Cisco CDA Visual Quality Experience Application User Guide, Release 2.1
Troubleshooting VQE Software Components

Table Of Contents

Troubleshooting VQE Software Components

Useful Linux Tools

VQE Logging and Log Files

VQE Server Logging and Log Files

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Logging and Log Files

VQE Files, Directories, and Permissions

Changing Permissions

Replacing a Lost VQE File

VQE Server, VQE-S AMT, and VCPT Troubleshooting

Monitoring Received Multicast Streams

Repeated Message on CDE110 Hosting VQE-S or VCPT

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Unavailable

Channels Are Not Displayed in VQE-S AMT

VQE-S AMT Channels Status Summary Has No Graphs

Internal Server Error When VCPT Tries to Send Channel Information to VQE-S

Using the vqereport Command

Troubleshooting VQE Software Components

This chapter describes how to identify and remedy problems related to Cisco VQE Server (VQE-S), VQE-S Application Monitoring Tool (VQE-S AMT or AMT), and VQE Channel Provisioning Tool (VCPT). This chapter contains the following major topics:

Useful Linux Tools

VQE Logging and Log Files

VQE Files, Directories, and Permissions

VQE Server, VQE-S AMT, and VCPT Troubleshooting

Using the vqereport Command

Useful Linux Tools

Table 5-1 provides information on some Linux commands that are particularly useful for troubleshooting VQE software components.

Table 5-1 Useful Linux Commands



Manipulates the kernel's ARP cache


Displays or changes Ethernet card settings

Detailed status on an Ethernet interface


Configures a network interface

Traditional interface configuration and status


Shows or manipulates routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels

Most useful interface to all Linux networking


Displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships

Provides traditional network state information


Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts


Dumps and analyzes traffic on a network

Captures packet data

VQE Logging and Log Files

VQE-related log entries can provide useful information for troubleshooting. The VQE-related log files are described in these sections:

VQE Server Logging and Log Files

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Logging and Log Files

VQE Server Logging and Log Files

VQE Server logging is based on the Berkeley syslogd utility, which is part of the inetutils package in Linux. The following is a typical VQE-S log entry:

Oct 22 08:42:03 minnie vqes_mlb: <<%VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NIC_DOWN>> Network interface eth3 went down. 

Every logged message contains five fields in this order:

Timestamp (Oct 22 08:42:03)

Host name (minnie)

Name of process logging the message (vqes_mlb)

Identity string (<<%VQES_MLB-3-MLB_NIC_DOWN>>)

Log message (Network interface eth3 went down.)

For information on VQE system messages, see Appendix C, "VQE System Messages."

By default, VQE-S syslog messages are written to the file /var/log/vqes/vqes.log. The location of the file is configured in the /etc/syslog.conf file. For information on configuring VQE-S logging, see the "Configuring VQE-S Logging" section on page 4-15.

VQE-S log files are rotated by logrotate. The logrotate facility is configured to rotate a log file when it is larger than 20MB. The old versions of the log files are rotated up to 20 times before being removed.

Note If you move the VQE-S log file to another directory, be sure to stop the syslogd daemon before moving the vqes.log file. If syslogd is started with no vqes.log file in the /var/log/vqes directory, syslogd creates the vqes.log file.

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Logging and Log Files

VQE-S AMT and VCPT are both web applications that make use of the Apache Tomcat application server. Apache Tomcat uses the log4j logging system. For AMT and VCPT, the logging output is configured by these log4j configuration files:

For AMT, the configuration file is located at /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/ems/WEB-INF/classes/

For VCPT, the configuration file is located at /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps/vcpt/WEB-INF/classes/

By default, the log files for AMT and VCPT are saved in these locations:

For AMT, the log files are saved in /usr/share/tomcat5/logs/vqe.log.

For VCPT, the log files are saved in /usr/share/tomcat5/logs/vcpt.log.

Table 5-2 lists the most important default log4j configuration settings for AMT and VCPT logging.

Table 5-2 Log4j Default Configuration for AMT and VCPT

Configuration Property
Default Setting

Logging priority level


Logging output

Log messages are written to both the console and the log file

Maximum size of the log file before it rotates

100 KB

Maximum number of backup files


For information on configuring the file, see the log4j documentation at these URLs:

VQE Files, Directories, and Permissions

If you encounter a problem related to VQE-related files, directories, or permissions, use the information in the following tables to resolve the issues.

