スイッチの現在のポート トラッキング設定を表示するには、show コマンドを使用します。
switch# show interface vfc21
vfc21 is down (Administratively down)
Hardware is Fibre Channel, FCOT is short wave laser w/o OFC (SN)
Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:30:00:0d:de
Admin port mode is FX
Port vsan is 1
Receive data field Size is 2112
Beacon is turned off
Port tracked with interface vc22 (down)
Port tracked with interface san-port-channel 1 vsan 2 (down)
5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
次に、SAN ポート チャネルのトラッキング対象ポートの設定を表示する例を示します。
switch# show interface san-port-channel 1
port-channel 1 is down (No operational members)
Hardware is Fibre Channel
Port WWN is 24:01:00:05:30:00:0d:de
Admin port mode is auto, trunk mode is on
Port vsan is 2
Linked to 1 port(s)
Port linked to interface vfc21
次に、ポート トラッキング モードを表示する例を示します。
switch# show interface vfc 24
vfc24 is up
Hardware is Fibre Channel, FCOT is short wave laser
Transmit B2B Credit is 64
Receive B2B Credit is 16
Receive data field Size is 2112
Beacon is turned off
Port track mode is force_shut <-- this port remains shut even if the tracked port is back up