Campus Fabric


border ip address

Syntax Description

ip address

Configures the IP address of the fabric border device.

Command Default


Command Modes

Fabric-auto-domain configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the IP address of the fabric border device. Border devices in the fabric domain connect traditional Layer 3 networks or different fabric domains to the local domain, and translate reachability and policy (VRF and SGT ) information from one domain to another. Fabric border devices correspond to proxy egress tunnel routers in LISP.

This command auto-generates LISP configuration, to orchestrate the fabric overlay. The show-running configuration command shows the fabric domain configuration including the auto-generated commands.


The following configuration is auto-generated when this command is run on your device:


    ipv4 use-petr priority 10 weight 10

For information about the ipv4 proxy etr command, see LISP Command Reference..


context name name id id

Syntax Description

context name

Creates a new layer 3 context in the fabric domain.

id id

Assigns an ID to the context.

Command Default


Command Modes

Fabric-auto-domain configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A virtual context provides virtualization at the device level, using virtual routing and forwarding (VRF), to create multiple instances of Layer 3 routing tables. Contexts or VRFs provide segmentation across IP addresses, allowing for overlapped address space and traffic separation. \

This command enables the auto-generation of LISP (Locator ID Separation Protocol) and VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) configuration, to orchestrate the fabric overlay. The show-running configuration command shows the virtual context configuration including the auto-generated base line commands.


Device(config-fabric-auto-domain)#context name guest
id 10
The following configuration is auto-generated when this command is run on your device:
ip vrf  guest
    description Auto-provisioned vrf  for context example-context (source – fabric auto)
router lisp
     eid-table vrf  guest instance-id 10


control-plane { ip address| auth-key key}

Syntax Description

ip address

Configures the IP address of the control-plane device.

auth-key key

Configures the key to authenticate access to the control-plane device.

Command Default


Command Modes

Fabric-auto-domain configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to configure the control-plane device IP address and the authentication key, to allow fabric edge devices to communicate with the control-plane device.

This command auto-generates LISP configuration, to orchestrate the fabric overlay. The show-running configuration command shows the fabric domain configuration including the auto-generated commands.


The following configuration is auto-generated when this command is run on your device:

auth_key examplekey123
router lisp 
locator-set default.RLOC
ipv4-interface Loopback0 priority 10 weight 10

ipv4 sgt 
eid-table default instance-id 0 

loc-reach-algorithm lsb-reports ignore
ipv4 itr map-resolver
ipv4 itr
ipv4 etr map-server key examplekey123
ipv4 etr 

For information about theipv4 map-server and ipv4 map-resolver commands, see LISP Command Reference..


Configures the fabric domain and enters fabric-auto-domain configuration mode. The no version of this command deletes the fabric domain.

domain { default| name name }

no domain

Syntax Description


Configures the default fabric domain and enters fabric-auto domain configuration mode.

name name

Configures a new fabric domain and enters fabric-auto domain configuration mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

Fabric-auto configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

We recommend that you use the default domain, unless your network requires you to create a new domain. This command allows you to enter fabric-auto domain configuration mode where you can configure edge, control-plane and border devices in the fabric domain.


Device(config-fabric-auto)#domain default
Device(config-fabric-auto)#domain name exampledomain

debug fabric auto

debug fabric auto {trace | level | {error | verbose}}

Syntax Description


Enables the tracing for the commands auto-generated when the fabric-auto command is executed.

level error

Displays the errors encountered during Fabric Overlay provisioning.

level verbose Displays the maximum number of messages encountered during Fabric Overlay provisioning.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged Exec

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use these debug commands to troubleshoot your fabric domain configuration, and trace the commands auto-generated by the fabric auto command, and display the errors encountered.

The no debug fabric auto level verbose command disables the display of all the messages encountered during fabric provisioning.

fabric auto

To enable automatic fabric provisioning and enter automatic fabric configuration mode, use the fabric auto command in global configuration mode.

fabric auto

Syntax Description

fabric auto

Enables automatic fabric provisioning and enters fabric-auto configuration mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The fabric auto command allows you to configure all the elements in your fabric domain automatically. Additionally, this command enables the auto-generation LISP, VLAN, VRF configuration, to orchestrate the fabric overlay. The show-running configuration command shows the fabric domain configuration including the and auto-generated base line commands.


Device(config)#fabric auto

host-pool name

Creates an IP pool to group endpoints in the fabric domain, and enters host-pool configuration mode.

host-pool name name { vlan ID | gateway ipv4 -address/subnet mask | context name name | use-dhcp ip4 address }

Syntax Description

vlan ID

Configures a VLAN ID to associate with the host-pool.

context name name

Associates a context or a VRF with the host-pool.

gateway ipv4 address/subnet mask

Configures the routing gateway IP address and subnet mask for the host-pool.

use-dhcp ipv4 address

Configures a DHCP server for the host-pool.

Command Default


Command Modes

Fabric-auto-domain configuration mode

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the host-pool command to group endpoints in the fabric domain into IP pools, and identify them with a VLAN ID and an IP subnet.

This command auto-generates LISP configuration, to orchestrate the fabric overlay. The show-running configuration command shows the fabric domain configuration including the auto-generated commands.


This example configures a host-pool in your fabric domain.

device(config-fabric-auto-domain)#host-pool name VOICE_DOMAIN
device(config-fabric-auto-domain-host-pool)#vlan 10 
device(config-fabric-auto-domain-host-pool)#context name example-context
This configuration is auto-generated when you configure a host-pool:

ip dhcp relay information option vpn
ip dhcp relay information option
ip dhcp snooping vlan 10
ip dhcp snooping
vlan 10
interface Vlan10
ip vrf forwarding example-context
ip dhcp relay source-interface Loopback0
ip address
ip helper-address global
no ip redirects
ip local-proxy-arp
ip route-cache same-interface
no lisp mobility liveness test
lisp mobility example-context.EID.VOICE_DOMAIN
router lisp
eid-table vrf example-context 
dynamic-eid example-context.EID.VOICE_DOMAIN
database-mapping locator-set default.RLOC

show fabric domain

show fabric domain

Command Default

Default domain and default context

Command Modes

Privileged Exec

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to display a summary of the fabric domain. The following is sample output for an edge device.

device#show fabric domain 
Fabric Domain : "default" 
Role : Edge 
Control-Plane Service: Disabled
Number of "Control-Plane" node(s): 2
IP Address           Auth-key
---------------------------------          example-key1          example-key2

Number of "Border" node(s): 1
 IP Address

Number of context(s): 2
 Codes: * - Not Configured

 Name                ID        Host-pools
default              0          *                   
example-context      10         1                   

show fabric context

show fabric context [ default | name ]

Syntax Description


The default context


The name of a context in the fabric domain

Command Default

Default context

Command Modes

Privileged Exec

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to display a summary of the context configuration in your fabric domain.
device#show fabric context 
Fabric-domain: default
Number of context(s): 2
 Name                ID        Host-pools
default              0          *                   
example-context      10         1                   

* - Not Configured

show fabric host-pool

show fabric host-poolname

Syntax Description


The name of the host-pool

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged Exec

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the command to display a summary of the specified host-pool configuration.

device# show fabric host-pool
Fabric Domain : "default" 
 context: default
   Number of host-pools : 0
   name            vlan    prefix               gateway           use-dhcp

 context: example-context
   Number of host-pools : 1
   name            vlan    prefix               gateway           use-dhcp