Table 5-3 provides information for the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S.

Table 5-4 provides information for the CDE110 that hosts VCPT and VQE Client Channel Configuration Delivery Server.

These sections provide additional information on resolving problems:

Changing Permissions

Replacing a Lost VQE File

Table 5-3 VQE-S Files, Directories, and Permissions  

File or Directory
Required Permissions, Owner,
and Group

/etc/opt/vqes (directory)

drwx------ vqes vqes



rw-r----- root root

VQE-S configuration file


-rw-r--r-- vqes vqes

VQE-S channel configuration file


rw-r--r-- vqes vqes

VQE-S syslog configuration file

/opt/vqes (directory)

drwxr-xr-x vqes vqes


/opt/vqes/bin (directory)

drwxr-xr-x vqes vqes

VQE-S binary directory


-r-xr----- root vqes

VQE-S Feedback Target flush script


-r-xr-xr-x vqes vqes

VQE-S Multicast Load Balancer process


-r-sr-x--- root vqes

VQE-S Ethernet utility for Multicast Load Balancer


-r-xr-xr-x root root

VQE-S Process Monitor process


-r-xr-xr-x root root

VQE-S STUN Server process


-r-x------ root root

vqereport command


-r--r----- vqes vqes

SHA-1 checksums list


-r-xr-xr-x vqes vqes

VQE-S Control Plane process


-r-xr-xr-x root root

VQE-S Data Plane process


-r-xr-xr-x vqes vqes

VQE-S syslogd process


-r-xr-xr-x vqes vqes

XML-RPC client utility

/var/log/vqes (directory)

drwxr-xr-x vqes vqes

VQE-S log file directory


-rw------- vqes vqes

VQE-S log file

Table 5-4 VCPT and VCDS Files, Directories, and Permissions  

File or Directory
Required Permissions, Owner,
and Group


-rw-r--r-- 1 root root

VQE Client Channel Configuration Delivery Server (VCDS) configuration file

/etc/opt/vcpt (directory)

drwxr-xr-x root root


/etc/opt/vcpt/data (directory)

drwxr-xr-x root root

Directory for VCPT configuration files

VCPT configuration files in /etc/opt/vcpt/data

-rw-r--r--  root root

VCPT configuration files (Filenames are user-defined and vary.)


-r-x------   root root

vqereport command


-rw--r--r-- root root

VCDS channel configuration file

Changing Permissions

To change permissions on a file or directory, use the chmod command:

Step 1 If needed, log in as root on the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S or that hosts VCPT.

Step 2 To change permissions, issue the following command:

chmod mode file_or_dir_name

In the preceding command, the two arguments are as follows:

mode specifies the correct permissions.

file_or_dir_name specifies the file or directory whose permissions will be set.

For example:

[root@system]# chmod 555 /opt/vqes/bin/vqes_cp 

[root@system]# chmod 640 /opt/vqes/bin/vqes.conf 

For information on setting permissions, see the man page for the chmod command.

Replacing a Lost VQE File

Two Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) packages containing the VQE software files can be obtained by registered users:

The Cisco Visual Quality Experience Software package contains the VQE software used on the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S, AMT, and the STUN Server.

The Cisco Visual Quality Experience Channel Provisioning Tools package contains the VQE software used on the CDE110 that hosts VCPT and VQE Client Channel Configuration Delivery Server (VCDS).

To replace a lost VQE file, follow these steps:

Step 1 If needed, log in as root on the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S or that hosts VQE Channel Provisioning Tools (VCPT and VCDS).

Step 2 Download and save to the local disk the required RPM package from the web site:

Step 3 Use the rpm2cpio tool to extract a single file from the RPM package.

To list files in the RPM: use rpm2cpio -qlp rpm_filename

To extract a single file, use rpm2cpio< rpm_filename | cpio -id ./file_to_extract

For example: rpm2cpio< vqes-2.1.1-1.i386.rpm | cpio -id ./opt/vqes/bin/vqes_cp

Step 4 Set the owner and group of file using chown:

chown filename

For example: chown vqes.vqes /opt/vqes/bin/vqes_cp

Step 5 Set proper permissions on the file. See the "Changing Permissions" section.

VQE Server, VQE-S AMT, and VCPT Troubleshooting

This section provides information on troubleshooting the following specific problems that can occur with VQE Server, VQE-S AMT, and VCPT.

