This document addresses some of most common frequently asked questions (FAQ) about IP Contact Center (IPCC) Express.
Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.
A. Refer to the CallManager Compatibility Matrix to learn which versions of IPCC Express work with CallManager.
A. The initial password is the same as the username for the first login.
A. The mapping of a drive depends on the network environment. Check with your network administrator for details.
A. The maximum number of CSQs is hardware platform dependent and is not configurable. For Cisco MCS-7845H-2.4-CC1 (dual CPU that uses Windows 2000 Advanced Server Operating System), the number is 75. For all other platforms, the maximum number is 25.
A. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Compatibility Matrix to find information about what versions of Extended Services work with CallManager.
A. Cisco Software Application Support (SAS) and Cisco Software Application Support Plus Upgrades (SASU) customers should use the Upgrade Tool to order the latest version.
A. Refer to IP Telephony Application Product Keys for information on how to obtain a product key for Cisco CRAs.
A. You can email to obtain a copy of the Cisco IPCC Express license file.
Note: When you upgrade from IPCC Express 3.x to 4.0, make sure that the 4.0 upgrade license file is in the 4.0 folder. The upgrade license file cannot be in the same folder as your 3.5 or 4.0 license file(s) because this will result in an error when you select the 3.x license folder during the upgrade procedure.
A. Refer to Preparing to Install Cisco CRA 3.5 for information on how to upgrade the Cisco Customer Response Server and the requirements.
A. As of now, Windows Vista is not a supported operating system for IPCC Express and CAD.
A. As of now, running .NET framework on the IPCC Express server is not supported.
A. Agent availability after Ring No Answer (RNA) can be disabled by manually going to the file under the c:\program files\wfavvid folder. Change the line from: agentUnavailRNA=true to false. Save and close the file, then restart the Customer Response Applications (CRA) Engine.
A. Skill statistics are available when you are logged into the IP PhoneAgent. You need to go to Reports > Team Reports and press the Stats soft key in order to access the skill statistics. The Skill Stats window displays two statistics :
Calls queued: The number of calls currently in queue. Oldest in queue: The length of time spent by the oldest call in the queue, in HH:MM:SS format.Note: Agents do not have access to how many agents are logged in. The Cisco Agent Desktop displays only the number of calls queued for the CSQ to which the agent belongs and the duration of the oldest contact in queue.
Refer to the Cisco IP Phone Agent User Guide for more information.
A. The real time reporting from the Supervisor Desktop is reset every 24 hours. Therefore, if 2 calls are in the abandoned calls report and if no call comes in within 24 hours, then it will be reset to zero.
A. Refer to Configure and Deploy Silent Monitoring and Record in CRS for information on how to configure the Silent Monitor and Recording features in the Cisco Customer Response Solutions.
A. Refer to How to Use the JTAPI Update Tool with Cisco IPCC Express to learn more on how to update the JTAPI version on the Cisco Customer Response Solutions server.
A. The Agent needs to use different sets of TCP ports in order to communicate. One set goes back to the Cisco Agent Desktop server (IPCC Express) and a second range of ports back to CallManager. The Cisco Agent Desktop uses TCP ports 59000 - 59024 on the Enterprise Server. Refer to page 29 of Service Information: Cisco Desktop Product Suite 4.5 (ICD) for additional information.
A. Yes, but only if Attendant Console is not used to control the agent's ICD extension. Deployments in which Attendant Console is used to control the ICD extension are not supported. Refer to Installation of Attendant Console Prevents Cisco CRA 2.x From Starting for additional information.
A. Contact any of these in order to receive assistance with IVR custom scripts:
Contact your local Cisco Partner or Cisco Advanced Services (available via your local Cisco Account Team).
Contact Cisco Developer Support.
Contact this email address:
A. The configuration of importing and exporting an agent's personal phone book in Cisco Agent Desktop is not supported. If you want to share a phone book to all agents, you need to log into the Desktop Administrator on the IPCC server and manually create a global phone book. Then, share that phone book with all the agents.
A. The recordings made by supervisors are archived as raw voice data packets. The recordings can only be reviewed using the Supervisor Record Viewer. However, if you want to permanently save selected recordings as .wav files, you can use either of these methods:
Use the Play and Save button in the Supervisor Record Viewer and save the recording to a selected folder.
Use the CRSraw2wav.exe command line utility. This utility is located in the C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop\bin folder. It must be run from this location in a command window on the computer that hosts the Recording & Playback service (RPServer.exe). Refer to the Using the CRSraw2wav Utility section of Cisco CAD Service Information
for more information.
A. The CRS does not support https. The CRS only supports the default protocols supported by Java, which are the file protocol, the ftp protocol and the http protocol.
