Bulk Administration Tool User Guide, Release 4.4(3)

Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V -




Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-19

Catalyst 6000 FXS ports to Cisco CallManager 7-26

IP services to phone template 3-6

lines to existing phones 3-31

lines to phone template 3-5

manager assistant 6-11

phones 3-24

phone template 3-3

speed dial settings to phone template 3-6

user device profiles 5-1, 5-13

users 4-1

users to Cisco CallManager 4-8

VG200 FXS or FXO gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

VG200 gateways and ports 7-2

VG200 T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

auto-registration 9-1



browser requirements 1-3

default location of log files 8-14, 10-1

error messages 10-2

installation overview 2-1

installing 2-3

log files 10-1

logging on 1-4

online help 1-4

overview 1-1

specifications 1-2

starting 1-3

stopping 1-5

troubleshooting 10-1, 10-2

uninstalling 2-8

upgrading 2-2

using 1-3

version 1-4

viewing log files 10-2


create CSV for CTI ports 3-9

create CSV for CTI ports-users 3-9

create CSV for H.323 clients 3-9

create CSV for H.323 clients-user 3-9

create CSV for manager assistant associations 6-5

create CSV for phones 3-9

create CSV for phones-users 3-9

create CSV for users 4-3, 4-13

create CSV for VGC phones 3-9

create CSV for VGC phones-users 3-9

create CSV for VGC virtual phones 3-9

create CSV for VGC virtual phones-users 3-9

creating Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-23

file location 2-3

browser requirements 1-3


Cisco CallManager

adding Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-26

adding CTI ports 3-24

adding H.323 clients 3-24

adding phones 3-24, 3-26

adding phones and users 3-26

adding users 4-8

adding VG200 FXS or FXO gateways 7-15

adding VG200 T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI gateways 7-15

adding VGC phones 3-24

auto-registration must be enabled for TAPS 9-1

Cisco Catalyst 6000 FXS ports

adding or updating ports 7-19

adding ports 7-19

adding to Cisco CallManager 7-26

creating BAT template 7-20

creating CSV file 7-21

deleting ports 7-30

deleting template 7-34

field descriptions 7-57

limit of 500 7-23

overview 7-1, 7-19

updating 7-29

Cisco CRA

required for TAPS 9-2

troubleshooting TAPS 10-6

uninstalling TAPS 2-9

uploading TAPS 2-7

Cisco IP IVR

required for TAPS 9-2

Cisco VG200

adding gateways and ports 7-2

adding to Cisco CallManager (FXS or FXO) 7-15

adding to Cisco CallManager (T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI) 7-15

configure using CLI prior to adding gateways in BAT 7-1

copying a template 7-16

creating a template 7-3

creating CSV file for FXS or FXO 7-7

creating CSV file for T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI 7-9

delete only selected gateways 7-17

deleting BAT template 7-34

deleting gateways 7-17

field descriptions for E1-PRI 7-44

field descriptions for FXO 7-37

field descriptions for FXS 7-35

field descriptions for T1-CAS 7-39

field descriptions for T1-PRI 7-44

overview 7-1

updating endpoint identifiers 7-7

Cisco VGC phones

adding VGC phones-users to Cisco CallManager 3-26

adding VGC phone-users to Cisco CallManager 3-26

creating CSV file 3-7

updating phone records 3-32

Cisco VGC virtual phones

adding VGC virtual phones-users to Cisco CallManager 3-26

adding VGC virtual phone-users to Cisco CallManager 3-26

creating CSV file 3-7

CLI 7-1

command line interface 7-1


user device profiles 5-1


Catalyst 6000 FXS ports template 7-28

gateway directory number template 7-33

phone template 3-29

VG200 template 7-16

create dummy MAC address 3-15, 3-25, 3-27


Catalyst 6000 FXS ports template 7-20

CSV file for Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-21

CSV file for user device profile 5-4

CSV file for VG200 FXS or FXO 7-7

CSV file for VG200 T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI 7-9

phone template 3-3

template for gateway directory number 7-32

user device profiles template 5-2

VG200 template 7-3


Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-21

creating a BAT.xlt for manager assistant associations 6-5

creating a BAT.xlt for users 4-3, 4-13

creating a text-based file for Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-25

