) detail the jitter, lost packets, the amount of data sent and received during the call, and latency. CDR data comprises CDRs and CMRs collectively. A single call can result in the generation of several CDRs and CMRs. Cisco CallManager records information regarding each call in CDRs and CMRs. CDRs and CMRs, known collectively as CDR data, serve as the basic information source for CAR.

You can set service parameters in Cisco CallManager Administration to establish the amount of disk space to allocate to CDRs. For more information, refer to the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Understanding CDR Analysis and Reporting

You access CAR from the Tools menu of Cisco CallManager Serviceability after you install the CAR plugin as described in the "Installing the CDR Analysis and Reporting (CAR) Plugin" section in the Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide.

All CAR reports use CDR data. CAR processes CDRs at the scheduled time and frequency. By default, CDR data loads from midnight to 5 a.m. on a daily basis; however, you can set the loading time, interval, and duration as needed.

CAR retrieves information that is not only present in the CDRs and CMRs, but is required for various reports, from the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and configuration information from CAR database (that CAR administrator can modify). Information that is retrieved from LDAP includes the user ID, password, extension, and whether the user is a CAR administrator or a manager, as well as other user-based details. Information that the CAR administrator provides includes adding or revoking rights for a user to act as a CAR administrator.

Scheduling Reports

You can schedule any CAR report to generate automatically at a regular time. Each report that can be scheduled has its own report generation interval. You can make the report generation interval be daily, weekly, or monthly. Scheduling the Daily reports would schedule all the reports that have report generation intervals as Daily. Similarly, scheduling Weekly or Monthly reports would schedule the reports that have report generation intervals as weekly or monthly. You can also specify the time to keep a report before it gets automatically deleted.

By default, CAR uses the following report generation and deletion schedule:

Daily reports run at 1 a.m. every day. These reports get purged after two days.

Weekly reports run at 4 a.m. every Sunday. These reports get purged after four weeks.

Monthly bill reports run at 3 a.m. on the first day of every month. These reports get purged after two months.

Other monthly reports run at 2 a.m. on the first day of every month. These reports get purged after two months.

Note For a list of reports and the default generation schedule, see the "CAR Reports General Information" section.

For system monitoring, automatically generate various reports, such as QoS reports, and review them at regular intervals, perhaps every day if you have a very large system, or every week or every two weeks for smaller systems. QoS reports help you determine the quality of calls that are running on your network and judge whether you need additional hardware to improve performance. You can use utilization reports for gateways, voice messaging, conference bridge, route groups, route lists, and route patterns to provide a picture of the usage to help with system handling.

You can also customize the report parameters and enable a mailing option, so reports get e-mailed when they are created. The Customize Parameters option allows you to customize the report parameters for any particular report in the Customize Parameters window. For each individual report, you can customize the parameters for that report.

Setting Up Alerts

CAR provides e-mail alerts for various events, including the following events:

CAR database exceeds a predefined percentage of maximum size. You can use the CAR Database Alert function to set the percentage and maximum size.

Charge Limit Notification indicates when the daily charge limit for a user exceeds the specified maximum. You can set the maximum in the Report Config > Notification Limits window.

QoS Notification indicates when the percentage of good calls drops below a specified range or the percentage of poor calls exceeds a specified limit. You can set the range in the Report Config > Notification Limits window.

Enabling the system for e-mail alerts comprises a three-step process. First, you must specify the mail server configuration information (System > System Parameters > Mail Parameters). CAR uses the configuration information to successfully connect to the e-mail server. Next, you must enable the e-mail alerts. on the Automatic Report Generation/Alert window (Report Config > Automatic Generation/Alert). By default, CAR enables e-mail alerts for some, but not all, reports. Finally, you must configure the e-mail that is sent when the alert criteria are met.

Purging CAR data

You can configure CAR to notify you when the CAR or CDR database size exceeds a percentage of the maximum number of records. You can set the message, set the maximum number of records, and specify the alert percentage. You cannot edit the maximum number of records for the CDR database from CAR.

CAR provides manual and automatic purging of the CDR and CAR database. When data is automatically purged, CDR Analysis and Reporting deletes records that are older than the number of day(s) that are specified for the CAR or CDR database. Default setting disables automatic database purging. When enabled, automatic purges of the CAR databases occur at the time when daily reports are scheduled.

