
Log in

To log into a standalone Cisco Prime License Manager, enter your username and password. Click Login.

For coresident configurations, use the following procedure to log in:

    Step 1   Select Cisco Prime License Manager from the list of installed applications.
    Step 2   Enter your username and password. Click Login.

    The initial login requires the application username and password that you created as part of the installation. If you are not sure what username and password to use for signing into Cisco Prime License Manager, see Troubleshooting.

    The "Getting Started" window appears.

    Initial Configuration

    Follow these steps to begin using Cisco Prime License Manager:

    Add Product Instance

    The following procedure describes how to add a product instance in Cisco Prime License Manager.

    Before You Begin

    Before you upgrade your system, make sure that the older version of the product instance has all of the purchased licenses installed prior to upgrading to a newer version. This will ensure that those licenses are eligible for migration.

    Before adding a Cisco Unified Communications Manager instance to Cisco Prime License manager, make sure that the accountlocking setting is disabled. This will help to avoid a 401 error when you attempt to add the product instance. Check the status of the account using the following command: show accountlocking.

      Step 1   Log in to Cisco Prime License Manager using the application username and password that you created when you completed the installation.
      Step 2   Select Product Instances.
      Step 3   Click Add. The Product Add dialog box appears.
      Step 4   Enter the following information:
      • Name
      • Description (optional)
      • Product Type
      • Hostname/IP Address
      • Username
      • Password

      Credentials are the OS Administration username and password of the product.

      Step 5   Click OK to add the product instance.
      Step 6   Once the product instance has been successfully added, the product appears in the Product Instances table.

      On the Product Instances page, click Synchronize Now to request the licensing information from the new product. If you do not synchronize, current product instance information will not appear in Cisco Prime License Manager until the next scheduled synchronization is completed..


      "Contains Migratable Licenses" appears in the Status field for all product instances whose licenses have not yet been migrated to Cisco Prime License Manager. To make any licenses that are installable at the product instance available in the Cisco Prime License Manager, they must be migrated. For information about migrating licenses, see: Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager.


      Use the following procedure to perform a backup and restore of Cisco Prime License Manager. We recommend that you perform a backup immediately before and after a successful upgrade.

        Step 1   From the main menu, select Administration > Backup/Restore.
        Step 2   The Backup/Restore page opens. Enter the following information:
        • IP Address/Hostname
        • Username
        • Password
        • Directory
        Note    At this point, you can click Test Connection to test your connection.
        Step 3   To perform a backup, click Run Backup.
        Note    A maximum of two backups are stored. Creating a third backup will overwrite the oldest backup.
        Step 4   To restore, select the file you wish to restore and click Run Restore.

        License Definitions

        License definitions contain information about the license types managed by Cisco Prime License Manager. These definitions should be updated prior to upgrading any of your product instances to a new version or before adding a product instance of a new type. The Administration > License Definitions window provides the following information for the currently installed license definition file:

        • File name
        • Version
        • Date Installed

        You can click the Check for Latest Version link to access the Download Software site. From this site, you can locate the latest release and download it.

        Once downloaded, the new license definition file can be installed using the following procedure:

          Step 1   Access the License Definitions window from the main menu by selecting Administration > License Definitions.
          Step 2   Click Install New License Definition File.
          Step 3   Click Browse to select the license definition file you just downloaded, then click Install.

          Security Updates

          Security updates may be required at Cisco Prime License Manager periodically to permit electronic operations with the Cisco License Office.

          Security updates for your desired release are available from the https:/​/​ Downloads Home > Products > Cloud and Systems Management > Collaboration and Unified Communications Management > Cisco Prime License Manager. You can also subscribe for alerts.

          Use the following procedure to perform security updates through CLI:

            Step 1   Enter the license management security update command.
            Step 2   When prompted, enter Directory, Server, User Name, and Password information, as shown in the following example:

            User Name:
            Step 3   You are then asked to select the security update from those available in the target directory, as shown in the following example:

            				options for security update in
            q) quit 
            Step 4   Select the appropriate file from the list to download the security update. The following messages appear:

            				security update...
            Step 5   Enter y to continue the security update.

