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Advanced Usage

Hierarchical Navigation



Table Of Contents

Advanced Usage

Overview of Component Servers

Directory Structure


Remote Login

Server Launch Options

AASServer (Authorization and Access Server)

AASServer Command line options

AUTHServer (Authentication Server)

AUTHServer Command line options

CTMServer (Configuration Template Manager)

CTMServer Command line options


CNGSServer Command Line Options

ES (Event Service)


INGServer Command line options

LOGServer (Log and Audit Server)

LOGServer Command line options

NAMServer (Network Administration Manager)

NAMServer Command line options

NEMServer (Network Element Manager)


Debugging NEMServer Configuration Errors

Detecting Banner Text Errors

NEMServer Command line options

NS (Naming Server)

Server Launch Default Values

Editing Server Flags

Advanced Usage

Overview of Component Servers

The Cisco IP Manager software consists of several executable server files that can be run concurrently or individually, depending on what features you need. These servers can be installed on multiple hosts in any combination, or all on one host. The Cisco IP Manager software is not dependent on any one server being located on a particular host. However, SQL*Net must be installed whenever any server other than INGServer or CNGSServer (ding package) is installed on a host that does not contain the Oracle database.

While it is possible to start the servers from the command line, it is strongly recommended that you always use the ipmgr.putit and ipmgr.launch scripts described in the chapter "." These files will source the file ipmgr.launch.csh to set up certain environment variables that the servers need, and they define a common set of server launch flag settings. You can change these flags by editing the file ipmgr.launch.csh.

In order to use these scripts, you must also run the utility ipmgr.configure, as described in the "" chapter.

The startup scripts allow you to launch all of the servers at once (if they are all installed on a single host), or individual servers one at a time.

If you start the servers individually, NS and ES must be launched first, then LOGServer, then NAMServer, then the others in any order.

Note   If ES (the Event Server) stops for any reason, you must shut down, unregister, and restart all of the servers that you use. The ipmgr.rmit utility unregisters the servers from the Orbix Naming Service (NS).

Though it is not recommended that you do so for normal use, it is possible to start most of the servers from the command line. If you launch a server without any arguments, even if the server is already running, a usage-text message will define the various launch flags for that server (except ES and NS, which fail and write core files if the Orbix daemon is not running, and INGServer, which will hang).

If you launch a server (except NS, ES, and CNGSServer) with the -V flag, the version number of that server will be output to stdout.

Directory Structure

When you install any of the server packages as described in the chapter "," the following subdirectory structure will be created in the installation directory:


The OrbixMT subdirectory contains the Orbix (CORBA) operating files. The Naming Server (NS) is located in the SRVRS/pack/OrbixName/1.1/bin subdirectory.

The ps subdirectory contains the Cisco IP Manager operating files.

The servers AASServer, AUTHServer, CTMServer, ES, INGServer, LOGServer, NAMServer, and NEMServer are located in appropriately named subdirectories under the SRVRS/ps/bin subdirectory of your Cisco IP Manager installation.

The CNGSServer is located in the SRVRS/ps/nsm-agent/bin/solaris subdirectory.

Installation of the GUI package will create the following subdirectory structure in the installation directory:


The GUI/OrbixMT subdirectory contains another set of Orbix operating files. The java subdirectory contains the operating files needed to create the user interface. The ps_java_env subdirectory contains additional files needed by the GUI application.

The Orbix files are included in both GUI and server installations to accommodate installation of remote GUI workstations, independent of server installations. However, if GUI and server packages are installed on the same machine and you are not using the Cisco-provided launch scripts, only one set of Orbix files is needed. You may delete the other set.

However, if you do so, be aware of the following:

The scripts ipmgr.putit and ipmgr.launch will look in the SRVRS subdirectory for the Orbix daemon when the servers are launched.

When you source the file ipmgr.launch.csh, the SRVRS Orbix installation is added to your PATH enviornment variable. If you delete this set of files, you will not be able to launch the Orbix utilities from a different subdirectory.

If the Orbix daemon is not already running when you launch the GUI using the ipmgr.gui launch script, the script will look for the daemon in the GUI subdirectory.


The Orbix daemon must be launched before you can register any of the Cisco IP Manager servers. It must also be running when you launch the GUI application.

If you use any of the launch scripts described in the chapter "," the Orbix daemon will be started for you. If you do not use these scripts, you must start the daemon yourself, as follows:

orbixd -c $IPMGR_ORBIX_HOME/orbixd.log &

The -c parameter creates an Orbix checkpoint file named orbixd.log in the directory named by the IPMGR_ORBIX_HOME environment variable, which was set when you sourced ipmgr.csh. This checkpoint file allows a new daemon to recover data about the Cisco IP Manager servers in the event of an unexpected termination of the Orbix daemon.

