The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document provides technical descriptions, applications, and compatibility information for the following categories of optics modules in the Cisco® ONS product family:
● Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC)
● Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)
● 10-Gigabit Small Form-Factor Pluggable (XFP)
● 10-Gigabit Enhanced Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP+)
● C Form-Factor Pluggable (CFP)
● Quad Small Form-Factor Pluggable (QSFP+)
● Cisco CPAK™
● C Form-Factor Pluggable 2 (CFP2)
● C Form-Factor high density pluggable (CXP2)
Cisco offers a comprehensive range of pluggable optical modules for the Cisco ONS family of multiservice platforms. The wide variety of modules gives you flexible and cost-effective options for all types of interfaces. Cisco offers a range of GBIC, SFP, XFP, SFP+, CXP, CFP, Cisco CPAK, and QSFP+ pluggable modules. These small, modular optical interface transceivers offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for an array of applications in the data center, campus, metropolitan-area access and ring network, storage area network, and long-haul network.
SFP module
An SFP transceiver module (Figure 1) is a bidirectional device with a transmitter and receiver in the same physical package. The module interfaces to the network through a connector interface on the electrical ports and through an LC termination connector on the optical ports. Electrical interfaces and dimensions are defined in the SFF-8472 industry-standard Multisource Agreement (MSA).
SFP Transceiver modules for the Cisco ONS Family
XFP module
The XFP transceiver module (Figure 2) is a bidirectional device with a transmitter and receiver in the same physical package. The XFP module contains a 30-pin surface mount connector on the electrical interface and a duplex LC connector on the optical interface.
XFP Transceiver module for the Cisco ONS Family
SFP+ module
An SFP+ transceiver module (Figure 3) is a bidirectional device with a transmitter and receiver in the same physical package. The module interfaces to the network through a connector interface on the electrical ports and through an LC termination connector on the optical ports. It is identical in size to SFP modules, but capable of 10-Gbps transmission.
An SFP+ Transceiver module for the Cisco ONS Family
CXP module
An CXP transceiver module (Figure 4) is a bidirectional device with a transmitter and receiver in the same physical package. The module interfaces to the network through a connector interface on the electrical ports and through a Multifiber Push On (MPO) termination connector on the optical ports. It is dedicated usually for 100-Gbps transmission, and it is only capable of 100GBASE-SR10 connectivity.
A CXP Transceiver module for the Cisco ONS Family
CFP module
A CFP transceiver module (Figure 5) is a bidirectional device with a transmitter and receiver in the same physical package. The module interfaces to the network through a connector interface on the electrical ports and through an MPO or LC connector on the optical ports. The electrical connection of a CFP uses 10x10-Gbps lanes in each direction (receive and transmit), while the optical connection can support both 10x10-Gbps and 4x25-Gbps variants of 100-Gbps interconnects (typically referred to as 100GBASE-SR10 and 100GBASE-LR4 in 10 km reach).
A CFP Transceiver module for the Cisco ONS Family
QSFP+ module
The Cisco 40GBASE QSFP portfolio offers customers a wide variety of high-density and low-power 40 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity options for data center, high-performance computing networks, enterprise core and distribution layers, and service provider applications.
A QSFP+ Transceiver Module for the Cisco ONS Family
Cisco CPAK module
Cisco CPAK 100GBASE fiber modules offer a selection of high-density 100-Gbps connectivity solutions. By using CMOS photonics technology, Cisco CPAK is smaller and consumes significantly less power than alternative form factors (Figure 7). They are fully interoperable with other IEEE-compliant interfaces.
Cisco CPAK module
Cisco 400G CFP2-DCO digital optics
The CFP2 Digital Optical pluggable solution is the combination of the transceiver module and the DSP photonics integrated on a CFP2 form factor. The presence of the DSP module on board distinguishes this CFP2 “Digital” pluggable from the erstwhile CFP2 “Analog” pluggable that is popular in the market today and is also sold by Cisco since a while now.
Digital Optics
Cisco offers a 400G CFP2-DCO pluggable optics module that addresses a wide range of network optical interconnect applications including service provider access aggregation, wireless 5G backhaul, metro and long haul networks, as well as data center interconnects. With support for Ethernet/OTN clients, and line-side transmission of 100Gbps QPSK modulation up to 400Gbps 16QAM, the module offers enhanced flexibility in a pluggable coherent solution. The CFP2-DCO product family features an expansive list of interoperability modes as documented by OpenROADM MSA, and the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF).
Pluggable solutions such as 400G CFP2-DCO are designed to enable network operators to address increasing bandwidth demand through a pay-as-you-grow model that has the potential of reducing both capital and operational expenditures. The 400G CFP2-DCO module incorporates a 7nm CMOS technology, and a silicon photonic integrated circuit (PIC) for an optimized co-packaged design.
The 400G CFP2-DCO pluggable
The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) first created the “400ZR” standard. This 400ZR standard is targeted towards edge and relatively short reach, up to 120km DCI applications. Around the same time, the OpenROADM Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) also defined a specification for a 400G DWDM pluggable, that focused on what service provider networks would need, such as long optical reach (>120km), advanced forward error correction (known as oFEC) and selectable data rates (100G, 200G, 300G, or 400G). Though the additional capabilities were achievable, it would require more power than that specified for the original 400ZR. Therefore, the updated OpenROADM’s specification came to be known as 400ZR+.
Ultimately, between the two organizations and the various optics manufacturers, it was agreed to take the best of the OIF and OpenROADM standards, combine them and call it “OpenZR+”. By combing the features of each in the same form factor, it leaves us with one highly versatile coherent digital DWDM optics. The 400G-CFP2-DCO pluggable offered by Cisco supports all three line protocol modes / standards, the 400ZR, Open ROADM ZR and Open ZR+.
As illustrated in the figure below, OpenZR+ is a combination of two industry standardization efforts created to maintain the simple Ethernet-only host interface of 400ZR while adding support for features such as: (1) higher coding gain using oFEC from the OpenROADM standard, which extends the reach capability; (2) multirate Ethernet, which enables the multiplexing of 100GbE and 200GbE clients over the line-side link, providing optimization options for the switch/router equipment to channelize the traffic over the transport link; (3) adjustable 100G, 200G, 300G, or 400G line-side transport links (using QPSK, 8QAM, or 16QAM modulation), which enables reach/capacity optimization over various fiber links; and (4) higher dispersion tolerance.
Standards: 400ZR, Open ZR and Open ZR+
oFEC is a critical element of openZR+ MSA compliant Digital Coherent Optics. The oFEC engine is a block-based encoder and iterative Soft-Decision (SD) decoder. With 3 SD iterations the Net Coding Gain is 11.1 dB @ BER 10-15 (DP-QPSK) and 11.6 dB @ BER 10-15 (DP-16QAM), with pre-FEC BER threshold of 2.0 × 10-2. The combined latency of the encoder and decoder is less than 3 µs. The higher gain FEC allows OpenZR+ modules to achieve greater reaches and overcome link impairments, such as narrow filtering or dispersion effects, while low latency is beneficial in a variety of access and data center applications. The Cisco 400G-CFP2-DCO leverages this critical aspect by supporting oFEC for Open ZR and Open ZR+ modes and the standard C-FEC in the 400ZR mode.
Pluggable modules: List and description
Cisco ONS Family modules have well-defined product IDs, making it easy for you to order the appropriate module.
The product ID is structured as follows: ONS-AB-CCC-DD. The variables in the ID include:
● For the A variable: S stands for SFP, G for GBIC, X for XFP, and SB+ for SFP+.
● For the B variable: C stands for commercial temperature (0 to 70°C), E for extended temperature
(-10 to 85°C), and I for industrial temperature (-40 to 85°C).
● The CCC variable indicates the supported bit-rate or signal type, such as 155 Mbps for OC-12/STM-1 signal or 2 GF for a tri-rate Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and 2G Fibre Channel signal support.
