set Commands

set absolute-session-timeout

To set the absolute session timeout, use the set absolute-session-timeout command.

set absolute-session-timeout seconds

Syntax Description


Absolute session timeout for Web, SSH, and Telnet sessions; value can be 0 to 3600 seconds. To disable this timeout, set the value to 0.

Command Modes

Default authentication (/security/default-auth) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The absolute session timeout closes user sessions after the specified timeout period has passed, regardless of session use. This absolute timeout is global across all forms of access including serial console, SSH, and HTTPS.


This example shows how to enter default authentication mode and then set the absolute timeout for all sessions to four minutes:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set absolute-session-timeout 240
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set account-status

To specify whether a local user account is active or inactive, use the set account-status command.

set account-status { active| inactive}

Syntax Description


Specifies that the local user account is active.


Specifies that the local user account is disabled.

Command Modes

Local user (/security/local-user) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You must be a user with admin or AAA privileges to use this command.

The admin account is always set to active. It cannot be modified.


This example shows how to enter local user mode and deactivate a local user account:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope local-user test_user
FP9300-A /security/local-user # set account-status inactive
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 

set address

To set an email or URL address for a Smart Call Home or Smart Licensing destination, use the set address command.

set address address

Syntax Description


The email address or URL of the Smart Call Home or Smart Licensing destination.

Command Modes

scope monitoring/scope callhome/scope profile/scope destination/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Each Firepower 4100/9300 chassis must be registered with the Smart Call Home License Authority or Smart License satellite server. Use this command to set an email or HTTP/HTTPS URL address as the licensing destination.

License Authority example:

Satellite server example: https://ip_address/Transportgateway/services/DeviceRequestHandler


This example shows how to create and enter a Smart Call Home destination:

firepower # scope monitoring
firepower /monitoring # scope callhome
firepower /monitoring/callhome # scope profile SLProfile
firepower /monitoring/callhome/profile # scope destination SLDest
firepower /monitoring/callhome/profile/destination # set address
firepower /monitoring/callhome/profile/destination* # commit-buffer
firepower /monitoring/callhome/profile/destination #

set admin-state

To enable or disable the administrative state of a Smart Call Home policy, use the set admin-state command.

set admin-state { disabled| enabled}

Syntax Description


Sets the policy administrative state to disabled.


Sets the policy administrative state to enabled.

Command Modes

scope monitoring/scope callhome/policy/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable the Call Home policy when a fault or system event matching the associated cause is encountered.


This example shows how to enter and enable a Call Home policy instance for link-down events:

firepower /monitoring/callhome # enter policy link-down
firepower /monitoring/callhome/policy* # set admin-state enabled
firepower /monitoring/callhome/policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /monitoring/callhome/policy #

set auth-server-group

To specify a default authentication server group, use the set auth-server-group command.

set auth-server-group admin

Syntax Description


The name of the authentication server group.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to specify the default authentication server group:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set auth-server-group admin_server
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set authentication

To set the default authentication method for the user during login and when connecting to the FXOS CLI via the console port, use the set authentication command.

set authentication

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

scope security

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You can set the default method by which a user is authenticated during login and when connecting to the FXOS CLI via the console port.


This example shows how to enter security mode and set default authentication method:

firepower# scope security 
firepower /security # set authentication 
  console  Console authentication 
  default  Default authentication 

set auto-negotiation

To enable or disable the autonegotiation of an interface, use the set auto-negotiation command.

set auto-negotiation { on| off}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Auto-Negotiation is turned on.


(Optional) Auto-Negotiation is turned off.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/scope interface/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

This command works only on specific port types.


This example shows how to enable or disable autonegotiation:

Firepower-9300 # scope eth-uplink
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink #/fabric # scope interface Ethernet2/1 
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # set auto-negotiation on 
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # commit-buffer
Firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # 

set cert

To add an RSA certificate to a keyring, use the set cert command.

set cert

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Keyring mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After entering the command, you are prompted to enter the certificate text, which must end with ENDOFBUF.


This example shows how to enter the certificate text for a keyring:

FP9300-A /security/keyring # set cert 
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Keyring certificate:
FP9300-A /security/keyring* # 

set certchain

To enter a list (or chain) of certificates for the current trustpoint, use the set certchain command.

set certchain [ cert_chain]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The certificate chain obtained from a Certificate Authority.

If this variable is omitted, you are prompted to enter the certificate information manually.

Command Modes

Trustpoint mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The certificates must be in Base64 encoded X.509 (CER) format.

If you do not specify the certificate chain with the command, you are prompted to enter a certificate or a list of trust points defining a certification path to the root Certificate Authority (CA). Type ENDOFBUF to finish the entry.

See “Certificates, Key Rings, and Trusted Points” in the Cisco FXOS CLI Configuration Guide for information about obtaining a trust certificate.


This example shows how to create and enter a new trustpoint, and then paste a certificate chain into the trustpoint :

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # enter trustpoint tPoint4
FP9300-A /security/trustpoint* # set certchain
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Trustpoint Certificate Chain:
> ClRlc3QgR3JvdXAxGTAXBgNVBAMTEHRlc3QuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20xHzAdBgkqhkiG
> AoGBAMZw4nTepNIDhVzb0j7Z2Je4xAG56zmSHRMQeOGHemdh66u2/XAoLx7YCcYU
> ZgAMivyCsKgb/6CjQtsofvtrmC/eAehuK3/SINv7wd6Vv2pBt6ZpXgD4VBNKONDl
> GMbkPayVlQjbG4MD2dx2+H8EH3LMtdZrgKvPxPTE+bF5wZVNAgMBAAGgJTAjBgkq
> gYEAG61CaJoJaVMhzCl903O6Mg51zq1zXcz75+VFj2I6rH9asckCld3mkOVx5gJU
> Ptt5CVQpNgNLdvbDPSsXretysOhqHmp9+CLv8FDuy1CDYfuaLtvlWvfhevskV0j6
> jtcEMyZ+f7+3yh421ido3nO4MIGeBgNVHSMEgZYwgZOAFLlNjtcEMyZ+f7+3yh42
> /zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQAhWaRwXNR6B4g6Lsnr+fptHv+WVhB5fKqGQqXc
> wR4pYiO4z42/j9Ijenh75tCKMhW51az8copP1EBmOcyuhf5C6vasrenn1ddkkYt4
> PR0vxGc40whuiozBolesmsmjBbedUCwQgdFDWhDIZJwK5+N3x/kfa2EHU6id1avt
> 4YL5Jg==
FP9300-A /security/trustpoint* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/trustpoint # 

set (certreq)

To specify parameters for a keyring certificate request, use the set command in certificate request mode.

set { country| dns| e-mail| fi-a-ip| fi-a-ipv6| fi-b-ip| fi-b-ipv6| ip| ipv6| locality| org-name| org-unit-name| password| state| subject-name}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specify a two-letter country code for the request; letters must be capitalized.


(Optional) Specify the domain name assigned to the network; common to all host names. This is an alternative to subject-name .


(Optional) Specify the email address associated with the request.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used; there is no fabric interconnect B.


Not used; there is no fabric interconnect B.


(Optional) Specify the IPv4 address of the device domain.


(Optional) Specify the IPv6 address of the device domain.


(Optional) Specify the city or town in which the company requesting the certificate is headquartered.

Enter up to 64 characters. You can use any letters, numbers, or spaces, as well as the following special characters: , (comma), . (period), @ (at sign), ^ (carat), ( (open parenthesis), ) (close parenthesis), - (dash), _ (underscore), + (plus sign), : (colon), / (forward slash).


(Optional) Specify the name of the organization requesting the certificate.

Enter up to 64 characters. You can use any letters, numbers, or spaces, as well as the following special characters: , (comma), . (period), @ (at sign), ^ (carat), ( (open parenthesis), ) (close parenthesis), - (dash), _ (underscore), + (plus sign), : (colon), / (forward slash).


(Optional) Specify the name of the unit within the organization.

Enter up to 64 characters. You can use any letters, numbers, or spaces, as well as the following special characters: , (comma), . (period), @ (at sign), ^ (carat), ( (open parenthesis), ) (close parenthesis), - (dash), _ (underscore), + (plus sign), : (colon), / (forward slash).


(Optional) You are asked to enter and then confirm a password for the request.


(Optional) Specify the state or province in which the company requesting the certificate is headquartered.

Enter up to 64 characters. You can use any letters, numbers, or spaces, as well as the following special characters: , (comma), . (period), @ (at sign), ^ (carat), ( (open parenthesis), ) (close parenthesis), - (dash), _ (underscore), + (plus sign), : (colon), / (forward slash).


(Optional) Specify the fully qualified domain name of the local fabric interconnect.

Command Modes

scope security/enter keyring/scope certreq/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After creating or entering a certificate request, use these options to specify information about the request.


This example shows how to specify information about a certificate request:

firepower /security/keyring # enter certreq
firepower /security/keyring/certreq # set subject-name
firepower /security/keyring/certreq* # set password 
Certificate request password:
Confirm certificate request password:
firepower /security/keyring/certreq* # 

set (cfg-export-policy)

To specify or edit the parameters for an existing configuration-export policy, use the set command in configuration-export-policy mode.

set { adminstate| descr| hostname| password| port| protocol| remote-file| schedule| user}

Syntax Description

adminstate { disable| enable

Enables or disables policy administration. When disabled, configuration back-ups are not exported according to the policy schedule.

descr description

(Optional) You can add a description to the configuration object; the description can be between one and 256 characters. Most alphanumeric characters are allowed, as are dashes and underscores; the string can end with punctuation such as semi-colon, period (full stop), and exclamation point, but you cannot embed those characters in the description.

hostname host_ID

(Optional) Specify the IP address or host name of the remote server to which the configuration back-up is exported. This host can be a server, storage array, local drive, or any read/write media that is accessible on the network.



To use an actual host name, a configured DNS server must be available.


(Optional) Specify the password used to connect to the remote server; you are asked to enter and then confirm the password.

port { number| default}

(Optional) You can change the port on which communications with the remote server take place; if this option is not specified, the protocolʼs default port is used.

The options are a port-ID number between zero and 4294967295, or default for the current protocolʼs default port.

protocol name

(Optional) Specify the file-transfer protocol to use. Available options are:

  • ftp

  • scp

  • sftp

  • tftp

remote-file name

(Optional) Specify the full path, including a file name, for the exported configuration; can be between one and 128 characters.

schedule { bi-weekly| daily| weekly}

(Optional) Specify how frequently the configuration is automatically exported:

  • bi-weekly – Export occurs every two weeks.