creating a text-based file for manager assistant associations 6-8

creating a text-based file for phones, phones-users combination, IP telephony devices and IP telephony devices-users combination 3-16

creating a text-based file for update users 4-15

creating a text-based file for user device profiles 5-7

creating a text-based file for users 4-5

creating a text-based file for VG200 gateways and ports 7-12

creating custom manager assistant files 6-7

creating for user device profile 5-4

CTI ports 3-7

H.323 clients 3-7

manager assistant associations 6-4

no blank lines 3-11, 5-5

phone 3-7

required location for saving files 4-6, 4-16, 5-8, 6-9

retaining stored values 4-17

text file for phones 3-16, 7-12, 7-25

tips for creating text-based CSV for Manager-Assistant Association 6-10

tips for creating text-based CSV for user device profiles 5-9

tips for creating text-based CSV for user device profiles with two lines 5-10

tips for creating text-based CSV for users 4-7, 4-16

tips for creating text-based file for CTI Ports or CTI Ports-users 3-17

tips for creating text-based file for H.323 clients or H.323 clients-users, 3-17

tips for creating text-based file for phones, phones-users, IP telephony devices, or IP telephony devices-users 3-17

tips for creating text-based file for VGC phones or VGC phones-users 3-17

tips for creating text-based file for VGC virtual phones or VGC virtual phones-users, 3-17

