Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

First Published: November 16, 2009

Last Updated: November 29, 2010

The Cable Interprocess Communication (IPC) Statistics Collection tool provides debugging information about all CMTS related IPC messages. You can use this tool to analyze the IPC traffic in a cable communications network.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the Feature Information Table at the end of this document.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​ITDIT/​CFN/​. An account on http:/​/​​ is not required.


Prerequisites for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

The table shows the hardware compatibility prerequisites for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool.


The hardware components introduced in a given Cisco IOS Release will be supported in all subsequent releases unless otherwise specified.
Table 1  Hardware Compatibility Matrix for Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

CMTS Platform

Processor Engine

Cable Interface Cards

Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA and later

  • PRE2

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB and later

  • PRE4

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB and later

  • Cisco uBR10-MC5X20U/H

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCC and later

  • Cisco UBR-MC20X20V

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCE and later

  • Cisco uBR-MC3GX60V 1

Cisco uBR7246VXR Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA and later

  • NPE-G1
  • NPE-G2

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA and later

  • Cisco uBR-MC28U/X

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCD and later

  • Cisco uBR-MC88V 2

Cisco uBR7225VXR Universal Broadband Router

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA and later

  • NPE-G1

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB and later

  • NPE-G2

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA and later

  • Cisco uBR-E-28U
  • Cisco uBR-E-16U
  • Cisco uBR-MC28U/X

Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCD and later

  • Cisco uBR-MC88V
1 Cisco uBR3GX60V cable interface line card is not compatible with PRE2. You must use PRE4 with the Cisco uBR3GX60V cable interface line card.
2 Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card is not compatible with NPE-G1. You must use NPE-G2 with the Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card.

Restrictions for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

The Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool has the following restrictions:

  • Does not support the line cards running LCDOS images.
  • Does not support checkpoint messages between the primary route processor (RP) and secondary RP on the Cisco UBR10012 router.

Information About the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

The Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool monitors IPC messages between cable interface line cards and the RP in a cable communications network. The IPC messages include configuration commands, responses to the configuration commands, and other events that a cable interface line card reports to the RP.

The tool provides the following message statistics:

  • Send and receive message counts and byte counts.
  • Wait time between request sent and response received for blocked request messages.
  • Process time used by the message handler for received request messages.

The tool provides the following queue statistics:

  • Queue size.
  • Wait time from a message that is enqueued to a message that is dequeued.
  • Enqueue and dequeue message counts.
  • Queue flush message counts.


To save system memory and keep the normal operation performance, the Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool is disabled by default. You can enable the tool using the cable ipc-stats command in global configuration mode. When you enable the tool, a new database memory buffer is allocated, and the API functions start updating the statistics database. When you disable the tool, the allocated memory is freed. We recommend that you enable this tool only when it is necessary as the tool consumes considerable amount of CPU memory while running on a Cisco CMTS router. The actual memory usage varies based on how many messages are defined in a particular Cisco IOS image.

How to Enable the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

This section contains the following procedures:

Enabling the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

The cable ipc-stats command is synchronized to all cable interface line cards from the active RP. You do not have to use this command on cable interface line cards separately.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1enable

    Router> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2configure terminal

    Router# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3cable ipc-stats

    Router(config)# cable ipc-stats

    Enables the Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool on a Cisco CMTS router.


    Verifying IPC Statistics

    To verify IPC statistics, use the show cable ipc-stats command as shown in the following example:

