- Index
- Preface
- Overview
- Using the Command-Line Interface
- Clustering Switches
- Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway
- Configuring Cisco IOS Configuration Engine
- Managing Switch Stacks
- Administering the Switch
- Configuring SDM Templates
- Configuring Switch-Based Authentication
- Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication
- Configuring Web-Based Authentication
- Configuring Interface Characteristics
- Configuring VLANs
- Configuring VTP
- Configuring Voice VLAN
- Configuring Private VLANs
- Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
- Configuring STP
- Configuring MSTP
- Configuring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
- Configuring Flex Links and the MAC Address-Table Move Update Feature
- Configuring DHCP Features and IP Source Guard
- Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection
- Configuring IGMP Snooping and MVR
- Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control
- Configuring CDP
- Configuring LLDP, LLDP-MED, and Wired Location Service
- Configuring UDLD
- Configuring SPAN and RSPAN
- Configuring RMON
- Configuring System Message Logging and Smart Logging
- Configuring SNMP
- Configuring Embedded Event Manager
- Configuring Network Security with ACLs
- Configuring QoS
- Configuring EtherChannels and Link-State Tracking
- Configuring TelePresence E911 IP Phone Support
- Configuring IP Unicast Routing
- Configuring IPv6 Routing
- Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping
- Configuring IPv6 ACLs
- Configuring HSRP and VRRP
- Configuring Cisco IOS IP SLAs Operations
- Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking
- Configuring IP Multicast Routing
- Configuring MSDP
- Configuring Cache Services By Using WCCP
- Configuring Fallback Bridging
- Troubleshooting
- Configuring Online Diagnostics
- Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images
- Unsupported Commands in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE
- Understanding Stacks
- Stack Membership
- Master Election
- Stack MAC Address and Router MAC Address
- Member Numbers
- Member Priority Values
- Stack Offline Configuration
- Hardware Compatibility and SDM Mismatch Mode in Switch Stacks
- Stack Software Compatibility Recommendations
- Stack Protocol Version Compatibility
- Major Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
- Minor Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
- Incompatible Software and Member Image Upgrades
- Stack Configuration Files
- Additional Considerations for System-Wide Configuration on Switch Stacks
- Stack Management Connectivity
- Stack Configuration Scenarios
- Configuring the Switch Stack
- Accessing the CLI of a Specific Member
- Displaying Stack Information
- Troubleshooting Stacks
Managing Switch Stacks
This chapter provides the concepts and procedures to manage Catalyst 3750 stacksks. See the command reference for command syntax and usage information.
- Understanding Stacks
- Configuring the Switch Stack
- Accessing the CLI of a Specific Member
- Displaying Stack Information
- Troubleshooting Stacks
For other switch stack-related information, such as cabling the switches through their StackWise stack ports and using the LEDs for switch stack status, see the hardware installation guide.
Understanding Stacks
A switch stack is a set of up to nine Catalyst 3750 switches connected through their StackWise ports. One of the switches controls the operation of the stack and is called the stack master . The stack master and the other switches in the stack are stack members . Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols present the entire switch stack as a single entity to the network.

