Troubleshooting Module Issues

This chapter describes how to troubleshoot various issues that could occur while Cisco VSG is communicating with the Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM), Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM), Cisco Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC), or Hyper-V Server.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Troubleshooting Cisco VSG and VSM Interactions

This section describes how to troubleshoot issues with the Cisco VSG and VSM interactions.

The port profile used to bring up the data interface of the Cisco VSG should not have any vn service or org configured.

This example shows how to use a port profile to bring up the Cisco VSG data interface:

vsm# show port-profile name vsg-data
port-profile vsg-data
type: Vethernet
status: enabled
max-ports: 32
assigned interfaces:
port-group: vsg-data
system vlans: none
capability l3control: no
capability iscsi-multipath: no
port-profile role: none
port-binding: static

Make sure that you add the Cisco VSG service VLAN and HA VLAN as part of the allowed VLAN. Without adding this information into the allowed VLAN, Cisco VSGs may not pair. If you have a Cisco VSG on one VEM and the VMs to be firewalled are on another VEM, you must make sure that the Cisco VSG service VLAN is added as the allowed VLAN.

This example shows how to display the VLAN configurations:

vsm# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active
501 VLAN0501 active Po1, Po2, Po3, Po4, Veth3

For the port profiles that are used to protect the VMs, make sure that you provide the correct vn service IP (the exact data 0 IP address of the Cisco VSG), and the service VLAN and the security profile name. Make sure under the org that you have configured the tenant name as root/Tenant-cisco.

Troubleshooting Cisco VSG and VEM Interactions

This section describes how to troubleshoot issues with Cisco VSG and VEM interactions.

This section includes the following topics:

Policies Configured on the Cisco VSG that Are Not Effective

Sometimes, when policies are configured on Cisco VSG and the data traffic is sent from the VMs, traffic flows through the Cisco Nexus 1000V Series Switch as if the firewall service is not enabled on the port.

Possible reason:

  • VMs are not bound to the proper port profiles.


Go to the prompt to execute the vemcmd commands, for example, cd \\Program File(x86)\Cisco\Nexus1000V and do the following:

  • Check if the VMs to be protected are bound to proper port profiles. The port profiles are expected to have the org/vn-service identified.
  • On the VEM, enter the vemcmd show vsn binding command to check if the VM is protected by the firewall.
  • To get the lower threshold limit (LTL) of the VM on the VEM, enter the vemcmd show port command as follows:
vem# vemcmd show port | Select-String w2k-client_110.eth2 <--- VM name
50 Veth5 UP UP FWD 0 w2k-client_110.eth2

Verify if the LTL is found as follows:

vem# vemcmd show vsn binding
VSG Services Enabled | VSG Licenses Available 2 <--- should be nonzero
50 1 1 101 1 3

The VSG Licenses Available message should display a nonzero value in the output.

Note All vemcmd commands can be executed by logging into the Hyper-V.

Traffic Fails to Reach Destination with a Permit Policy Configured on Cisco VSG

When policies are configured on the Cisco VSG to permit a certain type of traffic, but the traffic does not reach the destination, a complete failure can result.

Possible reason:

The Virtual Ethernet Modules (VEMs) have not learned the MAC address of the Cisco VSG.


Check if the Cisco VSG MAC address is learned on all the VEMs that host the protected VMs involved in the communication by entering the vemcmd show vsn config command on the VEM.

This example shows how to display the Cisco VSG configuration:

vem# vemcmd show vsn config
VSG Services Enabled | VSG Licenses Available 2
ASA Services Disabled | ASA Licenses Available 0
1 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 2 2 1,2

The VNS Licenses available message should display a nonzero value.

You can find the MAC address of the Cisco VSG by entering the show interface control 0 command.

This example shows how to display information on the interface for the Cisco VSG:

vsg# show interface control 0
control0 is up
Hardware: Ethernet, address: 0050.569c.3cc5 (bia 0050.569c.3cc5) <----
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s
Auto-Negotiation is turned on
0 input packets
8084 output packets

To troubleshoot, you should manually check if the VSG service (control 0) interface is bound to the correct port profile and VLAN configured.

You can check the Cisco VSG service interface assignment on the VEM by entering the vemcmd show command.

This example shows how to check the Cisco VSG service interface assignment on the VEM:

vem# vemcmd show vlan 576 VLAN 576, vdc 1, swbd 576, hwbd 6, 3 ports
Multicast Group Table:Group Multicast LTL 4413305

The Cisco VSG VM name should be displayed as part of the output.

You can display the port profile that is associated with the Cisco VSG service interface by entering the show port-profile name pp-name command on the VSM.

If the Cisco VSG is bound to the proper port profile and has the correct service VLAN, check the upstream switches. Ensure that this service VLAN is configured across all ports in all upstream switches to which all the VEMs (those talking to Cisco VSG) are connected.

You can ensure that the service VLAN is configured and enabled (active) on the VSM by entering the show vlan command.