Use the manual database purge when you want to delete records that are older than a particular date or that exist in a specific date range, but you do not want to change the automatic purge schedule.

Note Schedule database purges or manual purging during off-peak hours to minimize any degradation on Cisco CallManager performance.

Call Costs

You can use CAR to set a base monetary rate for the cost of calls on the basis of a time increment. Then, you can further qualify the cost by applying the time of day and voice-quality factors. Service providers who must account for service to subscribers use this feature. Some organizations also use this information to establish billing costs for users and departments in the organization for accounting or budgeting purposes.

Reports that use these rating parameters include individual bill, department bill, top N by charge, top N by duration, and top N by number of calls.

Note If you do not change the default value for charge base/block, the cost will always be zero because the default base charge per block is zero.

Note If you do not want to increase call cost by voice quality, you can use the default values. The default multiplication factor specifies 1.00, so no increase in call cost for voice quality occurs.

For more information on setting call rates, refer to the "Configuring the Rating Engine" section in the Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide.

Tracking Activity

CAR provides logs that can track the status of the various activities. The event log tracks events that the CAR Scheduler triggers, such as automatically generated reports, loading of CDRs, database alerts notifications, report deletions, and database purging. The event log provides a report on the status of the activities that the CAR scheduler controls, such as automatic report generation and loading CDR data. The report shows whether the tasks have started, completed successfully, or are in progress. The error log tracks errors that CAR encountered while performing various tasks, such as report generation and loading CDR data. The error log assists with debugging and diagnosing problems in CAR functionality.

CAR Administrators, Managers, and Users

CAR provides reporting capabilities for three levels of users.

Administrators use all the features of CDR Analysis and Reporting; for example, they can generate system reports to help with load balancing, system performance, and troubleshooting.

Managers can generate reports for users, departments, and QoS to help with call monitoring for budgeting or security purposes and for determining the voice quality of the calls.

Individual users can generate a billing report for calls.

Any user can act as a CAR administrator, but the Grant/Revoke CAR Admin Rights window must specify each user that is designated as a CAR administrator. Users who have been identified as CAR administrators have full control over the CAR system. The administrator can modify all the parameters that relate to the system and the reports.

CAR requires a minimum of one administrator.

CAR System Settings

CDR Analysis and Reporting sets default values for all system parameters. Before you generate reports in CAR, Cisco recommends that you customize a number of system parameters before you generate any reports. Because default values are provided for all system parameters, Cisco recommends customizing but does not require it.

CAR allows you to set the following parameters:

The server criteria—CAR uses this information to successfully connect to the e-mail server to send alerts and reports by e-mail. If you do not want to send alerts or reports by e-mail, you do not need to specify this information.

Dial plan—The default dial plan in CAR specifies the North American numbering plan (NANP). Ensure the dial plan is properly configured, so call classifications are correct in the reports. If you have modified the default NANP that Cisco CallManager Administration provides, or if you are outside the NANP, be sure to configure the dial plan according to your Cisco CallManager dial plan.

Gateways—To utilize the gateway reports, you need to configure gateways in CAR. You should do this after installation for any existing gateways in your Cisco IP telephony system and when you add gateways to the system. If the system deletes any gateways, CAR gets the latest list of gateways, and any configuration that is specified in CAR for the deleted gateways gets deleted. CAR uses the area code information to determine whether calls are local or long distance. You must provide the Number of Ports information for each gateway to enable CAR to generate the Utilization reports.

System preferences—You can set CAR system preferences for various parameters.

CAR Reports

From CAR, you can generate reports on demand, or if you are an administrator, you can schedule reports for automatic generation. You can view reports in comma separated values (CSV) format or portable document format (PDF). If you choose PDF, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC.

The section describes the reports that are available with CDR Analysis and Reporting and contains the following topics:

CAR Reports General Information

User Reports

System Reports

Device Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

CAR Reports General Information

For all the CAR reports that show the pattern for Hour of Day, Day of Week, and Day of Month, the charts and tables get shown according to the following conditions:

When no records match the time range specified (hour of day, day of week, or day of month) in the search criteria, the report displays a value of 0.00 for all of the days/hours.

If all records that are returned have a value of 0.00, CAR does not display the charts. CAR displays the charts if any record contains a non-zero value.