Note A switch stack is different from a switch cluster. A switch cluster is a set of switches connected through their LAN ports, such as the 10/100/1000 ports. For more information about how switch stacks differ from switch clusters, see the “Planning and Creating Clusters” chapter in the Getting Started with Cisco Network Assistant on Cisco.com.
The master is the single point of stack-wide management. From the master, you configure:
If the master is running the cryptographic version (that is, supports encryption) of the IP base or IP services image software, the encryption features are available.
Every member is uniquely identified by its own stack member number .
All members are eligible masters. If the master becomes unavailable, the remaining members elect a new master from among themselves. One of the factors is the stack member priority value . The switch with the highest stack-member priority-value becomes the master.
In a mixed stack that has Catalyst 3750-X, Catalyst 3750-E, and Catalyst 3750 switches, we recommend that a Catalyst 3750-X switch be the master and that all stack members run Cisco IOS Release 12.2(53)SE2 or later. The Catalyst 3750 image is on the Catalyst 3750-X and 3750-E switches to simplify switch management.
To upgrade the stack, use the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command to download images to the master. For example, use the archive download-sw /directory tftp:// c3750-ipservicesk9-tar.122-55.SE1.tar c3750e-universalk9-tar.122-55.SE1.tar command to specify a directory, following the command with the list of tar files to download for the members.
- The c3750-ipservicesk9-tar.122-55.SE1.tar is for the Catalyst 3750 members.
- The c3750e-universalk9-tar.122-55.SE1.tar is for the Catalyst 3750-X and 3750-E members.
You can display the file list that is in the flash memory:
The system-level features supported on the master are supported on the entire stack.
The master contains the saved and running configuration files for the stack. The configuration files include the system-level settings for the stack and the interface-level settings for each member. Each member has a current copy of these files for back-up purposes.
You manage the stack through a single IP address. The IP address is a system-level setting and is not specific to the master or to any other member. You can manage the stack through the same IP address even if you remove the master or any other member from the stack.
You can use these methods to manage stacks:
- Network Assistant (available on Cisco.com)
- Command-line interface (CLI) over a serial connection to the console port of any member
- A network management application through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Note Use SNMP to manage network features across the stack that are defined by supported MIBs. The switch does not support MIBs to manage stacking-specific features such as stack membership and election.
To manage stacks, you should understand:
– Stack MAC Address and Router MAC Address
– Hardware Compatibility and SDM Mismatch Mode in Switch Stacks
– Stack Software Compatibility Recommendations
– Stack Protocol Version Compatibility
– Major Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
– Minor Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
– Incompatible Software and Member Image Upgrades
– Additional Considerations for System-Wide Configuration on Switch Stacks
– Stack Management Connectivity
– Stack Configuration Scenarios
Stack Membership
A standalone switch is a stack with one member that is also the master. You can connect one standalone switch to another (Figure 5-1) to create a stack containing two stack members, with one of them as the master. You can connect standalone switches to an existing stack (Figure 5-2) to increase the stack membership.
If you replace a stack member with an identical model, the new switch functions with the same configuration as the replaced switch (assuming that the new switch is using the same member number as the replaced switch). For information about the benefits of provisioning a switch stack, see the “Stack Offline Configuration” section. For information about replacing a failed switch, see the “Troubleshooting” chapter in the hardware installation guide.
The operation of the stack continues uninterrupted during membership changes unless you remove the master or you add powered-on standalone switches or stacks.

Note To prevent interrupted stack operations, make sure the switches that you add to or remove from the stack are powered off.
After adding or removing members, make sure that the stack ring is operating at full bandwidth (32 Gb/s). Press the Mode button on a member until the Stack mode LED is on. The last two port LEDs on all switches in the stack should be green. If any one or both of any the last two port LEDs are not green, the stack is not operating at full bandwidth.
- Adding powered-on switches (merging) causes the masters of the merging stacks to elect a master from among themselves. The new master keeps its role and configuration and so do its members. All remaining switches, including the former masters, reload and join the stack as members. They change their member numbers to the lowest available numbers and use the configuration of the new master.
- Removing powered-on members divides (partitions) the stack into two or more switch stacks, each with the same configuration. This can create an IP address configuration conflict in your network. If you want the stacks to remain separate, change the IP address or addresses of the newly created stacks.
Figure 5-1 Creating a Switch Stack from Two Standalone Switches

Figure 5-2 Adding a Standalone Switch to a Switch Stack

For information about cabling and powering switch stacks, see the “Switch Installation” chapter in the hardware installation guide.
Master Election
The stack master is elected based on one of these factors in the order listed:
1. The switch that is currently the stack master.
2. The switch with the highest stack member priority value.

