ip inspect through ip security strip

ip inspect

To apply a set of inspection rules to an interface, use the ip inspect command in interface configuration mode. There are two different modes for this command, configuration mode and interface configuration mode. To remove the set of rules from the interface, use the no form of this command.

Global Configuation Mode

ip inspect inspection-name {in | out} [redundancy | stateful hsrp-group-name | update seconds seconds]

no ip inspect inspection-name {in | out} [redundancy | stateful hsrp-group-name | update seconds seconds]

Interface Configuration Mode

ip inspect inspection-name {in | out} [redundancy | stateful hsrp-group-name]

no ip inspect inspection-name {in | out} [redundancy | stateful hsrp-group-name]

Syntax Description

Interface Configuration Mode


Identifies which set of inspection rules to apply.


Applies the inspection rules to inbound interface.


Applies the inspection rules to outbound interface.


Enables reduncany.


Enables stateful redundancy.


The hsrp-group name that is used to configure box-to-box HA

Global Configuration Mode


Redundancy settings for firewall sessions


Update settings for firewall HA sessions

seconds <10-60 >

The time interval between consecutive updates. The default is 10 seconds.

Command Default

If no set of inspection rules is applied to an interface, no traffic will be inspected by CBAC. If redundancy stateful <hsrp-grp-name> is not used, there will be no stateful firewall high-availability.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode(conf-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Added support for redunancy, update , seconds , and stateful keywords.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to apply a set of inspection rules to an interface.

Typically, if the interface connects to the external network, you apply the inspection rules to outbound traffic; alternately, if the interface connects to the internal network, you apply the inspection rules to inbound traffic.

In the Interface Configuration mode, use ip inspect<name> in/out redundancy stateful <hsrp-group> command. Use the redundancy stateful <hsrp-grp> option to turn on stateful high availability for all session that come up on this inspect rule. The incoming IP traffic is the return traffic of an existing session. It not necessary to have redundancy stateful HSRP group name if you do not require IOS Firewall High availability.

In the Global Configuration mode, use ip inspect redundancy update seconds <10-60> . Use the redundancy update seconds option to configure the time interval between the synchronization of the active and standby firewall HA sessions.


The following example applies a set of inspection rules named MY-INSPECT_RULE to serial0 interface’s outbound traffic. This causes the inbound IP traffic to be permitted only if the traffic is part of an existing session, and to be denied if the traffic is not part of an existing session.

interface serial0
ip inspect MY-INSPECT_RULE out redundancy stateful B2B-HA-HSRP-GRP

ip inspect alert-off

To disable Context-based Access Control (CBAC) alert messages, which are displayed on the console, use the ip inspect alert-off command in global configuration mode. To enable CBAC alert messages, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect alert-off [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect alert-off [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Disables CBAC alert messages only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

Alert messages are displayed.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The following example disables CBAC alert messages:

ip inspect alert-off

ip inspect audit-trail

To turn on Context-based Access Control (CBAC) audit trail messages, which will be displayed on the console after each CBAC session closes, use the ip inspect audit-trail command in global configuration mode. To turn off CBAC audit trail messages, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect audit-trail [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect audit-trail [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Turns on CBAC audit trail messages only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

Audit trail messages are not displayed.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to turn on CBAC audit trail messages.


The following example turns on CBAC audit trail messages:

ip inspect audit-trail

Afterward, audit trail messages such as the following are displayed. These messages are examples of audit trail messages. To determine which protocol was inspected, see the port number of the responder. The port number follows the IP address of the responder.

%FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: tcp session initiator ( sent 22 bytes -- responder ( sent 208 bytes
%FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: ftp session initiator sent 336 bytes -- responder ( sent 325 bytes

The following example disables CBAC audit trail messages for VRF interface vrf1:

no ip inspect audit-trail vrf vrf1

Following are examples of audit trail messages:

00:10:15: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: VRF-vrf1:Stop udp session: initiator ( sent 54 bytes -- responder ( sent 54 bytes
00:10:47: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: VRF-vrf1:Stop ftp-data session: initiator ( sent 80000 bytes -- responder ( sent 0 bytes
00:10:47: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: VRF-vrf1:Stop ftp session: initiator ( sent 80 bytes -- responder ( sent 265 bytes
00:10:57: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: VRF-vrf1:Stop rcmd session: initiator ( sent 31 bytes -- responder ( sent 12 bytes
00:10:57: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: VRF-vrf1:Stop rcmd-data session: initiator ( sent 0 bytes -- responder ( sent 0 bytes

ip inspect dns-timeout

To specify the Domain Name System (DNS) idle timeout (the length of time during which a DNS name lookup session will still be managed while there is no activity), use the ip inspect dns-timeout command in global configuration mode. To reset the timeout to the default of 5 seconds, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect dns-timeout seconds [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect dns-timeout seconds [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description


Specifies the length of time in seconds, for which a DNS name lookup session will still be managed while there is no activity. The default is 5 seconds.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies the DNS idle timeout only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

5 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When the software detects a valid User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet for a new DNS name lookup session, if Context-based Access Control (CBAC) inspection is configured for UDP, the software establishes state information for the new DNS session.

If the software detects no packets for the DNS session for a time period defined by the DNS idle timeout, the software will not continue to manage state information for the session.

The DNS idle timeout applies to all DNS name lookup sessions inspected by CBAC.

The DNS idle timeout value overrides the global UDP timeout. The DNS idle timeout value also enters aggressive mode and overrides any timeouts specified for specific interfaces when you define a set of inspection rules with the ip inspect name command.


The following example sets the DNS idle timeout to 30 seconds:

ip inspect dns-timeout 30

The following example sets the DNS idle timeout back to the default (5 seconds):

no ip inspect dns-timeout

ip inspect hashtable

To change the size of the session hash table, use the ip inspect hashtable command in global configuration mode. To restore the size of the session hash table to the default, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect hashtable number

no ip inspect hashtable number

Syntax Description


Size of the hash table in terms of buckets. Possible values for the hash table are 1024, 2048, 4096, and 8192; the default value is 1024.

Command Default

1024 buckets

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ip inspect hashtable command to increase the size of the hash table when the number of concurrent sessions increases or to reduce the search time for the session. Collisions in a hash table result in poor hash function distribution because many entries are hashed into the same bucket for certain patterns of addresses. Even if a hash function distribution evenly dispenses the input across all of the buckets, a small hash table size will not scale well if there are a large number of sessions. As the number of sessions increase, the collisions increase, which increases the length of the linked lists, thereby, deteriorating the throughput performance.


You should increase the hash table size when the total number of sessions running through the context-based access control (CBAC) router is approximately twice the current hash size; decrease the hash table size when the total number of sessions is reduced to approximately half the current hash size. Essentially, try to maintain a 1:1 ratio between the number of sessions and the size of the hash table.


The following example shows how to change the size of the session hash table to 2048 buckets:

ip inspect hashtable 2048

ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough

To allow a transparent firewall to forward Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) pass-through traffic, use the ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough command in global configuration mode. To return to the default functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough

no ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is not enabled; thus, DHCP packets are forwarded or denied according to the configured access control list (ACL).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A transparent firewall allows a Cisco IOS Firewall (a Layer 3 device) to operate as a Layer 2 firewall in bridging mode. Thus, the firewall can exist “transparently” to a network, no longer requiring users to reconfigure their statically defined network devices.

The ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough command overrides the ACL for DHCP packets; that is, DHCP packets are forwarded even if the ACL is configured to deny all IP packets. Thus, this command can be used to enable a transparent firewall to forward DHCP packets across the bridge without inspection so clients on one side of the bridge can get an IP address from a DHCP server on the opposite side of the bridge.



In this example, the static IP address of the client is removed, and the address is acquired via DHCP using the ip address dhcp command on the interface that is connected to the transparent firewall.

Router# show debug
  ARP packet debugging is on
L2 Inspection:
  INSPECT L2 firewall debugging is on
  INSPECT L2 firewall DHCP debugging is on
! Configure DHCP passthrough 
Router(config)# ip insp L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough
! The DHCP discover broadcast packet arrives from the client. Since this packet is a ! broadcast (, it arrives in the flood path 
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW:insp_l2_flood:input is Ethernet0 output is Ethernet1
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW*:Src dst protocol udp
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW:udp ports src 68 dst 67
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW:src dst
! The DHCP pass through flag is checked and the packet is allowed 
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW:DHCP packet seen. Pass-through flag allows the packet
! The packet is a broadcast packet and therefore not sent to CBAC 
*Mar  1 00:35:01.299:L2FW*:Packet is broadcast or multicast.PASS
! The DHCP server responds to the client’s request 
*Mar  1 00:35:01.303:L2FW:insp_l2_flood:input is Ethernet1 output is Ethernet0
*Mar  1 00:35:01.303:L2FW*:Src dst protocol udp
*Mar  1 00:35:01.307:L2FW:udp ports src 67 dst 68
*Mar  1 00:35:01.307:L2FW:src dst
*Mar  1 00:35:01.307:L2FW:DHCP packet seen. Pass-through flag allows the packet
*Mar  1 00:35:01.307:L2FW*:Packet is broadcast or multicast.PASS
*Mar  1 00:35:01.311:L2FW:insp_l2_flood:input is Ethernet0 output is Ethernet1
*Mar  1 00:35:01.311:L2FW*:Src dst protocol udp
*Mar  1 00:35:01.311:L2FW:udp ports src 68 dst 67
*Mar  1 00:35:01.311:L2FW:src dst
*Mar  1 00:35:01.315:L2FW:DHCP packet seen. Pass-through flag allows the packet
*Mar  1 00:35:01.315:L2FW*:Packet is broadcast or multicast.PASS
*Mar  1 00:35:01.315:L2FW:insp_l2_flood:input is Ethernet1 output is Ethernet0
*Mar  1 00:35:01.323:L2FW*:Src dst protocol udp
*Mar  1 00:35:01.323:L2FW:udp ports src 67 dst 68
*Mar  1 00:35:01.323:L2FW:src dst
*Mar  1 00:35:01.323:L2FW:DHCP packet seen. Pass-through flag allows the packet
*Mar  1 00:35:01.323:L2FW*:Packet is broadcast or multicast.PASS
! The client has an IP address ( and has issued a G-ARP to let everyone know it’s address 
*Mar  1 00:35:01.327:IP ARP:rcvd rep src 0008.a3b6.b603, dst BVI1


In this example, DHCP pass-through traffic is not allowed (via the no ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough command). The client is denied when it attempts to acquire a DHCP address from the server.

! Deny DHCP pass-through traffic
Router(config)# no ip inspect L2-transparent dhcp-passthrough
! The DHCP discover broadcast packet arrives from the client 
*Mar  1 00:36:40.003:L2FW:insp_l2_flood:input is Ethernet0 output is Ethernet1
*Mar  1 00:36:40.003:L2FW*:Src dst protocol udp
*Mar  1 00:36:40.003:L2FW:udp ports src 68 dst 67
*Mar  1 00:36:40.007:L2FW:src dst
! The pass-through flag is checked 
*Mar  1 00:36:40.007:L2FW:DHCP packet seen. Pass-through flag denies the packet
! The packet is dropped because the flag does not allow DHCP passthrough traffic. Thus, ! the client cannot acquire an address, and it times out 
*Mar  1 00:36:40.007:L2FW:FLOOD Dropping the packet after ACL check.

ip inspect log drop-pkt

To log all packets dropped by the firewall, use the ip inspect log drop-pkt command in global configuration mode. To return to the default state, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect log drop-pkt

no ip inspect log drop-pkt

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Packets dropped by the firewall are not logged.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Release 12.3(8)T.

