次に、FCoE NPV、LACP、no-drop キューイングの QoS、および VLAN/VSAN マッピングをイネーブルにする例を示します。
switch# config t
switch(config)# feature fcoe-npv
FCoE NPV license checked out successfully
fc_plugin extracted successfully
FC plugin loaded successfully
FCoE manager enabled successfully
FCoE NPV enabled on all modules successfully
switch(config)# feature lacp
switch# config t switch(config)# system qos
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type qos input fcoe-default-in-policy
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type queuing input fcoe-default-in-policy
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type queuing output fcoe-default-out-policy
switch(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type network-qos fcoe-default-nq-policy
switch(config)# vsan database
switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 50-51
switch(config-vsan-db)# vlan 50
switch(config-vlan)# fcoe vsan 50
switch(config-vlan)# vlan 51
switch(config-vlan)# fcoe vsan 51
This example shows a summary of the interface configuration information for trunked NP ports:
switch# show interface brief | grep TNP
fc2/5 400 NP on trunking swl TNP 2 --
fc2/6 400 NP on trunking swl TNP 2 --
vfc130 1 NP on trunking -- TNP auto --
次に、FCoE に関する実行コンフィギュレーション情報の例を示します。
switch# show running-config fcoe_mgr
!Command: show running-config fcoe_mgr
!Time: Wed Jan 20 21:59:39 2013
version 6.0(2)N1(1)
interface vfc1
bind interface Ethernet1/19
interface vfc2
bind interface Ethernet1/2
interface vfc90
bind interface Ethernet1/9
interface vfc100
bind interface Ethernet1/10
interface vfc110
bind interface port-channel110
interface vfc111
bind interface Ethernet1/11
interface vfc120
bind interface port-channel120
interface vfc130
bind interface port-channel130
interface vfc177
bind interface Ethernet1/7
fcoe fka-adv-period 16
次に、FCoE VLAN から VSAN へのマッピングの例を示します。
switch# show vlan fcoe
Original VLAN ID Translated VSAN ID Association State
---------------- ------------------ -----------------
400 400 Operational
20 20 Operational
100 100 Operational
500 500 Operational
200 200 Operational
300 300 Operational
次に、vFC 130 インターフェイスに関する情報の例を示します。これには属性やステータスがあります。
switch# show interface vfc 130
vfc130 is trunking (Not all VSANs UP on the trunk)
Bound interface is port-channel130
Hardware is Virtual Fibre Channel
Port WWN is 20:81:00:05:9b:74:bd:bf
Admin port mode is NP, trunk mode is on
snmp link state traps are enabled
Port mode is TNP
Port vsan is 1
Trunk vsans (admin allowed and active) (1,20,100,200,300,400,500)
Trunk vsans (up) (500)
Trunk vsans (isolated) ()
Trunk vsans (initializing) (1,20,100,200,300,400)
1 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
1 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
15 frames input, 2276 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
7 frames output, 1004 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
last clearing of "show interface" counters Tue May 31 20:56:41 2011
Interface last changed at Wed Jun 1 21:53:08 2011
次に、vFC 1 インターフェイスに関する情報の例を示します。これには属性やステータスがあります。
switch# show interface vfc 1 vfc1 is trunking (Not all VSANs UP on the trunk)
Bound interface is Ethernet1/19
Hardware is Virtual Fibre Channel
Port WWN is 20:00:00:05:9b:74:bd:bf
Admin port mode is F, trunk mode is on
snmp link state traps are enabled
Port mode is TF
Port vsan is 20
Trunk vsans (admin allowed and active) (1,20,100,200,300,400,500)
Trunk vsans (up) (20)
Trunk vsans (isolated) ()
Trunk vsans (initializing) (1,100,200,300,400,500)
1 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
1 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
355278397 frames input, 573433988904 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
391579316 frames output, 572319570200 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
last clearing of "show interface" counters Tue May 31 20:56:41 2011
Interface last changed at Wed Jun 1 20:25:36 2011
次に、NPV FLOGI セッションに関する情報の例を示します。
switch# show npv flogi-table
vfc1 20 0x670000 21:01:00:1b:32:2a:e5:b8 20:01:00:1b:32:2a:e5:b8 fc2/6
Total number of flogi = 1.
次に、NPV の設定のステータスの例を示します。これには VNP ポートに関する情報などがあります。
switch# show npv status
npiv is enabled
disruptive load balancing is disabled
External Interfaces:
Interface: fc2/5, State: Trunking
VSAN: 1, State: Up
VSAN: 200, State: Up
VSAN: 400, State: Up
VSAN: 20, State: Up
VSAN: 100, State: Up
VSAN: 300, State: Up
VSAN: 500, State: Up, FCID: 0xa10000
Interface: fc2/6, State: Trunking
VSAN: 1, State: Up
VSAN: 200, State: Up
VSAN: 400, State: Up
VSAN: 20, State: Up
VSAN: 100, State: Up
VSAN: 300, State: Up
VSAN: 500, State: Up, FCID: 0xa10001
Interface: vfc90, State: Down
Interface: vfc100, State: Down
Interface: vfc110, State: Down
Interface: vfc111, State: Down
Interface: vfc120, State: Down
Interface: vfc130, State: Trunking
VSAN: 1, State: Waiting For VSAN Up
VSAN: 200, State: Up
VSAN: 400, State: Up
VSAN: 100, State: Up
VSAN: 300, State: Up
VSAN: 500, State: Up, FCID: 0xa10002
Number of External Interfaces: 8
Server Interfaces:
Interface: vfc1, VSAN: 20, State: Up
Interface: vfc2, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc3, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc5000, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc6000, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc7000, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc8090, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Interface: vfc8191, VSAN: 4094, State: Down
Number of Server Interfaces: 8
次に、ポート チャネル 130 の実行コンフィギュレーションの例を示します。
switch# show running-config interface port-channel 130
!Command: show running-config interface port-channel130
!Time: Wed Jan 30 22:01:05 2013
version 6.0(2)N1(1)
interface port-channel130
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 2
no negotiate auto
次に、ISSU に対する FCoE NPV の影響の例を示します。
switch# show fcoe-npv issu-impact
show fcoe-npv issu-impact
Please make sure to enable "disable-fka" on all logged in VFCs
Please increase the FKA duration to 60 seconds on FCF
Active VNP ports with no disable-fka set
ISSU downgrade not supported as feature fcoe-npv is enabled