Monitoring Received Multicast Streams

Repeated Message on CDE110 Hosting VQE-S or VCPT

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Unavailable

Channels Are Not Displayed in VQE-S AMT

VQE-S AMT Channels Status Summary Has No Graphs

Internal Server Error When VCPT Tries to Send Channel Information to VQE-S

Monitoring Received Multicast Streams

For troubleshooting VQE-S, using VQE-S AMT to monitor received multicast streams is recommended. Because there are normal cases where VQE-S will intentionally drop packets from its socket buffers, using Linux commands to monitor multicast streams can be misleading.

We recommend that you use AMT to monitor received multicast streams. In the AMT Channel Statistics window for each channel (Figure 5-1), the Lost RTP Packets field for the Channel Input Stream is a per-channel counter that provides the number of missing RTP packets. The Lost RTP Packets counter increments when an RTP packet is sent for the channel's original source stream but is not received by the VQE Server.

Figure 5-1 Lost RTP Packets

Repeated Message on CDE110 Hosting VQE-S or VCPT

Symptom: During initial system configuration, a new Cisco CDE110 hosting VQE-S or VCPT boots successfully, the root password is set successfully, but the following message displays repeatedly:

SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address
SIOCGIFADDR: Cannot assign requested address

Explanation: This error can occur when you configure the CDE110 appliance manually (rather than use the VQE Startup Configuration Utility). The message may display so frequently that it is difficult to edit a file to continue the initial system configuration.

The message can be caused by an Ethernet interface configuration issue in the ifcfg-eth# files (ifcfg-eth1, ifcfg-eth2, and so on).

Remedy: Look for Ethernet interface address or other errors in the four ifcfg-eth# files. Use a text editor to correct any errors.

Use the following command to verify that the addresses specified in the ifcfg-eth# files have been assigned to the interfaces:

ifconfig -a

Continue with the initial configuration tasks.

VQE-S AMT and VCPT Unavailable

Symptom: To browse to VQE-S AMT or VCPT, you enter a valid IP address or fully qualified domain name, but the browser displays the message "Page Cannot Be Found"(status code 404) or "Service Temporarily Unavailable" (status code 503).

Explanation: Both AMT and VCPT require the Apache HTTP server service (httpd) and the Apache Tomcat application server service (tomcat5) to be running. When you attempt to browse to AMT or VCPT and one of these services is not running, the status codes are typically as follows:

"Page Cannot Be Found"(status code 404) indicates that httpd is not running.

"Service Temporarily Unavailable" (status code 503) indicates that tomcat5 is not running.

To verify that httpd is not running, log in as root and issue following command:

[root@system]# ps -ef | grep httpd 

If httpd is running, the output is similar to the following. If httpd is not running, this output will not be present.

[root@system]# ps -ef | grep httpd 
root      2880     1  0 Jul18 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4881  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4882  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4883  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4884  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4885  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4886  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4887  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd
apache    4888  2880  0 04:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd

To verify that tomcat5 is running, log in as root and issue following command:

[root@system]# ps -ef | grep tomcat5

If tomcat5 is running, the output is similar to the following. If tomcat5 is not running, this output will not be present.

root      2915     1  0 Jul18 ?        00:00:11 /usr/java/default/bin/java 
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/usr/share/tomcat5/common/endorsed -classpath 
-Dcatalina.base=/usr/share/tomcat5 -Dcatalina.home=/usr/share/tomcat5 org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

Remedy: If either httpd or tomcat5 is not running, log in as root and start the services that are stopped as follows:

[root@system]# service httpd restart 

[root@system]# service tomcat5 restart

Verify that the httpd and tomcat5 services are running as shown earlier in this Explanation.

If the httpd or tomcat5 processes continue to fail, check the log files for the services to determine the cause. The tomcat5 log files are in /var/log/tomcat5/ For information on the log files for each service, see the vendor documentation for the Apache HTTP server or for the Apache Tomcat application server.

Channels Are Not Displayed in VQE-S AMT

Symptom: After channels are defined in VCPT and channel information is pushed to servers, VQE-S AMT does not display the channels.

Explanation: The most likely reason why AMT does not display the channels is that the VQE Server was not associated with the channels in VCPT.

To determine whether the channels are associated with this VQE Server, follow these steps:

Step 1 Log in to VCPT.

Step 2 Click the Association tab

Step 3 Select the VQE Server in the Select Server pull-down menu.