● The DD variable indicates the supported reach, such as S1 for short-reach or intraoffice 1310 nm interface or SX for Ethernet.
● CXPs are denoted by the tag CXP directly.
● CFPs are denoted by the tag CC.
● QSFPs are denoted by the tag QSFP.
● Cisco CPAKs are denoted by the tag CPAK.
Chapter 1: List of Pluggables by Product ID and Cisco part number
Cisco offers a wide range of SFP modules that are fully compliant with SONET and SDH standards. Table 1 provides the details.
Table 1. SONET/SDH SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
ONS-SE-2G-S1= |
SFP - OC48/STM16 - 1310 nm, SR - SM LC |
10-2017-01 |
ONS-SE-2G-L2= |
OC48/STM16, LR2, 1550 nm, SFP, EXT |
10-2013-01 |
ONS-SI-155-SR-MM= |
SFP - OC3, SR, 1310 nm, MULTI MODE, I-TEMP |
10-2279-01 |
GR253 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-155-I1= |
SFP - OC3/STM1 IR1/S-1.1 1310 nm, ITEMP |
10-1938-02 |
ONS-SI-155-L1= |
SFP - OC3/STM1 LR, L-1.1, 1310 nm, ITEMP |
10-1957-02 |
ONS-SI-155-L2= |
SFP - OC3/STM1 LR-2, L-1.2, 1550 nm, ITEMP |
10-1937-02 |
GR253 OC3 LR2 G.957 L-1.2 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-622-SR-MM= |
10-2280-01 |
GR253 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-622-I1= |
SFP - OC12/STM4 and OC3/STM1 IR, S-4.1, S-1.1, 1310 nm, ITEMP |
10-1956-02 |
GR253 OC3/OC12 IR1 G.957 S-4.1/S-1.1 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-622-L1= |
SFP - OC12/STM4 LR, L-4.1, 1310 nm, ITEMP |
10-1958-02 |
GR253 OC12 LR1 G.957 L-4.1 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-622-L2= |
SFP - OC12/STM4 LR, L-4.2, 1550 nm, ITEMP |
10-1936-02 |
GR253 OC12 LR2 G.957 L-4.2 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-2G-S1 |
SFP - OC48/STM16, SR, 1310 nm, ITEMP, LC |
10-1992-02 |
GR253 OC48 SR G.957 I-16 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-2G-I1= |
SFP - OC48/STM16, IR, 1310 nm, ITEMP, LC |
10-1993-02 |
GR253 OC48 IR1 G.957 S-16.1 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-2G-L1= |
SFP - OC48/STM16, LR1, 1310 nm, ITEMP, LC |
10-2102-02 |
GR253 OC48 LR1 G.957 L-16.1 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI-2G-L2= |
SFP - OC48/STM16, LR2, 1550 nm, ITEMP, LC |
10-1990-02 |
GR253 OC48 LR2 G.957 L-16.2 |
-40 to +85 |
Data SFP modules
Cisco offers a wide range of data SFP modules capable of transmitting Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, IBM Fiber Connection (FICON), and Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON) signal format. Table 2 provides the details.
Table 2. Data SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-SE-100-LX10= |
SFP - 100 Mbps Long Reach - 1310 nm - SM - LC, EXT-TEMP |
10-2213-01 |
100BASE LX IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SI-100-LX10= |
SFP - 100 Mbps Long Reach - 1310 nm - SM - LC, I‑TEMP |
10-2294-01 |
100BASE LX IEEE-802.3 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SE-100-FX= |
SFP - 100 Mbps Short Reach - 1310 nm - MM - LC, EXT-TEMP |
10-2212-01 |
100BASE FX IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SI-100-FX= |
SFP - 100 Mbps Short Reach - 1310 nm - MM - LC, I‑TEMP |
10-2350-01 |
100BASE FX IEEE-802.3 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SE-100-BX10U= |
SFP - 10/100 BX-U, EXT |
10-2353-01 |
100BASE BX-U IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-100-BX10D= |
SFP - 10/100 BX-D, EXT |
10-2352-01 |
1000BASE BX-D IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - 1000BASE-BX U - GE Bidirectional Upstream - Ext Temp |
100BASE BX-U IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - 1000BASE BX D - GE Bidirectional Downstream Ext Temp |
1000BASE BX-D IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
15327-SFP-LC-SX=EOS |
30-1301-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
15327-SFP-LC-LX=EOS |
30-1299-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
15454-SFP-LC-SX= |
30-1301-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
15454-SFP-LC-LX= |
30-1299-01 |
1000BASE LX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
1000BASE SX SFP - 850 nm - LC - C Temp |
10-2301-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
SFP - 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet, 850 nm, MM, I‑TEMP |
10-2295-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
-40 to +85 |
1000BASE LX SFP - 1310 nm - LC - C Temp |
10-2298-01 |
1000BASE LX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
SFP - 1000BASE-LX Gigabit Ethernet, 1310 nm, SM, I‑TEMP |
10-2300-01 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3 |
-40 to +85 |
SFP - 1000Base EX - I-Temp |
1000BASE EX IEEE-802.3z, FC-PI v2.0 |
-40 to +85 |
15454-SFP-GE+-LX=EOS |
SFP - GE/1G-FC/2G-FC - 1310 nm - MM - LC |
10-1832-03 |
1000BASE LX IEEE-802.3, 100-M5-SN-I 200-M5-SN-I |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - GE/1G-FC/2G-FC - 850 nm - MM - LC |
10-1833-02 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3, 100-M5-SN-I 100-M6-SN-I 200-M5-SN-I 200-M6-SN-I |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - GE/1G-FC/2G-FC - 850 nm - MM - LC - EXT TEMP |
10-2272-02 |
1000BASE SX IEEE-802.3, 100-M5-SN-I 100-M6-SN-I 200-M5-SN-I 200-M6-SN-I |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - GE/1G-FC/2G-FC/HDTV - 1310 nm - SM - LC - EXT TEMP |
10-2273-02 |
1000BASE LX IEEE-802.3, 100-SM-LC-L 200-SM-LC-L |
-10 to +85 |
SFP - 1000BASE-ZX Gigabit Ethernet, 1550 nm, SM, I‑Temp |
10-2296-01 |
1000BASE ZX IEEE-802.3 |
-40 to +85 |
SFP - 1000BASE-ZX Gigabit Ethernet, 1550, SM, Ext‑Temp |
10-2354-01 |
1000BASE ZX IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
15454-SFP-200= |
SFP-ESCON - 1310 nm - MM - LC |
10-1750-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SE-200-MM= |
SFP-ESCON - 1310 nm - MM - LC - EXT TEMP |
-10 to +85 |
4G FC SFP, 850 nm, LC, MM - EXT TEMP |
10-2259-01 |
400-M5-SN-I and 400-M6-SN-I |
-10 to +85 |
4G FC SFP, 1310 nm, LC, SM - EXT TEMP |
10-2252-01 |
400-SM-LC-L |
-10 to +85 |
Electrical SFP modules
Cisco offers electrical SFP modules for the Cisco ONS platform. Details are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Electrical SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
SFP - 10/100/1000 Ethernet BASE-T Multirate Copper RJ-45 |
10-2351-01 |
IEEE-802.3 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SC-155-EL= |
SFP - STM1 Electrical |
10-2363-01 |
ITU-T G.703 (ES1) |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-E3-T3-PW= |
SFP - E3/DS3 PDH over FE Pseudowire - Commercial Temp |
30-1450-01 |
ITU-T G.703 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-E1-T1-PW= |
SFP - E1/DS1 PDH over FE Pseudowire - Commercial Temp |
30-1447-01 |
ITU-T G.703 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-EoP1= |
SFP - FE over DS1/E1 - Commercial Temp |
30-1446-01 |
ITU-T G.703 |
0 to +70 |
SFP - FE over DS3/E3 - Commercial Temp |
30-1449-01 |
ITU-T G.703 |
0 to +70 |
Multirate SFP module
Cisco offers a multirate SFP module for the Cisco ONS 15600 Series and 15454 platforms. Table 4 provides details.