When records get generated (for at least one day in the chosen date range) and the number of days chosen is more than the number of days that the report can show (more than seven for weekly and more than 31 for monthly), the chart displays all the days (with 0 value for the days that do not generate records). A table displays for all the days with relevant value and 0.00 for the days that do not contain data.

When records generate (for at least one day in the chosen date range) and the number of days chosen is less than the number of days that the report can show (less than seven for weekly and less than 31 for monthly), the chart displays all the days (with 0 value for the days that do not generate records). A table displays all the days with relevant value and 0.00 for the days that do not contain data.

In all the CAR reports that display username, userid displays if CAR cannot retrieve the username. This can happen when the report gets generated for the past data and if the user that was involved in a call at that time no longer exists in the system (directory).

Related Topics

User Reports

System Reports

Device Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

User Reports

Users, managers, and CAR administrators can generate user reports. CAR includes the following user reports:

Individual Bills—Available for users, managers, and CAR administrators. Individual bills provide your call information for the date range that you specify. You can generate, view, or mail summary or detail information about your individual phone bills.

Department Bills—Available for managers and CAR administrators. Department bills provide call information and quality of service (QoS) ratings. If you are a manager, you can generate a summary or detailed report of the calls that are made by all users who report to you, or only those users that you choose. If you are a CAR administrator, you can generate a summary or detailed report of the calls that some or all users in the system make. This report helps you to keep track of all calls on a user-level basis for the entire system.

Top N by Charge—Available for managers and CAR administrators. Top N by Charge reports the top number of users that incurred a maximum charge for calls during a period that you specify. If you are a manager, the report includes the top charges for all calls that are made by users who report to you during the specified period. If you are a CAR administrator, the report includes the top charges for all calls that are made by all users on the system for the specified period.

Top N by Duration—Available for managers and CAR administrators. Top N by Duration reports the top number of users that incurred a maximum time on calls during a period that you specify. If you are a manager, the report lists the top number of users who report to you who incurred a maximum time for calls that are made during the chosen date range, starting with the longest. If you are a CAR administrator, the report lists the top number of users that incurred a maximum time for calls that were made during the chosen date range, starting with the longest.

Top N by Number of Calls—Available for managers and CAR administrators. Top N by Number of Calls reports the top number of calls that were made and received by users during a period that you specify. If you are a manager, the report lists the top number of calls by user, among the users who report to you, for the chosen date range. If you are a CAR administrator, the report lists the top number of calls for each user in the system.

Cisco IP Manager Assistant (IPMA) Call Completion Usage Reports—Available for CAR administrators. The Cisco IPMA reports provide call completion usage details for both IPMA managers and assistants. The manager reports can include calls that managers handle for themselves only, calls that assistants handle for managers only, or calls that both managers and assistants handle for managers. The assistant reports can include calls that assistants handle for themselves only, calls that assistants handle for managers, calls that both assistants handle for themselves and for managers.

Users Configured for Using CTI Applications—Available for CAR administrators. The Using CTI Applications report provides a list of users who have CTI applications that are assigned to them. CTI calls consume considerable call-processing resources. Use this report to ensure that only those users who truly need a CTI application are allocated one. You can also use this report for capacity planning to ensure that your Cisco CallManager network does not get overloaded because of the call-processing demands of CTI applications.

Cisco IP Phone Services—Available for CAR administrators. The Cisco IP Phone Services report shows selected Cisco IP Phone services, the number of users that are subscribed to each of the selected services, and the utilization percentage for each of the selected services. You can create services for a wide variety of business and entertainment uses. If you have revenue tied to a service, such as for advertising, you can use this report to determine the number of users who have subscribed to the service. You can also use this report to indicate the popularity of selected services.

Related Topics

CAR Reports General Information

System Reports

Device Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

System Reports

CDR Analysis and Reporting provides system reports for managers and CAR administrators. Managers or CAR administrators can access the QoS summary report. Only CAR administrators can access all other reports. This section describes the following reports:

QoS Detail—Available for CAR administrators. The QoS detail report provides the QoS ratings that are attributed to inbound and outbound calls on the Cisco CallManager network for the period that you specify. Use this report to help monitor the voice quality of all calls on a user-level basis for the entire system. The call details in CDRs and CMRs and the QoS parameters that you choose provide basis for assigning a particular voice quality category to a call.