  • daily – Export occurs every day.

  • weekly – Export occurs once a week.

user name

(Optional) Specify the user-account name employed to connect to the remote host; can be between zero and 510 characters.

Command Modes

scope org/scope cfg-export-policy/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Changing set adminstate to enable and then issuing a commit-buffer command immediately triggers a configuration export.


This example shows how to configure the default configuration-export policy, and then check the policy parameters:

firepower # scope org
firepower /org # scope cfg-export-policy default
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy # set protocol scp
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set hostname
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set remote-file /export/cfg-backup.xml
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set user user1
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set password
Enter a password:
Confirm the password:
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set schedule weekly
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # set adminstate enable
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy # show detail
Config Export policy:
    Name: default
    Description: Configuration Export Policy
    Admin State: Enable
    Protocol: Scp
    User: user1
    Remote File: /export/cfg-backup.xml
    Schedule: Weekly
    Port: Default
    Current Task:
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy # 

set (cfg-export-reminder)

To specify or edit the parameters for the configuration-export reminder object, use the set command in configuration-export-reminder mode.

set { adminstate| frequency}

Syntax Description

adminstate { disable| enable

Enable or disable the export reminder. When disabled, configuration back-up reminder faults are not generated.

frequency number_of_days

Specify the number of days that can pass without a configuration back-up occuring. After this period, the system will generate a reminder fault. This value can be between one and 365 days.

Command Modes

scope org/scope cfg-export-reminder/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

When the reminder is enabled, the system generates a fault when a configuration export hasnʼt been executed in the specified number of days.


This example shows how to enter the export-reminder object, enable it, specify how often back-ups must occur, and then view the settings:

firepower # scope org
firepower /org # scope cfg-export-reminder
firepower /org/cfg-export-reminder # set adminstate enable
firepower /org/cfg-export-reminder* # set frequency 30
firepower /org/cfg-export-policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /org/cfg-export-reminder # show

Config Export Reminder:
    Config Export Reminder (Days): 30
    AdminState: Enable
firepower /org/cfg-export-reminder # 

set cli

To specify whether command output lines wrap or truncate to fit the width of the terminal window, whether table headers are displayed, and whether commas or spaces are used to separate fields in command output tables, use the set cli command.

set cli { suppress-field-spillover { off| on} | suppress-headers { off| on} | table-field-delimiter { comma| none } }

Syntax Description

suppress-field-spillover { off| on}

Use off to wrap output lines in the terminal window.

Use on to truncate output lines at the end of the terminal window.

suppress-headers { off| on}

Use off to display table headers.

Use on to not display table headers.

table-field-delimiter { comma| none}

Use comma to separate fields in command output tables with commas.

Use none to separate fields in command output tables with spaces.

Command Default

Command output lines wrap in the terminal window.

Table headers are displayed.

Spaces are used to separate fields in command output tables.

Command Modes

Any command mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify whether command output lines wrap or truncate to fit the width of the terminal window, whether table headers are displayed, and whether commas or spaces are used to separate fields in command output tables.


This example shows how to specify that command output lines truncate, and then how to reset to wrap:

FP9300-A# set cli suppress-field-spillover on
FP9300-A# show fault
Severity  Code     Last Transition Time     ID       Description
--------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
Warning   F16520   2010-01-21T18:33:22.065   5785755 [FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: detect 
mezz cards in 1/6(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:ComputeBladeDiscover:NicPresence)
Condition F77960   2010-01-21T18:32:31.255   1089623 [FSM:STAGE:REMOTE-ERROR]: R
esult: end-point-unavailable Code: unspecified Message: sendSamDmeAdapterInfo: i
dentify failed

FP9300-A# set cli suppress-field-spillover off
FP9300-A# show fault
Severity  Code     Last Transition Time     ID       Description
--------- -------- ------------------------ -------- -----------
Warning   F16520   2010-01-21T18:33:22.065   5785755 [FSM:STAGE:RETRY:]: detect
Condition F77960   2010-01-21T18:32:31.255   1089623 [FSM:STAGE:REMOTE-ERROR]: R


set clock

To manually set the clock timing in FXOS, use the set clock command.

set clock

Syntax Description

set clock

Use set clock to manually set the clock in FXOS.

Command Modes

scope system/scope services

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

When you change the time on the chassis by more than two hours, you must reboot the device as soon as possible, for example in a maintenance window, to avoid any malfunction.


This example shows how to set the clock in FXOS:

firepower# scope system
firepower /system# scope services
firepower /system/services # set clock aug 23 2021 12 00 00
firepower /system/services* # commit
firepower /system/services # show clock
Tue Aug 24 12:00:02 UTC 2021

set cluster-control-link network

To set the cluster control link IP network in the cluster bootstrap configuration for the threat defense and ASA, use the set cluster-control-link network command.

set cluster-control-link network a.b.0.0

Syntax Description


Specifies any /16 network address, except for loopback ( and multicast ( addresses. If you set the value to, then the default network is used:

Command Default

The default network is

Command Modes

scope ssa/create logical-device/create cluster-bootstrap/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The chassis auto-generates the cluster control link interface IP address for each unit based on the chassis ID and slot ID: a.b.chassis_id.slot_id.

Bootstrap settings are meant for initial deployment only, or for disaster recovery. For normal operation, you can change most values in the application CLI configuration.


The following example shows how to set the mode to routed mode:

firepower# scope ssa
firepower /ssa # create logical-device FTD1 ftd 1 clustered
Firepower /ssa/logical-device* # create cluster-bootstrap
firepower /ssa/logical-device/cluster-bootstrap* # set cluster-control-link network
firepower /ssa/logical-device/cluster-bootstrap* # 

set collection-interval

To define how frequently monitored statistics are collected, use the set collection-interval command.

set collection-interval interval

Syntax Description


Length of time defining the statistics collection interval; available values are:

  • 1minute – one-minute intervals

  • 2minutes – two-minute intervals

  • 30seconds – 30-second intervals

  • 5minutes – five-minute intervals

Command Modes

scope monitoring/scope stats-collection-policy/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the set collection-interval command to define how frequently statistics are collected, and use the set reporting-interval command to define how frequently the statistics are reported. These intervals define a statistics collection policy.

Reporting intervals are longer than collection intervals so that multiple statistical data points can be collected during the reporting interval, which provides sufficient data to calculate and report minimum, maximum, and average values.

Statistics can be collected and reported for each of the following functional areas of your Firepower system; use the scope stats-collection-policy command to access a specific collection policy:

  • Adapter – statistics related to the adapters.

  • Chassis – statistics related to the blade chassis.

  • FEX – statistics related to configured Fabric Extender(s).

  • Host – this policy is a placeholder for future support.

  • Port – statistics related to the ports, including server ports, uplink Ethernet ports, and uplink Fibre Channel ports.

  • Server – statistics related to servers.


There is one default statistics collection policy for each of the functional areas. You cannot create additional statistics collection policies and you cannot delete the existing default policies. You can only modify the default policies.


This example shows how to enter the statistics collection policy for ports, set the collection interval to one minute, set the reporting interval to 30 minutes, and then commit the transaction:

firepower # scope monitoring
firepower /monitoring # scope stats-collection-policy port
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy # set collection-interval 1minute
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # set reporting-interval 30minute
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #

set con-absolute-session-timeout

To set the serial console absolute session timeout, use the set con-absolute-session-timeout command.

set con-absolute-session-timeout seconds

Syntax Description


Serial console absolute session timeout; value can be 0 to 3600 seconds. To disable this timeout, set the value to 0.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You can separately configure the absolute session timeout for serial console sessions. This means you can disable the serial console absolute session timeout for debugging while maintaining the absolute timeout for other forms of access.


This example shows how to enter default authentication mode and then set the serial console absolute timeout to four minutes:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set con-absolute-session-timeout 240
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set con-session-timeout

To set the serial console idle session timeout, use the set con-session-timeout command.

set con-session-timeout seconds

Syntax Description


Serial console idle session timeout; value can be 0 to 3600 seconds. To disable this timeout, set the value to 0.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the idle session timeout for serial console sessions.


This example shows how to enter default authentication mode and then set the serial console idle timeout to four minutes:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set con-session-timeout 240
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set cpu-core-count

To set the CPU cores for a resource profile for use with container instances, use the set cpu-core-count command.

set cpu-core-count cores

Syntax Description


Sets the number of cores for the profile, between 6 and the maximum, depending on your chassis, as an even number. You cannot specify 8 cores.

Command Modes

scope ssa/create resource-profile/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

To specify resource usage per container instance, create one or more resource profiles. When you deploy the logical device/application instance, you specify the resource profile that you want to use. The resource profile sets the number of CPU cores; RAM is dynamically allocated according to the number of cores, and disk space is set to 40 GB per instance.

  • The minimum number of cores is 6.

  • You cannot specify 8 cores due to internal architecture.

  • You can assign cores as an even number (6, 10, 12, 14 etc.) up to the maximum.

  • The maximum number of cores available depends on the security module/chassis model.

The chassis includes a default resource profile called "Default-Small," which includes the minimum number of cores. You can change the definition of this profile, and even delete it if it is not in use. Note that this profile is created when the chassis reloads and no other profile exists on the system.

You cannot change the resource profile settings if it is currently in use. You must disable any instances that use it, then change the resource profile, and finally reenable the instance. If you resize instances in an established High Availability pair, then you should make all members the same size as soon as possible.

If you change the resource profile settings after you add the threat defense instance to the management center, update the inventory for each unit on the Devices > Device Management > Device > System > Inventory dialog box.


The following example adds three resource profiles.

firepower# scope ssa
firepower /ssa # enter resource-profile basic
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set description "lowest level"
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set cpu-core-count 6
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # exit
firepower /ssa # enter resource-profile standard
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set description "middle level"
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set cpu-core-count 10
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # exit
firepower /ssa # enter resource-profile advanced
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set description "highest level"
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # set cpu-core-count 12
firepower /ssa/resource-profile* # commit-buffer
firepower /ssa/resource-profile #

set deploy-type

To set the deployment type for an application instance, either native or container, use the set deploy-type command.

set deploy-type { native | container}

Syntax Description


Sets the application instance to the container type.


Sets the application instance to the native type.

Command Default

The default type is native.

Command Modes

scope ssa/scope slot/create app-instance/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added for threat defense.

Usage Guidelines

Application instances run in the following deployment types:

  • Native instance—A native instance uses all of the resources (CPU, RAM, and disk space) of the security module/engine, so you can only install one native instance.

