show s - sz

show sctp

To display current Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) cookies and associations, use the show sctp command.

show sctp [ detail]

Syntax Description


Displays detailed information about SCTP associations.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show sctp command displays information about SCTP cookies and associations.

If you enable SCTP inspection using a FlexConfig from management center, this command can show the SCTP information.


The following is sample output from the show sctp command:

> show sctp

AssocID: 2279da7a

AssocID: 4924f520

The following is sample output from the show sctp detail command:

> show sctp detail

AssocID: 8b7e3ffb
    Receiver Window: 48000
    Cumulative TSN: 5cb6cd9b
    Next TSN: 5cb6cd9c
    Earliest Outstanding TSN: 5cb6cd9c
    Out-of-Order Packet Count: 0
    Receiver Window: 114688
    Cumulative TSN: 5cb6cd98
    Next TSN: 0
    Earliest Outstanding TSN: 5cb6cd9c
    Out-of-Order Packet Count: 0

show serial-number

To display the printed circuit board (PCB) serial number, use the show serial-number command. This command is not available on virtual devices.

show serial-number

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show serial-number command to view the printed circuit board's serial number. This information is also shown in show version system and show running-config output.

Use the show inventory command to view the chassis serial number


The following example shows how to display the serial number. The number in this example has been changed to be invalid.

> show serial-number

show service-policy

To display the service policy statistics, use the show service-policy command.

show service-policy [ global | interface intf] [ cluster flow-mobility | inspect inspection [ arguments] | police | priority | set connection [ details] | sfr | shape | user-statistics]

show service-policy [ global | interface intf] [ flow protocol { host src_host | src_ip src_mask} [ eq src_port] { host dest_host | dest_ip dest_mask} [ eq dest_port] [ icmp_number | icmp_control_message]]

Syntax Description

cluster flow-mobility

(Optional.) Shows status information on flow mobility in threat defense clusters.

dest_ip dest_mask

For the flow keyword, the destination IP address and netmask of the traffic flow.


(Optional) For the set connection keyword, displays per-client connection information, if a per-client connection limit is enabled.

eq dest_port

(Optional) For the flow keyword, equals the destination port for the flow.

eq src_port

(Optional) For the flow keyword, equals the source port for the flow.

flow protocol

(Optional) Shows policies that match a particular flow identified by the 5-tuple (protocol, source IP address, source port, destination IP address, destination port). You can use this command to check that your service policy configuration will provide the services you want for specific connections.


(Optional) Limits output to the global policy.

host dest_host

For the flow keyword, the host destination IP address of the traffic flow.

host src_host

For the flow keyword, the host source IP address of the traffic flow.


(Optional) For the flow keyword when you specify ICMP as the protocol, specifies an ICMP control message of the traffic flow.


(Optional) For the flow keyword when you specify ICMP as the protocol, specifies the ICMP protocol number of the traffic flow.

inspect inspection [arguments]

(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include an inspect command. Not all inspect commands are supported for detailed output. To see all inspections, use the show service-policy inspect ? command. The arguments available for each inspection vary; see the CLI help for more information.

interface intf

(Optional) Displays policies applied to the interface specified by the intf argument, where intf is the interface name.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include the police command.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include the priority command.

set connection

(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include the set connection command.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies for ASA FirePOWER modules. This keyword is not meaningful for threat defense.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include the shape command.

src_ip src_mask

For the flow keyword, the source IP address and netmask used in the traffic flow.


(Optional) Shows detailed information about policies that include the user-statistics command. This keyword is not meaningful for threat defense.

Command Default

If you do not specify any arguments, this command shows all global and interface policies.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The number of embryonic connections displayed in the show service-policy command output indicates the current number of embryonic connections to an interface for traffic matching that defined for a traffic class. The “embryonic-conn-max” field shows the maximum embryonic limit configured for the traffic class. If the current embryonic connections displayed equals or exceeds the maximum, TCP intercept is applied to new TCP connections that match the traffic.

When you make service policy changes to the configuration, all new connections use the new service policy. Existing connections continue to use the policy that was configured at the time of the connection establishment. show command output will not include data about the old connections. To ensure that all connections use the new policy, you need to disconnect the current connections so they can reconnect using the new policy. See the clear conn or clear local-host commands.

You cannot directly configure service policies using management center or device manager. Some changes are made indirectly when you edit various connection settings or configure QoS policies. You can also adjust which default inspections are enabled using the configure inspection command. If you use FlexConfig in management center to configure service policies, this command shows statistics related to your configuration.


For an inspect icmp and inspect icmp error policies, the packet counts only include the echo request and reply packets.


The following is sample output for the show service-policy command.

> show service-policy
Global policy:
  Service-policy: global_policy
    Class-map: inspection_default
      Inspect: dns preset_dns_map, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0,
5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: ftp, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: h323 h225 _default_h323_map, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0,
5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
               tcp-proxy: bytes in buffer 0, bytes dropped 0
      Inspect: h323 ras _default_h323_map, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0,
5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: rsh, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: rtsp, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
               tcp-proxy: bytes in buffer 0, bytes dropped 0
      Inspect: esmtp _default_esmtp_map, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0,
5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: sqlnet, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: skinny , packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
               tcp-proxy: bytes in buffer 0, bytes dropped 0
      Inspect: sunrpc, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
               tcp-proxy: bytes in buffer 0, bytes dropped 0
      Inspect: xdmcp, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: sip , packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
               tcp-proxy: bytes in buffer 0, bytes dropped 0
      Inspect: netbios, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: tftp, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0, reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0
pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
      Inspect: ip-options UM_STATIC_IP_OPTIONS_MAP, packet 0, lock fail 0, drop 0,
reset-drop 0, 5-min-pkt-rate 0 pkts/sec, v6-fail-close 0 sctp-drop-override 0
    Class-map: class-default
      Default Queueing      Set connection policy:         drop 0
      Set connection advanced-options: UM_STATIC_TCP_MAP
        Retransmission drops: 0                   TCP checksum drops : 0
        Exceeded MSS drops  : 0                   SYN with data drops: 0
        Invalid ACK drops   : 0                   SYN-ACK with data drops: 0
        Out-of-order (OoO) packets : 0            OoO no buffer drops: 0
        OoO buffer timeout drops : 0              SEQ past window drops: 0
        Reserved bit cleared: 0                   Reserved bit drops : 0
        IP TTL modified     : 0                   Urgent flag cleared: 0
        Window varied resets: 0
          Selective ACK cleared: 0                Timestamp cleared  : 0
          Window scale cleared : 0
          Other options cleared: 0
          Other options drops: 0

For devices that have multiple CPU cores, there is a counter for lock failure. The locking mechanism is used to protect shared data structures and variables, because they can be used by multiple cores.When the core fails to acquire a lock, it tries to get the lock again. The lock fail counter increments for each failed attempt.

> show service-policy
Global policy:
  Service-policy: global_policy
    Class-map: inspection_default
      Inspect: esmtp _default_esmtp_map, packet 96716502, lock fail 7, drop 25,
reset-drop 0
      Inspect: sqlnet, packet 2526511491, lock fail 21, drop 2362, reset-drop 0

The following command shows the statistics for GTP inspection. The output is explained in the table that follows the example.

> show service-policy inspect gtp statistics
GPRS GTP Statistics:
  version_not_support               0     msg_too_short             0
  unknown_msg                       0     unexpected_sig_msg        0
  unexpected_data_msg               0     ie_duplicated             0
  mandatory_ie_missing              0     mandatory_ie_incorrect    0
  optional_ie_incorrect             0     ie_unknown                0
  ie_out_of_order                   0     ie_unexpected             0
  total_forwarded                  67     total_dropped             1
  signalling_msg_dropped            1     data_msg_dropped          0
  signalling_msg_forwarded         67     data_msg_forwarded        0
  total created_pdp                33     total deleted_pdp         32
  total created_pdpmcb             31     total deleted_pdpmcb      30
  total dup_sig_mcbinfo             0     total dup_data_mcbinfo    0
  no_new_sgw_sig_mcbinfo            0     no_new_sgw_data_mcbinfo   0
  pdp_non_existent                  1

Table 1. GPRS GTP Statistics

Column Heading



Displays packets with an unsupported GTP version field.


Displays packets less than 8 bytes in length.


Displays unknown type messages.


Displays unexpected signaling messages.


Displays unexpected data messages.


Displays messages missing a mandatory Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with an incorrectly formatted mandatory Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with an invalid optional Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with an unknown Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with out-of-sequence Information Elements (IEs).


Displays messages with an unexpected Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with a duplicated Information Element (IE).


Displays messages with an incorrectly formatted optional Information Element (IE).


Displays the total messages dropped.


Displays the signaling messages dropped.


Displays the data messages dropped.


Displays the total messages forwarded.


Displays the signaling messages forwarded.


Displays the data messages forwarded.

total created_pdp

Displays the total Packet Data Protocol (PDP) or bearer contexts created.

total deleted_pdp

Displays the total Packet Data Protocol (PDP) or bearer contexts deleted.

total created_pdpmcb

total deleted_pdpmcb

total dup_sig_mcbinfo

total dup_data_mcbinfo



These fields relate to the use of PDP master control blocks, which is an implementation feature. These counters are used by Cisco Technical Support for troubleshooting and are not of direct interest to end users.


Displays the messages received for a non-existent PDP context.

The following command displays information about the PDP contexts:

> show service-policy inspect gtp pdp-context
4 in use, 5 most used
Version v1,   TID 050542012151705f,  MS Addr 2005:a00::250:56ff:fe96:eec,
SGSN Addr,      Idle 0:52:01,   Timeout 3:00:00,   APN ssenoauth146
Version v2,   TID 0505420121517056,  MS Addr,
SGW Addr,      Idle 0:00:05,   Timeout 3:00:00,   APN ssenoauth146
Version v2,   TID 0505420121517057,  MS Addr,
SGW Addr,      Idle 0:00:04,   Timeout 3:00:00,   APN ssenoauth146
Version v2,   TID 0505420121517055,  MS Addr,
SGW Addr,      Idle 0:00:06,   Timeout 3:00:00,   APN ssenoauth146

The following table describes the output from the show service-policy inspect gtp pdp-context command.

Table 2. PDP Contexts

Column Heading



Displays the version of GTP.


Displays the tunnel identifier.

MS Addr

Displays the mobile station address.


SGW Addr

Displays the serving gateway service node (SGSN) or serving gateway (SGW).


Displays the time for which the PDP or bearer context has not been in use.


Displays the access point name.

show shun

To display shun information, use the show shun command.

show shun [ src_ip | statistics]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the information for that address.


(Optional) Displays the interface shun statistics.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show shun command:

> show shun
shun (outside) 555 666 6
shun (inside1) 555 666 6

show sip

To display SIP sessions, use the show sip command.

show sip

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show sip command displays information for SIP sessions established across the threat defense device.


The following is sample output from the show sip command:

> show sip
Total: 2
call-id c3943000-960ca-2e43-228f@
 | state Call init, idle 0:00:01
call-id c3943000-860ca-7e1f-11f7@
 | state Active, idle 0:00:06

This sample shows two active SIP sessions on the threat defense device (as shown in the Total field). Each call-id represents a call.

The first session, with the call-id c3943000-960ca-2e43-228f@, is in the state Call Init, which means the session is still in call setup. Call setup is complete only when the ACK is seen. This session has been idle for 1 second.

The second session is in the state Active, in which call setup is complete and the endpoints are exchanging media. This session has been idle for 6 seconds.

show skinny

To displays information for SCCP (Skinny) sessions, use the show skinny command.

show skinny [ audio | video]

Syntax Description


Show SCCP audio sessions


Show SCCP video sessions

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show skinny command under the following conditions. There are two active Skinny sessions set up across the device. The first one is established between an internal Cisco IP Phone at local address and an external Cisco Unified Communications Manager at TCP port 2000 is the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The second one is established between another internal Cisco IP Phone at local address and the same Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

> show skinny 
LOCAL                   FOREIGN                 STATE
1                1
2                1

The output indicates a call has been established between both internal Cisco IP Phones. The RTP listening ports of the first and second phones are UDP 22948 and 20798 respectively.

show sla monitor

To display information on the Internet Protocol Service Level Agreement (IP SLA), use the show sla monitor command.

show sla monitor { configuration | operational-state} [ sla_id]

Syntax Description


Displays the SLA configuration values, including the defaults.


Displays the operational state of SLA operations.


(Optional) The ID number of the SLA operation. Valid values are from 1 to 2147483647.

Command Default

If the SLA ID is not specified, the configuration values for all SLA operations are shown.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show running-config sla monitor command to see the SLA operation commands in the running configuration.


The following is sample output from the show sla monitor configuration command. It displays the configuration values for SLA operation 124. Following the output of the show sla monitor configuration command is the output of the show running-config sla monitor command for the same SLA operation.

> show sla monitor configuration 124

SA Agent, Infrastructure Engine-II
Entry number: 124
Type of operation to perform: echo
Target address:
Interface: outside
Number of packets: 1
Request size (ARR data portion): 28
Operation timeout (milliseconds): 1000
Type Of Service parameters: 0x0
Verify data: No
Operation frequency (seconds): 3
Next Scheduled Start Time: Start Time already passed
Group Scheduled : FALSE
Life (seconds): Forever
Entry Ageout (seconds): never
Recurring (Starting Everyday): FALSE
Status of entry (SNMP RowStatus): Active
Enhanced History:

> show running-config sla monitor 124

sla monitor 124
 type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outside
 timeout 1000
 frequency 3
sla monitor schedule 124 life forever start-time now

The following is sample output from the show sla monitor operational-state command:

> show sla monitor operational-state

Entry number: 124
Modification time: 14:42:23.607 EST Wed Mar 22 2006
Number of Octets Used by this Entry: 1480
Number of operations attempted: 4043
Number of operations skipped: 0
Current seconds left in Life: Forever
Operational state of entry: Active
Last time this entry was reset: Never
Connection loss occurred: FALSE
Timeout occurred: TRUE
Over thresholds occurred: FALSE
Latest RTT (milliseconds): NoConnection/Busy/Timeout
Latest operation start time: 18:04:26.609 EST Wed Mar 22 2006
Latest operation return code: Timeout
RTT Values:
RTTAvg: 0       RTTMin: 0       RTTMax: 0
NumOfRTT: 0     RTTSum: 0       RTTSum2: 0

show snmp-server

To display information about the SNMP servers configured on the device, use the show snmp-server command.

show snmp-server { engineID | group | host | statistics | user [ username]}

Syntax Description


Displays the identification of the SNMP engine.


Displays the names of configured SNMP groups, the security model being used, the status of different views, and the storage type of each group.


Displays the names of configured SNMP hosts that belong to a host group, the interface being used, and the version of SNMP being used.


Displays SNMP server statistics.

user [username]

Displays information about the characteristics of SNMP users. You can optionally specify a username to limit the information to that user.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An SNMP engine is a copy of SNMP that can reside on a local device. The engine ID is a unique value that is assigned for each SNMP agent. The engine ID is not configurable. The engine ID is 25 bytes long, and is used to generate encrypted passwords. In a failover pair, the engine ID is synchronized with the peer.

