CEPM Install and Config Guide
Troubleshooting CEPM Installation

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Troubleshooting CEPM Installation

Troubleshooting CEPM Installation

This section contains solutions to problems you might be encounter while installing the CEPM V3.3.0.0.

Q. While installing the PAP and PDP individually, can I give the same path for USER_INSTALL_DIR in both the cases?

A. No. If you do so, the existing files will be overwritten with the new files on every new installation. For this purpose, you must specify two different locations for the USER_INSTALL_DIR while installing the PAP and PDP individually.

Q. Can I run the CEPM server on the default port even if it is preoccupied with another application? If not, then what is the procedure for changing the port number?

A. No. When the default port is busy and you try to run the CEPM Server in the same port, you will get the following error message:

"SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint 
java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8080"

In this case, you must change the default port number in the Server.xml file located in the CEPM-V3.3.0.0/external/Jakarta-tomcat5.0.x/conf folder.

Q. Can I run the migration file more than once?

A. No. You cannot run the migration file available in the CEPM installer more than once. If you do, all the existing data will be corrupted.

Q. Is it necessary to set JAVA_HOME before starting the installation process?

A. Yes. You must set JAVA_HOME before starting the CEPM installation process.

Q. While running startcepmgui.sh, I get the following message:

" ../external/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.9/bin/startup.sh: Permission denied" 

What is the solution?

A. Step 1: Go to the appropriate folder (that is, ../external/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.9/bin) and run the following command:

chmod +x startup.sh

Step 2: Even after running the same file again, you may get the following error message:

"Cannot find ../external/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.9/bin/catalina.sh"

Go to bin folder and run the following command:

dos2unix catalina.sh catalina.sh 

This will change the Catalina.sh from DOS mode to UNIX mode.

Step 3: Again run startcepmgui.sh. If you get the following message:

"The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly. 
This environment variable is needed to run this program."

Q. I get the following error during dataload in MS SQL Server 2000 while loading templates:

"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]The DBMS returned 
an unspecified error"

How do I overcome this error?

A. This error happens only when you are trying to do dataload in MS SQL Server 2000 SP4. To overcome this issue, run templateloader-v15.sql in the /CEPM-V3.3.0.0/db/scripts/mssql folder. It will load all the required templates.

Q. How do I generate an encrypted password?

A. To get an encrypted password, run the following command from a command window:

For Windows:encryptor.bat JAVA_HOME Password

For Solaris/Linux: sh ./encryptor.sh $JAVA_HOME Password

where JAVA_HOME is replaced with the corresponding folder path for JAVA_HOME and Password is replaced with the chosen database password.