  • Container instance—A container instance uses a subset of resources of the security module/engine, so you can install multiple container instances. Multi-instance capability is only supported for the threat defense; it is not supported for the ASA.


    Multi-instance capability is similar to ASA multiple context mode, although the implementation is different. Multiple context mode partitions a single application instance, while multi-instance capability allows independent container instances. Container instances allow hard resource separation, separate configuration management, separate reloads, separate software updates, and full threat defense feature support. Multiple context mode, due to shared resources, supports more contexts on a given platform. Multiple context mode is not available on the threat defense.

For the Firepower 9300, you can use a native instance on some modules, and container instances on the other module(s).


The following example adds an threat defense application instance, and sets it to the container type:

Firepower# scope ssa
Firepower /ssa # scope slot 1
Firepower /ssa/slot # enter app-instance ftd MyDevice1
Firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # set deploy-type container
Firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # set resource-profile-name silver 1
Firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # set startup-version
Firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # exit
Firepower /ssa/slot* # exit
Firepower /ssa* # 

set descr

To set a description for the port-channel, use the set descr command.

set descr description

Syntax Description


(Optional) Description. Enter up to 256 characters.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/port-channel/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If your description includes spaces, special characters, or punctuation, you must begin and end your description with quotation marks. The quotation marks will not appear in the description field of any show command output Ethernet.


This example shows how to set the description:

firepower-9300 # scope eth-uplink
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric # create port-channel id
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # enable
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set descr "link"
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # commit-buffer
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # 

set duplex

To set the duplex for all members of the port-channel, use the set duplex command.

set duplex { fullduplex| halfduplex}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the duplex mode as full.


(Optional) Specifies the duplex mode as half.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/port-channel/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You must set the speed before setting the duplex mode. If you specify 10- or 100-Mbps speed, the port is automatically configured to use half-duplex mode, but you can specify full-duplex mode instead. Gigabit Ethernet is full duplex only. You cannot change the duplex mode on Gigabit Ethernet ports or on a 10/100/1000-Mbps port that is set for Gigabit Ethernet.


This example shows how to set the interface duplex mode:

firepower-9300# scope eth-uplink
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric # create port-channel id
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # enable
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set duplex halfduplex 
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # commit-buffer 
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # 

set email

To set a contact email address for a user account, use the set email command.

set email email_address

Syntax Description


An email address for the user account. Specify the email address in the format: user_name@domain_name.

Command Modes

Callhome (/monitoring/callhome) mode – to specify a primary contact email address to be included in Call Home messages.

Local user (/security/local-user) mode – to specify a contact email address for the current local user.

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If the email address includes special characters, such as # (hash), spaces, or & (ampersand), the email server may not be able to deliver email messages to that address. Cisco recommends using email addresses which comply with RFC2821 and RFC2822, and include only 7-bit ASCII characters.

In callhome mode, you can use a maximum of 2083 characters for the email address.

In local user mode, you can use a maximum of 510 characters for the email address.


This example shows how to specify an email address for the current local user:

FP9300-A /security/local-user # set email
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 

set enforce-strong-password

To enable and disable strong password enforcement, use the set enforce-strong-password command.

set enforce-strong-password { no| yes}

Syntax Description


Disables strong password enforcement.


Enables strong password enforcement.

Command Modes

Security mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

A password is required for each locally authenticated user account. A user with admin or AAA privileges can configure the system to perform a password strength check on all user passwords. If password strength checking is enabled, each user must have a “strong” password.

We recommend that each user have a strong password. If password strength checking is enabled for locally authenticated users, FXOS rejects any password that does not meet the following requirements:

  • Must contain a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 80 characters. (The set min-password-length command can be used to specify the minimum number of characters required.)

  • Must include at least one uppercase alphabetic character.

  • Must include at least one lowercase alphabetic character.

  • Must include at least one non-alphanumeric (special) character.

  • Must not contain a character that is repeated more than three times consecutively, such as aaabbb.

  • Must not contain three consecutive numbers or letters in any order, such as passwordABC or password321.

  • Must not be identical to the user name or the reverse of the user name.

  • Must pass a password dictionary check. For example, the password must not be based on a standard dictionary word.

  • Must not contain the following symbols: $ (dollar sign), ? (question mark), and = (equals sign).

  • Must not be blank for local user and admin accounts.


This example shows how to enter security mode and enable strong password enforcement:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # set enforce-strong-password yes
FP9300-A /security* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security # 

set expiration

To set an expiration date for a local user account, use the set expiration command.

set expiration { { apr| aug| dec| feb| jan| jul| jun| mar| may| nov| oct| sep} day year}

Syntax Description

{ apr| aug| dec| feb| jan| jul| jun| mar| may| nov| oct| sep}

The three-letter month abbreviation.


Numeric day of the month; valid values are 1 through 31.


Numeric year for expiration; maximum value is 2037.

Command Modes

Local user mode—to specify an expiration date for the current local user.

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After you configure a user account with an expiration date, you cannot reconfigure the account to not expire. You can however, reconfigure the account with a different expiration date.


This example shows how to enter security mode, create a new local user account and specify an expiration date for that account:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # create local-user test_user
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # set expiration dec 31 2019
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 

set (export-config)

To edit the parameters for an existing export-configuration object, use the set command in export-configuration mode.

set { descr| password| port| protocol| remote-file| user}

Syntax Description

descr description

(Optional) You can add a description to the configuration object; can be between one and 256 characters. Most alphanumeric characters are allowed, as are dashes and underscores; the string can end with punctuation such as semi-colon, period (full stop), and exclamation point, but you cannot embed those characters in the description.


(Optional) You can change the password used to connect to the remote server; you are asked to enter and then confirm the password.

port { number| default}

(Optional) You can change the port on which communications with the remote server take place. The options are a port-ID number between zero and 4294967295, or default for the current protocolʼs default port.

protocol name

(Optional) You can change the file-transfer protocol used to transmit the configuration back-up to the remote server. Available options are:

  • ftp

  • scp

  • sftp

  • tftp

remote-file name

(Optional) You can change the name of the back-up configuration file; can be between one and 128 characters.

user name

(Optional) You can change the user-account name employed to connect to the remote host; can be between zero and 510 characters.

Command Modes

scope system/scope export-config/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use these options to change the back-up options for an existing export-configuration object.

An export-configuration object is created when you issue an export-config command to back up the current logical device and platform configuration, and scope export-config is used to enter the object and edit its parameters.

Please note the following:

  • Beginning with FXOS 2.6.1, you must specify a key for use when encrypting sensitive information such as passwords and other secret keys during configuration export, and you must have specified it before you attempt to export the configuration.

    Also, the same key used during export must be set on the target system when you import an exported configuration, unless the file was exported from an FXOS release prior to 2.6.1, in which case the target system will not check the encryption key and will allow the import.

  • Do not modify the contents of the configuration file. If a configuration file is modified, configuration import using that file might fail.

  • To avoid overwriting existing back-up files, please be sure to change the file name in the export operation, or copy the existing file to another location.


This example shows how to add a description to an existing export-configuration object:

firepower # scope system
firepower /system # scope export-config
firepower /system/export-config # set descr one-time_back-up_be_sure_to_change_file_name
firepower /system/export-config* # commit-buffer
firepower /system/export-config # 

set firstname

To specify the first name of a local user, use the set firstname command.

set firstname name

Syntax Description


The user’s first name; can be zero to 32 characters.

Command Modes

Local user mode

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to enter security mode, create a new local user account and specify a first name and a last name for that user:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # create local-user test_user
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # set firstname john
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # set lastname doe
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 



create local-user

Creates a new local user account.

set lastname

Specifies the surname for a local user account.

set flow-control-policy

To assign a flow control policy to an interface or a port-channel, use the set flow-control-policy command.

set flow-control-policy name

Syntax Description


The name of the flow control policy; maximum of 16 characters.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/scope interface/

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/scope port-channel/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

When you create a new flow control policy, you are automatically entered into flow-control/policy mode (eth-uplink/flow-control/policy) with an asterisk indicating the new policy is not yet committed. You can set policy property values and then commit the new policy. After you create a flow control policy, the policy name cannot be changed. You must delete the policy and create a new one.


This example shows how to assign a flow control policy to an interface:

firepower-9300 # scope eth-uplink
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink # scope fabric 
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink #/fabric # scope interface Ethernet1/8  
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # set flow-control-policy eth1-8flowcontrol
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # commit-buffer
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # 

set (flow-control policy)

To specify or edit the parameters for an existing flow-control policy, use the set command in flow-control/policy mode.

set { prio| receive| send}

Syntax Description

prio { auto| on

Sets the flow-control priority option:

  • auto – This device and the network will negotiate whether Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is used on this fabric.

  • on – PPP is enabled on this fabric.

receive off

Specifies that pause requests from the network are ignored and traffic flow continues normally.

send off| on

Sets the flow-control send parameter:

  • off – Traffic flows normally regardless of packet load.

  • on – This device sends a pause request to the network if the incoming packet buffer becomes full. The pause remains in effect for a few milliseconds while traffic returns to normal levels.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope flow-control/policy/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify flow control receive options. When you specify off, pause requests from the network are ignored and traffic flow continues as normal. When you specify on, pause requests are honored and all traffic is halted on that uplink port until the network cancels the pause request.

Use this command to specify flow control send options. When you specify off , traffic on the port flows normally regardless of the packet load. When you specify on , the FXOS sends a pause request to the network if the incoming packet rate becomes too high. The pause remains in effect for a few milliseconds before traffic is reset to normal levels.


This example shows how to create and enter a named policy for flow control, and then set policy parameters:

firepower # scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope flow-control
firepower /eth-uplink/flow-control # enter policy FCpolicy1
firepower /eth-uplink/flow-control/policy* # set prio auto
firepower /eth-uplink/flow-control/policy* # set send on
firepower /eth-uplink/flow-control/policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /eth-uplink/flow-control/policy #

set frequency

To generate a fault when a configuration export hasn't been executed in a certain number of days, use the set frequency command.

set frequency days

Syntax Description


Config Export Reminder (Days).

Command Modes

scope org/scope cfg-export-reminder/

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to set the configuration frequency days for export reminder:

firepower-9300* # scope org
firepower-9300 /org* # scope cfg-export-reminder
firepower-9300 /org/scope cfg-export-reminder* # set frequency 2
firepower-9300 /org/scope cfg-export-reminder* # commit-buffer
firepower-9300 /org/scope cfg-export-reminder* # show detail
Config Export Reminder:
Config Export Reminder (Days): 10
AdminState: Enable

set http-proxy-server-enable

To enable or disable an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for Smart Software Licensing and Smart Call Home, use the set http-proxy-server-enable command.

set http-proxy-server-enable { off| on}

Syntax Description


Disables the Smart Call Home HTTP/HTTPS proxy.