The Orbix daemon is located in the OrbixMT/2.3/bin subdirectory.

Remote Login

To run the GUI remotely (via the rlogin command), you must first invoke the UNIX command xhost + <remote_machine> on the machine where you are working, and once you have logged in to the remote machine, the environment variable DISPLAY must be set to your local machine's hostname:

xhost +<remote machine>
rlogin <remote machine>
setenv DISPLAY <your machine name>:0

However, the machine on which the process is actually run must have sufficient resources to handle all of the concurrent sessions without terminating and writing a core file.

Server Launch Options

Servers can be launched in a variety of configurations, by setting their launch flags as described in the following sections. (If you launch a server executable with the -V flag—whether the server is running or not—a message will be sent to stdout identifying the version of that server. If you specify the -V flag when the server is not already running, the message will be generated, but the server will not be launched.)

AASServer (Authorization and Access Server)

The Authorization and Access Server provides capability for protecting Cisco IP Manager information from unauthorized manipulation. The server manages administration information such as user groups and access permission, and it provides services to enforce access control on the managed resource. Every Cisco IP Manager operation can be validated against the permission which defines what a user can do on a particular resource. The server handles creation, deletion, and modification of permissions and user groups; addition and deletion of user group membership; and validation of domain and system-based resources.

Permissions will be checked for those operations requiring user permission by CTMServer, LOGServer, NAMServer and NEMServer only if those servers are launched with the -A flag (the default condition in the ipmgr.launch script).

AASServer Command line options


-u <database user name> 
-p <database password> 


-n <database name>
-s <database server name>

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be sent to the LOGServer for storage in the database. If -L is 
not specified, no log messages will be generated.

-q <thread pool size> (defaults to 5)
-i <database min. connections> (defaults to 1)
-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number
-x <database max. connections> (defaults to 5)

AUTHServer (Authentication Server)

The Authentication Server provides authentication services for the Cisco IP Manager software. It manages user information—user name, password, and profile—and provides login verification.

AUTHServer Command line options


-u <database user name>
-p <database password>


-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be sent to the LOGServer for storage in the database. If -L is 
not specified, no log messages will be generated.

-n <database name>
-q <thread pool size> (default is 5)
-s <remote database server name>

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number

CTMServer (Configuration Template Manager)

The Configuration Template Manager (CTMServer) is responsible for configuration of templates and dynamic data management. The CTMServer provides the following services to the Cisco IP Manager software: creation, deletion and modification of configuration templates and dynamic data; and generation of configuration files by merging template and data files.

CTMServer Command line options


-u <database user name>
-p <database password>


-A // launch with -A to enable Access Check for Domain Model Templates 
-i <database min. connections> (default is 1)
-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be sent to the LOGServer for storage in the database. If -L is 
not specified, no log messages will be generated.

-N <NAMServer host name> 
-n <database name>
-q <thread pool size> (defaults to 10)
-s <remote database server name>

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-T <AAS Server host name> // not currently implemented
-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number
-x <database max. connections> (default is 5)


The CNGSServer generates Integrity Check, Syntax Check, and Unconnected WAN Interface reports. Each time a report is generated, the server creates new subdirectories in /tmp. To avoid running out of disk resources, you should delete these directories when you are finished with the reports.

With one exception, these reports will always be displayed in a Java-based window generated by the CNGSServer. The exception is the Integrity Checks diff report generated through the API function diffIntegrityCheckInHTML(), in the ING Module. The full path to this report, in HTML format, will be constructed as follows:


The value of base_directory is the string specified in the -htmlDirectory argument at the launch of the CNGSServer. The value of server is the string specified in the -serverName argument. The n following the server name is the process ID of the CNGSServer which generated the report. The value of user is the UNIX user ID (not the Cisco IP Manager user ID). The value of internal_identifier is a number used internally by the apply_configlets script to distinguish itself from other applications.

For example, if you are logged in to your machine as UNIX_User, the CNGSServer was launched with /var/myDirectory and CNGS as arguments, the CNGS host machine runs the server under process ID 3216, and the script's internal identifier is 499517411, then the HTML version of the report will be saved as:


CNGSServer Command Line Options


-htmlDirectory  base directory used in the construction of paths to
                HTML reports (default is /tmp)
-serverName     name of server (default is CNGSServer)

ES (Event Service)

The Event Service (ES) provides an abstraction layer which gives the application the capability of pushing creation, deletion, and modification events. When launching this server from the command line, you must specify event channels.

This server is launched by the ipmgr.launch utility with the following command:

es_1.0_patched Domain_Creation Domain_Modification Domain_Deletion 
Permission_Creation Permission_Modification Permission_Deletion 
Usergroup_Creation Usergroup_Modification Usergroup_Deletion 
User_Creation User_Deletion User_Modification Device_Creation 
Device_Modification_Comm Device_Modification_Config 
Device_Modification_Admin Device_Deletion Template_Creation 
Template_Modification Template_Deletion -nonames


The IP Manager-Netsys Gateway (ING) Server is the gateway to the NSM-Agent Server, which provides configuration-file checking capability. ING Server supports multiple configuration file and network integrity checking requests simultaneously.

