New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(11) |
event zone |
This command was introduced. |
event fcns |
This command was introduced. |
event flogi |
This command was introduced. |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(9) |
show fc-management |
This command was introduced. |
Show Commands |
device-alias confirm-commit enable |
This command was introduced. |
D Commands |
zone confirm-commit enable vsan |
This command was introduced. |
Z Commands |
show zone status |
Added the combined zone database size for the command output. |
Show Commands |
priority-flow-control |
Added the long-distance keyword to the syntax description. |
P Commands |
show fabric switch information vsan |
Added a note. |
Show Commands |
show topology |
Added a note. |
Show Commands |
show tech-support fc-management |
This command was introduced. |
Show Commands |
show process creditmon slowport-monitor-events |
This command was introduced. |
Show Commands |
system timeout no-credit-drop |
This command was introduced. |
S Commands |
system timeout slowport-monitor |
This command was introduced. |
S Commands |
pwwn (fc-management database configuration sub mode) |
This command was introduced. |
P Commands |
fc-management database |
This command was introduced. |
F Commands |
fc-management enable |
This command was introduced. |
F Commands |
fcdomain |
Added the optimize all and scale-restart keywords to the syntax description. |
F Commands |
fcroute |
This command was deprecated. |
F Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(7) |
fcns bulk-notify |
This command was introduced. |
F Commands |
rscn coalesce swrscn vsan |
This command was introduced. |
R Commands |
switchport |
Added the keywords max-npiv-limit and trunk-max-npiv-limit to the syntax description. Added the keyword fec and speed to the syntax description. |
S Commands |
system port pacer mode F interface-login-threshold |
This command was introduced. |
S Commands |
show interface |
Added the fec related command output. |
Show Commands |
zone convert smart-zoning |
Changed the command output. |
Z Commands |
show fabric switch information vsan |
This command was introduced. |
Show Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(5) |
destination interface |
SPAN is supported and RSPAN is not supported in Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch. |
D commands |
show fc-tunnel |
This command was deprecated. |
Show Commands |
fc-tunnel |
All the fc-tunnel commands are not supported in Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch. |
F Commands |
ioa-ping |
This command was introduced. |
I Commands |
Pathtrace |
This command was introduced. |
P Commands |
show fcip |
Added the command output for FCIP Profiles for Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch. |
Show Commands |
show interface capabilities |
Added the Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch output to the “show interface capabilities”command. |
show interface |
Added the command output for detailed FCIP Interface Standard Counter Information, FCIP Interface Summary of Counters for a Specified Interface, brief FCIP Interface Counter Information for Cisco MDS 9250i Multiservice Fabric Switch. |
show interface ioa |
Added the show interface ioa 1/1 counters brief command to show the average for 5minutes, 12 hours and 24 hours respectively. |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(3) |
fcdomain |
show fcdomain vsan command (Changed the command output) |
Show Commands |
counters |
Deprecated the show interface counters performance command |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 6.2(1) |
Online diagnostics (GOLD) |
Added the diagnostic bootup level command |
D Commands |
Added the diagnostic monitor interval module command |
Added the diagnostic monitor module command |
Added the diagnostic ondemand iteraction command |
Added the diagnostic ondemand action-on-failure command |
Added the diagnostic start module command |
Added the diagnostic stop module command |
Added the show diagnostic bootup level command |
Show Commands |
Added the show diagnostic content module command |
Added the show diagnostic description module command |
Added the show diagnostic events command |
Added the show diagnostic ondemand setting command |
Added the show diagnostic result module command |
Added the show diagnostic simulation module command |
Added the show diagnostic status module command |
Added the show hardware capacity command |
Added the show module command |
Deprecated secure erase commands |
secure-erase abort job |
S Commands |
