アンダーレイの IPv6 を使用する VXLAN(VXLANv6) 設定のステータスを表示するには、次のコマンドを入力します。
表 1. アンダーレイの IPv6 を使用する VXLAN(VXLANv6) 検証コマンド
show running-config interface nve 1
設定情報を実行するインターフェイス NVE 1 を表示します。
show nve interface 1 detail
NVE インターフェイスの詳細を表示します。
show nve peers
VTEP ピアのピアリング時間と VNI 情報を表示します。
show nve vni ingress-replication
NVE VNI 入力複製情報を表示します。
show nve peers 2018:1015::abcd:1234:3 int nv1 counters
NVE ピア カウンタ情報を表示します。
show bgp l2vpn evpn 1012.0383.9600
ルート タイプ 2 の BGP L2VPN 情報を表示します。
show bgp l2vpn evpn 303:304::1
ルート タイプ 3 の BGP L2VPN EVPN を表示します。
show bgp l2vpn evpn
ルート タイプ 5 の BGP L2VPN EVPN を表示します。
show l2route peerid
L2route peerid を表示します。
show l2route topology detail
L2route トポロジの詳細を表示します。
show l2route evpn imet all detail
L2route EVPN imet の詳細を表示します。
show l2route fl all
L2route フラッド リストの詳細を表示します。
show l2route mac all detail
L2route MAC の詳細を表示します。
show l2route mac-ip all detail
MAC アドレスとホスト IP アドレスを表示します。
show ip route vrf vxlan-10101
VRF のルート テーブルを表示します。
show forwarding ipv4 route detail vrf vxlan-10101
show ipv6 route vrf vxlan-10101
IPv6 ルーティング テーブルを表示します。
show bgp l2vpn evpn
BGP の更新されたルートを表示します。
show bgp evi evi-id
BGP EVI 情報を表示します。
show forwarding distribution peer-id
show forwarding nve l2 ingress-replication-peers
show forwarding nve l3 peers
nv3 Layer 3 ピア情報を表示します。
show forwarding ecmp platform
転送 ECMP プラットフォーム情報を表示します。
show forwarding ecmp platform
転送 ECMP プラットフォーム情報を表示します。
show forwarding nve l3 ecmp
転送 NVE Layer 3 ECMP 情報を表示します。
の例 show running-config interface nve 1
コマンドswitch# show running-config interface nve 1
interface nve1
no shutdown
source-interface loopback1 anycast loopback2
host-reachability protocol bgp
member vni 10011
ingress-replication protocol bgp
member vni 20011 associate-vrf
の例 show nve interface 1 detail
コマンドswitch# show nve interface nve 1 detail
Interface: nve1, State: Up, encapsulation: VXLAN
VPC Capability: VPC-VIP-Only [notified]
Local Router MAC: a093.51cf.78f7
Host Learning Mode: Control-Plane
Source-Interface: loopback1 (primary: 30:3:1::2)
Anycast-Interface: loopback2 (secondary: 303:304::1)
Source Interface State: Up
Anycast Interface State: Up
Virtual RMAC Advertisement: Yes
NVE Flags:
Interface Handle: 0x49000001
Source Interface hold-down-time: 745
Source Interface hold-up-time: 30
Remaining hold-down time: 0 seconds
Virtual Router MAC: 0600.0000.0001
Interface state: nve-intf-add-complete
show nve peers コマンドの例
switch# show nve peers
Interface Peer-IP State LearnType Uptime Router-Mac
--------- --------------- ----- --------- -------- -----------------
nve1 1:1::1:1 Up CP 00:44:09 5087.89d4.6bb7
の例 show nve vni ingress-replication
コマンドswitch# show nve vni ingress-replication
Interface VNI Replication List Source Up Time
--------- -------- ----------------- ------- -------
nve1 10011 1:1::1:1 BGP-IMET 00:46:55
show nve peers ipv6-address int nv1 counters コマンドの例。
switch# show nve peers 2018:2015::abcd:1234:3 int nve 1 counters
Peer IP: 2018:1015::abcd:1234:3
0 unicast packets 0 unicast bytes
0 multicast packets 0 multicast bytes
0 unicast packets 0 unicast bytes
0 multicast packets 0 multicast bytes
ルートタイプ 2 の show bgp l2vpn evpn コマンドの例
switch# show bgp l2vpn evpn 1012.0383.9600
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family L2VPN EVPN
Route Distinguisher: (L2VNI 2001300)
BGP routing table entry for [2]:[0]:[0]:[48]:[1012.0383.9600]:[0]:[]/216, version 1051240
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
Flags: (0x000102) (high32 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in l2rib/evpn
Multipath: iBGP
