Cisco Unity Installation Guide (With Microsoft Exchange), Release 4.0(2)
Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0

Table Of Contents

Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 Without Failover

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 When Failover Is Configured

Preparing for a Possible Downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)

Converting from the System Key to License Files

Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs

Disabling Virus-Scanning Services

Set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to Run in On-Warning Mode

Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant

Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

Extending the Active Directory Schema for Cisco Unity (Exchange 2000 Only)

Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software

Starting the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant and Upgrading Cisco Unity Software

Installing License Files

Configuring Services

Configuring the Message Store

Converting the Integration with the Phone System to a Cisco Unity Version 4.0 Integration

Verifying Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber Licenses

Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run

Re-enabling Virus-Scanning Services

Resetting the IDS Host Sensor Agent to Run in On-Protecting Mode

Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0

The procedures in this chapter apply only to upgrading the Cisco Unity software from version 3.x to version 4.0(x). The task lists alert you when to modify hardware or other software, or to add features after the Cisco Unity software upgrade is complete.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 Without Failover

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 When Failover Is Configured

Preparing for a Possible Downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)

Converting from the System Key to License Files

Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs

Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant

Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

Extending the Active Directory Schema for Cisco Unity (Exchange 2000 Only)

Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software

Verifying Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber Licenses

Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 Without Failover

This task list contains all upgrade tasks for upgrading Cisco Unity 3.x software to version 4.0. Follow the documentation for a successful upgrade.

Note Do not remove the system key before completing the upgrading and configuration process. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to remove the key during the upgrade process.

Note If the system is using Cisco Unity failover, see the "Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 When Failover Is Configured" section instead.

Note The Cisco Unity server will be out of service while the Cisco Unity software is upgraded.

1. Optional: Prepare for a possible downgrade if there are problems with the upgrade. See the "Preparing for a Possible Downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)" section.

2. Obtain license file(s). See the "Converting from the System Key to License Files" section.

3. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the Cisco Unity server: Disable virus-scanning services and set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Warning mode. See the "Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs" section.

4. Run the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant to update the required Windows components, browser, database, and service packs. See the "Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant" section.

5. If the system is using Exchange 2000: Install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2, if it is not already installed. See the "Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2" section.

6. If the system is using Exchange 2000: Extend the Active Directory schema for Cisco Unity. See the "Extending the Active Directory Schema for Cisco Unity (Exchange 2000 Only)" section.

7. Familiarize yourself with the domain accounts you will create in Task 8. The same accounts and permissions are required for installing a new Cisco Unity 4.0 system and for upgrading from previous versions of Cisco Unity. See the "About the Accounts Required for the Cisco Unity Installation" section.

8. Create the applicable accounts that are needed to install Cisco Unity. See the "Creating the Accounts" section.

9. If you created a Cisco Unity administration account in Task 8.: Add the account either to the local Administrators group—when the Cisco Unity server is a member server—or to the Domain Admins group—when the Cisco Unity server is a domain controller. See the "Adding the Cisco Unity Administration Account to an Admins Group" section. Otherwise, skip to Task 10.

10. Set rights and permissions for the accounts that you created in Task 8. See the "Setting Rights and Permissions with the Cisco Unity Permissions Wizard" section.

11. If Intel Dialogic voice card software is installed: Remove the voice card software. See the "Removing Intel Dialogic Software" section. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to install an upgraded version of the software later in the installation.

12. Run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to upgrade the software, install the license file(s), specify the accounts for services, connect the message store, and upgrade the Cisco Unity integration with the phone system. See the "Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software" section.

13. Confirm that the number of Cisco Unity Inbox subscriber licenses in use does not exceed the number of licenses purchased. See the "Verifying Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber Licenses" section.

14. Optional: Remove the system key. Store it where it can be accessed if you need to downgrade the system later from Cisco Unity 4.0 to 3.x.

15. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the Cisco Unity server: Re-enable virus-scanning services and reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Protecting mode. See the "Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run" section.

16. If you are modifying hardware or other software, or adding features: Refer to the "Modifying the Cisco Unity 4.0 System" chapter of the Cisco Unity Installation Guide.

Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 When Failover Is Configured

This task list contains all upgrade tasks for upgrading Cisco Unity 3.x software to version 4.0 when failover is configured. Follow the documentation for a successful upgrade.

Note Do not remove the system key before completing the upgrading and configuration process. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to remove the key during the upgrade process.

Note If the system is not using Cisco Unity failover, see the "Task List for Upgrading Cisco Unity Version 3.x to Version 4.0 Without Failover" section instead.

Note The failover feature cannot be used for continuing Cisco Unity service on one server while upgrading the Cisco Unity software on the other server. Both the primary and secondary servers must be out of service while the Cisco Unity software is upgraded. The secondary server cannot handle voice messaging while the primary server is being upgraded.

1. Optional: Prepare for a possible downgrade if there are problems with the upgrade. See the "Preparing for a Possible Downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)" section.

2. Obtain license file(s). See the "Converting from the System Key to License Files" section.

3. On the primary server, do the following three tasks:

a. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the primary Cisco Unity server: Disable virus-scanning services and set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Warning mode. See the "Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs" section.

b. Run the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant to update the required Windows components, browser, database, and service packs. See the "Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant" section.

c. If the system is using Exchange 2000: Install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2, if it is not already installed. See the "Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2" section.

4. On the secondary server, do the following three tasks:

a. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the secondary Cisco Unity server: Disable virus-scanning services and set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Warning mode. See the "Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs" section.

b. Run the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant to update the required Windows components, browser, database, and service packs. See the "Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant" section.

c. If the system is using Exchange 2000: Install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2, if it is not already installed. See the "Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2" section.

5. If the system is using Exchange 2000: Extend the Active Directory schema on the schema master. See the "Extending the Active Directory Schema for Cisco Unity (Exchange 2000 Only)" section.

6. Familiarize yourself with the domain accounts you will create in Task 7. The same accounts and permissions are required for installing a new Cisco Unity 4.0 system and for upgrading from previous versions of Cisco Unity. See the "About the Accounts Required for the Cisco Unity Installation" section.

7. Create the applicable accounts that are needed to install Cisco Unity. Create a single set of accounts to be used for both the primary and the secondary Cisco Unity servers. See the "Creating the Accounts" section.

8. If you created a Cisco Unity administration account in Task 7.: Add the account either to the local Administrators group on the primary server—when the Cisco Unity server is a member server—or to the Domain Admins group—when the Cisco Unity server is a domain controller. See the "Adding the Cisco Unity Administration Account to an Admins Group" section. Otherwise, skip to Task 9.

9. On the primary server, run the Cisco Unity Permissions wizard to set rights and permissions for the accounts that you created in Task 7. See the "Setting Rights and Permissions with the Cisco Unity Permissions Wizard" section.

10. If you created a Cisco Unity administration account in Task 7.and if the Cisco Unity server is a member server: On the secondary server, add the account to the local Administrators group. See the "Adding the Cisco Unity Administration Account to an Admins Group" section. Otherwise, skip to Task 10.

Otherwise, skip to Step 11.

11. On the secondary server, run the Cisco Unity Permissions wizard to set rights and permissions for the same accounts that you created in Task 7. See the "Setting Rights and Permissions with the Cisco Unity Permissions Wizard" section.

12. On the primary server, do the following three tasks:

a. If Intel Dialogic voice card software is installed: Remove the voice card software. See the"Removing Intel Dialogic Software" section. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to install an upgraded version of the software later in the installation.

b. Run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to upgrade the software, install the license file(s), specify the accounts for services, connect the message store, and upgrade the Cisco Unity integration with the phone system. See the "Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software" section.

c. Run the Configure Cisco Unity Failover wizard. Refer to the "Configuring Failover on the Primary and Secondary Servers" section in the "Configuring Cisco Unity Failover" chapter of the Cisco Unity Failover Configuration and Administration Guide. (The guide is available on at

13. On the secondary server, do the following three tasks:

a. If Intel Dialogic voice card software is installed: Remove the voice card software. See the"Removing Intel Dialogic Software" section. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to install an upgraded version of the software later in the installation.

b. Run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to upgrade the software, install the default license file, specify the accounts for services, connect the message store, and upgrade the Cisco Unity integration with the phone system. See the "Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software" section.

c. Run the Configure Cisco Unity Failover wizard. Refer to the "Configuring Failover on the Primary and Secondary Servers" section in the "Configuring Cisco Unity Failover" chapter of the Cisco Unity Failover Configuration and Administration Guide. (The guide is available on at

14. On the primary server, confirm that the number of Cisco Unity Inbox subscriber licenses in use does not exceed the number of licenses purchased. See the "Verifying Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber Licenses" section.