secure-erase create algorithm |
secure-erase create job |
secure-erase create-vi vsan |
secure-erase destroy algorithm |
secure-erase destroy job |
secure-erase destroy-vi vsan |
secure-erase start job |
secure-erase stop job |
secure-erase validate job |
security-mode |
add-session vsan |
A Commands |
add-step dynamic |
add-step static |
add-tgt vsan |
add-vi vsan |
show secure-erase vsan |
Show Commands |
show secure-erase algorithm |
show secure-erase job |
show secure-erase job detail |
show secure-erase vsan |
Added the snmp-server aaa exclusive-behavior enable command |
S Commands |
clear snmp counters |
Added the snmp option to the syntax description. |
C Commands |
Performance statistics |
show interface Added the performance, module and interval keywords to the syntax description. |
Show Commands |
Display ISL related information |
Added show topology isl command. |
Show Commands |
Luke CLI changes |
Added the monitor session command |
M Commands |
Added the output for remote span configuration on local and remote switch for fc-tunnel command |
F Commands |
source command Added the keywords ethernet, ethernet-port-channel, sup-eth, vlan to the syntax description. |
S Commands |
Added the show monitor session command |
Show Commands |
Depercated span session, span session source interface, suspend, span max-queued-packets commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2(8) |
Added the rscn permit type nport event switch-config command |
R Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2(6) |
Slow drain |
Added the system default interface congestion timeout command Added the system default interface congestion mode command Added the system default interface pause timeout command Added the system default interface pause mode command |
S Commands |
Smart Zoning |
Added the show zone smart-zoning auto-conv command |
Show Commands |
Added the zone smart-zoning enable command |
Z Commands |
Added the clear zone smart-zoning command |
C Commands |
Added the zone convert smart-zoning command |
Z Commands |
member (zone configuration and zoneset-zone configuration submode) Added the keywords both, initiator, target to the sysntax description |
M Commands |
Added the system default zone smart-zone enable command |
S Commands |
Added the show zone policy command |
Show Commands |
Added the show zone internal vsan command |
Show Commands |
Added the show zone internal global-info command |
Show Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2(2a) |
Port Monitor |
counter (port-group-monitor configuration mode) command (Added 3 new counters to the syntax description) |
C Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 5.2(1) |
CallHome |
transport http proxy enable command |
transport http proxy server command |
show callhome transport command |
Show Commands |
show logging command (Added a new comment) |
out-of-service command (This command was deprecated) |
O Commands |
out-of-service module command (Applicable for supervisor module only) |
out-of-service xbar command (This command was deprecated) |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(1a) |
AAA enhancements |
radius-server test command |
R Commands |
tacacs-server test command |
T Commands |
aaa authentication login chap enable command |
A Commands |
aaa authentication login command (Added fallback, error, and local keywords to the syntax description) |
show aaa authentication login chap enable command |
Show commands |
ivr aam register command |
I Commands |
ivr aam pre-deregister-check command |
fc-redirect version2 enable command |
F Commands |
fc-redirect ivr-support enable command |
show ivr aam command |
Show Commands |
Enhancements for Call Home |
transport email mail-server command |
T Commands |
show callhome transport command |
Show Commands |
Per-command authorization with TACACS with roles support |
enable command |
E Commands |
enable user-server-group command |
feature command (Added privilege keyword to the syntax description) |
F Commands |
SSH enhancements |
username command (Added the keypair and Priv-lvl keyword to the syntax description) |
U Commands |
show username command |
Show Commands |
ficon-tape-read-accelerator command |
F Commands |
ISAPI enhancements |
ssm enable feature command (Added a node keyword to the syntax description) |
Cert PKI |
show crypto ca remote-certstore command |
Show Commands |
show crypto certificatemap command |
show crypto ssh-auth-map command |
crypto certificatemap mapname command |
C Commands |
crypto cert ssh-authorize command |
crypto ca lookup command |