QoS Summary—Available for managers and CAR administrators. This report provides a two-dimensional pie chart that shows the distribution of QoS grades that are achieved for the specified call classifications and period. The report also provides a table that summarizes the calls for each QOS. The call details in CDRs and CMRs and the QoS parameters that you choose provide basis for assigning a call to a particular voice-quality category. Use this report to monitor the voice quality of all calls through the network.

QoS By Gateway—Available for CAR administrators. This report shows the percentage of the calls for each of the chosen gateways that meet the QoS criteria that the user chooses.

QoS By Call Types—Available for CAR administrators. This report shows the percentage of the calls for each of the chosen call types that meet the QoS criteria that the user chooses.

Traffic Summary—Available for CAR administrators. This report provides information about the call volume for a period that you specify. Include only those call types and QoS voice-quality categories that you chose. Use this report to determine the number of calls that are being made on an hourly, weekly, or daily basis. This report helps you identify high- and low-traffic patterns for capacity planning.

Traffic Summary by Extensions—Available for CAR administrators. This report provides information about the call volume for a period and set of extensions that you specify. Include only those call types and extensions that you chose. You can use this report to track call usage by a specified group of users, by a department, or by another criteria, such as lobby phones or conference room phones. You can generate the report on an hourly, weekly, or daily basis. This report helps you determine high-usage users or groups by aggregating the usage level across the users that you specify.

Authorization Code Name—Available for CAR administrators. This report allows administrators to view the originating and destination numbers, the date and time that the call originated, the call duration in seconds, the call classification, and the authorization level for calls that relate to each chosen authorization code name.

Authorization Level—Available for CAR administrators. This report allows administrators to view the originating and destination numbers, the date and time that the call originated, the call duration in seconds, and the call classification for calls that relate to each chosen authorization level.

Client Matter Code—Available for CAR administrators. This report allows administrators to view the originating and destination numbers, the date and time that the call originated, the call duration in seconds, and the call classification for calls that relate to each chosen client matter code.

Malicious Call Details—Available for CAR administrators. The Cisco CallManager Malicious Call Identification (MCID) service tracks malicious calls. The Malicious Call Details report displays the details of malicious calls for a given date range in the form of a table.

Precedence Call Summary—Available for CAR administrators. The Cisco CallManager Call Precedence service allows authenticated users to preempt lower priority phone calls. The CAR Precedence Call Summary report displays the Call Summary for the precedence values in the form of a bar, on an hour of day, day of week, or day of month basis, for each of the precedence levels that you choose. CAR generates one chart for all precedence levels, a table for each precedence level that lists the number of call legs, and a subtable that summarizes the percentage distribution for each of the precedence levels. CAR makes the report available on-demand; the report does not get autogenerated.

System Overview—Available for CAR administrators. This report provides the entire set of system reports. You can choose a list of reports that you want to appear on the report. Use this report to see a high-level picture of the Cisco CallManager network.

CDR Error—Available for CAR administrators. This report provides statistics for the number of error records in the CAR Billing_Error table and the reason for the errors. Use this report to determine whether CAR incurred any errors with CDR data while loading the CDR data. This report lists the CDRs that are invalid and the reason these CDRs have been classified as invalid.

Related Topics

CAR Reports General Information

User Reports

Device Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

Device Reports

Device reports help CAR administrators track the load and performance of Cisco CallManager-related devices, such as conference bridges, voice-messaging server, and gateways. This section describes the device reports:

Gateway Detail—Available for CAR administrators. Use the gateway detail report to track issues with specific gateways. The report provides a list of calls that used the specified gateways. Use this report to review detailed information about chosen gateways. You can specify gateways by type, such as all or some of the VG200 gateways in your system, or by only those gateways that use a particular route pattern.

Gateway Summary—Available for CAR administrators. This report provides a summary of all the calls that went through the gateways. It also provides the total number of calls and duration for each of the categories, namely Incoming, Tandem, and Outgoing (Long Distance, Local, International, Others, OnNet) and also, the total calls for each QoS value for each gateway in the system. Use this report to track the functionality of the system on a daily basis. If you discover issues that need to be studied further, use the gateway detail report.

