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This document describes how to authenticate Cisco access points on their switchport using 802.1X PEAP or EAP-TLS methods.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
If you want your access points (APs) to authenticate with their switchport using 802.1X, by default they use the EAP-FAST authentication protocol which does not require certificates. If you want the APs to use the PEAP-mschapv2 method (which uses credentials on the AP side but a certificate on the RADIUS side) or the EAP-TLS method (which uses certificates on both sides), you have to configure LSC first. It is the only way to provision a trusted/root certificate onto an access point (and also a device certificate in the case of EAP-TLS). It is not possible for the AP to do PEAP and ignore the server side validation. This document first covers configuring LSC and then the 802.1X configuration side.
Use a LSC if you want your PKI to provide better security, have control of your Certificate Authority (CA), and define policies, restrictions, and usages on the generated certificates.
With LSC, the controller gets a certificate issued by the CA. An AP does not communicate directly with the CA server but the WLC requests certificates on behalf of the joining APs. The CA server details must be configured on the controller and must be accessible.
The controller makes use of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) to forward certReqs generated on the devices to the CA and makes use of SCEP again to get the signed certificates from the CA.
The SCEP is a certificate management protocol that the PKI clients and CA servers use to support certificate enrollment and revocation. It is widely used in Cisco and supported by many CA servers. In SCEP, HTTP is used as the transport protocol for the PKI messages. The primary goal of SCEP is the secure issuance of certificates to network devices.
There are two things to configure mainly : the SCEP CA and the 9800 WLC.
This document covers a basic install of a Windows Server SCEP CA for lab purposes. An actual production-grade Windows CA must be configured securely and appropriately for enteprise operations. This section is meant to help you test it in the lab as well as take inspiration from the required settings to make this configuration work. Here are the steps :
Step 1.Install a fresh Windows Server 2016 Desktop Experience.
Step 2.Make sure your server is configured with a static IP address.
Step 3.nstall a new role and service, start with Active Directory Domain services and DNS server.
Active Directory installation
End of AD installation
Step 4.Once done, click in the dashboard on Promote this server to a domain controller.
Configure the AD services
Step 5.Create a new forest and chose a domain name.
Chose a forest name
Step 6.Add the Certificate Services role to your server:
Add Certificate services
Add just the certification authority
Step 7.Once done, configure your Certification Authority.
Step 8.Choose Enteprise CA.
Enterprise CA
Step 9.Make it a Root CA. Since Cisco IOS XE 17.6, subordinate CAs are supported for LSC.
Chose a Root CA
It is important to have the account you use for your CA to be part of the IIS_IUSRS group. In this example, you use the Administrator account and go to Active Directory Users and Computers menu to add the Administrator users to the IIS_IUSRS group.
Add your admin account to the IIS_USER group
Step 10.Once you have a user in the right IIS group, add roles and services. Then add the Online Responder and NDES services to your Certifiation Authority.
Install the NDES and Online responder services
Step 11.Once done, configure those services.
Install the Online responsder and NDES service
Step 12.You are prompted to choose a service account. This is the account that you previously added to the IIS_IUSRS group.
Pick the user that you added to the IIS group
Step 13.This is enough for SCEP operations, but in order to achieve 802.1X authentication, you also need to install a certificate on the RADIUS server. Therefore, for ease, install and configure the web enrollment service in order to be easily able to copy and paste the ISE certificate request on our Windows Server.
Install the web enrollment service
configure the web enrollment service
Step 14. You can verify the SCEP service is operating properly by visiting http://<serverip>/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll :
SCEP Portal Verification
Step 15.
By default, the Windows Server used a dynamic challenge password to authenticate client and endpoint requests before enrollment within Microsoft SCEP (MSCEP). This requires an admin account to browse to the web GUI to generate an on-demand password for each request (the password must be included within the request).The controller is not capable to include this password within the requests it sends to the server. To remove this feature, the registry key on the NDES server needs to be modified:
Open the Registry Editor, search for Regedit within the Start menu.