using BAT.xlt for Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-23

using BAT.xlt for phones 3-9

using BAT.xlt for phone-user combination 3-9

using BAT.xlt for telephony devices 3-9

using BAT.xlt for telephony devices-user combination 3-9

using BAT.xlt for update users 4-12

using BAT.xlt for users 4-2

VG200 for FXS or FXO 7-7

VG200 for T1-CAS, T1-PRI, or E1-PRI 7-9

VGC phones 3-7

VGC virtual phones 3-7

CTI ports

adding CTI ports-users combination to Cisco CallManager 3-26

associating new port to existing user 3-7

creating CSV file 3-7

deleting 3-39

directory number must match number of lines in template 3-8

enable authentication proxy rights 3-28

enable CTI application use 3-24, 3-28

using BAT.xlt to create CSV 3-9

using BAT.xlt to create CSV for CTI ports-users combination 3-9

using dummy MAC address option 3-25, 3-27

custom file

deleting phones 3-39

updating phones 3-32



assistants 6-18

Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-30

Catalyst 6000 FXS ports template 7-34

CTI ports 3-39

gateway directory number template 7-34

H.323 clients 3-39

IP telephony devices 3-39

manager assistant 6-15

managers 6-17

phones 3-39

phones using custom files 3-39

selected VG200 gateways 7-17

user device profiles 5-17

users 4-20

VG200 gateways 7-17

VG200 template 7-34

directory number

creating gateway template 7-32

securing from TAPS 9-7


phone configuration using TAPS 9-11

dummy MAC address 3-15, 3-25, 3-27, 3-37



adding VG200 gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

creating the CSV file for VG200 gateways 7-9

field descriptions for VG200 7-44

enable authentication proxy rights

adding users 4-9

for CTI ports and users 3-28

for phones and users 3-28

enable CTI application use

adding users 4-9

CTI ports 3-24

CTI ports and users 3-28

phones 3-24

phones and users 3-28

endpoint identifiers, updating 7-7

error messages, BAT 10-2

Exported Fields

All Phone Details 8-6

All User Device Profile Details 8-12

Default Phone 8-5


phone records 8-4

user device profile records 8-11

user records 8-8

Export to BAT Format button does not work in BAT.xlt file 10-3


field descriptions

adding or updating lines 3-51

adding or updating lines to UDP template 5-18

Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-57

gateway directory number template 7-59

ground start 7-37

loop start 7-37

phone template 3-42, 3-57

VG200 - E1-PRI 7-44

VG200 - FXO 7-37

VG200 - FXS 7-35

VG200 - T1-CAS 7-39

VG200 - T1-PRI 7-44


adding VG200 gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

field descriptions 7-37


adding Catalyst 6000 ports to Cisco CallManager 7-26

adding or updating ports for Catalyst 6000 ports 7-19

adding VG200 gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

creating BAT template for Catalyst 6000 ports 7-20

creating CSV file for Catalyst 6000 ports 7-21, 7-23

creating CSV file for VG200 gateways 7-7

creating the CSV file for VG200 gateways 7-7

deleting Catalyst 6000 ports 7-30

field descriptions for Catalyst 6000 ports 7-57

field descriptions for VG200 7-35

updating Catalyst 6000 ports 7-29



Cisco Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-1

Cisco VG200 overview 7-1

gateway directory number

copying template 7-33

deleting template 7-34

field descriptions for template 7-59

template 7-32

gateway directory number template

required if you specified directory numbers 7-32

ground start, field descriptions 7-37


H.323 clients

adding H.323 Client-users to Cisco CallManager 3-26

creating CSV file 3-7

deleting 3-39

halting TAPS 9-7

help 1-4




BAT/TAPS prerequisites 2-3

completing TAPS installation 2-7

no backward template migration 2-2

no template migration when upgrading from release 3.0(3) 2-2

overview 2-1

TAPS 2-5

TAPS after BAT has already been installed 2-5

TAPS prerequisites 2-5

template migration during upgrade 2-2

instructions, TAPS for end-users 9-11


adding manager assistant 6-11

BAT.xlt 6-5

creating CSV file 6-4

creating custom manager assistant files 6-7

creating text-based CSV file 6-8

deleting assistants 6-18

deleting manager assistant 6-15

deleting managers 6-17

manager and assistant line configurations 6-12

setting up phones and Lines 6-1



adding or updating 3-5

field descriptions for adding or updating 3-51

field descriptions for adding or updating to UDP template 5-18

maximum number 3-5

updating 3-35, 5-15, 5-16

log files

BAT 10-1

explanation of file naming convention 8-14, 10-2

export log files 8-14

viewing 10-2

logging on to BAT 1-4

loop start,field descriptions 7-37


MAC address

dummy MAC address 3-37

generate a list of phones with dummy 3-37

module in slot 7-4


NM-1V 7-4

NM-2V 7-4

NM-HDV 7-4



adding or updating FXS ports for Catalyst 6000 modules 7-19

adding VG200 gateways and ports 7-2

BAT 1-1

Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-19

creating CSV files for FXS ports on Catalyst 6000 modules 7-21

gateway directory number 7-31

TAPS 9-1, 9-2

working with gateways and ports 7-1



adding a template 3-3

adding lines to existing phones 3-31

adding or updating IP services 3-6

adding or updating lines 3-5

adding or updating speed dial settings 3-6