SNMP users and groups are used according to the View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for SNMP. The SNMP group determines the security model to be used. The SNMP user should match the security model of the SNMP group. Each SNMP group name and security level pair must be unique.


The statistics show information on input and output packets to the SNMP module. The fact that packets are output does not mean they reached the destination. Route problems, intervening firewalls, unplugged interfaces, and so forth can prevent the transmission of an output packet. If packets are not reaching the SNMP server, check for other issues using commands such as show asp drop and show logging .


The following is sample output from the show snmp-server engineid command:

> show snmp-server engineid
Local SNMP engineID: 80000009fe85f8fd882920834a3af7e4ca79a0a1220fe10685

The following is sample output from the show snmp-server group command:

> show snmp-server group
groupname: public                           security model:v1
readview : <no readview specified>          writeview: <no writeview specified>
notifyview: <no readview specified>
row status: active

groupname: public                           security model:v2c
readview : <no readview specified>          writeview: <no writeview specified>
notifyview: *<no readview specified>
row status: active

groupname: privgroup                   security model:v3 priv
readview : def_read_view               writeview: <no writeview specified>
notifyview: def_notify_view
row status: active

The following is sample output from the show snmp-server host command, which shows only the active hosts polling the device:

> show snmp-server host
host ip =, interface = mgmt  poll community ***** version 2c
host ip =, interface = mgmt  poll community ***** version 2c

The following is sample output from the show snmp-server user command:

> show snmp-server user authuser
User name: authuser
Engine ID: 00000009020000000C025808
storage-type: nonvolatile       active access-list: N/A
Rowstatus: active
Authentication Protocol: MD5
Privacy protocol: DES
Group name: VacmGroupName

The output provides the following information:

  • The username, which is a string that identifies the name of the SNMP user.

  • The engine ID, which is a string that identifies the copy of SNMP on the device.

  • The storage-type, which indicates whether or not the settings have been set in volatile or temporary memory on the device, or in nonvolatile or persistent memory, in which settings remain after the device has been turned off and on again.

  • The active access list, which is the standard IP access list associated with the SNMP user.

  • The Rowstatus, which indicates whether or not it is active or inactive.

  • The authentication protocol, which identifies which authentication protocol is being used. Options are MD5, SHA, or none. If authentication is not supported in your software image, this field does not appear.

  • The privacy protocol, which indicates whether or not DES packet encryption is enabled. If privacy is not supported in your software image, this field does not appear.

  • The group name, which indicates to which SNMP group the user belongs. SNMP groups are defined according to the View-based Access Control Model (VACM).

show snort counters

To display the statistics for the Snort preprocessor connections, use the show snort counters command.

show snort counters { action | stream | sip | ssl | smtp | vrf} { all | instance x}

Syntax Description


Shows instance level statistics of Snort for actions, limits, and verdicts.


Shows statistics for the stream preprocessor.


Shows statistics for the SIP preprocessor.


Shows statistics for the SSL preprocessor.


Shows statistics for the SMTP preprocessor.


Shows the number of live sessions going through each virtual router.


Shows statistics for all the Snort instances in the system. For example, show snort counters action all , show snort counters smtp all , and so on.

instance x

Shows statistics for the selected Snort instance in the system. For example, show snort counters smtp instance 11 . Use the show snort instances command to determine the available instance numbers.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The vrf keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display statistics for Snort instances in your system. You can use these statistics for informational and debugging purposes. Consult Cisco TAC to help you debug your system with this command. Use the show snort counters action all command to view instance level statistics of Snort for actions, limits, and verdicts for all the Snort instances in your system. Use the show snort instances command to determine the available instance numbers.


The following example displays instance level statistics of Snort for actions, limits, and verdicts for all the Snort instances in your system.

> show snort counters action all
Instance : 1

Action Stats are not available
 Total Action Processed:           0



Instance : 16

Action Stats:
     Alerts:            0 (  0.000%)
     Logged:            0 (  0.000%)
     Passed:            0 (  0.000%)
      Match:            0
      Queue:            0
        Log:            0
      Event:            0
      Alert:            0
      Allow:       220009 (100.000%)
      Block:         5076 (  2.307%)
    Replace:            0 (  0.000%)
  Whitelist:            0 (  0.000%)
  Blacklist:            0 (  0.000%)
     Ignore:            0 (  0.000%)
      Retry:            0 (  0.000%)



The following example shows steam statistics.

> show snort counters stream all
Instance : 1

Stream statistics not available
 Total sessions: 0


Instance : 16

Stream statistics:
            Total sessions: 665
              TCP sessions: 665
              UDP sessions: 0
             ICMP sessions: 0
               IP sessions: 0
                TCP Prunes: 0
                UDP Prunes: 0
               ICMP Prunes: 0
                 IP Prunes: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Created: 0
TCP StreamTrackers Deleted: 0
              TCP Timeouts: 661
              TCP Overlaps: 0
       TCP Segments Queued: 0
     TCP Segments Released: 0
       TCP Rebuilt Packets: 0
         TCP Segments Used: 0
              TCP Discards: 0
                  TCP Gaps: 0
      UDP Sessions Created: 0
      UDP Sessions Deleted: 0
              UDP Timeouts: 0
              UDP Discards: 0
                    Events: 0
           Internal Events: 0
           TCP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 910736
           UDP Port Filter
                  Filtered: 0
                 Inspected: 0
                   Tracked: 0



The following example shows SMTP statistics for Snort instance 1.

> show snort counters smtp instance 1
Instance : 1

SMTP Preprocessor Statistics
  Total sessions                                    : 80
  Max concurrent sessions                           : 1
  Base64 attachments decoded                        : 0
  Total Base64 decoded bytes                        : 0
  Quoted-Printable attachments decoded              : 0
  Total Quoted decoded bytes                        : 0
  UU attachments decoded                            : 0
  Total UU decoded bytes                            : 0
  Non-Encoded MIME attachments extracted            : 0
  Total Non-Encoded MIME bytes extracted            : 0


show snort cpu

To display the CPU usage information of Snort instances, use the show snort cpu command.

show snort cpu

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the CPU usage of Snort instances. The output displays the following information:

  • Id: Snort instance ID.

  • PID: Snort instance process ID.

  • 30sec, 2min, 5min: CPU usage of the Snort instances for 30 seconds, 2 minutes, and 5 minutes intervals.


The following example displays the CPU usage of Snort instances.

> show snort cpu
Id 	Pid 	30sec 	2min 	5min

0   	18094  	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.2%
1   	18093  	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.0%

Summary 	0.0% 	0.0% 	0.1%

show snort instances

To display a list of the Snort instance numbers, which you can use in other show snort commands, use the show snort instances command.

show snort instances

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example displays the list of Snort instances.

> show snort instances
Total number of instances available - 2

| INSTANCE |   PID   |
|    1     |   2787  |
|    2     |   2788  |

show snort3 memory-monitor-status

To display the status of the Snort 3 memory monitoring application, use the show snort3 memory-monitor-status command.

show snort3 memory-monitor-status

Command Default

This command does not have default behavior or values.

Command History

Release Modification
7.4.1, 7.2.6

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show snort3 memory-monitor-status command to check if the Snort 3 memory monitoring application is running and at what threshold value.


The following example displays the status of the Snort 3 memory monitor and the configured threshold value:

> show snort3 memory-monitor-status
Memory monitor for Snort3 is running with threshold set to 97%

show snort preprocessor-memory-usage

To display memory usage statics for Snort preprocessors per Snort instance, use the show snort preprocessor-memory-usage command.

show snort preprocessor-memory-usage instance_ID { all | imap | pop | smtp}

Syntax Description


The ID number of the Snort instance. Use the show snort instances command to obtain a list of the instance ID numbers that are active on your system.


Displays the statistics for all preprocessors.


Displays the statistics for the IMAP preprocessor only.


Displays the statistics for the POP preprocessor only.


Displays the statistics for the SMTP preprocessor only.

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was removed. It is specific to Snort 2.


The following example displays statistics for the SMTP preprocessor for Snort instance 1. You are prompted for the admin password.

> show snort preprocessor-memory-usage 1 smtp

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.


Snort Memory Usage for: Instance-1

Memory Statistics of SMTP on: Fri Jul 12 09:13:02 2019

SMTP Session Statistics:
       Total Sessions seen: 0
   Max concurrent sessions: 0
   Current Active sessions: 0

   Memory Pool:
        Free Memory:
            SMTP Mime Pool:       17968000 bytes
                 SMTP Pool:              0 bytes
        Used Memory:
            SMTP Mime Pool:              0 bytes
                 SMTP Pool:              0 bytes
        -------------------       ---------------
        Total Memory:             17968000 bytes

   Heap Memory:
                   Session:              0 bytes
             Configuration:          16784 bytes
             --------------         ------------
              Total Memory:          16784 bytes
              No of allocs:             38 times
               IP sessions:             30 times

show snort statistics

To display the number of packets that are matched for various Snort verdicts when traffic is inspected by Snort, use the show snort statistics command.

show snort statistics

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show Snort inspection results of your access policy and intrusion rule configurations. This command is typically used when debugging unexpected Snort inspection behavior. The statistics include the following:

  • Passed Packets—The number of packets sent to Snort from Lina.

  • Blocked Packets—The number of packets blocked in Lina and not sent to Snort.

  • Injected Packets—The number of packets Snort created and added to the traffic stream. For example, if you configure a block with reset action, Snort generates packets to reset the connection.

  • Packets bypassed (Snort Down or Snort Busy)—If you configure the system to allow packets that require Snort inspection and Snort cannot perform the inspection, these counters are the number of packets that bypassed inspection when Snort was either down or too busy to handle the packets.


    When flows are bypassed (passed without inspection) these busy and down counters increment until the bypassed session ends, which can occur even when Snort is no longer busy or down. For example, counters could increment for days if a persistent TCP connection that lasts for days sends a packet while Snort is busy or down and then continues after Snort resumes.

  • Fast-forwarded flows—The number of flows that were fast forwarded by policy, and thus not inspected.

  • Blacklisted flows—The number of flows from policy configuration that were dropped by Snort.

  • Start-of-flow events—The Lina process sends start-of-flow events to Snort when it fast paths a flow without sending it to Snort. These events help Snort keep track of the connections and report the connection events.

  • End-of-flow events—The Lina process sends end-of-flow events to Snort when a fast path flow ends.

  • Denied flow events—The Lina process sends denied flow events to Snort when it decides to drop a flow before sending it to Snort.

  • Portscan Events—The number of portscan events that have been generated.

  • Frames forwarded to Snort before drop—Valid for NGIPS interfaces only. This is the number of to-be-dropped packets forwarded to Snort. When the Lina process decides to drop the frame for some reason such as (Invalid TCP header length, Invalid UDP length or Invalid IP length), the frames are also sent to Snort for visibility.

  • Inject packets dropped—The number of packets that Snort added to the traffic stream that were dropped.


The following sample transcript shows the information displayed by the show snort statistics command:

>show snort statistics
Packet Counters:
  Passed Packets                                                      6
  Blocked Packets                                                     321
  Injected Packets                                                    284
  Packets bypassed (Snort Down)                                       0
  Packets bypassed (Snort Busy)                                       0

Flow Counters:
  Fast-Forwarded Flows                                                0
  Blacklisted Flows                                                   0

Miscellaneous Counters:
  Start-of-Flow events                                                0
  End-of-Flow events                                                  0
  Denied flow events                                                  0
  Portscan Events                                                     0
  Frames forwarded to Snort before drop                               0
  Inject packets dropped                                              0

In the following example, consider a case where the access control policy is configured to block and reset on all traffic. Lina cannot handle the reset, so it promotes the packets to Snort to block and inject the reset to both client and server.

  • Passed packets—shows eight packets passed from Lina to Snort.

  • Injected packets—shows the two packets sent to client and server.

  • Blacklisted flows—shows the flows Snort has told Lina to block.


    There are no blocked packets in this example.

> show snort statistics
Packet Counters:
  Passed Packets                                                      8
  Blocked Packets                                                     0
  Injected Packets                                                    2
  Packets bypassed (Snort Down)                                       0
  Packets bypassed (Snort Busy)                                       0

Flow Counters:
  Fast-Forwarded Flows                                                0
  Blacklisted Flows                                                   3

Miscellaneous Counters:
  Start-of-Flow events                                                0
  End-of-Flow events                                                  0
  Denied flow events                                                  0
  Portscan Events                                                     0
  Frames forwarded to Snort before drop                               0
  Inject packets dropped                                              0

In the following example, consider a case where the access control policy has one rule that matches an FTP port and has a block action, and another rule that matches an HTTP application and has an allow action.

  • Passed packets—shows 60 HTTP packets because Lina sends packets for allow rules to Snort.

  • Denied flow events—shows two data and control channel packets that Lina handled with an FTP port match.


    There are no blocked packets in this example.

> show snort statistics
Packet Counters:
  Passed Packets                                                      60
  Blocked Packets                                                     0
  Injected Packets                                                    0
  Packets bypassed (Snort Down)                                       0
  Packets bypassed (Snort Busy)                                       0

Flow Counters:
  Fast-Forwarded Flows                                                0
  Blacklisted Flows                                                   0

Miscellaneous Counters:
  Start-of-Flow events                                                0
  End-of-Flow events                                                  0
  Denied flow events                                                  2
  Portscan Events                                                     0
  Frames forwarded to Snort before drop                               0
  Inject packets dropped                                              0

show snort tls-offload

To display statistics related to packets encrypted and decrypted by the inspection engine (Snort) in hardware, use the show snort tls-offload command. This command is available only on the following managed devices, which support SSL hardware acceleration:

  • Firepower 2100 with threat defense

  • Firepower 4100/9300 with threat defense

    For information about TLS crypto acceleration support on Firepower 4100/9300 threat defense container instances, see the FXOS Configuration Guide.

TLS crypto acceleration is not supported on any virtual appliances or on any hardware except for the preceding.

show snort tls-offload [proxy | tracker | description]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Shows statistics for the proxy only.


(Optional.) Shows statistics for the tracker only.


(Optional.) Shows descriptions of the counters for both the proxy and the tracker.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display detailed statistics for Snort's proxy and tracker components. You can use these statistics for informational and debugging purposes. Use the show snort tls-offload description command to view a description of the counters. Consult Cisco TAC to help you debug your system with this command.


Following is an example show snort tls-offload command:

====== Tracker Statistics ======
TOTAL_CONNECTION                 2774
AVG_HANDSHAKE_TIME       (ms)    37
PEAK_HANDSHAKE_TIME      (ms)    62
CPS_ATTEMPTED/Peak               7/8
CPS_COMPLETED/Peak               8/8
CKE_PMS_DECRYPTING_Q/Peak        0/2
RECORD_ENCRYPTING_Q/Peak         1/25
RECORD_DECRYPTING_Q/Peak         1/2
======= Proxy Statistics =======
TOTAL_CONNECTION(LW+FP)          15855
TOTAL_CONNECTION_FP              15853
CONNECTION_FP_RECV_FIN           31697

show software authenticity

To show software authenticity information, use the show software authenticity command.

show software authenticity { development | file filename | keys | running}

Syntax Description


Displays whether the loading of development key signed images is enabled or disabled.

file filename

Displays digital signature information related to software authentication for a specific image file.


Displays information about development keys and release keys that are stored in SPI flash.