Usage Guidelines

To see the packets that are dropped by the firewall, the ip inspect log drop-pkt command must be enabled.


The following example shows how to enable the logging of packets dropped by the firewall:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
)# ip inspect log drop-pkt

The following example shows a possible message that can be displayed when packets are dropped:

*Sep 9 19:56:28.699: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt => with ip ident 229 due to Invalid Header length
*Sep 9 20:30:47.839: %FW-6-DROP_TCP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt => due to SYN pkt with illegal flags -- ip ident 23915 tcpflags 40962 seq.no 3928613134 ack 0
*Sep 10 00:30:24.931: %FW-6-DROP_TCP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt => due to SYN with data or with PSH/URG flags -- ip ident 55001 tcpflags 40962 seq.no 2232798685 ack 0
*Aug 29 21:57:16.895: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt => due to Out-Of-Order Segment

The table below describes messages that occur when packets are dropped.

Table 1. ip inspect log drop-pkt Messages



Invalid Header length

The datagram is so small that it could not contain the layer 4 TCP, Universal Computer Protocol (UCP), or Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) header.

Police rate limiting

Rate limiting is enabled, and the packet in question has exceeded the rate limit.

Session limiting

Session limiting is on, and the session count exceeds the configured session threshold.

Bidirectional traffic disabled

Session is unidirectional and the firewall is seeing packets in the other direction and dropping the session.

SYN with data or with PSH/URG flags

TCP SYN packet is seen with data.

Segment matching no TCP connection

Non-initial TCP segment is received without a valid session.

Invalid Segment

There is an invalid TCP segment.

Invalid Seq#

The packet contains an invalid TCP sequence number.

Invalid Ack (or no Ack)

The packet contains an invalid TCP acknowledgement number.

Invalid Flags

Flags in a TCP segment are invalid.

Invalid Checksum

There is an invalid TCP checksum.

SYN inside current window

A synchronization packet is seen within the window of an already established TCP connection.

RST inside current window

A reset (RST) packet is observed within the window of an already established TCP connection.

Out-Of-Order Segment

The packets in a segment are out of order.

Retransmitted Segment with Invalid Flags

A retransmitted packet was already acknowledged by the receiver.

Stray Segment

A TCP segment is received that should not have been received through the TCP state machine such as a TCP SYN packet being received in the listen state.

Internal Error

The TCP state machine that is maintained by the firewall encounters an internal error.

Invalid Window scale option

The responder on one side of a firewall proposes an illegal window scale option. The window scale option is illegal in this case because the initiating side did not propose the option first.

Invalid TCP options

The options in the TCP header are not TCP protocol compliant.

ip inspect max-incomplete high

To define the number of existing half-open sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions, use the ip inspect max-incomplete high command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold to the default of 500 half-open sessions, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect max-incomplete high number [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect max-incomplete high

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of existing half-open sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions . The default is 500 half-open sessions.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the number of existing half-open sessions only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

500 half-open sessions

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

An unusually high number of half-open sessions (either absolute or measured as the arrival rate) could indicate that a denial-of-service attack is occurring. For TCP, “half-open” means that the session has not reached the established state. For User Datagram Protocol (UDP), “half-open” means that the firewall has detected traffic from one direction only.

Context-based Access Control (CBAC) measures both the total number of existing half-open sessions and the rate of session establishment attempts. Both TCP and UDP half-open sessions are counted in the total number and rate measurements. Measurements are made once a minute.

When the number of existing half-open sessions rises above a threshold (the max-incomplete high number), the software will delete half-open sessions as required to accommodate new connection requests. The software will continue to delete half-open requests as necessary, until the number of existing half-open sessions drops below another threshold (the max-incomplete low number).

The global value specified for this threshold applies to all TCP and UDP connections inspected by CBAC.


The following example causes the software to start deleting half-open sessions when the number of existing half-open sessions rises above 900, and to stop deleting half-open sessions when the number drops below 800:

ip inspect max-incomplete high 900
ip inspect max-incomplete low 800

The following example shows an ALERT_ON message generated for the ip inspect max-incomplete high command:

ip inspect max-incomplete high 20 vrf vrf1
show log / include ALERT_ON 
00:59:00:%FW-4-ALERT_ON: VRF-vrf1:getting aggressive, count (21/20) current 1-min rate: 21

ip inspect max-incomplete low

To define the number of existing half-open sessions that will cause the software to stop deleting half-open sessions, use the ip inspect max-incomplete low command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold to the default of 400 half-open sessions, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect max-incomplete low number [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect max-incomplete low

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of existing half-open sessions that will cause the software to stop deleting half-open sessions . The default is 400 half-open sessions.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the number of existing half-open sessions only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

400 half-open sessions

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

An unusually high number of half-open sessions (either absolute or measured as the arrival rate) could indicate that a denial-of-service attack is occurring. For TCP, “half-open” means that the session has not reached the established state. For User Datagram Protocol (UDP), “half-open” means that the firewall has detected traffic from one direction only.

Context-based Access Control (CBAC) measures both the total number of existing half-open sessions and the rate of session establishment attempts. Both TCP and UDP half-open sessions are counted in the total number and rate measurements. Measurements are made once a minute.

When the number of existing half-open sessions rises above a threshold (the max-incomplete high number), the software will delete half-open sessions as required to accommodate new connection requests. The software will continue to delete half-open requests as necessary, until the number of existing half-open sessions drops below another threshold (the max-incomplete low number).

The global value specified for this threshold applies to all TCP and UDP connections inspected by CBAC.


The following example causes the software to start deleting half-open sessions when the number of existing half-open sessions rises above 900, and to stop deleting half-open sessions when the number drops below 800:

ip inspect max-incomplete high 900
ip inspect max-incomplete low 800

The following example shows an ALERT_OFF message generated for the ip inspect max-incomplete low command:

ip inspect max-incomplete low 10 vrf vrf1
show log / include ALERT_OFF 
00:59:31: %FW-4-ALERT_OFF: VRF-vrf1:calming down, count (9/10) current 1-min rate: 100

ip inspect name

To define a set of inspection rules, use the ip inspect name command in global configuration mode. To remove the inspection rule for a protocol or to remove the entire set of inspection rules, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] protocol [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

no ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] protocol [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

HTTP Inspection Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name http [java-list access-list] [urlfilter] [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

no ip inspect name inspection-name protocol

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Extended SMTP Inspection (ESMTP) Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name {smtp | esmtp} [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [max-data number] [timeout seconds]

remote-procedure call (RPC) Inspection Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] rpc program-number number [wait-time minutes] [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

no ip inspect name inspection-name protocol

Post Office Protocol 3(POP3)/ Internet Message Access Protocol(IMAP) Inspection Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name imap [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [reset] [secure-login] [timeout number]

ip inspect name inspection-name pop3 [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [reset] [secure-login] [timeout number]

Fragment Inspection Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] fragment [max number timeout seconds]

no ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] fragment [max number timeout seconds]

Application Firewall Provisioning Syntax

ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] appfw policy-name

no ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number] appfw policy-name

User-Defined Application Syntax

ip inspect inspection-name user-10 [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

noip inspect inspection-name user-10 [alert {on | off}] [audit-trail {on | off}] [timeout seconds]

Session Limiting Syntax

no ip inspect name inspection-name [parameter max-sessions number]

Syntax Description


N ame the set of inspection rules. If you want to add a protocol to an existing set of rules, use the same inspection-name as the existing set of rules.



The inspection-name cannot exceed 16 characters; otherwise, the name will be truncated to the 16-character limit.

parameter max-sessions number

(Optional) Limits the number of established firewall sessions that a firewall rule creates. By default, there is no limit to the number of firewall sessions.


A protocol keyword listed in the tables below.

alert {on | off }

(Optional) For each inspected protocol, the generation of alert messages can be set be on or off . If no option is selected, alerts are generated on the basis of the setting of the ip inspect alert-off command.

audit-trail {on | off }

(Optional) For each inspected protocol, audit trail can be set on or off . If no option is selected, an audit trail message is generated depending on the configuration of the ip inspect audit-trail command.

timeout seconds

(Optional) To override the global TCP or UDP, or Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) idle timeouts for the specified protocol, specify the number of seconds for a different idle timeout.

This timeout overrides the global TCP, UDP, or ICMP timeouts but will not override the global Domain Name System (DNS) timeout.


Specifies the HTTP protocol for Java applet blocking.

java-list access-list

(Optional) Specifies the numbered standard access list to use to determine "friendly" sites. This keyword is available only for the HTTP protocol, for Java applet blocking. Java blocking works only with numbered standard access lists.


(Optional) Associates URL filtering with HTTP inspection.

smtp | esmtp

Specifies the protocol being used to inspect the traffic.

max-data number

(Optional) Specifies the maximum amount of data, in bytes,that can be transferred in a single Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) session. After the maximum value is exceeded, the firewall logs an alert message and closes the session. The default value is 20MB.

rpc program-number number

Specifies the program number to permit. This keyword is available only for the remote-procedure call (RPC) protocol.

wait-time minutes

(Optional) Specifies the number of minutes to keep a small gap in the firewall to allow subsequent connections from the same source address and to the same destination address and port. The default wait-time is zero minutes. This keyword is available only for the RPC protocol.


Specifies that the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is being used.


(Optional) Resets the TCP connection if the client enters a nonprotocol command before authentication is complete.


(Optional) Causes a user at a nonsecure location to use encryption for authentication.


Specifies that the Post Office Protocol, Version 3 (POP3) is being used.


Specifies fragment inspection for the named rule.

max number

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of unassembled packets for which state information (structures) is allocated by Cisco IOS software. Unassembled packets are packets that arrive at the router interface before the initial packet for a session. The acceptable range is 50 through 10000. The default is 256 state entries.

  • Memory is allocated for the state structures, and setting this value to a larger number may cause memory resources to be exhausted.

timeout seconds (fragmentation)

(Optional) Configures the number of seconds that a packet state structure remains active. When the timeout value expires, the router drops the unassembled packet, freeing that structure for use by another packet. The default timeout value is 1 second.

  • If this number is set to a value greater that 1 second, it is automatically adjusted by the Cisco IOS software when the number of free state structures goes below certain thresholds: when the number of free states is fewer than 32, the timeout is divided by 2. When the number of free states is fewer than 16, the timeout is set to 1 second.


Specifies application firewall provisioning.


Application firewall policy name.



This name must match the name specified via the appfw policy-name command.

Command Default

No inspection rules are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. Support was added for configurable alert and audit trail, IP fragmentation checking, and NetShow protocol.


This command was modified. Support was added for ICMP and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) protocols. The urlfilter keyword was added to the HTTP inspection syntax.


This command was modified. Support was added for ICMP, SIP, and the urlfilter keyword was added.


This command was modified. Skinny protocol support was added.


This command was modified. Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP) protocol support was added.


This command was modified.The appfw keyword and the policy-name argument were added to support application firewall provisioning. The parameter max-sessions , reset , router-traffic, and secure-login , and keywords were added.

Support for a larger list of protocols including user-defined applications was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was modified. Support for the CU-SeeMe protocol and the cuseeme keyword was removed.

Usage Guidelines

To define a set of inspection rules, enter the ip inspect name command for each protocol that you want the Cisco IOS firewall to inspect, using the same inspection-name . Give each set of inspection rules a unique inspection-name , which should not exceed the 16-character length limit. Define either one or two sets of rules per interface--you can define one set to examine both inbound and outbound traffic, or you can define two sets: one for outbound traffic and one for inbound traffic. The no ip inspect-name protocol removes the inspection rule for the specified protocol.

no ip inspect name command removes the entire set of inspection rules.