15. Optional: Remove the system keys from the primary and secondary Cisco Unity servers. Store them where they can be accessed if you later need to downgrade the system from Cisco Unity 4.0 to 3.x.

16. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the primary Cisco Unity server: Re-enable virus-scanning services and reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Protecting mode. See the "Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run" section.

17. If virus-scanning software or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the secondary Cisco Unity server: Re-enable virus-scanning services and reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Protecting mode. See the "Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run" section.

18. If you are modifying hardware or other software, or adding features: Refer to the "Modifying the Cisco Unity 4.0 System" chapter of the Cisco Unity Installation Guide.

Preparing for a Possible Downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)

Back up the system by using the Cisco Unity Disaster Recovery Tool before beginning the upgrade process. Because the Disaster Recovery Tool only restores to the exact version of Cisco Unity that you backed up, you back up a Cisco Unity version 3.1(5) system.

To prepare for a possible downgrade to Cisco Unity Version 3.1(5)

Step 1 Upgrade Cisco Unity to version 3.1(5), if applicable. Refer to Release Notes for Cisco Unity Release 3.1(5), available on at

Step 2 Download the Cisco Unity Disaster Recovery Tool. The tool is available at

Step 3 Back up the Cisco Unity system by using the Disaster Recovery Backup tool. Refer to the tool Help.

Converting from the System Key to License Files

Cisco Unity has changed its license-control process from using a physical system key to using electronic license files. License files are now required for installing Cisco Unity software, for some upgrades, and for changing licensed features. A system key is no longer required.

When you upgrade from Cisco Unity version 3.x to version 4.0, you must complete registration information on Shortly after registration, Cisco e-mails the license file(s). The e-mail from Cisco contains instructions on how to save and store the files. The Cisco Unity Installation Guide provides specific instructions later in the upgrade process on the use of the license file(s) and when to remove the system key.

Note If the system is using failover, install the license file(s) on only the primary server.

The following information is required during registration:

The MAC address (physical address) for the network interface card (NIC) in the Cisco Unity server.

The serial number of the currently installed system key.

The currently installed system key code.

The product authorization key (PAK), which is listed in the Cisco Unity Software Keys booklet that is shipped with the software discs.

Do the following four procedures in the order listed.

To get the MAC address of the Cisco Unity server

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

Step 2 In the Command Prompt window, enter ipconfig /all, and press Enter.

Step 3 Write down the value of Physical Address, excluding the hyphens, or save it to a file that you can access during online registration. (For example, if the physical address is 00-A1-B2-C3-D4-E5, record 00A1B2C3D4E5.)

If the server contains more than one NIC, one value will appear for each NIC. Use the value for the primary NIC.

Step 4 Close the Command Prompt window.

To get the serial number of the currently installed system key

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Cisco Unity > Key Dump.

Step 2 Write down the value for Serial Number, or save it to a file that you can access during online registration.

Step 3 Click Exit to close the Key Dump window.

To get the currently installed system key code

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity server, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Cisco Unity > Upgrade License.

Step 2 Click Generate Current System Code. Do not change the code type.

Step 3 Click Save to File, and save the system code to a file that you can access during online registration. (The default name of the file is AvSysCode.txt.)

Step 4 Click Exit to close the Generate Current System Code window.

Step 5 Click Exit to close the Upgrade License window.

To register and obtain the license file(s)

Step 1 Browse to the applicable software registration site (URLs are case sensitive):

Step 2 In the Voice Products section, under Cisco Unity Software, click 4.0 Upgrading from 2x/3x.

