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Updated:October 6, 2016
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Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In Release 1.x for VMware vSphere Web Client
First Published: December 2015
Revised Date: October 2016
Current Release: 1.x
This document describes the system requirements, feature information about known caveats, and workarounds in Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In, Release 1.x. This document also includes current information that became available after the technical documentation was published.
Make sure to review other available documentation on Cisco.com to obtain the most current information about Cisco UCS Manager plug-in.
Created Release notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
March 2015
Updated Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
August 2015
Updated Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
December 2015
Updated Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
March 2016
Updated Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
October 2016
Updated Release Notes for Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
Cisco UCS Manager plug-in is an extension for the vSphere Web Client. It enables virtualization administrator to view, manage, and monitor the Cisco UCS physical infrastructure. The plug-in provides a physical view of the UCS hardware inventory on the web client.
System Requirements
PowerCLI Release
VMware PowerCLI 6.0 or higher is required to run the plug-in registration tool 1.1.2. If your system is running PowerCLI 5.5 or earlier, then use plug-in registration tool 1.1.1.
VMware vSphere Web Client Releases
Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In is compatible with following vSphere Web Client Releases:
Release 5.5
Release 6.0
UCS Manager Releases
Cisco UCS Manager plug-in is compatible with the following UCS Manager releases:
Release 2.1
Release 2.2
Release 3.0
Features of Cisco UCS Manager Plug-In
This section briefly describes the key features introduced in Cisco UCS Manager plug-in.
Release 1.2(5)
Includes defect fixes
Release 1.2(2)
Includes defect fixes
Release 1.2(1)
Support for UCS Manager, Release 3.0
Support for UCS Mini
Includes defect fixes
Release 1.1(1)
Support for VMware vSphere web client 6.0
Firmware Management for blades and rack servers in UCS domain. You can perform the following operations:
– Upload firmware
– Modify firmware package version for the host firmware packs with option to move the affected ESX host into maintenance mode before triggering the firmware upgrade
View faults with ability to filter based on the severity
Release 1.0(1)
Cisco UCS physical hierarchy view.
Overall health of server and other infrastructure components.
Maps UCS servers to ESX hosts.
Inventory, installed firmware, faults, power, and temperature statistics for each server/ESX host.
KVM launch for all ESX and non-ESX servers.
Switch on and off locater LED and launch UCSM GUI for each server.
Registration tool for registering the plug-in with the vCenter.
Perform key actions on ESX, non-ESX servers, and other UCS components.
View service profile, service profile templates, server pools, and host firmware packs for each UCS Domain.
Server firmware management using host firmware pack.
Available Actions
Support for following actions on both ESX and non-ESX servers in UCS domains:
Create hardware or template-based service profile
Associate and disassociate service profiles
Manage associated BIOS Policy and modify BIOS settings
Manage host firmware pack
Launch KVM
Support for following UCS domain actions:
Reload UCS Domain
Associate server pool to server pool templates
Associate host firmware pack to server pool templates
Create service profile from a server pool template
Associate host firmware pack to service profile
Known Limitations
This section lists the known limitation for Cisco UCS Manager plug-in.
Release 1.1(2)
Symptom Displays connection error for a UCS domain or for all UCS domains.
Workaround To resolve this issue, do the following:
– Follow the vCenter best practices and ensure that the web client server has the required available resources.
– If Cisco UCS domain connection fails due to network connectivity issue, reregister the Cisco UCS domain.
Symptom All the UCS domains unregister.
Workaround Restart the web client service. If the issue continues, register the UCS domains again.
Symptom Channel disconnect error.
Workaround Click Ok on the error message dialog box. If you are unable to load the view, move to parent object and then navigate to the page you want.
Resolved Caveats
Release 1.2(5)
Table 2 Resolved Caveats in Release 1.2(5)
Defect ID
First Affected Release
Resolved in Release
Cisco UCS plug-in is not available in the VMware vSphere Web Client UI after successful registration.
Release 1.2(2)
Table 3 Resolved Caveats in Release 1.2(2)
Defect ID
First Affected Release
Resolved in Release
When two or more plug-ins are registered or deployed on VMware vSphere Web Client, the Cisco UCS Manager plug-in registration fails.
When you try to launch KVM from UCS Manager plug-in from VMware vSphere Web Client, it fails with the following error:
Not able to launch KVM. The ip address to reach the server is not set
Open Caveats
Open caveat is provided in the following release-specific table:
Open caveats may be listed in association with the release in which they were first noticed or in the release identified as the first affected. We recommend to review open caveats in all releases to avoid overlooking a defect that impact their release.
Release 1.2(2)
Table 4 Open Caveat in Release 1.2(2)
Defect ID
First Bundle Affected
Unable to launch KVM console when only in-band access is configured for Cisco IMC.
KVM launch fails or it is launched with a predefined IP address without an option to select the IP address to launch KVM.
Set a single IP address which you want the system to use for launching KVM
Release 1.2(1)
Table 5 Open Caveat in Release 1.2(1)
Defect ID
First Bundle Affected
Manage BIOS policy action for server shows policies from sub orgs
Do not assign policies from suborg
Manage HFP action for server shows policies from sub orgs
Do not assign policies from suborg
The power statistics in server monitor section show UCS disconnected
To resolve this issue, perform one of the following:
Go to other plug-in pages and come back to this UI
Re-register the UCS domain.
The following caveat is open in Release 1.1(1):
Table 6 Open Caveat in Release 1.1(1)
Defect ID
First Bundle Affected
For M4 and M3 servers, UUID on ESX and UCS Manager is different.
If there is multiple host failure, only one host failure message is captured.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
a. In Modify Package Version wizard, check the state of the ESX hosts for any running Enter maintenance mode tasks.
b. Terminate all the running Enter maintenance hosts tasks for the associated ESX hosts.
c. If any of the hosts are moved to maintenance, click Exit Maintenance Mode using vSphere client.
If Modify Package Version operation is aborted due to delayed response from Cisco UCS Manager plug-in, following error messages are displayed:
“Unable to move host to maintenance mode in time. Enter maintenance mode task triggered for the following hosts:”
Incorrect ESX and non-ESX server count displayed on the Chassis Summary page.
None. Refer the left pane for correct ESX and non-ESX servers.
Cisco UCS Communities
Cisco UCS Communities is a platform to discuss, share, and learn about the Cisco Products and Technologies. For blogs, discussion forums and documents related to UCS integrations with partner ecosystem, visit Cisco UCS Integrations.
Related Documentation
For more information, you can access related documents from the following links:
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation:
Subscribe to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.
This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the
“Related Documentation” section.
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