Displays digital signature information related to software authentication for the currently running image file.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The output for files and the running image provides the following information.

  • The filename, which is the name of the filename in memory.

  • The image type, which is the type of image being shown.

  • The signer information specifies the signature information, which includes the following:

    • The common name, which is the name of the software manufacturer.

    • The organization unit, which indicates the hardware that the software image is deployed on.

    • The organization name, which is the owner of the software image.

  • The certificate serial number, which is the certificate serial number for the digital signature.

  • The hash algorithm, which indicates the type of hash algorithm used in digital signature verification.

  • The signature algorithm, which identifies the type of signature algorithm used in digital signature verification.

  • The key version, which indicates the key version used for verification.


The following is sample output from the show software authenticity development command:

> show software authenticity development
Loading of development images is disabled

The following is sample output from the show software authenticity file command. In this example, the file is a development image. You would see the same output for show software authenticity running about the image file that is currently running on the device.

> show software authenticity file os.img
File Name                     : disk0:/os.img
Image type                    : Development
    Signer Information
        Common Name           : abraxas
        Organization Unit     : NCS_Kenton_ASA
        Organization Name     : CiscoSystems
    Certificate Serial Number : 57F4610F
    Hash Algorithm            : SHA2 512
    Signature Algorithm       : 2048-bit RSA
    Key Version               : A

The following is sample output from the show software authenticity keys command.

> show software authenticity keys
Public Key #1 Information
Key Type              : Release (Primary)
Public Key Algorithm  : 2048-bit RSA
Modulus :
Exponent              : 65537
Key Version           : A
Public Key #2 Information
Key Type              : Development (Primary)
Public Key Algorithm  : 2048-bit RSA
Modulus :
Exponent              : 65537
Key Version           : A
Public Key #3 Information
Key Type              : Release (Backup)
Public Key Algorithm  : 2048-bit RSA
Modulus :
Exponent              : 65537
Key Version           : A
Public Key #4 Information
Key Type              : Development (Backup)
Public Key Algorithm  : 2048-bit RSA
Modulus :
Exponent              : 65537
Key Version           : A

show ssd

To view the status of the SSDs, use the show ssd command.


This command is only supported on the Secure Firewall 3100.

show ssd

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following sample display shows information about the SSDs:

> show ssd
Local Disk: 1
Name: nvme0n1
Size(MB): 858306
Model: Micron_7300_MTFDHBE960TDF
Serial: MSA244302N0
Drive State: online
SED Support:
SED State:
SED Auth Status: ok
RAID action: none 

show ssh-access-list

To show the SSH access list settings for the management interface, use the show ssh-access-list command.

show ssh-access-list

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show SSH access list settings for the management interface. The access list determines from which IP addresses users can attempt SSH connections to the management IP address. This list does not control SSH access to any data interface.


The following sample is default output from the show ssh-access-list command. This access list allows SSH connections to the management IP address from any IP address. Any user must supply a valid username/password to actually complete the SSH connection.

> show ssh-access-list 
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:ssh
ACCEPT     tcp      anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:ssh

show ssh pubkeys

To view currently installed SSH public keys, use the show ssh pubkeys command.

show ssh pubkeys

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is applicable for management center and threat defense versions 7.6 and higher.


The following sample is output from the show ssh pubkeys command, when no keys are installed.

> show ssh pubkeys 
No public keys found.

The following sample is output from the show ssh pubkeys command, when keys are installed.

> show ssh pubkeys 
Public keys for admin:
Type   : ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
Key    :
Comment: MyComment

Type   : ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
Key    :
Comment: My Comment 2

show ssl

To display information about the active SSL sessions and available ciphers, use the show ssl command.

show ssl [ cache | ciphers [ level] | errors [ trace] | mib [ 64] | objects]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays SSL session cache statistics.


(Optional) Displays SSL ciphers available for use. Include the level keyword to view only those ciphers available for the given level, which indicates cipher strength. The following are the possible levels in increasing order of strength.

  • all

  • low

  • medium (This is the default if you do not specify a level)

  • fips

  • high (applies to TLSv1.2 only)

errors [trace]

(Optional) Displays SSL errors. Include the trace keyword to include trace information for each error.

mib [64]

(Optional) Displays SSL MIB statistics. Include the 64 keyword to see 64-bit counter statistics.


(Optional) Displays SSL object statistics.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command shows information about the current SSLv3 or greater sessions, including the enabled cipher order, which ciphers are disabled, SSL trustpoints being used, and whether certificate authentication is enabled. These settings are for SSL connections on the data interfaces, not on the management interface.


The following is sample output from the show ssl command:

> show ssl
Accept connections using SSLv3 or greater and negotiate to TLSv1 or greater
Start connections using TLSv1 and negotiate to TLSv1 or greater
SSL DH Group: group2 (1024-bit modulus)
SSL ECDH Group: group19 (256-bit EC)

SSL trust-points:
  Self-signed (RSA 2048 bits RSA-SHA256) certificate available
  Self-signed (EC 256 bits ecdsa-with-SHA256) certificate available
Certificate authentication is not enabled

The following is sample output from the show ssl ciphers command.

> show ssl ciphers
Current cipher configuration:
default (medium):
tlsv1 (medium):
tlsv1.1 (medium):
tlsv1.2 (medium):
dtlsv1 (medium):

show ssl-policy-config

To display information about the currently applied SSL policy configuration, including policy description, default logging settings, all enabled SSL rules and rule configurations, trusted CA certificates, and undecryptable traffic actions, use the show ssl-policy-config command.

show ssl-policy-config

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You configure the SSL policy in management center and attach it to the access control policy assigned to a device. You can use this command to view information on the actions configured for SSL decryption on traffic that passes through the device.


The following example shows what appears if you have not configured an SSL policy for the device.

> show ssl-policy-config
SSL policy not yet applied.

The following example shows a configured SSL policy.

> show ssl-policy-config
===============[ General SSL Policy ]===============

=================[ Default Action ]=================
Default Action            : Do Not Decrypt

======[ Category: admin_category (Built-in) ]=======

=====[ Category: standard_category (Built-in) ]=====

----------[ Block unwanted applications ]-----------
State                     : Enabled
Action                    : Block
Source Zones              : outside_zone
Destination Zones         : dmz_zone
Applications              : HTTP/SSL Tunnel (3860)

=======[ Category: root_category (Built-in) ]=======

============[ Trusted CA Certificates ]=============

Cisco-Trusted-Authorities (group)


(...Remaining trusted CA certificates removed...)

=============[ Undecryptable Actions ]==============
Unsupported Cipher Suite  : Inherit Default Action
Unknown Cipher Suite      : Inherit Default Action
Compressed Session        : Inherit Default Action
Uncached Session ID       : Inherit Default Action
SSLv2 Session             : Inherit Default Action
Handshake Error           : Inherit Default Action
Decryption Error          : Block

show ssl-protocol

To show the SSL protocols currently configured for HTTPS access to the local device manager (device manager), use the show ssl-protocol command.

show ssl-protocol

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view the SSL protocols configured for the management interface. These are the allowed protocols for HTTPS connections, which are used to open the local manager, device manager. These protocols are not used for remote managers.

Use the configure ssl-protocol command to configure these protocols.


The following example shows how to view the SSL protocols currently defined when using the local manager.

> show ssl-protocol
The supported ssl protocols are TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2

show startup-config

To show the startup configuration or to show any errors when the startup configuration loaded, use the show startup-config command.

show startup-config [ errors]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows any errors that were generated when the startup configuration loaded.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show startup-config command displays the startup system configuration. You cannot directly configure these commands. Instead, they are configured by the manager controlling the device, for example, management center or device manager.

However, this is a partial configuration. It shows what can be configured using ASA Software configuration commands only, although some commands might be specific to threat defense. These commands are ported to threat defense. Thus, you should use the information in the startup configuration as a troubleshooting aid only. Use the device manager as the main means to analyze the device configuration.


The following is sample output from the show startup-config command:

> show startup-config
: Saved

: Serial Number: JAD192100RG
: Hardware:   ASA5508, 8192 MB RAM, CPU Atom C2000 series 2000 MHz, 1 CPU (8 cores)
: Written by enable_1 at 20:39:10.749 UTC Tue Jun 28 2016
NGFW Version 6.1.0
hostname firepower
enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted

(...Output Truncated...)

show summary

To display a summary of the most commonly used information (version, type, UUID, and so on) about the device, use the show summary command.

show summary

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Summary information includes basic show version output, plus a list of applied policies and Snort version information.


The following is an example of showing summary information.

> show summary
--------[ ]---------
Model                     : Cisco ASA5512-X Threat Defense (75) Version 6.1.0 (Build 2007)
UUID                      : 703006f4-8ff6-11e6-bb6e-8f2d5febf243
Rules update version      : 2016-03-28-001-vrt
VDB version               : 271

------------------[ policy info ]-------------------
Access Control Policy     : Initial AC Policy
Intrusion Policy          : Balanced Security and Connectivity


---------------[ snort version info ]---------------
Snort Version             : 2.9.10 GRE (Build 20)
libpcap Version           : 1.1.1
PCRE Version              : 7.6 2008-01-28
ZLIB Version              : 1.2.8

show sunrpc-server active

To display the pinholes open for Sun RPC services, such as NFS and NIS, use the show sunrpc-server active command.

show sunrpc-server active

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show sunrpc-server active command:

> show sunrpc-server active
        LOCAL           FOREIGN                 SERVICE TIMEOUT
        -----------------------------------------------     100005 00:10:00

The entry in the LOCAL column shows the IP address of the client or server on the inside interface, while the value in the FOREIGN column shows the IP address of the client or server on the outside interface.

show switch mac-address-table

To view the switch MAC address table, use the show switch mac-address-table command.


Supported for the Firepower 1010 only.

show switch mac-address-table

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The switch MAC address table maintains the MAC address-to-switch port mapping for traffic within each VLAN in the switch hardware. The bridge MAC address table maintains the MAC address-to-VLAN interface mapping for traffic that passes between VLANs.

MAC address entries age out in 5 minutes.


The following is sample output from the show switch mac-address-table command.

> show switch mac-address-table
Legend: Age - entry expiration time in seconds
 Mac Address | VLAN | Type | Age | Port
 000e.0c4e.2aa4 | 0001 | dynamic | 287 | Et1/1
 0012.d927.fb03 | 0001 | dynamic | 287 | Et1/1
 0013.c4ca.8a8c | 0001 | dynamic | 287 | Et1/1
 00b0.6486.0c14 | 0001 | dynamic | 287 | Et1/1
 00d0.2bff.449f | 0001 | static | - | In0/1
 0100.5e00.000d | 0001 | static multicast | - | In0/1,Et1/1-8
Total Entries: 6

The following table shows each field description:

Table 3. show switch mac-address-table Fields



Mac Address

Shows the MAC address.


Shows the VLAN associated with the MAC address.


Shows if the MAC address was learned dynamically, as a static multicast address, or statically. The only static entry is for the internal backplane interface.


Shows the age of a dynamic entry in the MAC address table.


Shows the switch port through which the host with the MAC address can be reached.

show switch vlan

To view the VLANs and the associated switch ports, use the show switch vlan command.


Supported for the Firepower 1010 only.

show switch vlan

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is for models with built-in switches only. For other models, use the show vlan command.


The following is sample output from the show switch vlan command.

> show switch vlan

VLAN Name                             Status    Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------
100  inside                           up        Et1/1, Et1/2
200  outside                          up        Et1/8
300  -                                down      Et1/2, Et1/3
400  backup                           down      Et1/4

The following table shows each field description:

Table 4. show switch vlan Fields




Shows the VLAN number.


Shows the name of the VLAN interface. If no name is set, or if there is no VLAN interface, the display shows a dash (-).


Shows the status, up or down, to receive and send traffic to and from the VLAN in the switch. At least one switch port in the VLAN needs to be in an up state for the VLAN state to be up.


Shows the switch ports assigned to each VLAN. If a switch port is listed for multiple VLANs, it is a trunk port. The above sample output shows Ethernet 1/2 is a trunk port that carries VLAN 100 and 300.

show tcpstat

To display the status of the TCP stack and the TCP connections that are terminated on the device (for debugging), use the show tcpstat command.

show tcpstat

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show tcpstat command allows you to display the status of the TCP stack and TCP connections that are terminated on the device. The TCP statistics displayed are described in the following table.

Table 5. TCP Statistics in the show tcpstat Command




Number of TCP users.


Number of TCP proxies. TCP proxies are used by user authorization.

tcp_xmt pkts

Number of packets that were transmitted by the TCP stack.

tcp_rcv good pkts

Number of good packets that were received by the TCP stack.

tcp_rcv drop pkts

Number of received packets that the TCP stack dropped.

tcp bad chksum

Number of received packets that had a bad checksum.

tcp user hash add

Number of TCP users that were added to the hash table.

tcp user hash add dup

Number of times a TCP user was already in the hash table when trying to add a new user.

tcp user srch hash hit

Number of times a TCP user was found in the hash table when searching.

tcp user srch hash miss

Number of times a TCP user was not found in the hash table when searching.

tcp user hash delete

Number of times that a TCP user was deleted from the hash table.

tcp user hash delete miss

Number of times that a TCP user was not found in the hash table when trying to delete the user.


Local IP address of the TCP user.


Foreign IP address of the TCP user.


Local port of the TCP user.


Foreign port of the TCP user.


State (see RFC 793) of the TCP user. The possible values are as follows:

6   FIN_WAIT_1
7   FIN_WAIT_2


Length of the retransmit queue of the TCP user.


Length of the input queue of the TCP user.


Value of the time_wait timer (in milliseconds) of the TCP user.


Value of the inactivity timeout timer (in milliseconds) of the TCP user.


Value of the close request timer (in milliseconds) of the TCP user.


Value of the persist timer (in milliseconds) of the TCP user.


Value of the retransmit timer (in milliseconds) of the TCP user.


Retransmit count of the TCP user.


This example shows how to display the status of the TCP stack.

> show tcpstat
                CURRENT MAX     TOTAL
tcb_cnt         2       12      320
proxy_cnt       0       0       160

tcp_xmt pkts = 540591
tcp_rcv good pkts = 6583
tcp_rcv drop pkts = 2
tcp bad chksum = 0
tcp user hash add = 2028
tcp user hash add dup = 0
tcp user srch hash hit = 316753
tcp user srch hash miss = 6663
tcp user hash delete = 2027
tcp user hash delete miss = 0

lip = fip = lp = 443 fp = 2567 st = 4 rexqlen = 0
  tw_timer = 0 to_timer = 179000 cl_timer = 0 per_timer = 0
  rt_timer = 0 tries 0



show conn

Displays the connections used and those that are available.

show tech-support

To display the information that is used for diagnosis by technical support analysts, use the show tech-support command.

show tech-support

Command History




This command was introduced.


The output from show access-list element-count and show asp rule-engine were added.


The output from debug menu netsnmp 4 were added.

7.2.6 and


The output of this command includes the output for statistics all,statistics events,statistics np-clients,statistics cp-clients, and statistics bulk-sync statistics.

Usage Guidelines

The show tech-support command lets you list information that technical support analysts need to help you diagnose problems.