A. No, Call Park is not supported by CRS.
A. Application ID -1 in an IVR Application Performance Analysis Report indicates one of these:
Agent-to-agent calls
Non-ICD calls
Agent-to-agent transfer/conference consult leg
In order to determine if the statistics for the -1 application are due to agent-to-agent calls or transfers, you must generate an Agent Detail Historical Report which covers the same time period. The Call ANI column shows you the source of each call: Telephone number of the originator of the call. If originated by an agent, the ICD extension of the agent. If originated by a caller other than an agent, the telephone number of the caller.
Sometimes, Application ID -1 occurs:
If the agent goes off hook then hangs up without completing a call
If a call is rejected. In order to find these rejected calls, search for CALL_REJECTED in MIVR trace with Debug level SS_TEL set. Possible reasons for the call rejection are:
There are no available CTI ports (there are more calls coming into the system than CTI Ports available).
IVR script loops and the call remains in CTI Port.
Misconfigured Partitions and CSS
A. No, there is no field in the current IPCC historical reports databases to determine which end disconnected the call. Refer to Cisco Customer Response Solutions Historical Reporting Administrator and Developer Guide
for more information.
A. No, you need to have full administration rights to change an agent's skills and resource group. Currently, the only way to change any settings in IPCC Express is for the user to be logged into Appadmin as an administrator.
A. It is not possible to play a beep or a tone when recording is initiated. Cisco recommends that you put an announcement to notify callers about calls being recorded.
A. For the IPCC Express server, you can choose the codec to be either G.711 or G.729. However, it does not support the use of both at the same time. You have to set up transcoding to address the issue.
A. Open the Desktop Administrator and choose Desktop Configuration > Work Flow Groups > Agents > default > user interface. Click on the toolbar tab and from the given list, choose the chat and uncheck the visible checkbox.
A. There can be several contributing factors that cause agents to become stuck in the Reserved state. These include the various DDTS issues described in the Field Notice, Integrated Contact Distribution (ICD) Agents Stuck in RESERVED State With IP Contact Center (IPCC) Express. Also, refer to Cisco IPCC Express: Troubleshooting Calls Stuck In Queue.
A. Microsoft Windows 2000.2.3 SP H introduced Windows 2000 Hotfix Q274450. This Hotfix prevents users from logging into the AppAdmin window. This is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCea24526 ( registered customers only) . The fix for this is to upgrade to Cisco Customer Response Applications (CRA) version 2.5.5.
Note: You might not be able to log in to the AppAdmin window if you change the LDAP port configuration in CRS from the default value 389 to some other value. In this case, you need to revert the Active Directory port back to 389 in the c:\winnt\system32\ccn\ccndir.ini file. Once this is changed, you should be able to start the CRS Engine service and log in to the AppAdmin window. Once logged in, you can change the port configuration under System > Configuration and Repository back to 389.
A. If the password for the AppAdmin window is lost, you can complete these steps in order to log into the application:
- Locate and rename the ccndir.ini file to ccndir.ini.old.
- Open the CRA AppAdmin page, choose Start > Programs > Cisco CRA Administrator. This takes you through the wizard.
- At the end, choose the user that you want to use for Admin.
If the previous steps did not help, complete these steps in order to recover the lost CRS Appadmin password:
- On the CRS server, choose C > Program Files > wfavvid and double-click on the cet.batfile. Click No for the warning on using this tool.
- In the left-hand pane, double click on the following Configuration Object Type:
- In the right-hand pane, double-click on the row returned for your node.
- In this new window, click on the Tab
- Choose Fresh Install from the drop-down menu in order to change the value for Setup State.
- Click Apply in order to save the changes.
A. You can find information on the more common issues related to login failure in these documents:
Note: If the agent can log in but cannot go into the Ready state, then restart the CTIManager service in order to resolve the issue. If you have more than one CallManager server, you need to restart the service on all of them. If you only restart the CTIManager service, only the agent's IP phone is affected and the non-agent IP phones are not affected.
A. Refer to Logging into Cisco Supervisor Desktop Fails - Supervisor Desktop ID without a Team for information about login error messages.
A. The Call Chat window appears in the foreground if the system is not configured to stealth mode. Choose Desktop Configuration > Workflow Group > Agents > Default > User Interface >Miscellaneous in order to change the configuration. Change the Agent Window Behavior to stealth mode.
Or, you can make a change in the userinterface.ini file on the server. In this file, find the line that has ViewOption=. Then, change this value from NORMAL to STEALTH.
Note: You cannot disable the Call Chat window. However, as an alternative, you can configure the Call Chat window to operate in stealth mode. This will save desktop space because the Call Chat window will not pop up to the front.