            When the update is complete, the following message appears:

            				update installed.

            Accessing Diagnostic Logs

            Use the following procedure to run diagnostic logs in Cisco Prime License Manager.

              Step 1   From the main menu in Cisco Prime License Manager, select Administration > Diagnostic Logs.
              Step 2   The Diagnostic Logs screen appears. Under the Log Settings tab, set the log level to Debug for both "Cisco Prime License Manager core services: and "Communication with product instances". Click Save to save your changes.
              Step 3   Select the Download Logs tab and select the date and time range to include in your log file (the time period during which the issue occurred). Click Generate Log File.
              Step 4   The link to the log file appears below the Generate Log File button. Click the link to download the log file to your computer and open a Service Request using the TAC Service Request Tool, https:/​/​​ServiceRequestTool/​scm/​mgmt/​case

              Manage Product Instances

              Edit a Product Instance

              The following procedure describes how to edit a product instance in Cisco Prime License Manager.

                Step 1   To edit a product instance, select that instance from the Product Instances table.
                Step 2   From the General tab of the Product Instance details page, edit the preferred settings for the product instance.
                Important: If the hostname or IP address of the product instance changes, you need to delete the product instance from the Cisco Prime License Manager prior to changing the hostname/IP address. You then re-add it to the Cisco Prime License Manager once you have completed the hostname/IP address change.

                Delete a Product Instance

                  Step 1   In the Action column for the product instance you wish to delete, click Delete.
                  Step 2   Following a successful deletion, click Synchronize Now to obtain the most up-to-date licensing information for all license types in the system.

                  Administrator Account Configuration

                  Add Administrator Account

                  During installation, the first account that is created is the Master Account. The Master Account has special privileges:
                  • It is the only account that can create or delete administrator accounts.

                  • It is the only account that can modify the credential policy.

                  Follow the steps below to add a new administrator account.

                    Step 1   Log in to Cisco Prime License Manager using the Master Account.
                    Step 2   From the main menu in Cisco Prime License Manager, select Administration > Administrator Accounts.
                    Step 3   Select Add Administrator.
                    Step 4   Optionally add a name or description in the Name/Description field.
                    Step 5   Enter a username.
                    Step 6   Enter and confirm your password. The system will evaluate the strength of the password.

                    Reset the Administrator or Security Password

                    If you lose the administrator password and cannot access your system, use this procedure to reset the password.

                    Before You Begin

                    • You require physical access to the node on which you perform this procedure.

                    • At any point, when you are requested to insert CD or DVD media, you must mount the ISO file through the vSphere client for the VMWare server. See "Adding DVD or CD Drives to a Virtual Machine"here for guidance.

                    • The security password on all nodes in a cluster must match. Change the security password on all machines, or the cluster nodes will not communicate.

                      Step 1   Sign in to the CLI on the publisher node with the following username and password:
                      1. Username: pwrecovery
                      2. Password: pwreset
                      Step 2   Press any key to continue.
                      Step 3   If you have a valid CD/DVD in the disk drive or you mounted an ISO file, remove it from the VMWare client.
                      Step 4   Press any key to continue.
                      Step 5   Insert a valid CD or DVD into the drive or mount the ISO file.

                      For this test, you must use a disk or ISO file that is data only.

                      Step 6   After the system verifies the last step, you are prompted to enter one of the following options to continue:
                      • Enter a to reset the administrator password.
                      • Enter s to reset the security password.

                        You must reset each node in a cluster after you change its security password. Failure to reboot the nodes causes system service problems and problems with the administration windows on the subscriber nodes.

                      Step 7   Enter the new password, and then reenter it to confirm.

                      The administrator credentials must start with an alphabetic character, be at least six characters long, and can contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.

                      Step 8   After the system verifies the strength of the new password, the password is reset, and you are prompted to press any key to exit the password reset utility.