Table 4. Multirate SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-SE-Z1= |
SFP-OC-48IR1,12/3SR1, GE LX STM S-16.1, I-4, I-1, 1310nm EXT-TEMP |
10-1971-02 |
1000BASE-LX IEEE-802.3, GR253 OC-48 IR1 OC-12 SR, OC-3 SR G.957 S-16.1, I-4.1, I-1.1 |
-10 to +85 |
Optical Service Channel SFP module
Cisco offers an optical service channel SFP module for the Cisco ONS 15454 MSTP. Table 5 provides details.
Table 5. Multirate SFP module
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
SFP-OC-3/STM-1/FE Optical Service Channel SFPs ULH-Commercial Temp |
10-2469-01 |
FE IEEE-802.3, GR253 OC3 G.957 STM-1 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-OSC-18.0= |
SFP FE/OC3/STM1 OSC for RAMAN application 1518.0nm |
10-2737-01 |
FE IEEE-802.3, GR253 OC3 G.957 STM-1 |
0 to +70 |
DWDM SFP modules
Cisco offers a wide range of Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (DWDM) ITU-T-compliant SFP modules. Table 6 lists details.
Table 6. DWDM SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-31.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2156-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-31.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2157-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-32.6= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2158-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-34.2= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2159-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-35.0= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2160-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-35.8= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2161-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-36.6= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2162-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-37.4= |
SFP - OC-48/STM16, 1537.40nm, 100 GHz, SM, LC |
10-2668-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-38.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2163-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-38.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1538.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2164-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-39.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2165-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-40.5= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2185-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-41.3= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2305-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-42.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2166-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-42.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2167-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-43.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2168-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-44.5= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2169-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-45.3= |
SFP - OC-48/STM16, 1545.32nm, 100 GHz, SM, LC |
10-2670-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-46.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2170-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-46.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2171-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-47.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2172-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-48.5= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2173-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-49.3= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-50.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2186-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-50.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2174-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-51.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2175-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-52.5= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2176-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-53.3= |
SFP - OC-48/STM16, 1553.33nm, 100 GHz, SM, LC |
10-2669-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-54.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2177-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-54.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2178-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-55.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2179-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-56.5= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2180-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-57.3= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-58.1= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2181-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-58.9= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2182-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-59.7= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2183-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-2G-60.6= |
OC-48/STM-16, SFP, 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2184-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-30.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1530.33, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2487-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-31.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2488-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-31.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2489-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-32.6= |
SFP - 4G FC 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2490-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-33.4= |
SFP - 4G FC 1533.47, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2491-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-34.2= |
SFP - 4G FC 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2523-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-35.0= |
SFP - 4G FC 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2492-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-35.8= |
SFP - 4G FC 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2493-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-36.6= |
SFP - 4G FC 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2494-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-37.4= |
SFP - 4G FC 1537.40, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2495-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-38.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2496-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-38.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1538.98, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2497-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-39.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2502-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-40.5= |
SFP - 4G FC 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2503-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-41.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2498-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-42.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2499-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-42.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2500-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-43.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2501-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-44.5= |
SFP - 4G FC 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2521-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-45.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1545.32, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2527-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-46.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2520-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-46.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2519-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-47.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2518-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-48.5= |
SFP - 4G FC 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2517-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-49.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2516-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-50.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2515-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-50.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2514-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-51.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2526-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-52.5= |
SFP - 4G FC 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2513-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-53.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1553.33, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2512-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-54.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2525-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-54.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2511-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-55.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2510-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-56.5= |
SFP - 4G FC 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2509-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-57.3= |
SFP - 4G FC 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2524-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-58.1= |
SFP - 4G FC 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2508-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-58.9= |
SFP - 4G FC 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2507-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-59.7= |
SFP - 4G FC 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2506-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-60.6= |
SFP - 4G FC 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2505-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-4G-61.4= |
SFP - 4G FC 1561.43, 100 GHz, LC - Commercial Temp |
10-2504-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
CWDM SFP modules
Cisco offers a wide range of Coarse Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (CWDM) ITU-T-compliant SFP modules. Table 7 lists the details.
Table 7. CWDM SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1470 nm, EXT |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1490= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1490 nm, EXT |
10-1998-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1510= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1510 nm, EXT |
10-1999-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 IEEE 802.3 FE |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1530= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1530 nm, EXT |
10-2000-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1550= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1550 nm, EXT |
10-2001-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1570= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1570 nm, EXT |
10-2002-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1590= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1590 nm, EXT |
10-2003-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-155-1610= |
SFP - OC-3/STM-1, CWDM, 1610 nm, EXT |
10-1997-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1470= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1470 nm, EXT |
10-2004-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1490= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1490 nm, EXT |
10-2005-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1510= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1510 nm, EXT |
10-2006-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1530= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1530 nm, EXT |
10-2007-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1550= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1550 nm, EXT |
10-2008-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1570= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1570 nm, EXT |
10-2009-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1590= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1590 nm, EXT |
10-2010-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SE-622-1610= |
SFP - OC-12/STM-4, CWDM, 1610 nm, EXT |
10-2011-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
-10 to +85 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1470= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1470 nm |
10-2285-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1490= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1490 nm |
10-2286-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1510= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1510 nm |
10-2287-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1530= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1530 nm |
10-2288-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1550= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1550 nm |
10-2289-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1570= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1570 nm |
10-2290-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1590= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1590 nm |
10-2291-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC-Z3-1610= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1610 nm |
10-2292-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SE-2G-1470= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1470 nm Ext Temp |
10-2461-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1490= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1490 nm Ext Temp |
10-2462-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1510= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1510 nm Ext Temp |
10-2463-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1530= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1530 nm Ext Temp |
10-2464-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1550= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1550 nm Ext Temp |
10-2465-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1570= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1570 nm Ext Temp |
10-2466-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1590= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1590 nm Ext Temp |
10-2467-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
ONS-SE-2G-1610= |
SFP - OC-48/STM-16/GE, CWDM, 1610 nm Ext Temp |
10-2468-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +85 |
Grey GBICs
Cisco offers a range of Grey GBICs. Table 8 provides the details.
Table 8. Grey GBICs
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
1000BASE-LX, SC, SM, or MM |
10-2191-01 |
1000BASE-SX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
1000BASE-SX, SC, MM |
10-2192-01 |
1000BASE-LX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
1000BASE-ZX, SM |
10-2190-01 |
1000BASE-ZX IEEE-802.3 |
0 to +70 |
1 Gbps or 2 Gbps, 850 nm, SC, MM |
10-2015-01 |
100-M5-SN-I, 100-M6-SN-I, 200-M5-SN-I, 200-M6-SN-I |
-10 to +85 |
1 Gbps or 2 Gbps, 1310 nm, SC, SM |
10-2016-01 |
100-SM-LC-L 200-SM-LC-L |
-10 to +85 |
Cisco offers a range of CWDM GBICs. Table 9 lists details.
Table 9. CWDM GBICs
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1490= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1490 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1454-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1510= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1510 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1455-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1530= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1530 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1456-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1550= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1550 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1457-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1570= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1570 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1458-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1590= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1590 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1459-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-1610= EOS |
1000BASE-CWDM 1610 nm GBIC (single mode only) |
10-1460-01 |
ITU-T G.694.2 |
0 to +70 |
Cisco offers a wide range of DWDM GBICs. Table 10 lists the details.