adding phones-users combination to Cisco CallManager 3-26

adding to Cisco CallManager 3-24, 3-26

BAT reaction if line information fails during insert 3-29

copying a template 3-29

creating CSV file 3-7

CSV text file 3-16, 7-12, 7-25

deleting 3-39

deleting templates 3-41

enable authentication proxy rights 3-28

enable CTI application use 3-24, 3-28

exporting records 8-4

field descriptions for phone template 3-42, 3-57

generate a list of phones with dummy MAC addresses 3-37

updating 3-32

updating lines 3-35, 5-15, 5-16

using BAT.xlt to create CSV for phone 3-9

using dummy MAC address option 3-15, 3-25, 3-27

ports adding VG200 7-2



TAPS 2-5



updating lines 3-35, 5-15, 5-16

updating phones 3-32


removing user device profiles 5-17

repository manager 2-7

reset devices after update 3-34

restart devices after update 3-34


secure TAPS 9-7

securing directory numbers from TAPS 9-7

services, adding or updating 3-6

specifications 1-2

speed dial settings, adding or updating 3-6


BAT 1-3

TAPS 9-6


BAT 1-5

TAPS 9-7

sub-unit 7-4



adding VG200 gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

creating the CSV file for VG200 gateways 7-9

field descriptions for VG200 7-39


adding VG200 gateways to Cisco CallManager 7-15

creating the CSV file for VG200 gateways 7-9

field descriptions for VG200 7-44


auto-registration must be enabled 9-1

Cisco CRA required 9-2

Cisco IP IVR required 9-2

completing installation 2-7

completing uninstallation 2-9

configuring 9-3

halting 9-7

installing 2-3, 2-5

installing once BAT is already installed 2-5

instructions for end-users 9-11

overview 9-1, 9-2

securing directory numbers 9-7

starting 9-6

stopping 9-7

taps.aef 2-7

troubleshooting 10-1, 10-6

troubleshooting on the Cisco CRA server 10-6

uninstalling 2-8

uploading to Cisco CRA Administration server 2-7

version 1-5

taps.aef 2-7


adding or updating IP services 3-6

adding or updating lines 3-5

adding or updating speed dial settings 3-6

BAT.xlt file location 2-3

copying Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-28

copying gateway directory number 7-33

copying phone 3-29

copying VG200 7-16

creating Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-20

creating VG200 7-3

deleting Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-34

deleting gateway directory number 7-34

deleting phone 3-41

deleting VG200 7-34

field descriptions for adding or updating lines 3-51

field descriptions for adding or updating lines to UDP template 5-18

field descriptions for Catalyst 6000 ports 7-57

field descriptions for gateway directory number 7-59

field descriptions for phone 3-42, 3-57

field descriptions for VG200 - E1-PRI or T1-PRI 7-44

field descriptions for VG200 - FXO 7-37

field descriptions for VG200 - FXS 7-35

field descriptions for VG200 - T1-CAS 7-39

gateway directory number 7-32

gateway directory number is required if you specified directory numbers 7-32

migration during upgrade 2-2

no backward migration 2-2

overview of gateway directory number 7-31

phone 3-3

user device profiles 5-2


BAT 10-2

BAT and TAPS 10-1

couldn't create user object. Check if DC Directory is running 10-6

data files (CSV) format do not match phone template/sample file 10-3

errors occur when using the dummy MAC address option 10-4

Export to BAT Format button does not work in BAT.xlt file 10-3

MAC address values are not allowed in the file if dummy MAC address values are desired 10-5

port data in record number n does not match the corresponding sample file/number of lines and speed dials in phone template chosen 10-5

port identifier contains invalid endpoint prefix 10-4

port identifier contains invalid port number 10-4

port number not configured in the template 10-5

same directory number cannot be assigned twice to a device in the same partition 10-6

selected template does not contain DN details for directory number 10-4

TAPS 10-6

TAPS on the Cisco CRA server 10-6

the page cannot be displayed 10-3

when the Cisco CRA server starts, the JTAPI subsystem shows partial service or out of service 10-6




removing TAPS from Cisco CRA Administration server 2-9

update users

creating CSV file 4-12

creating text-based CSV file 4-15


Catalyst 6000 FXS ports 7-19, 7-29

endpoint identifiers 7-7

lines 3-35, 5-15, 5-16

lines for phone template 3-5

phone configuration using TAPS 9-11

phones 3-32

services to phone template 3-6

speed dial settings to phone template 3-6

users 4-12

VGC phones 3-32

upgrading BAT 2-2

uploading TAPS to the Cisco CRA Administration server 2-7


exporting records 8-8

using BAT.xlt for phone-user combination 3-9

user device profiles

adding 5-1, 5-13

configuring 5-1

creating a template 5-2

creating text-based CSV file 5-7

CSV file 5-4

deleting 5-17

exporting records 8-11

inserting 5-13

removing 5-17


adding 4-1

adding to Cisco CallManager 4-8

BAT.xlt 4-3, 4-13

creating CSV file 4-2

creating text-based CSV file 4-5

deleting 4-20

updating 4-12

using BAT.xlt for phone-user combination 3-9



phone records 3-22

user device profiles 5-12

version 1-4, 1-5

VIC-2FXO 7-4

VIC-2FXS 7-4

Viewing log files 10-2

VWIC-1MFT-E1 7-5

VWIC-1MFT-T1 7-4

VWIC-2MFT-E1 7-5

VWIC-2MFT-T1 7-4