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: local, path is valid, is best path, no labeled nexthop
AS-Path: NONE, path locally originated
303:304::1 (metric 0) from 0:: (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 32768
Received label 2001300
Extcommunity: RT:2:2001300 ENCAP:8
Path-id 1 advertised to peers:
2::21 2::66
BGP routing table entry for [2]:[0]:[0]:[48]:[1012.0383.9600]:[32]:[]/272, version 1053100
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
Flags: (0x000102) (high32 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in l2rib/evpn
Multipath: iBGP
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: local, path is valid, is best path, no labeled nexthop
AS-Path: NONE, path locally originated
303:304::1 (metric 0) from 0:: (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 32768
Received label 2001300 3003901
Extcommunity: RT:2:2001300 RT:2:3003901 ENCAP:8 Router MAC:0600.0000.0001
Path-id 1 advertised to peers:
2::21 2::66
ルートタイプ 3 の show bgp l2vpn evpn コマンドの例
switch# show bgp l2vpn evpn 303:304::1
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family L2VPN EVPN
Route Distinguisher: (L2VNI 2000002)
BGP routing table entry for [3]:[0]:[128]:[303:304::1]/184, version 1045060
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
Flags: (0x000002) (high32 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in l2rib/evpn
Multipath: iBGP
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: local, path is valid, is best path, no labeled nexthop
AS-Path: NONE, path locally originated
303:304::1 (metric 0) from 0:: (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 32768
Extcommunity: RT:2:2000002 ENCAP:8
PMSI Tunnel Attribute:
flags: 0x00, Tunnel type: Ingress Replication
Label: 2000002, Tunnel Id: 303:304::1
Path-id 1 advertised to peers:
2::21 2::66
ルート タイプ 5 の show bgp l2vpn evpn コマンドの例
switch# show bgp l2vpn evpn
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family L2VPN EVPN
Route Distinguisher:
BGP routing table entry for [5]:[0]:[0]:[24]:[]/224, version 119983
Paths: (2 available, best #2)
Flags: (0x000002) (high32 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in l2rib/evpn, is not in HW
Multipath: iBGP
Path type: internal, path is valid, not best reason: Neighbor Address, no labeled nexthop
Gateway IP:
AS-Path: 65001 5300 , path sourced external to AS
3::52 (metric 200) from 2::66 (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 0
Received label 3003301
Extcommunity: RT:2:3003301 ENCAP:8 Router MAC:f80b.cb53.4897
Originator: Cluster list:
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: internal, path is valid, is best path, no labeled nexthop
Imported to 2 destination(s)
Imported paths list: evpn-tenant-0301 default
Gateway IP:
AS-Path: 65001 5300 , path sourced external to AS
3::52 (metric 200) from 2::21 (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 0
Received label 3003301
Extcommunity: RT:2:3003301 ENCAP:8 Router MAC:f80b.cb53.4897
Originator: Cluster list:
Path-id 1 not advertised to any peer
show l2route peerid コマンドの例
switch# show l2route peerid
NVE Ifhdl IP Address PeerID Ifindex Num of MAC's Num of NH's
------------ --------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
1224736769 4999:1::1:1:1 4 1191182340 23377 0
show l2route topology detail コマンドの例
switch# show l2route topology detail
Flags:(L2cp)=L2 Ctrl Plane; (Dp)=Data Plane; (Imet)=Data Plane BGP IMET; (L3cp)=L3 Ctrl Plane; (Bfd)=BFD over Vxlan; (Bgp)=BGP EVPN; (Of)=Open Flow mode; (Mix)=Open Flow IR mixed mode; (Acst)=Anycast GW on spine;