Enables the Smart Call Home HTTP/HTTPS proxy.

Command Default

The HTTP/HTTPS proxy is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Callhome mode

Usage Guidelines

If your network uses an HTTP proxy for Internet access, you must enable the proxy and configure its address for Smart Software Licensing. This proxy is also used for Smart Call Home in general.


This example shows how to enable an HTTP proxy:

FP9300-A# scope monitoring
FP9300-A /monitoring # scope callhome
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # set http-proxy-server-enable on
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # 

set http-proxy-server-port

To set the HTTP/HTTPS proxy server port for Smart Software Licensing and Smart Call Home, use the set http-proxy-server-port command.

set http-proxy-server-port port_number

Syntax Description


The port for the HTTP or HTTPS proxy server; range is 1 to 65535.

Command Default

The HTTP/HTTPS proxy is disabled by default. The proxy must be enabled before you enter the server address and port number.

Command Modes

Callhome mode

Usage Guidelines

If your network uses an HTTP proxy for Internet access, you must enable the proxy and configure its address for Smart Software Licensing. This proxy is also used for Smart Call Home in general.


This example shows how to enter an HTTP/HTTPS proxy-server port number:

FP9300-A# scope monitoring
FP9300-A /monitoring # scope callhome
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # set http-proxy-server-port 443
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # 

set http-proxy-server-url

To set the HTTP/HTTPS proxy server address for Smart Software Licensing and Smart Call Home, use the set http-proxy-server-url command.

set http-proxy-server-url url

Syntax Description


The HTTP or HTTPS address of the proxy server; can be a maximum of 2083 characters.

Command Default

The HTTP/HTTPS proxy is disabled by default. The proxy must be enabled before you enter the server address.

Command Modes

Callhome mode

Usage Guidelines

If your network uses an HTTP proxy for Internet access, you must enable the proxy and configure its address for Smart Software Licensing. This proxy is also used for Smart Call Home in general.


This example shows how to enter an HTTPS proxy-server address:

FP9300-A# scope monitoring
FP9300-A /monitoring # scope callhome
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # set http-proxy-server-url
FP9300-A /monitoring/callhome # 

set https

To specify HTTPS service parameters, use the set https command.

set https { auth-type { cert-auth| cred-auth} | cipher-suite cipher_string| cipher-suite-mode { custom| high-strength| low-strength| medium-strength} | crl-mode { relaxed| strict} | keyring keyring_name| port port_number}

Syntax Description

auth-type { cert-auth| cred-auth}

(Optional) Specifies the type of authentication to use for HTTPS access:

  • cert-auth—Sets your system to use a client certificate in conjunction with LDAP to authenticate users for HTTPS access.

  • cred-auth —Sets the system to use credential-based user authentication for HTTPS access.

cipher-suite cipher_string

(Optional) Specifies the definition string for the cipher suite to be used with the custom cipher-suite-mode .

The specification string can contain up to 256 characters and must conform to the OpenSSL Cipher Suite specifications. You cannot use any spaces or special characters, except ! (exclamation point), + (plus sign), - (hyphen), and : (colon). See for additional information.



This string is ignored if cipher-suite-mode is set to anything other than custom .

cipher-suite-mode { custom| high-strength| low-strength

(Optional) Sets the level of Cipher Suite security used:

  • custom —Lets you define a custom Cipher Suite security specification string using the cipher-suite option.




Generally, cipher strength is roughly based on the bits of security (or symmetric key size), with ‟low” meaning less than 128 bits of security, ‟medium” meaning equal to 128 bits, and ‟high” meaning greater than 128 bits of security.

crl-mode { relaxed| strict}

(Optional) Defines the level of certificate revocation list (CRL) checking for HTTPS connections:

  • relaxed —Certificates found on a CRL may be used to allow HTTPS authentication, depending on the reason for the certificateʼs listing; a warning message is logged whenever this occurs. Essentially disables CRL checking.

  • strict —Connection authentication fails for any certificate on a CRL; a warning message is logged whenever this occurs. Also, the CRL must be up to date.

keyring keyring_name

(Optional) Specifies the name of the RSA keyring to be used for HTTPS connections.

port port_number

(Optional) Specifies the port to be used for HTTPS connections; can be 1 to 65535. Default is 443.

Command Default

The default HTTPS authentication configuration on the Firepower 4100/9300 chassis is credential-based.

The default Cipher Suite security level is medium strength.

Command Modes

Services mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If certificate authentication is enabled, that is the only form of authentication permitted for HTTPS.

The following requirements must be met by the client certificate to use this feature:

  • The user name must be included in the X509 attribute Subject Alternative Name email.

  • The client certificate must be signed by a root CA which has had its certificate imported into a trustpoint on the supervisor.


When you commit most of these configuration parameters (specifically keyring, port, cipher-suite, and custom cipher-suite-mode), all current HTTP and HTTPS sessions are closed without user warning.


This example shows how to enable certificate-based authentication for HTTPS access:

FP9300-A# scope system
FP9300-A /system # scope services
FP9300-A /system/services # set https auth-type cert-auth
FP9300-A /system/services* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /system/services #

set (interface)

To specify or change the parameters for an interface, use the set command in interface mode.

set { admin-duplex| admin-speed| auto-negotiation| descr| eth-link-profile| flow-control-policy| nw-ctrl-policy| port-type| user-label}

Syntax Description

admin-duplex { fullduplex| halfduplex}

Defines the duplex mode for the interface:

  • fullduplex – Specifies simultaneous two-way communications.

  • halfduplex – Specifies one-way-at-a-time communications.

admin-speed { 100gbps| 100mbps| 10gbps| 10mbps| 1gbps| 40gbps}

Specify the interface data-transfer speed:

  • 100gbps – One hundred Gigabits per second.

  • 100mbps – One hundred Megabits per second.

  • 10gbps – Ten Gigabits per second.

  • 10mbps – Ten Megabits per second.

  • 1gbps – One Gigabit per second.

  • 40gbps – Forty Gigabits per second.

auto-negotiation { no| yes}

Enables or disables auto-negotiation of common transmission parameters such as speed, duplex and flow control.

  • no – Disables auto-negotiation.

  • yes – Enables auto-negotiation.

descr description

You can add a description to the interface; the description can be between zero and 256 characters. Most alphanumeric characters are allowed, as are dashes and underscores; spaces are not allowed. The string can end with punctuation such as semi-colon, period (full stop), and exclamation point, but you cannot embed those characters in the description.

eth-link-profile name

You can assign an Ethernet Link Profile to the interface, automatically configuring the interface according to the profile parameters. Provide the name of the profile; can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

flow-control-policy name

You can assign a flow-control policy to the interface; provide the policy name, which can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

nw-ctrl-policy name

You can assign a network-control policy to the interface; provide the policy name, which can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

port-type { cluster| data| data-sharing| firepower-eventing| mgmt}

Specify the interface type or function:

  • cluster – Specify cluster only if you want to use this interface as the cluster control link.

  • data – Use for regular data transmission. This is the default type.

  • data-sharing – Use for regular data; only supported with container instances.

  • firepower-eventing – Use this interface as a secondary management interface for threat defense devices. The firepower-eventing interface is used to carry all event traffic (such as Web events).

  • mgmt – Use to manage application instances. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.

See set port-type for more information about this command.

user-label label

You can apply a descriptive label to this interface. can be beween zero and 16 alphanumeric characters.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/interface/

Command History

Release Modification


We added the data-sharing type.


We added the firepower-eventing type.


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The type cluster is a special interface type used for a clustered logical device. This type is automatically assigned to the cluster control link for inter-unit cluster communications. By default, the cluster control link is automatically created on port-channel 48.

Data interfaces cannot be shared between logical devices.

The type data-sharing is supported only with container instances, these data interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices/container instances (threat defense-only). Each container instance can communicate over the backplane with all other instances that share this interface. Shared interfaces can affect the number of container instances you can deploy. Shared interfaces are not supported for bridge group member interfaces (in transparent mode or routed mode), inline sets, passive interfaces, or failover links.

A firepower-eventing interface is a secondary management interface for threat defense devices. To use this interface, you must configure its IP address and other parameters at the threat defense CLI. For example, you can separate management traffic from events (such as Web events). See the “Management Interfaces” section in the System Configuration chapter of the Management Center configuration guide. Firepower-eventing interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface.

Use mgmt interfaces to manage application instances. They can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.

The interface speed that you specify can affect the duplex mode used for an interface, so you must set the speed before setting the duplex mode. If you specify 10- or 100-Mbps speed, the port is automatically configured to use half-duplex mode, but you can specify full-duplex mode instead. If you specify a speed of 1000 Mbps (1Gbps) or faster, full duplex is automatically used.

If you edited the default flow control policy, it is already applied to interfaces. If you created a new policy, you can apply it to the interface.


This example shows how to set the interface speed to 10 Gbps and the port type to data:

firepower # scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric # enter interface Ethernet1/8
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # enable
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # set admin-speed 10gbps
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # set port-type data
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # commit-buffer
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface

set ipv6

To enable or disable the IPv6 support on firepower device, use the set ipv6 command in fabric interconnect mode.

set ipv6 [ enable | disable ]

Syntax Description


Enables or disables IPv6 support on the firepower device.

Command Modes

scope fabric-interconnect/scope ipv6-config

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

By default, IPv6 will not be set. Use this command to enable or disable IPv6.


This example shows how to enable IPv6 in a firepower device:

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set ipv6 enable
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

set ipv6-auto eui64

To generate IPv6 address based on eui64 method, use the set ipv6-auto eui64 command in fabric interconnect mode. The lower 64 bits are derived from the hardware address identifier such as MAC.

set ipv6 auto eui64

Syntax Description

auto eui64

Generates the ipv6 address based on the hardware identifiers.

Command Modes

scope fabric-interconnect/scope ipv6-config

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You must have a valid global adddress present on the management interface to set ipv6-auto eui64.


This example shows how to set the ipv6-auto eui64:

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set ipv6-auto eui64
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

set ipv6-auto stablesec

To generate ipv6 address based on stable secret seed mechanism, use the set ipv6-auto stablesec command in fabric interconnect mode.

set ipv6 auto stablesec

Syntax Description

auto stablesec

Generates the ipv6 address based on the stable secret seed values.