crypto ca remote ldap command |
filter command |
F Commands |
ldap-server deadtime command |
L Commands |
ldap-server port command |
ldap-server timeout command |
ldap-server host command |
ldap-search-map command |
aaa group server command |
A Commands |
server command |
S Commands |
show ldap-server command |
Show Commands |
show ldap-server groups command |
show ldap-search-map command |
aaa authorization ssh-certificate command |
A Commands |
aaa authorization ssh-publickey command |
authentication command |
auth-mechanism plain command |
debug ldap command |
D Commands |
enable cert-DN-match command |
E Commands |
enable user-server-group command |
deadtime (server group configuration mode) command |
D Commands |
CRLLookup command |
C Commands |
trustedcert command |
T Commands |
user-certdn-match command |
U Commands |
user-pubkey-match command |
user-switch-bind command |
userprofile command |
Deprecated Command |
fcc enable command |
F Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 4.2(1) |
Call Home |
destination-profile command (Deleted Avanti keyword from the syntax description. Added the Usage guideline) |
D Commands |
action event-default command (Added a note) |
A Commands |
terminal event-manager bypass command (Added a note) |
T Commands |
event command (Added a note) |
E Commands |
Port Guard |
errdisable detect cause bit-errors command |
E Commands |
errdisable detect cause credit-loss command |
errdisable detect cause link-reset command |
errdisable detect cause signal-loss command |
errdisable detect cause sync-loss command |
errdisable detect cause trustsec-violation command |
feature command (Added ioa keyword to the syntax description) |
F Commands |
AAA Enhancements |
show aaa authentication login chap enable command |
Show Commands |
show aaa authorization all command |
clear tacacs-server statistics command |
C Commands |
clear radius-server statistics command |
aaa authentication login mschapv2 enable command |
A Commands |
aaa authorization command |
test aaa authorization command |
T Commands |
terminal verify-user command |
FC-redirect with IVR |
show ivr aam command |
Show Commands |
FC-ID Visibility |
show fcns database command (Changed the command output) |
ioa site-local command |
I commands |
ioa cluster command |
interface ioa command |
load-balancing (Cisco IOA cluster Configuration submode) command |
L Commands |
nport command |
N Commands |
node (Cisco IOA cluster node configuration submode) command |
flowgroup command |
host command |
H Commands |
trustedcert command |
show ioa internal interface ioa command |
Show Commands |
show ioa cluster summary command |
show interface ioa command |
show ioa cluster command |
Port Group Monitoring |
show port-group-monitor active command |
Show Commands |
show port-group-monitor command |
show port-group-monitor status command |
port-group-monitor activate command |
P Commands |
port-group-monitor name command |
port-group-monitor enable command |
port-group-monitor counter command |
monitor counter command |
M Commands |
Trustsec |
show running-config callhome command |
Show Commands |
show fcsp interface command |
fcsp esp sa command |
F Commands |
fcsp command |
ingress-sa command |
I Commands |
interface fc command |
egress-sa command |
E Commands |
mode command |
M Commands |
key (sa configuration submode) command |
K Commands |
salt (sa configuration submode) command |
S Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 4.1(3a) |
AAA enhancements |
aaa authentication login ascii-authentication command (enable the password aging command has been changed from aaa authentication login password-aging enable to aaa authentication login ascii-authentication) |
A Commands |
show aaa authentication login ascii-authentication command (enable the password aging command has been changed from show aaa authentication login password-aging enable to show aaa authentication login ascii-authentication) |
Show Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 4.1(3) |
Call Home |
destination-profile command (Added the HTTPs URL and transport method to the syntax description) |
D Commands |
Port Guard |
errdisable detect cause link-down command |
E Commands |
Port Owner |
switchport owner command |
S Commands |
F port Trunking |
command (Added Keywords hhtp-server, fport-channel-trunk, npiv and npv to the syntax description) |
F Commands |
switchport command (Added the F and NP port mode) |
S Commands |
show flogi database interface command |
Show Commands |
F port Channeling |
show port-channel compatibility-parameters command |
Show Commands |