Note We recommend you assign the highest priority value to the switch that you want to be the master. The switch is then re-elected as master if a re-election occurs.
3. The switch that is not using the default interface-level configuration.
4. The switch with the higher priority switch software version. These switch software versions are listed from highest to lowest priority:
– Cryptographic IP services image software
– Noncryptographic IP services image software
– Cryptographic IP base image software
– Noncryptographic IP base image software
If two or more switches in the stack use different software images, a switch running the noncryptographic IP base image might be selected as the master. A switch running the cryptographic IP services image takes 10 seconds longer to start than does the switch running the noncryptographic image. The switch running the cryptographic image is excluded from the master election process that lasts 10 seconds. To avoid this problem, upgrade the switch running the IP base image to a software release later than Cisco IOS Release 12.1(11)AX, or manually start the master and wait at least 8 seconds before starting the new member.
5. The switch with the lowest MAC address.
A stack master keeps its role unless one of these events occurs:
- The stack is reset. *
- The master is removed from the stack.
- The master is reset or powered off.
- The master fails.
- The stack membership is increased by adding powered-on standalone switches or switch stacks. *
In the events marked by an asterisk (*), the current stack master might be re-elected based on the listed factors.
When you power on or reset an entire stack, some stack members might not participate in the master election.
- All members participate in re-elections.
- Members that are powered on within the same 20-second time frame participate in the master election and have a chance to become the master.
- Members that are powered on after the 20-second time frame do not participate in this initial election and only become members.

Note Stack master elections occur over a 10-second time frame on switches running releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)SE3.
The new master is available after a few seconds. In the meantime, the switch stack uses the forwarding tables in memory to minimize network disruption. The physical interfaces on the other available stack members are not affected while a new stack master is elected and is resetting.
When a new master is elected and the previous stack master becomes available, the previous master does not resume its role as stack master.
For all powering considerations that affect stack-master elections, see the “Switch Installation” chapter in the hardware installation guide.
Stack MAC Address and Router MAC Address
The MAC address of the master determines the stack MAC address.
When the stack initializes, the MAC address of the master determines the bridge ID and router MAC address that identify the stack in the network.
If the master changes, the MAC address of the new master determines the new bridge ID and router MAC address. However, when the persistent MAC address feature is enabled, there is an approximate 4-minute delay before the stack MAC address changes. During this time period, if the previous master rejoins the stack, the stack continues to use its MAC address as the stack MAC address, even if the switch is now a member and not a master. If the previous master does not rejoin the stack during this period, the stack takes the MAC address of the new stack master as the stack MAC address. See the “Enabling Persistent MAC Address” section for more information.
Member Numbers
The member number (1 to 9) identifies each member in the stack. The member number also determines the interface-level configuration that a member uses.
A new, out-of-the-box switch (one that has not joined a stack or has not been manually assigned a member number) ships with a default member number of 1. When it joins a stack, its default stack member number changes to the lowest available member number in the stack.
Members in the same stack cannot have the same member number.
- If you manually change the member number by using the switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number global configuration command, the new number goes into effect after that member resets (or after you use the reload slot stack-member-number privileged EXEC command) and only if that number is not already changed.
You can also change the stack member number is by using the SWITCH_NUMBER environment variable.
If the number is being used by another member in the stack, the switch selects the lowest available number in the stack.
If you manually change the member number and no interface-level configuration is associated with that number, that member resets to its default configuration.
You cannot use the switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number global configuration command on a provisioned switch. If you do, the command is rejected.
- If you move a stack member to a different switch stack, the stack member keeps its number only if the number is not being used by another member in the stack. If it is being used by another member in the stack, the switch selects the lowest available number in the stack.
See the following sections for information about stack member configuration:
- The procedure to change a member number, see the “Assigning a Member Number” section.
- The SWITCH_NUMBER environment variable, see the “Controlling Environment Variables” section.
- Member numbers and configurations, see the “Stack Configuration Files” section.
- Merging stacks, see the “Stack Membership” section.
Member Priority Values
A high priority value for a member increases the chance that it will be elected master and keep its member number. The priority value can be 1 to 15. The default priority value is 1.