                      If you want to set up a different administrator password, use the CLI command set password. For more information, see the Command Line Interface Reference Guide for Cisco Unified Solutions at http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​support/​unified-communications/​unified-communications-manager-callmanager/​products-maintenance-guides-list.html.

                      User Credential Configuration Settings

                      The following options display when you select an administrator account from the Administrator Account list. This table describes credential settings for each user.

                      Table 1  User Credential Settings



                      Account Locked By Administrator

                      Check this check box to lock this account and block access for this user.

                      Uncheck this check box to unlock the account and allow access for this user.

                      User Cannot Change Credentials

                      Check this check box to block this user from changing their password.

                      You cannot check this check box when the User Must Change Credentials at Next Login check box is checked.

                      User Must Change Credentials at Next Login

                      Check this check box to require the user to change their password at next login. Use this option after you assign a temporary password.

                      You cannot check this check box when the User Cannot Change Credentials check box is checked.

                      Credentials Do Not Expire

                      Check this check box to block the system from prompting the user to change their password. You can use this option for low-security users.

                      If checked, the user can still change their password at any time. When the check box is unchecked, the expiration setting in the associated credential policy applies.

                      Reset Failed Login Attempts

                      Check this check box to reset the number of failed login attempts for this user; The Time Locked Due to Failed Login Attempts and Time of Last Login Attempt fields are automatically cleared.

                      The number of failed login attempts increases whenever authentication fails for an incorrect credential.

                      Time Locked Due to Failed Login Attempts

                      This field displays the date and time that the system last locked this user account due to failed login attempts. The time gets set whenever failed login attempts equal the configured threshold in the credential policy.

                      Time of Last Failed Login Attempt

                      This field displays the date and time for the most recent failed login attempt for this user credential.

                      IP Address of Last Failed Login Attempt

                      This field displays the IP address of the user who last entered an invalid username or password.

                      Time Locked by Administrator

                      This field displays the date and time that the administrator locked this user account. This field is cleared after the administrator unlocks the credential.

                      Failed Login Attempts

                      This field displays the number of failed login attempts since the last successful login, since the administrator reset the failed login attempts for this user credential, or since the last reset of failed login attempts.

                      Time Last Changed

                      This field displays the date and time of the most recent password change for this user.

                      Last Changed by User Name

                      This field displays the username of the administrator who made the last password change.

                      Last Successful Login

                      This entry shows the date and time of the last successful login of a particular administrator.

                      IP Address of Last Successful Login

                      This field displays the IP address of the user who last logged in successfully.

                      Credential Policy Configuration

                      Configure the Credential Policy

                      The credential policy defines password requirements and account lockouts for administrator accounts in Cisco Prime License Manager. The policy contains settings for failed login resets, lockout durations, expiration periods, and password requirements. The Credential Policy Configuration window allows the Master Account to modify the existing credential policy for your system.

                      Passwords can contain any alphanumeric ASCII character and all ASCII special characters. A non-trivial password meets the following criteria:
                      • Must contain at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one number (0-9), and one special character.

                      • Must not contain the username.

                      • Must not contain only consecutive characters or numbers (for example, 654321 or ABCDEFG).

                        Step 1   From the main menu in Cisco Prime License Manager, select Administration > Administrator Accounts.
                        Step 2   Select Credential Policy.
                        Step 3   Modify the Credential Policy Configuration settings.

                        The system provides trivial credential checks to disallow passwords that are easily accessed. Enable trivial password checks by checking the Check for Trivial Credentials check box in the Credential Policy Configuration dialog box.

                        Customized Logon Message

                        In a co-resident deployment, a custom log-on message created for Cisco Unified Communications Manager automatically displays in the Cisco Prime License Manager logon window. You can upload a text file with your custom log-on message in the Cisco Unified OS Administration interface at Software Upgrades > Customized Logon Message.


                        A standalone deployment does not support a custom log-on message.