Topology ID Topology Name Attributes
----------- ------------- ----------
101 Vxlan-10101 VNI: 10101
Encap:1 IOD:0 IfHdl:1224736769
VTEP IP: 5001:1::1:1:7
Emulated IP: ::
Emulated RO IP:
TX-ID: 2004 (Rcvd Ack: 0)
RMAC: 00fe.c83e.84a7, VRFID: 3
VMAC: 00fe.c83e.84a7
VMAC RO: 0000.0000.0000
Flags: L3cp, Sub_Flags: --, Prev_Flags: -
show l2route evpn imet all detail コマンドの例
switch# show l2route evpn imet all detail
Flags- (F): Originated From Fabric, (W): Originated from WAN
Topology ID VNI Prod IP Addr Eth Tag PMSI-Flags Flags Type Label(VNI) Tunnel ID NFN Bitmap
----------- ----- ----- -------------- ------- ---------- ------- ---- ----------- ------------- ----------
901 10901 BGP 4999:1::1:1:1 0 0 - 6 10901 4999:1::1:1:1
show l2route fl all コマンドの例
switch# show l2route fl all
Topology ID Peer-id Flood List Service Node
----------- ----------- --------------------------------------- ------------
901 4 4999:1::1:1:1 no
show l2route mac all detail コマンドの例
switch# show l2route mac all detail
Flags -(Rmac):Router MAC (Stt):Static (L):Local (R):Remote (V):vPC link
(Dup):Duplicate (Spl):Split (Rcv):Recv (AD):Auto-Delete (D):Del Pending
(S):Stale (C):Clear, (Ps):Peer Sync (O):Re-Originated (Nho):NH-Override
(Pf):Permanently-Frozen, (Orp): Orphan
Topology Mac Address Prod Flags Seq No Next-Hops
----------- -------------- ------ ------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------
901 0016.0901.0001 BGP SplRcv 0 6002:1::1:1:1
Route Resolution Type: Regular
Forwarding State: Resolved (PeerID: 2)
Sent To: L2FM
Encap: 1
show l2route mac-ip all detail コマンドの例
switch# show l2route mac-ip all detail
Flags -(Rmac):Router MAC (Stt):Static (L):Local (R):Remote (V):vPC link
(Dup):Duplicate (Spl):Split (Rcv):Recv(D):Del Pending (S):Stale (C):Clear
(Ps):Peer Sync (Ro):Re-Originated (Orp):Orphan
Topology Mac Address Host IP Prod Flags Seq No Next-Hops
----------- -------------- --------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------------
901 0016.0901.0001 BGP -- 0 6002:1::1:1:1
Sent To: ARP
show ip route vrf vxlan-10101 コマンドの例
switch# show ip route vrf vxlan-10101
IP Route Table for VRF "vxlan-10101"
'*' denotes best ucast next-hop
'**' denotes best mcast next-hop
'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]
'%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 6/0
*via fe80::2fe:c8ff:fe09:8fff%default, Po1001, [200/0], 00:56:21, bgp-4002, internal, tag 4007 (evpn)
segid: 10101 VTEP:(5001:1::1:1:1, underlay_vrf: 1) encap: VXLAN
*via fe80::2fe:c8ff:fe09:8fff%default, Po1002, [200/0], 00:56:21, bgp-4002, internal, tag 4007 (evpn)
segid: 10101 VTEP:(5001:1::1:1:1, underlay_vrf: 1) encap: VXLAN
*via fe80::2fe:c8ff:fe09:8fff%default, Po1001, [200/0], 00:56:32, bgp-4002, internal, tag 4007 (evpn)
segid: 10101 VTEP:(5001:1::1:1:2, underlay_vrf: 1) encap: VXLAN
*via fe80::2fe:c8ff:fe09:8fff%default, Po1002, [200/0], 00:56:32, bgp-4002, internal, tag 4007 (evpn)
segid: 10101 VTEP:(5001:1::1:1:2, underlay_vrf: 1) encap: VXLAN
show forwarding ipv4 route detail vrf vxlan-10101 コマンドの例
switch# show forwarding ipv4 route detail vrf vxlan-10101
slot 1
Prefix, No of paths: 2, Update time: Mon Apr 15 15:38:17 2019
5001:1::1:1:1 nve1
5001:1::1:1:2 nve1
show ipv6 route vrf vxlan-10101 コマンドの例
switch# show ipv6 route vrf vxlan-10101
IPv6 Routing Table for VRF "vxlan-10101"
'*' denotes best ucast next-hop
'**' denotes best mcast next-hop
'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]
2:2:2::101/128, ubest/mbest: 1/0