Note We recommend that you assign the highest priority value to the switch that you want to be the stack master. The switch is then re-elected as master if a re-election occurs.
The new priority value takes effect immediately but does not affect the current master until the current master or the stack resets.
Stack Offline Configuration
You can use the offline configuration feature to provision (to configure) a new switch before it joins the stack. You can configure the member number, the switch type, and the interfaces associated with a switch that is not yet part of the stack. That configuration is the provisioned configuration . The switch to be added to the stack and to get this configuration is the provisioned switch .
The provisioned configuration is automatically created when a switch is added to a stack that is running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)SE or later and when no provisioned configuration exists. You can manually create the provisioned configuration by using the switch stack-member-number provision type global configuration command.
When you configure the interfaces for a provisioned switch (for example, as part of a VLAN), the information appears in the stack running configuration whether or not the provisioned switch is part of the stack. The interface for the provisioned switch is not active and does not appear in the display of a specific feature (for example, in the show vlan user EXEC command output). Entering the no shutdown interface configuration command has no effect.
The startup configuration file ensures that the stack can reload and can use the saved information whether or not the provisioned switch is part of the stack.
Effects of Adding a Provisioned Switch to a Stack
When you add a provisioned switch to the switch stack, the stack applies either the provisioned configuration or the default configuration to it. Table 5-1 lists the events that occur when the switch stack compares the provisioned configuration with the provisioned switch.
If you add a provisioned switch that is a different type than specified in the provisioned configuration to a powered-down switch stack and then apply power, the switch stack rejects the (now incorrect) switch stack-member-number provision type global configuration command in the startup configuration file. However, during stack initialization, the nondefault interface configuration information in the startup configuration file for the provisioned interfaces (potentially of the wrong type) are executed. Depending on how different the actual switch type is from the previously provisioned switch type, some commands are rejected, and some commands are accepted.
For example, suppose the switch stack is provisioned for a 48-port switch with Power over Ethernet (PoE), the configuration is saved, and the stack is powered down. Then, a 24-port switch without PoE support is connected to the switch stack, and the stack is powered up. In this situation, the configuration for ports 25 through 48 is rejected, and error messages appear on the stack master switch console during initialization. In addition, any configured PoE-related commands that are valid only on PoE-capable interfaces are rejected, even for ports 1 through 24.

Note If the switch stack does not contain a provisioned configuration for a new switch, the switch joins the stack with the default interface configuration. The switch stack then adds to its running configuration a switch stack-member-number provision type global configuration command that matches the new switch.
For configuration information, see the “Provisioning a New Member for a Stack” section.
Effects of Replacing a Provisioned Switch in a Stack
When a provisioned switch in a switch stack fails, is removed from the stack, and is replaced with another switch, the stack applies either the provisioned configuration or the default configuration to it. The events that occur when the switch stack compares the provisioned configuration with the provisioned switch are the same as those described in the “Effects of Adding a Provisioned Switch to a Stack” section.
Effects of Removing a Provisioned Switch from a Stack
If a switch stack is running Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)SE or later and you remove a provisioned switch from the switch stack, the configuration associated with the removed stack member remains in the running configuration as provisioned information. To completely remove the configuration, use the no switch stack-member-number provision global configuration command.
Hardware Compatibility and SDM Mismatch Mode in Switch Stacks
The Catalyst 3750-12S switch supports desktop and aggregator Switch Database Management (SDM) templates. All other Catalyst 3750 switches support only the desktop SDM templates.
All stack members use the SDM template configured on the stack master. If the stack master is using an aggregator template, only Catalyst 3750-12S switches can be stack members. All other switches attempting to join this switch stack enter SDM-mismatch mode. These switches can join the stack only when the stack master is running a desktop SDM template.
We recommend that your stack master use an aggregator template only if you plan to create a switch stack of Catalyst 3750-12S switches. If you plan to have a switch stack with different Catalyst 3750 switch models, configure the stack master to use one of the desktop templates.