Step 3 Enter the requested information.

Step 4 When you are ready to enter the Currently Installed Key Code, double-click the key code file you saved in the procedure "To get the currently installed system key code." (The default name of the file is AvSysCode.txt.)

Step 5 Copy the value for EncryptionData, and paste it into the Currently Installed Key Code field.

Step 6 When you have completed the form, click Submit.

Step 7 Shortly after registration, you will receive an e-mail with the Cisco Unity license file(s).

If the license file(s) are lost, it can take up to one business day to get another copy.

If you do not receive the license file(s) within 1 hour or to get another copy of a license file, call the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and ask for the Licensing Team:

In the U.S.

800 553-2447

the U.S.

For your local Cisco TAC phone number, refer to the website

Or send e-mail to

You will need to provide information to verify Cisco Unity ownership—for example, the purchase order number or the PAK (which is listed in the Cisco Unity Software Keys booklet that is shipped with the software discs).

Note Cisco Unity software comes with a default license file that has a minimal number of settings. The license file allows installation of a Cisco Unity demonstration system. For information and instructions on installing a demonstration system, refer to the "Cisco Unity Demonstration System" section of the Cisco Unity release notes.

Setting Security-Monitoring Software Before Running the Installation Programs

Before you run the programs that prepare the system for Cisco Unity software installation and install the Cisco Unity software, confirm that no processes are running that might interfere with the system preparation and software installation programs. Do the following two subsections, if applicable.

Disabling Virus-Scanning Services

Before running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant, disable any virus-scanning services on the Cisco Unity server. Running virus-scanning services during the Cisco Unity installation process may slow down the system preparation and software installation programs or even prevent them from running.

The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to re-enable the virus-scanning services later in the installation process.

To disable virus-scanning services

Step 1 Refer to the virus-scanning software documentation to determine the names of the virus-scanning services.

Step 2 On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.

Step 3 Disable each virus-scanning service:

a. In the right pane, double-click the service.

b. Click the General tab, and click Stop.

c. In the Startup Type list, click Disabled and click OK.

Step 4 When all virus-scanning services have been disabled, close the Services MMC.

Set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to Run in On-Warning Mode

Before running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant, set the IDS Host Sensor Agent on the Cisco Unity server to run in On-Warning mode. If the IDS Host Sensor Agent is running in On-Protecting mode during the installation, the agent will prevent files from being copied to the Cisco Unity server, and the installation will fail.

The Cisco Unity Installation Guide alerts you when to reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Protecting mode later in the installation process.

To set the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Warning mode

Step 1 On the server where the IDS Host Console is installed, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Cisco HIDS > Cisco HIDS Console.

Step 2 In the left pane of the Console, click Agents. The Agents view appears in the right pane.

Step 3 In the right pane, right-click the name of the IDS Host Sensor Agent on the Cisco Unity server, and click Set to Warning Mode. Note that it may take several minutes for the Current State to match the Requested State.

Running the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant

The Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant is a program that helps customize the platform for Cisco Unity by checking for and installing the following required Windows components, browser, database, and service packs:

MSXML3 with Service Pack 1

Internet Information Services (IIS)

Windows Terminal Services

NNTP Service

SMTP Service

Message Queuing Services version 2.0

Windows 2000 Service Pack 3

Internet Explorer 6.0 with Service Pack 1

SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 or MSDE 2000 Service Pack 3

Note To install components, the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant requires the Service Packs and Data Store compact discs that are shipped with Cisco Unity.

To run the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant

Step 1 Log on to Windows by using an account that is a member of the Local Administrators group.

Step 2 On the Cisco Unity Service Packs CD 1, or from the location to which you saved the downloaded Cisco Unity Service Packs CD 1 image files, browse to the Cuspa directory, and double-click Cuspa.vbs.

Step 3 If prompted, double-click the language of your choice to continue the installation.

Step 4 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 5 On the Cisco Unity Server Characteristics page, set the following fields:


Click Unified Messaging or Voice Messaging Only, depending on the Cisco Unity configuration.


