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Prerequisites for Cisco StackWise Virtual
Both switches in the Cisco StackWise Virtual pair must be directly connected to each other.
Both switches in the Cisco StackWise Virtual pair must be of the same switch model.
Both switches in the Cisco StackWise Virtual pair must be running the same license level.
Both switches in the Cisco StackWise Virtual pair must be running the same software version.
Both switches in the Cisco StackWise Virtual pair must be running the same SDM template.
All the ports used for configuring a StackWise Virtual Link (SVL) must share the same speed. For example, you cannot configure
a 10G or a 40G port to form an SVL, simultaneously.
When you enable Cisco StackWise Virtual on the device:
Layer 2, Layer 3, Security, Quality of Service, Multicast, Application, Monitoring and Management, Multiprotocol Label Switching,
and High Availability are supported. Contact the Cisco Technical Support Centre for the specific list of features that are
supported under each one of these technologies.
Resilient Ethernet Protocol, Remote Switched Port Analyzer, and Sofware-Defined Access are NOT supported.
Restrictions for Cisco StackWise Virtual
Cisco StackWise Virtual is supported only on Cisco Catalyst 9404R and Cisco Catalyst 9407R switches.
Cisco StackWise Virtual is supported on Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module (C9400-SUP-1) and Cisco Catalyst 9400
Series Supervisor 1XL Module (C9400-SUP-1XL). The feature requires a special, additional, C9400-SUP-UPG-LIC= license with
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module (C9400-SUP-1).
Cisco StackWise Virtual configuration commands will be recognised only on a switch running Network Advantage license. The
configuration commands will not be recognised on a Network Essentials license.
StackWise Virtual Link (SVL) connections are established only through 10G or 40G uplink ports on the supervisor module. You
cannot establish an SVL using a 10G port on one switch and a 40G port on the other switch.
Cisco StackWise Virtual can be configured only on one supervisor module per chassis. You must not install two supervisor modules
in each chassis used in the Cisco StackWise Virtual solution.
When deploying Cisco StackWise Virtual, ensure that VLAN ID 4094 is not used anywhere on the network. All inter-chassis system
control communication between stack members is carried over the reserved VLAN ID 4094 from the global range.
Dual-active detection (DAD) and StackWise Virtual (SVL) link configuration must be performed manually and the device should
be rebooted for the configuration changes to take effect.
Fast Hello dual-active detection is supported only on supervisor module ports. Enhanced PAgP dual-active detection is supported
on supervisor module ports and line cards.
Only Cisco Transceiver Modules are supported.
The interface VLAN MAC address that is assigned by default, can be overridden using the mac-address command. If this command is configured on a single SVI or router port that requires Layer 3 injected packets, all other SVIs
or routed ports on the device also must be configured with the same first four most significant bytes (4MSB) of the MAC address.
For example, if you set the MAC address of any SVI to xxxx.yyyy.zzzz, set the MAC address of all other SVIs to start with
xxxx.yyyy. If Layer 3 injected packets are not used, this restriction does not apply.
This applies to all Layer 3 ports, SVIs, and routed ports. This does not apply to GigabitEthernet0/0 port.
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches do not support pre-provisioning. This affects how the standby or active switch configuration
is stored in the running and startup configuration. If an active switch is powered off, during the active switch changeover,
the existing active switch will be removed from the running configuration of the new switch. Executing the write command during
the changeover will remove the active switch configuration from the startup configuration also.
If a standby switch is powered off, the standby switch configuration will be removed from the running configuration. Executing
the write command will remove the standby configuration from the startup configuration also. The standby configuration will
be re-learnt when the standby switch re-joins the stack.
Information About Cisco StackWise Virtual
Cisco StackWise Virtual on Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches
Starting with Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1, Cisco StackWise Virtual is supported on Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches. This
section describes the Cisco StackWise Virtual features specific to Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches.
You can configure upto 8 SVLs in a Cisco StackWise Virtual solution using Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches.