INGServer Command line options


-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number

LOGServer (Log and Audit Server)

The Log and Audit server (LOGServer) manages the logging of messages from the component servers. These messages contain date and time of the operation (GMT), the name of the server which generated the message, location in the program, a message category identifier, a message description, and a user name. Output can be captured into the database or a user-specified file, or redirected to the console or terminal. LOGServer is itself capable of generating messages that can be captured in the database.

LOGServer Command line options


-u <database user name>
-p <database password>


-A // launch with -A to use Authorization and Access Control
-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be stored in the database. If -L is not specified, no log 
messages will be generated.

-n <database name>
-q <thread pool size> (default is 5)
-s <database server name>

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number

NAMServer (Network Administration Manager)

The Network Administration Manager (NAMServer) provides the capabilities needed to manage the administration of domains and network elements. These capabilities include creation, deletion, and modification of domains and routers; location of objects by name-lookup; and search by predefined filtering criteria.

NAMServer Command line options


-u <database user name>
-p <database password>


-A // launch with -A to use Authorization and Access Control
-n <database name> 
-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be sent to the LOGServer for storage in the database. If -L is 
not specified, no log messages will be generated.

-q <thread pool size> (defaults to 5)
-s <database server name> 

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number

NEMServer (Network Element Manager)

The Network Element Manager (NEMServer) is responsible for managing network elements and for communications between elements and servers. NEMServer maintains communication status, supports network element operations, and monitors element status. NEMServer supports downloading and uploading configuration files.

For each operation, NEMServer returns an operation error code which is written to a system log file, with detailed information identifying the operation and its result, the network element, and the time.


NEMServer was designed to exchange data with network elements using a TFTP server, which you specify using the -f option.

If this option is not specified, data will be downloaded to devices line by line using the IOS configure terminal command and will be uploaded from devices by capturing the output following a show command. (However, this will result in a slow data exchange rate.)

It is recommended that each machine on which you install NEMServer be configured to act as its own TFTP server. To do this, you must specify either its host name or IP address using the -f option when the server is launched. (If you use hostnames, every device that communicates through the TFTP server must be able to resolve names.) Be sure everyone who will be running the Cisco IP Manager software has read/write access to the directory specified by the -P argument.

Debugging NEMServer Configuration Errors

You can monitor your NEMServer communications by using any of several trace options, which are turned on and off in the IOS.common.debug.exp file located in the Cisco IP Manager subdirectory SRVRS/ps/bin/nem/scripts. To turn a trace feature on, set its value to 1; to turn a feature off, reset its value to 0.

Trace options are:

log_user—when on, responses from all login sessions initiated by NEMServer are sent to stdout (normally, the window which displays NEMServer output).

debug_enable—when on, the arguments sent to the expect script by the server are displayed in stdout.

log_enable—when on, a line-by-line trace of the expect script execution is sent to a file called config.log in the directory from which NEMServer was launched.

exp_internal—when on, the line-by-line trace of the expect script execution is sent to stdout.

The setTelnetTraceOn and setTelnetTraceOff utilities located in the SRVRS subdirectory can be used to set the log_user option.

Detecting Banner Text Errors

If banner text contains the characters # and > (used by IOS as part of a prompt), download operations can fail when the console connect method is used (see "Element Properties" in the chapter "").

To enable a check for illegal banners, open the IOS.common.debug.exp file located in the Cisco IP Manager subdirectory SRVRS/ps/bin/nem/scripts and set the check_prompt flag to 1. To disable the check, set the flag to 0 (the default).

The test which detects illegal banners imposes a four-second delay on each download operation. To change the length of the delay, set the banner_delay flag to the desired time, in seconds.

Note   The default four-second delay is a compromise. It may not be sufficient if there is heavy network traffic or if the script must decipher a very long banner. It is strongly recommended that the characters # and > not be used in banner text.

You can use the setCheckPromptOn and setCheckPromptOff scripts described in the "Other Utilities" section of the "" chapter to turn the check on or off, but you cannot reset the length of the delay with these utilities.

NEMServer Command line options


-u <database user name>
-p <database password>


-A // launch with -A to use Authorization and Access Control
-f <TFTP server name> // if none specified, TFTP will not be used
-i <database minimum connections> (defaults to 1)
-L <Cisco IP Manager log output> 

Can be server, cout, console, or <filename>. If server, then output 
will be sent to the LOGServer for storage in the database. If -L is 
not specified, no log messages will be generated.