Table 10. DWDM GBICs
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-31.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1531.12 nm GBIC |
10-1846-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-31.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1531.90 nm GBIC |
10-1847-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-32.6= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1532.68 nm GBIC |
10-1848-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-34.2= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1534.25 nm GBIC |
10-1849-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-35.0= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1535.04 nm GBIC |
10-1850-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-35.8= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1535.82 nm GBIC |
10-1851-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-36.6= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1536.61 nm GBIC |
10-1852-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-38.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1538.19 nm GBIC |
10-1853-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-38.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1538.98 nm GBIC |
10-1854-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-39.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1539.77 nm GBIC |
10-1855-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-40.5= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1540.56 nm GBIC |
10-1856-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-42.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1542.14 nm GBIC |
10-1857-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-42.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1542.94 nm GBIC |
10-1858-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-43.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1543.73 nm GBIC |
10-1859-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-44.5= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1544.53 nm GBIC |
10-1860-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-46.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1546.12 nm GBIC |
10-1861-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-46.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1546.92 nm GBIC |
10-1862-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-47.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1547.72 nm GBIC |
10-1863-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-48.5= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1548.51 nm GBIC |
10-1864-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-50.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1550.12 nm GBIC |
10-1865-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-50.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1550.92 nm GBIC |
10-1866-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-51.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1551.72 nm GBIC |
10-1867-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-52.5= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1552.52 nm GBIC |
10-1868-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-54.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1554.13 nm GBIC |
10-1869-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-54.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1554.94 nm GBIC |
10-1870-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-55.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1555.75 nm GBIC |
10-1871-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-56.5= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1556.55 nm GBIC |
10-1872-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-58.1= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1558.17 nm GBIC |
10-1873-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-58.9= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1558.98 nm GBIC |
10-1874-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-59.7= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1559.79 nm GBIC |
10-1875-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
15454-GBIC-60.6= EOS |
1000BASE-DWDM 1560.61 nm GBIC |
10-1876-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
XFP Modules
Cisco offers a range of XFP modules, listed in tables 11, 12, and 13.
Table 11. Grey (Non-DWDM) XFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ITU G694 I-64.1 GR253 SR-1 10GE BASE LR 1200-SM-LL-L IB-1x-DDR-LX |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-I2= |
XFP - OC-192/STM-64/10GE - 1550 IR2 - SM LC |
10-2193-02 |
ITU G694 S-64.2b GR253 IR-2 10GE BASE-ER |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-L2= |
XFP - OC-192/STM-64 - 1550 LR2 - SM LC |
10-2194-02 |
ITU G959.1 P1L1-2D2 GR253 LR-2 10GE BASE-ZR |
0 to +70 |
XFP - Ultra Short Reach MM -10GE BASE SR |
10-2420-01 |
1200-MX-SN-I/ 10GE BASE-SR |
0 to +70 |
10-2484-01 |
FC-PI-4 800-SN-LC-L |
0 to +70 |
10-2623-01 |
800-M5-SN-I 800-M6-SN-I |
0 to +70 |
Table 12. DWDM XFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-XC-10G-C= |
10G Multirate Full C Band Tunable DWDM XFP, 50 GHz, LC |
10-2480-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-96C= |
XFP - 10G 96 ch Full C Band Tunable DWDM XFP, 50 GHz, LC |
10-2789-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-30.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1530.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2347-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-31.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2346-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-31.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2344-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-32.6= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2345-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-33.4= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1533.47, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2343-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-34.2= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2342-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-35.0= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2341-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-35.8= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2340-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-36.6= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2339-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-37.4= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1537.40, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2338-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-38.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2337-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-38.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2336-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-39.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2335-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-40.5= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2348-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-41.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2334-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-42.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2333-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-42.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2332-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-43.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2331-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-44.5= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2330-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-45.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1545.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2329-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-46.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2328-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-46.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2327-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-47.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2326-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-48.5= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2325-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-49.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2324-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-50.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2323-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-50.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2322-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-51.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2321-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-52.5= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2320-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-53.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1553.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2319-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-54.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2318-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-54.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2317-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-55.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2316-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-56.5= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2315-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-57.3= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2314-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-58.1= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2313-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-58.9= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2312-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-59.7= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2311-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-60.6= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2310-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-61.4= |
OC-192/STM-64/10GE, XFP, 1561.43, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2309-02 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP30.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1530.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2577-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP31.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2579-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP31.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2580-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP32.6= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2581-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP33.4= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1533.47, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2582-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP34.2= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2578-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP35.0= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2611-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP35.8= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2604-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP36.6= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2615-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP37.4= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1537.40, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2608-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP38.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2610-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP38.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1538.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2612-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP39.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2609-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP40.5= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2607-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP41.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2606-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP42.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2605-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP42.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2603-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP43.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2590-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP44.5= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2602-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP45.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1545.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2601-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP46.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2589-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP46.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2588-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP47.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2600-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP48.5= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2599-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP49.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2587-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP50.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2598-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP50.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2597-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP51.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2596-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP52.5= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2614-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP53.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1553.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2595-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP54.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2586-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP54.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2585-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP55.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2594-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP56.5= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2613-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP57.3= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2584-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP58.1= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2583-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP58.9= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2593-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP59.7= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2576-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP60.6= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2592-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-EP61.4= |
10G MR, XFP, Edge Performance 1561.43, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2591-01 |
ITU G694, GR2918 |
0 to +70 |
Table 13. CWDM XFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-XC-10G-1470= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1470mn, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2548-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1490= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1490mn, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2551-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1510= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1510mn, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2552-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1530= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1530nm, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2553-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1550= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1550nm, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2554-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1570= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1570nm, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2555-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1590= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1590nm, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2556-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-XC-10G-1610= |
OC192/10GE/OTU2, CWDM, 1610nm, XFP C-Temp, 40km range |
10-2557-01 |
ITU G694.2 |
0 to +70 |
Video SFP modules
Cisco offers two types of video SFP modules, one for transmission and the other for reception of video. The video protocols supported by this pluggable is High Definition (HD) 3G, Standard Definition (SD) Serial Digital Interface (SDI). Table 14 lists the details.
Table 14. Video SFP modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
SFP - 3G HD Video Tx |
10-2630-01 |
0 to +70 |
SFP - 3G HD Video RX |
10-2629-01 |
0 to +70 |
SFP+ modules
Cisco offers a wide range of SFP+ modules listed in tables 15, 16, and 17.
Table 15. Grey SFP+ modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-SC+-10G-SR= |
SFP+ SR - Commercial Temp |
10-2620-01 |
IEEE 802.3 10GE BASE SR, OIF VSR4-1, FC-PI-4, ITU-T G.709 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-ER= |
SFP+ ER - Commercial Temp |
10-2619-01 |
IEEE 802.3 10GE BASE-ER, Telcordia GR-253 OC192 IR2, FC-PI-4, ITU-T G.709 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-LR= |
SFP+ LR - Commercial Temp |
10-2618-01 |
IEEE 802.3 10GE BASE-LR, Telcordia GR-253 OC192 SR1, FC-PI-4, ITU-T G.709, 8G FC |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-ZR= |
SFP+ ZR - Commercial Temp |
10-2730-01 |
IEEE 802.3 10GE BASE-ZR, Telcordia GR-253 OC192 LR2, FC-PI-4, ITU-T G.709 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SI+-10G-SR= |
SFP+ SR - Industrial Temp |
10-3425-01 |
IEEE 802.3 ae, 10GE BASE SR, FC-PI-4, 10G FC Rev 4.0, SFF-8431, SFF-8472 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI+-10G-LR= |
SFP+ LR - Industrial Temp |
10-3426-01 |
IEEE 802.3 ae, 10GE BASE LR, FC-PI-4, 10G FC Rev 4.0, SFF-8431, SFF-8472 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI+-10G-ER= |
SFP+ ER - Industrial Temp |
10-3427-01 |
IEEE 802.3 ae, 10GE BASE ER, FC-PI-4, 10G FC Rev 4.0, 8.5 Gb/s Fiber Channel, SFF-8431, 8432, SFF-8472 |
-40 to +85 |
ONS-SI+-10G-ZR= |
SFP+-ZR- Industrial Temp |
10-3428-01 |
IEEE 802.3 10GE BASE-ZR, Telcordia GR-253 OC192 LR2, FC-PI-4, ITU-T G.709 |
-28 to +85 |
Note: Pluggables in Table 15 are multi-rate pluggables that support OC-192, STM-64, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, OTU2e, and 8G Fibre Channel rates.