Command Modes

scope fabric-interconnect/scope ipv6-config

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.


This example shows how to set the ipv6-auto stablesec:

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set ipv6-auto stablesec
Warning: Setting ipv6readycfg to stablesec will require reboot
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

set ipv6-ready

To set the IPv6 address based on eui64 or stable secret seed method based on the input IPv6 address, use the set ipv6-ready command in fabric interconnect mode.

set ipv6-ready [ ipv6-addr address ipv6-readyconfig-eui64 ipv6-readyprefix prefix | ipv6-addr address ipv6-readyconfig stablesec ipv6-readyprefix prefix ]

Syntax Description

ipv6-addr <address>

Input IPv6 adress

ipv6-readyconfig eui64

eui64 method to generate the ipv6 address based on the input address

ipv6-readyconfig stablesec

stablesec method to generate the ipv6 address based on the input address

ipv6-readyprefix <prefix>

IPv6 prefix

Command Modes

scope fabric-interconnect/scope ipv6-config

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.


This example shows how to set the set the ipv6 address based on eui64 method :

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set ipv6-ready ipv6-addr 2003::12 ipv6-readyconfig eui64 ipv6-readyprefix 64
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

This example shows how to set the set the ipv6 address based on stablesec method :

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set ipv6-ready ipv6-addr e2ca:83a7:eb48:8f6f:da04:949b:b701:1049 ipv6-readyconfig stablesec ipv6-readyprefix 64
Warning: Setting ipv6readycfg to stablesec will require reboot
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

set keyring-name

To assign a keyring to an IPSec connection, use the set keyring-name command.

set keyring-name name

Syntax Description


The name of a keyring to be assigned to the IPSec connection; maximum of 16 characters.

Command Modes

Connection (/security/ipsec/connection) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to add a keyring to an IPSec connection.


This example shows how to add a keyring to the current IPSec connection:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set keyring-name kr22
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set keyring-passwd

Specifies the passphrase for a keyring assigned to an IPSec connection.

set lastname

To specify the last name of a local user, use the set lastname command.

set lastname name

Syntax Description


The user’s surname; can be 0 to 32 characters.

Command Modes

Local user mode

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to enter security mode, create a new local user account, and then specify a first name and a last name for that user.

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # create local-user test_user
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # set firstname john
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # set lastname doe
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 



create local-user

Creates a new local-user account.

set firstname

Specifies the first name for a local user account.

set link-state-sync

To synchronize the operational link state with the physical link state for data interfaces using a service state, use the set link-state-sync command.

set link-state-sync

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

scope ssa

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to synchronize the FTD operational link state with the physical link state for data interfaces.


This example shows how to enter scope ssa mode and then set the link-state-sync.

firepower# scope ssa 
firepower /ssa # scope logical-device <logical device identifier>
firepower /ssa/logical-device # set link-state-sync ?
  disabled  Disabled 
  enabled   Enabled 

set local-address

To specify the local IP address for an IPSec connection, use the set local-address command.

set local-address ip_address

Syntax Description


Provide an IPv4 or IPv6 local gateway address for the IPSec connection; maximum of 510 characters.

Command Modes

Connection mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command and the set remote-address command to define the endpoints of an IPSec connection.


This example shows how to set the local address for an IPSec connection:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set local-address
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set remote-addr

Sets the remote IP address for an IPSec connection.

set log-level

To specify the IPSec logging level, use the set log-level command.

set log-level log_level

Syntax Description


Enter a value between 0 and 4 to specify IPSec log verbosity; default is 1.

0 – Basic auditing information; for example, SA up/down.

1 – General control flow information, with errors.

2 – More detailed control flow information; includes debugging information.

3 – Includes raw data dumps (hexadecimal).

4 – Includes sensitive information in the data dumps; for example, SA keys.

Command Modes

IPSec mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ipsec-log command to view the logs.


This example shows how to set the IPSec logging level to 2:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # set log-level 2
FP9300-A /security/ipsec* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # 

set max-login-attempts

To specify the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed, use the set max-login-attempts command.

set max-login-attempts max_attempts

Syntax Description


The maximum number of failed login attempts before the user is locked out of the system. The value can range from 0 to 10; the default is 0.

Command Modes

Security mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If any user (including admin users) exceeds this maximum number of login attempts, the user is locked out of the system and must wait a specified amount of time before being allowed to log in again. No notification appears indicating that the user is locked out.


This example shows how to enter security mode and specify a maximum number of login attempts:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # set max-login-attempts 4
FP9300-A /security* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security # 

set message

To add or replace the lines of text presented as the pre-login banner, use the set message command.

set message

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

scope security/scope banner/scope pre-login-banner/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After entering the command, you are prompted to enter the lines of banner text. You must enter ENDOFBUF (must be all capital letters) to terminate the banner text.


The pre-login banner object must already exist; see create pre-login-banner.


This example shows you how to create and specify a pre-login banner, then commit and view it:

firepower # scope security
firepower /security # scope banner
firepower /security/banner # create pre-login-banner
firepower /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # set message
Enter lines one at a time. Enter ENDOFBUF to finish. Press ^C to abort.
Enter prelogin banner:
>Western Data Center
firepower /security/banner/pre-login-banner* # commit
firepower /security/banner/pre-login-banner # show 

Pre login banner:
Western Data Center

firepower /security/banner/pre-login-banner # 

set min-password-length

To specify a minimum length for user passwords, use the set min-password-length command.

set min-password-length num_chars

Syntax Description


The minimum number of characters required for user passwords; value can range from 8 to 80.

Command Modes

Security mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If enabled, users must create passwords with the specified minimum number of characters or more. For example, if num_chars is set to 15, passwords must consist of at least 15 characters.


This example shows how to enter security mode and specify a minimum password length of 15 characters:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # set min-password-length 15
FP9300-A /security* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security # 

set mode

To specify the IPSec connection mode, use the set mode command.

set mode { transport| tunnel}

Syntax Description


Sets the connection mode to transport .


Sets the connection mode to tunnel .

Command Modes

Connection mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

In transport mode, only the payload of an IP packet is encrypted; in tunnel mode, the entire packet is encrypted. Transport mode is generally used for end-to-end sessions, and tunnel mode is used for all other types of connections (for example, between gateways).


This example shows how to set the IPSec connection mode to tunnel:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set mode tunnel
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set local-addr

Sets the local IP address for an IPSec connection.

set remote-addr

Sets the remote IP address for an IPSec connection.

set modulus

To specify the RSA key modulus (SSL key length) in bits, use the set modulus command.

set modulus { mod1536| mod2048| mod2560| mod3072| mod3584| mod4096}

Syntax Description

RSA key modulus (SSL key length) in bits

Valid options are:

  • mod1536 – Modulus is 1536 bits

  • mod2048 – Modulus is 2048 bits

  • mod2560 – Modulus is 2560 bits

  • mod3072 – Modulus is 3072 bits

  • mod3584 – Modulus is 3584 bits

  • mod4096 – Modulus is 4096 bits

Command Modes

Keyring mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the key length for a keyring.


This example shows how to specify a key length of 2048 bits for a keyring:

FP9300-A# scope security 
FP9300-A /security # scope keyring test-ring
FP9300-A /security/keyring # set modulus 2048 
FP9300-A /security/keyring* # commit-buffer
switch-A /security/keyring #

set nd

To enable or disable the IPv6 ND support on the firepower device, use the set nd command in fabric interconnect mode.

set nd [ enable | disable ]

Syntax Description


Enables the rdnssd (ipv6 recursive dns server discovery daemon) to run, once it is set to enable.


Disables the rdnssd daemon in the firepower device.

Command Modes

scope fabric-interconnect/scope ipv6-config

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

By default, ND will not be set. Use this command to enable or disable IPv6.


This example shows how to enable ND in a firepower device:

firepower # scope fabric-interconnect
firepower /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set nd enable
firepower /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer

set out-of-band

To change the management IP address for the device, use the set out-of-band command.

For an IPv4 address:

set out-of-band { gw gateway_address| ip ip_address| netmask network_mask}

For an IPv6 address:

set out-of-band { ipv6 ipv6_address| ipv6-gw ipv6_gateway| ipv6-prefix ipv6_prefix}

Syntax Description

gw gateway_address

ip ip_address

netmask network_mask

Provide an IPv4 gateway address.

Provide an IPv4 address for device management access.

Provide a netmask for the IPv4 address.

ipv6 ipv6_address

ipv6-gw ipv6_gateway

prefix ipv6_prefix

Provide an IPv6 address for device management access.

Provide an IPv6 gateway address.

Provide a prefix length for the IPv6 address.



Only IPv6 Global Unicast addresses are supported as the chassisʼs IPv6 management address.

Command Modes

IPv4 address: fabric interconnect mode

IPv6 address: IPv6 configuration (fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After changing the management IP address, you will need to re-establish any existing connections using the new address.

You can enter the three keywords and variables, for either IP address type, in any order on one command line. See the following examples.


Only IPv6 Global Unicast addresses are supported as the chassisʼs IPv6 management address.


This example shows how to display the current IPv4 management interface and gateway addresses, and specify new addresses:

FP9300-A # scope fabric-interconnect a
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect # show

Fabric Interconnect:
ID   OOB IP Addr     OOB Gateway     OOB Netmask     OOB IPv6 Address OOB IPv6 Gateway Prefix Operability
---- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------ -----------
A   ::               ::               64     Operable
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect # set out-of-band ip netmask gw
Warning: When committed, this change may disconnect the current CLI session
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect # 

This example shows how to display the current IPv6 management interface and gateway addresses, and specify new addresses:

FP9300-A # scope fabric-interconnect a
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect # scope ipv6-config
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # show ipv6-if

Management IPv6 Interface:
IPv6 Address                        Prefix     IPv6 Gateway
----------------------------------- ---------- ------------
2001::8998                          64         2001::1
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # set out-of-band ipv6 2001::8999 ipv6-prefix 64 ipv6-gw 2001::1
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /fabric-interconnect/ipv6-config # 




Shows the current device management IP addresses.

show ipv6-if

Shows the current device management IPv6 address.

set password

To specify the password for a user account, use the set password command.

set password

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

scope security/ – to change the password for the currently logged-in user

scope security/scope local-user/ – to specify a password for the current local user

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

After entering the set password command, you are prompted to enter and confirm the password. For security purposes, the password that you type does not appear in the CLI window.