Check the This Is a Primary or Secondary Failover Server check box if the system is using failover.

The assistant uses the information to determine if the system requires SQL Server or MSDE. If the server is a Primary or Failover server, SQL Server is required. Otherwise, MSDE is required.

Number of Ports

Enter the number of voice ports that you are connecting with the Cisco Unity server.

If the system is not using failover, the assistant uses the information to determine if the system requires SQL Server or MSDE. For systems with more than 32 ports, SQL Server is required. Otherwise, MSDE is required.

Step 6 Follow the on-screen prompts in the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant to customize the Cisco Unity platform.

Step 7 If MSDE Service Pack 3 is being installed, skip to Step 8.

If SQL Server Service Pack 3 is being installed, do the following 11 substeps:

a. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

b. Follow the on-screen prompts until you are prompted to choose the authentication mode.

c. Select Windows authentication, and click Next.

d. If the SA Password Warning dialog box appears, enter and confirm the password, and click Next.

e. Check the Upgrade Microsoft Search and Apply SQL Server 2000 SP3[required] check box, and click Continue. (Do not check the Enable Cross-Database Ownership Chaining for All Databases [Not Recommended] check box.)

f. Follow the on-screen prompts to continue.

g. If you are prompted about shutdown tasks before continuing with the installation, click Next.

h. Click Finish to begin installing components.

i. When the Setup message appears, click OK.

j. Click Finish to restart the server.

k. Skip to Step 9.

Step 8 If MSDE Service Pack 3 is being installed, do the following two substeps:

a. Follow the on-screen prompts.

b. When the installation is complete, click Yes to restart the server.

Step 9 When the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant has completed, click Finish.

Note If a Microsoft AutoMenu window appears when the assistant is installing an application, close the window and allow the assistant to continue.

Caution When Internet Explorer was installed, the file WScript.exe was installed automatically. Do not remove WScript.exe, or the Cisco Unity Setup program will fail later in the upgrade process.

For manual procedures for installing the required Windows components, browser, database, and service packs, see "Manual Installation Procedures for Software Installed by the Cisco Unity System Preparation Assistant During a New Installation."

Installing Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

To install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2

Step 1 On the Cisco Unity Service Packs CD 2, or from the location to which you saved the downloaded Cisco Unity Service Packs CD 2 image files, browse to the directory Exchange_2000_SP2\setup\i386, and double-click Update.exe.

Step 2 Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.

Step 3 Restart the server.

Extending the Active Directory Schema for Cisco Unity (Exchange 2000 Only)

With Exchange 2000, several changes need to be made to the Active Directory schema for Cisco Unity to work properly. To see the changes that the schema update program makes, browse to the directory Schema\LdifScripts on Cisco Unity CD 1, and view the file Avdirmonex2k.ldf.

Changes to the Active Directory schema may take 15 minutes or more to replicate throughout the forest. These changes must finish replicating before you can install Cisco Unity.

To extend the Active Directory schema

Step 1 Confirm that all domain controllers are on line. (The Active Directory schema extensions replicate only when all domain controllers are on line.)

Step 2 On the computer that has the schema master role (typically the first DC/GC in the forest), log on to Windows as a user who is a member of the Schema Admins group.

Step 3 On the Cisco Unity DVD or CD 1, or from the location to which you saved the downloaded Cisco Unity CD 1 image files, browse to the directory ADSchemaSetup, and double-click ADSchemaSetup.exe.

Step 4 In the Active Directory Schema Setup dialog box, check the Exchange 2000 Directory Monitor check box.

Step 5 If you plan to use VPIM Networking or Bridge Networking, check the applicable boxes.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 When the schema extension has finished, Ldif.log and Ldif.err files are saved to the desktop. View the contents of these files to confirm that the extension completed successfully.

Upgrading and Configuring Cisco Unity Software

To upgrade and configure Cisco Unity software from version 3.x to version 4.0, you use the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to run five programs in a specific order. The programs:

Check the system and upgrade the software.

Install the Cisco Unity licenses.

Configure the services.

Configure the message store.