Cisco StackWise Virtual links can have up to 80GE combined bandwidth per chassis, that is up to 8x10GE or 2x40GE per chassis.
After configuring StackWise Virtual mode in a standalone chassis, the interface naming convention changes from the default
3-tuple (slot/bay/port) to 4-tuple (chassis/slot/bay/port) which includes the chassis identifier as part of the interface
name. For example, Gi2/0/1 will change to Gi1/2/0/1 where the first number denotes the chassis number.
The following points explain changes to SNMP with the introduction of 4-tuple interface naming convention:
The physical index for chassis 1 and 2 are 2 and 500 respectively.
The physical index for the slots in chassis 1 is in the range of 1000-10000 and slots in chassis 2 is in the range of 11000-20000.
All MIB Object Identifiers (OID) that require a slot number for query will use a physical slot index in the flat number space
{1, 2, 3...20}, where slots 1-10 indicate chassis 1 and slots 11-20 indicate chassis 2.
Use show snmp slot-mapping command to display the chassis/slot mapping.
StackWise Virtual Overview
Cisco StackWise Virtual is a network system virtualization technology that pairs two switches into one virtual switch. Switches
in a Cisco StackWise Virtual solution increase operational efficiency by using single control and management plane, scale
system bandwidth with distributed forwarding plane, and assist in building resilient networks using the recommended network
design. Cisco StackWise Virtual allows two physical switches to operate as a single logical virtual switch using a 40G or
10G Ethernet connection.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Topology
A typical network design consists of core, distribution, and access layers. The default mode of a switch is standalone. When
two redundant switches are deployed in the distribution layer, the following network challenges arise:
If VLAN IDs are reused between access layers then, it will introduce a spanning tree loop that will impact the overall performance
of the network.
Spanning tree protocols and configuration are required to protect Layer 2 network against spanning tree protocol loop, and
root and bridge protocol data unit management.
Additional protocols such as first hop redundancy protocol are required to virtualize the IP gateway function. This should
align with STP root priorities for each VLAN.
The Protocol independent multicast designated router (PIM DR) configuration should be fine-tuned to selectively build a multicast
forwarding topology on a VLAN.
The standalone distribution layer system provides protocol-driven remote failure and detection, which results in slower convergence
time. Fine-tune FHRP and PIM timers for rapid fault detection and recovery process.
We recommend Cisco StackWise Virtual model for aggregation layers and collapsed aggregation and core layers. The stack can
be formed over a redundant 40G or 10G fiber links to ensure that the distribution or the aggregation switches can be deployed
over a large distance.
Note that STP keeps one of the ports connected to the distribution switches blocked on the access switches. As a result of
this, an active link failure causes STP convergence and the network suffers from traffic loss, flooding, and a possible transient
loop in the network. On the other hand, if the switches are logically merged into one switch, all the access switches might
form an EtherChannel bundle with distribution switches, and a link failure within an EtherChannel would not have any impact
as long as at least one member within the EtherChannel is active.
Figure 1. Typical Network Design using Cisco StackWise Virtual
Etherchannel in StackWise Virtual is capable of implementing Multi-chassis EtherChannel (MEC) across the stack members. When
access layer and aggregation layer are collapsed into a single StackWise Virtual system, MEC across the different access layer
domain members and across distribution and access layer switches will not be supported. MEC is designed to forward the traffic
over the local link irrespective of the hash result.
Since the control plane, management plane, and data plane are integrated, the system behaves as a single switch.
The virtualization of multiple physical switches into a single logical switch is from a control and management plane perspective
only. Because of the control plane being common, it may look like a single logical entity to peer switches. The data plane
of the switches is distributed. Each switch is capable of forwarding over its local interfaces without involving other members.
However, when a packet coming into a switch has to be forwarded over a different member’s port, the forwarding context of
the packet is carried over to the destination switch after ingress processing is performed in the ingress switch. Egress processing
is done only in the egress switch. This provides a uniform data plane behavior to the entire switch irrespective whether of
the destination port is in a local switch or in a remote switch. However, the common control plane ensures that all the switches
have equivalent data plane entry for each forwarding entity.