To define a single set of inspection rules, configure inspection for all the desired application-layer protocols, and for ICMP, TCP, and UDP, or as desired. This combination of TCP, UDP, and application-layer protocols join together to form a single set of inspection rules with a unique name. (There are no application-layer protocols associated with ICMP.)

To remove the inspection rule for a protocol, use the no form of this command with the specified inspection name and protocol; To remove the entire set of inspection rules, use the no form of this command only; that is, do not list any inspection names or protocols.

In general, when inspection is configured for a protocol, return traffic entering the internal network will be permitted only if the packets are part of a valid, existing session for which state information is being maintained.

Table 2. Protocol Keywords--Transport-Layer and Network-Layer Protocols










The TCP, UDP, and H.323 protocols support the router-traffic keyword, which enables inspection of traffic destined to or originated from a router. The command format is as follows: ip inspect name inspection-nam e {tcp | udp | H323 } [alert {on | off }] [audit-trail {on | off }] [router-traffic ][timeout seconds ]

TCP and UDP Inspection

You can configure TCP and UDP inspection to permit TCP and UDP packets to enter the internal network through the firewall, even if the application-layer protocol is not configured to be inspected. However, TCP and UDP inspection do not recognize application-specific commands, and therefore might not permit all return packets for an application, particularly if the return packets have a different port number from the previous exiting packet.

Any application-layer protocol that is inspected will take precedence over the TCP or UDP packet inspection. For example, if inspection is configured for FTP, all control channel information will be recorded in the state table, and all FTP traffic will be permitted back through the firewall if the control channel information is valid for the state of the FTP session. The fact that TCP inspection is configured is irrelevant.

With TCP and UDP inspection, packets entering the network must exactly match an existing session. The entering packets must have the same source or destination addresses and source or destination port numbers as the exiting packet (but reversed). Otherwise, the entering packets will be blocked at the interface.

Granular protocol inspection allows you to specify TCP or UDP ports by using the port-to-application mapping (PAM) table. This eliminates having to inspect all applications running under TCP or UDP and the need for multiple ACLs to filter the traffic.

Using the PAM table, you can pick an existing application or define a new one for inspection, thereby simplifying Access Control List (ACL) configuration.

ICMP Inspection

ICMP inspection sessions are done on the basis of the source address of the inside host that originates the ICMP packet. Dynamic ACLs are created for return ICMP packets of the allowed types (echo-reply,destination unreachable, time-exceeded, and timestamp reply) for each session. No port numbers associated with an ICMP session, and the permitted IP address of the return packet is a wild-card in the ACL. The wildcard address is because the IP address of the return packet cannot be known in advance for time-exceeded and destination-unreachable replies. These replies can come from intermediate devices rather than the intended destination.

Application-Layer Protocol Inspection

In general, if you configure inspection for an application-layer protocol, packets for that protocol should be permitted to exit the firewall (by configuring the correct ACL), and packets for that protocol will be allowed back in through the firewall only if they belong to a valid existing session. Each protocol packet is inspected to maintain information about the session state.

Java, H.323, RPC, SIP, and SMTP inspection have additional information, described in the next five sections. The table below lists the supported application-layer protocols.

Table 3. Protocol Keywords--Application-Layer Protocols



Application Firewall














Microsoft NetShow










Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)


Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)




Structured Query Language*Net (SQL*Net)




UNIX R commands (rlogin, rexec, rsh)





user-defined application name ; use prefix -user



All applications that appear under the show ip port-map command are supported.

Java Inspection

Java inspection enables Java applet filtering at the firewall. Java applet filtering distinguishes between trusted and untrusted applets by relying on a list of external sites that you designate as "friendly." If an applet is from a friendly site, the firewall allows the applet through. If the applet is not from a friendly site, the applet will be blocked. Alternately, you could permit applets from all sites except sites specifically designated as "hostile."


Before you configure Java inspection, you must configure a numbered standard access list that defines "friendly" and "hostile" external sites. You configure this numbered standard access list to permit traffic from friendly sites, and to deny traffic from hostile sites. If you do not configure a numbered standard access list, but use a "placeholder" access list in the ip inspect name inspection-name http command, all Java applets will be blocked.


Java blocking forces a strict order on TCP packets. To properly verify that Java applets are not in the response, a firewall will drop any TCP packet that is out of order. Because the network--not the firewall--determines how packets are routed, the firewall cannot control the order of the packets; the firewall can only drop and retransmit all TCP packets that are not in order.


Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) does not detect or block encapsulated Java applets. Therefore, Java applets that are wrapped or encapsulated, such as applets in .zip or .jar format, are not blocked at the firewall. CBAC also does not detect or block applets loaded via FTP, gopher, or HTTP on a nonstandard port.

H.323 Inspection

If you want CBAC inspection to work with NetMeeting 2.0 traffic (an H.323 application-layer protocol), you must also configure inspection for TCP, as described in the chapter "Configuring Context-Based Access Control" in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide . This requirement exists because NetMeeting 2.0 uses an additional TCP channel not defined in the H.323 specification.

RPC Inspection

RPC inspection allows the specification of various program numbers. You can define multiple program numbers by creating multiple entries for RPC inspection, each with a different program number. If a program number is specified, all traffic for that program number will be permitted. If a program number is not specified, all traffic for that program number will be blocked. For example, if you created an RPC entry with the NFS program number, all NFS traffic will be allowed through the firewall.

SIP Inspection

You can configure SIP inspection to permit media sessions associated with SIP-signaled calls to traverse the firewall. Because SIP is frequently used to signal both incoming and outgoing calls, it is often necessary to configure SIP inspection in both directions on a firewall (both from the protected internal network and from the external network). Because inspection of traffic from the external network is not done with most protocols, it may be necessary to create an additional inspection rule to cause only SIP inspection to be performed on traffic coming from the external network.

SMTP Inspection

SMTP inspection causes SMTP commands to be inspected for illegal commands. Packets with illegal commands are modified to a "xxxx" pattern and forwarded to the server. This process causes the server to send a negative reply, forcing the client to issue a valid command. An illegal SMTP command is any command except the following:

  • DATA

  • HELO

  • HELP

  • MAIL

  • NOOP

  • QUIT

  • RCPT

  • RSET

  • SAML

  • SEND

  • SOML

  • VRFY

ESMTP Inspection

Like SMTP, ESMTP inspection also causes the commands to be inspected for illegal commands. Packets with illegal commands are modified to a "xxxx" pattern and forwarded to the server. This process causes the server to send a negative reply, forcing the client to issue a valid command. An illegal ESMTP command is any command except the following:

  • AUTH

  • DATA

  • EHLO

  • ETRN

  • HELO

  • HELP

  • MAIL

  • NOOP

  • QUIT

  • RCPT

  • RSET

  • SAML

  • SEND

  • SOML

  • VRFY

In addition to inspecting commands, the ESMTP firewall also inspects the following extensions via deeper command inspection:

  • Message Size Declaration (SIZE)

  • Remote Queue Processing Declaration (ETRN)


  • Command Pipelining

  • Authentication

  • Delivery Status Notification (DSN)

  • Enhanced Status Code (ENHANCEDSTATUSCODE)

  • 8bit-MIMEtransport (8BITMIME)


SMTP and ESMTP cannot exist simultaneously. An attempt to configure both protocols will result in an error message.

Use of the urlfilter Keyword

If you specify the urlfilter keyword, the Cisco IOS Firewall will interact with a URL filtering software to control web traffic for a given host or user on the basis of a specified security policy.


Enabling HTTP inspection with or without any option triggers the Java applet scanner, which is CPU intensive. The only way to stop the Java applet scanner is to specify the java-list access-list option. Configuring URL filtering without enabling the java-list access-list option will severely impact performance.

Use of the timeout Keyword

If you specify a timeout for any of the transport-layer or application-layer protocols, the timeout will override the global idle timeout for the interface to which the set of inspection rules is applied.

If the protocol is TCP or a TCP application-layer protocol, the timeout will override the global TCP idle timeout. If the protocol is UDP or a UDP application-layer protocol, the timeout will override the global UDP idle timeout.

If you do not specify a timeout for a protocol, the timeout value applied to a new session of that protocol will be taken from the corresponding TCP or UDP global timeout value valid at the time of session creation.

The default ICMP timeout is deliberately short (10 seconds) due to the security hole that is opened by allowing ICMP packets with a wild-card source address back into the inside network. The timeout will occur 10 seconds after the last outgoing packet from the originating host. For example, if you send a set of 10 ping packets spaced one second apart, the timeout will expire in 20 seconds or 10 seconds after the last outgoing packet. However, the timeout is not extended for return packets. If a return packet is not seen within the timeout window, the gap will be closed and the return packet will not be allowed in. Although the default timeout can be made longer if desired, it is recommended that this value be kept relatively short.

IP Fragmentation Inspection

CBAC inspection rules can help protect hosts against certain denial-of-service attacks involving fragmented IP packets. Even though the firewall keeps an attacker from making actual connections to a given host, the attacker may still be able to disrupt services provided by that host. This is done by sending many noninitial IP fragments or by sending complete fragmented packets through a router with an ACL that filters the first fragment of a fragmented packet. These fragments can tie up resources on the target host as it tries to reassemble the incomplete packets.

Using fragmentation inspection, the firewall maintains an interfragment state (structure) for IP traffic. Noninitial fragments are discarded unless the corresponding initial fragment was permitted to pass through the firewall. Noninitial fragments received before the corresponding initial fragments are discarded.


Fragmentation inspection can have undesirable effects in certain cases, because it can result in the firewall discarding any packet whose fragments arrive out of order. There are many circumstances that can cause out-of-order delivery of legitimate fragments. Apply fragmentation inspection in situations where legitimate fragments, which are likely to arrive out of order, might have a severe performance impact.

Because routers running Cisco IOS software are used in a very large variety of networks, and because the CBAC feature is often used to isolate parts of internal networks from one another, the fragmentation inspection feature is not enabled by default. Fragmentation detection must be explicitly enabled for an inspection rule using the ip inspect name command. Unfragmented traffic is never discarded because it lacks a fragment state. Even when the system is under heavy attack with fragmented packets, legitimate fragmented traffic, if any, will still get some fraction of the firewall’s fragment state resources, and legitimate, unfragmented traffic can flow through the firewall unimpeded.

Application Firewall Provisioning

Application firewall provisioning allows you to configure your Cisco IOS Firewall to detect and prohibit a specific protocol type of traffic.

Most firewalls provide packet filtering capabilities that simply permit or deny traffic without inspecting the data stream; the Cisco IOS application firewall can detect whether a packet is in compliance with a given HTTP protocol. If the packet is determined to be unauthorized, it will be dropped, the connection will be reset, and a syslog message will be generated, as appropriate.

User-Defined Applications

You can define your own applications and enter them into the PAM table using the ip port-map command. Then you set up your inspection rules by inserting your user-defined application as a value for the protocol argument in the ip inspect name command.

Session Limiting

Users can limit the number of established firewall sessions that a firewall rule creates by setting the "max-sessions" threshold. A session counter is maintained for each firewall interface. When a session count exceeds the specified threshold, an alert FW-4-SESSION_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED message is logged to the syslog server and no new sessions can be created.


