End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco UCS M5 Blade Server (B200 M5)

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Updated:January 27, 2025

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Updated:January 27, 2025

Table of Contents




EOL15068 - Amended

Cisco announces the end-of-sale and end-of-life dates for the Cisco UCS M5 Blade Server (B200 M5). The last day to order the affected product(s) is October 30, 2023. Customers with active service contracts will continue to receive support from the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) as shown in Table 1 of the EoL bulletin. Table 1 describes the end-of-life milestones, definitions, and dates for the affected product(s). Table 2 lists the product part numbers affected by this announcement. For customers with active and paid service and support contracts, support will be available under the terms and conditions of customers' service contract.

End-of-life milestones

Table 1.      End-of-life milestones and dates for the Cisco UCS M5 Blade Server (B200 M5)




End-of-Life Announcement Date

The date the document that announces the end-of-sale and end-of-life of a product is distributed to the general public.

May 1, 2023

End-of-Sale Date:

The last date to order the product through Cisco point-of-sale mechanisms. The product is no longer for sale after this date.

October 30, 2023

Last Ship Date:

The last-possible ship date that can be requested of Cisco and/or its contract manufacturers. Actual ship date is dependent on lead time.

January 28, 2024

End of SW Maintenance Releases Date:

The last date that Cisco Engineering may release any final software maintenance releases or bug fixes. After this date, Cisco Engineering will no longer develop, repair, maintain, or test the product software.

October 29, 2026

End of Vulnerability/Security Support:

The last date that Cisco Engineering may release a planned maintenance release or scheduled software remedy for a security vulnerability issue.

October 31, 2028

End of Routine Failure Analysis Date:

The last-possible date a routine failure analysis may be performed to determine the cause of hardware product failure or defect.

October 29, 2024

End of New Service Attachment Date:

For equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-support contract, this is the last date to order a new service-and-support contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing service-and-support contract.

October 29, 2024

End of Service Contract Renewal Date:

The last date to extend or renew a service contract for the product.

January 25, 2028

Last Date of Support:

The last date to receive applicable service and support for the product as entitled by active service contracts or by warranty terms and conditions. After this date, all support services for the product are unavailable, and the product becomes obsolete.

October 31, 2028

HW = Hardware          OS SW = Operating System Software        App. SW = Application Software

Product Part Numbers

Table 2.      Product Part Numbers Affected by This Announcement

End-of-Sale Product Part Number

Product Description

Replacement Product Part Number

Replacement Product Description

Additional Information


Cisco+ B200 M5 for Bare Metal 1-CI

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




Cisco+ B200 M5 for Bare Metal 2-CI

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




Cisco+ B200 M5 for VDI-CI

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




Cisco+ B200 M5 for VSI-CI-P

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x5118,6x16GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x5118,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x5120,6x16GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x6140,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x3106,4x16GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x6130,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x6148,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x5122,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x6128,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x6134,6x32GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x4108,6x16GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




SP B200 M5 w/2x4114,6x16GB mem,VIC1340

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.





There is currently no replacement product available for this product.





There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




MULTIPACK: 10-PK B200 M5 w/o CPU,mem,HD


MULTIPACK: 10PK B200 M6 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz (UPG)



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS B200 M6 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS 210c M6 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS 210c M7 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



DISTI:UCS B200 M5 w/o CPU, mem, Drive bays, HDD, mezz, HS


UCS B200 M6 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz



DISTI:UCS B200 M5 w/o CPU, mem, Drive bays, HDD, mezz, HS


UCS 210c M6 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



DISTI:UCS B200 M5 w/o CPU, mem, Drive bays, HDD, mezz, HS


UCS 210c M7 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz (UPG)


UCS B200 M6 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz (UPG)


UCS 210c M6 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz (UPG)


UCS 210c M7 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS B200 M5 w/o CPU, mem, drive bays, HDD, mezz (UPG)