Gateway Utilization—Available for CAR administrators. The report provides an estimate of the utilization percentage of the gateway(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Reports generate for each gateway that is chosen. Use this report for load balancing or capacity planning (to evaluate the need for adding or removing gateways, depending on their utilization). You can specify gateways by type, such as all or some of the VG200 gateways in your system, or by only those gateways that use a particular route pattern.

Route and Line Group Utilization—Only CAR administrators can generate the route and line group utilization report. This report provides an estimated utilization percentage of the chosen route and line group(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Reports generate for each chosen route and line group. Use the report to analyze whether the route and line group capacity is sufficient to meet the usage requirements. Based on the results, you can decide whether additions are required. If you are load balancing gateways by using different route and line groups or route patterns and hunt lists that are assigned to the gateways, you can use this report to see the load for the whole grouping. This report also provides a convenient way of generating utilization information for a grouping of gateways by a particular route and line group; the group will also include any H.323 fallback gateways that are using the specified route and line group.

Route/Hunt List Utilization—Available for CAR administrators. The route/hunt list utilization report provides an estimated utilization percentage of the chosen route/hunt list(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Reports generate for each chosen route/hunt list. Use the report to analyze whether the route and line group capacity is sufficient to meet the usage requirements. Based on the results, you can decide whether additions are required. If you are load balancing gateways by using different route/hunt lists that are assigned to the gateways, you can use this report to see the load for the whole grouping. This report also provides a convenient way of generating utilization information for a grouping of gateways by a particular route/hunt list; the group will also include any H.323 fallback gateways that are using the chosen route/hunt list.

Route Pattern/Hunt Pilot Utilization—Available for CAR administrators. The route pattern/hunt pilot utilization report provides an estimated utilization percentage of the chosen route pattern(s)/hunt pilot(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Reports generate for each chosen route pattern/hunt pilot. Use the report to analyze system usage on the chosen route pattern/hunt pilot.

Conference Call Details—Available for CAR administrators. The Conference Call Details reports allows you to generate and view details about conference calls. The Summary Report displays the summary information of conference calls within a chosen date/time range but does not contain information about each individual conference participant call leg. The Detailed Report displays the detailed information about the conference calls within a chosen date/time range and includes information about each individual conference participant call leg.

Conference Bridge Utilization—Available for CAR administrators. The report provides an estimate of the utilization percentage of the conference bridge(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Generate reports for all the conference bridges in the system. Use this report to determine the activity on the conference bridge(s) and whether you need to add additional resources. This report helps you identify usage patterns, so you can plan capacity when you discover recurring peaks in the usage pattern.

Voice Messaging Utilization—Available for CAR administrators. The report provides an estimate of the utilization percentage of the voice-messaging device(s). You can examine the usage on the basis of each hour of a day or by a specified number of days of the week or month. Reports generate for each voice-messaging device. Use this report to determine the activity on the voice messaging device(s) and whether you need to add additional resources. This report helps you to identify usage patterns, so you can plan capacity when you discover recurring peaks in the usage pattern.

Related Topics

CAR Reports General Information

User Reports

System Reports

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

Automatically generating reports comprises a two-step process. First, you must enable the reports that you want to have generated, unless they are enabled by default. Second, you must schedule the reports for the day and time that you want them to generate. CAR provides a default schedule, so if the default schedule is acceptable, you need only enable the reports that you want to automatically generate.

The following reports are enabled or disabled for automatic generation by default. The words Daily, Weekly, or Monthly in the square brackets next to the report name specify the report generation interval of the particular report.

Traffic Summary-Hour of Day[Daily] - Enabled

Conference-Summary[Monthly] - Disabled

Conference-Detail [Daily] - Disabled

Conference Bridge Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Enabled

Gateway Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Enabled

Line Group Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Disabled

Route Group Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Disabled

Route/Hunt List Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Disabled

Route Pattern/Hunt Pilot Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Disabled

Traffic Summary-Day of Week[Weekly] - Enabled

Traffic Summary-Day of Month [Monthly] - Enabled

Voice Messaging Util-Day of Week[Weekly] - Enabled

Gateway Summary [Monthly] - Enabled

QOS Summary [Monthly] - Enabled

System Overview [Monthly] - Enabled

Department Bill Summary [Monthly] - Disabled

Individual Bill Summary [Monthly] - Disabled

Top N Calls [Daily] - Disabled

Top N Calls [Monthly] - Disabled

Top N Charge [Daily] - Disabled

Top N Charge [Monthly] - Disabled

Top N Duration [Daily] - Disabled

Top N Duration [Monthly] - Disabled

To enable or disable report generation, see the "Enabling or Customizing Reports for Automatic Generation" section in the Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide.

