About OpenConfig YANG
OpenConfig YANG supports modern networking principles, such as declarative configuration and model-driven management and operations. OpenConfig provides vendor-neutral data models for configuration and monitoring of the network, as well as helping with moving from a pull model to a push model, with subscriptions and event update streaming.
The Cisco Nexus 3400-S switches support a broad range of functional areas, including BGP, OSPF, Interface L2 and L3, VRFs, VLANs, and TACACS.
For more information about OpenConfig YANG, see https://developer.cisco.com/docs/openconfig-yang/.
For the OpenConfig models, see https://github.com/YangModels/yang/tree/master/vendor/cisco/nx/. OpenConfig YANG models are grouped by NX-OS release, so when the NX-OS release number changes, the last digits in the URL will change.