An election mechanism elects one of the switches to be Cisco StackWise Virtual active and the other switch to be Cisco StackWise
Virtual standby in terms of Control Plane functions. The active switch is responsible for all the management, bridging and
routing protocols, and software data path. The standby switch is in hot standby state ready to take over the role of active,
if the active switch fails over.
The following are the components of the Cisco StackWise Virtual solution:
Stack members
StackWise Virtual link: 10G or 40G Ethernet connections. SVL is established using the 10G or 40G interfaces on the supported
switch models. However, a combination of both the interfaces is not supported.
StackWise Virtual link is the link that connects the switches over Ethernet. Typically, Cisco StackWise Virtual consists of
multiple 10-G or 40-G physical links. It carries all the control and data traffic between the switching units. You can configure
a StackWise Virtual link on a supported port. When a switch is powered up and the hardware is initialized, it looks for a
configured StackWise Virtual link before the initialization of the control plane.
The Link Management Protocol (LMP) is activated on each link of the StackWise Virtual links as soon as the links are established.
LMP ensure the integrity of SVL links and monitors and maintains the health of the links. The redundancy role of each switch
is resolved by the StackWise Discovery Protocol (SDP). It ensures that the hardware and software versions are compatible to
form the SVL and determines which switch becomes active or standby from a control plane perspective.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Header (SVH) is 64-byte frame header that is prepended over all control, data, and management plane
traffic that traverse over each SVL between the two stack members of the Cisco StackWise Virtual domain. The SVH-encapsulated
traffic operates at OSI Layer 2 and can be recognized and processed only by Cisco StackWise Virtual-enabled switches. SVL
interfaces are non-bridgeable and non-routeable, and allows non-routeable traffic over L2 or L3 network.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Redundancy
Cisco StackWise Virtual operates stateful switchover (SSO) between the active and standby switches. The following are the
ways in which Cisco StackWise Virtual's redundancy model differs from that of the standalone mode:
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active and standby switches are hosted in separate switches and use a StackWise Virtual link to
exchange information.
The active switch controls both the switches of Cisco StackWise Virtual. The active switch runs the Layer 2 and Layer 3 control
protocols and manages the switching modules of both the switches.
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active and standby switches perform data traffic forwarding.
If the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch fails, the standby switch initiates a switchover and assumes the Cisco StackWise
Virtual active switch role.
SSO Redundancy
A StackWise Virtual system operates with SSO redundancy if it meets the following requirements:
Both the switches must be running the same software version, unless they are in the process of software upgrade.
StackWise Virtual link-related configuration in the two switches must match.
License type must be same on both the switch models.
Both the switch models must be in the same StackWise Virtual domain.
With SSO redundancy, the StackWise Virtual standby switch is always ready to assume control if a fault occurs on the StackWise
Virtual active switch. Configuration, forwarding, and state information are synchronized from the StackWise Virtual active
switch to the redundant switch at startup, and whenever changes to the StackWise Virtual active switch configuration occur.
If a switchover occurs, traffic disruption is minimized.
If StackWise Virtual does not meet the requirements for SSO redundancy, it will be incapable of establishing a relationship
with the peer switch. StackWise Virtual runs stateful switchover (SSO) between the StackWise Virtual active and standby switches.
The StackWise Virtual determines the role of each switch during initialization.
The CPU in the StackWise Virtual standby switch runs in hot standby state. StackWise Virtual uses a StackWise Virtual link
to synchronize configuration data from the StackWise Virtual active switch to the StackWise Virtual standby switch. Also,
protocols and features that support high availability synchronize their events and state information to the StackWise Virtual
standby switch.
Nonstop Forwarding
While implementing Nonstop Forwarding (NSF) technology in systems using SSO redundancy mode, network disruptions are minimized
for campus users and applications. High availability is provided even when the control-plane processing stack-member switch
is reset. During a failure of the underlying Layer 3, NSF-capable protocols perform graceful network topology resynchronization.
