Managing Contacts
The Smart+Connected PS mobile application allows you to view the location of your contacts within the enterprise. After you search for a contact, you either initiate a telephonic call, or send an e-mail or a text message.
•Searching and Viewing Contacts
•Saving Contacts on your Smartphone
Searching and Viewing Contacts
To search for all contacts in the enterprise, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
The Smart+Connected home screen appears.
Step 2 Tap People. The following tabs appear:
•All—Displays the People search page that allows you to search for people.
•Favorite—Displays all contacts that have been marked as favorites.
Step 3 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 4 Tap Search.
A list of contacts that share either the first name or the last name or the username appears.
Step 5 Alternatively, tap the Favorites tab to view the listed favorite contacts.
The following details appear along with the first and last name of the user:
•Profile picture. If the profile picture is not available, then the default silhouette image is displayed.
•Location details if the contact has checked in to a workspace
•The favorite icon against each contact detail.
Step 6 Tap Show More if there are more than 25 results.
Step 7 Tap the contact whose details you want to view.
Step 8 The user details screen is displayed with the following information.
•Profile picture. If the profile picture is not available, then the default silhouette image is displayed.
•Location details if the contact has checked in to a workspace.
•The favorite icon against each contact detail.
•Contact details such as the mobile number, office number, and e-mail Id of the associate.
Saving Contacts on your Smartphone
The Smart+Connected PS mobile application allows you to save the contacts available within your enterprise to your smartphone.
You can save a contact to your smartphone, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
Step 2 Tap People.
Step 3 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 4 Tap Search.
A list of contact(s) appear.
Step 5 Alternatively, tap the Favorites tab to view the listed favorite contacts.
Step 6 Tap the contact for which you want to view details.
The user details screen displays the contact details.
Step 7 Tap Add to Contacts to add the contact details to the existing list of phone contacts.
Step 8 Tap Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Marking Favorites - Contacts
To mark a contact as a favorite, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
The Smart+Connected home screen appears.
Step 2 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 3 Tap Search.
A list of contact(s) appear.
Step 4 Tap the contact for which you want to view details.
The user details screen displays the contact details.
Step 5 Tap the star icon against the contact to add the contact to the list of favorites.
Note If you unmark a contact as a favorite, it is instantaneously removed from the list of favorites.
Step 6 Tap Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Initiating a Phone Call
To initiate a phone call, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
The Smart+Connected home screen appears.
Step 2 Tap People.
Step 3 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 4 Tap Search.
A list of contact(s) appear.
Step 5 Alternatively, tap the Favorites tab to view the listed favorite contacts.
Step 6 Tap the contact for which you want to view details.
The user details screen displays the contact details.
Step 7 Tap the appropriate telephone number to initiate a telephonic conversation.
Step 8 (Optional) Tap Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Sending a Text Message
To send a text message to a contact, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
Step 2 Tap People.
Step 3 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 4 Tap Search.
A list of contact(s) appear.
Step 5 Alternatively, tap the Favorites tab to view the listed favorite contacts.
Step 6 Tap the contact to whom you want to send a text message.
The user details screen displays the contact details.
Step 7 Tap Text Message to create and send the text message.
Step 8 (Optional) Tap Back to navigate to the previous screen.
Sending an E-mail
To send an e-mail to a contact, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Login in to the Smart+Connected PS mobile application.
Step 2 Tap People.
Step 3 In the Search field, enter any one of the following options:
•part of or full username
•part of or full first name
•part of or full last name
•complete first name and second name
Note To search for a contact, you must enter minimum three characters.
Step 4 Tap Search.
A list of contact(s) appear.
Step 5 Alternatively, tap the Favorites tab to view the listed favorite contacts.
Step 6 Tap the contact to whom you want to send an e-mail.
The user details screen displays the contact details.
Step 7 Tap Email to create and send the text message.
Step 8 (Optional) Tap Back to navigate to the previous screen.