Navigate to Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Cryptography > MSCEP > EnforcePassword
Change the EnforcePassword value to 0. If it is already 0, then leave it as is.
Set the Enforcepassword Value
Certificates and its associated keys can be used in multiple scenarios for different purposes defined by the application policies within the CA Server. The application policy is stored in the Extended Key Usage (EKU) field of the certificate. This field is parsed by the authenticator to verify that it is used by the client for its intended purpose. To make sure that the proper application policy is integrated to the WLC and AP certificates, create the proper certificate template and map it to the NDES registry:
Step 1. Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Certification Authority.
Step 2. Expand the CA Server folder tree, right-click on the Certificate Templates folders and select Manage.
Step 3. Right-click on the Users certificate template, then select Duplicate Template in the context menu.
Step 4. Navigate to the General tab, change the template name and validity period as desired, leave all other options unchecked.
Caution: When the Validity period is modified, ensure that it is not greater than the Certification Authority root certificate validity.
Configure the Certificate Template
Step 5. Navigate to the Subject Name tab, ensure that Supply in the request is selected. A pop-up appears to indicate that users do not need admin approval to get their certificate signed, select OK.
Supply in the Request
Step 6. Navigate to the Extensions tab, then select the Application Policies option and select the Edit... button. Ensure that Client Authentication is in the Application Policies window; otherwise,select Add and add it.
Verify Extensions
Step 7. Navigate to the Security tab, ensure that the service account defined in Step 6 of the Enable SCEP Services in the Windows Server has Full Control permissions of the template, then select Apply and OK.
Give Full Control
Step 8. Return to the Certification Authority window, right-click in the Certificate Templates folder and select New > Certificate Template to Issue.
Step 9. Select the certificate template previously created, in this example is 9800-LSC, and select OK.
Note: The newly created certificate template can take longer to be listed in multiple server deployments as it needs to be replicated accross all servers.
Choose the Template
The new certificate template is listed now within the Certificate Templates folder content.
Select the LSC
Step 10. Return to the Registry Editor window and navigate to Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Cryptography > MSCEP.
Step 11. Edit the EncryptionTemplate, GeneralPurposeTemplate, and SignatureTemplate registries so that they point to the newly created certificate template.
Change the Template in the Registry
Step 12. Reboot the NDES server, so return to the Certification Authority window, select on the server name, and select the Stop and Play button succssively.
Here are the steps in sequence for configuring LSC for AP in WLC.
Step 1.Navigate to Configuration > Security > PKI Management > Key Pair Generation.
Step 2. Navigate to Configuration > Security > PKI Management > Trustpoints
Step 3.Navigate to Configuration > Wireless > Access Points. Scroll down and select LSC Provision.
Fill out the rest of the details according to your needs.
Once you enable LSC, APs download the certificate via WLC and reboot. In the AP console session, you then see something like this snippet.
Step 4.Once LSC is enabled, you can change the Wireless Management certificate to match the LSC trustpoint. This makes APs join with their LSC certificates and the WLC use its LSC certificate for AP join. This is an optional step if your only interested is to do 802.1X authentication of your APs.
This concludes the LSC GUI configuration part. APs must be able to join the WLC using the LSC cert now.
1. Create an RSA key using this command.
9800-40(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 2048 label AP-SCEP
% You already have RSA keys defined named AP-SCEP.
% They will be replaced
% The key modulus size is 2048 bits
% Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 0 seconds)
Sep 27 05:08:13.144: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-KEY_DELETED: A key named AP-SCEP has been removed from key storage
Sep 27 05:08:13.753: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-KEY_ADDITION: A key named AP-SCEP has been generated or imported by crypto-engine
2. Create PKI trustpoint and map the RSA key pair. Enter the enrollment URL and the rest of the details.
9800-40(config)#crypto pki trustpoint Access_Point-MS-CA
9800-40(ca-trustpoint)#enrollment url
9800-40(ca-trustpoint)#subject-name C=IN,L=Bengaluru,ST=KA,O=TAC,,E=mail@tac-lab.local
9800-40(ca-trustpoint)#rsakeypair AP-SCEP
9800-40(ca-trustpoint)#revocation none
3. Authenticate and enrol the PKI trust point with the CA server using the command crypto pki authenticate <trustpoint>. Enter a password in the password prompt.