Table 16. DWDM SFP+ modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-SC+-10G-C= |
SFP+ -10G MR, Full C Band Tunable DWDM SFP+, 50 GHz, LC |
10-2841-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-30.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1530.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2690-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-31.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2693-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-31.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2691-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-32.6= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2692-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-33.4= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1533.47, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2694-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-34.2= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2698-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-35.0= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2699-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-35.8= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2700-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-36.6= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2695-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-37.4= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1537.40, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2696-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-38.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2701-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-38.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1538.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2702-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-39.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2703-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-40.5= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2704-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-41.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2705-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-42.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2706-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-42.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2707-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-43.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2708-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-44.5= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2709-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-45.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1545.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2710-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-46.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2711-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-46.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2697-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-47.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2712-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-48.5= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2722-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-49.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2723-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-50.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2713-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-50.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2724-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-51.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2725-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-52.5= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2717-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-53.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1553.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2714-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-54.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2718-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-54.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2715-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-55.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2716-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-56.5= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2726-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-57.3= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2729-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-58.1= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2719-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-58.9= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2727-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-59.7= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2720-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-60.6= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2728-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-61.4= |
10G MR, SFP+ 1561.43, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2721-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP30.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1530.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2873-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP30.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1530.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2835-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP31.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1531.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2881-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP31.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1531.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2829-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP31.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1531.90, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2871-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP32.2= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1532.29, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2828-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP32.6= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1532.68, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2882-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP33.0= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1533.07, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2836-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP33.4= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1533.47, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2874-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP33.8= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1533.86, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2834-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP34.2= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1534.25, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2891-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP34.6= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1534.64, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2833-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP35.0= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1535.04, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2883-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP35.4= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1535.43, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2832-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP35.8= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1535.82, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2884-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP36.2= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1536.22, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2830-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP36.6= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1536.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2885-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP37.0= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1537.00, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2827-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP37.4= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1537.40, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2875-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP37.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1537.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2831-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP38.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1538.19, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2876-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP38.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1538.58, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2826-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP38.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1538.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2886-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP39.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1539.37, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2825-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP39.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1539.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2887-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP40.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1540.16, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2824-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP40.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1540.56, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2888-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP40.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1540.95, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2823-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP41.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1541.35, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2872-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP41.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1541.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2819-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP42.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1542.14, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2889-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP42.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1542.54, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2822-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP42.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1542.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2877-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP43.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1543.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2821-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP43.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1543.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2878-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP44.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1544.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2820-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP44.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1544.53, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2879-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP44.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1544.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2818-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP45.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1545.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2880-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP45.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1545.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2816-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP46.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1546.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2890-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP46.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1546.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2804-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP46.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1546.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2892-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP47.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1547.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2815-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP47.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1547.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2895-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP48.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1548.11, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2814-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP48.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1548.51, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2893-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP48.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1548.91, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2803-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP49.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1549.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2894-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP49.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1549.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2817-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP50.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1550.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2897-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP50.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1550.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2802-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP50.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1550.92, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2896-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP51.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1551.32, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2813-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP51.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1551.72, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2899-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP52.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1552.12, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2801-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP52.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1552.52, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2900-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP52.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1552.93, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2811-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP53.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1553.33, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2902-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP53.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1553.73, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2812-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP54.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1554.13, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2901-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP54.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1554.54, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2809-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP54.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1554.94, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2903-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP55.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1555.34, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2808-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP55.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1555.75, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2904-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP56.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1556.15, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2810-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP56.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1556.55, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2905-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP56.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1556.96, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2807-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP57.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1557.36, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2906-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP57.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1557.77, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2806-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP58.1= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1558.17, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2908-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP58.5= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1558.58, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2805-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP58.9= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1558.98, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2907-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP59.3= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1559.39, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2800-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP59.7= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1559.79, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2909-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP60.2= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1560.20, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2799-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP60.6= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1560.61, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2910-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP61.0= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1561.01, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2798-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP61.4= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1561.42, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2911-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10GEP61.8= |
10G MR, Edge Performance SFP+ 1561.83, 100 GHz, LC |
10-2797-01 |
to +70 |
Note: MR refers to multi-rate. 10G MR pluggables will support OC-192, STM-64, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, OTU2e, and 8G Fibre Channel rates. The applicable standards to the above DWDM SFP+ in Table 16 are: IEEE 802.3: 10-Gigabit Ethernet, ITU-T G.709, ITU-T G.975: GFEC, ITU-T G.975.1: EFECs, ITU-T694.1: DWDM
SFP+ Smart cables
Cisco offers a range of copper-based smart SFP+ cable modules. Table 17 lists the details.
Table 17. Active cable
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-SC+-10G-CU1= |
10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 1 Meter |
37-1188-01 |
10GE |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-CU3= |
10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 3 Meter |
37-1197-01 |
10GE |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-CU5= |
10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 5 Meter |
37-1198-01 |
10GE |
0 to +70 |
ONS-SC+-10G-CU7= |
10GBASE-CU SFP+ Cable 7 Meter |
37-1196-01 |
10GE |
0 to +70 |
CXP and CFP modules
Tables 18 and 19 list the details of the CXP and CFP modules currently offered for the Cisco ONS family
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-CXP-100G-SR10= |
CXP - 100GBASE-SR - Commercial temp |
10-2790-01, 10-2790-02 * |
InfiniBand CXP 12x QDR standard |
0 to +70 |
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-CC-100G-LR4= |
100G Multirate CFP - LR4 - Commercial temp |
10-2736-01 |
CFP MSA; IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-CC-40G-LR4= |
40G Multirate CFP - LR4 - Commercial Temp |
10-2744-01 |
CFP MSA; IEEE 802.3ba 40GBASE-LR4 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-CC-40G-FR= |
40G Multirate CFP- FR - Commercial Temp |
10-2839-01 |
IEEE 802.3bg 40GBASE-FR |
0 to +70 |
ONS-CC-100GE-LR4= |
100GE Single rate CFP - LR4 - Commercial temp |
10-2795-01 |
CFP MSA; IEEE 802.3ba 100GBASE-LR4 |
0 to +70 |
Cisco offers a range of cables to interconnect CXP and CFPs. Table 20 lists the details.
Table 20. Active cable
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-CCC-100G-5= |
CXP-CFP MPO cable, 5m long |
39-0296-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-CCC-100G-10= |
CXP-CFP MPO cable, 10m long |
39-0294-01 |
0 to +70 |
ONS-CCC-100G-20= |
CXP-CFP MPO cable, 20m long |
39-0295-01 |
0 to +70 |
Cisco CPAK modules
Cisco offers a range of Cisco CPAK modules listed in Table 21.
Table 21. Cisco CPAK modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
CPAK-100G-LR4= |
CPAK-100G-LR4 Transceiver module, 10km SMF |
800-39910-07 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba |
0 to +70 |
CPAK-100G-SR10= |
CPAK-100G-SR10 Transceiver module, 100m OM3 MMF |
800-41495-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba |
0 to +70 |
CPAK-100G-SR4= |
100GBASE-SR4 Cisco CPAK Module for MMF |
800-103176-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba |
0 to +70 |
QSFP+ modules
Cisco offers a range of QSFP+ modules listed in Table 22.