show port-channel consistency command |
show port-channel database command |
show port-channel internal command |
show port-channel summary command |
show port-channel usage command |
channel-group command (Deleted auto keyword from the syntax description) |
C Commands |
port-channel persistent command (Added usage guideline) |
P Commands |
clear asic-cnt command |
C Commands |
show fcns database command (Changed the command output for show fcns database detail) |
Show Commands |
Hardware |
show system command (Changed the show system uptime output) |
Show Commands |
Radius Configuration |
radius-server host command (Changed the command output) |
R Commands |
show running radius command (Changed the command output) |
Show Commands |
event manager applet command |
E Commands |
errdisable detect cause bit-errors command |
event manager policy command |
event manager environment command |
description command |
D Commands |
show event manager policy command |
Show Commands |
show event manager environment command |
action cli command |
A Commands |
action counter command |
action event-default command |
action exception log command |
action forceshut command |
action overbudgetshut command |
action policy-default command |
action reload command |
action snmp-trap commnd |
action syslog command |
Added SME Commands |
scaling batch enable command |
S Commands |
New and Changed Commands for Cisco NX-OS Release 4.1(1b) |
Call Home |
switch-priority command (Added usage guidelines) |
S Commands |
system delayed-traps timer command |
system delayed-traps enable mode command |
system health |
system health clear-errors command |
S Commands |
Port-monitor |
show port-monitor status command |
Show Commands |
show port-monitor active command |
show system internal snmp lc command |
ssm upgrade delay command |
S Commands |
SANTap |
show isapi tech-support santap file command (Added usage guidelines) |
Show Commands |
show santap module dvt command |
show santap module dvtlun command |
show santap vttbl dvt command |
show santap vttbl dvt host command |
show sdv command (Changed the command output) |
Show Commands |
attribute failover auto command |
A Commands |
General Configuration |
feature command |
F Commands |
clear dpvm merge statistics command |
C Commands |
show dpvm merge statistics command |
Show Commands |
show dpvm merge status command |
dpvm overwrite-duplicate-pwwn command |
D Commands |
Generation 3 Modules |
do command (Added the command output for extended receive bbcredit interface) (Added a Note) |
D Commands |
show interface command (Added the command output for bbcredit information for a switch port) (Added the command output for interface capabilities on a 48 port line card) |
Show Commands |
show module command (Added the command output for a module resource on a 24 port line card with all ports in shared mode) (Added the command output for a module resource on a 24 port line card with few ports in shared mode and few port in dedicated mode) (Added the command output for a module resource on a 12 port line card with all ports in dedicated mode) (Added the command output for a module resource on a 12 port line card with all ports in dedicated mode and extended feature enabled) |
Show Commands |
Hardware |
show hardware fabric-mode command |
Show Commands |
show username command (Changed the command output from SAN-OS to NX-OS) |
show hardware command (Changed the command output from SAN-OS to NX-OS) |
show copyright command (Changed the command output from SAN-OS to NX-OS) |
Deprecated Commands (see the feature command for replacement commands) |
crypto ike enable command |
C Commands |
dpvm enable command |
D Commands |
fabric-binding enable command |
F Commands |
fcip enable command |
fcsp enable command |
ficon enable command |
ivr enable command |
I Commands |
port-security enable command |
P Commands |
sdv enable command |
S Commands |
tacacs+ enable command |
T Commands |
Added DMM Commands |
dmm module job command (Added the set-vi and modify rate keywords) |
D Commands |
show dmm module command (Added the syntax description and the command output) |
Show Commands |
Added SME Commands |
cluster command (Cluster command is replaced by the feature command) |
C Commands |
show tech-support sme command (Added the command output) |
Show Commands |
show role command (Added the command output) |
show sme cluster (Added the syntax description) |
show sme transport command (Added the syntax description) |
show debug command (Added the syntax description) |
delete command (Added the syntax description) |
D Commands |