The following example causes the software to inspect TCP sessions and UDP sessions, and to specifically allow CU-SeeMe, FTP, and RPC traffic back through the firewall for existing sessions only. For UDP traffic, audit-trail is on. For FTP traffic, the idle timeout is set to override the global TCP idle timeout. For RPC traffic, program numbers 100003, 100005, and 100021 are permitted.

ip inspect name myrules tcp
ip inspect name myrules udp audit-trail on
ip inspect name myrules cuseeme
ip inspect name myrules ftp timeout 120
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100003
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100005
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100021

The following example adds fragment checking to software inspection of TCP and UDP sessions for the rule named "myrules ." In this example, the firewall software will allocate 100 state structures, and the timeout value for dropping unassembled packets is set to 4 seconds. If 100 initial fragments for 100 different packets are sent through the router, all of the state structures will be used up. The initial fragment for packet 101 will be dropped. Additionally, if the number of free state structures (structures available for use by unassembled packets) drops below the threshold values, 32 or 16, the timeout value is automatically reduced to 2 or 1, respectively. Changing the timeout value frees up packet state structures more quickly.

ip inspect name myrules tcp
ip inspect name myrules udp audit-trail on
ip inspect name myrules cuseeme
ip inspect name myrules ftp timeout 120
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100003
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100005
ip inspect name myrules rpc program-number 100021
ip inspect name myrules fragment max 100 timeout 4

The following firewall and SIP example shows how to allow outside-initiated calls and internal calls. For outside-initiated calls, an ACL needs to be accessed to allow for the traffic from the initial signaling packet from outside. Subsequent signaling and media channels will be allowed by the inspection module.

ip inspect name voip sip 
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip inspect voip in
interface FastEthernet0/1
 ip inspect voip in
 ip access-group 100 in
access-list 100 permit udp host <gw ip> any eq 5060
access-list 100 permit udp host <proxy ip> any eq 5060
access-list deny ip any any

The following example shows two configured inspections named fw_only and fw_urlf; URL filtering will work only on the traffic that is inspected by fw_urlf. Note that the java-list access-list option has been enabled, which disables java scanning.

ip inspect name fw_only http java-list 51 timeout 30
interface e0
 ip inspect fw_only in
ip inspect name fw_urlf  http java-list 51 urlfilter timeout 30
interface e1
 ip inspect fw_urlf in

The following example shows how to define the HTTP application firewall policy mypolicy. This policy includes all supported HTTP policy rules. This example also includes sample output from the show appfw configuration and show ip inspect config commands, which allow you to verify the configured setting for the application policy.

! Define the HTTP policy.
appfw policy-name mypolicy
 application http
  strict-http action allow alarm
  content-length maximum 1 action allow alarm
  content-type-verification match-req-rsp action allow alarm
  max-header-length request 1 response 1 action allow alarm
  max-uri-length 1 action allow alarm
  port-misuse default action allow alarm
  request-method rfc default action allow alarm
  request-method extension default action allow alarm
  transfer-encoding type default action allow alarm
! Apply the policy to an inspection rule. 
ip inspect name firewall appfw mypolicy
ip inspect name firewall http
! Apply the inspection rule to all HTTP traffic entering the FastEthernet0/0 interface.
interface FastEthernet0/0
 ip inspect firewall in
! Issue the show appfw configuration
 command and the show ip inspect config 
command after the inspection rule "mypolicy" is applied to all incoming HTTP traffic on the FastEthernet0/0 interface.
Router# show appfw configuration
Application Firewall Rule configuration
  Application Policy name mypolicy
    Application http
      strict-http action allow alarm
      content-length minimum 0 maximum 1 action allow alarm
      content-type-verification match-req-rsp action allow alarm
      max-header-length request length 1 response length 1 action allow alarm
      max-uri-length 1 action allow alarm
      port-misuse default action allow alarm
      request-method rfc default action allow alarm
      request-method extension default action allow alarm
      transfer-encoding default action allow alarm
Router# show ip inspect config
Session audit trail is disabled
Session alert is enabled
one-minute (sampling period) thresholds are [400:500] connections
max-incomplete sessions thresholds are [400:500]
max-incomplete tcp connections per host is 50. Block-time 0 minute.
tcp synwait-time is 30 sec -- tcp finwait-time is 5 sec
tcp idle-time is 3600 sec -- udp idle-time is 30 sec
dns-timeout is 5 sec
Inspection Rule Configuration
Inspection name firewall
http alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600

ip inspect one-minute high

To define the rate of new unestablished sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions, use the ip inspect one-minute high command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold to the default of 500 half-open sessions, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect one-minute high number [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect one-minute high

Syntax Description


Specifies the rate of new unestablished TCP sessions that will cause the software to start deleting half-open sessions . The default is 500 half-open sessions.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the information only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

500 half-open sessions

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

An unusually high number of half-open sessions (either absolute or measured as the arrival rate) could indicate that a denial-of-service attack is occurring. For TCP, “half-open” means that the session has not reached the established state. For User Datagram Protocol (UDP), “half-open” means that the firewall has detected traffic from one direction only.

Context-based Access Control (CBAC) measures both the total number of existing half-open sessions and the rate of session establishment attempts. Both TCP and UDP half-open sessions are included in the total number and rate measurements. Measurements are made once a minute.

When the rate of new connection attempts rises above a threshold (the one-minute high number), the software will delete half-open sessions as required to accommodate new connection attempts. The software will continue to delete half-open sessions as necessary, until the rate of new connection attempts drops below another threshold (the one-minute low number). The rate thresholds are measured as the number of new session connection attempts detected in the last one-minute sample period. (The rate is calculated as an exponentially decayed rate.)

The global value specified for this threshold applies to all TCP and UDP connections inspected by CBAC.


The following example causes the software to start deleting half-open sessions when more than 1000 session establishment attempts have been detected in the last minute, and to stop deleting half-open sessions when fewer than 950 session establishment attempts have been detected in the last minute:

ip inspect one-minute high 1000
ip inspect one-minute low 950

ip inspect one-minute low

To define the rate of new unestablished TCP sessions that will cause the software to stop deleting half-open sessions, use the ip inspect one-minute low command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold to the default of 400 half-open sessions, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect one-minute low number [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect one-minute low

Syntax Description


Specifies the rate of new unestablished TCP sessions that will cause the software to stop deleting half-open sessions . The default is 400 half-open sessions.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the information only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

400 half-open sessions

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

An unusually high number of half-open sessions (either absolute or measured as the arrival rate) could indicate that a denial-of-service attack is occurring. For TCP, “half-open” means that the session has not reached the established state. For User Datagram Protocol (UDP), “half-open” means that the firewall has detected traffic from one direction only.

Context-based Access Control (CBAC) measures both the total number of existing half-open sessions and the rate of session establishment attempts. Both TCP and UDP half-open sessions are included in the total number and rate measurements. Measurements are made once a minute.

When the rate of new connection attempts rises above a threshold (the one-minute high number), the software will delete half-open sessions as required to accommodate new connection attempts. The software will continue to delete half-open sessions as necessary, until the rate of new connection attempts drops below another threshold (the one-minute low number). The rate thresholds are measured as the number of new session connection attempts detected in the last one-minute sample period. (The rate is calculated as an exponentially decayed rate.)

The global value specified for this threshold applies to all TCP and UDP connections inspected by CBAC.


The following example causes the software to start deleting half-open sessions when more than 1000 session establishment attempts have been detected in the last minute, and to stop deleting half-open sessions when fewer than 950 session establishment attempts have been detected in the last minute:

ip inspect one-minute high 1000
ip inspect one-minute low 950

ip inspect tcp block-non-session

To block packets that do not belong to the existing firewall TCP sessions in the inbound and outbound directions, use the ip inspect tcp block-non-session command in global configuration mode. To return to the default state, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp block-non-session [vrf vrf-name]

no inspect tcp block-non-session [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Declares a specific VPN routing/forwarding instance (VRF).


(Optional) Name of the VRF.

Command Default

TCP packets that do not belong to an existing TCP session on the firewall are allowed through the firewall.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Release 12.3(6)T.


This command was integrated into the Release 12.3(7)XI.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command will deny TCP packets that do not belong to an existing TCP session the firewall knows about. To be applicable, the following conditions must be met:

  • The TCP packets should traverse interfaces where a firewall rule is applicable.

  • The TCP packets should be non-connection initiating (that is, packets without the SYN bit set in them). For connection initiating packets, the existing rules of session creation would apply.


The following example shows how to configure the firewall to block any externally initiated TCP sessions:

Router> enable
Router# config terminal
)# ip inspect tcp block-non-session

ip inspect tcp finwait-time

To define how long a TCP session will be managed after the firewall detects a finish (FIN)-exchange, use the ip inspect tcp finwait-time command in global configuration mode. To reset the timeout to the default of 5 seconds, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp finwait-time seconds [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect tcp finwait-time

Syntax Description


Specifies how long a TCP session will be managed after the firewall detects a FIN-exchange. The default is 5 seconds. Valid values are from 1 to 2147483. If the FIN-exchange completes within the configured finwait time, the connection is closed normally.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the information only for the specified VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

The default management time is 5 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The vrf vrf-name keyword and argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When the software detects a valid TCP packet that is the first in a session, and if Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) inspection is configured for the protocol of the packet, the software establishes state information for the new session.

Use this command to define how long a TCP session state information will be maintained after the firewall detects a FIN-exchange for the session. The FIN-exchange occurs when the TCP session is ready to close. In a TCP connection, the client and the server terminate their end of the connection by sending a FIN message. The time that the client and the server wait for their FIN message to be acknowledged by each other before closing the sequence during a TCP connection is called the finwait time. The timeout that you set for the finwait time is referred to as the finwait timeout.

The global value specified for the finwait timeout applies to all TCP sessions inspected by CBAC.


The following example shows how to change the finwait timeout to 10 seconds:

ip inspect tcp finwait-time 10

The following example shows how to change the finwait timeout back to the default (5 seconds):

no ip inspect tcp finwait-time

ip inspect tcp idle-time

To specify the TCP idle timeout (the length of time a TCP session will still be managed while there is no activity), use the ip inspect tcp idle-time command in global configuration mode. To reset the timeout to the default of 3600 seconds (1 hour), use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp idle-time seconds [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect tcp idle-time

Syntax Description


Specifies the length of time, in seconds, for which a TCP session will still be managed while there is no activity. The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies the TCP idle timer only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

3600 seconds (1 hour)

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When the software detects a valid TCP packet that is the first in a session, and if Context-based Access Control (CBAC) inspection is configured for the packet’s protocol, the software establishes state information for the new session.

If the software detects no packets for the session for a time period defined by the TCP idle timeout, the software will not continue to manage state information for the session.

The global value specified for this timeout applies to all TCP sessions inspected by CBAC. This global value can be overridden for specific interfaces when you define a set of inspection rules with the ip inspect name (global configuration) command.


This command does not affect any of the currently defined inspection rules that have explicitly defined timeouts. Sessions created based on these rules still inherit the explicitly defined timeout value. If you change the TCP idle timeout with this command, the new timeout will apply to any new inspection rules you define or to any existing inspection rules that do not have an explicitly defined timeout. That is, new sessions based on these rules (having no explicitly defined timeout) will inherit the global timeout value.


The following example sets the global TCP idle timeout to 1800 seconds (30 minutes):

ip inspect tcp idle-time 1800

The following example sets the global TCP idle timeout back to the default of 3600 seconds (one hour):

no ip inspect tcp idle-time

ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host

To specify threshold and blocking time values for TCP host-specific denial-of-service (DoS) detection and prevention, use the ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold and blocking time to the default values, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host number block-time minutes [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host

Syntax Description


Specifies how many half-open TCP sessions with the same host destination address can exist at a time, before the software starts deleting half-open sessions to the host. Use a number from 1 to 250. The default is 50 half-open sessions.