The preset forwarding information on the redundant stack-member switch remains intact; this switch continues to forward the
data in the network. This service availability significantly lowers the mean time to repair (MTTR) and increases the mean
time between failure (MTBF) to achieve a high level of network availability.
Multichassis EtherChannels
Multichassis EtherChannel (MEC) is an EtherChannel bundled with physical ports having common characteristics such as speed
and duplex, that are distributed across each Cisco StackWise Virtual system. A Cisco StackWise Virtual MEC can connect to
any network element that supports EtherChannel (such as a host, server, router, or switch). Cisco StackWise Virtual supports
up to 128 MECs deployed in Layer 2 or Layer 3 modes. EtherChannel 128 is reserved for SVL connections. Hence, the maximum
available MEC count is 127.
In a Cisco StackWise Virtual system, an MEC is an EtherChannel with additional capability. A multichassis EtherChannel link
reduces the amount of traffic that requires transmission across the StackWise Virtual link by populating the index port only
with the ports local to the physical switch. This allows the switch to give precedence to the local ports of the multichassis
EtherChannel link over those on the remote switch.
Each MEC can optionally be configured to support either Cisco PAgP, IEEE LACP, or Static ON mode. We recommend that you implement
EtherChannel using Cisco PAgP or LACP with a compatible neighbor. If a remotely connected neighbor such as Cisco Wireless
LAN Controller (WLC) does not support this link-bundling protocol, then a Static ON mode can be deployed. These protocols
run only on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch.
An MEC can support up to eight physical links that can be distributed in any proportion between the Cisco StackWise Virtual
active switch and the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch. We recommend that you distribute the MEC ports across both switches
MEC Minimum Latency Load Balancing
The StackWise Virtual environment is designed such that data forwarding always remains within the switch. The Virtual Stack
always tries to forward traffic on the locally available links. This is true for both Layer 2 and Layer3 links. The primary
motivation for local forwarding is to avoid unnecessarily sending data traffic over the StackWise Virtual link and thus reduce
the latency (extra hop over the SVL) and congestion.The bidirectional traffic is load-shared between the two StackWise Virtual
members. However, for each StackWise Virtual member, ingress and egress traffic forwarding is based on locally-attached links
that are part of MEC. This local forwarding is a key concept in understanding convergence and fault conditions in a StackWise
Virtual enabled campus network.
The active and standby switches support local forwarding that will individually perform the desired lookups and forward the
traffic on local links to uplink neighbors. If the destination is a remote switch in the StackWise Virtual domain, ingress
processing is performed on the ingress switch and then traffic is forwarded over the StackWise Virtual link to the egress
switch where only egress processing is performed.
MEC Failure Scenarios
We recommend that you configure a MEC with at least one link to each switch. This configuration ensures that there is always
an alternate path for data traffic in case of a switch failure.
The following sections describe issues that may arise and the resulting impact:
Single MEC Link Failure
If a link within a MEC fails (and other links in the MEC are still operational), the MEC redistributes the load among the
operational links, as in a regular port.
All MEC Links to the Cisco StackWise Virtual Active Switch Fail
If all the links to the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch fail, a MEC becomes a regular EtherChannel with operational
links to the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch.
Data traffic that terminates on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch reaches the MEC by crossing a StackWise Virtual
link to the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch. Control protocols continue to run in the Cisco StackWise Virtual active
switch. Protocol messages reach the MEC by crossing a StackWise Virtual link.
All MEC Links Fail
If all the links in an MEC fail, the logical interface for the EtherChannel is set to Unavailable. Layer 2 control protocols
perform the same corrective action as for a link-down event on a regular EtherChannel.
On adjacent switches, routing protocols and the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) perform the same corrective action as for a
regular EtherChannel.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Standby Switch Failure
If the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch fails, a MEC becomes a regular EtherChannel with operational links on the Cisco
StackWise Virtual active switch. Connected peer switches detect the link failures, and adjust their load-balancing algorithms
to use only the links to the StackWise Virtual active switch.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Active Switch Failure
Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch failure results in a stateful switchover (SSO). After the switchover, a MEC is operational
on the new Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch. Connected peer switches detect the link failures (to the failed switch),
and adjust their load-balancing algorithms to use only the links to the new Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch.