*via 5001:1::1:1:1/128%default, [200/0], 00:55:31, bgp-4002, internal, tag 4002 (evpn) segid 10101
VTEP:(5001:1::1:1:1, underlay_vrf: 1) encap: VXLAN
の例 show forwarding distribution peer-id
コマンドswitch# show forwarding distribution peer-id
UFDM Peer-id allocations: App id 0
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 4999:1::1:1:1 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x6
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:1:1 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x2
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:1:2 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x1
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:1:7 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x7
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:101 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x8
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:102 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x5
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:103 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0x9
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:104 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0xa
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:105 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0xb
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:106 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0xc
App: VXLAN Vlan: 1 Id: 5001:1::1:2:107 0x49030001 Peer-id: 0xd
の例 show forwarding nve l2 ingress-replication-peers
コマンドswitch# show forwarding nve l2 ingress-replication-peers
slot 1
Total count of VLANS with ingr-repl peers: 1950
VLAN 1024 VNI 0 Vtep Ifindex 0x0 plt_space : 0x1ca75e14
peer : 6002:1::1:1:1
peer : 5001:1::1:1:7
peer : 4999:1::1:1:1
PSS VLAN:1024, VNI:0, vtep:0x0x0, peer_cnt:3
peer : 6002:1::1:1:1 marked : 0
peer : 5001:1::1:1:7 marked : 0
peer : 4999:1::1:1:1 marked : 0
VLAN 1280 VNI 0 Vtep Ifindex 0x0 plt_space : 0x1ca75e14
peer : 6002:1::1:1:1
peer : 5001:1::1:1:7
peer : 4999:1::1:1:1
PSS VLAN:1280, VNI:0, vtep:0x0x0, peer_cnt:3
peer : 6002:1::1:1:1 marked : 0
peer : 5001:1::1:1:7 marked : 0
peer : 4999:1::1:1:1 marked : 0
の例 show forwarding nve l3 peers
コマンドswitch# show forwarding nve l3 peers
slot 1
EVPN configuration state: disabled, PeerVni Adj enabled
NVE cleanup transaction-id 0
tunnel_id Peer_id Peer_address Interface rmac origin state del count
0x0 1225261062 4999:1::1:1:1 nve1 0600.0001.0001 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261058 5001:1::1:1:1 nve1 2cd0.2d51.9f1b NVE merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261057 5001:1::1:1:2 nve1 00a6.cab6.bbbb NVE merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261063 5001:1::1:1:7 nve1 00fe.c83e.84a7 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261064 5001:1::1:2:101 nve1 0000.5500.0001 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261061 5001:1::1:2:102 nve1 0000.5500.0002 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261065 5001:1::1:2:103 nve1 0000.5500.0003 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261066 5001:1::1:2:104 nve1 0000.5500.0004 URIB merge-done no 100
0x0 1225261067 5001:1::1:2:105 nve1 0000.5500.0005 URIB merge-done no 100
の例 show forwarding ecmp platform
コマンドswitch# show forwarding ecmp platform
slot 1
ECMP Hash: 0x198b8aae, Num Paths: 2, Hw index: 0x17532
Partial Install: No
Hw ecmp-index: unit-0:1073741827 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 95538
Hw NVE ecmp-index: unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 95538