Specifies blocking of connection initiation to a host.


Specifies how long the software will continue to delete new connection requests to the host. The default is 0 minutes.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies the information only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

50 half-open sessions and 0 minutes

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

An unusually high number of half-open sessions with the same destination host address could indicate that a denial-of-service attack is being launched against the host. For TCP, “half-open” means that the session has not reached the established state.

Whenever the number of half-open sessions with the same destination host address rises above a threshold (the max-incomplete host number), the software will delete half-open sessions according to one of the following methods:

  • If the block-time minutes timeout is 0 (the default):

The software will delete the oldest existing half-open session for the host for every new connection request to the host. This ensures that the number of half-open sessions to a given host will never exceed the threshold.

  • If the block-time minutes timeout is greater than 0:

The software will delete all existing half-open sessions for the host, and then block all new connection requests to the host. The software will continue to block all new connection requests until the block-time expires.

The software also sends syslog messages whenever the max-incomplete host number is exceeded and when blocking of connection initiations to a host starts or ends.

The global values specified for the threshold and blocking time apply to all TCP connections inspected by Context-based Access Control (CBAC).


The following example changes the max-incomplete host number to 40 half-open sessions, and changes the block-time timeout to 2 minutes:

ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host 40 block-time 2

The following example resets the defaults (50 half-open sessions and 0 minutes):

no ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host

ip inspect tcp reassembly

To set parameters that define how Cisco IOS Firewall application inspection and Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) will handle out-of-order TCP packets, use the ip inspect tcp reassembly command in global configuration mode. To disable at least one defined parameter, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp reassembly {alarm {on | off} | memory limit size-in-kb | queue length number-of-packets | timeout seconds} [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect tcp reassembly {alarm | queue length | timeout | memory limit} [vrf vrf-name]

Syntax Description

alarm {on | off

Specifies the alert message configuration.

If enabled, a syslog message is generated when an out-of-order packet is dropped. Default value: on


Specifies the memory use allowed by the TCP reassembly module.

limit size-in-kb

Specifies the limit of out of order queue size.


Specifies the out of order queue parameters.

length number-of-packets

Maximum number of out-of-order packets that can be held per queue (buffer). (There are two queues per session.) Available value range: 0 to 1024. Default value: 16.



If the queue length is set to 0, all out-of-order packets are dropped; that is, TCP out-of-order packet buffering and reassembly is disabled.

timeout seconds

Number of seconds the TCP reassembly module will hold out-of-order segments that are waiting for the first segment missing in the sequence.

After the timeout timer has expired, a retry timer is started. The value for the retry timer is four times the configured timeout value.

vrf vrf-name

Specifies the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) parameter and name.

Command Default

Queue length: 16

Memory Limit: 1024 kilobytes

Alarm: on

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The queue length Value

The value specified for the queue length is applicable for two queues per session: one queue is for the initiator traffic and the other queue is for the responder traffic. For example, the default queue size is 16. Thus, up to 16 packets can be held per queue, so 16 packets per queue results in a maximum of 32 packets per session.

When the maximum queue length value is reached, the packet being switched is dropped unless it is the packet that will be processed by a firewall or IPS. If the packet is dropped, a syslog message, which explains why the packet was dropped, will be generated. (To generate syslog messages, you must have the alarm option set to “on.”)

The timeout Value

When a timer expires for the first time, the packets in the queue are not deleted. However, after the retry timer expires, the session is deleted, a syslog message is generated, and all unprocessed, out-of-order packets still in the queue are deleted.

The memory limit Value

When the limit for TCP reassembly memory is reached, packets from the reassembly queue of the current session are released so incoming packets can be accepted. Packets from the end of the queue are released to ensure that they are farthest away from the hole that is to be filled. However, if the queue is empty and the maximum memory has been reached, the incoming packet is dropped.

The alarm Value

If an alarm value is not configured, the value is set to “on,” unless the ip inspect alarm command is enabled and set to off; thus, syslog messages related to TCP connections will not be generated. However, if the alarm value for this command is set to “on” and the ip inspect alarm command is set to “off,” the value of the ip inspect alarm command is ignored and syslog messages are generated.

The alarm value is independent of and in addition to the syslog messages that can be enabled for a Cisco IOS Firewall or Cisco IOS IPS.


The following example shows how to instruct Cisco IOS IPS how to handle out-of-order packets for TCP connections:

ip inspect tcp reassembly queue length 18
ip inspect tcp reassembly memory limit 200

ip inspect tcp synwait-time

To define how long the software will wait for a TCP session to reach the established state before dropping the session, use the ip inspect tcp synwait-time command in global configuration mode. To reset the timeout to the default of 30 seconds, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp synwait-time seconds [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect tcp synwait-time

Syntax Description


Specifies how long, in seconds, the software will wait for a TCP session to reach the established state before dropping the session . The default is 30 seconds.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Defines the information only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

30 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to define how long Cisco IOS software will wait for a TCP session to reach the established state before dropping the session. The session is considered to have reached the established state after the first synchronize sequence number (SYN) bit of the session is detected.

The global value specified for this timeout applies to all TCP sessions inspected by Context-based Access Control (CBAC).


The following example changes the synwait timeout to 20 seconds:

ip inspect tcp synwait-time 20

The following example changes the synwait timeout back to the default (30 seconds):

no ip inspect tcp synwait-time

ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose

To configure Cisco IOS software to disable the window scale option check for a TCP packet that has an invalid window scale option under the Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) firewall, use the ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose command in global configuration mode. To return to the command default, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose

no ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose

Command Default

The strict window scale option check is enabled in the firewall by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The window scale extension expands the definition of the TCP window to 32 bits and then uses a scale factor to carry this 32-bit value in the 16-bit Window field of the TCP header. Cisco IOS software enforces strict checking of the TCP window scale option. See section 2 of RFC1323, “TCP Window Scale Option,” for more information on this function.

There are occasions when a server may be using a non-RFC compliant TCP/IP protocol stack. In this case, the initiator does not offer the window scale option, but the responder has the option enabled with a window scale factor that is not zero.

Cisco IOS administrators who experience issues with a noncompliant server may not have control over the client to which they need to connect. Disabling the Cisco IOS firewall to connect to the noncompliant server is not desirable and may fail if each endpoint cannot agree on the window scaling factor to use for its respective receive window.

The ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose command is used in global configuration mode to allow noncompliant window scale negotiation and works without the firewall being disabled to access the noncompliant servers. This command works under the CBAC firewall, which intelligently filters TCP and UDP packets based on application-layer protocol session information. CBAC inspects traffic that travels through the firewall to discover and manage state information for TCP and UDP sessions. CBAC is configured using an inspect rule only on interfaces. This state information is used to create temporary openings in the firewall's access lists to allow return traffic and additional data connections for permissible sessions. Traffic entering or leaving the configured interface is inspected based on the direction that the inspect rule was applied.


The following example configures the IOS to disable the window scale option check in the CBAC firewall for a TCP packet that has an invalid window scale option:

Router# config
Router(config)# ip inspect tcp window-scale-enforcement loose

ip inspect udp idle-time

To specify the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) idle timeout (the length of time for which a UDP “session” will still be managed while there is no activity), use the ip inspect udp idle-time command in global configuration mode. To reset the timeout to the default of 30 seconds, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect udp idle-time seconds [vrf vrf-name]

no ip inspect udp idle-time

Syntax Description


Specifies the length of time a UDP “session” will still be managed while there is no activity . The default is 30 seconds.

vrf vrf-name

(Optional) Specifies the UDP idle timeout only for the specified Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) interface.

Command Default

30 seconds

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



11.2 P

This command was introduced.


The vrf vrf-name keyword/argument pair was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

When the software detects a valid UDP packet, if Context-based Access Control (CBAC) inspection is configured for the packet’s protocol, the software establishes state information for a new UDP “session.” Because UDP is a connectionless service, there are no actual sessions, so the software approximates sessions by examining the information in the packet and determining if the packet is similar to other UDP packets (for example, it has similar source or destination addresses) and if the packet was detected soon after another similar UDP packet.

If the software detects no UDP packets for the UDP session for the a period of time defined by the UDP idle timeout, the software will not continue to manage state information for the session.

The global value specified for this timeout applies to all UDP sessions inspected by CBAC. This global value can be overridden for specific interfaces when you define a set of inspection rules with the ip inspect name command.


This command does not affect any of the currently defined inspection rules that have explicitly defined timeouts. Sessions created based on these rules still inherit the explicitly defined timeout value. If you change the UDP idle timeout with this command, the new timeout will apply to any new inspection rules you define or to any existing inspection rules that do not have an explicitly defined timeout. That is, new sessions based on these rules (having no explicitly defined timeout) will inherit the global timeout value.


The following example sets the global UDP idle timeout to 120 seconds (2 minutes):

ip inspect udp idle-time 120

The following example sets the global UDP idle timeout back to the default of 30 seconds:

no ip inspect udp idle-time

ip inspect waas enable

To enable the zone-based firewall to inspect Cisco Wide Area Application Service (WAAS) traffic, use the ip inspect waas enable command in global configuration mode. To disable the firewall inspection of WAAS traffic, use the no form of this command.

ip inspect waas enable

no ip inspect waas enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

WAAS traffic inspection is not enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T2

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Because the WAAS automatic discovery process uses TCP options before sending UDP traffic, the firewall must be configured to pass TCP options. Use the ip inspect waas enable command to configure the firewall to allow TCP options.


The following example shows how to enable the firewall inspection of WAAS traffic:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# ip inspect waas enable


To specify one or more integrity algorithms for an Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) proposal, use the integrity command in IKEv2 proposal configuration mode. To remove the configuration of the hash algorithm, use the no form of this command.

integrity integrity type

no integrity

Syntax Description

integrity type

Specifies the hash algorithm.

Command Default

The default integrity algorithm is used.

Command Modes

IKEv2 proposal configuration (config-ikev2-proposal)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The sha256 and sha384 keywords were added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(4)S.

Usage Guidelines


Security threats, as well as the cryptographic technologies to help protect against them, are constantly changing. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.

Use this command to specify the integrity algorithm to be used in an IKEv2 proposal. The default integrity algorithms in the default proposal are SHA-1 and MD5. The integrity algorithms can be one of the following:

Integrity Type



Specifies Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1 - HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm (No longer recommended).


Specifies SHA-2 family 256-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.


Specifies SHA-2 family 384-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.


Specifies SHA-2 family 512-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.


Specifies Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5 - HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.


You cannot selectively remove an integrity algorithm when multiple integrity algorithms are configured.

Suite-B adds support for the SHA-2 family (HMAC variant) hash algorithm used to authenticate packet data and verify the integrity verification mechanisms for the IKEv2 proposal configuration. HMAC is a variant that provides an additional level of hashing.


The following example configures an IKEv2 proposal with the MD5 integrity algorithm:

Device(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal proposal1
Device(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity md5

ip interface

To configure a virtual gateway IP interface on a Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN) gateway, use the ip interface command in webvpn gateway configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

ip interface type number [port {443 | port-number}]

no ip interface

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Interface or subinterface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.


(Optional) Configures a specific port on the gateway.


(Optional) Configures the default secure port.


(Optional) Port number to be configured on the SSL VPN gateway. Range: 1025 to 65535. Default: 443.

Command Default

The command is disabled. The virtual gateway IP address is not configured.