Table 22. QSFP+ modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Applicable Standard |
Temperature Range (°C) |
QSFP-40G-SR4= |
40GBASE-SR4 QSFP Transceiver Module with MPO Connector |
10-2672-03 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba |
0 to +70 |
QSFP-100G-LR4-S= |
100GBASE LR4 QSFP Transceiver, LC, 10km over SMF |
10-3146-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, GR-468-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba, IEEE 802.3bm |
0 to +70 |
QSFP-100G-SR4-S= |
100GBASE SR4 QSFP Transceiver, MPO, 100m over OM4 MMF |
10-3142-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, GR-468-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba, IEEE 802.3bm |
0 to +70 |
QSFP-4X10G-LR-S= |
QSFP 4x10G Transceiver Module, SM MPO, 10KM, Enterprise-Class |
10-3118-02 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE |
0 to +70 |
QSFP-40G-LR4= |
Cisco 40GBASE-LR4 QSFP Module for SMF |
10-2842-02 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba |
0 to +70 |
4x10Gbps Multi-rate QSFP+, LR |
10-3205-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE |
0 to +70 |
100Gbps Multi-rate QSFP28, LR |
10-3204-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, GR-468-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba, IEEE 802.3bm |
0 to +70 |
4 X 16G Channel QSFP+, MM, C Temp |
10-3313-01 |
Derived from FC-PI-5. |
0 to +70 |
100GBASE CWDM4 Lite QSFP Transceiver, 2km over SMF, 10-60C |
10-3220-02 |
+10 to +60 |
4 X 16G Fiber Channel QSFP+, SM, C Temp |
10-3323-01 |
Derived from FC-PI-5. |
0 to +70 |
4x10Gbps Multi-rate QSFP+, ER |
10-3466-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE |
0 to +70 |
QSFP-40/100-SRBD |
100G and 40GBASE SR-BiDi QSFP Transceiver, LC, 100m OM4 MMF |
10-3317-01 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, GR-468-CORE, IEEE 802.3bm, ROHS 6. |
● 100G: +10C to +60C
● 40G: +10C to +70C
40GBASE-SR-BiDi, duplex MMF |
10-2945-02 |
GR-20-CORE, GR-326-CORE, GR-1435-CORE, GR-468-CORE, IEEE 802.3ba, IEEE 802.3ba, RoHS 6. |
+10C to +70C |
CFP2 modules
Cisco offers Analog CFP2 WDM pluggables capable of operation at 100G, 200G and 250G line rates. The pluggables available currently are listed in Table 23 alongside the new CXP2 pluggables used for multichassis interconnections on the NCS4000 and NCS6000 platforms.
Important Note: The CXP2 shipping today supports only 23Gbps per lane as the maximum linerate.
Table 23. CFP2 and CXP2 modules
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Temperature Range (°C) |
100G QPSK/200G 16-QAM - WDM CFP2 Pluggable |
10-3128-02 |
-5 to +75 |
100G QPSK / 200G 16-QAM - WDM CFP2 Pluggable, Enhanced |
10-3231-01 |
0 to +70 |
100G QPSK / 200G 16-QAM - WDM CFP2 Pluggable, C temp |
10-3230-01 |
0 to +70 |
CXP2 Transceiver module - 12x25G - Fabric Interconnect |
10-3250-01 |
0 to +70 |
100G QPSK/200G 16-QAM - WDM CFP2 Pluggable |
10-3541-01 |
-5 to +75 |
Digital Optical modules
Cisco offers a brand new Digital CFP2 WDM pluggable capable of operation at 400G, 300G, 200G, 100G line rates. The pluggables are listed below and are supported on line cards in the NCS1000 and NCS2000 platforms.
Table 24. Digital CFP2 pluggables
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Temperature Range (°C) |
ONS-CFP2D-400G-C= |
400G CFP2 DCO Multi-rate WDM C Band Tuneable |
10-3500-01 |
-5 to +75 |
DP04CFP2-M25-K9= |
400G CFP2 DCO Multi-rate WDM C Band Tuneable with Encryption |
10-3555-01 |
-5 to +75 |
TPoP SFP modules
The TPoP SFP is a new SFP meant for transparent PDH transport over a packet network (TDM over packet to simplify). The pluggable mentioned below is not a “framed” solution though.
Table 25. TDM over packet pluggables
Product ID |
Product Description |
Part Number |
Temperature Range (°C) |
T1/DS1 TPoP SFP, Industrial Temp |
30-1617-01 |
-40 to +85 |
Chapter 2: Pluggable transceiver technical specifications
Cisco SFP modules are compatible with SONET/SDH standards, and they support the digital diagnostic functions specified in the SFF-8742 Multi-Source Agreement (MSA). Table below lists the optical parameters for the Cisco ONS SONET/SDH SFP modules.
Table 26. SONET/SDH SFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
Maximum Dispersion (ps/nm) |
15454-SFP3-1-IR= ONS-SI-155-I1= |
1261-1360 |
-15 to -8 |
-28 to -8 |
96 (at 155.52 Mbps) |
ONS-SI-155-L1= |
1263-1360 |
-5 to 0 |
-34 to -10 |
- |
ONS-SI-155-L2= |
1480-1580 |
-5 to 0 |
-34 to -10 |
- |
ONS-SI-155-SR-MM= |
1270-1380 |
-20 to -14 |
-30 to -14 |
- |
ONS-SI-622-SR-MM= |
1270-1380 |
-20 to -14 (50 mm) -24 to -14 (62.5 mm) |
-26 to -14 |
- |
15454-SFP12-4-IR= ONS-SI-622-I1= |
1293-1334 |
-15 to -8 |
-28 to -8 |
46 (at 622.08 Mbps) |
ONS-SI-622-L1= |
1280-1335 |
-3 to +2 |
-28 to -8 |
- |
ONS-SI-622-L2= |
1480-1580 |
-3 to +2 |
-28 to -8 |
- |
ONS-SE-2G-S1= ONS-SI-2G-S1= |
1266-1360 |
-10 to -3 |
-18 to -3 |
12 |
ONS-SI-2G-I1= 15454-SFP-OC48-IR= |
1260-1360 |
-5 to 0 |
-18 to 0 |
- |
ONS-SI-2G-L1= |
1280-1335 |
-2 to +3 |
-27 to -9 |
- |
ONS-SE-2G-L2= ONS-SI-2G-L2= |
1500-1580 |
-2 to +3 |
-28 to -9 |
1200-16001 |
GBIC and Data SFP modules
The GBIC and data SFP modules for the Cisco ONS family are compatible with the IEEE 802.3, Single-Byte Command Code Sets Connection architecture (SBCON) Rev. 2.3 [ESCON], as well as ANSI INCITS 352-2002 Information technology - Fibre Channel - Physical Interfaces (FC-PI) Rev. 13 [1xFC and 2xFC]. They also support the digital diagnostic functions specified in the SFF-8742 MSA.
Tables below list the optical parameters for the GBIC and data SFP modules for the Cisco ONS Family.
