NX-API REST is available for use with the Cisco Nexus 3132Q-XL, 3172PQ-XL, and 3172TQ-XL switches [starting with Cisco NX-OS Release 7.0(3)I2(2)], and with the Cisco Nexus 3164Q and 31128PQ switches. NX-API REST is not supported for other Cisco Nexus 3000 and 3100 Series switches.
On Cisco Nexus devices, configuration is performed using command-line interfaces (CLIs) that run only on the device. NX-API REST improves the accessibility of the Nexus configuration by providing HTTP/HTTPS APIs that:
Make specific CLIs available outside of the switch.
Enable configurations that would require issuing many CLI commands by combining configuration actions in relatively few HTTP/HTTPS operations.
NX-API REST supports show commands, basic and advanced switch configurations, and Linux Bash.
NX-API REST uses HTTP/HTTPS as its transport. CLIs are encoded into the HTTP/HTTPS POST body. The NX-API REST backend uses the Nginx HTTP server. The Nginx process,and all of its children processes, are under Linux cgroup protection where the CPU and memory usage is capped. If the Nginx resource usage exceeds the cgroup limitations, the Nginx process is restarted and restored.
For more information about the Cisco Nexus 3000 and 9000 Series NX-API REST SDK, see https://developer.cisco.com/site/nx-api/documents/n3k-n9k-api-ref/.