Refcount: 134, Holder: 0x0, Intf: Ethernet1/101, Nex-Hop: fe80:7::1:2
Hw adj: unit-0:851977 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500010 LIF:4211
Intf: Ethernet1/108, Nex-Hop: fe80:8::1:2
Hw adj: unit-0:851978 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500012 LIF:4218
VOBJ count: 0, VxLAN VOBJ count: 0, VxLAN: 0
ECMP Hash: 0x2bb2905e, Num Paths: 3, Hw index: 0x17533
Partial Install: No
Hw ecmp-index: unit-0:1073741828 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 95539
Hw NVE ecmp-index: unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 95539
Refcount: 16, Holder: 0x0, Intf: Ethernet1/101, Nex-Hop: fe80:7::1:2
Hw adj: unit-0:851977 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500010 LIF:4211
Intf: Ethernet1/108, Nex-Hop: fe80:8::1:2
Hw adj: unit-0:851978 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500012 LIF:4218
Intf: port-channel1003, Nex-Hop: fe80:9::1:2
Hw adj: unit-0:851976 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500011 LIF:4106
VOBJ count: 0, VxLAN VOBJ count: 0, VxLAN: 0
の例 show forwarding ecmp recursive
コマンドswitch# show forwarding ecmp recursive
slot 1
Virtual Object 17 (vxlan):
Hw vobj-index (0): unit-0:851976 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 99016
Hw NVE vobj-index (0): unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 99016
Hw vobj-index (1): unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 0
Hw NVE vobj-index (1): unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0 cmn-index: 0
Num prefixes : 1
Partial Install: No
Active paths:
Recursive NH 5001:1::1:2:10a/128 , table 0x80000001
fe80:9::1:2, port-channel1003
Hw adj: unit-0:851976 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500011, LIF:4106
Hw NVE adj: unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500011, LIF:4106
Hw instance new : (0x182c8, 99016) ls count new 1
FEC: fec_type 0
VOBJ Refcount : 1
Virtual Object 167 (vxlan): ECMP-idx1:0x17536(95542), ECMP-idx2:0x0(0),
Hw vobj-index (0): unit-0:1073741832 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 99166
Hw NVE vobj-index (0): unit-0:3 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 99166
Hw vobj-index (1): unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 0
Hw NVE vobj-index (1): unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0 cmn-index: 0
Num prefixes : 1
Partial Install: No
Active paths:
Recursive NH 5001:1::1:3:125/128 , table 0x80000001
fe80:7::1:2, Ethernet1/101
Hw adj: unit-0:851977 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500010, LIF:4211
Hw NVE adj: unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500010, LIF:4211
fe80:8::1:2, Ethernet1/108
Hw adj: unit-0:851978 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500012, LIF:4218
Hw NVE adj: unit-0:0 unit-1:0 unit-2:0, cmn-index: 500012, LIF:4218
Hw instance new : (0x1835e, 99166) ls count new 2
FEC: fec_type 0
VOBJ Refcount : 1
の例 show forwarding nve l3 ecmp
コマンドswitch# show forwarding nve l3 ecmp
slot 1
ECMP Hash: 0x70a50e4, Num Paths: 2, Hw Index: 0x17534
table_id: 403, flags: 0x0, adj_flags: 0x0, Ref-ct: 101
tunnel_id: 5001:1::1:1:1, segment_id: 10101
tunnel_id: 5001:1::1:1:2, segment_id: 10101
Hw ecmp-index: unit0: 1073741830 unit1: 0 unit2: 0
ECMP Hash: 0x1189f35e, Num Paths: 2, Hw Index: 0x17535
table_id: -2147483245, flags: 0x0, adj_flags: 0x0, Ref-ct: 50
tunnel_id: 5001:1::1:1:1, segment_id: 10101
tunnel_id: 5001:1::1:1:2, segment_id: 10101
Hw ecmp-index: unit0: 1073741831 unit1: 0 unit2: 0