9800-40(config)#crypto pki authenticate Access_Point-MS-CA
Certificate has the following attributes:
Fingerprint MD5: C44D21AA 9B489622 4BF548E1 707F9B3B
Fingerprint SHA1: D2DE6E8C BA665DEB B202ED70 899FDB05 94996ED2
% Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes
Trustpoint CA certificate accepted.
9800-40(config)#crypto pki enroll Access_Point-MS-CA
% Start certificate enrollment ..
% Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this
password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.
For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.
Please make a note of it.
Sep 26 01:25:00.880: %PKI-6-CERT_ENROLL_MANUAL: Manual enrollment for trustpoint Access_Point-MS-CA
Re-enter password:
% The subject name in the certificate will include: C=IN,L=Bengaluru,ST=KA,O=TAC,,E=mail@tac-lab.local
% The subject name in the certificate will include:
% Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: yes
% The serial number in the certificate will be: TTM244909MX
% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes
% Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority
% The 'show crypto pki certificate verbose Access_Point-MS-CA' commandwill show the fingerprint.
Sep 26 01:25:15.062: %PKI-6-CSR_FINGERPRINT:
CSR Fingerprint MD5 : B3D551528B97DA5415052474E7880667
CSR Fingerprint SHA1: D426CE9B095E1B856848895DC14F997BA79F9005
CSR Fingerprint SHA2: B8CEE743549E3DD7C8FA816E97F2746AB48EE6311F38F0B8F4D01017D8081525
Sep 26 01:25:15.062: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5 :B3D55152 8B97DA54 15052474 E7880667
Sep 26 01:25:15.062: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1 :D426CE9B 095E1B85 6848895D C14F997B A79F9005
Sep 26 01:25:15.063: CRYPTO_PKI: Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA2 :B8CEE743 549E3DD7 C8FA816E 97F2746A B48EE631 1F38F0B8 F4D01017 D8081525
Sep 26 01:25:30.239: %PKI-6-CERT_INSTALL: An ID certificate has been installed under
Trustpoint : Access_Point-MS-CA
Issuer-name : cn=sumans-lab-ca,dc=sumans,dc=tac-lab,dc=com
Subject-name : e=mail@tac-lab.local,,o=TAC,l=Bengaluru,st=KA,c=IN,,serialNumber=TTM244909MX
Serial-number: 5C0000001400DD405D77E6FE7F000000000014
End-date : 2024-09-25T06:45:15Z
4. Configure AP join with LSC certificate.
9800-40(config)#ap lsc-provision join-attempt 10
9800-40(config)#ap lsc-provision subject-name-parameter country IN state KA city Bengaluru domain org TAC email-address mail@tac-lab.local
9800-40(config)#ap lsc-provision key-size 2048
9800-40(config)#ap lsc-provision trustpoint Access_Point-MS-CA
9800-40(config)#ap lsc-provision
In Non-WLANCC mode APs will be provisioning with RSA certificates with specified key-size configuration. In WLANCC mode APs will be provisioning with EC certificates with a 384 bit key.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n): y
5. Change the Wireless Management Trustpoint to match the trustpoint created above.
9800-40(config)#wireless management trustpoint Access_Point-MS-CA
Run these commands on WLC to verify the LSC.
#show wireless management trustpoint
#show ap lsc-provision summary
#show ap name < AP NAME > config general | be Certificate
Once APs are reloaded, login to AP CLI and run these commands to verify LSC configuration.
#show crypto | be LSC
#show capwap cli config | in lsc
#show dtls connection
You can take an EPC capture from the WLC or AP uplink switch port to verify the certificate that AP is using to form the CAPWAP tunnel. Verify from the PCAP if the DTLS tunnel is successfully built.
DTLS debugs can be run on AP and WLC to understand the certificate issue.
AP is configured to use the same LSC certificate to authenticate itself. AP acts as 802.1X supplicant and is authenticated by the switch against the ISE server. ISE server talks to the AD in the backend.