This example shows how to display the VLAN configurations:

vsm# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active
501 VLAN0501 active Po1, Po2, Po3, Po4, Veth3

Policy Decision Inconsistent with Port Profile Changes

When policy decisions are inconsistent with port-profile changes, either of these conditions can exist:

  • A user changed the port profile of the traffic VM from one Cisco VSG port profile to another (having a different security profile).
  • A policy is modified and the newer policy does not take immediate effect.


Because of the existing flows, the old policy decision is continued.


Administrators must clear the flows in the vPath and Cisco VSG when the policy is modified.

Using vPath Ping to Determine Connectivity

You can use the vPath ping command to determine the connectivity between the Cisco VSG and the VEM.

This example shows how to ping the Cisco VSG connections and determine if they are reachable:

VSM-1# ping vsn all src-module all
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=0 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 3(156) 5(160)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=0 timeout=1-sec
module(failed) : 3(VSN ARP not resolved) 5(VSN ARP not resolved)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=1 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 3(230) 5(151)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=1 timeout=1-sec
module(failed) : 3(VSN ARP not resolved) 5(VSN ARP not resolved)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=2 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 3(239) 5(131)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=2 timeout=1-sec
module(failed) : 3(VSN ARP not resolved) 5(VSN ARP not resolved)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=3 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 3(248) 5(153)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=3 timeout=1-sec
module(failed) : 3(VSN ARP not resolved) 5(VSN ARP not resolved)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=4 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 3(259) 5(126)
ping vsn vlan 54 from module 3 5, seq=4 timeout=1-sec
module(failed) : 3(VSN ARP not resolved) 5(VSN ARP not resolved)

This example shows how to display VSN ping options:

VSM-1# ping vsn ?
all All VSNs associated to VMs
ip IP Address
vlan VLAN Number

This example shows how to display VSN ping options for all source modules:

VSM-1# ping vsn all src-module ?
<3-66> Module number
all All modules in VSM
vpath-all All modules having VMs associated to VSNs

This example shows how to set up a ping for all source modules from a specified IP address:

VSM-1# ping vsn ip src-module all
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=0 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(301) 5(236)
module(failed) : 7(VSN ARP not resolved)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=1 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(241) 5(138) 7(270)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=2 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(230) 5(155) 7(256)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=3 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(250) 5(154) 7(284)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=4 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(231) 5(170) 7(193)

This example shows to set up a ping for all vPath source modules for a specified IP address:

VSM-1# ping vsn ip src-module vpath-all
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5, seq=0 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(223) 5(247)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5, seq=1 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(206) 5(167)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5, seq=2 timeout=1-sec
module(usec) : 4(241) 5(169)

This example shows how to set up a ping for all source modules of a specified IP address with a time-out and a count:

VSM-1# ping vsn ip src-module all timeout 2 count 3
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=0 timeout=2-sec
module(usec) : 4(444) 5(238) 7(394)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=1 timeout=2-sec
module(usec) : 4(259) 5(154) 7(225)
ping vsn vlan 501 from module 4 5 7, seq=2 timeout=2-sec
module(usec) : 4(227) 5(184) 7(216)

Troubleshooting VSM and Cisco VNMC Interactions

After registering the VSM to the Cisco VNMC, you can check the status of the VSM and Cisco VNMC policy agents by entering the show vnm-pa status command.

This example shows how to check the status:

vsm# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Installed Successfully.

If there is a failure, there can be several reasons. One failure could be because Cisco VNMC is unreachable or dead. Ping the Cisco VNMC IP to check for a response. If there is no response, look at the network connectivity.

Another reason could occur because of the wrong shared secret.

This example shows the results of this type of failure:

vsm# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Installation Failure
Incorrect shared secret.

Provide the correct password and register again.

On the Cisco VNMC GUI, on the Administration > Service Registry > Clients tab, make sure that the registered VSM is shown as registered under the Oper State column.

On the Cisco VNMC GUI, make sure that the org is configured in the same way as in the port profile. The registered VSM should also be available under the Resources > Virtual Supervisor Modules. If the org is not properly configured on the port profile, the Config State will display as “org-not-found” under the port profiles tab of the registered VSM. After editing the port profile with the correct org name, the Config State changes to OK.

Troubleshooting Cisco VSG and Cisco VNMC Interactions

After registering the Cisco VSG to the Cisco VNMC, you can check the status by entering the show vnm-pa status command.

This example shows how to check the Cisco VSG registration status:

vsg# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Installed Successfully.

If there is a failure, there can be several reasons. One failure could be because Cisco VNMC is unreachable or dead. Ping the Cisco VNMC IP to check for a response. If there is no response, look at the network connectivity.

Another reason could occur because of the wrong shared secret.

This example shows how to display the results of this type of failure:

vsg# show vnm-pa status
VNM Policy-Agent status is - Installation Failure
Incorrect shared secret.

Provide the correct password and register again.

On the Cisco VNMC GUI, on the Administration > Service Registry > Clients tab, make sure that the registered VSG is shown as registered under the Oper State column.