This password must be a minimum of eight characters and a maximum of 80 characters. Use set min-password-length to define a specific minimum number of characters. Use set enforce-strong-password to require use of “strong” passwords.


This example shows how to enter security mode, create a new local user account and specify a password for that user:

firepower# scope security
firepower /security # create local-user test_user
firepower /security/local-user* # set password
Enter a password:
Confirm the password:
firepower /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
firepower /security/local-user # 



create local-user

Creates a new local-user account.

set expiration

Specifies the date on which the user account expires.

set password-encryption-key

To specify a key for use when encrypting sensitive information during configuration export, use the set password-encryption-key command.

set password-encryption-key

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords. After you enter the command, you are asked to enter and confirm an encryption key.

The key can be between four and 40 characters long; the key you enter is then used to generate a 128-bit MD5 hash value.

Command Modes

scope security/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the configuration export feature to export an XML file containing logical device and platform configuration settings for your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to a remote server. You can later import that configuration file to quickly apply the configuration settings to your Firepower 4100/9300 chassis to return to a known good configuration or to recover from a system failure.

Beginning with FXOS 2.6.1, you must specify a key for use when encrypting sensitive information such as passwords and other secret keys during configuration export, and you must have specified it before you attempt to export the configuration.

Also, the same key used during export must be set on the target system when you import an exported configuration, unless the file was exported from an FXOS release prior to 2.6.1, in which case the target system will allow the import.

Once a password encryption key is set, it cannot be changed or deleted unless you perform a factory-reset or password-recovery. Factory-reset or password-recovery will clear the key as if it had never been set.


This example shows how to specify a password encryption key prior to exporting the current configuration:

firepower # scope security
firepower /security # set password-encryption-key
Enter a key:
Confirm the key:
Warning: Please make note of the encryption key configured. If you change the key, importing configurations that were exported with the previous key will fail, because Import and Export requires the same encryption key on the system.
firepower /security* # commit-buffer
firepower /security # 

set (password-profile)

To specify or change local-user password-profile parameters, use the set command in password-profile mode.

set { change-count| change-during-interval| change-interval| history-count| no-change-interval}

Syntax Description

change-count count

The maximum number of times a user can change his or her password (during the time period specified with set change-interval ); value can be 0 to 10.

change-during-interval { disable| enable}

Enable or disable restrictions on the number of password changes a locally authenticated user can make:

  • disable – Disables restrictions on the number of password changes.

  • enable – Enables restrictions on the number of password changes.

This option must be enabled before you can specify the maximum number of times a locally authenticated user can change his or her password, and the number of hours over which that number of password changes can be made.

change-interval interval

The interval over which a user’s password changes are tallied to ensure they do not exceed the maximum number specified with the set change-count command; the number of hours can be 1 to 745.

The set change-during-interval option must be enabled before you can specify this interval.

history-count count

The number of unique passwords that a locally authenticated user must create before that user can re-use a previously used password; value can be 0 to 15.

By default, the count value is zero, which disables the password history count, allowing users to re-use previously used passwords at any time.

no-change-interval hours

The length of time in hours during which a user cannot change her or his password again; value can be 1 to 745.

The set change-during-interval option must be disabled before you set this time period, otherwise this value is ignored.

Command Modes

scope security/scope password-profile/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The set change-during-interval option must be enabled before you can specify the maximum number of times a locally authenticated user can change his or her password, and the number of hours over which that number of password changes can be made.

By default, the set history-count value is zero, which disables the password history count, allowing users to re-use previously used passwords at any time.


This example shows how to enter password profile mode, enable password-change restrictions, specify that a user can change his or her password only twice in any 48-hour period, and then view the current settings:

firepower # scope security
firepower /security # scope password-profile
firepower /security/password-profile # set change-during-interval enable
firepower /security/password-profile* # set change-count 2
firepower /security/password-profile* # set change-interval 48
firepower /security/password-profile* # commit-buffer
firepower /security/password-profile # show detail

Password profile:
    Password history count: 5
    No password changes allowed (in Hours): 24
    Password change during interval: Enable
    Password change interval (in Hours): 48
    Password change count: 2
firepower /security/password-profile # 

set phone

To set a contact telephone number for a user account, use the set phone command.

set phone tel_number

Syntax Description


A contact telephone number for the user account; maximum of 20 characters.

Command Modes

Local user mode

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to specify an telephone number for the current local user:

FP9300-A /security/local-user # set phone +1-408-555-1212
FP9300-A /security/local-user* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/local-user # 

set (port-channel)

To specify or edit the parameters for an existing port-channel, use the set command in port-channel mode.

set { auto-negotiation| descr| duplex| flow-control-policy| lacp-policy-name| nw-ctrl-policy| port-channel-mode| port-type| speed}

Syntax Description

auto-negotiation { no| yes}

Enables or disables auto-negotiation of common transmission parameters such as speed, duplex and flow control.

  • no – Disables auto-negotiation.

  • yes – Enables auto-negotiation.

descr description

You can add a description to the port-channel; the description can be between zero and 256 characters. Most alphanumeric characters are allowed, as are dashes and underscores; spaces are not allowed. The string can end with punctuation such as semi-colon, period (full stop), and exclamation point, but you cannot embed those characters in the description.

duplex { fullduplex| halfduplex}

Defines the duplex mode for the port-channel:

  • fullduplex – Specifies simultaneous two-way communications.

  • halfduplex – Specifies one-way-at-a-time communications.

flow-control-policy name

You can assign a flow-control policy to the port-channel; provide the policy name, which can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

lacp-policy-name name

You can assign a LACP policy to the port-channel; provide the policy name, which can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

nw-ctrl-policy name

You can assign a network-control policy to the port-channel; provide the policy name, which can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters.

port-channel-mode { active| on}

Define the mode for the port-channelʼs physical data or data-sharing interfaces:

  • active – Sends and receives LACP updates. An active port-channel can establish connectivity with either an active or a passive port-channel. You should use the active mode unless you need to minimize the amount of LACP traffic. This is the default.

  • on – The port-channel is always on, and LACP is not used. An “on” port-channel can only establish a connection with another “on” port-channel.

Non-data interfaces support only active mode.

port-type { cluster| data| data-sharing| firepower-eventing| mgmt}

Specify the port-channel type or function:

  • cluster – Specify cluster only if you want to use this port-channel as the cluster control link.

  • data – Use for regular data transmission. This is the default type.

  • data-sharing – Use for regular data; only supported with container instances.

  • firepower-eventing – Use this port-channel as a secondary management interface for threat defense devices. The firepower-eventing port-channel is used to carry all event traffic (such as Web events).

  • mgmt – Use to manage application instances. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.

See set port-type for more information about this command.

speed { 100gbps| 100mbps| 10gbps| 10mbps| 1gbps| 40gbps}

Specify the port data-transfer speed:

  • 100gbps – One hundred Gigabits per second.

  • 100mbps – One hundred Megabits per second.

  • 10gbps – Ten Gigabits per second.

  • 10mbps – Ten Megabits per second.

  • 1gbps – One Gigabit per second.

  • 40gbps – Forty Gigabits per second.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/port-channel/

Command History

Release Modification


We added the data-sharing type.


We added the firepower-eventing type.


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Assign member interfaces to the port-channel before using this command to set parameters.

The LACP port-channel mode applies to data and data-sharing interfaces only. For non-data and non-data-sharing interfaces, the mode is always active.

The type cluster is a special interface type used for a clustered logical device. This type is automatically assigned to the cluster control link for inter-unit cluster communications. By default, the cluster control link is automatically created on port-channel 48.

Data interfaces cannot be shared between logical devices.

The type data-sharing is supported only with container instances, these data interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices/container instances (threat defense-only). Each container instance can communicate over the backplane with all other instances that share this interface. Shared interfaces can affect the number of container instances you can deploy. Shared interfaces are not supported for bridge group member interfaces (in transparent mode or routed mode), inline sets, passive interfaces, or failover links.

A firepower-eventing interface is a secondary management interface for threat defense devices. To use this interface, you must configure its IP address and other parameters at the threat defense CLI. For example, you can separate management traffic from events (such as Web events). See the “Management Interfaces” section in the System Configuration chapter of the Management Center configuration guide. Firepower-eventing interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface.

Use mgmt interfaces to manage application instances. They can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.

The interface speed that you specify can affect the duplex mode used for an interface, so you must set the speed before setting the duplex mode. If you specify 10- or 100-Mbps speed, the port is automatically configured to use half-duplex mode, but you can specify full-duplex mode instead. If you specify a speed of 1000 Mbps (1Gbps) or faster, full duplex is automatically used.

If you edited the default flow control policy, it is already applied to interfaces. If you created a new policy, you can apply it to the port-channel.


The following example creates Port-Channel 1 with four member interfaces, sets the type to data, and sets the EtherChannel to On mode.

firepower# scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric # create port-channel 1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/2 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/3 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/4
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-type data
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-channel-mode on
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # commit-buffer
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # 

set port-channel-mode

To set the port channel mode for an EtherChannel, use the set port-channel-mode command.

set port-channel-mode { active | on}

Syntax Description


Sets the interface in an EtherChannel to be active.


Sets the interface in an EtherChannel to be on. Only supported for Data or Data-sharing interfaces.

Command Default

The default mode is active.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/create port-channel/

Command History

Release Modification


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

You can configure each physical Data or Data-sharing interface in an EtherChannel to be:

  • Active—Sends and receives LACP updates. An active EtherChannel can establish connectivity with either an active or a passive EtherChannel. You should use the active mode unless you need to minimize the amount of LACP traffic.

  • On—The EtherChannel is always on, and LACP is not used. An “on” EtherChannel can only establish a connection with another “on” EtherChannel.

Non-data interfaces only support active mode.


The following example adds Port-Channel 1 with 4 member interfaces, sets the type to data, and sets the EtherChannel to On mode.

firepower# scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric # create port-channel 1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/2 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/3 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/4
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-type data
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-channel-mode on

set port-type

To set the port type for an interface, use the set port-type command.

set port-type { cluster| data| data-sharing| firepower-eventing| mgmt}

Syntax Description


Special interface type used for a clustered logical device. This type is automatically assigned to the cluster control link for inter-unit cluster communications. By default, the cluster control link is automatically created on port-channel 48. For multi-instance clustering, you cannot share a Cluster-type interface across devices. You can add VLAN subinterfaces to the Cluster EtherChannel to provide separate cluster control links per cluster. If you add subinterfaces to a Cluster interface, you cannot use that interface for a native cluster. device manager does not support clustering.