The channels should be in the Selected group. Also, make sure the VQE Server is defined with the role VQE-S. If the role is wrong, correct it with VCPT from the Servers tab. For information on updating server information, see the "Viewing or Updating Server Information" section on page 3-14.

If the channels are correctly associated with the VQE Server, it is possible that there were problems when VQE Server attempted to process the channels. Check the VQE Server log files for errors in channel processing. For information on these log files, see the "VQE Server Logging and Log Files" section.

Remedy: If the channels have not been associated with the VQE Server in VCPT, associate the channels with VCPT from the Association tab. For information on associating channels with servers, see the "Defining Channel Associations for a Server" section on page 3-15.

VQE-S AMT Channels Status Summary Has No Graphs

Symptom: In the AMT VQE-S Status window (Figure 4-2), the Channels Status Summary does not have graphs for the channels.

Explanation: If one or more channels are successfully created in AMT, the channels should appear in a Channels Status Summary graph of active, inoperative, and inactive channels in the VQE-S Status window. To be displayed, the graphs require that Adobe Flash Player be installed on the computer that hosts the browser accessing AMT.

Remedy: Download and install Adobe Flash Player on the computer that hosts the browser used to access AMT. The software is free and can be found at this URL:

It is recommended that you close all other open browser windows before performing the installation.

Internal Server Error When VCPT Tries to Send Channel Information to VQE-S

Symptom: When VCPT tries to send channel information to VQE Server, you get an "Internal Server Error." Java exceptions in the catalina.out file indicate that there is an address conflict or unreachable address.

Explanation: The Internal Server Error is displayed when you use VCPT to send channel information to a VQE Server. The Status of Last column on the VCPT Servers tab shows the error.

From the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S, you are able to successfully ping the machine running the web browser used for VQE-S AMT, and ping the CDE110 hosting VCPT.

In the /usr/share/tomcat5/logs/catalina.out file of the Apache Tomcat application server, there are Java exceptions indicating an address conflict or unreachable address. For example: Address already in use 
at Method) 
at Source) 
... Network is unreachable 
at Method) 
at Source)

Remedy: The Internal Server Error can be caused by one or more errors in the /etc/hosts file on the CDE110 that hosts VQE-S. Check the /etc/hosts file for typing or syntax errors, correct them, and save the file. Reboot the CDE110.

If you still receive the same Internal Server Error and Java exceptions, check the following files to see if you can find some indication for what is causing the error.






Using the vqereport Command

The vqereport command can be useful for VQE troubleshooting. You can use the vqereport command to gather information on the VQE system's software configuration and hardware. The information can be used by the VQE user or Cisco technical support personnel to diagnose problems with VQE software or with the Cisco Content Delivery Engine 110 (CDE110) hardware.

Caution The vqereport command can take up to 15 minutes to complete and may cause VQE services (such as Unicast Retransmission) to be degraded for the duration of the execution.

The syntax for the vqereport command is as follows:

vqereport [-h | -help]

Syntax Description

-h | -help

Displays help information.

Usage Guidelines

The vqereport command generates a report file that, when the command finishes, is located in /root/hostname.dateandtime.tar.bz2. If appropriate, the report file can be attached to field issue reports for Cisco technical support.

Note You must log in as root to execute the vqereport command.

The vqereport command can be executed on the CDE110 that hosts VQE Server or on the CDE110 that hosts VCPT. The vqereport executable is located at /opt/vqes/bin/vqereport.

To have the operating system find the vqereport executable, you must set the PATH environment variable to include the location of the /opt/vqes/bin directory, or use the full path to vqereport when executing the command.

All information gathered is considered confidential, and Cisco will use this information for diagnostic purposes only.


The following example shows the execution of the vqereport command and some abbreviated output.

[root@system ~]# /opt/vqes/bin/vqereport 

This utility will go through and collect some detailed information about the hardware and 
setup of your VQE system. This information will be used to diagnose problems with your 
system and will be considered confidential information. Cisco will use this information 
for diagnostic purposes ONLY. 
Please wait while we collect information about your system. 
This process may take a while to complete.... 
No changes will be made to your system during this process. 
NOTE: You can safely ignore a failed message. This only means a file we were checking for 
did not exist. 

Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL-C to quit.

Collect Redhat sysreport 
Collect information of installed RPM packages 
output omitted 
Report file /root/<hostname>.20071115164635.tar.bz2 has been generated, please send it to 
Cisco support.