Cisco StackWise Virtual Packet Handling
In Cisco StackWise Virtual, the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch runs the Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols and features
and manages the ports on both the switches.
Cisco StackWise Virtual uses StackWise Virtual link to communicate system and protocol information between the peer switches
and to carry data traffic between the two switches.
The following sections describe packet handling in Cisco StackWise Virtual.
Traffic on a StackWise Virtual link
A StackWise Virtual link carries data traffic and in-band control traffic between two switches. All the frames that are forwarded
over the StackWise Virtual link are encapsulated with a special StackWise Virtual Header (SVH). The SVH adds an overhead of
64 bytes for control and data traffic, which provides information for Cisco StackWise Virtual to forward the packet on the
peer switch.
A StackWise Virtual link transports control messages between two switches. Messages include protocol messages that are processed
by the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch, but received or transmitted by interfaces on the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby
switch. Control traffic also includes module programming between the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch and the switching
modules on the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch.
Cisco StackWise Virtual transmits data traffic over a StackWise Virtual link under the following circumstances:
Layer 2 traffic flooded over a VLAN (even for dual-homed links).
Packets processed by software on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch where the ingress interface is on the Cisco StackWise
Virtual standby switch.
The packet destination is on the peer switch, as described in the following examples:
Traffic within a VLAN where the known destination interface is on the peer switch.
Traffic that is replicated for a multicast group and the multicast receivers are on the peer switch.
The known unicast destination MAC address is on the peer switch.
The packet is a MAC notification frame destined for a port on the peer switch.
A StackWise Virtual link also transports system data, such as NetFlow export data and SNMP data, from the Cisco StackWise
Virtual standby switch to the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch.
Traffic on the StackWise Virtual link is load balanced with the same global hashing algorithms available for EtherChannels
(the default algorithm is source-destination IP).
Layer 2 Protocols
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch runs the Layer 2 protocols (such as STP and VTP) for the switching modules on both
the switches. Protocol messages that are received on the standby switch ports must traverse SVL links to reach the active
switch where they are processed. Similarly, protocol messages that are transmitted from the standby switch ports originate
on the active switch, and traverse the SVL links to reach the standby ports.
All the Layer 2 protocols in Cisco StackWise Virtual work similarly in standalone mode. The following sections describe the
difference in behavior for some protocols in Cisco StackWise Virtual.
Spanning Tree Protocol
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch runs the STP. The Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch redirects the STP BPDUs
across a StackWise Virtual link to the StackWise Virtual active switch.
The STP bridge ID is commonly derived from the switch MAC address. To ensure that the bridge ID does not change after a switchover,
Cisco StackWise Virtual continues to use the original switch MAC address for the STP Bridge ID.
EtherChannel Control Protocols
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) packets contain a device identifier. Cisco
StackWise Virtual defines a common device identifier for both the switches. Use either PAgP or LACP on Multi EtherChannels
instead of mode ON, even if all the three modes are supported.
A new PAgP enhancement has been defined for assisting with dual-active scenario detection.
Switched Port Analyzer
Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) on StackWise Virtual link ports is not supported; SVL ports can be neither a SPAN source, nor
a SPAN destination. Cisco StackWise Virtual supports all the SPAN features for non-SVL interfaces. The number of SPAN sessions
that are available on Cisco StackWise Virtual matches that on a single switch running in standalone mode.
Private VLANs
Private VLANs on StackWise Virtual work the same way as in standalone mode. The only exception is that the native VLAN on
isolated trunk ports must be configured explicitly.
Apart from STP, EtherChannel Control Protocols, SPAN, and private VLANs, the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), Cisco Discovery
Protocol (CDP), VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP), and Unidirectional Link Detection Protocol (UDLD) are the additional Layer 2 control-plane
protocols that run over the SVL connections.