Data interfaces cannot be shared between logical devices.


Only supported with container instances, these data interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices/container instances (threat defense-only). Each container instance can communicate over the backplane with all other instances that share this interface. Shared interfaces can affect the number of container instances you can deploy. Shared interfaces are not supported for bridge group member interfaces (in transparent mode or routed mode), inline sets, passive interfaces, clusters,or failover links.


This interface is a secondary management interface for threat defense devices. To use this interface, you must configure its IP address and other parameters at the threat defense CLI. For example, you can separate management traffic from events (such as web events). See the “Management Interfaces” section in the System Configuration chapter of the Management Center configuration guide. Firepower-eventing interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface.


Use management interfaces to manage application instances. They can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.

Command Default

The default type is data.

Command Modes

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/scope interface/

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/scope interface/create subinterface/

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/create port-channel/

scope eth-uplink/scope fabric a/create port-channel/create subinterface/

Command History

Release Modification


You can set the cluster type on a VLAN subinterface for use with multi-instance clustering.


We added the data-sharing type.


We added the firepower-eventing type.


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Container instances can share data-sharing type interfaces. This capability lets you conserve physical interface usage as well as support flexible networking deployments. When you share an interface, the chassis uses unique MAC addresses to forward traffic to the correct instance. However, shared interfaces can cause the forwarding table to grow large due to the need for a full mesh topology within the chassis (every instance must be able to communicate with every other instance that is sharing the same interface). Therefore, there are limits to how many interfaces you can share.

In addition to the forwarding table, the chassis maintains a VLAN group table for VLAN subinterface forwarding. Depending on the number of parent interfaces and other deployment decisions, you can create up to 500 VLAN subinterfaces.

See the following limits for shared interface allocation:

  • Maximum 14 instances per shared interface. For example, you can allocate Ethernet1/1 to Instance1 through Instance14.

  • Maximum 10 shared interfaces per instance. For example, you can allocate Ethernet1/1.1 through Ethernet1/1.10 to Instance1.

See the following table for interface type support for FTD and ASA applications in standalone and cluster deployments.

Table 1. Interface Type Support



Data: Subinterface


Data-Sharing: Subinterface



Cluster (EtherChannel only)

Cluster: Subinterface


Standalone Native Instance




Standalone Container Instance







Cluster Native Instance


(EtherChannel only for inter-chassis cluster)




Cluster Container Instance


(EtherChannel only for inter-chassis cluster)






Standalone Native Instance




Cluster Native Instance


(EtherChannel only for inter-chassis cluster)




The following example adds Port-Channel 1 with 4 member interfaces, sets the type to data, and sets the EtherChannel to On mode.

firepower# scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric # create port-channel 1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/2 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/3 
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # create member-port Ethernet1/4
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-type data
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-channel-mode on

The following example adds three subinterfaces and sets the port type to data-sharing.

firepower# scope eth-uplink
firepower /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric # enter interface Ethernet1/1
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # enter subinterface 10
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set vlan 10
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set port-type data-sharing
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # enter subinterface 11
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set vlan 11
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set port-type data-sharing
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # exit
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # enter subinterface 12
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set vlan 12
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # set port-type data-sharing
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface* # commit-buffer
firepower /eth-uplink/fabric/interface/subinterface # 

set port-type (aggr-interface)

To configure the port type for the interface, use the set port-type command.

set port-type{ data| data-sharing| mgmt| firepower-eventing| cluster}

Syntax Description

data (Optional) Data interfaces cannot be shared between logical devices.


(Optional) Only supported with container instances, these data interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices/container instances (FTD-only). Each container instance can communicate over the backplane with all other instances that share this interface. Shared interfaces can affect the number of container instances you can deploy. Shared interfaces are not supported for bridge group member interfaces (in transparent mode or routed mode), inline sets, passive interfaces, or failover links.


(Optional) Use management interfaces to manage application instances. They can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface. You can only assign one management interface per logical device.


(Optional) This interface is a secondary management interface for FTD devices. To use this interface, you must configure its IP address and other parameters at the FTD CLI. For example, you can separate management traffic from events (such as web events). See the "Management Interfaces" section in the Management Center configuration guide System Configuration chapter. Firepower-eventing interfaces can be shared by one or more logical devices to access external hosts; logical devices cannot communicate over this interface with other logical devices that share the interface.


(Optional) Special interface type used for a clustered logical device. This type is automatically assigned to the cluster control link for inter-unit cluster communications. By default, the cluster control link is automatically created on Port-channel 48.

Command Modes

scope cabling/scope fabric a/

Command History

Release Modification


Added the data-sharing type.


Added the firepower-eventing type.


Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Container instances can share data-sharing type interfaces. This capability lets you conserve physical interface usage as well as support flexible networking deployments. When you share an interface, the chassis uses unique MAC addresses to forward traffic to the correct instance. However, shared interfaces can cause the forwarding table to grow large due to the need for a full mesh topology within the chassis (every instance must be able to communicate with every other instance that is sharing the same interface). Therefore, there are limits to how many interfaces you can share.


The following example shows to configure the interface port-type and then list the available commands:

firepower-9300* # scope cabling
firepower-9300 /cabling* # scope fabric a
firepower-9300 /cabling/fabric* # create breakout port breakout 2 1
firepower-9300 /cabling/fabric* # show config
 scope fabric a
+    enter breakout 2 3
+    exit
firepower-9300 /cabling/fabric* # exit
firepower-9300 /cabling* # exit

The system reboots after you use the commit-buffer command.

firepower-9300* # scope eth-uplink
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink* # scope fabric a
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # show

    Fabric ID
    Afirepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # show
  >               Redirect it to a file
  >>              Redirect it to a file in append mode
  aggr-interface  Aggregate Interface
  detail          Detail
  event           Event Management
  expand          Expand
  fault           Fault
  fsm             Fsm
  interface       Interface
  port-channel    Port Channel
  stats           statistics
  |               Pipe command output to filter

firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # show aggr-interface expand
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # show aggr-interface
  1-4     Slot
  >       Redirect it to a file
  >>      Redirect it to a file in append mode
  detail  Detail
  expand  Expand
  n/n     Ethernet<Slot Id>/<Aggregate Port Id>
  |       Pipe command output to filter
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # show aggr-interface expand
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* #
  acknowledge  Acknowledge
  create       Create managed objects
  delete       Delete managed objects
  enter        Enters a managed object
  scope        Changes the current mode
  show         Show system information

firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # scope aggr-interface
  1-4  Slot
  n/n  Ethernet<Slot Id>/<Aggregate Port Id>

firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric* # scope port-channel 2
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/aggr-interface* # create member-port Ethernet2/1/1
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/aggr-interface/member-port* # show config
+enter member-port 2 1
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/aggr-interface/member-port* #
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/aggr-interface/member-port* # exit
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/aggr-interface* # exit
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # show config
 enter port-channel 2
+    enter aggr-interface 2 1
+        enter member-port 2 1
+        exit
+    exit
     enter member-port 1 6
     set auto-negotiation no
     set descr ""
     set duplex fullduplex
     set flow-control-policy default
     set lacp-policy-name default
     set nw-ctrl-policy default
     set port-channel-mode active
     set port-type data
     set speed 1gbps

firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-type
  cluster             Cluster
  data                Data
  data-sharing        Data Sharing
  firepower-eventing  Firepower Eventing
  mgmt                Mgmt

firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* # set port-type cluster
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel* commit-buffer
firepower-9300 /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # 

set prefix

To set the MAC address prefix to use when autogenerating MAC addresses for container instance interfaces, use the set prefix command.

set prefix prefix

Syntax Description


Specifies a decimal value between 1 and 65535. This prefix is converted to a four-digit hexadecimal number, and used as part of the MAC address.

Command Modes

scope ssa/scope auto-macpool/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

The FXOS chassis automatically generates MAC addresses for container instance interfaces, and guarantees that a shared interface in each instance uses a unique MAC address.

If you manually assign a MAC address to a shared interface within the application, then the manually-assigned MAC address is used. If you later remove the manual MAC address, the autogenerated address is used. In the rare circumstance that the generated MAC address conflicts with another private MAC address in your network, we suggest that you manually set the MAC address for the interface within the application.

Because autogenerated addresses start with A2, you should not start manual MAC addresses with A2 due to the risk of overlapping addresses.


Even if you are not sharing a subinterface, if you manually configure MAC addresses, make sure you use unique MAC addresses for all subinterfaces on the same parent interface to ensure proper classification.

The FXOS chassis generates the MAC address using the following format:


Where xx.yy is a user-defined prefix or a system-defined prefix, and zz.zzzz is an internal counter generated by the chassis. The system-defined prefix matches the lower 2 bytes of the first MAC address in the burned-in MAC address pool that is programmed into the IDPROM. Use connect fxos , then show module to view the MAC address pool. For example, if the range of MAC addresses shown for module 1 is b0aa.772f.f0b0 to b0aa.772f.f0bf, then the system prefix will be f0b0.

The user-defined prefix is an integer that is converted into hexadecimal. For an example of how the user-defined prefix is used, if you set a prefix of 77, then the chassis converts 77 into the hexadecimal value 004D (yyxx). When used in the MAC address, the prefix is reversed (xxyy) to match the chassis native form:


For a prefix of 1009 (03F1), the MAC address is:



The following example sets the MAC prefix to 33.

firepower# scope ssa
firepower /ssa # scope auto-macpool
firepower /ssa/auto-macpool # set prefix 33
firepower /ssa/auto-macpool* # commit-buffer
firepower /ssa/auto-macpool

set protocol

To specify the protocol to use when communicating with the remote server for the export policy, use the set protocol command.

set protocol{ ftp| scp| sftp| tfp}

Syntax Description


Specifies the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for file transfer.


Specifies the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) for file transfer.


Specifies the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for file transfer.


Specifies the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) for file transfer.

Command Modes

Configuration export policy (/org/cfg-export-policy)

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify a file transfer protocol.


This example shows how to set the port number for the export policy:

firepower-9300* # scope org
firepower-9300 /org* # scope cfg-export-policy default
firepower-9300 /org/cfg-export-policy* # set protocol scp
firepower-9300 /org/cfg-export-policy* # commit-buffer
firepower-9300 /org/cfg-export-policy # 

set realm

To specify the default authentication service, use the set realm command.

set realm { ldap| local| none| radius| tacacs}

Syntax Description


Specifies LDAP authentication.


Specifies local authentication.


Allows local users to log on without specifying a password.


Specifies RADIUS authentication.


