Importing a Device Package

Importing a Device Package

About the Device Package

The Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) requires a device package to configure and monitor service devices. A device package manages a class of service devices and provides the APIC with information about the devices so that the APIC knows what the device is and what the device can do. A device package is a zip file that contains the following parts:

Device specification

An XML file that defines the following properties:

  • Device properties:
    • Model—Model of the device.
    • Vendor—Vendor of the device.
    • Version—Software version of the device.
  • Functions provided by a device, such as load balancing, content switching, and SSL termination.
  • Interfaces and network connectivity information for each function.
  • Device configuration parameters.
  • Configuration parameters for each function.

Device script

A Python script that performs the integration between the APIC and a device. The APIC events are mapped to function calls that are defined in the device script.

Function profile

A profile of parameters with default values that are specified by the vendor. You can configure a function to use these default values.

Device-level configuration parameters

A configuration file that specifies parameters that are required by a device at the device level. The configuration can be shared by one or more of the graphs that are using the device.

You can create a device package or it can be provided by a device vendor or Cisco.

Example of Installing a Device Package

When you create a device package, you need to install it on the system.

The following is an example of installing a device package:

$ scp admin@

Upload the package to the system.

$ ssh admin@

Log in as a provider administrator.

admin@apic:~> services install

Install the device package.

admin@apic:~> rm

(Optional) Clean up the uploaded file.


This will not uninstall the package.

Notes for Installing a Device Package with REST

  • A device package can be installed using an HTTP or HTTPS POST.

  • If HTTP is enabled on APIC, the URL for the POST is "".

  • If HTTPS is enabled on APIC, the URL for the POST is "".

  • The message must have a valid session cookie.

    See the Cisco APIC REST API User Guide for information about obtaining a cookie.

  • The body of the POST should contain the device package being uploaded. Only one package is allowed in a POST.

Importing a Device Package

You can import a device package into the Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) so that the APIC knows what devices you have and what the devices can do.

    Step 1   Log in as the provider administrator.
    Step 2   On the menu bar, click the L4-L7 Services tab. The Quick Start window of the INVENTORY submenu tab appears.
    Step 3   On the submenu bar, click the PACKAGES tab. The Quick Start window of the PACKAGES submenu tab appears.
    Step 4   In the Navigation pane, click Device Types. The Device Types window appears.
    Step 5   Choose Actions > Import Device Package. The IMPORT DEVICE PACKAGE dialog box appears.
    Step 6   In the File Name field, specify a device package that was either provided by the vendor or that you had previously created. For information about creating device packages, see Cisco APIC Layer 4 to Layer 7 Device Package Development Guide . As an example, the file, which contains the device package, is selected and uploaded.
    Step 7   Click Submit. The IMPORT DEVICE PACKAGE dialog box closes. A confirmation message appears if your package was successfully uploaded.
    Step 8   Refresh the Device Types window in the APIC. The new device appears in the list of device types.
    Step 9   (Optional)In the Navigation pane, expand Device Types to see the function parameters for the device package, and choose one of the functions.