Layer 3 Protocols
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch runs the Layer 3 protocols and features for the StackWise Virtual. All the Layer
3 protocol packets are sent to and processed by the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch. Both the member switches perform
hardware forwarding for ingress traffic on their interfaces. When software forwarding is required, packets are sent to the
Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch for processing.
The same router MAC address assigned by the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch is used for all the Layer 3 interfaces
on both the Cisco StackWise Virtual member switches. After a switchover, the original router MAC address is still used. The
router MAC address is chosen based on chassis-mac and is preserved after switchover by default. The following sections describe
the Layer 3 protocols for Cisco StackWise Virtual.
IPv4 Unicast
The CPU on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch runs the IPv4 routing protocols and performs any required software forwarding.
All the routing protocol packets received on the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch are redirected to the Cisco StackWise
Virtual active switch across the StackWise Virtual link. The Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch generates all the routing
protocol packets to be sent out over ports on either of the Cisco StackWise Virtual member switches.
Hardware forwarding is distributed across both members on Cisco StackWise Virtual. The CPU on the Cisco StackWise Virtual
active switch sends Forwarding Information Base (FIB) updates to the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch, which in turn
installs all the routes and adjacencies into hardware.
Packets intended for a local adjacency (reachable by local ports) are forwarded locally on the ingress switch. Packets intended
for a remote adjacency (reachable by remote ports) must traverse the StackWise Virtual link.
The CPU on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch performs all software forwarding and feature processing (such as fragmentation
and Time to Live exceed functions). If a switchover occurs, software forwarding is disrupted until the new Cisco StackWise
Virtual active switch obtains the latest Cisco Express Forwarding and other forwarding information.
In virtual switch mode, the requirements to support non-stop forwarding (NSF) match those in the standalone redundant mode
of operation.
From a routing peer perspective, Multi-Chassis EtherChannels (MEC) remain operational during a switchover, that is, only
the links to the failed switch are down, but the routing adjacencies remain valid.
Cisco StackWise Virtual achieves Layer 3 load balancing over all the paths in the Forwarding Information Base entries, be
it local or remote.
Cisco StackWise Virtual supports IPv6 unicast and multicast because it is present in the standalone system.
IPv4 Multicast
The IPv4 multicast protocols run on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch. Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) protocol packets received on the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch are transmitted
across a StackWise Virtual link to the StackWise Virtual active switch. The latter generates IGMP and PIM protocol packets
to be sent over ports on either of the Cisco StackWise Virtual members.
The Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch synchronizes the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) state to the Cisco
StackWise Virtual standby switch. On both the member switches, all the multicast routes are loaded in the hardware, with replica
expansion table (RET) entries programmed for only local, outgoing interfaces. Both the member switches are capable of performing
hardware forwarding.
To avoid multicast route changes as a result of a switchover, we recommend that all the links carrying multicast traffic
be configured as MEC rather than Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP).
For packets traversing a StackWise Virtual link, all Layer 3 multicast replications occur on the egress switch. If there
are multiple receivers on the egress switch, only one packet is replicated and forwarded over the StackWise Virtual link,
and then replicated to all the local egress ports.
Software Features
Software features run only on the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch. Incoming packets to the Cisco StackWise Virtual
standby switch that require software processing are sent across a StackWise Virtual link to the Cisco StackWise Virtual active
Dual-Active Detection
If the standby switch detects a complete loss of the StackWise Virtual link, it assumes the active switch has failed and will
take over as the active switch. However, if the original Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch is still operational, both
the switches will now be Cisco StackWise Virtual active switches. This situation is called a dual-active scenario. This scenario
can have adverse effects on network stability because both the switches use the same IP addresses, SSH keys, and STP bridge
IDs. Cisco StackWise Virtual detects a dual-active scenario and takes recovery action. Dual-active-detection link is the dedicated
link used to mitigate this.
