B Commands

This chapter describes the Cisco Nexus 1000V commands that begin with the letter, B.

bandwidth (interface)

To set the inherited and received bandwidth for an interface, use the bandwidth command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

bandwidth { kbps }

no bandwidth { kbps }

Syntax Description


Intended bandwidth, in kilobits per second. Valid values are 1 to 10000000.


1000000 kbps

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Supported User Roles


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The bandwidth command sets an informational parameter to communicate only the current bandwidth to the higher-level protocols; you cannot adjust the actual bandwidth of an interface using this command.

Note This is a routing parameter only. It does not affect the physical interface.


This example shows how to configure the bandwidth 30000 kbps:

n1000v(config-if)# bandwidth 30000

Related Commands


show interface

Displays the interface configuration information.

bandwidth (policy map)

To set the minimum guaranteed bandwidth for a specific traffic class in a QoS policy map, use the bandwidth command. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.

bandwidth percent percentage

no bandwidth percent percentage

Syntax Description


Specify a percentage (1 - 100) of total bandwidth guaranteed.


No bandwidth is set by default.

Command Modes

Policy map class queuing configuration (config-pmap-c-que).

Supported User Roles


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The bandwidth command is used to control the bandwidth allocated to a class of traffic. The bandwidth command must explicitly be configured on a class, if desired. Bandwidth is configurable between 1% and 100%.


This example shows how to configure 20% minimum guaranteed bandwidth for the class_fin1 traffic class.

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# policy-map type queuing Policy-vmotion
n1000v(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing class_fin1
n1000v(config-pmap-c-que)# bandwidth percent 20

This example shows how to remove the configured bandwidth for the class_fin1 traffic class.

n1000v# config t
n1000v(config)# policy-map type queuing Policy-vmotion
n1000v(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing class_fin1
n1000v(config-pmap-c-que)# no bandwidth percent 20

Related Commands


show policy-map

Displays the policy map configuration for verification.

policy-map type queuing

Creates a class-based weighted fair queueing (CBWFQ) policy map.

class type queuing

Assigns a class-based weighted fair queueing (CBWFQ) class to the specified policy map.


Configures the queue size in packets.

show policy-map type queuing

banner motd

To configure a message of the day (MOTD) banner, use the banner motd command.

banner motd [ delimiting-character message delimiting-character ]

no banner motd [ delimiting-character message delimiting-character ]

Syntax Description


The character used to signal the beginning and end of the message text, for example, in the following message, the delimiting character is #.

#Testing the MOTD#


Specifies the banner message, restricted to 40 lines with a maximum of 80 characters in each line.


“User Access Verification” is the default message of the day.

Command Modes

Configuration (config)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The MOTD banner is displayed on the terminal before the login prompt whenever you log in.

The message is restricted to 40 lines and 80 characters per line.

To create a multiple-line MOTD banner, press Enter before typing the delimiting character to start a new line. You can enter up to 40 lines of text.

Follow these guidelines when choosing your delimiting character:

  • Do not use the delimiting-character in the message string.
  • Do not use " and % as delimiters.


This example shows how to configure and then display a banner message with the text, “Testing the MOTD.”

n1000v# config terminal
n1000v(config)# banner motd #Testing the MOTD#
n1000v(config)# show banner motd
Testing the MOTD

This example shows how to configure and then display a multiple-line MOTD banner:

n1000v(config)# banner motd #Welcome to authorized users.
> Unauthorized access prohibited.#
n1000v(config)# show banner motd
Welcome to authorized users.
Unauthorized access prohibited.

This example shows how to revert to the default MOTD banner:

n1000v# config terminal
n1000v(config)# no banner motd
n1000v(config)# show banner motd
User Access Verification

Related Commands


show banner motd

Displays the MOTD banner.

boot auto-copy



This command was introduced.

To enable automatic copying of boot image files to the standby supervisor module, use the boot auto-copy command. To disable automatic copying, use the no form of this command.

boot auto-copy

no boot auto-copy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Supported User Roles


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When automatic copying of image files is enabled, the Cisco NX-OS software copies the image files referred to by the boot variable to the standby supervisor module. These image files must be present in local memory on the active supervisor module. For kickstart and system boot variables, only those image files that are configured for the standby supervisor module are copied.


This example shows how to enable automatic copying of boot image files to the standby supervisor module:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# boot auto-copy
Auto-copy administratively enabled

Related Commands


boot kickstart

Configures the kickstart boot variable.

boot system

Configures the system boot variable.


Copies files.

show boot

Displays boot variable configuration information.

boot kickstart

To configure the boot variable for the kickstart image, use the boot kickstart command. To clear the kickstart image boot variable, use the no form of this command.

boot kickstart [ filesystem: [ //directory ] | directory ] filename [ sup-1 ] [ sup-2 ]

no boot kickstart

Syntax Description

filesystem :

(Optional) Name of a file system. Valid values are bootflash or slot0 .

// directory

(Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive.


Name of the kickstart image file. The filename is case sensitive.


(Optional) Configures the kickstart boot for the active supervisor module only.


(Optional) Configures the kickstart boot for the standby supervisor module only.


Configures the kickstart boot variable for both supervisor modules.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Supported User Roles


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The kickstart boot variable is used for loading software images when booting up. You must copy the kickstart image to the device before you reload.


This example shows how to configure the kickstart boot variable for both supervisor modules:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# boot kickstart bootflash:kickstart-image

This example shows how to configure the kickstart boot variable for the active supervisor module:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# boot kickstart bootflash:kickstart-image sup-1

This example shows how to clear the kickstart boot variable:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# no boot kickstart

Related Commands


boot system

Configures the boot variable for the system software image.


Copies files.

show boot

Displays boot variable configuration information.

boot system

To configure the boot variable for the system image, use the boot system command. To clear the system image boot variable, use the no form of this command.

boot system [ filesystem: [ //directory ] | directory ] filename [ sup-1 ] [ sup-2 ]

no boot system

Syntax Description

filesystem :

(Optional) Name of a file system. Valid values are bootflash or slot0 .

// directory

(Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive.


Name of the system image file. The filename is case sensitive.


(Optional) Configures the system boot for the sup-1 supervisor module only.


(Optional) Configures the system boot for the sup-2 supervisor module only.


Configures the system boot variable for both supervisor modules.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Supported User Roles


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The system boot variable is used for loading images when booting up. You must copy the system image to the device before you reload.


This example shows how to configure the system boot variable for both supervisor modules:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# boot system bootflash:system-image

This example shows how to configure the system boot variable for the sup-1 supervisor module:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# boot system bootflash:system-image sup-1

This example shows how to clear the system boot variable:

n1000v# configure terminal
n1000v(config)# no boot system

Related Commands


boot kickstart

Configures the boot variable for the kickstart software image.

show boot

Displays boot variable configuration information.