Command Modes

Webvpn gateway configuration (config-webvpn-gateway)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The ip interface command is used to configure a interface on a SSL VPN gateway. You can use this command to configure the WebVPN gateway to retrieve the IP address from an interface, and if you do not want to configure the IP address manually. This command is useful when the public interface is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and you do not know the IP address or when the IP address gets changed.

If the ip interface command is not configured then the WebVPN will use the IP address configured using the ip address command.


The following example shows how to configure a virtual gateway IP interface on port 1036 of an SSL VPN gateway:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# webvpn gateway gateway1
Router(config-webvpn-gateway)# ip interface FastEthernet 0/1 port 1036

ip ips

To apply an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) rule to an interface, use the ip ips command in interface configuration mode. To remove an IPS rule from an interface direction, use the no form of this command.

ip ips ips-name {in | out}

no ip ips ips-name {in | out}

Syntax Description


Name of IPS signature definition file (SDF).


Applies IPS to inbound traffic.


Applies IPS to outbound traffic.

Command Default

By default, IPS signatures are not applied to an interface or direction.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command name was changed from the ip audit command to the ip ips command.

Usage Guidelines

The ip ips command loads the SDF onto the router and builds the signature engines when IPS is applied to the first interface.


The router prompt disappears while the signatures are loading and the signature engines are building. It will reappear after these tasks are complete. Depending on your platform and how many signatures are being loaded, building the signature engine can take several of minutes. It is recommended that you enable logging messages so you can monitor the engine building status.

The ip ips command replaces the ip audit command. If the ip audit command is part of an existing configuration, IPS will interpret it as the ip ips command.


The following example shows the basic configuration necessary to load the attack-drop.sdf file onto a router running Cisco IOS IPS. Note that the configuration is almost the same as when you load the default signatures onto a router, except for the ip ips sdf location command, which specifies the attack-drop.sdf file.

ip ips sdf location disk2:attack-drop.sdf
ip ips name MYIPS
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip address
 ip ips MYIPS in
 duplex full
 speed 100
 media-type rj45
 no negotiation auto

The following example shows how to configure the router to load and merge the attack-drop.sdf file with the default signatures. After you have merged the two files, it is recommended to copy the newly merged signatures to a separate file. The router can then be reloaded (via the reload command) or reinitalized to so as to recognize the newly merged file (as shown the following example)

ip ips name MYIPS
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip address
 ip ips MYIPS in
 duplex full
 speed 100
 media-type rj45
 no negotiation auto
! Merge the flash-based SDF (attack-drop.sdf) with the built-in signatures.
copy disk2:attack-drop.sdf ips-sdf
! Save the newly merged signatures to a separate file.
copy ips-sdf disk2:my-signatures.sdf
! Configure the router to use the new file, my-signatures.sdf 
configure terminal
ip ips sdf location disk2:my-signatures.sdf
! Reinitialize the IPS by removing the IPS rule set and reapplying the rule set.
interface gig 0/1
 no ip ips MYIPS in
*Apr 8 14:05:38.243:%IPS-2-DISABLED:IPS removed from all interfaces - IPS disabled
 ip ips MYIPS in

ip ips auto-update

To enable automatic signature updates for Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), use the ip ips auto-update command in global configuration mode. To revert back to the default value, use the no form of this command.

ip ips auto-update

no ip ips auto-update

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default value is defined in the signature definition XML.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Automatic signature updates allow users to override the existing IPS configuration and automatically keep signatures up to date on the basis of a preset time, which can be configured to a preferred setting.

Use the ip ips auto-update command to enable Cisco IOS IPS to automatically update the signature file on the system. When enabling automatic signature updates, it is recommended that you ensure the following configuration guidelines have been met:

  • The router’s clock is set up with the proper relative time.

  • The frequency for Cisco IOS IPS to obtain updated signature information has been defined (through the occur-at command).

  • Automatic signature updates can be enabled from Cisco.com by using the cisco command. This command cannot be used in conjunction with the url command.

  • The URL in which to retrieve the Cisco IOS IPS signature configuration files has been specified (through the url command).

  • Optionally, the username and password in which to access the files from the server has been specified (through the username command). The username command would be optional in this case if the username and password command were previously configured through the ips signature update cisco command in Priviledged EXEC mode. The user name and password must be configured for updating signatures directly from Cisco.com.

The Default Value

A user or a management station can override the default value through the category command or the signature command; a value set with either of these commands will be saved as the delta value. The no form of the ip ips auto-update command will remove the delta value and revert back to the default value in the definition XML.

Setting Time for Auto Updates

Cisco IOS time can be updated through the hardware clock or the software configurable clock (which ever option is available on your system). Although Network Time Protocol (NTP) is typically used for automated time synchronization, Cisco IOS IPS updates use the local clock resources as a reference for update intervals. Thus, NTP should be configured to update the local time server of the router, as appropriate.


The following example shows how to configure automatic signature updates and issue the show ip ips auto-update command to verify the configuration. In this example, the signature package file is pulled from the TFTP server at the third hour of the 5 day of the month, at the 56th minute of this hour. (Note that adjustments are made for months without 31 days and daylight savings time.)

Router# clock set ?
hh:mm:ss Current Time
Router# clock set 10:38:00 20 apr 2006
*Apr 20 17:38:00.000: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: System clock has been updated from 10:37:55 MST Thu Apr 20 2006 to 10:38:00 MST Thu Apr 20 2006, configured from console by cisco on console.
Router(config)# ip ips auto-update
Router(config-ips-auto-update)# occur-at monthly 5 56 3
*May 4 2006 15:50:28 MST: IPS Auto Update: setting update timer for next update: 5 days 56 min 3 hrs
*May 4 2006 15:50:28 MST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by cisco on console
Router# show ip ips auto-update
IPS Auto Update Configuration
URL : tftp://
Username : not configured
Password : not configured
Auto Update Intervals
  minutes (0-59) : 56
  hours (0-23) : 3
  days of month (1-31) : 5
  days of week: (0-6) : 

ip ips config location

To specify the location in which the router will save signature information, use the ip ips config location command in global configuration mode. To remove the specified location, use the no form of this command.

ip ips config location url

no ip ips config location

Syntax Description


Location where the signature file is saved.

Available URL options:

  • Local flash, such as flash:sig.xml

  • FTP server, such as ftp://myuser:mypass@ftp_server.sig.xml

  • rcp, such as rcp://myuser@rcp_server/sig.xml

  • TFTP server, such as tftp://tftp_server/sig.xml



If the specified location is a URL, such as an FTP server, the user must have writer privileges.

Command Default

No configuration files are saved.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before configuring the ip ips config location command, you must create a directory for the config location via the mkdir command.

The ip ips config location command configures a Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) signature location, which tells Cisco IOS IPS where to save signature information.

The configuration location is used to restore the IPS configuration in cases such as router reboots or IPS becoming disabled or reenabled. Files, such as signature definitions, signature-type definitions, and signature category information, are written in XML format, compressed, and saved to the specified IPS signature location.


If a location is not specified, or if a location is removed via the no form, no files will be saved.


The ip ips config location command replaces the ip ips sdf location command.


The following example shows how to instruct the router to save all signature information to the directory “flash:/ips5”:

Router# mkdir 
Create directory filename [ips5]? 
Created dir flash:/ips5
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# ip ips name MYIPS
Router(config)# ip ips config location 
Router(config)# ip ips signature-category
Router(config-ips-category)# category all
Router(config-ips-category-action)# retired true
Router(config-ips-category-action)# exit
Router(config-ips-category)# category ios_ips advanced
Router(config-ips-category-action)# retired false
Router(config-ips-category-action)# exit
Router(config-ips-category)# exit
Do you want to accept these changes? [confirm]
Router(config)# d
*Nov 14 2006 17:16:42 MST: Applying Category configuration to signatures .. 

ip ips deny-action ips-interface

To create an access control list (ACL) filter for the deny actions (“denyFlowInline” and “denyConnectionInline”) on the intrusion prevention system (IPS) interface rather than ingress interface, use the ip ips deny-action ips-interface command in global configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command.

ip ips deny-action ips-interface

no ip ips deny-action ips-interface

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

ACLs filter for the deny actions are applied to the ingress interface.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ip ips deny-action ips-interface command to change the default behavior of the ACL filters that are created for the deny actions.


You should configure this command only if at least one signature is configured to use the supported deny actions (denyFlowInline and denyConnectionInline, if the input interface is configured to for load balancing, and if IPS is configured on the output interface.

Default ACL Filter Approach

By default, ACL filters for the deny actions are created on the ingress interfaces of the offending packet. Thus, if Cisco IOS IPS is configured in outbound direction on the egress interface and the “deny” ACLs are created on the ingress interface, Cisco IOS IPS will drop the matching traffic before it goes through much processing. Unfortunately, this approach does not work in load balancing scenarios for which there is more than one ingress interface performing load-balancing.

Alternative ACL Filter Approach

T he ip ips deny-action ips-interface command enables ACLs to be created on the same interface and in the same direction as Cisco IOS IPS is configured. This alternative approach supports load-balancing scenarios--assuming that the load-balancing interfaces have the same Cisco IOS IPS configuration. However, all outbound Cisco IOS IPS traffic will go through substantial packet path processing before it is eventually dropped by the ACLs.


The following example shows how to configure load-balancing between interface e0 and interface e1:

ip ips name test
ip ips deny-action ips-interface
! Enables load balancing with e1
interface e0
 ip address
 no shut
! Enables load balancing with e0
interface e1
 ip address
 no shut
interface e2
 ip address
 ip ips test in
 no shut

ip ips enable-clidelta

To enable the signature tuning settings in the clidelta.xmz file on the router to take precedence over the signature settings in the intrusion prevention system (IPS) iosips-sig-delta.xmz file, use the ip ips enable-clidelta command in global configuration mode. To restore precedence to the iosips-sig-delta.xmz file settings, use the no form of this command.

ip ips enable-clidelta

no ip ips enable-clidelta

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Most IPS devices and applications provide either a single default configuration or multiple default configurations. Using one of these default configurations is an ideal starting point for deploying IPS. When IOS IPS is deployed, parameters such as severity, active status, or event actions of certain signatures need to be tuned to meet the requirements of an enterprise network traffic profile.

Once the ip ips enable-clidelta command is enabled, a local cli-delta.xmz file is generated containing the local tuning signatures configured through the CLI. The settings in the clidelta.xmz file take precedence when a globally administered delta signature update, contained in the iosips-sig-delta.xmz file, is sent from a central repository and applied to the configuration of the local router.


The following example shows how to enable the clidelta functionality:

Router(config)# ip ips enable-clidelta

ip ips event-action-rules

To enter config-rule configuration mode, which allows users to change the target value rating, use the ip ips event-action-rules command in global configuration mode.

ip ips event-action-rules

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must issue the ip ips event-action-rules command to define the target value rating via the target-value command.


The following example shows how to change the target value to low for the host

configure terminal 
ip ips event-action-rules
 target-value low target-address

ip ips fail closed

To instruct the router to drop all packets until the signature engine is built and ready to scan traffic, use the ip ips fail closed command in global configuration mode. To return to the default functionality, use the no form of this command.

ip ips fail closed

no ip ips fail closed

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

All packets are passed without being scanned while the signature engine is being built or if the signature engine fails to build.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco IOS IPS Fails to Load the SDF

By default, the router running Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) will load the built-in signatures if it fails to load the signature definition file (SDF). If this command is issued, the router will drop all packets--unless the user specifies an access control list (ACL) for packets to send to IPS.