Note Version-mismatch (VM) mode has priority over SDM-mismatch mode. If a VM-mode condition and an SDM-mismatch mode exist, the switch stack attempts to resolve the VM-mode condition first.
You can use the show switch privileged EXEC command to see if any stack members are in SDM-mismatch mode.
For more information about SDM templates and SDM-mismatch mode, see Chapter8, “Configuring SDM Templates”
Stack Software Compatibility Recommendations
All stack members must run the same Cisco IOS software version to ensure compatibility in the stack protocol version among the members.
Stack Protocol Version Compatibility
The stack protocol version has a major version number and a minor version number (for example 1.4, where 1 is the major version number and 4 is the minor version number).
Switches with the same Cisco IOS software version have the same stack protocol version. All features function properly across the stack. These switches with the same software version as the master immediately join the stack.
If an incompatibility exists, a system message describes the cause of the incompatibility on the specific stack members. The master sends the message to all members.
For more information, see the Major Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches and the Minor Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches.
Major Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
Switches with different Cisco IOS software versions likely have different stack protocol versions. Switches with different major version numbers are incompatible and cannot exist in the same stack.
Minor Version Number Incompatibility Among Switches
Switches with the same major version number but with a different minor version number as the master are considered partially compatible. When connected to a stack, a partially compatible switch enters version-mismatch mode and cannot join the stack as a fully functioning member. The software detects the mismatched software and tries to upgrade (or downgrade) the switch in version-mismatch mode with the stack image or with a tar file image from the stack flash memory. The software uses the automatic upgrade (auto-upgrade) and the automatic advise (auto-advise) features.
The port LEDs on switches in version-mismatch mode will also stay off. Pressing the Mode button does not change the LED mode.

Note Auto-advise and auto-copy identify which images are running by examining the info file and by searching the directory structure on the switch stack. If you download your image by using the copy tftp: command instead of by using the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command, the correct directory structure is not properly created. For more information about the info file, see the “tar File Format of Images on a Server or Cisco.com” section.
Understanding Auto-Upgrade and Auto-Advise
When the software detects mismatched software and tries to upgrade the switch in version-mismatch mode, two software processes are involved: automatic upgrade and automatic advise.
- The automatic upgrade (auto-upgrade) process includes an auto-copy process and an auto-extract process. By default, auto-upgrade is enabled (the boot auto-copy-sw global configuration command is enabled). You can disable auto-upgrade by using the no boot auto-copy-sw global configuration command on the master. You can check the status of auto-upgrade by using the show boot privileged EXEC command and by checking the Auto upgrade line in the display.
– Auto-copy automatically copies the software image running on any member to the switch in version-mismatch mode to upgrade (auto-upgrade) it. Auto-copy occurs if auto-upgrade is enabled, if there is enough flash memory in the switch in version-mismatch mode, and if the software image running on the stack is suitable for the switch in version-mismatch mode.

Note A switch in version-mismatch mode might not run all released software. For example, new switch hardware is not recognized in earlier versions of software.
– Automatic extraction (auto-extract) occurs when the auto-upgrade process cannot find the appropriate software in the stack to copy to the switch in version-mismatch mode. In that case, the auto-extract process searches all switches in the stack, whether they are in version-mismatch mode or not, for the tar file needed to upgrade the switch stack or the switch in version-mismatch mode . The tar file can be in any flash file system in the stack (including the switch in version-mismatch mode). If a tar file suitable for the switch in version-mismatch mode is found, the process extracts the file and automatically upgrades that switch .
The auto-upgrade (auto-copy and auto-extract) processes start a few minutes after the mismatched software is detected.
When the auto-upgrade process is complete, the switch that was in version-mismatch mode reloads and joins the stack as a fully functioning member. If you have both StackWise cables connected during the reload, network downtime does not occur because the stack operates on two rings.