-n <database name>
-P <TFTP subdirectory> 

Use this flag only if you want to specify a subdirectory of the 
directory specified in inetd.conf as your TFTP directory (must be 
/tftpboot). If inetd.conf specifies /tftpboot as the TFTP directory 
and you want to use /tftpboot/myDirectory (directory must already 
exist), enter the following command line argument: 

-P myDirectory 

If you want to use the directory specified in inetd.conf, do not use 
the -P flag

-q <thread pool size> (defaults to 20)
-r <Telnet retry count> (range: 1..5; defaults to 3)
-s <remote database server name>

With an Oracle database, both -n and -s flags are equivalent to 

-T <Telnet timeout interval> (range: 3..10; defaults to 5 seconds)
-V // launch server executable with the -V flag to see version number
-x <database maximum connections> (defaults to 5)

NS (Naming Server)

The Naming Server helps applications find initial CORBA server object references using server names. There is no user command-line access.

Server Launch Default Values

The default values for various server flags are the values that will be in effect if you do not specify that flag when the server is started.

These values should not be confused with the default values assigned when ipmgr.launch is run. When this script is used, it will set the server flags to values that are considered appropriate by Cisco as a starting point for your installation.

This is a default installation; it does not mean that the servers are started up with default (or unmodified) values.

Editing Server Flags

Launch flags for each of the servers are defined in the Cisco-provided file ipmgr.launch.csh. When this file is sourced by the script ipmgr.launch, the environment variables used to set the server command-line launch flags are defined as follows:

Table A-1 Server Launch Script Defaults 

-u <database user id specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-p <database password specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-L server
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-u <database user id specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-p <database password specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-L server
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-serverName CNGSServer
     // Change the serverName flag if launching 
     // a second CNGSServer instance. Do not change
     // any of the other flags.
-home $NSM_ROOT
-dataroot $ECSP_DATA/.dataroot
-b $ECSP_DATA/baseline1
-u <database user id specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-p <database password specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-L server
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
Domain_Creation Domain_Modification Domain_Deletion 
Permission_Creation Permission_Modification 
Permission_Deletion User_Creation User_Modification 
User_Deletion Usergroup_Creation 
Usergroup_Modification Usergroup_Deletion 
Device_Creation Device_Modification_Comm 
Device_Modification_Config Device_Modification_Admin 
Device_Deletion Template_Creation 
Template_Modification Template_Deletion 
Templatedata_Creation Templatedata_Modification 
Templatedata_Deletion -nonames
" " // INGServer is launched without a command line 
    // argument
-u <database user id specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-p <database password specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-L server
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-u <database user id specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-p <database password specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-L server
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-u <database user id>
-p <database password>
-L server
-f <TFTP server IP address specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-s <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
-n <Oracle SID specified in ipmgr.cfg.csh>
" "  // NS should be launched without command-line
     // arguments

These environment variables are not retained in memory after the conclusion of the process in which ipmgr.launch is executed, so they cannot be reviewed by displaying your environment variables in stdout.

To change the values of the -u, -p, -s or -n flags for any of the servers, you should rerun ipmgr.configure and specify different values when asked for the Oracle Server ID (-s and -n flags), Oracle user ID (-u) and Oracle password (-p).

Note   The -s and -n flags may be set to different values for compatibility with other databases, if the Cisco IP Manager software is enhanced in the future; for an Oracle database, they are both set to the same value—the ORACLE_SID value.

To change the values of the -f and -P flags for NEMServer, rerun ipmgr.configure and specify a different host name or IP address for the TFTP server (-f) and a directory name when asked for a TFTP directory (-P; must be relative to /tftpboot).

To launch all servers without AAS control, open the file ipmgr.launch.csh in a text editor and search for the following line:

setenv IPMGR_AAS_FLGS "-A"

Remove the -A flag, so that the line reads as follows:

setenv IPMGR_AAS_FLGS ""

Alternatively, you can search for the environment variable that sets each server and remove $IPMGR_AAS_FLGS from each.

To change the -L flag for all servers, search for the following line:

setenv IPMGR_LOG_FLGS "-L server"

Change server to cout, console, or a filename, or set the entire flag to " ".

Alternatively, you can search for the environment variable that sets each server and remove $IPMGR_LOG_FLGS from each, or change it to "-L <option>" (include the quote marks) as desired for each server.

If you are using the Cisco IP Manager API to develop your own user interface, you can add the -htmlDirectory argument to the CNGSServer flag by searching for the following line:

setenv CNGS_CL_ARGS "-serverName CNGSServer -home $NSM_ROOT -dataroot 
$ECSP_DATA/.dataroot -b $ECSP_DATA/baseline1 -persistent"

Add the -htmlDirectory argument and its value to the string enclosed in quotes. Change the -serverName value only when launching a secondary CNGSServer instance. Do not change any of the other values.

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