Specifies TACACS+ authentication.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.


This example shows how to enter security/default-auth mode and set the default authentication service to Radius:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set realm radius
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set refresh-period

To set the Web session refresh period—the maximum time allowed between refresh requests for a user in this domain—use the set refresh-period command.

set refresh-period seconds

Syntax Description


Number of seconds after which a Web session is considered inactive. Value can be 0 to 3600 seconds; default is 600 seconds.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

If this time limit is exceeded, FXOS considers the Web session to be inactive, but it does not terminate the session.


This example shows how to enter default authentication mode and set the session refresh interval:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set refresh-period 800
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set regenerate

To regenerate the keys in the default keyring, use the set regenerate command.

set regenerate { no| yes}

Syntax Description


Do not regenerate the keys.


Regenerate the keys.

Command Modes

Keyring mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to regenerate the RSA keys in the default keyring. This command is accepted only in the default keyring.


This example shows how to regenerate the keys in the default keyring:

FP9300-A# scope security 
FP9300-A /security # scope keyring default
FP9300-A /security/keyring # set regenerate yes 
FP9300-A /security/keyring* # commit-buffer
switch-A /security/keyring #

set remote-address

To specify the remote IP address for an IPSec connection, use the set remote-address command.

set remote-address ip_address

Syntax Description


Provide an IPv4 or IPv6 remote gateway address for the IPSec connection; maximum of 510 characters.

Command Modes

Connection (/security/ipsec/connection) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command and the set local-address command to define the endpoints of an IPSec connection.


This example shows how to set the remote address for an IPSec connection:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set local-address
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set local-addr

Sets the local IP address for an IPSec connection.

set remote-ike-ident

To specify the remote peer IKE identity for an IPSec tunnel connection, use the set remote-ike-ident command.

set remote-ike-ident remote_ID

Syntax Description


The IKE identification of the remote peer; maximum of 510 characters.

Command Modes

Connection (/security/ipsec/connection) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the remote peerʼs IKE ID for an IPSec connection. This identification is used for peer validation during IKE negotiations.


This example shows how to specify the remote IKE ID for an IPSec connection:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set remote-ike-ident
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set remote-addr

Sets the remote IP address for an IPSec connection.

set remote-subnet

To specify the remote subnet for an IPSec tunnel connection, use the set remote-subnet command.

set remote-subnet ip_address/mask_bits

Syntax Description


Provide an IPv4 or IPv6 remote subnet address/mask for the IPSec connection; maximum of 510 characters.

Command Modes

Connection (/security/ipsec/connection) mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the IP address/mask of an IPSec connectionʼs remote subnet.


This example shows how to set the remote subnet for an IPSec connection:

FP9300-A # scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope ipsec
FP9300-A /security/ipsec # enter connection testconn
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # set remote-subnet
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/ipsec/connection # 



create connection

Creates a new IPSec connection.

set remote-addr

Sets the remote IP address for an IPSec connection.

set remote-user

To restrict access to those users matching an established user role, use the set remote-user command.

set remote-user default-role { assign-default-role| no-login}

Syntax Description


When a user attempts to log in and the remote authentication provider does not supply a user role with the user’s authentication information, the user is allowed to log in with a read-only user role.


When a user attempts to log in and the remote authentication provider does not supply a user role with the user’s authentication information, access is denied.

Command Modes

Security mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

assign-default-role is the default behavior.


This example shows how to enter security mode and deny access to users without a user role:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # set remote-user default-role no-login
FP9300-A /security* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security # 

set reporting-interval

To define how frequently monitored statistics are reported, use the set reporting-interval command.

set reporting-interval interval

Syntax Description


Length of time defining the statistics reporting interval; available values are:

  • 15minutes – 15-minute intervals

  • 2hours – two-hour (120-minute) intervals

  • 2minutes – two-minute intervals

  • 30minutes – 30-minute intervals

  • 4hours – four-hour (240-minute) intervals

  • 60minutes – 60-minute (one-hour) intervals

  • 8hours – eight-hour (480-minute) intervals

Command Modes

scope monitoring/scope stats-collection-policy/

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the set collection-interval command to define how frequently statistics are collected, and use the set reporting-interval command to define how frequently the statistics are reported. These intervals define a statistics collection policy.

Reporting intervals are longer than collection intervals so that multiple statistical data points can be collected during the reporting interval, which provides sufficient data to calculate and report minimum, maximum, and average values.

Statistics can be collected and reported for each of the following functional areas of your Firepower system; use the scope stats-collection-policy command to access a specific collection policy:

  • Adapter – statistics related to the adapters.

  • Chassis – statistics related to the blade chassis.

  • FEX – statistics related to configured Fabric Extender(s).

  • Host – this policy is a placeholder for future support.

  • Port – statistics related to the ports, including server ports, uplink Ethernet ports, and uplink Fibre Channel ports.

  • Server – statistics related to servers.


There is one default statistics collection policy for each of the functional areas. You cannot create additional statistics collection policies and you cannot delete the existing default policies. You can only modify the default policies.


This example shows how to enter the statistics collection policy for ports, set the collection interval to one minute, set the reporting interval to 30 minutes, and then commit the transaction:

firepower # scope monitoring
firepower /monitoring # scope stats-collection-policy port
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy # set collection-interval 1minute
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # set reporting-interval 30minute
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy* # commit-buffer
firepower /monitoring/stats-collection-policy #

set resource-profile-name

To set the resource profile for an application instance, use the set resource-profile-name command.

set resource-profile-name profile_name

Syntax Description


Sets the resource profile name for this application instance.

Command Modes

scope ssa/scope slot/create app-instance/

Command History

Release Modification


Can now be used for container instances.


Command added for use with vDP.

Usage Guidelines

For vDP, resource profiles are pre-created in the FXOS configuration when you download the vDP image. For container instances, create resource profiles using the create resource-profile command. Use the show resource-profile system command to view available profiles.

If you change the resource profile for an application instance that is running, then the instance reboots.


The following example shows how to set the the resource profile for a vDP application instance:

firepower# scope ssa
firepower /ssa # show app
    Name       Version         Author     Supported Deploy Types CSP Type    Is Default App
    ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------------------- ----------- --------------
    asa        9.10.1          cisco      Native                 Application Yes
    ftd        6.2.3           cisco      Native                 Application Yes
    vdp    radware    Vm                     Application Yes

firepower /ssa # show resource-profile system
Profile Name       App Name   App Version  Is In Use  Security Model  CPU Logical Core Count RAM Size (MB)  Default Profile Profile Type Description
------------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- --------------- ---------------------- -------------- --------------- ------------ -----------
                   vdp No         FPR4K-SM-12                          4          16384 Yes             System
DEFAULT-RESOURCE   vdp No         FPR9K-SM-56, FPR9K-SM-44, FPR9K-SM-36, FPR9K-SM-24, FPR4K-SM-44, FPR4K-SM-36, FPR4K-SM-24
                                                                                           6          24576 Yes             System
VDP-10-CORES       vdp No         FPR9K-SM-56, FPR9K-SM-44, FPR9K-SM-36, FPR9K-SM-24, FPR4K-SM-44, FPR4K-SM-36, FPR4K-SM-24
                                                                                          10          40960 No              System
VDP-2-CORES        vdp No         all                                  2           8192 No              System
VDP-4-CORES        vdp No         all                                  4          16384 No              System
VDP-8-CORES        vdp No         FPR9K-SM-56, FPR9K-SM-44, FPR9K-SM-36, FPR9K-SM-24, FPR4K-SM-44, FPR4K-SM-36, FPR4K-SM-24
                                                                                           8          32768 No              System
firepower /ssa/app # exit
firepower /ssa # scope slot 1
firepower /ssa/slot # create app-instance vdp VDP1
firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # set resource-profile-name VDP-10-CORES
firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # 


The following example shows how to set the the resource profile for a threat defense container instance:

firepower# scope ssa
firepower /ssa # show resource-profile

Profile Name       App Name   App Version  Is In Use  Security Model  CPU Logical Core Count RAM Size (MB)  Default Profile Profile Type Description
------------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- --------------- ---------------------- -------------- --------------- ------------ -----------
bronze             N/A        N/A          No         all                                  6            N/A No              Custom       low end device
silver             N/A        N/A          No         all                                  8            N/A No              Custom       mid-level

firepower /ssa # scope slot 1
firepower /ssa/slot # create app-instance ftd FTD1
firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # set resource-profile-name silver
firepower /ssa/slot/app-instance* # 

set session-timeout

To set the idle session timeout for Web, SSH, and Telnet sessions, use the set session-timeout command.

set session-timeout seconds

Syntax Description


Idle session timeout for Web, SSH, and Telnet sessions; value can be 0 to 3600 seconds.

Command Modes

Default authentication mode

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the idle session timeout for Web, SSH, and Telnet sessions.


This example shows how to enter default authentication mode and then set the idle session timeout to four minutes:

FP9300-A# scope security
FP9300-A /security # scope default-auth
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # set session-timeout 240
FP9300-A /security/default-auth* # commit-buffer
FP9300-A /security/default-auth # 

set snmp-adminappinstance

To set Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) admin app-instance configuration parameters, use the set snmp adminappinstance command.

set snmp adminappinstance { slot | appname | id | enable | yes/no }

Syntax Description


Slot selection between 1-3


Displays appname


Displays Identifier name


Select yes/no to enable/disable

Command Modes

scope monitoring

Command History




Command added.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco recommends that you enable only communication services needed to interact with other network applications. So, you must enable the SNMP agent (enable snmp).

This is a subcommand of the show command in scope monitoring.


This example shows how to display information of snmp:

Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance
  slot  Slot
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot
  1-3  Admin App Slot
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1
  appname  AppName
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname
  WORD  Admin App Name (Min size 0, Max size 510)
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname ftd
  id  Id
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname ftd id
  WORD  Admin App Id (Min size 0, Max size 510)
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname ftd id FTD
  enable  Enable
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname ftd id FTD enable
  no   No
  yes  Yes
Firepower /monitoring # set snmp adminappinstance slot 1 appname ftd id FTD enable yes
Firepower /monitoring* # commit-buffer

Firepower /monitoring #
Firepower /monitoring # show snmp
Name: snmp
    Admin State: Enabled
    Port: 161
    Is Community Set: No
    Sys Contact:
    Sys Location:
    Admin App Enable: Yes
        Admin App Slot: 1
        Admin App Name: ftd
        Admin App Id: FTD

set snmp

To set Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) configuration parameters, use the set snmp command.

set snmp { community| syscontact