The following example shows how to display information that is used for technical support analysis. The output is shortened to show only its beginning. The output is extremely long and it will take a lot of time to page through the results.

> show tech-support

-------------[ ]--------------
Model                     : Cisco ASA5508-X Threat Defense (75) Version 6.1.0 (B
uild 226)
UUID                      : 43235986-2363-11e6-b278-aff0a43948fe
Rules update version      : 2016-03-28-001-vrt
VDB version               : 270

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.6(1)72

Compiled on Fri 20-May-16 13:36 PDT by builders
System image file is "disk0:/os.img"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"

firepower up 3 days 16 hours

Hardware:   ASA5508, 8192 MB RAM, CPU Atom C2000 series 2000 MHz, 1 CPU (8 cores
Internal ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB
BIOS Flash M25P64 @ 0xfed01000, 16384KB
Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA Crypto on-board accelerator (revision 0x1
(...Remaining output truncated...)


firepower-1010(local-mgmt)# show tech-support fprm
[snmp] persistentDir /var/net-snmp/agent2000
[snmp] logTimestamp true
view all_view included .1
agentAddress none
authtrapenable 1
exactEngineID 0x80000009fee9533ad4a9cbb099516a5d3e8fec647165a8d84f
com2sec cisco123 cisco123
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      15923/snmpd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      16917/python
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 18531/lina
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 15923/snmpd
tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 16917/python
udp        0      0*                           15923/snmpd
udp        0      0*                           15923/snmpd
udp6       0      0 fd00:0:0:1::3:4161      :::*                                15923/snmpd
tap_nlp   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 62:fc:e9:88:2d:31
          inet6 addr: fd00:0:0:1::3/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: fe80::60fc:e9ff:fe88:2d31/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:109 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:76 errors:0 dropped:4 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:6054 (5.9 KiB)  TX bytes:7649 (7.4 KiB)

root 15923 1 0 14:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd --master=agentx -x tcp:2000 -C -c /usr/share/snmp/agent2000/snmpd.conf,/var/net-snmp/agent2000/snmpd.conf -D-agentx/master -A -p /var/run/ -Lf /mnt/disk0/log/ma_ctx2000.log -I-snmpMPDStats -I-system_mib -I-sysORTable -I-vacm_vars -I-setSerialNo -I-at -I-ip -I-tcp -I-icmp -I-udp -I-ipv6 -I-snmpNotifyTable -I-snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable -I-snmpTargetAddrEntry -I-snmpTargetParamsEntry -I-target_counter_5_5 -I-target_counters -I-vacm_contex -I-var_route -I-tcpTable -I-udpTable -I-ip_scalars -I-snmpNotifyTable_data -I-snmpNotifyFilterTable_data_storage -I-snmpNotifyFilterTable -I-snmpNotifyFilterProfileTable_data -I-snmpTargetAddrEntry_data -I-snmpTargetParamsEntry_data -I-ifTable -I-ifXTable -I-ipAddressTable -I-ipAddressPrefixTable -I-ipDefaultRouterTable -I-inetNetToMediaTable -I-ipSystemStatsTable -I-ipv6ScopeZoneIndexTable -I-ipIfStatsTable -I-ipCidrRouteTable -I-inetCidrRouteTable -I-tcpConnectionTable -I-tcpListenerTable -I-udpEndpointTable -I-interface -I-ipNetToPhysicalTable -I-smux -I-ipv6InterfaceTable -I-vmstat

show threat-detection memory

To show the memory used by advanced threat detection statistics, which are enabled by the threat-detection statistics command in the running configuration, use the show threat-detection memory command.

show threat-detection memory

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Some statistics can use a lot of memory and can affect system performance. This command lets you monitor memory usage so you can adjust your configuration if necessary.

Use FlexConfig to configure the threat-detection statistics command.


The following is sample output from the show threat-detection memory command:

> show threat-detection memory
Cached chunks:
       CACHE TYPE             BYTES USED
TD Host                         70245888
TD Port                             2724
TD Protocol                         1476
TD ACE                               728
TD Shared counters                 14256
Subtotal TD Chunks              70265072

Regular memory                BYTES USED
TD Port                            33824
TD Control block                  162064
Subtotal Regular Memory           195888

Total TD memory:                70460960



show running-config all threat-detection

Shows the threat detection configuration, including the default rate settings if you did not configure them individually.

show threat-detection statistics host

Shows the host statistics.

show threat-detection statistics port

Shows the port statistics.

show threat-detection statistics protocol

Shows the protocol statistics.

show threat-detection statistics top

Shows the top 10 statistics.

show threat-detection rate

When you enable basic threat detection using the threat-detection basic-threat command (using FlexConfig), you can view statistics using the show threat-detection rate command.

show threat-detection rate [ min-display-rate events_per_second] [ acl-drop | bad-packet-drop | conn-limit-drop | dos-drop | fw-drop | icmp-drop | inspect-drop | interface-drop | scanning-threat | syn-attack]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by denial by access lists.


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by denial by a bad packet format (such as invalid-ip-header or invalid-tcp-hdr-length).


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by the connection limits being exceeded (both system-wide resource limits, and limits set in the configuration).


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by a detected DoS attack (such as an invalid SPI, Stateful Firewall check failure).


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by basic firewall check failure. This option is a combined rate that includes all firewall-related packet drops in this command. It does not include non-firewall-related drops such as interface-drop, inspect-drop, and scanning-threat.


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by denial by suspicious ICMP packets detected.


(Optional) Shows the rate limit for dropped packets caused by packets failing application inspection.


(Optional) Shows the rate limit for dropped packets caused by an interface overload.

min-display-rate events_per_second

(Optional) Limits the display to statistics that exceed the minimum display rate in events per second, from 0 to 2147483647.


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by a scanning attack detected. This option monitors scanning attacks; for example, the first TCP packet is not a SYN packet, or the TCP connection failed the 3-way handshake. Full scanning threat detection takes this scanning attack rate information and acts on it by classifying hosts as attackers and automatically shunning them, for example.


(Optional) Shows the rate for dropped packets caused by an incomplete session, such as TCP SYN attack or UDP session with no return data attack.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The display output shows the following:

  • The average rate in events/sec over fixed time periods.

  • The current burst rate in events/sec over the last completed burst interval, which is 1/30th of the average rate interval or 10 seconds, whichever is larger.

  • The number of times the rates were exceeded.

  • The total number of events over the fixed time periods.

The system computes the event counts 30 times over the average rate interval; in other words, the system checks the rate at the end of each burst period, for a total of 30 completed burst intervals. The unfinished burst interval presently occurring is not included in the average rate. For example, if the average rate interval is 10 minutes, then the burst interval is 10 seconds. If the last burst interval was from 3:00:00 to 3:00:10, and you use the show command at 3:00:15, then the last 5 seconds are not included in the output.

The only exception to this rule is if the number of events in the unfinished burst interval already exceeds the number of events in the oldest burst interval (#1 of 30) when calculating the total events. In that case, the system calculates the total events as the last 59 complete intervals, plus the events so far in the unfinished burst interval. This exception lets you monitor a large increase in events in real time.


The following is sample output from the show threat-detection rate command:

> show threat-detection rate

                          Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
  10-min ACL  drop:                  0               0       0                   16
  1-hour ACL  drop:                  0               0       0                  112
  1-hour SYN attck:                  5               0       2                21438
  10-min  Scanning:                  0               0      29                  193
  1-hour  Scanning:                106               0      10               384776
  1-hour Bad  pkts:                 76               0       2               274690
  10-min  Firewall:                  0               0       3                   22
  1-hour  Firewall:                 76               0       2               274844
  10-min DoS attck:                  0               0       0                    6
  1-hour DoS attck:                  0               0       0                   42
  10-min Interface:                  0               0       0                  204
  1-hour Interface:                 88               0       0               318225

show threat-detection portscan

To view information on the attackers and targets identified through portscan threat detection, including shuns on the attacker, or portscan statistics, use the show threat-detection portscan command.

show threat-detection portscan [ attacker | target | shun ]

show threat-detection portscan statistics [ host [ ipv4_address | ipv6_address ]] [ protocol { tcp | udp | ip | icmp } ]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Shows attackers only.


(Optional.) Shows shunned attackers only.

statistics [ host [ ipv4_address | ipv6_address]] [ protocol [ tcp | udp | ip | icmp ]

(Optional.) Shows statistics related to portscan identification. You can optionally specify a host address to show statistics for that host only. You can alternatively show the statistics for a specific protocol (TCP/UDP/IP/ICMP), either for all hosts or for a specified host. The host keyword must come before the protocol keyword.


(Optional.) Shows targets only.

Command Default

Shows all information on portscan.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Configure portscan detection in the advanced settings of the access control policy.


The following example shows portscan statistics.

> show threat-detection portscan statistics 
========================================================================                               TCP          1               52                               UDP          1               38                               TCP          1              128                               UDP          1               69

show threat-detection scanning-threat

If you enable scanning threat detection with the threat-detection scanning-threat command (using FlexConfig), then view the hosts that are categorized as attackers and targets using the show threat-detection scanning-threat command.

show threat-detection scanning-threat [ attacker | target]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows attacking host IP addresses.


(Optional) Shows targeted host IP addresses.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show threat-detection scanning-threat command:

> show threat-detection scanning-threat
Latest Target Host & Subnet List: (l2l) (l2l)
Latest Attacker Host & Subnet List: (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside) (outside)

show threat-detection service

To view the status and statistics for Threat Detection for VPN Services, use the show threat-detection service command.

show threat-detection service [ service ] [ details | entries ]

Syntax Description


(Optional.) Show both service details and service entries.


(Optional.) Shows only the entries being tracked. For example, the IP addresses that have had failed authentication attempts.


(Optional.) Show information for the specified service only. Enter one of the following:

  • remote-access-authentication

  • remote-access-client-initiations

  • invalid-vpn-access

Command Default

Details for all services are displayed.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Based on selected options, the display output shows the following:

  • The name of the service

  • The state of the service: enabled or disabled

  • The service hold-down setting

  • The service threshold setting

  • Service action statistics

    • Failed—A failure occurrence when processing the reported occurrence.

    • Blocking—The reported occurrence is within the hold-down period and the threshold was met or exceeded. As a result, the service automatically installed a shun to block the mischievous peer.

    • Recording—The reported occurrence is outside of the hold-down period, or the threshold was met or exceeded. As a result, the service will record the occurrence.

    • Unsupported—The reported occurrence does not currently support automatic shunning.

    • Disabled—An occurrence was reported; but the service has been disabled.


The following example shows that all services are enabled, and potential attackers are being tracked for the remote-access-authentication service.

> show threat-detection service
Service: invalid-vpn-access
    State     : Enabled
    Hold-down : 1 minutes
    Threshold : 1
        failed      :          0
        blocking    :          0
        recording   :          0
        unsupported :          0
        disabled    :          0
    Total entries: 0
Service: remote-access-authentication
    State     : Enabled
    Hold-down : 10 minutes
    Threshold : 20
        failed      :          0
        blocking    :          1
        recording   :          4
        unsupported :          0
        disabled    :          0
    Total entries: 3
Name: remote-access-client-initiations
    State     : Enabled
    Hold-down : 10 minutes
    Threshold : 20
        failed      :          0
        blocking    :          0
        recording   :          0
        unsupported :          0
        disabled    :          0
    Total entries: 0

The following is an example of the show threat-detection service entries command.

> show threat-detection service remote-access-authentication entries
Service: remote-access-authentication
    Total entries: 2

Idx Source              Interface            Count          Age        Hold-down
--- ------------------- -------------------- -------------- ---------- ---------
  1 32              outside              1        721         0
  2 32              outside              2        486       114
Total number of IPv4 entries: 2

NOTE: Age is in seconds since last reported. Hold-down is in seconds remaining.

The following is an example of the show threat-detection service details command.

> show threat-detection service remote-access-authentication details
Service: remote-access-authentication
    State     : Enabled
    Hold-down : 10 minutes
    Threshold : 20
        failed      :          0
        blocking    :          1
        recording   :          4
        unsupported :          0
        disabled    :          0
     Total entries: 2

Idx Source              Interface            Count          Age        Hold-down
--- ------------------- -------------------- -------------- ---------- ---------
  1 32              outside              1        721         0
  2 32              outside              2        486       114
Total number of IPv4 entries: 2

NOTE: Age is in seconds since last reported. Hold-down is in seconds remaining.

show threat-detection shun

If you enable scanning threat detection with the threat-detection scanning-threat command (using FlexConfig), and you automatically shun attacking hosts, then view the currently shunned hosts using the show threat-detection shun command.

show threat-detection scanning-host

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To release a host from being shunned, use the clear threat-detection shun command.


The following is sample output from the show threat-detection shun command:

> show threat-detection shun
Shunned Host List:
(outside) src-ip=
(inside) src-ip= 

show threat-detection statistics

If you enable threat statistics with the threat-detection statistics command (using FlexConfig), view the statistics using the show threat-detection statistics command. For clarity, the major keywords and options are shown separately in the following diagram.

show threat-detection statistics [ min-display-rate eps] host [ ip_address [ mask]]

show threat-detection statistics [ min-display-rate eps] port [ start_port[ -end_port]]

show threat-detection statistics [ min-display-rate eps] protocol [ number | name]

show threat-detection statistics [ min-display-rate eps] top [ access-list | host | port-protocol] [ rate-1 | rate-2 | rate-3] | tcp-intercept [ all] [ detail] [ long]]

Syntax Description

host [ip_address [mask]]

Shows host statistics. You can optionally specify an IP address to show statistics for a particular host. You can include the subnet mask for the host.

Enable host statistics by configuring the threat-detection statistics host command using FlexConfig.

min-display-rate eps

(Optional) Limits the display to statistics that exceed the minimum display rate in events per second, between 0 and 2147483647.

port [start_port[-end_port]]

Shows TCP/UDP port statistics. You can optionally specify a single port or a range of ports, between 0 and 65535.

Enable port statistics by configuring the threat-detection statistics port command using FlexConfig.

protocol [number | name]

Shows protocol statistics. You can optionally specify the protocol by number or name. The number can be 0 - 255. The name can be one of the following: ah, eigrp, esp, gre, icmp, igmp, igrp, ip ipinip, ipsec, nos, ospf, pcp, pim, pptp, snp, tcp, udp.

Enable protocol statistics by configuring the threat-detection statistics protocol command using FlexConfig.

top [access-list | host | port-protocol] [rate-1 | rate-2 | rate-3]

Shows the top 10 access rules, hosts, and ports/protocols, depending on options for which you enabled statistics. You can narrow the view using the following keywords:

  • access-list shows the top 10 ACEs that that match packets, including both permit and deny ACEs. If you enable basic threat detection using the threat-detection basic-threat command, you can track access list denies using the show threat-detection rate access-list command.

  • host shows the top 10 host statistics for each fixed time period. Due to the threat detection algorithm, an interface used for a failover link or state link could appear as one of the top 10 hosts. This occurrence is more likely when you use one interface for both the failover and state link. This is expected behavior, and you can ignore this IP address in the display.

  • port-protocol shows the top 10 combined statistics of TCP/UDP port and IP protocol types. TCP (protocol 6) and UDP (protocol 17) are not included in the display for IP protocols.