If a StackWise Virtual link fails, the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch cannot determine the state of the Cisco StackWise
Virtual active switch. To ensure that switchover occurs without delay, the Cisco StackWise Virtual standby switch assumes
that the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch has failed and initiates switchover to take over the Cisco StackWise Virtual
active role. The original Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch enters recovery mode and brings down all the interfaces except
the StackWise Virtual link and the management interfaces.
Dual-Active-Detection Link with Fast Hello
To use the dual-active fast hello packet detection method, you must provision a direct ethernet connection between the two
Cisco StackWise Virtual switches. You can dedicate up to four links for this purpose.
The two switches periodically exchange special dual-active hello messages containing information about the switch state. If
all SVLs fail and a dual-active scenario occurs, each switch recognizes that there is a dual-active scenario from the peer's
messages. This initiates recovery actions as described in the Recovery Actions section. If a switch does not receive an expected dual-active fast hello message from the peer before the timer expires,
the switch assumes that the link is no longer capable of dual-active detection.
Do not use the same port for SVL and DAD link.
Dual-Active Detection with enhanced PAgP
Port aggregation protocol (PAgP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol used for managing EtherChannels. If a StackWise Virtual MEC
terminates on a Cisco switch, you can run PAgP protocol on the MEC. If PAgP is running on the MECs between the StackWise Virtual
switch and an upstream or downstream switch, the StackWise Virtual can use PAgP to detect a dual-active scenario. The MEC
must have at least one port on each switch of the StackWise Virtual setup.
Enhanced PAgP is an extension of the PAgP protocol. In virtual switch mode, ePAgP messages include a new type length value
(TLV) which contains the ID of the StackWise Virtual active switch. Only switches in virtual switch mode send the new TLV.
When the StackWise Virtual standby switch detects SVL failure, it initiates SSO and becomes StackWise Virtual active. Subsequent
ePAgP messages sent to the connected switch from the newly StackWise Virtual active switch contain the new StackWise Virtual
active ID. The connected switch sends ePAgP messages with the new StackWise Virtual active ID to both StackWise Virtual switches.
If the formerly StackWise Virtual active switch is still operational, it detects the dual-active scenario because the StackWise
Virtual active ID in the ePAgP messages changes.
Figure 2. Dual-active-detection with ePAgP
To avoid PAgP flaps and to ensure that dual-active detection functions as expected, the stack MAC persistent wait timer must
be configured as indefinite using the command stack-mac persistent timer 0 .
Recovery Actions
A Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch that detects a dual-active condition shuts down all of its non-SVL interfaces to remove
itself from the network. The switch then waits in recovery mode until the SVLs have been recovered. You should physically
repair the SVL failure and the recovery switch should be manually reloaded for it to be the standby switch.
Implementing Cisco StackWise Virtual
The two-node solution of Cisco StackWise Virtual is normally deployed at the aggregation layer. Two switches are connected
over an SVL.
Cisco StackWise Virtual combines the two switches into a single logical switch with a large number of ports, offering a single
point of management. One of the member switches is the active and works as the control and management plane, while the other
one is the standby. The virtualization of multiple physical switches into a single logical switch is only from a control and
management perspective. Because of the control plane being common, it may look like a single logical entity to peer switches.
The data plane of the switches are converged, that is, the forwarding context of a switch might be passed to the other member
switch for further processing when traffic is forwarded across the switches. However, the common control plane ensures that
all the switches have equivalent data plane entry for each forwarding entity.
Figure 3. Two-Node Solution
An election mechanism that determines which switch is Cisco StackWise Virtual active and which one is a control plane standby,
is available. The active switch is responsible for management, bridging and routing protocols, and software data path. These
are centralized on the active switch supervisor of the Cisco StackWise Virtual active switch.
How to Configure Cisco StackWise Virtual
Configuring Cisco StackWise Virtual Settings
To enable StackWise Virtual, perform the following procedure :
Command or Action
Step 1
Enables privileged EXEC mode.
Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2
switchswitch-numberrenumbernew switch -number
Device#switch 1 renumber 2
(Optional) Reassigns the switch number.
