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Diagnostics : Event Log

This page displays a chart of network events or occurrences listed in chronological order. The Settings and Display Filters fields provide selection options to display particular information on network operation.



Select the first event to display in the event list. The most recent event is 0; earlier events are numbered chronologically.

Number of Events

Specifies the number of events to display on the page.

Event Log and Display Filters

The event log is divided into three columns, described below.


The time the event occurred. The log records time as cumulative days, hours, and minutes since the device was turned on, or as wall-clock time if a time server is specified or if time has been manually set on the device.


Events are classified as one of four severity levels depending on the event's impact on network operations. Severity levels include:

  • Info -- Green. Indicates routine information; no error.
  • Warning -- Blue. Indicates a potential error condition.
  • Alert -- Magenta. Indicates an event occurred which was preselected as something to be recorded in the log. The Station page provides check boxes that activate reporting of packet errors to and from the station as alerts in the event log.
  • Fatal -- Red. An event which prevents operation of the port or device. For operation to resume, the port or device usually must be reset.

Click the Severity heading to go to the Event Log Summary page, which lists total events for each severity level.


This column describes the nature or source of the event. If a network device is involved in the event, the device's MAC or IP address appears and provides a direct link to the device's Station page.

Additional Display Filters

A link to the Event Display Setup page, where you can change time and severity level setting.

Action Buttons




Displays earlier events in the log.


Displays more recent events in the log.

Apply New

Changes the display by applying the settings in the Index and Number of Events fields.

Purge Log

Permanently deletes all events from the log.

Related topics

Additional Display Filters is a link to the Event Display Setup Screen. The Event Display Setup Screen has more selection and format options dealing with how time is displayed and what severity levels are shown.

To save the event log, click Download Event Log. In Microsoft Explorer, the log is saved as a text file. In Netscape Communicator, the log file is displayed on the screen, and you select Save As from Communicator's File pull-down menu to save the log.

The Severity link takes you to the Event Log Summary Screen where you can see a tally of the events of each severity that have occurred. Events carry different severity levels in terms of their impact on network operations.



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