  • rate-1 , rate-2 , rate-3 shows the statistics for the specified fixed rate period only, with 1 being the smallest, 3 the largest intervals available in the display. For example, if the display shows statistics for the last 1 hour, 8 hours, and 24 hours, then rate 1 is 1 hour, rate 2 is 8 hours, and rate 3 is 24 hours.

top tcp-intercept [all] [detail] [long]

Shows TCP Intercept statistics. The display includes the top 10 protected servers under attack. You can include the following keywords:

  • all shows the history data of all the traced servers.

  • detail shows history sampling data.

  • long shows the statistical history in a long format, with the real and the translated IP addresses of the server.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Threat detection statistics show both allowed and dropped traffic rates.

The display output shows the following:

  • The average rate in events/sec over fixed time periods.

  • The current burst rate in events/sec over the last completed burst interval, which is 1/30th of the average rate interval or 10 seconds, whichever is larger.

  • The number of times the rates were exceeded (for dropped traffic statistics only).

  • The total number of events over the fixed time periods.

The system computes the event counts 30 times over the average rate interval; in other words, the system checks the rate at the end of each burst period, for a total of 30 completed burst intervals. The unfinished burst interval presently occurring is not included in the average rate. For example, if the average rate interval is 20 minutes, then the burst interval is 20 seconds. If the last burst interval was from 3:00:00 to 3:00:20, and you use the show command at 3:00:25, then the last 5 seconds are not included in the output.

The only exception to this rule is if the number of events in the unfinished burst interval already exceeds the number of events in the oldest burst interval (#1 of 30) when calculating the total events. In that case, the system calculates the total events as the last 29 complete intervals, plus the events so far in the unfinished burst interval. This exception lets you monitor a large increase in events in real time.

The following table explains the output for all commands with the exception of TCP Intercept views. See the TCP Intercept example for an explanation of that output.




Name, ID

For Top reports, the column shows the name or number of the access control entry, the IP address of the host, or the name/ID number of the port or protocol.

Entries are grouped by the fixed rate intervals and they are ranked within the time period, from [0] (highest count) to [9] (lowest count). You might not have enough statistics for all 10 positions, so fewer than 10 items might be shown for a given interval.

For host and port-protocol, the groupings are by sent and received bytes and packets per fixed interval.


Shows the average rate in events/sec over each time period.

The system stores the count at the end of each burst period, for a total of 30 completed burst intervals. The unfinished burst interval presently occurring is not included in the average rate. For example, if the average rate interval is 20 minutes, then the burst interval is 20 seconds. If the last burst interval was from 3:00:00 to 3:00:20, and you use the show command at 3:00:25, then the last 5 seconds are not included in the output.

The only exception to this rule is if the number of events in the unfinished burst interval already exceeds the number of events in the oldest burst interval (#1 of 30) when calculating the total events. In that case, the system calculates the total events as the last 29 complete intervals, plus the events so far in the unfinished burst interval. This exception lets you monitor a large increase in events in real time.


Shows the current burst rate in events/sec over the last completed burst interval, which is 1/30th of the average rate interval or 10 seconds, whichever is larger. For the example specified in the Average(eps) description, the current rate is the rate from 3:19:30 to 3:20:00


Shows the number of times the dropped packet rate limits were exceeded. For valid traffic identified in the sent and received bytes and packets rows, this value is always 0, because there are no rate limits to trigger for valid traffic.

Total events

Shows the total number of events over each rate interval. The unfinished burst interval presently occurring is not included in the total events. The only exception to this rule is if the number of events in the unfinished burst interval already exceeds the number of events in the oldest burst interval (#1 of 30) when calculating the total events. In that case, the system calculates the total events as the last 29 complete intervals, plus the events so far in the unfinished burst interval. This exception lets you monitor a large increase in events in real time.

Entry heading

The statistics are grouped by fixed interval under a heading. The heading can include the information explained in the following rows. In general, the entry heading starts with the following:

  • Host, with the host IP address.

  • The port number/name. For example, 80/HTTP.

  • The protocol number or name. For example, ICMP.

  • For top reports, the fixed interval and statistics type. For access-list, the heading indicates this is for ACL hits.


Shows the total number of sessions for this host, port, or protocol since it was added to the database.


Shows the total number of active sessions that the host, port, or protocol is currently involved in.


(Host only.)

Shows the number of firewall drops. Firewall drops is a combined rate that includes all firewall-related packet drops tracked in basic threat detection, including access list denials, bad packets, exceeded connection limits, DoS attack packets, suspicious ICMP packets, TCP SYN attack packets, and UDP session with no return data attack packets. It does not include non-firewall-related drops such as interface overload, packets failed at application inspection, and scanning attack detected.


(Host only.)

Shows the number of packets dropped because they failed application inspection.


(Host only.)

Shows the number of null sessions, which are TCP SYN sessions that did not complete within the 30-second timeout, and UDP sessions that did not have any data sent by its server 3 seconds after the session starts.


(Host only.)

Shows the number of bad access attempts to host ports that are in a closed state. When a port is determined to be in a null session (see above), the port state of the host is set to HOST_PORT_CLOSE. Any client accessing the port of the host is immediately classified as a bad access without the need to wait for a timeout.

20-min, 1-hour, 8-hour, and 24-hour

Shows statistics for these fixed rate intervals.

  • Sent byte, sent pkts—Shows the number of successful bytes or packets sent from the host, port, or protocol.

  • Sent drop—Shows the number of packets sent from the host, port, or protocol that were dropped because they were part of a scanning attack.

  • Recv byte, pkts—Shows the number of successful bytes or packets received by the host, port, or protocol.

  • Recv drop—Shows the number of packets received by the host, port, or protocol that were dropped because they were part of a scanning attack.


The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics host command:

> show threat-detection statistics host

                          Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
Host: tot-ses:289235 act-ses:22571 fw-drop:0 insp-drop:0 null-ses:21438 bad-acc:0
  1-hour Sent byte:               2938               0       0             10580308
  8-hour Sent byte:                367               0       0             10580308
 24-hour Sent byte:                122               0       0             10580308
  1-hour Sent pkts:                 28               0       0               104043
  8-hour Sent pkts:                  3               0       0               104043
 24-hour Sent pkts:                  1               0       0               104043
  20-min Sent drop:                  9               0       1                10851
  1-hour Sent drop:                  3               0       1                10851
  1-hour Recv byte:               2697               0       0              9712670
  8-hour Recv byte:                337               0       0              9712670
 24-hour Recv byte:                112               0       0              9712670
  1-hour Recv pkts:                 29               0       0               104846
  8-hour Recv pkts:                  3               0       0               104846
 24-hour Recv pkts:                  1               0       0               104846
  20-min Recv drop:                 42               0       3                50567
  1-hour Recv drop:                 14               0       1                50567
Host: tot-ses:1 act-ses:0 fw-drop:0 insp-drop:0 null-ses:0 bad-acc:0
  1-hour Sent byte:                  0               0       0                  614
  8-hour Sent byte:                  0               0       0                  614
 24-hour Sent byte:                  0               0       0                  614
  1-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                    6
  8-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                    6
 24-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                    6
  20-min Sent drop:                  0               0       0                    4
  1-hour Sent drop:                  0               0       0                    4
  1-hour Recv byte:                  0               0       0                  706
  8-hour Recv byte:                  0               0       0                  706
 24-hour Recv byte:                  0               0       0                  706
  1-hour Recv pkts:                  0               0       0                    7

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics port command:

> show threat-detection statistics port

                          Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
80/HTTP: tot-ses:310971 act-ses:22571
  1-hour Sent byte:               2939               0       0             10580922
  8-hour Sent byte:                367           22043       0             10580922
 24-hour Sent byte:                122            7347       0             10580922
  1-hour Sent pkts:                 28               0       0               104049
  8-hour Sent pkts:                  3             216       0               104049
 24-hour Sent pkts:                  1              72       0               104049
  20-min Sent drop:                  9               0       2                10855
  1-hour Sent drop:                  3               0       2                10855
  1-hour Recv byte:               2698               0       0              9713376
  8-hour Recv byte:                337           20236       0              9713376
 24-hour Recv byte:                112            6745       0              9713376
  1-hour Recv pkts:                 29               0       0               104853
  8-hour Recv pkts:                  3             218       0               104853
 24-hour Recv pkts:                  1              72       0               104853
  20-min Recv drop:                 24               0       2                29134
  1-hour Recv drop:                  8               0       2                29134

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics protocol command:

> show threat-detection statistics protocol

                          Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
ICMP: tot-ses:0 act-ses:0
  1-hour Sent byte:                  0               0       0                 1000
  8-hour Sent byte:                  0               2       0                 1000
 24-hour Sent byte:                  0               0       0                 1000
  1-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                   10
  8-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                   10
 24-hour Sent pkts:                  0               0       0                   10

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top access-list command:

> show threat-detection statistics top access-list

                   Top    Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
  1-hour ACL hits:
              100/3[0]             173               0       0               623488
              200/2[1]              43               0       0               156786
              100/1[2]              43               0       0               156786
  8-hour ACL hits:
              100/3[0]              21            1298       0               623488
              200/2[1]               5             326       0               156786
              100/1[2]               5             326       0               156786

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top port-protocol command:

> show threat-detection statistics top port-protocol

Top          Name   Id    Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger      Total events
  1-hour Recv byte:
 1         gopher   70              71               0       0          32345678
 2  btp-clnt/dhcp   68              68               0       0          27345678
 3         gopher   69              65               0       0          24345678
 4    Protocol-96 * 96              63               0       0          22345678
 5      Port-7314 7314              62               0       0          12845678
 6 BitTorrent/trc 6969              61               0       0          12645678
 7     Port-8191-65535              55               0       0          12345678
 8           SMTP  366              34               0       0           3345678
 9         IPinIP *  4              30               0       0           2345678
10          EIGRP * 88              23               0       0           1345678
  1-hour Recv pkts:
  8-hour Recv byte:
  8-hour Recv pkts:
 24-hour Recv byte:
 24-hour Recv pkts:

Note: Id preceded by * denotes the Id is an IP protocol type

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top host command:

> show threat-detection statistics top host

                   Top    Average(eps)    Current(eps) Trigger         Total events
  1-hour Sent byte:
[0]            2938               0       0             10580308
  1-hour Sent pkts:
[0]              28               0       0               104043
  20-min Sent drop:
[0]               9               0       1                10851
  1-hour Recv byte:
[0]            2697               0       0              9712670
  1-hour Recv pkts:
[0]              29               0       0               104846
  20-min Recv drop:
[0]              42               0       3                50567
  8-hour Sent byte:
[0]             367               0       0             10580308
  8-hour Sent pkts:
[0]               3               0       0               104043
  1-hour Sent drop:
[0]               3               0       1                10851
  8-hour Recv byte:
[0]             337               0       0              9712670
  8-hour Recv pkts:
[0]               3               0       0               104846
  1-hour Recv drop:
[0]              14               0       1                50567
 24-hour Sent byte:
[0]             122               0       0             10580308
 24-hour Sent pkts:
[0]               1               0       0               104043
 24-hour Recv byte:
[0]             112               0       0              9712670
 24-hour Recv pkts:
[0]               1               0       0               104846

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept command:

> show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept

Top 10 protected servers under attack (sorted by average rate)
Monitoring window size: 30 mins    Sampling interval: 30 secs
<Rank> <Server IP:Port> <Interface> <Ave Rate> <Cur Rate> <Total> <Source IP (Last Attack Time)>
1 inside 1249 9503 2249245 <various> Last: (0 secs ago)
2 inside 10 10 6080 (0 secs ago)
3 inside 2 6 560 (59 secs ago)
4 inside 1 5 560 (59 secs ago)
5 inside 1 4 560 (59 secs ago)
6 inside 0 3 560 (59 secs ago)
7 inside 0 2 560 (59 secs ago)
8 inside 0 1 560 (59 secs ago)
9 inside 0 0 550 (2 mins ago)
10 inside 0 0 550 (5 mins ago)

The following table explains the TCP Intercept output.



Monitoring window size

Shows the period of time over which the system samples data for statistics. The default is 30 minutes. You can change this setting using the threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept rate-interval command using FlexConfig. The system samples data 30 times during this interval.

Sampling interval

Shows the interval between samples. This value is always the rate interval divided by 30.


Shows the ranking, 1 through 10, where 1 is the most attacked server, and 10 is the least attacked server.

Server IP:Port

Shows the server IP address and the port on which it is being attacked.


Shows the interface through which the server is being attacked.

Ave Rate

Shows the average rate of attack, in attacks per second over the sampling period.

Cur Rate

Shows the current attack rate, in attacks per second.


Shows the total number of attacks.

Source IP

Shows the attacker IP address.

Last Attack Time

Shows when the last attack occurred.

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept long command with the real server IP address in parentheses:

> show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept long

Top 10 protected servers under attack (sorted by average rate)
Monitoring window size: 30 mins    Sampling interval: 30 secs
<Rank> <Server IP:Port (Real IP:Real Port)> <Interface> <Ave Rate> <Cur Rate> <Total> <Source IP (Last Attack Time)>
1 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
2 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
3 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
4 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
5 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
6 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
7 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
8 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
9 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)
10 ( inside 18 709 33911 (0 secs ago)

The following is sample output from the show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept detail command, which shows the sampling data. The sampling data is the number of attacks for each of the 30 sampling periods.

> show threat-detection statistics top tcp-intercept detail

Top 10 Protected Servers under Attack (sorted by average rate)
Monitoring Window Size: 30 mins    Sampling Interval: 30 secs
<Rank> <Server IP:Port> <Interface> <Ave Rate> <Cur Rate> <Total> <Source IP (Last Attack Time)> 
1 inside 1877 9502 3379276 <various> Last: (0 secs ago)
     Sampling History (30 Samplings):
             95348      95337      95341      95339      95338      95342
             95337      95348      95342      95338      95339      95340
             95339      95337      95342      95348      95338      95342
             95337      95339      95340      95339      95347      95343
             95337      95338      95342      95338      95337      95342
             95348      95338      95342      95338      95337      95343
             95337      95349      95341      95338      95337      95342
             95338      95339      95338      95350      95339      95570
             96351      96351      96119      95337      95349      95341
             95338      95337      95342      95338      95338      95342

show time

To display UTC and local time and date for the device, use the show time command.

show time

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show time command.

> show time
UTC -       Wed Aug  3 17:04:06 UTC 2016
Localtime - Wed Aug 03 13:04:06 EDT 2016

show time-range

To display the configuration of all time range objects, use the show time-range command.


This command does not display the device time. To view the device time, use show time.

show time-range timezone [ name ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows information for this time range object only.


To view the configured timezone for the time-range policies, use timezone.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The timezone keyword was added.


This example shows how to display the configuration of the time range objects. In this example, there is one object, which is named work-hours. Inactive means that the object is not being used.

> show time-range 

time-range entry: work-hours (inactive)
   periodic weekdays 9:00 to 17:00

The following is sample output from the show time-range timezone command:

> show time-range timezone 
Time-range Clock:
13:20:22.852 tzname Tue Aug 18 2020

show tls-proxy

To display TLS proxy and session information for encrypted inspections, use the show tls-proxy command.

show tls-proxy [ tls_name | session [ host host_address | detail [ cert-dump] | count | statistics]]

Syntax Description


Shows only the session counters.

detail [cert-dump]

Shows detailed TLS proxy information including the cipher for each SSL leg and the LDC. Add the cert-dump keyword to get a hexadecimal dump of the local dynamic certificate (LDC).