The default switch number will be 1. The valid values for the new switch number are 1 and 2.
Step 3
Device#switch 1 priority 5
(Optional) Assigns the priority number.
The default priority number is 1. The highest priority number is 15.
Step 4
Device#configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 5
Enables Cisco StackWise Virtual and enters stackwise-virtual submode.
Step 6
domain id
Device(config-stackwise-virtual)#domain 2
(Optional) Specifies the Cisco StackWise Virtual domain ID.
The domain ID range is from 1 to 255. The default value is one.
Step 7
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8
show stackwise-virtual
Device#show stackwise-virtual
Step 9
write memory
Device#write memory
Saves the running-configuration which resides in the system RAM and updates the ROMmon variables. If you do not save the changes,
the changes will no longer be part of the startup configuration when the switch reloads. Note that the configurations for
stackwise-virtual and domain are saved to the running-configuration and the startup-configuration after the reload.
Step 10
Restarts the switch and forms the stack.
Configuring Cisco StackWise Virtual Link
SVL is supported on all 10G, 40G and 25G interfaces of the supported switch models. However, a combination of different interface
speeds is not supported.
To configure a switch port as an SVL port, perform the following procedure :
Saves the running-configuration which resides in the system RAM and updates the ROMmon variables. If you do not save the changes,
the changes will no longer be part of the startup configuration when the switch reloads. Note that the configuration for stackwise-virtual link link value is saved only in the running-configuration and not the startup-configuration.
Step 7
Restarts the switch.
Configuring StackWise Virtual Fast Hello Dual-Active-Detection Link
To configure StackWise Virtual Fast Hello DAD link, perform the following procedure. This procedure is optional.
Associates the interface with StackWise Virtual dual-active-detection.
This command will not be visible on the device after the configuration, but will continue to function.
Step 5
Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6
write memory
Device#write memory
Saves the running-configuration which resides in the system RAM and updates the ROMmon variables. If you do not save the changes,
the changes will no longer be part of the startup configuration when the switch reloads. Note that the configuration for stackwise-virtual dual-active-detection is saved only in the running-configuration and not the startup-configuration.
Step 7
Restarts the switch and configuration takes effect.
Enabling ePAgP Dual-Active-Detection
To enable ePAgP dual-active-detection on a switch port, perform the following procedure on . This procedure is optional.
Enables dual-active detection trust mode on channel-group with the configured ID.
Step 12
Exits the StackWise-Virtual configuration mode.
Step 13
interface port-channelportchannel
Device(config)#interface port-channel 1
Configured port-channel on the switch.
Step 14
no shutdown
Device(config-if)#no shutdown
Enables the configured port-channel on the switch.
Step 15
Exits interface configuration.
Step 16
write memory
Device#write memory
Saves the running-configuration which resides in the system RAM and updates the ROMmon variables. If you do not save the changes,
the changes will no longer be part of the startup configuration when the switch reloads. Note that the configuration for dual-active detection pagp trust channel-group channel-group id is saved to the running-configuration and the startup-configuration after the reload.
Step 17
Restarts the switch and configuration takes effect.
Disabling Cisco StackWise Virtual
To disable Cisco StackWise Virtual on a switch, perform the following procedure:
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To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product
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Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.
This table provides release and related information for features explained in this module.
These features are available on all releases subsequent to the one they were introduced in, unless noted otherwise.
Feature Information
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.1
Cisco StackWise Virtual
Cisco StackWise Virtual is a network system virtualization technology that pairs two switches into one virtual switch to simplify
operational efficiency with a single control and management plane.
Support for this feature was introduced on the following chassis models and supervisor modules:
Chassis Models: Catalyst 9404R Switch and Catalyst 9407R Switch.
Supervisor Modules:
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1 Module (C9400-SUP-1). The feature requires a special, additional, C9400-SUP-UPG-LIC=
license with this supervisor module.
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Supervisor 1XL Module(C9400-SUP-1XL).
Use the Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform and software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator,
go to