Note Auto-upgrade does not upgrade switches that are loaded with images of different packaging levels. For example, you cannot use auto-upgrade to upgrade a switch running an IP base image to an IP services image. However, auto-upgrade does support upgrades between cryptographic and non-cryptographic images of the same packaging level.
- Automatic advise (auto-advise)— when the auto-upgrade process cannot find appropriate version-mismatch member software to copy to the switch in version-mismatch mode, the auto-advise process tells you the command ( archive copy-sw or archive download-sw privileged EXEC command) and the image name (tar filename) needed to manually upgrade the switch stack or the switch in version-mismatch mode . The recommended image can be the running stack image or a tar file in any flash file system in the stack (including the switch in version-mismatch mode). If an appropriate image is not found in the stack flash file systems, the auto-advise process tells you to install new software on the stack. Auto-advise cannot be disabled, and there is no command to check its status.
The auto-advise software does not give suggestions when the stack software and the software of the switch in version-mismatch mode do not contain the same feature sets. For example, if the switch stack is running the IP base image and you add a switch that is running the IP services image, the auto-advise software does not provide a recommendation. The same events occur when cryptographic and noncryptographic images are running.
You can use the archive-download-sw /allow-feature-upgrade privileged EXEC command to allow installing an image with a different feature set.
Auto-Upgrade and Auto-Advise Example Messages
When you add a switch that has a different minor version number to the stack, the software displays messages in sequence (assuming that there are no other system messages generated by the switch).
This example shows that the stack detected a new switch that is running a different minor version number than the stack. Auto-copy launches, finds suitable software to copy from a member to the switch in version-mismatch mode, upgrades the switch in version-mismatch mode, and then reloads it:
*Mar 11 20:36:15.038:%IMAGEMGR-6-AUTO_COPY_SW: Image
This example shows that the stack detected a new switch that is running a different minor version number than the stack. Auto-copy launches but cannot find software in the stack to copy to the switch in version-mismatch mode to make it compatible with the stack. The auto-advise process launches and recommends that you download a tar file from the network to the switch in version-mismatch mode:
For information about using the archive download-sw privileged EXEC command, see the “Working with Software Images” section.
Incompatible Software and Member Image Upgrades
You can upgrade a switch that has an incompatible software image by using the archive copy-sw privileged EXEC command to copy the software image from an existing member. That switch automatically reloads with the new image and joins the stack as a fully functioning member.
For more information, see the “Copying an Image File from One Stack Member to Another” section.
Stack Configuration Files
The master has the saved and running configuration files for the stack. All members periodically receive synchronized copies of the configuration files from the master. If the master becomes unavailable, any member assuming the role of master has the latest configuration files.
- System-level (global) configuration settings—such as IP, STP, VLAN, and SNMP settings—that apply to all members
- Member interface-specific configuration settings, which are specific for each member
A new, out-of-box switch joining a stack uses the system-level settings of that stack. If a switch is moved to a different stack, it loses its saved configuration file and uses the system-level configuration of the new stack.
The interface-specific configuration of each member is associated with its member number. A stack member keeps its number unless it is manually changed or it is already used by another member in the same stack.
- If an interface-specific configuration does not exist for that member number, the member uses its default interface-specific configuration.
- If an interface-specific configuration exists for that member number, the member uses the interface-specific configuration associated with that member number.
If you replace a failed member with an identical model, the replacement member automatically uses the same interface-specific configuration. You do not need to reconfigure the interface settings. The replacement switch must have the same member number as the failed switch.
You back up and restore the stack configuration in the same way as you do for a standalone switch configuration.
- The benefits of provisioning a switch stack, see the “Stack Offline Configuration” section.
- File systems and configuration files, see Appendix 51, “Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images.”
Additional Considerations for System-Wide Configuration on Switch Stacks
- “Planning and Creating Clusters” chapter in the Getting Started with Cisco Network Assistant , available on Cisco.com
- “MAC Addresses and Switch Stacks” section
- “Setting the SDM Template” section
- “802.1x Authentication and Switch Stacks” section
- “VTP and Switch Stacks” section
- “Private VLANs and Switch Stacks” section
- “Spanning Tree and Switch Stacks” section
- “MSTP and Switch Stacks” section
- “DHCP Snooping and Switch Stacks” section
- “IGMP Snooping and Switch Stacks” section
- “Port Security and Switch Stacks” section
- “CDP and Switch Stacks” section
- “SPAN and RSPAN and Switch Stacks” section
- “Configuring QoS” section
- “ACLs and Switch Stacks” section
- “EtherChannel and Switch Stacks” section
- “IP Routing and Switch Stacks” section
- “IPv6 and Switch Stacks” section
- “HSRP and Switch Stacks” section
- “Multicast Routing and Switch Stacks” section
- “Fallback Bridging and Switch Stacks” section
Stack Management Connectivity
You manage the stack and the member interfaces through the master. You can use the CLI, SNMP, Network Assistant, and CiscoWorks network management applications. You cannot manage members as individual switches.
Stack Through an IP Address
The stack is managed through a system-level IP address. You can still manage the stack through the same IP address even if you remove the master or any other stack member from the stack, provided there is IP connectivity.