Note: There is no supported method to prevent agent-to-agent chat while allowing agent-to-supervisor chat.
A. You cannot monitor or record the chat messages or the chat service usage. Chat logs are only maintained in Real Time, which is opened in the Call Chat window. Once the session windows are closed, the log is lost. Refer to the Using Chat section in the Cisco Agent Desktop User Guide for more information.
A. Refer to Error When Trying to Access CRA Appadmin Pages for additional information.
A. The Remote Method Invocation (RMI) error message, Connection refused to host:[localhost:1099]; nested exception is: Connection refused appears when you attempt to debug scripts. Refer to RMI Error When Debugging Script in Cisco IPCC Express for additional information.
A. You need to create a Cisco CallManager user with the username telecaster and password telecaster, and associate all the agent IP phones that you want to display the Enterprise Data on to the telecaster user. Refer to the Creating the “telecaster” User section of Installation Guide-Cisco Desktop Product Suite 4.5.5 (ICD)
for information on how to create the telecaster user.
Note: After the telecaster user is created, the Cisco Desktop TAI Server service needs to be restarted.
If the enterprise data does not show up on the agent phones when the call is answered, perform these steps:
Refer to the troubleshooting procedure mentioned under the Enterprise data does not pop on the IP phone when the phone rings or when it is answered section in Service Information Cisco Desktop Product Suite 4.5 (ICD)
Use the Cisco Desktop Administrator and make sure that the Show Enterprise Data box is checked for the workgroup that the agent belongs. This is given in the Enterprise Data section of Cisco Desktop Administrator User Guide
A. Complete these steps in order to resolve this issue:
- Stop the CRS Node Manager service.
- Empty the \wfavvid\tomcat_appadmin\work folder.
- Under \wfavvid\tomcat_appadmin\webapps\appadmin\WEB_INF, open the web.xml file and add these lines:
Add this tag where you see all the other <servlet> tags:
<servlet> <servlet-name>jsp._00025rotected.icd_0005fdeleteresources_0005flist</servlet-name> <servlet-class>jsp._00025rotected.icd_0005fdeleteresources_0005flist</servlet-class> </servlet>Add this tag where you see all the other <servlet-mapping> tags:
<servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>jsp._00025rotected.icd_0005fdeleteresources_0005flist</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/jsp/protected/icd_deleteresources_list.jsp</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>- Save the web.xml file.
- Restart the CRS Node Manager service and delete the agent again.
A. Complete these steps in order to resolve this issue:
- Go to the HKEY_Local_Machine/Software/Spanlink/Site Setup registry location and change the registry value for LDAP Host 1 to the IP address of the new Domain Controller.
- Go to C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_Config\Desktop and modify these files to reflect the IP address of the new Domain Controller:
- Restart the CRS Node Manager service from Windows services.
A. This error message shows up due to some SQL replication issue among the IPCC Express nodes.
Complete these steps in order to resolve the issue:
- Go to System > Control Center > Component Activation in the CRS AppAdmin.
- Select the Subscriber node, then deselect these 3 datastores: Agent, Historical, and Repository. Click Update.
- Upon completion of this activity, re-activate the datastores on this node.
- Restart the CRS Node Manager service.
A. This error message indicates that the CRS Historical Datastore component is either not active in the control center or not licensed. In order to resolve this issue, make sure that the CRS Historical Datastore is licensed as True and the status is Activated under System > Control Center > Component Activation in the CRS AppAdmin page. Verify if there is a check mark on the left hand side of the CRS Historical Datastore component.
A. Check if the JTAPI trigger is associated to any Media Group. If not, create a Media Group and associate it to the JTAPI trigger in order to resolve the issue.
A. In order to resolve this issue:
Make sure that there are no connectivity issues between the CRS server and the agent.
Make sure that the port range 59000-59030 is open in the firewall and firewall software, CSA, and AntiVirus software is disabled on the agent's workstations and supervisor desktop.
If the firewall setting looks good, check the NIC card settings on the server to verify that the Public NIC card is listed first in the binding order and the Private NIC card is second in the binding order.
A. In order to resolve this issue, complete these steps:
- On the CRS server, choose Start > Run, type CET.bat and press Enter. Click No for the warning on using this tool.
- Click on the ClusterDependentConfig on the left pane on CET tool.
- In the right pane, double-click on the first entry and go to the second tab.
- Change the value of JTAPI Version to match what is in the logs.
A. Restart the Recording and Statistical Service in order to resolve the issue.
A. Restart the Cisco Desktop Enterprise service in order to resolve the issue.
A. Make the max. retries on the menu option as 0 and it does not play the system prompt.