You can also use these keywords with the host option.

host host_address

Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address of a particular host to show the associated sessions associated.


Shows active TLS proxy sessions.


Shows statistics for monitoring and managing TLS sessions.


The name of the TLS proxy to show.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The TLS proxies you can view with this command are those configured for encrypted application inspections only. They apply to the SIP, SCCP (Skinny), or Diameter inspections. These TLS proxies are not related to the SSL Decryption or VPN policies.


The following is sample output from the show tls-proxy command:

> show tls-proxy
TLS-Proxy ‘proxy’: ref_cnt 1, seq#1
      Server proxy: 
             Trust-point: local_ccm
      Client proxy:
             Local dynamic certificate issuer: ldc_signer
             Local dynamic certificate key-pair: phone_common
             Cipher-suite <unconfigured>
      Run-time proxies:
             Proxy 0x448b468: Class-map: skinny_ssl, Inspect: skinny
                   Active sess 1, most sess 4, byte 3244

The following is sample output from the show tls-proxy session command:

> show tls-proxy session
outside inside P:0x4491a60(proxy)
S:0x482e790 byte 3388

The following is sample output from the show tls-proxy session detail command:

> show tls-proxy session detail
1 in use, 1 most used
outside inside P:0xcba60b60(proxy) S:0xcbc10748 byte 1831704
      Client: State SSLOK  Cipher AES128-SHA Ch 0xca55efc8 TxQSize 0 LastTxLeft 0 Flags 0x1
      Server: State SSLOK  Cipher AES128-SHA Ch 0xca55efa8 TxQSize 0 LastTxLeft 0 Flags 0x9
Local Dynamic Certificate
      Status: Available
      Certificate Serial Number: 29
      Certificate Usage: General Purpose
      Public Key Type: RSA (1024 bits)
      Issuer Name: 
      Subject Name:
             o=Cisco Systems Inc
      Validity Date: 
            start date: 00:47:12 PDT Feb 27 2007
            end   date: 00:47:12 PDT Feb 27 2008
      Associated Trustpoints: 

The following is sample output from the show tls-proxy session statistics command:

> show tls-proxy session stastics
TLS Proxy Sessions (Established: 600)
    Mobility:                                          0
Per-Session Licensed TLS Proxy Sessions
(Established: 222, License Limit: 3000)
    SIP:                                               2
    SCCP:                                             20
    DIAMETER:                                        200
Total TLS Proxy Sessions
    Established:                                     822
    Platform Limit:                                 1000

show track

To display information about object tracked by the security-level agreement (SLA) tracking process, use the show track command.

show track [ track-id]

Syntax Description


A tracking entry object ID number, from 1 to 500.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following is sample output from the show track command:

> show track

Track 5
      Response Time Reporter 124 reachability
      Reachability is UP
      2 changes, last change 03:41:16
      Latest operation return code: OK
      Tracked by:
                 STATIC-IP-ROUTING 0

show traffic

To display interface transmit and receive activity, use the show traffic command.

show traffic

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show traffic command lists the number of packets and bytes moving through each interface since the last show traffic command was entered or since the device came online. The number of seconds is the duration the device has been online since the last reboot, unless the clear traffic command was entered since the last reboot. If this is the case, then the number of seconds is the duration since that command was entered.

The statistics are first shown based on interface name. After the named interfaces, statistics are shown based on the physical interface. The interfaces can include hidden virtual interfaces that are used by the system for internal communications.


The following is an abbreviated sample output from the show traffic command, showing the statistics for a single interface. Each interface shows the same statistics.

> show traffic
        received (in 102.080 secs):
                2048 packets     204295 bytes
                20 pkts/sec      2001 bytes/sec
        transmitted (in 102.080 secs):
                2048 packets       204056 bytes
                20 pkts/sec      1998 bytes/sec
      1 minute input rate 122880 pkts/sec,  5775360 bytes/sec
      1 minute output rate 122887 pkts/sec,  5775389 bytes/sec
      1 minute drop rate, 3 pkts/sec
      5 minute input rate 118347 pkts/sec,  5562309 bytes/sec
      5 minute output rate 119221 pkts/sec,  5603387 bytes/sec
      5 minute drop rate, 11 pkts/sec

show upgrade

To show information about a system software upgrade, use the show upgrade command.

show upgrade { revert-info | status [ detail ] [ continuous ] }

Syntax Description


Show which version you can revert the system to use, if any version is available for reversion. If no revert version is available, you cannot use the upgrade revert command.


Show the status of the upgrade. You can include the following optional keywords:

  • detail

    Show the upgrade log in addition to the summary status information.

  • continuous

    Show upgrade messages as they are generated. You can use this keyword alone or in conjunction with the detail keyword.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Possible statuses include the following:

  • There is no upgrade in progress.

  • Major upgrade in progress.

  • Patch upgrade in progress.

  • Hotfix upgrade in progress.

  • Major upgrade failed. Run “cancel” to recover.

    Reboot might or might not happen depending on the upgrade failure stage.

  • Major upgrade failed. Reboot the device to recover.


The following example shows the status of an upgrade that is currently in progress. To see the status of a completed upgrade, use the show last-upgrade status command.

> show upgrade status
Upgrade from 6.3.0 to 6.7.0 in progress (11% progress, time remaining 8 mins)
Time started: Tue Dec  3 23:50:31 UTC 2020
Current state: Tue Dec  3 23:51:01 UTC 2020 Running script 200_pre/

The following example shows revert information. In this example, a version does exist that you can revert to. If no version is available, the message is "No version is available for revert."

> show upgrade revert-info
You can revert to version 6.4.0-102
at 2020-03-20T22:49:43+0000

It uses 4946MB of disk space.

Version 6.4.0-102 is available for revert.

show user

To show the user accounts for accessing the command line interface (CLI) on the device, use the show user command.

show user [ username1 [ usernam2] [...]]

Syntax Description

username1 [usernam2] [...]

(Optional.) One or more space-separated user names. If you do not specify any names, all users are shown.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The following information is shown for each user. Create user accounts with the configure user add command.

  • Login—The login name.

  • UID—The numeric user ID.

  • Auth—How the user is authenticated, either Local or Remote (through a directory server).

  • Access—The user's privilege level, Basic or Config. Use the configure user access command to change this setting.

  • Enabled—Whether the user is active, Enabled or Disabled. Use the configure user enable/disable commands to change this setting.

  • Reset—Whether the user must change the account password at the next login, Yes or No. Use the configure user forcereset command to change this setting.

  • Exp—The number of days until the user's password must be changed. Never indicates that the password does not expire. Use the configure user aging command to change this setting.

  • Warn—The number of days a user is given a warning to change their password before it expires. N/A indicates that warnings are not applicable. Use the configure user aging command to change this setting.

  • Grace—The grace period, which is the number of days a user can change the password after it expires. Disabled means there is no grace period. Grace periods apply to devices running FXOS only. Use the configure user aging command to change this setting.

  • Str—Whether the user's password must meet strength checking criteria, Dis (disabled) or Ena (enabled). Configure this option with the configure user strengthcheck command.

  • Lock—Whether the user's account has been locked due to too many login failures, Yes or No. Use the configure user unlock command to unlock a user account.

  • Max—The maximum number of failed logins before the user's account is locked. N/A indicates the account can never be locked. Use the configure user maxfailedlogins command to change this setting.


The following example shows how to display the users defined for CLI access.

> show user
Login              UID   Auth Access  Enabled Reset    Exp Warn  Str Lock Max
admin             1000  Local Config  Enabled    No  Never  N/A  Dis   No N/A
admin2            1001  Local Config  Enabled    No  Never  N/A  Dis   No   5

The following example includes as external user and the grace period.

> show user
Login          UID   Auth Access  Enabled Reset   Exp   Warn    Grace  MinL Str Lock Max
admin          100  Local Config  Enabled    No  10000     7  Disabled    8 Ena   No N/A
extuser        501 Remote Config Disabled   N/A  99999     7  Disabled    1 Dis   No N/A
joeuser       1000  Local Config  Enabled   Yes    180     7         7    8 Dis   No   5

show version

To display the hardware model, software version, UUID, intrusion rule update version, and VDB version, use the show version command.

show version [ detail | system]

Syntax Description


show version and show version detail display the same information.


This keyword appends additional system information to the information displayed by show version .

Command History




This command was introduced.


Information on how long it took to start (boot) up the system was added to the output.

Usage Guidelines

The show version command and the show version detail command display the same basic system information. The show version system command displays this information plus additional system information such as operating time since the last reboot and more specific hardware information.


The following example shows the basic show version output.

> show version
-------------------[ firepower ]--------------------
Model : Secure Firewall Management Center for VMware (66) Version 7.2.0 (Build 1405)
UUID : 78ddf634-3754-11ec-87dd-ace5f9ec4cdc
Rules update version : 2022-01-11-001-vrt
LSP version : lsp-rel-20220111-1030
VDB version : 348

The following sample output from the show version system command appends the same output as the show version command with additional information.

> show version system
-------------[ ]--------------
Model                     : Cisco ASA5508-X Threat Defense (75) Version 6.1.0 (Build 226)
UUID                      : 43235986-2363-11e6-b278-aff0a43948fe
Rules update version      : 2016-03-28-001-vrt
VDB version               : 270

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.6(1)72

Compiled on Fri 20-May-16 13:36 PDT by builders
System image file is "disk0:/os.img"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"

firepower up 36 days 21 hours

Hardware:   ASA5508, 8192 MB RAM, CPU Atom C2000 series 2000 MHz, 1 CPU (8 cores 
Internal ATA Compact Flash, 8192MB
BIOS Flash M25P64 @ 0xfed01000, 16384KB

Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA Crypto on-board accelerator (revision 0x1      
                             Number of accelerators: 1

 1: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/1  : address is e865.49b8.97f2, irq 255
 2: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/2  : address is e865.49b8.97f3, irq 255
 3: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/3  : address is e865.49b8.97f4, irq 255
 4: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/4  : address is e865.49b8.97f5, irq 255
 5: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/5  : address is e865.49b8.97f6, irq 255
 6: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/6  : address is e865.49b8.97f7, irq 255
 7: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/7  : address is e865.49b8.97f8, irq 255
 8: Ext: GigabitEthernet1/8  : address is e865.49b8.97f9, irq 255
 9: Int: Internal-Data1/1    : address is e865.49b8.97f1, irq 255
10: Int: Internal-Data1/2    : address is 0000.0001.0002, irq 0
11: Int: Internal-Control1/1 : address is 0000.0001.0001, irq 0
12: Int: Internal-Data1/3    : address is 0000.0001.0003, irq 0
13: Ext: Management1/1       : address is e865.49b8.97f1, irq 0
14: Int: Internal-Data1/4    : address is 0000.0100.0001, irq 0

Serial Number: JAD192100RG
Configuration register is 0x1
Image type                : Release
Key Version               : A
Configuration last modified by enable_1 at 12:44:37.849 UTC Mon Jul 25 2016

Starting with version 7.1, you can see how long it took to boot up the system. The information is after status of how long the system has been running.

> show version system
---------------------[ ftdv1 ]----------------------
Model                     : Cisco Firepower Threat Defense for VMware (75) Version 7.1.0 (Build 1519)
UUID                      : b964ed5e-92c0-11eb-aaa2-cfab359c2436
LSP version               : lsp-rel-20210310-2255
VDB version               : 338

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 99.17(1)135
SSP Operating System Version 82.11(1.277i)

Compiled on Thu 25-Mar-21 00:49 GMT by builders
System image file is "boot:/asa99171-135-smp-k8.bin"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"

ftdv1 up 6 days 22 hours
Start-up time 5 secs

(remaining output redacted)

show vlan

To display all VLANs configured on the threat defense device, use the show vlan command.

show vlan [ mapping [ primary_id]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Shows the secondary VLANs mapped to the primary VLAN.


(Optional) Shows secondary VLANs for a specific primary VLAN.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example displays the configured VLANs:

> show vlan

The following example displays the secondary VLANs that are mapped to each primary VLAN:

> show vlan mapping
Interface                        Secondary VLAN ID                        Mapped VLAN ID
0/1.100                          200                                                300
0/1.100                          201                                                300
0/2.500                          400                                                200

show vm

To display virtual platform information on the threat defense virtual device, use the show vm command.

show vm

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display information on VMware:

> show vm

Virtual Platform Resource Status
Number of vCPUs           :  4
Processor Memory          :  8192 MB
Hypervisor                :  VMware

show vpdn

To show the status of virtual private dial-up network (VPDN) connections such as PPPoE or L2TP, use the show vpdn command.

show vpdn { group name | pppinterface id number | session { l2tp | pppoe} id number { packets | state | window} | tunnel { l2tp | pppoe} id number { packets | state | summary | transport} | username name}

Syntax Description

group name

Shows the VPDN group configuration.

id number

(Optional) Shows information about the VPDN session with the specified ID.


(Optional) Shows session or tunnel information about L2TP.


Shows session or tunnel packet information.


Shows PPP interface information.


(Optional) Show session or tunnel information about PPPoE.


Shows session information.


Shows session or tunnel state information.


Shows the tunnel summary.


Shows tunnel transport information.


Shows tunnel information.

username name

Shows user information.


Shows session window information.

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to troubleshoot the VPDN PPPoE or L2TP connections.


The following is sample output from the show vpdn session command:

> show vpdn session
PPPoE Session Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)
Remote Internet Address is
  Session state is SESSION_UP
    Time since event change 65887 secs, interface outside
    PPP interface id is 1
    6 packets sent, 6 received, 84 bytes sent, 0 received

The following is sample output from the show vpdn tunnel command:

> show vpdn tunnel
PPPoE Tunnel Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)
Tunnel id 0, 1 active sessions
   time since change 65901 secs
   Remote Internet Address
   Local Internet Address

show vpn load-balancing

Do not use this command. It relates to a feature not supported by threat defense.

show vpn-sessiondb

To display information about VPN sessions, use one of the show vpn-sessiondb commands.

show vpn-sessiondb [ detail] [ full] { anyconnect | l2l | ra-ikev1-ipsec | ra-ikev2-ipsec} [ filter criteria] [ sort criteria]

show vpn-sessiondb [ detail] [ full] index indexnumber

show vpn-sessiondb failover

show vpn-sessiondb ospfv3 [ filter ipaddress IP_address] [ sort ipaddress]

Syntax Description


Displays AnyConnect VPN client sessions.


(Optional) Displays extended details about a session. For example, using the detail option for an IPsec session displays additional details such as the IKE hashing algorithm, authentication mode, and rekey interval.

If you choose detail, and the full option, the threat defense device displays the detailed output in a machine-readable format.


Displays the session information for the failover IPsec tunnels.

filter filter_criteria

(Optional) Filters the output to according to the filter option you specify. For a list of options, see the “Usage Guidelines” section.


(Optional) Displays streamed, untruncated output. Output is delineated by | characters and a || string between records.

index indexnumber

Displays a single session by index number. Specify the index number for the session, which ranges from 1 - 65535.