    Router# show cable ipc-stats
    ubr10k2apatil#show cable ipc-stats
    --- TIME ---
    Start: 03:27:29 PDT Fri Oct 9 2009
    End  : 03:28:22 PDT Fri Oct 9 2009
    Total: 0 days 00 hrs 00 mins 53 secs (53 seconds)
    size : 1407648 bytes
    --- CR10K MSG ---
    entity app      io    s/s reqid idx:    pkts      bytes lastEvt totalDur maxDur lastMax
                                                            (sec)   (msec)   (msec) (sec)
    rp-lc c10k     TxReq 1/0 10241   1:       1         24      17
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 1/0    10  14:      11        704       0
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 2/1    10  14:      10        640       4
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 3/0    10  14:      10        640       4
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 3/1    10  14:      11        704       0
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 4/0    10  14:      10        640       3
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 6/0 10252   2:      10       9376      13
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 6/0    10  14:      11        704       0
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 6/1 10252   2:       1         88      53
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 6/1    10  14:      11        704       0
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 7/0 10252   2:       7        696       5
     rp-lc c10k     TxReq 7/0    10  14:      11        704       1
     rp-lc c10k     RxRsp 1/0 10241   1:       1          4      17        0      0 17
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 1/0 10241   1:      60      21816       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 1/0    10  14:      11        704       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 2/1 10241   1:      26      13468       1        0      0 1
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 2/1    10  14:      10        640       4        0      0 4
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 3/0 10241   1:      20       1340       5        0      0 5
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 3/0    10  14:      10        640       4        0      0 4
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 3/1    10  14:      11        704       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 4/0 10241   1:      20       1340       9        0      0 9
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 4/0    10  14:      10        640       3        0      0 3
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 6/0 10252   2:      13      27080       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 6/0    10  14:      11        748       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 6/1 10252   2:       1         68      25        0      0 25
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 6/1    10  14:      11        748       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 7/0 10252   2:      11      24548       3        0      0 3
     rp-lc c10k     RxReq 7/0    10  14:      11        748       1        0      0 1
     rp-lc pnego    TxReq 6/0    14   6:       3        363      13
     rp-lc pnego    TxReq 6/1    14   6:       1         30      53
     rp-lc pnego    TxReq 7/0    14   6:       2         62      13
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 6/0    24  17:       1         12      37        0      0 37
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 6/0    27  20:      11       1144       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 6/0    28  21:     484      19360       0        0      0 0
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 6/1    24  17:       1         12      25        0      0 25
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 7/0    24  17:       1         12      45        0      0 45
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 7/0    27  20:      10       1040       3        0      0 3
     rp-lc plfm     RxReq 7/0    28  21:     440      17600       3        0      0 3
     rp-lc docsis   TxReq 7/0   118 110:      10         80       5
     rp-lc hccp     TxReq 6/0     8   8:       8       8416      13
     rp-lc hccp     RxReq 6/0     2   2:       1         28      13        0      0 13
    --- CR10K TXQ ---
     enQ: 10 pkts  max Q size 9 at 13 sec ago
     deQ: 10 pkts  max delay 24 msec at 13 sec ago
       delay between (  0,  10) msec:        6 pkts
       delay between ( 10,  20) msec:        3 pkts
       delay between ( 20,  30) msec:        1 pkts
       delay between (  0,   1) sec :       10 pkts
     flush: 0 ptks  0 times
     enQ: 1 pkts  max Q size 1 at 53 sec ago
     deQ: 1 pkts  max delay 0 msec at 53 sec ago
       delay between (  0,  10) msec:        1 pkts
       delay between (  0,   1) sec :        1 pkts
     flush: 0 ptks  0 times
     enQ: 7 pkts  max Q size 1 at 5 sec ago
     deQ: 7 pkts  max delay 48 msec at 13 sec ago
       delay between (  0,  10) msec:        1 pkts
       delay between ( 10,  20) msec:        5 pkts
       delay between ( 40,  50) msec:        1 pkts
       delay between (  0,   1) sec :        7 pkts
     flush: 0 ptks  0 times
    --- CR10K WATERMARK ---
    --- CR10K RXQ ---
     c10k rxq
     enQ: 236 pkts  max Q size 3 at 5 sec ago
     deQ: 236 pkts  max delay 4 msec at 35 sec ago
       delay between (  0,  10) msec:      236 pkts
       delay between (  0,   1) sec :      236 pkts
     flush: 0 ptks  0 times
     cr10k LP rxq
     enQ: 25 pkts  max Q size 1 at 0 sec ago
     deQ: 25 pkts  max delay 0 msec at 0 sec ago
       delay between (  0,  10) msec:       25 pkts
       delay between (  0,   1) sec :       25 pkts
     flush: 0 ptks  0 times


    When you run the show cable ipc-stats command, a separate shadow database buffer is allocated, and the contents of the active database are copied to the shadow database to display the IPC statistics. This ensures that all the statistics are frozen at the same time for easy comparison and analysis. To clear the active database, use the clear cable ipc-stats command in privileged EXEC mode. This command resets all the statistics in the active database to zero.

    Configuration Example for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

    The following example shows how to configure the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool on a Cisco CMTS router:

    Router# configure terminal
    Router(config)# cable ipc-stats

    Additional References

    The following sections provide references related to the Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool feature.

    Related Documents

    Related Topic

    Document Title

    Commands on the Cisco CMTS (universal broadband) routers

    Cisco IOS CMTS Cable Command Reference


    IPC messages

    Cisco IOS CMTS Cable System Messages Guide




    MIBs Link

    No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature.

    To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL:





    No new or modified RFCs are supported by this feature, and support for existing RFCs has not been modified by this feature.

    Technical Assistance



    The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


    Feature Information for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

    Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​ITDIT/​CFN/​. An account on http:/​/​​ is not required.


    The below table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

    Table 2 Feature Information for the Cable IPC Statistics Collection Tool

    Feature Name


    Feature Information

    Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool


    The Cable IPC Statistics Collection tool provides debugging information about all IPC messages.

    The following sections provide information about this feature:

    The following commands were introduced:

    • cable ipc-stats
    • clear cable ipc-stats
    • show cable ipc-stats