IPS Loads the SDF but Fails to Build a Signature Engine

If the router running IPS loads the SDF but fails to build a signature engine, the router will mark the engine “not ready.” If an available engine is previously loaded, the IPS will keep the available engine and discard the engine that is not ready for use. If no previous engines have been loaded or “not ready,” the router will install the engine that is not ready and rely on the configuration of the ip ips fail closed command.

By default, packets destined for an engine marked “not ready” will be passed without being scanned. If this command is issued, the router will drop all packets that are destined for that signature engine.


The following example shows how to instruct the router to drop all packets if the SME is not yet available:

Router(config)# ip ips fail closed 

ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.2T, the ip ips inherit-obsolete tunings command is deprecated because the Cisco IOS IPS Signature Scanning with Lightweight Signatures feature is discontinued.

To enable Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) signatures to inherit tunings from obsoleted signatures in a Cisco IOS IPS, use the ip ips inherit-obsolete tunings command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings

no ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Tunings from obsoleted signatures in Cisco IOS IPS are not inherited.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was deprecated.

Usage Guidelines

The ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings command enables new signatures to obsolete older signatures and inherit the event-action and enabled parameters of the obsolete tuning values without the need to manually tune the new signatures. All other parameter changes, including the "Retire" parameter saved in the old signatures, will be ignored.

After you enter the command, the screen displays a warning message asking you to clarify the intended usage and then asks whether you accept the configuration, By default, old signatures tunings are not inherited by new signatures.


The tunings of old signatures will be lost if they are not migrated to new signatures.


To enable inheritance of tunings, configure the ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings command before a signature file is loaded.


Users of management devices should use those devices and not enable the ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings command.


The following example shows how to configure a router running Cisco IOS IPS to allow new signatures to inherit the tuning values from the obsoleted signatures, without having to manually tune the new signatures:

Router(config)# ip ips inherit-obsolete-tunings

ip ips memory regex chaining


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.2T, the ip ips memory regex chaining command is deprecated because the Cisco IOS IPS Signature Scanning with Lightweight Signatures feature is discontinued.

To enable a Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) to chain multiple regex tables together and load additional signatures, use the ip ips memory regex chaining command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ip ips memory regex chaining

no ip ips memory regex chaining

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Multiple regex table chaining is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was deprecated.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple regex table chaining is used to load additional signatures when a Cisco IOS IPS is supporting a large signature set. The default is three chained tables when the ip ips memory regex chaining command is enabled. This results in slower performance of Cisco IOS IPS scanning due to scanning packets across more than a single regex table.

When a user tries to load a specific set of signatures that does not fit using a single table, compilation errors will result. A compiler failure error message looks like this:

*Sep  9 17:27:46.907: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE_COMPILE_FAILURE: string-tcp 3730:0 - compiles discontinued for this engine


The following example shows how to enable the ip ips memory regex chaining command:

Router(config)# ip ips memory regex chaining

ip ips memory threshold


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.2T, the ip ips memory threshold command is deprecated because the Cisco IOS IPS Signature Scanning with Lightweight Signatures feature is discontinued.

To specify a memory threshold when using a Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), use the ip ips memory threshold command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ip ips memory threshold megabytes

no ip ips memory threshold

Syntax Description


The IPS memory threshold, in megabytes. The valid range is from 0-1024.

Command Default

The default IPS memory threshold is 10 percent of free memory--this is available for router operations other than Cisco IOS IPS.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was deprecated.

Usage Guidelines

The IPS memory threshold defines the amount of free memory unavailable to the IPS.

When you are loading signatures, the default state is that Cisco IOS IPS cannot consume any more memory if the remaining (free) memory becomes less than 10 percent of the size of the total DRAM installed on the router (for example, less than 25.6 MB free memory left on routers with 256 MB DRAM). The 10 percent of free memory unavailable to IPS defines the IPS memory threshold. The IPS memory threshold can be changed using the ip ips memory threshold command to force IPS to use less memory, so that other features get access to more memory if they need it.

Setting a memory threshold for Cisco IOS IPS is recommended especially when an arbitrary number of signatures may be added on top of the recommended sets in Cisco IOS IPS Basic or Advanced/Default categories, or when a fully customized signature set is created and loaded.


The following example shows how to configure a router running Cisco IOS IPS to set the IPS memory threshold to a value of 50 MB:

Router(config)# ip ips memory threshold 50

ip ips name

To specify an intrusion prevention system (IPS) rule, use the ip ips name command in global configuration mode. To delete an IPS rule, use the no form of this command.

ip ips name ips-name [list acl]

no ip ips name ips-name [list acl]

Syntax Description


Name for IPS rule.

list acl

(Optional) Specifies an extended or standard access control list (ACL) to filter the traffic that will be scanned.



All traffic that is permitted by the ACL is subject to inspection by the IPS. Traffic that is denied by the ACL is not inspected by the IPS.

Command Default

An IPS rule does not exist.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command name was changed from the ip audit name command to the ip ips name command.

Usage Guidelines

The IPS does not load the signatures until the rule is applied to an interface via the ip ips command.


This command replaces the ip audit name global configuration command. If the ip audit name command has been issued in an existing configuration and an access control list (ACL) has been defined, IPS will apply the ip ips name command and the ACL parameter on all interfaces that applied the rule.


The following example shows how to configure a router running Cisco IOS IPS to load the default, built-in signatures. Note that a configuration option for specifying an SDF location is not necessary; built-in signatures reside statically in Cisco IOS.

ip ips po max-events 100
ip ips name MYIPS
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip address
 ip ips MYIPS in
 duplex full
 speed 100
 media-type rj45
 no negotiation auto

ip ips notify

To specify the method of event notification, use the ip ips notify command in global configuration mode. To disable event notification, use the no form of this command.

ip ips notify [log | sdee]

no ip ips notify [log | sdee]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Send messages in syslog format.



If an option is not specified, alert messages are sent in syslog format.


(Optional) Send messages in Security Device Event Exchange (SDEE) format.

Command Default

Disabled (alert messages are not sent).

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command name was changed from the ip audit notify command to the ip ips notify command. Also, support for SDEE was introduced, and the sdee keyword was added.


The Post Office protocol was deprecated, and the nr-director keyword was removed.

Usage Guidelines

SDEE is always running, but it does not receive and process events from Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) unless SDEE notification is enabled. If it is not enabled and a client sends a request, SDEE will respond with a fault response message, indicating that notification is not enabled.

To use SDEE, the HTTP server must be enabled (via the ip http server command). If the HTTP server is not enabled, the router cannot respond to the SDEE clients because it cannot not see the requests.


The ip ips notify command replaces the ip audit notify command. If the ip audit notify command is part of an existing configuration, the IPS will interpret it as the ip ips notify command .


In the following example, event notifications are specified to be sent in SDEE format:

ip ips notify sdee

ip ips sdf location


In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T, the ip ips sdf location command was replaced with the ip ips config location command. For more information, see the ip ips config location command.

To specify the location in which the router will load the signature definition file (SDF), use the ip ips sdf location command in global configuration mode. To remove an SDF location from the configuration, use the no form of this command.

ip ips sdf location url [retries number wait-time seconds] [autosave]

no ip ips sdf location url [retries number wait-time seconds] [autosave]

Syntax Description


Location of the SDF. Available URL options:

  • local flash, such as flash:sig.xml

  • FTP server, such as ftp://myuser:mypass@ftp_server.sig.xml

  • rcp, such as rcp://myuser@rcp_server/sig.xml

  • TFTP server, such as tftp://tftp_server/sig.xml

retries number

(Optional) Number of times the router will try to load the SDF after the first attempt fails.

wait-time seconds

(Optional) Duration, in seconds, between retry attempts.


(Optional) Specifies that the router will save a new SDF to the specified location.

Command Default

If an SDF location is not specified, the router will load the default built-in signatures.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The autosave keyword was added.


The retries number and the wait-time seconds options were added.


This command was replaced with the ip ips config location command.

Usage Guidelines

When you specify the ip ips sdf location command, the signatures are not loaded until the router is rebooted or until the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is applied to an interface (via the ip ips command). If IPS is already applied to an interface, the signatures are not loaded. If IPS cannot load the SDF, an error message is issued and the router uses the built-in IPS signatures.

You can also specify the copy ips-sdf command to load an SDF from a specified location. Unlike the ip ips sdf location command, the signatures are loaded immediately after the copy ips-sdf command is entered.

When you specify the autosave keyword, the router saves a new SDF to the specified location when signatures are loaded using either the copy command or an external management platform such as Security Device Manager (SDM), IPS Management Center (IPSMC) or Cisco Incident Control Server (Cisco ICS). You can specify multiple autosave locations. The router will attempt to save to all autosave locations. The URL must have proper write access permissions.


The following example shows how to configure the router to load and merge the attack-drop.sdf file with the default signatures. After the files are merged, it is recommended that you copy the merged signatures to a separate file. You can then reload the router (by entering the reload command) or reinitialize the router so that it recognizes the newly merged file (as shown the following example).

ip ips name MYIPS
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
 ip address
 ip ips MYIPS in
 duplex full
 speed 100
 media-type rj45
 no negotiation auto
! Merge the flash-based SDF (attack-drop.sdf) with the built-in signatures.
copy disk2:attack-drop.sdf ips-sdf
! Save the newly merged signatures to a separate file.
copy ips-sdf disk2:my-signatures.sdf
! Configure the router to use the new file, my-signatures.sdf 
configure terminal
ip ips sdf location disk2:my-signatures.sdf
! Reinitialize the IPS by removing the IPS rule set and reapplying the rule set.
interface gig 0/1
no ip ips MYIPS in
*Apr 8 14:05:38.243:%IPS-2-DISABLED:IPS removed from all interfaces - IPS disabled
 ip ips MYIPS in

ip ips signature


In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T, the ip ips signature command was deprecated.

To attach a policy to a signature, use the ip ips signature command in global configuration mode. If the policy disabled a signature, use the no form of this command to reenable the signature. If the policy attached an access list to the signature, use the no form of this command to remove the access list.

ip ips signature signature-id {delete | disable | list acl-list}

no ip ips signature signature-id

Syntax Description


Signature within the signature detection file (SDF).


Deleted a specified signature.


Disables a specified signature.

list acl-list

A named, standard, or ACL that is associated with the signature.

Command Default

No policy is attached to a signature.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command name was changed from the ip audit signature command to the ip ips signature command to support SDFs.


This command and support for SDFs were removed.

Usage Guidelines

This command allow you to set three policies: delete a signature, disable the audit of a signature, or qualify the audit of a signature with an access list.

If you are attaching an ACL to a signature, then you also need to create an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) rule with the ip ips name command and apply it to an interface with the ip ips command.


The ip ips signature command replaces the ip audit signature command. If the ip audit signature command is found in an existing configuration, Cisco IOS IPS will interpret it as the ip ips signature command.


In the following example, a signature is disabled, another signature has ACL 99 attached to it, and ACL 99 is defined:

ip ips signature 6150 disable
ip ips signature 1000 list 99
access-list 99 deny
access-list 99 permit any

ip ips signature-category

To enter IPS category (config-ips-category) configuration mode, which allows you to tune Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) signature parameters on the basis of a signature category, use the ip ips signature-category command in global configuration mode.

ip ips signature-category

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ip ips signature-category command if you want to tune signature parameters per category.


The following example shows how to tune event-action parameters for the signature category “adware/spyware.” All tuning information will be applied to all signatures that belong to the adware/spyware category.