Displays VPN LAN-to-LAN session information.


Displays OSPFv3 session information.


Displays IPsec IKEv1 sessions.


Displays details for IKEv2 remote access client connections.

sort sort_criteria

(Optional) Sorts the output according to the sort option you specify. For a list of options, see the “Usage Guidelines” section.

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can use the following options to filter and to sort the session display. The values you can filter and sort on differ based on the session types you are listing.

Filter/Sort Option


filter a-ipaddress IP_address

Filters the output to display information for the specified assigned IP address or addresses only.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

sort a-ipaddress

Sorts the display by assigned IP addresses.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter a-ipversion {v4 | v6}

Filters the output to show only sessions assigned IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter encryption encryption_algorithm

Filters the output to display information for sessions using the specified encryption algorithm only. Use ? to see the available methods.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l , ra-ikev2-ipsec

sort encryption

Sorts the output by the encryption algorithm used in the session.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l , ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter inactive

Filters by inactive sessions, which are sessions that have gone idle and have possibly lost connectivity (due to hibernation, mobile device disconnection, and so on). The number of inactive sessions increases when TCP keepalives are sent from the threat defense device without a response from the AnyConnect client. Each session is time stamped with the SSL tunnel drop time. If the session is actively passing traffic over the SSL tunnel, 00:00m:00s is displayed.

Use with: anyconnect



The threat defense device does not send TCP keepalives to some devices (such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod) to save battery life, so the failure detection cannot distinguish between a disconnect and a sleep. For this reason, the inactivity counter remains as 00:00:00 by design.

sort inactivity

Sorts by inactive sessions.

Use with: anyconnect

filter ipaddress IP_address

Filters the output to display information for the specified inside IP address or addresses only.

Use with: l2l , ospfv3

sort ipaddress

Sorts the display by inside IP addresses.

Use with: l2l , ospfv3

filter ipversion {v4 | v6}

Filters the output to show only sessions originating from endpoints with IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Use with: l2l

filter name username

Filters the output to display sessions for the specified username.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l ,ra-ikev2-ipsec

sort name

Sorts the display by usernames in alphabetical order.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l ,ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter p-ipaddress IP_address

Filters the output to display information for the specified public outside IP address or addresses only.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

sort p-ipaddress

Sorts the display by public outside IP addresses.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter p-ipversion {v4 | v6}

Filters the output to show only sessions originating from endpoints with public IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.

Use with: anyconnect , ra-ikev2-ipsec

filter protocol name

Filters the output to display information for sessions using the specified protocol only. Use ? to see the available protocols.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l , ra-ikev2-ipsec

sort protocol

Sorts the display by protocol.

Use with: anyconnect , l2l , ra-ikev2-ipsec

The following table explains the fields you might see in the output.



Auth Mode

Protocol or mode used to authenticate this session.

Bytes Rx

Total number of bytes received from the remote peer or client by the system.

Bytes Tx

Number of bytes transmitted to the remote peer or client by the system.

Client Type

Client software running on the remote peer, if available.

Client Ver

Version of the client software running on the remote peer.


Name of the connection or the private IP address.

D/H Group

Diffie-Hellman Group. The algorithm and key size used to generate IPsec SA encryption keys.


Elapsed time (HH:MM:SS) between the session login time and the last screen refresh.

EAPoUDP Session Age

Number of seconds since the last successful posture validation.


Mode used to apply IPsec ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload protocol) encryption and authentication (that is, the part of the original IP packet that has ESP applied).


Data encryption algorithm this session is using, if any.

EoU Age (T)

EAPoUDP Session Age. Number of seconds since the last successful posture validation.

Filter Name

Username specified to restrict the display of session information.


Algorithm used to create a hash of the packet, which is used for IPsec data authentication.

Hold Left (T)

Hold-Off Time Remaining. 0 seconds if the last posture validation was successful. Otherwise, the number of seconds remaining before the next posture validation attempt.

Hold-Off Time Remaining

0 seconds if the last posture validation was successful. Otherwise, the number of seconds remaining before the next posture validation attempt.

IKE Neg Mode

IKE (IPsec Phase 1) mode for exchanging key information and setting up SAs: Aggressive or Main.

IKE Sessions

Number of IKE (IPsec Phase 1) sessions; usually 1. These sessions establish the tunnel for IPsec traffic.


Unique identifier for this record.

IP Addr

Private IP address assigned to the remote client for this session. This is also known as the “inner” or “virtual” IP address. It lets the client appear to be a host on the private network.

IPsec Sessions

Number of IPsec (Phase 2) sessions, which are data traffic sessions through the tunnel. Each IPsec remote-access session can have two IPsec sessions: one consisting of the tunnel endpoints, and one consisting of the private networks reachable through the tunnel.

License Information

Shows information about the shared SSL VPN license.

Local IP Addr

IP address assigned to the local endpoint of the tunnel (that is the interface on the system).

Login Time

Date and time (MMM DD HH:MM:SS) that the session logged in. Time is displayed in 24-hour notation.

NAC Result

State of Network Admission Control Posture Validation. It can be one of the following:

  • Accepted—The ACS successfully validated the posture of the remote host.

  • Rejected—The ACS could not successfully validate the posture of the remote host.

  • Exempted—The remote host is exempt from posture validation according to the Posture Validation Exception list configured on the threat defense device.

  • Non-Responsive—The remote host did not respond to the EAPoUDP Hello message.

  • Hold-off—The threat defense device lost EAPoUDP communication with the remote host after successful posture validation.

  • N/A—NAC is disabled for the remote host according to the VPN NAC group policy.

  • Unknown—Posture validation is in progress.

NAC Sessions

Number of Network Admission Control (EAPoUDP) sessions.

Packets Rx

Number of packets received from the remote peer by the system.

Packets Tx

Number of packets transmitted to the remote peer by the system.

PFS Group

Perfect Forward Secrecy group number.

Posture Token

Informational text string configurable on the Access Control Server. The ACS downloads the posture token to the system for informational purposes to aid in system monitoring, reporting, debugging, and logging. A typical posture token is Healthy, Checkup, Quarantine, Infected, or Unknown.


Protocol the session is using.

Public IP

Publicly routable IP address assigned to the client.

Redirect URL

Following posture validation or clientless authentication, the ACS downloads the access policy for the session to the system. The Redirect URL is an optional part of the access policy payload. The system redirects all HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) requests for the remote host to the Redirect URL if it is present. If the access policy does not contain a Redirect URL, the threat defense device does not redirect HTTP and HTTPS requests from the remote host.

Redirect URLs remain in force until either the IPsec session ends or until posture revalidation, for which the ACS downloads a new access policy that can contain a different redirect URL or no redirect URL.

Rekey Int (T or D)

Lifetime of the IPsec (IKE) SA encryption keys. The T value is the lifetime in duration, the D value is in data transmitted. Only the T value is shown for remote access VPN.

Rekey Left (T or D)

Lifetime remaining of the IPsec (IKE) SA encryption keys. The T value is the lifetime in duration, the D value is in data transmitted. Only the T value is shown for remote access VPN.

Rekey Time Interval

Lifetime of the IPsec (IKE) SA encryption keys.

Remote IP Addr

IP address assigned to the remote endpoint of the tunnel (that is the interface on the remote peer).

Reval Int (T)

Revalidation Time Interval. Interval in seconds required between each successful posture validation.

Reval Left (T)

Time Until Next Revalidation. 0 if the last posture validation attempt was unsuccessful. Otherwise, the difference between the Revalidation Time Interval and the number of seconds since the last successful posture validation.

Revalidation Time Interval

Interval in seconds required between each successful posture validation.

Session ID

Identifier for the session component (subsession). Each SA has its own identifier.

Session Type

Type of session: LAN-to-LAN or Remote

SQ Int (T)

Status Query Time Interval. Time in seconds allowed between each successful posture validation or status query response and the next status query response. A status query is a request made by the system to the remote host to indicate whether the host has experienced any changes in posture since the last posture validation.

Status Query Time Interval

Time in seconds allowed between each successful posture validation or status query response and the next status query response. A status query is a request made by the system to the remote host to indicate whether the host has experienced any changes in posture since the last posture validation.

Time Until Next Revalidation

0 if the last posture validation attempt was unsuccessful. Otherwise, the difference between the Revalidation Time Interval and the number of seconds since the last successful posture validation.

Tunnel Group

Name of the tunnel group referenced by this tunnel for attribute values.

UDP Dst Port


UDP Destination Port

Port number used by the remote peer for UDP.

UDP Src Port


UDP Source Port

Port number used for UDP.


User login name with which the session is established.


Egress VLAN interface assigned to this session. The system forwards all traffic to that VLAN. One of the following elements specifies the value: Group policy or Inherited group policy


The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb command:

> show vpn-sessiondb
VPN Session Summary
                               Active : Cumulative : Peak Concur : Inactive
AnyConnect Client            :      1 :         12 :           3 :        0
  SSL/TLS/DTLS               :      1 :         12 :           3 :        0
Clientless VPN               :      0 :          6 :           2
  Browser                    :      0 :          6 :           2
Total Active and Inactive    :      1             Total Cumulative :     18
Device Total VPN Capacity    :    250
Device Load                  :     0%

Tunnels Summary
                               Active : Cumulative : Peak Concurrent   
Clientless                   :      0 :          7 :               2
AnyConnect-Parent            :      1 :         11 :               3
SSL-Tunnel                   :      1 :         12 :               3
DTLS-Tunnel                  :      1 :         12 :               3
Totals                       :      3 :         42
IPv6 Usage Summary
Active : Cumulative : Peak Concurrent
AnyConnect SSL/TLS/DTLS : : :
IPv6 Peer : 1 : 41 : 2
Tunneled IPv6 : 1 : 70 : 2
AnyConnect IKEv2 : : :
IPv6 Peer : 0 : 4 : 1
Clientless : : :
IPv6 Peer : 0 : 1 : 1

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail 
VPN Session Summary
                               Active : Cumulative : Peak Concur : Inactive
AnyConnect Client            :      1 :         12 :           3 :        0
  SSL/TLS/DTLS               :      1 :         12 :           3 :        0
Clientless VPN               :      0 :          6 :           2
  Browser                    :      0 :          6 :           2
Total Active and Inactive    :      1             Total Cumulative :     18
Device Total VPN Capacity    :    250
Device Load                  :     0%

Tunnels Summary
                               Active : Cumulative : Peak Concurrent   
Clientless                   :      0 :          7 :               2
AnyConnect-Parent            :      1 :         11 :               3
SSL-Tunnel                   :      1 :         12 :               3
DTLS-Tunnel                  :      1 :         12 :               3
Totals                       :      3 :         42

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail l2l command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail l2l
Session Type: LAN-to-LAN Detailed
Connection :
Index : 1
IP Addr :
Protocol : IKEv2 IPsec
Encryption : IKEv2: (1)AES256 IPsec: (1)AES256
Hashing : IKEv2: (1)SHA1 IPsec: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx : 240 Bytes Rx : 160
Login Time : 14:50:35 UTC Tue May 1 2017
Duration : 0h:00m:11s
IKEv2 Tunnels: 1
IPsec Tunnels: 1
Tunnel ID : 1.1
UDP Src Port : 500 UDP Dst Port : 500
Rem Auth Mode: preSharedKeys
Loc Auth Mode: preSharedKeys
Encryption : AES256 Hashing : SHA1
Rekey Int (T): 86400 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 86389 Seconds
PRF : SHA1 D/H Group : 5
Filter Name :
IPv6 Filter :
Tunnel ID : 1.2
Local Addr :
Remote Addr :
Encryption : AES256 Hashing : SHA1
Encapsulation: Tunnel PFS Group : 5
Rekey Int (T): 120 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 107 Seconds
Rekey Int (D): 4608000 K-Bytes Rekey Left(D): 4608000 K-Bytes
Idle Time Out: 30 Minutes Idle TO Left : 29 Minutes
Bytes Tx : 240 Bytes Rx : 160
Pkts Tx : 3 Pkts Rx : 2
Reval Int (T): 0 Seconds Reval Left(T): 0 Seconds
SQ Int (T) : 0 Seconds EoU Age(T) : 13 Seconds
Hold Left (T): 0 Seconds Posture Token:
Redirect URL :

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail index 1 command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail index 1
Session Type: Remote Detailed
Username : user1
Index : 1
Assigned IP : Public IP :
Protocol : IPsec Encryption : AES128
Hashing : SHA1
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 604533
Client Type : WinNT Client Ver :
Tunnel Group : bxbvpnlab
Login Time : 15:22:46 EDT Tue May 10 2005
Duration : 7h:02m:03s
Filter Name :
NAC Result : Accepted
Posture Token: Healthy
VM Result : Static
VLAN : 10
IKE Sessions: 1 IPsec Sessions: 1 NAC Sessions: 1
Session ID : 1
UDP Src Port : 500 UDP Dst Port : 500
IKE Neg Mode : Aggressive Auth Mode : preSharedKeysXauth
Encryption : 3DES Hashing : MD5
Rekey Int (T): 86400 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 61078 Seconds
D/H Group : 2
Session ID : 2
Local Addr :
Remote Addr :
Encryption : AES128 Hashing : SHA1
Encapsulation: Tunnel
Rekey Int (T): 28800 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 26531 Seconds
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 604533
Pkts Tx : 0 Pkts Rx : 8126
Reval Int (T): 3000 Seconds Reval Left(T): 286 Seconds
SQ Int (T) : 600 Seconds EoU Age (T) : 2714 Seconds
Hold Left (T): 0 Seconds Posture Token: Healthy
Redirect URL :

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb ospfv3 command:

> show vpn-sessiondb ospfv3
Session Type: OSPFv3 IPsec
Connection :
Index : 1 IP Addr :
Protocol : IPsec
Encryption : IPsec: (1)none Hashing : IPsec: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 0
Login Time : 15:06:41 EST Wed Feb 1 2017
Duration : 1d 5h:13m:11s

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail ospfv3 command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail ospfv3
Session Type: OSPFv3 IPsec Detailed
Connection :
Index : 1 IP Addr :
Protocol : IPsec
Encryption : IPsec: (1)none Hashing : IPsec: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 0
Login Time : 15:06:41 EST Wed Feb 1 2017
Duration : 1d 5h:14m:28s
IPsec Tunnels: 1
Tunnel ID : 1.1
Local Addr : ::/0/89/0
Remote Addr : ::/0/89/0
Encryption : none Hashing : SHA1
Encapsulation: Transport
Idle Time Out: 0 Minutes Idle TO Left : 0 Minutes
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 0
Pkts Tx : 0 Pkts Rx : 0
Reval Int (T): 0 Seconds Reval Left(T): 0 Seconds
SQ Int (T) : 0 Seconds EoU Age(T) : 105268 Seconds
Hold Left (T): 0 Seconds Posture Token:
Redirect URL :