To change the specific time each day, week, or month that reports get generated and get purged from the system see the "System Scheduler Configuration" in the Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide.

Related Topics

CAR Reports General Information

User Reports

System Reports

Device Reports

CDR Search

Call detail records (CDR) provide details about the called number, the number that placed the call, the date and time that the call was started, the time that it connected, the time that it ended, and the cause for the termination of a call. Call management records (CMRs, or diagnostic records) detail the jitter, lost packets, the amount of data sent and received during the call, and latency. CDR data comprises CDRs and CMRs collectively. A single call can result in the generation of several CDRs and CMRs as Cisco CallManager tracks the progress of the call through each part of the call: sending digits, receiving digits, hold, transfer, engaging a transcoder for conferencing, and disengaging the transcoder.

You must enable the CDR Enabled Flag, CDR Log Calls with Zero Duration, and Call Diagnostics service parameters in Cisco CallManager for CDR data to be generated. For more information about services service parameters, see the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide.

All CAR reports use CDR data. Make sure that you have the most current CDR data from which to build your reports. By default, CDR data loads from midnight to 5 a.m. on a daily basis; however, you can set the loading time, interval, and duration as needed.

You can configure CDR searches to verify the details of a call. The search groups all the related legs of a call, which can be useful if the call involves a conference or transfer. This method helps you track the progress and quality of each part of an entire call.

This section describes the following features:

CDR Search by User Extension—Available for CAR administrators. You can search CDRs by user or extension to analyze call details for the first 100 records that satisfy the search criteria. If more than 100 records are returned, the system truncates the results. You can search for calls by using specific extensions for the period that you specify. This helps you trace calls that are placed from specific extensions for diagnostic or informational purposes. All associated records, such as transfer and conference calls, appear together as a logical group.

CDR Search by Gateway—Available for CAR administrators. You can search CDRs by gateways to analyze the call details of calls that are using specific gateways. This method helps you trace issues on calls through specific gateways. If more than 100 records are returned, the system truncates the results.

CDR Search by Cause for Call Termination—Available for CAR administrators. You can search CDRs by cause for call termination to get information about the cause for the termination of a call. You can choose from a list of causes for call termination and can generate the report for a particular date range. The generated report contains the report criteria, along with the total number of calls that were placed in the given time. In addition, a table displays with the fields Cause Termination Value and description, the total number of calls, and the percentage of calls for each Call Termination Cause, and an option to choose the CDRs.

CDR Search by Call Precedence Level—Available for CAR administrators. You can search CDRs by call precedence level. The report that generates allows you to view the CDRs on the basis of precedence. You can choose the precedence level and date range for which to generate a report. The report displays the number of calls and the percentage of these calls for each precedence level that you chose. Report criteria display the precedence levels and date range for which the report generated information in the Call Precedence Details window. You can view the media information and the CDR-CMR dump from the CDR Search by Precedence Levels Result window. The media information and CDR-CMR dump information display in separate windows.

CDR Search for Malicious Calls—Available for CAR administrators. You can search CDRs to get information about malicious calls. You can choose extensions and the date range for which to generate a report. The report displays the CDRs for all the malicious calls for a chosen extension and date range. Report criteria display the extensions and the date range for which the report generated information. You can view the media information and CDR-CMR dump from the CDR-CMR search results window. The media information and CDR-CMR dump information display in separate windows.

Export CDR/CMR—Available for CAR administrators. With this feature, you can export CDR/CMR dump information, for a given date range in the CSV format, to a location you choose on your computer. You can also view the file size of the dump information and delete CDR/CMR files.

Internationalization for CDR Analysis and Reporting

CAR, designed to be internationalized to handle any locale (or language), includes a database that can also handle any locale.

Note CAR supports all Latin-1 language locales as specified by the Cisco CallManager help pages. Latin-1 languages include English and Western European languages. CAR does not support other languages such as Mid-and Eastern-European, Asian, and other languages.

Two types of locale exists: user and network. Each locale comprises a set of locale files. The following definitions describe the two types of files:

User—Files that relate to user-related functions, such as phone display text, user applications, and user web pages.

