Cisco Unity Connection Provisioning Interface (CUPI) API -- Subscriber Dependency

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Subscriber Dependency API

Administrator can use this API to list the objects that reference a specified user. Using this API administrator can also replace the dependencies with another user.

Listing Dependencies of All Users

GET https://<connection-server>/vmrest/subscriberdependencies 

The following is the response from the above *GET* request and the actual response will depend upon the information given by you:

<SubscriberDependencies total="2">
   <DependentEntityOwner>Donald_UserTemplate_1 </DependentEntityOwner>
   <DependentEntityOwnerType>User Template </DependentEntityOwnerType>
   <DependentEntityOwner>Operator </DependentEntityOwner>
   <DependentEntityOwnerType>Call Handler </DependentEntityOwnerType>
Response Code: 200

JSON Example

GET https://<connection-server>/vmrest/subscriberdependencies
Accept: application /json
Connection: keep-alive 

The following is the response from the above *GET* request and the actual response will depend upon the information given by you:

  "@total": "2",
   "DependencyType": "TT2",
   "DependentEntityObjectId": "43205549-0127-48c9-9261-f84102a5890f",
   "DependentEntityObjectType": "3",
   "DependentEntityOwner": "Donald_UserTemplate_1",
   "DependencyDestinationType": "2",
   "SubscriberObjectId": "10b494ca-56ff-4430-a49f-747a33abbd09",
   "UserURI": "/vmrest/users/10b494ca-56ff-4430-a49f-747a33abbd09",
   "DependentEntityOwnerType": "User Template"
   "DependencyType": "Recipient",
   "DependentEntityObjectId": "beb9623b-60e4-439d-8fe3-b4c7eec42dfc",
   "DependentEntityObjectType": "3",
   "DependentEntityOwner": "Operator",
   "DependencyDestinationType": "5",
   "SubscriberObjectId": "cfbb6680-f028-4282-8740-ba7531e574cf",
   "UserURI": "/vmrest/users/cfbb6680-f028-4282-8740-ba7531e574cf",
   "DependentEntityOwnerType": "Call Handler"
Response Code: 200

Viewing Dependency of a Specific User

GET https://<connection-server>/vmrest/subscriberdependencies/<subscriber-objectid> 

The following is the response from the above *GET* request and the actual response will depend upon the information given by you:

<SubscriberDependencies total="1">
  <DependencyType>Standard Greeting</DependencyType>
  <DependentEntityOwnerType>Call Handler Template</DependentEntityOwnerType>
Response code: 200

JSON Example

GET https://<connection-server>/vmrest/subscriberdependencies/<subscriber-objectid>
Accept: application /json
Connection: keep-alive 

The following is the response from the above *GET* request and the actual response will depend upon the information given by you:

  "@total": "1",
  "DependencyType": "Standard Greeting",
  "DependentEntityObjectId": "7ea0ecb6-4125-4866-a0f6-5308a5a4b3d1",
  "DependentEntityObjectType": "66",
  "DependentEntityOwner": "Texoma_SystemCallhandlerTemplate_1",
  "DependencyDestinationType": "0",
  "SubscriberObjectId": "4bc6f97a-0c97-4ed9-a7e2-05e611bb02d3",
  "UserURI": "/vmrest/users/4bc6f97a-0c97-4ed9-a7e2-05e611bb02d3",
  "DependentEntityOwnerType": "Call Handler Template"
Response Code: 200

Finding Dependencies

Example 1:

Suppose following is the dependent object of a particular user and it is required to find the complete dependency, then below are the steps that should be followed. Dependent Object:

  <DependencyType>Standard Greeting</DependencyType>
  <DependentEntityOwner>Texoma_SystemCallhandlerTemplate_1 </DependentEntityOwner>
  <DependentEntityOwnerType>Call Handler Template</DependentEntityOwnerType>

Steps to be followed:

  • Check DependentEntityOwnerType and DependentEntityObjectId from the response, which depicts the type of object referencing the user. In the example, the referencing object entity is call handler template, whose name is 'Texoma_SystemCallhandlerTemplate_1' and object id is '7ea0ecb6-4125-4866-a0f6-5308a5a4b3d1'.
  • Check DependencyType, which specifies type of dependency. In this example, it is Standard Greeting. For more information, see the Possible Value of DependencyType section.
  • Check DependencyDestinationType, where user is actually referred. In the example, it is 0 that is After Greeting Action. For more information, see the Possible Values of DependencyDestinationType section.
  • Therefore, user is referenced in the After Greeting action of Standard Greeting of callhandler template(Texoma_SystemCallhandlerTemplate_1)

Example 2:

Dependent Object:


Steps to be followed:

  • Check the DependentEntityOwnerType and DependentEntityObjectId from response, which depicts the type of object referencing the user. In the example, the referencing object entity is user whose name is 'Donald_Operator_1' and object id is '476dd400-4130-4795-9e15-c8ce3dd57ff3'. For more information, see the Possible Value of DependencyType section.
  • Check DependencyType, which specifies type of dependency. In this example, the PCTRCaller is DependencyType.
  • Check DependencyDestinationType, where user is actually referred. In the example, it is 4 that is refrrenced by personal rule caller. For more information, see the Possible Values of DependencyDestinationType section.
  • In above example specified user is referenced in the personal call transfer rule of user (Donald_Operator_1).