Note: Once dot1x authentication is enabled on the AP uplink switch port, APs is not able to forward or receive any traffic until the authentication is passed. To recover APs with unsuccessful authentication and gain access to AP, disable dot1x auth on the AP wired switch port.
EAP-TLS Authentication Workflow and Message Exchange
Use these commands to enable dot1x for APs from the CLI. This only enables wired authentication for APs which are using the specific join profile.
#ap profile ap-auth
#dot1x eap-type eap-tls
#dot1x lsc-ap-auth-state both
#dot1x username ap-wired-user password 0 cisco!123
This switch configurations is used in LAB to enable AP wired authentication. You can have different configuration based on design.
aaa new-model
dot1x system-auth-control
aaa authentication dot1x default group radius
aaa authorization network default group radius
radius server ISE
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key cisco!123
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
switchport access vlan 101
switchport mode access
authentication host-mode multi-host
authentication order dot1x
authentication priority dot1x
authentication port-control auto
dot1x pae authenticator
The Authentication occurs between the AP (which is acting as the supplicant) and the RADIUS server. Both must trust each other certificate. The only way to have the AP trust the RADIUS server certificate is to have the RADIUS server use a certici ate issued by the SCEP CA which issued the AP certificate as well.
In ISE, go to Administration > Certificates > Generate Certificate Signing Requests
Generate a CSR and fill the fields with the information of your ISE node.
Once generated, you can export it and copy-paste it as text as well.
Navigate to your Windows CA IP address and add /certsrv/ to the URL
Click Request a certificate
Click on Submit a certificate request by using a base-64 ....
Paste the CSR text in the textbox. Choose the web server certificate template.
You can then install this certificate on ISE by going back to the Certificate Signing Request menu and click Bind certificate. You can then upload the certificate you obtained from your Windows C.
Take console access to AP and run the command:
#show ap authentication status
Ap authentication is not enabled:
Console logs from AP after enabling ap auth:
AP successfully authenticated:
WLC verification:
Switchport interface status post successful authentication:
This is a sample of AP console logs indicating a successful authentication:
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5512] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5513] hostapd:EAP: Status notification: started (param=)
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5513] hostapd:EAP: EAP-Request Identity
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5633] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5634] hostapd:EAP: Status notification: accept proposed method (param=TLS)
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5673] hostapd:dot1x: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 13 (TLS) selected
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5907] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.5977] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6045] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6126] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6137] hostapd:dot1x: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-CERT depth=1 subject='/DC=com/DC=tac-lab/DC=sumans/CN=sumans-lab-ca' hash=50db86650becf451eae2c31219ea08df9eda102c79b3e62fb6edf6842ee86db6
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6145] hostapd:dot1x: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-CERT depth=0 subject='/C=IN/ST=KA/L=BLR/O=CISCO/OU=TAC/CN=HTTS-ISE.htts-lab.local' hash=12bec6b738741d79a218c098553ff097683fe1a9a76a7996c3f799d0c184ae5e
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6151] hostapd:EAP: Status notification: remote certificate verification (param=success)
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6539] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6601] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.6773] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.7812] hostapd:dot1x: RX EAPOL from 40:f0:78:00:a1:02
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.7812] hostapd:EAP: Status notification: completion (param=success)
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.7812] hostapd:dot1x: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.7813] hostapd:dot1x: State: ASSOCIATED -> COMPLETED
[*09/26/2023 07:33:57.7813] hostapd:dot1x: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 01:80:c2:00:00:03 completed [id=0 id_str=]
Take PCAP on the AP uplink and verify the radius authentication. Here is a snippet of successful authentication.
TCPdump collect from ISE capturing the authentication.
If there is an issue observed during authentication, simultaneous packet capture from AP wired uplink and ISE side would be needed.
Debug command for AP:
#debug ap authentication packet
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
2.0 |
30-Oct-2023 |
Added sections about Windows CA registry settings and ISE certificate |
1.0 |
22-Oct-2023 |
Initial Release |