Upgrade the Cisco Unity integration with the phone system.

Do the following five subsections in the order listed.

Caution When you use the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant to upgrade and configure Cisco Unity software from version 3.x to version 4.0, most of the fields will be pre-populated with values from your current installation. Do not change the values in the fields other than to add licensed features such as additional languages and the text-to-speech engine. If you want to modify the system other than upgrading the Cisco Unity software, do so after the software upgrade is complete (see "Modifying the Cisco Unity 4.0 System").

Starting the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant and Upgrading Cisco Unity Software

From the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, you run the Cisco Unity Setup program first to upgrade Cisco Unity. The Setup program checks the system, then upgrades the Cisco Unity software.

Caution When you run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, Cisco Unity is uninstalled and then reinstalled. Fields will contain values from the current installation. Do not change any values unless you are instructed to do so in the following procedure, or the system may not be updated correctly.

Caution Do not install features for which the system is not licensed.

Caution If the Cisco Unity server contains Intel Dialogic voice cards, ensure that you removed the old version of the voice card software before you run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant. Otherwise, the new version of the voice card software cannot be installed.

To start the assistant and upgrade Cisco Unity software

Step 1 Log on to Windows by using the Cisco Unity installation account.

Note If you have not already done so, disable virus-scanning services on the Cisco Unity server and set the IDS Host Sensor Agent on the Cisco Unity server to run in On-Warning mode, if applicable. Otherwise, the Cisco Unity program may take several hours to complete or may not run.

Step 2 On the Cisco Unity DVD or CD 1, or from the location to which you saved the downloaded Cisco Unity CD 1 image files, browse to the root directory and double-click Setup.exe.

Step 3 If prompted, double-click the language of your choice to continue the installation.

Step 4 On the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant Welcome screen, click Continue.

Step 5 If the Pre-Installation Requirements screen appears, saying that you need to run the Permissions wizard, close the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant and see the "Setting Rights and Permissions with the Cisco Unity Permissions Wizard" section. After the wizard is run, log on to Windows by using the Cisco Unity installation account, and return to step 2.

Otherwise, in the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Setup Program.

Step 6 If prompted, double-click the language of your choice to continue the installation.

Step 7 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 8 If a message to stop services appears, click OK.

Step 9 Click Next or Continue without changing values until the Select Features dialog box appears.

Step 10 In the Select Features dialog box:

a. Check the Upgrade Cisco Unity check box.

b. If the Cisco Unity server contains Intel Dialogic voice cards, check the Install Voice Card Software check box to install the new version of the voice card software.

Otherwise, uncheck the Install Voice Card Software check box.

Do not change any other values.

Step 11 Click Next or Continue without changing values until you are prompted to restart the Cisco Unity server.

Step 12 If the server does not contain Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-EURO or D/240PCI-T1 voice cards, check the Yes, I Want to Restart My Computer Now check box, and click Finish.

If the server contains Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-EURO or D/240PCI-T1 voice cards, uncheck the Yes, I Want to Restart My Computer Now check box, and click Finish.

Step 13 If the server contains Intel Dialogic D/120JCT-EURO or D/240PCI-T1 voice cards, do the procedure under "Software Settings" for your voice card in "Voice Cards." When you are finished, restart the Cisco Unity server.

The Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Install Cisco Unity," and the Cisco Unity License Installation screen appears in the main window.

Installing License Files

From the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, you run the Cisco Unity Install License File wizard second to install the Cisco Unity license file(s).

If you are installing license file(s) for a Cisco Unity system without failover or on the primary server for a Cisco Unity system with failover, do the first procedure, "To install the license file(s)."

If you are upgrading the secondary Cisco Unity server now, do the second procedure, "To install the default license file on the secondary Cisco Unity server."

To install the license file(s)

Step 1 Log on to Windows by using the Cisco Unity installation account.

Step 2 In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Install License File Wizard.

Step 3 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 4 Click Add.

Step 5 Insert the Cisco Unity license file disk, if applicable.

(When Cisco Unity was registered on, Cisco replied with an e-mail containing attached file(s) with license(s) for Cisco Unity features. The instructions in the e-mail directed that the attached files be saved. For more information, see the "Converting from the System Key to License Files" section.)