Moving Dependencies of One User to Another

Example 1:

Suppose following is the dependent object of a particular user and it is required to move dependencies to another user, then below are the steps that should be followed. Dependent Object:

  <DependencyType>Standard Greeting</DependencyType>
  <DependentEntityOwner>Texoma_SystemCallhandlerTemplate_1 </DependentEntityOwner>
  <DependentEntityOwnerType>Call Handler Template</DependentEntityOwnerType>

Steps to be followed:

  • Check the DependentEntityOwnerType and DependentEntityObjectId from response. In this example, DependentEntityOwnerType is Call Handler Template, and DependentEntityObjectId is 7ea0ecb6-4125-4866-a0f6-5308a5a4b3d1.
  • Perform GET Operation on Dependent Object with DependentEntityObjectId as Object ID of dependent object entity. In this example use URI:

  • Check DependencyType, which specifies type of dependency. In this example it is Greeting (Standard), therefore, use GET on

  • Check DependencyDestinationType.In this example it is 0 that is After Greeting therefore, perform PUT operation to move the dependency to new user.

    PUT https://<connection-server>/vmrest/callhandlertemplates/<DependentEntityObjectId>/templategreetings/Standard

    Where, AfterGreetingTargetHandlerObjectId is the call handler of new user. In above example After Greeting action of Standard Greeting of call handler template is now referencing callhandler of new user.

Explanation of Data Fields

Parameter Operations Data Type Comments
UserURI Read Only String URI of referenced User
DependencyType Read Only String(24) Type of dependency (e.g., After Greeting, After Message, Routing Rule, etc.). Possible values are specified in the table given under the Possible Value of DependencyType section.
DependentEntityObjectId Read Only String(32) The unique identifier of the entity that is dependent on the user.
DependentEntityObjectType Read Only Integer The type of object that is dependent on the user. Possible values are specified in the table given under the Possible Values of DependentEntityObjectType section.
DependentEntityOwner Read Only String(36) The unique identifier of the entity that owns the object which is dependent on the user. For example, a user's call handler may be the dependent entity, but the call handler is owned by another user.
DependencyDestinationType Read Only Integer Possible values are specified in the table given under the Possible Values of DependencyDestinationType section.
SubscriberObjectId Read Only String(36) Unique Object Id of referenced User
DependentEntityOwnerType Read Only String(24) The entity owner type of object (e.g., User, Call Handler Template)

Possible Value of Dependency Type

Name Value Description DisplayName
NotificationRuleCaller NotificationRuleCaller Reference from notification rule caller Notification
GreetingOffHours GreetingOffHours Reference from closed greeting Closed Greeting
GreetingInternal GreetingInternal Reference from internal greeting Internal Greeting
GreetingError GreetingError Reference from error greeting Error Greeting
GreetingHoliday GreetingHoliday Reference from holiday greeting Holiday Greeting
GreetingAlternate GreetingAlternate Reference from alternate greeting Alternate Greeting
GreetingBusy GreetingBusy Reference from busy greeting Busy Greeting
GreetingStandard GreetingStandard Reference from standard greeting Standard Greeting
UserExit UserExit Reference from user's call handler's exit action Exit Action
PCTRCaller PCTRCaller Reference from personal rule caller PCTR Caller
SMPPProvider SMPP Reference from SMPP Provider SMPP Provider SMPP Provider
TT_Pound TT# Reference from call handler's TT# menu entry #
TT_Star TT* Reference from call handler's TT* menu entry *
TT_0 TT0 Reference from call handler's TT0 menu entry 0
TT_1 TT1 Reference from call handler's TT1 menu entry 1
TT_2 TT2 Reference from call handler's TT2 menu entry 2
TT_3 TT3 Reference from call handler's TT3 menu entry 3
TT_4 TT4 Reference from call handler's TT4 menu entry 4
TT_5 TT5 Reference from call handler's TT5 menu entry 5
TT_6 TT6 Reference from call handler's TT6 menu entry 6
TT_7 TT7 Reference from call handler's TT7 menu entry 7
TT_8 TT8 Reference from call handler's TT8 menu entry 8
TT_9 TT9 Reference from call handler's TT9 menu entry 9
AfterGreeting After Greeting Reference from call handler's "AfterGreeting" action After Greeting
AfterMessage AfterMessage Reference from call handler's "AfterMessage" action AfterMessage
Exit Exit Reference from call handler's "Exit" action Exit
NoInput NoInput Reference from call handler's "NoInput" action NoInput
NoSelection NoSelection Reference from call handler's "NoSelection" action AfterMessage
Zero Zero Reference from call handler's "Zero" action Zero
RoutingRule RoutingRule Reference from a routing rule's "Action". RoutingRule

Possible Values of DependentEntityObjectType

Name Value Description
CallHandler 3 CallHandler
DirectoryHandler 6 Directory Handler used to search a subset of the directory. Formerly referred to as "NameLookupHandler."
GreetingRule 66 Defines the greeting to play and the action to take for a call handler
InterviewHandler 5 Special case handler that asks the caller up to 20 questions
PersonalRuleCaller 45 A caller that drives a personal rule.
MenuEntry 67 Touch-tone menu entry for a call handler
NotificationRule 72 Specifies when and which notification device is used for notification of a new message.
Subscriber 21 User that has a subscription to a voice mail service and as such also is assigned at least one mailbox.
UserTemplate 10 Template for creating a new user.
RoutingRule 103 System call routing rule.
GlobalUser 104 Global user account type.
SMPPProvider 53 A provider of Short Message Peer-To-Peer services
CallHandlerTemplate 135 Template for creating new call handlers
NotificationRuleCaller 152 User triggering a notification rule

Possible Values of DependencyDestinationType

Name Value Description
AfterGreeting 0 The user is an After Greeting destination
AfterMessage 1 The user is an After Message destination
CallerInputKey 2 The user is a destination of a caller input key
DirectoryHandlerCallerInputKey 3 The user is a destination of a directory handler
PCTR 4 The user is referenced by a personal rule caller