Network—Files that relate to network-related functions, such as phone and gateway tones. Country names designate network locales.

CAR supports the locales only if the Locale Installer has installed locales.

Note Before you install CAR, make sure that you have first installed the Cisco IP Telephony Locale Installer on every server in the cluster. Installing the locale installer ensures that you have the latest translated text available for the CAR web pages. For more information on the Cisco IP Telephony Locale Installer, refer to Using the Cisco IP Telephony Locale Installer.

Only User and Manager pages support multiple locales. Administrator pages appear in English.

Note Although CAR is designed to handle any locale, the user interface (UI) supports a limited set of locales. Lack of support for Non-Latin-1 (non-ISO-8859-1) languages creates a limitation of CAR. Non-Latin-1 languages basically comprise languages that are not English or Western European.

In the Cisco CallManager Administration, set the user-preferred locale in the DC directory. You do this when you create a user from the Add User page. Specify the preferred locale along with the user name, user ID, and so on. The DC directory stores this information.

Refer to the Cisco CallManager Administration Guide for more detailed information.

This section describes the elements that make up the internationalization of CAR.

Logon Page

When the client (browser) requests the logon information, the logon page header includes the client's most preferred locale. The CAR system checks whether the CAR UI supports this locale. If the CAR UI does not support the locale, or if the locale is not installed in the system, the logon page displays in the Cisco CallManager system default locale that is set in the Cisco CallManager Enterprise parameter. If this locale is also not supported by CAR, or not installed in the system, the locale gets set to English_United_States.

Authenticate and Show CAR Pages for Post Logon Screens

User credentials (in any language) get authenticated through the DC directory, and then CAR windows for non-administrative users (users or managers) display the user's preferred locale. If the CAR UI does not support this locale, or if the locale is not installed in the system, the Cisco CallManager system default locale gets used. If this locale is not supported by CAR, or is not installed in the system, pages display in the most preferred locale of the browser. When the browser-preferred locale is also not supported or not installed, the locale gets set to English_United_States. All information on the UI pages, including labels, number formats, and so on., displays based on the locale. The administrator windows always display in English.


Reports, which are generated in both CSV and PDF formats, display in the user's preferred locale for non-administrative users (users or managers). However, the dynamic data (like the Company Name shown in the report header) displays in the same language as was used to enter it in the database. The locale provides the basis for the header, footers, number formats, and some static data (like call classification). Reports for administrators display in English.

CDR Analysis and Reporting Configuration Checklist

Table 14-1 provides an overview of the steps for configuring CDR Analysis and Reporting.

Table 14-1 CAR Configuration Checklist 

Configuration Steps
Related Procedures and Topics

Step 1 

If you are installing Cisco CallManager for the first time or if you are upgrading and do not already have CAR running in the system, install CAR from the Plugins page. Otherwise, go to Step 2.

Installing the CDR Analysis and Reporting (CAR) Plugin, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 2 

Obtain userid and password for CAR from the Cisco CallManager administrator.

Accessing the Initial User ID and Password, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 3 

Configure CAR system parameters for report generation:

Grant admin rights.

Configure mail server.

Configure dial plan.

Configure gateway.

Set system preferences.

System Parameters Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 4 

Specify the value ranges that you consider good, acceptable, fair, and poor for jitter, latency, and lost packets.

Defining the Quality of Service (QoS) Values, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 5 

If desired, set a base monetary rate for the cost of calls on the basis of a time increment. You can further qualify the cost by applying the time-of-day and voice-quality factors.

Configuring the Rating Engine, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 6 

Enable the reports that you want to automatically generate by using the Automatic Generation/Alert Option window.

Configuring Automatic Report Generation/Alert, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Automatically Generated Reports Schedule

Step 7 

Configure the system scheduler to schedule daily CDR reports and daily, weekly, and monthly reports.

System Scheduler Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Step 8 

Set up CAR database and CDR database notifications of maximum number of records. Set a message, maximum number of records, and alert percentage.

System Database Configuration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Where to Find More Information

Related Topics

"CDR Analysis and Reporting," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CAR System Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CAR Report Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CAR User Reports Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CAR System Reports Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CAR Device Reports Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

"CDR Search Configuration," Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide

Additional Cisco Documentation

Using the Cisco IP Telephony Locale Installer