Table 27. Ethernet pluggable modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
Maximum Dispersion (ps/nm) |
Maximum Target Distance |
ONS-SE-100-LX10= |
1260-1360 |
-15 to -8 |
-28 to -8 |
- |
10 km |
ONS-SE-100-FX= |
1270-1380 |
-20 to -141 |
-31 to -14 |
- |
ONS-SE-100-BX10U= |
1260-1360 (TX) 1480-1580 (RX) |
-14 to -8 |
-28.2 to -7 |
- |
10 km |
ONS-SE-100-BX10D= |
1480-1580 (TX) 1260-1360 (RX) |
-14 to -8 |
-28.2 to -7 |
- |
10 km |
1260-1360 (TX) 1480-1500 (RX) |
-9 to -3 |
-19.5 to -3 |
- |
10 km |
1480-1500 (TX) 1260-1360 (RX) |
-9 to -3 |
-19.5 to -3 |
- |
10 km |
770-860 |
-9.5 to 0 |
-17 to 02 |
- |
0.5 to 500 m (50/125 mm fiber) 0.5 to 300 m (62.5/125 mm fiber) |
1270-1355 |
-9.5 to -3 |
-19 to -33 |
- |
10 km |
1290-1355 (TX) 1260-1600 (RX) |
-1 to +3 |
-22 to +1 |
- |
40 km |
1500-1580 |
0 to +5 |
-23 to -3 |
1200-16004 |
80 km |
Table 28. ESCON SFP module: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
Maximum Dispersion (ps/nm) |
Maximum Target Distance |
15454-SFP-200= ONS-SE-200-MM= |
1280-1380 |
-20.5 to -15 |
-14 to -291 |
- |
2 km |
Table 29. Fibre Channel/FICON Pluggable modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) |
Operating Distance (m) |
1G FC/FICON (1062.5 Kbps) |
770-860 |
-10 to -3.5 |
-22 |
0.5 to 500 m (50/125 mm fiber) 0.5 to 300 m (62.5/125 mm fiber) |
770-860 |
-10 to -2.5 |
-22 |
0.5 to 500 m (50/125 mm fiber) 0.5 to 300 m (62.5/125 mm fiber) |
15454-SFP-GE+-LX= ONS-SE-G2F-LX= |
1270-1360 |
-10 to -3.5 |
-22 |
2 to 10,000 |
1270-1355 |
-9 to -3 |
-23.5 |
2 to 10,000 |
2G FC/FICON (2125 Kbps) |
830-860 |
-10 to -3.5 |
-20 |
820-860 |
-9.5 to -5 |
-15 |
0.5 to 300 |
15454-SFP-GE+-LX= ONS-SE-G2F-LX= |
1270-1360 |
-10 to -3.5 |
-21 |
2 to 10,000 |
1270-1355 |
-9 to -3 |
-23.5 |
2 to 10,000 |
4G FC/FICON (4250 Kbps) |
830-860 |
-9 to -3.5 |
-15 |
0 to 150 (50/125 mm fiber) 0 to 70 (62.5/125 mm fiber) |
1270-1355 |
-8.4 to -3 |
29 mW OMA1 |
2 to 10,000 |
Multirate SFP module and video SFP modules
Table 30 shows the optical parameters of the multirate SFP module. Table below shows the parameters of video SFP modules.
Table 30. Multirate SFP module: Optical parameters
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Optical Transmit Power (dBm) |
Receive Sensitivity (dBm) |
ONS-SE-Z1= |
1270-1360 (Tx) 1270-1600 (Rx) |
-5 to 0 |
-18 (OC-48/STM-16 -22 (GE) -23 (OC-12/STM-4) -23 (OC-3/STM-1) |
Table 31. Video SFP modules: Optical parameters
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Optical Transmit Power (dBm) |
Receive Sensitivity (dBm) |
1270 - 1350 (min - max), 1310 (typical) |
-3 to 0 |
-20 |
1270 - 1350 (min - max), 1310 (typical) |
-3 to 0 |
-20 |
Optical Service Channel SFP module
Table below shows the optical parameters of the multirate Optical Service Channel SFP module.
Table 32. Multirate Optical Service Channel SFP module: Optical parameters
Product ID |
Operating Wavelength Range (nm) |
Optical Transmit Power (dBm) |
Maximum Dispersion (ps/nm) |
Receive Sensitivity (dBm) |
1500-1520 |
1 to 5 |
4000 |
-43 |
ONS-SC-OSC-18.0= |
1518 |
2.5 to 7 |
4000 |
-43 |
Cisco ONS 15454 GBICs support both CWDM and DWDM. The specifications are shown in the tables below.
Table 33. CWDM GBIC: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
Dispersion Penalty (dB) |
15454-GBIC-xxxx=1 |
+1 to +5 |
1450-1620 |
-29 to -7 |
2 (at 60 km) 3 (at 100 km) |
Table 34. DWDM GBIC: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmitter Stability (pm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
Dispersion Penalty (dB) |
15454-GBIC-xx.x=1 |
1450-1620 |
-100 to +100 (100GHz spacing) |
-2 to +3 |
-28 to -7 (BER 10-12) |
2 (at 60 km) 3 (at 100 km) |
CWDM and DWDM SFP modules
Cisco offers a set of CWDM SFP modules for 155 Mbps and 622 Mbps, as well as DWDM SFPs for 2.5-Gbps applications.
Table 35. CWDM SFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Spectral Width (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
ONS-SE-155-xxxx=1 |
1460-1620 |
1 |
0 to +5 |
-34 to -3 (BER 10-10) |
ONS-SE-622-xxxx= |
1460-1620 |
1 |
0 to +5 |
ONS-SC-Z3-xxxx= |
1460-1620 |
1 |
0 to +4 |
-28 to -9 (BER 10-10) |
ONS-SE-2G-xxxx= |
1460-1620 |
1 |
-1 to +4 |
-28 to -9 (BER 10-12) |
Table 36. DWDM SFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmitter Stability (pm) |
Spectral Width (pm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
ONS-SC-2G-xx.x=1 |
1260-16202 |
-100 to +100 (100 GHz spacing) |
200 |
0 to +4 |
ONS-SC-4G-xx.x= |
1260-1620 |
-100 to +100 (100 GHz spacing) |
200 |
+3 to +7 |
Table 37. DWDM SFP modules: Optical performance
Optical Performance |
Power-Limited Performances |
Input power range |
dBm |
-9 to -28 |
At BER=10e-12 with SONET framed PRBS23 at OSNR of 21dB, 0.1nm BW |
-9 to -22 |
At BER=10e-12 with SONET framed PRBS23 at OSNR of 26dB, 0.1nm RBW |
Dispersion tolerance |
ps/nm |
-800 to +2400 |
Power Penalty=3dB, OSNR=21dB at 0.1nmBW (Noise Penalty=0dB) |
-800 to +1600 |
-9 to -20 dBm with OSNR=26dB at 0.1nm RBW (Noise Penalty=0dB) |
Noise-Limited Performances |
Input power range |
dBm |
-9 to -22 |
At BER=10e-12 with SONET framed PRBS23 at OSNR of 16dB at 0.1nm bandwidth |
-9 to -18 |
At BER=10e-12 with SONET framed PRBS23 at OSNR of 22dB at 0.1nm bandwidth |
Dispersion tolerance |
ps/nm |
-800 to +2400 |
Noise Penalty=3dB, OSNR=19dB at 0.1nmBW (Power Penalty=0dB) |
-800 to +1600 |
-9 to -18 dBm with OSNR=25dB at 0.1nmBW (Power Penalty=0dB) |
Grey XFP modules
Cisco offers a set of Grey XFP modules for 10-Gbps applications. Table below lists the optical parameters.
Table 38. XFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Transmitter Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
CD Robustness (ps/nm) |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
1260-1335 |
-6 to -11 -8.2 to +0.52 |
1260-1565 |
6.6 |
-11 to -11 -14.4 to +0.52, 3 |
ONS-XC-10G-I2= |
1530-1565 |
-1 to +2 |
1260-1565 |
800 |
-14 to +2 |
ONS-XC-10G-L2= |
1530-1565 |
0 to +4 |
1260-1565 |
1600 |
-24 to -7 |
-7.3 to -1 |
840-860 |
- |
-9.9 to -1 |
1260-1360 |
-8.4 to +0.5 |
1260-1360 |
- |
-13.8 (-11.8 stressed) to +0.5 (targeting up to 10km distance) |
840-860 |
-8.2 to -1.5 |
840-860 |
- |
0.151 mW (stressed received in OMA) |
DWDM XFP modules
Cisco offers a set of DWDM XFP modules for 10-Gbps applications. Tables 39-41 list the optical specifications of all the variants.