Router(config)# ip ips signature-category
Router(config-ips-category)# category attack adware/spyware
Router(config-ips-category-action)# event-action produce-alert
Router(config-ips-category-action)# event-action deny-packet-inline
Router(config-ips-category-action)# event-action reset-tcp-connection
Router(config-ips-category-action)# retired false
Router(config-ips-category-action)# ^Z
Do you want to accept these changes? [confirm]y

ip ips signature-definition

To enter signature-definition-signature configuration mode, which allows you to define a signature for command-line interface (CLI) user tunings, use the ip ips signature-definition command in global configuration mode. To revert back to the default value, use the no form of this command.

ip ips signature-definition

no ip ips signature-definition

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Signature parameters cannot be defined and default values are used.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ip ips signature-definition command to enter signature-definition-signature configuration mode, which allows you to issue the signature command. The signature command is used to specify a signature whose CLI user tunings are to be customized. After you issue the signature command, you can begin to specify which signature parameters (user tunings) are to be changed.


The following example shows how to modify signature 5081/0 to “produce alert” and “reset tcp connection”:

Router(config)# ip ips signature-definition
Router(config-sigdef-sig)# signature 5081 0
Router(config-sigdef-action)# engine
Router(config-sigdef-action-engine)# event-action produce-alert reset-tcp-connection
Router(config-sigdef-action-engine)# ^Z
Do you want to accept these changes:[confirmm]y

ip ips signature disable

To instruct the router to scan for a given signature but not take any action if the signature is detected , use the ip ips signature command in global configuration mode. To reenable a signature, use the no form of this command.

ip ips signature signature-id [sub-signature-id] disable [list acl-list]

no ip ips signature signature-id [sub-signature-id] disable [list acl-list]

Syntax Description



Signature that is disabled.

list acl-list

(Optional) A named, standard, or extended access control list (ACL) to filter the traffic that will be scanned.

If the packet is permitted by the ACL, the signature will be scanned and reported; if the packet is denied by the ACL, the signature is deemed disabled.

Command Default

All signatures within the signature definition file (SDF) are reported, if detected.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You may want to disable a signature (or set of signatures) if your deployment scenario deems the signatures unnecessary.


The following example shows how to instructs the router not to report on signature 1000, if detected:

Router(config) ip ips signature 1000 disable 

ip kerberos source-interface

To specify an interface for the source address of the kerberos packets, use the ip kerberos source-interface command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

ip kerberos source-interface interface-type number

no ip kerberos source-interface

Syntax Description


Interface type. For more information, use the question mark (?) online help function.


Interface or subinterface number. For more information about the numbering syntax for your networking device, use the question mark (?) online help function.

Command Default

An interface for the source address of Kerberos packets is not set.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 and implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


The following example shows how to specify an interface for the source address of the Kerberos packets:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip kerberos source-interface FastEthernet 0/0

ip msdp border

To configure a router that borders a Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) sparse mode region and dense mode region to use Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP), use the ip msdp border command in global configuration mode. To prevent this action, use the no form of this command.

ip msdp [vrf vrf-name] border sa-address interface-type interface-number

no ip msdp [vrf vrf-name] border sa-address interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description


(Optional) Supports the multicast VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) Name assigned to the VRF.


Specifies the active source IP address.

interface-type interface-number

Interface type and number from which the IP address is derived and used as the rendezvous point (RP) address in Source-Active (SA) messages. Thus, MSDP peers can forward SA messages away from this border. The IP address of the interface is used as the originator ID, which is the RP field in the MSDP SA message. No space is needed between the values.

Command Default

The active sources in the dense mode region will not participate in MSDP.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


The vrf keyword and vrf-name argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if you want the router to send SA messages for sources active in the PIM dense mode region to MSDP peers.

Specifying the interface-type and interface-number values allow the MSDP peers to forward source-active messages away from this border. The IP address of the interface is used as the originator ID, which is the rendezvous point field in the MSDP source-active message.


We recommend configuring the border router in the sparse mode domain to proxy-register sources in the dense mode domain, and have the sparse mode domain use standard MSDP procedures to advertise these sources.


If you use this command, you must constrain the sources advertised by using the ip msdp redistribute command. Configure the ip msdp redistribute command to apply to only local sources. Be aware that this configuration can result in (S, G) state remaining long after a source in the dense mode domain has stopped sending.


The ip msdp originator-id command also identifies an interface type and number to be used as the RP address. If both the ip msdp border and ip msdp originator-id commands are configured, the address derived from the ip msdp originator-id command determines the address of the RP.


In the following example, the local router is not an RP. It borders a PIM sparse mode region with a dense mode region. It uses the IP address of Ethernet interface 0 as the “RP” address in SA messages.

ip msdp border sa-address ethernet0

ip mtu

To set the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of IP packets that are sent on an interface, use the ip mtu command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default MTU size, use the no form of this command.

ip mtu bytes

no ip mtu

Syntax Description


MTU size, in bytes.

Command Default

The default MTU value depends on the interface type.

Table 4. Default MTU Values by Interface Type

Interface Type

Default MTU (Bytes)







High-Speed Serial Interface High Speed Access (HSSI HSA)




Token Ring


VRF-Aware Service Infrastructure (VASI)


Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4.

Usage Guidelines

If an IP packet exceeds the MTU size that is set for the interface, the Cisco software fragments the IP packet.

When an IPsec MTU is less than 256 bytes, the crypto engine MTU is set to 256 bytes and packets greater than 256 bytes are fragmented.

For VASI interfaces that involve Ethernet type interfaces (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, or Gigabit Ethernet), the IP MTU size of a VASI interface must be set to the same value as the lower default setting of the Ethernet type interface of 1500 bytes. If this adjustment is not made, OSPF reconvergence on the VASI interface requires a long time.


Changing the MTU value (by using the mtu interface configuration command) can affect the IP MTU value. If the current IP MTU value is the same as the MTU value and you change the MTU value, then the IP MTU value is modified automatically to match the new MTU value. However, the reverse is not true; changing the IP MTU value has no effect on the MTU value.

If a dynamic virtual tunnel interface (VTI) configured with an IP MTU causes encapsulating security payload (ESP) fragmentation, clear and re-establish the encryption session.

When a loopback interface is used as the VTI tunnel source, you must manually configure the ip mtu command. This is because the IPsec encapsulation bytes are calculated based on the outgoing physical interface.

MTU Size in an IPsec Configuration

In an IPsec configuration, such as in a crypto environment, an MTU value that is less than 256 bytes is not accepted. If you configure an MTU value less than 256 bytes, the MTU value is automatically overwritten and given a value of 256 bytes.

MTU Size in Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches

In Cisco ME 3600X Series Ethernet Access Switches, you can configure seven unique MTU sizes on router and switchport interfaces and eight unique sizes on VLAN interfaces. This does not include the default size of 1500.


The following example shows how to set the maximum IP packet size for the first serial interface to 300 bytes:

Device(config)# interface serial 0
Device(config-if)# ip mtu 300

ip nhrp cache non-authoritative

To turn off authoritative flags on NHRP cache entries, use the ip nhrp cache non-authoritative command in interface configuration mode. To turn authoritative flags on again, use the no form of this command.

ip nhrp cache non-authoritative

no ip nhrp cache non-authoritative

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Authoritative flags are turned on.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default the next hop server (NHS) replies to authoritative Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) resolution requests if it has a cache entry that is marked as authoritative. The ip nhrp cache non-authoritative comand turns off the “authoritative” flag on the cache entries. Thus, the request is forwarded to the next hop client (NHC), which responds to the resolution.

Configuring the ip nhrp cache non-authoritative command offloads the resolution replies from the hub to the spokes. It also helps the spokes complete NHRP mapping entries when a spoke-to-spoke tunnel is built, thus alleviating flap conditions in which the IP security (IPsec) tunnel is built but for which there are no corresponding NHRP mappings.


The following example shows that the authoritative flags have been turned off:

interface Tunnel0
 ip nhrp cache non-authoritative 

ip nhrp nhs

To specify the address of one or more Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) servers, use the ip nhrp nhs command in interface configuration mode. To remove the address, use the no form of this command.

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA, 12.2SX, and Later Releases

ip nhrp nhs nhs-address [net-address [netmask] ]

no ip nhrp nhs nhs-address [net-address [netmask] ]

Cisco IOS Release 15.1(2)T and Later Releases

ip nhrp nhs {nhs-address [nbma {nbma-address | FQDN-string}] [multicast] [priority value] [cluster value] | cluster value max-connections value | dynamic nbma {nbma-address | FQDN-string} [multicast] [priority value] [cluster value] | fallback seconds}

no ip nhrp nhs {nhs-address [nbma {nbma-address | FQDN-string}] [multicast] [priority value] [cluster value] | cluster value max-connections value | dynamic nbma {nbma-address | FQDN-string} [multicast] [priority value] [cluster value] | fallback seconds}

Syntax Description


Address of the next-hop server being specified.


(Optional) IP address of a network served by the next-hop server.


(Optional) IP network mask to be associated with the IP address. The IP address is logically ANDed with the mask.


(Optional) Specifies the nonbroadcast multiple access (NBMA) address or FQDN.


NBMA address.


Next hop server (NHS) fully qualified domain name (FQDN) string.


(Optional) Specifies to use NBMA mapping for broadcasts and multicasts.

priority value

(Optional) Assigns a priority to hubs to control the order in which spokes select hubs to establish tunnels. The range is from 0 to 255; 0 is the highest and 255 is the lowest priority.

cluster value

(Optional) Specifies NHS groups. The range is from 0 to 10; 0 is the highest and 10 is the lowest. The default value is 0.

max-connections value

Specifies the number of NHS elements from each NHS group that needs to be active. The range is from 0 to 255.


Configures the spoke to learn the NHS protocol address dynamically.

fallback seconds

Specifies the duration, in seconds, for which the spoke must wait before falling back to an NHS of higher priority upon recovery.

Command Default

No next-hop servers are explicitly configured, so normal network layer routing decisions are used to forward NHRP traffic.

Command Modes

Interface configuration (config-if)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was modified. The net-address and mask arguments were removed and the nbma , nbma-address , FQDN-string , multicast , priority value , cluster value , max-connections value , dynamic , and fallback seconds keywords and arguments were added.


This command was modified. The NBMA address was modified to support IPv6 address.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ip nhrp nhs command to specify the address of a next hop server and the networks it serves. Normally, NHRP consults the network layer forwarding table to determine how to forward NHRP packets. When next hop servers are configured, these next hop addresses override the forwarding path that would otherwise be used for NHRP traffic.

When the ip nhrp nhs dynamic command is configured on a DMVPN tunnel and the shut command is issued to the tunnel interface, the crypto socket does not receive shut message, thereby not bringing up a DMVPN session with the hub.

For any next hop server that is configured, you can specify multiple networks by repeating this command with the same nhs-address argument, but with different IP network addresses.


The following example shows how to register a hub to a spoke using NBMA and FQDN:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1
Router(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs nbma examplehub.example1.com

The following example shows how to configure the desired max-connections value:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1
Router(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs cluster 5 max-connections 100

The following example shows how to configure the NHS fallback time:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1
Router(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs fallback 25

The following example shows how to configure NHS priority and group values:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface tunnel 1
Router(config-if)# ip nhrp nhs priority 1 cluster 2

ip port-map

To establish port-to-application mapping (PAM), use the ip port-map command in global configuration mode. To delete user-defined PAM entries, use the no form of this command.

ip port-map appl-name port [tcp | udp] [port-num | from begin-port-num to end-port-num] [list {standard-acl-number | extended-acl-number | ipv6-acl}] [description description-string]

no ip port-map appl-name port [tcp | udp] [port-num | from begin-port-num to end-port-num] [list {standard-acl-number | extended-acl-number | ipv6-acl}] [description description-string]

Syntax Description