UCS B200 M6 w/o CPU, mem, drive bays, HDD, mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS B200 M6 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS 210c M6 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS B200 M5 Blade w/o CPU, mem, HDD, mezz


UCS 210c M7 Compute Node w/o CPU, Memory, Storage, Mezz



UCS Blade 2-socket Standard Ready to Ship Configurations-A

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




UCS Blade 2-socket Standard Ready to Ship Configurations-B

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




UCS Blade 2-socket Standard Ready to Ship Configurations-C

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




UCS Blade 2-socket Standard Ready to Ship Configurations-D

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




UCS Blade 2-socket Standard Ready to Ship Configurations-E

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.




Cisco+ B200 M5 for VSI-CI-GP

There is currently no replacement product available for this product.



Product migration options

Cisco goes through a very rigorous process to ensure that customers receive support. However in rare occasions, due to component supplier limitations, there may be a need for customer to migrate to a part that is an upgrade of something comparable or better than what they previously bought. This may require customer to upgrade to a different Software and OS version or even the closest generation of an equivalent server that may be currently shipping at the time. Cisco UCS 6200 series Fabric Interconnects are going end-of-support from 31-May-2024, hence UCS M5 servers connected to these FI domains need to migrate to newer model FIs for continued TAC support. UCS supports several recommended non-disruptive migration options to maintain support for M5s, 22xx IOMs, and 5108 Chassis past the 62xx EOL: 1. Cisco recommends customers with 6200 series and M5 servers to migrate their FIs to 6400 series or 6536 FI. UCS supports non-disruptive FI upgrade to enable this migration. 2. UCS 5108 chassis with 22xx IOM and M5 B-series servers can migrate to 6400 or 6300 series FI 3. UCS 5108 chassis with 22xx IOM and M5 B-series servers can migrate to 6536 FI by replacing the IOM-22xx with IOM - 2408 4. C-series M5 rack-servers can migrate to 6400, 6300 or 6536 FI using appropriate cables/transceivers supported by the respective Fabric Interconnect. Note that this EoL notice only affects devices connected to 6200 series FI domains and not the 6300, 6400 or 6536 FI domains. Included is the 6400 & 6536 FI migration guides to enable this transition: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/unified_computing/ucs/ucs-manager/GUI-User-Guides/Fabric-Interconnect-Migration/4-2/b_migration_guide_for_cisco_ucs_fabric_interconnects_4_2.html

Customers may be able to use the Cisco Technology Migration Program (TMP) where applicable to trade-in eligible products and receive credit toward the purchase of new Cisco equipment. For more information about Cisco TMP, customers should work with their Cisco Partner or Cisco account team. Cisco Partners can find additional TMP information on Partner Central at: https://www.cisco.com/web/partners/incentives_and_promotions/tmp.html.

Customers may be able to continue to purchase the Cisco UCS M5 Blade Server (B200 M5) through the Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment program. Refurbished units may be available in limited supply for sale in certain countries on a first-come, first-served basis until the Last Date of Support has been reached. For information about the Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment program, go to: https://www.cisco.com/go/eos.

The Cisco Takeback and Recycle program helps businesses properly dispose of surplus products that have reached their end of useful life. The program is open to all business users of Cisco equipment and its associated brands and subsidiaries. For more information, go to: https://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac227/ac228/ac231/about_cisco_takeback_recycling.html.

For more information

For more information about the Cisco End-of-Life Policy, go to: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/eos-eol-policy.html.

For more information about the Cisco Product Warranties, go to: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/warranty-listing.html.

To subscribe to receive end-of-life/end-of-sale information, go to: https://cway.cisco.com/mynotifications.

Any authorized translation issued by Cisco Systems or affiliates of this end-of-life Product Bulletin is intended to help customers understand the content described in the English version. This translation is the result of a commercially reasonable effort; however, if there are discrepancies between the English version and the translated document, please refer to the English version, which is considered authoritative.




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