CEPM Install and Config Guide
Utilizing CEPM ResourceBundle

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Utilizing CEPM ResourceBundle

Additional Language Support in CEPM

Customizing PAP UI Labels and Validation Error Messages

Utilizing CEPM ResourceBundle

CEPM adheres to Internationalization (I18N) standards by providing additional language support and customizing the PAP UI labels. This is done by utilizing the resource bundles to change the field names in the PAP console.

Additional Language Support in CEPM

Follow these steps to provide additional language support in the PAP UI:

Step 1 Go to .../CEPM-V3.3.0.0/config/resourcebundle folder. You will find application.properties file in that folder. Create a duplicate of this file (copy and paste) in the same folder.

Step 2 Rename the duplicate file in the following format:


For example, if you want to view the labels in French language, rename the file to application_fr.properties

Step 3 Run resourcebundle.bat(sh) from .../CEPM-V3.3.0.0/bin folder.

Step 4 Verify that all PAP UI labels are viewed in the desired language.

Customizing PAP UI Labels and Validation Error Messages

You can customize PAP UI elements such as feild names, validation error messages etc. by making necesssary modifications in the corresponding tags in the application.properties file located in the .../CEPM-V3.3.0.0/config/ResourceBundle folder.

For example, in the in the CEPM Login page, if you want to change the field name "User Name :" to "PAP Username :", you can do so by modifying the User name label tag in the application.properties file as shown below:

The default cisco username label is:

cisco.username =User Name :

Change it to:

cisco.username =PAP Username :

Note Only the values can be modified but not the keys. In the above example, you cannot change the key of the label i.e. cisco.username. Only the value (User Name :) can be changed (PAP Username :).

Likewise, you can rephrase the default validation error message by making appropriate modification to the corresponding tag in the application.properties file. For example, the login error message can be changed from "Invalid User name, Password or InActive state" to "Incorrect PAP Username, Password" by modifying the following tag.

The dafault Login Form Invalid User Error is:

error.login.userName.invalid=Invalid User name, Password or InActive state

Change it to:

error.login.userName.invalid=Incorrect PAP Username, Password