Command-Line Interface Troubleshooting Commands
The command-line interface (CLI) allows you to configure and monitor Cisco NX-OS using a local console or remotely using a Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) session. The CLI provides a command structure similar to Cisco IOS software, with context-sensitive help, show commands, multiuser support, and roles-based access control.
Each feature has show commands that provide information about the feature configuration, status, and performance. Additionally, you can use the following command for more information:
show system —Provides information about system-level components, including cores, errors, and exceptions. Use the show system error-id command to find details on error codes. switch# copy running-config startup-config [########################################] 100% 2013 May 16 09:59:29 zoom %$ VDC-1 %$ %BOOTVAR-2-AUTOCOPY_FAILED: Autocopy of file /bootflash/n9000-dk9.6.1.2.I1.1.bin to standby
switch# show system error-id 0x401e0008 Error Facility: sysmgr Error Description: request was aborted, standby disk may be full
Consistency Checker Commands
Cisco NX-OS provides consistency checker commands to validate the software state with the hardware state. The result of the consistency checker is logged as either PASSED or FAILED.
2013 Nov 1 16:31:39 switch vshd: CC_LINK_STATE:
Consistency Check: PASSED
Cisco NX-OS supports the following consistency checker commands:
show consistency-checker l2 module module-number —Verifies that learned MAC addresses are consistent between the software and the hardware. It also shows extra entries that are present in the hardware but not in the software and missing entries in the hardware.
show consistency-checker l3-interface module module-number [brief | detail] —Checks for Layer 3 settings of all interfaces in the module and for the following configuration in the hardware: L3 VLAN, CML Flags, IPv4 Enable, VPN ID. This command works for physical interfaces and interfaces that are part of a port channel. It does not validate subinterfaces.
show consistency-checker link-state module module-number [brief | detail] —Verifies the software link state of all the interfaces in the module against its hardware link state.
show consistency-checker membership port-channels [interface port-channel channel-number] [brief | detail] —Checks for port-channel membership in the hardware in all modules and validates it with the software state.
show consistency-checker membership vlan vlan-id {native-vlan | private-vlan interface {ethernet slot/port | port-channel number | native-vlan}} [brief | detail] —Determines that the VLAN membership in the software is the same as programmed in the hardware. It also ignores the interfaces that are in the STP BLK state.
show consistency-checker racl {module
module-number | port-channels interface port-channel
channel-number | svi interface vlan
vlan-id} —Validates the IPv4 RACL programming consistency between the hardware and software and verifies if <label, entry-location>
pairs are consistent between the hardware and software.
When invoked per module, this command verifies IPv4 ACL consistency for all the physical interfaces in that module.
When invoked on a specific port channel, this command verifies for all the member ports.
When invoked on all port channels, this command verifies for each port channel that has an ACL applied.
Currently, this command does not verify IPv4 and IPv6 ACLs, does not verify on subinterfaces, and does not verify if qualifiers and actions are matching.
show consistency-checker stp-state vlan vlan-id —Determines whether the spanning tree state in the software is the same as programmed in the hardware. This command is run only on interfaces that are operational (up).
Multicast Consistency Checker
The multicast consistency checker is a single-route consistency checker for Layer 2 and Layer 3 routes for verifying the state of multicast routes. The multicast consistency checker executes the show commands in each component, parses the relevant information, and then compares the processed information against the other components to check for inconsistencies. The multicast consistency checker commands terminate upon encountering a failure. The show consistency-checker l2 multicast group and show consistency-checker l3 multicast group commands return the differences in the expected value and the actual value.
The commands support the following output formats:
verbose : Displays the results in text format.
detail : Displays the results in JSON format.
brief : Displays the results in JSON format with minimal details.
The multicast consistency checker supports the following devices:
Cisco Nexus 92304QC, 9272Q, 9236C, 92300YC, 93108TC-EX, 93180LC-EX, 93180YC-EX platform switches and N9K-X9736C-EX, N9K-X97160YC-EX, N9K-X9732C-EX, and N9K-X9732C-EXM line cards.
Cisco Nexus 9500 Series switches with N9K-X96136YC-R, N9K-X9636C-R, and N9K-X9636Q-R line cards.
The multicast consistency checker verifies the programming consistency of the following Layer 2 components:
IGMP snooping
Hardware tables
The multicast consistency checker verifies the programming consistency of the following Layer 3 components:
IGMP snooping
Hardware tables