The Administrator windows let you perform several general administrative operations, including enabling HTTP and HTTPS access to the IP camera, configuring users, resetting or rebooting the IP camera, and updating firmware.
The following sections describe the Administration windows in detail:
Initialization Window
The Initialization window provides options for configuring passwords for the IP camera default administrator accounts, and for configuring which protocols can be used to access the IP camera.
The IP camera always has an HTTP/HTTPS administrator who can access the IP camera through an HTTP or HTTPS connection. The name of this administrator is admin. The password is configurable.
If you want to access the IP camera through SSH, you must configure a password for an SSH administrator. The name of this administrator is root. The password is configurable.
To display the Initialization window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Initialization.
The Initialization window appears. If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save button to save the changes. If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. The Save button appears at the bottom of the window. You might need to scroll down to it.
Table 9-1 describes the options in the Initialization window.
User Window
The User window lets you configure the following types of IP camera users:
- Administrator—Can access all IP camera windows, features, and functions.
- Viewer—Can access only the Camera Video & Control window and all features in that window except:
There is always at least one user with Administrator privileges configured. The user name of this user is “admin.” You can configure up to four additional users and assign privilege levels to each one.
When you configure users, follow these guidelines:
- After you enter a name, password, and privilege level for a user, click Add next to the user information to save your changes.
- To change the password for an existing user, click Change next to the user name.
- To remove a user, click Delete next to the user. If you delete a user who is logged into the IP camera, the user remains logged in and can continue access the IP camera.
- To change the name of a user, you must delete the user then create a new user.
To display the User window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Users.
Table 9-2 describes the options in the User window.
Maintenance Window
The Maintenance window provides options for setting or restarting the IP camera, saving configuration information from the IP camera, and uploading the configuration information to the IP camera.
Saving and uploading configuration is useful for these activities:
- Configuring multiple IP cameras—If your network includes several IP cameras that should have similar configurations, you can configure one IP camera, save that configuration, and upload it to other IP cameras. Then, instead of manually configuring all options on each IP camera, you manually configure only the options that are unique, such as the IP address, if not obtained from DHCP.
- Backing up configuration—If you save the configuration from the IP camera, you can upload it to the IP camera to restore the configuration if it is lost. You can upload it to a replacement IP camera, if needed.
To display the Maintenance window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Maintenance.
The Maintenance window appears.
Table 9-3 describes the options in the Maintenance window.
Click the Restore button to reset all IP camera settings to their factory default values. To confirm the restore procedure, click OK in the confirmation pop-up window. Otherwise, click Cancel. This action has the same effect as pressing and holding the Reset button on the IP camera for at least 15 seconds. After you perform this procedure, follow the steps in the Chapter2, “Performing the Initial Setup of the IP Camera” |
Click the Reset button to reset all IP camera settings except the static IP address, gateway IP address, and log in credentials (user name and password) to their factory default values. To confirm the restore procedure, click OK in the confirmation pop-up window. Otherwise, click Cancel. |
Click the Reboot button to reboot the software on IP camera. To confirm the reboot procedure, click OK in the confirmation pop-up window. Otherwise, click Cancel. This action has the same effect as pressing and immediately releasing the Reset button on the IP camera, or powering the IP camera down and then powering it up. |
Click the Export button to save the current IP camera configuration information to a binary file. Check the Exclude Network Basic and IP Addressing Setting check box if you do not want the configuration to contain network basic configuration information and the IP address of the camera. When you click this button, the File Download window appears. Use this window to save the configuration file. You can then load this configuration information to any same-model IP camera in the network. This feature is useful for creating a backup of this configuration and for configuring other IP cameras based on this configuration. |
Path and folder where a configuration file is stored. You can click Browse to find this location. After you enter this information, click Import to load the configuration file to the IP camera. After you upload a configuration file to the IP camera, the IP camera restarts automatically. If you upload configuration from another IP camera that is active in your network, make sure to configure this IP camera with a name, description, and unique IP address (if not obtained through DHCP). To change these options, see the “Basic Window” section and the “IP Addressing Window” section. A configuration file that you upload includes the passwords that are configured for the administrator and for users. If you change any passwords after saving the configuration file, be aware that uploading the file overwrites the new passwords with the saved ones. |
Click the Export button to save the current IP camera log information in.tar.gz format. When you click this button, the File Download window appears. Use this window to save the log file. Depending on the size of logs it may take some time to download the logs. |
Click the Clear button from the Camera Logs section to clear the camera log information from the IP camera. Depending on the amount of log information, it may take some time to clear the information. |
Firmware Window
The Firmware window lets you view information about the firmware that is installed on the IP camera and upgrade the firmware.
Before you upgrade firmware, download the firmware file to a PC that is accessible on your network and unzip the file if it is zipped. To download firmware, go to this web page:
After you upgrade firmware, the IP camera restarts automatically. It retains all configuration information.
To display the Firmware window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Firmware.
Table 9-4 describes the options in the Firmware window.
Display only. ID of the IP camera, as configured in the Basic window. For more information, see the “Basic Window” section. |
Click this button to display a pop-up window with additional information about the firmware on the IP camera (for example, bootloader version). |
To upgrade the firmware on the IP camera, begin by entering the path and folder where the new firmware file for the IP camera is stored. The upgrade file might be stored on another PC. Click Browse to find this location. |
After entering the path and folder for the firmware file, click this button to load the firmware upgrade on the IP camera. Do not power down the IP camera during the upgrade procedure. |
Device Processes Window
The Device Processes window displays the processes that occupy TCP or UDP ports, and lets you stop any of these processes.

Note To stop any process, click the Delete button that appears to the right of the process in the window.
Take care when stopping processes because some processes are required for the camera to operate properly. Processes that you stop in this window can restart the next time that you log in to the IP camera. If you delete a required process and the camera stops functioning, exit your web browser and then log back in to the IP camera to restart the process. If the process does not restart, power the IP camera off and then back on.
To display the Device Processes window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Device Processes.
The Device Processes window appears.
Table 9-5 describes the options in the Device Processes window. All options are for display only.
IP address and port number of the client device that is connected for the process |
Password Complexity Window
IP camera administrator and user passwords must always meet the requirements that are described in the “User Window” section. The Password Complexity window provides options for configuring additional requirements for the IP camera passwords.
To display the Password Complexity window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 From the IP camera user interface, click the Setup link.
Step 2 Click Administration to expand the menu.
Step 3 From the Administration menu, click Password Complexity.
The Password Complexity window appears. If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save button to save the changes. If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. The Save button appears at the bottom of the window. You might need to scroll down to it.
Table 9-6 describes the options in the Password Complexity window.