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail anyconnect command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail anyconnect
Session Type: AnyConnect Detailed
Username : userab Index : 2
Assigned IP : Public IP :
Assigned IPv6: 2001:1000::10
Protocol : IKEv2 IPsecOverNatT AnyConnect-Parent
License : AnyConnect Premium
Encryption : IKEv2: (1)3DES IPsecOverNatT: (1)3DES AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none
Hashing : IKEv2: (1)SHA1 IPsecOverNatT: (1)SHA1 AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 21248
Pkts Tx : 0 Pkts Rx : 238
Pkts Tx Drop : 0 Pkts Rx Drop : 0
Group Policy : DfltGrpPolicy Tunnel Group : test1
Login Time : 22:44:59 EST Tue Aug 13 2017
Duration : 0h:02m:42s
Inactivity : 0h:00m:00s
NAC Result : Unknown
VLAN Mapping : N/A VLAN : none
IKEv2 Tunnels: 1
IPsecOverNatT Tunnels: 1
AnyConnect-Parent Tunnels: 1
Tunnel ID : 2.1
Public IP :
Encryption : none Hashing : none
Auth Mode : userPassword
Idle Time Out: 400 Minutes Idle TO Left : 397 Minutes
Conn Time Out: 500 Minutes Conn TO Left : 497 Minutes
Client OS : Windows
Client Type : AnyConnect
Client Ver : 3.1.05050
Tunnel ID : 2.2
UDP Src Port : 64251 UDP Dst Port : 4500
Rem Auth Mode: userPassword
Loc Auth Mode: rsaCertificate
Encryption : 3DES Hashing : SHA1
Rekey Int (T): 86400 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 86241 Seconds
PRF : SHA1 D/H Group : 2
Filter Name : mixed1
Client OS : Windows
Tunnel ID : 2.3
Local Addr :
Remote Addr :
Encryption : 3DES Hashing : SHA1
Encapsulation: Transport, GRE
Rekey Int (T): 28400 Seconds Rekey Left(T): 28241 Seconds
Idle Time Out: 400 Minutes Idle TO Left : 400 Minutes
Conn Time Out: 500 Minutes Conn TO Left : 497 Minutes
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 21326
Pkts Tx : 0 Pkts Rx : 239
Reval Int (T): 0 Seconds Reval Left(T): 0 Seconds
SQ Int (T) : 0 Seconds EoU Age(T) : 165 Seconds
Hold Left (T): 0 Seconds Posture Token:
Redirect URL :

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb ra-ikev2-ipsec command:

> show vpn-sessiondb detail ra-ikev2-ipsec
Session Type: Generic Remote-Access IKEv2 IPsec Detailed
Username : IKEV2TG Index : 1
Assigned IP : Public IP :
Protocol : IKEv2 IPsec
License : AnyConnect Essentials
Encryption : IKEv2: (1)3DES IPsec: (1)AES256
Hashing : IKEv2: (1)SHA1 IPsec: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx : 0 Bytes Rx : 17844
Pkts Tx : 0 Pkts Rx : 230
Pkts Tx Drop : 0 Pkts Rx Drop : 0
Group Policy : GroupPolicy_IKEV2TG Tunnel Group : IKEV2TG
Login Time : 11:39:54 UTC Tue May 6 2017
Duration : 0h:03m:17s
Inactivity : 0h:00m:00s
VLAN Mapping : N/A VLAN : none
Audt Sess ID : 5f00e105000010005368ca0a
Security Grp : none
IKEv2 Tunnels: 1
IPsec Tunnels: 1

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect command:

> show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect 

Session Type: AnyConnect

Username     : user1                  Index        : 19576
Assigned IP  :          Public IP    :
Protocol     : AnyConnect-Parent SSL-Tunnel DTLS-Tunnel
License      : AnyConnect Premium
Encryption   : AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none  SSL-Tunnel: (1)AES-GCM-256  DTLS-Tunnel: (1)AES256
Hashing      : AnyConnect-Parent: (1)none  SSL-Tunnel: (1)SHA384  DTLS-Tunnel: (1)SHA1
Bytes Tx     : 15060                  Bytes Rx     : 20631
Group Policy : DfltGrpPolicy          Tunnel Group : Ad_group
Login Time   : 09:24:53 UTC Fri Apr 7 2017
Duration     : 0h:03m:20s
Inactivity   : 0h:00m:00s
VLAN Mapping : N/A                    VLAN         : none
Audt Sess ID : c0a8013804c7800058e75ae5
Security Grp : none                   Tunnel Zone  : 0

show vpn-sessiondb ratio

To display the ratio of current sessions as a percentage by protocol or encryption algorithm, use the show vpn-sessiondb ratio command.

show vpn-sessiondb ratio { encryption | protocol} [ filter groupname]

Syntax Description


Displays the number of sessions and the percentage of sessions using each encryption method.


Displays the number of sessions and the percentage of sessions using each VPN protocol.

filter groupname

(Optional.) Filters the output to include session ratios only for the tunnel group you specify.

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display the ratio of sessions based on encryption.

> show vpn-sessiondb ratio encryption

Filter Group         : All
Total Active Sessions: 5
Cumulative Sessions  : 9
Encryption               Tunnels        Percent        
none                     0                0%
DES                      0                0%
3DES                     0                0%
RC4                      0                0%
AES128                   4               80%
AES192                   1               20%
AES256                   0                0%
AES-GCM-128              0                0%
AES-GCM-192              0                0%
AES-GCM-256              0                0%
AES-GMAC-128             0                0%
AES-GMAC-192             0                0%
AES-GMAC-256             0                0%

The following example shows how to display the ratio of sessions based on protocol.

> show vpn-sessiondb ratio protocol

Filter Group         : All
Total Active Tunnels : 3
Cumulative Tunnels   : 42

Protocol                 Tunnels        Percent        
IKEv1                    0                0%
IKEv2                    0                0%
IPsec                    0                0%
IPsecLAN2LAN             0                0%
IPsecLAN2LANOverNatT     0                0%
IPsecOverNatT            0                0%
IPsecOverTCP             0                0%
IPsecOverUDP             0                0%
L2TPOverIPsec            0                0%
L2TPOverIPsecOverNatT    0                0%
Clientless               0                0%
Port-Forwarding          0                0%
IMAP4S                   0                0%
POP3S                    0                0%
SMTPS                    0                0%
AnyConnect-Parent        1               33%
SSL-Tunnel               1               33%
DTLS-Tunnel              1               33%

show vpn-sessiondb summary

To display a summary of the number of active sessions, use the show vpn-sessiondb summary command.

show vpn-sessiondb summary

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The following table explains the fields in the Active Sessions and Session Information summaries:



Concurrent Limit

The maximum number of concurrently active sessions permitted on this system.

Cumulative Sessions

The number of sessions of all types since the system was last booted or reset.


The number of IPsec LAN-to-LAN sessions that are currently active.

Peak Concurrent

The highest number of sessions of all types that were concurrently active since the system was last booted or reset.

Percent Session Load

The percentage of the VPN session allocation in use. This value equals the Total Active Sessions divided by the maximum number of sessions available, displayed as a percentage.

Remote Access

ra-ikev1-ipsec—The number of IKEv1 IPsec remote-access user, L2TP over IPsec, and IPsec through NAT sessions that are currently active.

Total Active Sessions

The number of sessions of all types that are currently active.


The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb summary command:

> show vpn-sessiondb summary
VPN Session Summary
Active : Cumulative : Peak Concur : Inactive
OSPFv3 IPsec : 1 : 1 : 1
Total Active and Inactive : 1 Total Cumulative : 1
Device Total VPN Capacity : 10000
Device Load : 0%

The following is sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb summary command for generic IKEv2 IPsec remote access sessions:

> show vpn-sessiondb summary
VPN Session Summary
Active : Cumulative : Peak Concur : Inactive
Generic IKEv2 Remote Access : 1 : 1 : 1
Total Active and Inactive : 1 Total Cumulative : 1
Device Total VPN Capacity : 250
Device Load : 0%
Tunnels Summary
Active : Cumulative : Peak Concurrent
IKEv2 : 1 : 1 : 1
IPsec : 1 : 1 : 1
Totals : 2 : 2

show vrf

To show information about the virtual routers defined on a system, use the show vrf command.

show vrf [ counters | lock]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the maximum number of user-defined virtual routers allowed on this system, and the number of actual virtual routers configured. The maximum count doc not include the global virtual router: for example, if the maximum count is 4, the total limit is 5.


(Optional) Displays VRF lock information.

Command Default

Without keywords, the command shows the current virtual routers and the interfaces assigned to each virtual router.

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show vrf command to view basic information about the virtual routers defined on the system if you enabled virtual routing and forwarding (VRF). To view the routing tables for each virtual router, use the show route vrf name command for the IPv4 routing table, and show ipv6 route vrf name for the IPv6 routing table.


The following example displays the virtual routers and the interfaces assigned to each router:

> show vrf

Name            VRF ID          Description             Interfaces
vrf1            1                               inside
vrf2            2                               inside_3

The following example shows the maximum number of virtual routers allowed on this system, and the current number of virtual routers. Whether a virtual router is IPv4, IPv6, or both, depends on the IP addresses you assign to the interfaces within each virtual router. Note that the maximum number refers to user-defined virtual routers; in this example, for a VMware system, the total allowed limit is 15, one for the global virtual router, and 14 user defined routers.

> show vrf counters
Maximum number of VRFs supported: 14
Maximum number of IPv4 VRFs supported: 14
Maximum number of IPv6 VRFs supported: 14
Current number of VRFs: 2
Current number of VRFs in delete state: 0

The following example shows VRF lock information.

> show vrf lock

VRF Name: single_vf; VRF id = 0 (0x0)
VRF lock count: 1
VRF Name: vrf1; VRF id = 1 (0x1)
VRF lock count: 2
VRF Name: vrf2; VRF id = 2 (0x2)
VRF lock count: 2

show wccp

To display global statistics related to Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP), use the show wccp command.

show wccp { web-cache | service_number} [ buckets | detail | service | view | hash dest_addr source_addr dest_port source_port]

show wccp [ interfaces [ detail]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays service group bucket assignments.


(Optional) Displays information about the router and all web caches.

hash dest_addr source_addr dest_port source_port

(Optional) Displays the WCCP hash for the specified connection:

  • dest_addr is the IP address of the destination host.

  • source_addr is the IP address of the source host.

  • dest_port is the port of the destination host.

  • source_port is the port of the source host.

interfaces [detail]

(Optional) Displays the WCCP redirect interfaces. Include the detail keyword for the interface configuration.


(Optional) Displays service group definition information.


Identification number of the web-cache service group being controlled by the cache. The number can be from 0 to 254. For web caches using Cisco Cache Engines, the reverse proxy service is indicated by a value of 99.


(Optional) Displays whether other members of a particular service group have or have not been detected.


Specifies statistics for the web-cache service.

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display WCCP information:

> show wccp
Global WCCP information:
    Router information:
        Router Identifier:                   -not yet determined-
        Protocol Version:                    2.0
    Service Identifier: web-cache
        Number of Cache Engines:             0
        Number of routers:                   0
        Total Packets Redirected:            0
        Redirect access-list:                foo
        Total Connections Denied Redirect:   0
        Total Packets Unassigned:            0
        Group access-list:                   foobar
        Total Messages Denied to Group:      0
        Total Authentication failures:       0
        Total Bypassed Packets Received:     0

show webvpn

To view information about remote access VPN, use the show webvpn command.

show webvpn { anyconnect | debug-condition | group-alias [ tunnel_group] | group-url [ tunnel_group] | statistics}

Syntax Description


Displays information about the AnyConnect images that are available for download to client endpoints.


Displays the current debug conditions as set by the debug webvpn condition command.

group-alias [tunnel_group]

Displays the aliases for tunnel groups (connection profiles). You can optionally specify the name of a tunnel group to view information about that group only. Each group can have multiple aliases or even no aliases.

group-url [tunnel_group]

Displays the URLs for tunnel groups (connection profiles). You can optionally specify the name of a tunnel group to view information about that group only. Each group can have multiple URLs or even no URLs.


Displays data about WebVPN events.

Command History




This command was introduced.


Information about the external browser package was added to the AnyConnect output.


The following example shows output from the show webvpn anyconnect command:

> show webvpn anyconnect
1. disk0:/csm/anyconnect-win-4.2.06014-k9.pkg 1 cfg-regex=/Windows/
  CISCO STC win2k+ 
  Hostscan Version 4.2.06014 
  Thu 10/06/2016 14:40:31.34 

1 AnyConnect Client(s) installed

The following example of show webvpn anyconnect includes the external browser package, if one is being used with SAML authentication.

> show webvpn anyconnect
1. disk0:/anyconnpkgs/anyconnect-win-4.10.01075-webdeploy-k9.pkg 2 dyn-regex=/Windows NT/
  CISCO STC win2k+
  Hostscan Version 4.10.01075
  Wed 04/28/2021 12:36:03.98

1 AnyConnect Client(s) installed

2. disk0:/externalbrowserpkgs/external-sso-98.161.00015-webdeploy-k9.pkg
  Cisco AnyConnect External Browser Headend Package
  Wed 05/05/21 15:49:27.817381

The following example shows output from the show webvpn debug-condition command:

> show webvpn debug-condition 
INFO: Webvpn conditional debug is turned ON
INFO: IP address filters:

The following example shows output from the show webvpn group-alias command:

> show webvpn group-alias 
Tunnel Group: Ad_group   Group Alias: ad_group enabled
Tunnel Group: Radius_group   Group Alias: Radius_group enabled
Tunnel Group: Cert_auth   Group Alias: cert_auth enabled

The following example shows output from the show webvpn group-url command:

> show webvpn group-url 

The following example shows output from the show webvpn statistics command:

> show webvpn statistics 
Total number of objects served  0
	html                            0
	js                              0
	css                             0
	vb                              0
	java archive                    0
	java class                      0
	image                           0
	undetermined                    0
Server compression statistics
	Decompression success from server                  0
	Unsolicited compression from server                0
	Unsupported compression algorithm used by server   0
	Decompression failure for server responses         0
IOBuf failure statistics
	uib_create_with_channel                            0
	uib_create_with_string                             0
	uib_create_with_string_and_channel                 0
	uib_transfer                                       0
	uib_add_filter                                     0
	uib_yyread                                         0
	uib_read                                           0
	uib_set_buffer_max                                 0
	uib_set_eof_symbol                                 0
	uib_get_capture_handle                             0
	uib_set_capture_handle                             0
	uib_buflen                                         0
	uib_bufptr                                         0
	uib_buf_endptr                                     0
	uib_get_buf_offset                                 0
	uib_get_buf_offset_addr                            0
	uib_get_nth_char                                   0
	uib_consume                                        0
	uib_advance_bufptr                                 0
	uib_eof                                            0

show xlate

To display information about NAT sessions (xlates or translations), use the show xlate command.

show xlate [ global ip1[ -ip2] [ netmask mask]] [ local ip1[ -ip2] [ netmask mask]]
[ gport port1[ -port2]] [ lport port1[ -port2]] [ interface if_name] [ type type]

show xlate count

Syntax Description


Displays the translation count.

global ip1[-ip2]

(Optional) Displays the active translations by mapped IP address or range of addresses.

gport port1[-port2]

Displays the active translations by the mapped port or range of ports.

interface if_name

(Optional) Displays the active translations by interface.

local ip1[-ip2]

(Optional) Displays the active translations by real IP address or range of addresses.

lport port1[-port2]

Displays the active translations by real port or range of ports. <