Note Members keep their IP addresses when you remove them from a stack. To avoid having two devices with the same IP address in your network, change the IP address of the switch that you removed from the stack.
For related information about switch stack configurations, see the “Stack Configuration Files” section.
Stack Through an SSH Session
The Secure Shell (SSH) connectivity to the stack can be lost if a master running the cryptographic version of the IP base image or IP services image software fails and is replaced by a switch that is running a noncryptographic version. We recommend that a switch running the cryptographic version of the IP base image or IP services image software be the master.
Stack Through Console Ports
You can connect to the master through the console port of one or more members.
Be careful when using multiple CLI sessions to the master. Commands that you enter in one session are not displayed in the other sessions. Therefore, it is possible that you might not be able to identify the session from which you entered a command.
We recommend that you use only one CLI session when managing the stack.
Specific Members
If you want to configure a specific member port, you must include the stack member number in the CLI notation.
To access a specific member, see the “Accessing the CLI of a Specific Member” section.
Stack Configuration Scenarios
Most of the scenarios in Table 5-2 assume at least two switches are connected through their StackWise ports.
Configuring the Switch Stack
- Default Switch Stack Configuration
- Enabling Persistent MAC Address
- Assigning Stack Member Information
- Changing the Stack Membership
Default Switch Stack Configuration
Table 5-3 shows the default switch stack configuration.
Enabling Persistent MAC Address
The MAC address of the master determines the stack MAC address. When a master is removed from the stack and a new master takes over, the MAC address of the new master to become the new stack MAC router address. However, you can set the persistent MAC address feature with a time delay before the stack MAC address changes. During this time period, if the previous master rejoins the stack, the stack continues to use that MAC address as the stack MAC address, even if the switch is now a member and not a master. You can also configure stack MAC persistency so that the stack MAC address never changes to the new master MAC address.

You can set the time period from 0 to 60 minutes.
- If you enter the command with no value, the default delay is 4 minutes. We recommend that you always enter a value. The time delay appears in the configuration file with an explicit timer value of 4 minutes.
- If you enter 0 , the stack MAC address of the previous master is used until you enter the no stack-mac persistent timer global configuration command, which changes the stack MAC address to that of the current master. If you do not enter this command, the stack MAC address does not change.
- If you enter a time delay of 1 to 60 minutes, the stack MAC address of the previous master is used until the configured time period expires or until you enter the no stack-mac persistent timer command.
If the previous master does not rejoin the stack during this period, the stack uses the MAC address of the new master as the stack MAC address.

Note If the entire switch stack reloads, it acquires the MAC address of the master as the stack MAC address.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable persistent MAC address. This procedure is optional.
Use the no stack-mac persistent timer global configuration command to disable the persistent MAC address feature.
This example shows how to configure the persistent MAC address feature for a 7-minute time delay and to verify the configuration:
Assigning Stack Member Information
- Assigning a Member Number (optional)
- Setting the Member Priority Value (optional)
- Provisioning a New Member for a Stack (optional)
Assigning a Member Number

Note This task is available only from the master.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to assign a member number to a member. This procedure is optional.
Setting the Member Priority Value

Note This task is available only from the master.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to assign a priority value to a member: This procedure is optional.
You can also set the SWITCH_PRIORITY environment variable. For more information, see the “Controlling Environment Variables” section.
Provisioning a New Member for a Stack

Note This task is available only from the master.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to provision a new member for a stack. This procedure is optional.
To remove provisioned information and to avoid receiving an error message, remove the specified switch from the stack before you use the no form of this command.
This example shows how to provision a switch with a stack member number of 2 for the stack. The show running-config command output shows the interfaces associated with the provisioned switch:
Accessing the CLI of a Specific Member

