This document describes the procedure on how to send Application Programming Interface (API) commands to Collaboration Endpoint (CE) 8.0 software or later..
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- CE 8.0 software or later
- API knowledge
- cURL knowledge
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Background Information
If your deployment requires API commands for the endpoints, and you are using CE 8.0 or later, you must use the procedure in this document.
In Telepresence Endpoints running 7.3.x or lower, you can send the API commands via URL. Using the command /fromputxml.
From version CE 8.0 this methood is deprecated, and when you need to send commands on newer versions of code the browser prompt you with this error.

or this error

Because the official documentation does not shows this methood the issue is tracked on the documentation defect: CSCuy25151.
For this specific scenario the command purpose is to change the units name. You can use a wide variety of API commands for each product, those are listed on each API guide.
Step 1. Open command line from your Windows machine.
Step 2. Once open you need to use this specific syntaxis.
curl -u admin -d"<XmlDoc><Configuration><SystemUnit><Name>testGeo</Name></SystemUnit></Configuration></XmlDoc>" http://IpOfTheSystem/putxml
Note: Replace IpOfTheSystem in the command with your Endpoint IP address.
Step 3. Provide the administrator password when the command line ask for it.

Step 4. Enter to the web page of the endpoint to verify the changes you did from API are successful.

API reference guide for MX series.
API reference guide for SX series.