> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 2
Enter the name of the new cluster.
[]> americas
New cluster committed: Wed Jun 22 10:02:04 2005 PDT
Creating a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster americas
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- LISTDETAIL - List the machines in the cluster with detail.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]>> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote
machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key
fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig ->
hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at
the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster
settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on [N]> n
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
[]> IP address is entered
Enter the remote port to connect to. The must be the normal admin ssh
port, not the CCS port.
[22]> 22
Enter the admin passphrase for the cluster.
The administrator passphrase for the clustered machine is entered
Please verify the SSH host key for IP address:
Public host key fingerprint: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Is this a valid key for this host? [Y]> y
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster americas
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- LISTDETAIL - List the machines in the cluster with detail.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster americas)>
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- LISTDETAIL - List the machines in the cluster with detail.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]> prepjoin
Prepare Cluster Join Over CCS
No host entries waiting to be added to the cluster.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new host that will join the cluster.
[]> new
Enter the hostname of the system you want to add.
Enter the serial number of the host
[]> unique serial number is added
Enter the user key of the host This can be obtained by typing
"clusterconfig prepjoin print" in the CLI on Press enter on a blank
line to finish.
unique user key from output of prepjoin print is pasted
Host added.
Prepare Cluster Join Over CCS
1. (serial-number)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new host that will join the cluster.
- DELETE - Remove a host from the pending join list.
(Cluster Americas)> clusterconfig
Cluster americas
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- LISTDETAIL - List the machines in the cluster with detail.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
[]>> clusterconfig
Do you want to join or create a cluster?
1. No, configure as standalone.
2. Create a new cluster.
3. Join an existing cluster over SSH.
4. Join an existing cluster over CCS.
[1]> 3
While joining a cluster, you will need to validate the SSH host key of the remote
machine to which you are joining. To get the public host key
fingerprint of the remote host, connect to the cluster and run: logconfig ->
hostkeyconfig -> fingerprint.
WARNING: All non-network settings will be lost. System will inherit the values set at
the group or cluster mode for the non-network settings. Ensure that the cluster
settings are compatible with your network settings (e.g. dnsconfig settings)
Do you want to enable the Cluster Communication Service on [N]>
Enter the IP address of a machine in the cluster.
[]> IP address entered
Enter the remote port to connect to. The must be the normal admin ssh
port, not the CCS port.
Would you like to join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys?
Use this option if you have enabled two-factor authentication on the appliance.) [Y]> yes
To join this appliance to a cluster using pre-shared keys, log in to the cluster machine,
run the clusterconfig > prepjoin > command, enter the
following details, and commit your changes.
Host: pod1226-esa07.ibesa
Serial Number: 42291A18D741EDB4C601-BC14E5579F34
User Key:
Before you proceed to the next step, make sure you add the ‘Host’, Serial Number’ and ‘User Key’
details to the cluster machine.
Would you like to continue? [Y]> yes
Joining cluster group Main_Group.
Joining a cluster takes effect immediately, there is no need to commit.
Cluster test_cluster
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADDGROUP - Add a cluster group.
- SETGROUP - Set the group that machines are a member of.
- RENAMEGROUP - Rename a cluster group.
- DELETEGROUP - Remove a cluster group.
- REMOVEMACHINE - Remove a machine from the cluster.
- SETNAME - Set the cluster name.
- LIST - List the machines in the cluster.
- LISTDETAIL - List the machines in the cluster with detail.
- DISCONNECT - Temporarily detach machines from the cluster.
- RECONNECT - Restore connections with machines that were previously detached.
- PREPJOIN - Prepare the addition of a new machine over CCS.
(Cluster test_cluster)>
Note: Changes to these settings will not affect the following groups and machines
because they are overriding the cluster-wide settings:
East_Coast, West_Coast
facilities_A, facilities_B, receiving_A
或者,如图“GUI 中的集中管理功能:未定义设置"中所示,也可以导航到已定义此配置设置的模式。这些模式列在“当前定义此功能设置的位置:”(Settings for this feature are currently defined at:) 下的集中管理框的下半部分。此处只会列出实际定义了设置的模式。当您查看在其他模式下定义(并继承)的设置页面时,该页面将为您显示相关设置。
计算机加入集群需要 DNS。集群通信通常使用计算机的 DNS 主机名发起(不是计算机接口的主机名)。主机名不可解析的计算机无法与集群中的任何其他计算机实际通信,即使从技术上属于集群的一部分也不例外。
您的 DNS 必须配置为:主机名指向启用了 SSH 或 CCS 的邮件网关中正确的 IP 接口。这一点非常重要。如果 DNS 指向其他未启用 SSH 或 CCS 的 IP 地址,将找不到该主机。请注意,集中管理功能使用“主要主机名”,而不是按接口的主机名(与使用 sethostname 命令的设置相同)。
如果使用 IP 地址连接到集群中的其他计算机,则连接到的计算机必须能够反向查找连接的 IP 地址。如果反向查找由于 IP 地址不在 DNS 中超时,计算机将无法连接到集群。
更改 DNS 可能会导致升级 AsyncOS 后连接丢失。请注意,如果需要更改集群中某台计算机的完全限定域名(而非集群中某台计算机接口的主机名),则必须通过 sethostname 更改主机名设置,并在升级 AsyncOS 之前更新该计算机的 DNS 记录。
Do you want to enable SSH on this interface? [Y]>
Which port do you want to use for SSH?
Do you want to enable Cluster Communication Service on this interface?
[N]> y
Which port do you want to use for Cluster Communication Service?
(Machine> clustercheck
This command is restricted to "cluster" mode. Would you like to switch to "cluster"
mode? [Y]> y
Checking Listeners (including HAT, RAT, bounce profiles)...
Inconsistency found!
Listeners (including HAT, RAT, bounce profiles) at Cluster enterprise: was updated Mon Sep 12 10:59:17 2005 PDT by 'admin' on was updated Mon Sep 12 10:59:17 2005 PDT by 'admin' on
How do you want to resolve this inconsistency?
1. Force entire cluster to use version.
2. Force entire cluster to use version.
3. Ignore.
还可以随时使用 clustercheck 命令确认集群的运行是否正确。
losangeles> clustercheck
Do you want to check the config consistency across all machines in the cluster? [Y]> y
Checking losangeles...
Checking newyork...
No inconsistencies found.