Note This task is only for debugging purposes, and is only available from the master.
You can access all or specific members by using the remote command { all | stack-member-number } privileged EXEC command. The stack member number range is 1 to 9.
You can access specific members by using the
privileged EXEC command. The member number is appended to the system prompt. For example, the prompt for member 2 is
, and system prompt for the master is
. Enter exi
to return to the CLI session on the master. Only the
commands are available on a specific member.
For more information, see the “Using Interface Configuration Mode” section.
Displaying Stack Information
To display saved configuration changes after resetting a specific member or the stack, use these privileged EXEC commands:
Troubleshooting Stacks
- Manually Disabling a StackWise Port
- Re-Enabling a StackWise Port While Another Member Starts
- Understanding the show switch stack-ports summary Output
- Identifying Loopback Problems
- Finding a Disconnected StackWise Cable
Manually Disabling a StackWise Port
If a StackWise port is flapping and causing instability in the stack ring, to disable the port, enter the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable privileged EXEC command . To re-enable the port, enter the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number enable command.

Note Be careful when using the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable command. When you disable the StackWise port, the stack operates at half bandwidth.
- A stack is in the full-ring state when all members are connected through the StackWise ports and are in the ready state.
- The stack is in the partial-ring state when
– All members are connected through the StackWise ports, but some all are not in the ready state.
– Some members are not connected through the StackWise ports.
When you enter the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable privileged EXEC command and
Re-Enabling a StackWise Port While Another Member Starts
StackWise Port 1 on Switch 1 is connected to Port 2 on Switch 4. If Port 1 is flapping, disable Port 1 with the switch 1 stack port 1 disable privileged EXEC command.
While Port 1 on Switch 1 is disabled and Switch 1 is still powered on:
1. Disconnect the stack cable between Port 1 on Switch 1 and Port 2 on Switch 4.
2. Remove Switch 4 from the stack.
3. Add a switch to replace Switch 4 and assign it switch-number 4.
4. Reconnect the cable between Port 1 on Switch 1 and Port 2 on Switch 4 (the replacement switch).
5. Re-enable the link between the switches. Enter the switch 1 stack port 1 enable privileged EXEC command to enable Port 1 on Switch 1.

Understanding the show switch stack-ports summary Output
Only Port 1 on stack member 2 is disabled.
Software Loopback
In a stack with three members, StackWise cables connect all the members.
If you disconnect the stack cable from Port 1 on Switch 1, these messages appear:
If you disconnect the stack cable from Port 2 on Switch 1, the stack splits.
Switch 2 and Switch 3 are now in a two-member stack connected through stack cables.
Software Loopback Examples: Connected StackWise Cables
On Port 2 on Switch 1, the port status is Absent , and no cable is connected.
- In a physical loopback , a cable connects both stack ports on a switch. You can use this configuration to test
– Cables on a switch that is running properly
– StackWise ports with a cable that works properly
Hardware Loopback
The show platform stack ports buffer privileged EXEC command output shows the hardware loopback values.
On a Catalyst 3750v2 member, the Loopback HW value is always N/A .
Hardware Loopback Example: LINK OK event
Hardware Loop Example: LINK NOT OK Event
Finding a Disconnected StackWise Cable
StackWise cables connect all stack members. Port 2 on Switch 1 connects to Port 1 on Switch 2.
This is the port status for the members:
If you disconnect the cable from Port 2 on Switch 1, these messages appear:
Only one end of the cable connects to a StackWise port, Port 1 on Switch 2.
- The Stack Port Status value for Port 2 on Switch 1 is Absent , and the value for Port 1 on Switch 2 is Down .
- The Cable Length value is No cable .
- Verify the cable connection for Port 2 on Switch 1.
- Port 2 on Switch 1 has a port or cable problem if
Fixing a Bad Connection Between StackWise Ports
StackWiseStack cables connect all members. Port 2 on Switch 1 connects to Port 1 on Switch 2.
- The Stack Port Status value is Down .
- Link OK , Link Active , and Sync OK values are No .
- The Cable Length value is 50 cm . The switch detects and correctly identifies the cable.
The connection between Port 2 on Switch 1 and Port 1 on Switch 2 is unreliable on at least one of the connector pins.