Table 39. DWDM XFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmitter Stability (pm) |
Spectral Width (pm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
ONS-XC-10G-xx.x=1 |
-100 to +100 (100 GHz spacing) |
200 |
-1 to +3 |
ONS-XC-10G-C= |
1260-1607 |
-25 to +25 (50 GHz spacing) |
200 |
0 to +3 |
ONS-XC-10G-96C= |
1260-1607 |
-25 to +25 (50 GHz spacing) |
200 |
0 to +3 |
Table 40. Fixed Wavelength DWDM XFP modules: Optical performance
Optical Performance |
Short Wavelength Performances |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (at 1310 nm ± 20 nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -23 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1600 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only - 23 dB OSNR (0.5nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only 17dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1600 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only - 20 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 11 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 12dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -27 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 23dB OSNR |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -24 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-500 to +1300 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 8 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 9 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Table 41. Edge Performance Fixed Wavelength DWDM XFP modules: Optical performance
Optical Performance |
Short Wavelength Performances |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (at 1310 nm ± 20 nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -23 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only - 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only 17 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only - 20 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 11 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 12 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -27 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 23 dB OSNR |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -24 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 8 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-500 to +1100 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 9 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Table 42. Full C Band Tunable Wavelength DWDM XFP Modules: Optical performance
[ONS-XC-10G-C= and ONS-XC-10G-96C=]
Optical Performance |
Short Wavelength Performances |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (at 1310 nm ± 20nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -24 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only 23dB OSNR (0.5nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -22 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1600 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G only - 23 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band NO-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -22 |
At BER=10e-12 applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G and 10.5 only 19dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER=10e-12 (-500 to +1600 ps/nm) applicable at 9.9G, 10.3G and 10.5G only - 19 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 8.5 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -18 |
At BER PREFEC <10e-5 (-400 to +1000 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 10 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Power-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -27 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 19 dB OSNR |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -26 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-400 to +1300 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G and 11.3G only - 19 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Long Wavelength Performances C Band E-FEC Applications Noise-Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G only - 5 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 (-400 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G and 11.3G only - 7.5 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -20 |
At BER PREFEC <7*10e-4 +1300 ps/nm) applicable at 10.7G, 11.1G and 11.3G only - 7 dB OSNR (0.5 nm RBW) |
CWDM XFP module
Cisco offers a CWDM XFP module for 10-Gbps applications. Table below lists the optical parameters.
Table 43. CWDM XFP modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Wavelength Range Rx (nm) |
Sensitivity Rx (dBm) |
Stability Tx (nm) |
Dispersion Tolerance (ps/nm) |
Tx Power Range (dBm) |
Supported Bit Rate |
Target Distance |
ONS-XC-10G-xxxx=1 |
1450-1620 |
-14 |
+/- 6.5 |
0 to +800 |
+3 to +7 |
10GE OTU2 OTU2e (up to 11.1Gbps) 10G FC |
40 km (OTU2 and 10GE) |
Electrical SFP modules
Cisco offers multiple options for copper SFP modules. Table below lists the main characteristics.
Table 44. Electrical SFP Module specifications
Product ID |
Bit Rate |
Connector |
Typical Distance |
10/100/1000 Mbps |
RJ-45 |
100 m |
ONS-SC-155-EL= |
155 Mbps |
Standard Coaxial Connector 75W |
100m |
ONS-SC-E3-T3-PW= |
34.368 Mbps and 44.736 Mbps |
RJ-48 |
See note |
ONS-SC-E1-T1-PW= |
1.544 and 2.048 Mbps |
RJ-48 (100W for T1 and 120W for E1) |
See note |
ONS-SC-EoP1= |
1.544 and 2.048 Mbps |
RJ-48 (100W for T1 and 120W for E1) |
See note |
34.368 and 44.736 Mbps |
RJ-48 |
See note |
Table below lists the specifications for SFP’s with electrical interfaces supporting PDH protocols over Ethernet. The table beyond describes the pinout for the electrical connector.
Table 45. PDHoEthernet SFPs
Product ID |
Line Impedance |
Cable Type |
Cable Length |
Short Haul |
Long Haul |
Connector |
ONS-SC-E1-T1-PW= for E1 |
120Ω, balanced |
max, 22 AWG wire |
770m |
2664m |
RJ-48 |
ONS-SC-E1-T1-PW= for T1 |
100Ω, balanced |
max, 22 AWG |
1192m |
2874m |
RJ-48 |
ONS-SC-EoP1= for E1 |
100Ω, balanced |
max, up to 1829m (6000 ft) for AWG 22 cable |
ONS-SC-EoP1= for T1 |
120Ω, balanced |
max, up to 2500m (8202 ft) for AWG 22 cable |
ONS-SC-E3-T3-PW= and ONS-SC-EoP3= for E3 |
75Ω, unbalanced |
max, up to 275m (900 ft) |
hDIN 1.0/2.3 connector |
ONS-SC-E3-T3-PW= and ONS-SC-EoP3= for T3 |
75Ω, unbalanced |
max, up to 275m (900 ft) |
DIN 1.0/2.3 connector |
Table 46. E1/T1 Connector Pin Out
Pin |
Function |
1 |
Tx Ring |
2 |
Tx Tip |
3, 6, 7, 8 |
- |
4 |
Rx Ring |
5 |
Rx Tip |
S = Conn. Body |
SFP+ modules
Cisco offers multiple options for SFP+ modules. Technical specifications of various SFP+ units are provided in tables 47 through 53.
Table 47. SFP+ modules
Product ID |
Transmitter Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Optical Reach |
Receiver Power Range (dBm) |
ONS-SC+-10G-SR= |
840-860 |
-7.3 to -1.3 |
840-860 |
26 m (FDDI-Grade/62.5 micron) 33 m (OM1/62.5 micron) 66 m (50.0 micron) 82 m (OM2/50.0 micron) 300 m (OM3/50.0 micron) |
-11.1 (in OMA) to -1 |
ONS-SC+-10G-LR= |
1260-1355 (1310 typical) |
-8.2 to +0.5 |
1260-1355 |
10km SMF |
-12.6 (in OMA) to 0.5 |
ONS-SC+-10G-ER= |
1530-1565 |
-4.7 to +4 |
1260-1600 |
40km SMF |
-14.1 (in OMA) to -1 |
ONS-SC+-10G-ZR= |
1530-1565 |
0 to +4 |
1260-1565 |
80km SMF |
-24 to -7 (no FEC); -27 to -7 (w/ FEC) |
ONS-SI+-10G-SR= |
840-860 |
-7.3 to -1.3 |
840-860 |
300 m (OM3/50.0 micron MMF) |
-11.1 (in OMA) to -1 |
ONS-SI+-10G-LR= |
1260-1355 (1310 typical) |
-8.2 to +0.5 |
1260-1355 |
10Km SMF |
-12.6 (in OMA) to 0.5 |
ONS-SI+-10G-ER= |
1530-1565 |
-1 to +2 |
1260-1600 |
40Km SMF |
10.7Gbps: -16 (average) to -1 11.3Gbps: -15 (average) to -1 10.3Gbps: -11.3 (in OMA) to -1 |
ONS-SI+-10G-ZR= |
1530-1565 |
0 to +4 |
1260-1565 |
70Km SMF |
-24 to -7 (no FEC); -27 to -7 (w/ FEC) |
Table 48. DWDM SFP+ modules: Optical specifications
Product ID |
Receiver Wavelength Range (nm) |
Transmitter Stability (pm) |
Max Spectral Width (pm) |
Transmit Power Range (dBm) |
Number of Channels Tunable to |
ONS-SC+-10G-xx.x= |
1530.3-1560.01 |
-100 to +100 (100 GHz spacing) |
200 |
-1 to +3 |
1 |
ONS-SC+-10GEPxx.x= |
1528.77-1566.72 |
-100 to +100 (100 GHz spacing) |
200 |
-2 to +2 |
1 |
ONS-SC+-10G-C= |
1528.77-1566.72 |
50 GHz spacing |
200 |
-1 to +3 |
96 |
Table 49. Fixed Wavelength DWDM SFP+ Modules: Optical performance
Optical Performance: ONS-SC+-10G-xx.x= |
NO FEC Application (10GE LAN and 10GE WAN) - Power Limited |
Input power range |
dBm |
-7 to -23 |
At BER=1E-12 with PRBS31 and 10GE frame; Back-to-Back w/ 23 dB OSNR (0.5nm RBW) |