Step 6 Browse to drive A or to the location where the license file(s) have been stored.

Step 7 Double-click the license file to add it to the License Files list.

If prompted, click Yes to copy the license file to the local system.

Step 8 If you are adding more than one license file, click Add, and repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each license file.

Step 9 Click Next.

Step 10 In the Licenses list, confirm that the license information is correct.

Step 11 Click Next.

Step 12 Click Finish.

The Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Install the Cisco Unity License Files," and the Configure the Cisco Unity Services screen appears in the main window.

Do the following procedure if you are upgrading the secondary server now for a Cisco Unity system with failover. Otherwise, do the first procedure, "To install the license file(s)."

To install the default license file on the secondary Cisco Unity server

Step 1 Log on to Windows by using the Cisco Unity installation account.

Step 2 In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Install License File Wizard.

Step 3 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 4 When the message appears, saying that you do not have to run the wizard on a secondary server, click Next.

Step 5 Click Add.

Step 6 Install the default license file:

a. Browse to the CommServer\Licenses directory.

b. Double-click CiscoUnity40.lic.

Step 7 Click Next.

Step 8 In the Licenses list, confirm that the license information is correct.

Step 9 Click Next.

Step 10 Click Finish.

The Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Install the Cisco Unity License Files," and the Configure the Cisco Unity Services screen appears in the main window.

Configuring Services

From the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, you run the Cisco Unity Services Configuration wizard third to associate the directory, message store, and local services with accounts you specify.

To configure services

Step 1 In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Services Configuration Wizard. (Note that you should be logged on to Windows with the Cisco Unity installation account.)

Step 2 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 3 Select the message store type, and click Next.

Step 4 Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the configuration.

The Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Configure the Cisco Unity Services," and the Configure the Cisco Unity Message Store screen appears in the main window.

Configuring the Message Store

From the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, you run the Cisco Unity Message Store Configuration wizard fourth to configure the message store.

To configure the message store

Step 1 In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Message Store Configuration Wizard. (Note that you should be logged on to Windows with the Cisco Unity installation account.)

Step 2 Confirm that the message store server is running. If the message store server is not running, configuring the message store will fail.

Step 3 On the Welcome screen, click Next.

Step 4 Follow the on-screen prompts.

Step 5 When message store configuration is complete, click Finish.

The Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Configure the Cisco Unity Message Store," and the Integrate the Phone System with Cisco Unity screen appears in the main window.

Converting the Integration with the Phone System to a Cisco Unity Version 4.0 Integration

From the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, you run the Cisco Unity Telephony Integration Manager (UTIM) fifth to convert the existing integration between Cisco Unity and the phone system to a Cisco Unity version 4.0 integration.

To convert the integration with the phone system to a Cisco Unity version 4.0 integration

Step 1 In the main window of the assistant, click Run the Cisco Unity Telephony Integration Manager. (Note that you should be logged on to Windows with the Cisco Unity installation account.)

Step 2 In the right pane of the integration manager, click Create Integration.

Step 3 Click Yes to convert the existing integration.

When the conversion is complete, the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant displays a check mark next to "Integrate the Phone System with Cisco Unity," and the Summary screen appears in the main window.

Step 4 Click Close to exit the assistant.

Verifying Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber Licenses

To verify Cisco Unity Inbox subscriber licenses

Step 1 Double-click the Cisco Unity Tools Depot icon on the desktop.

Step 2 Under Administration Tools, double-click License Info Viewer.

Step 3 Under Cisco Unity Licensing, click Effective Licenses.

Step 4 In the right pane, confirm that the number of Cisco Unity Inbox subscriber licenses utilized does not exceed the number of Cisco Unity Inbox Subscriber licenses.

Step 5 In the left pane under Cisco Unity Licensing, click Alerts.

Step 6 If any error(s) appear in the right pane, double-click each error for information and instructions.

For help with licensing problems, e-mail

Resetting Security-Monitoring Software After the Installation Programs Have Been Run

If virus-scanning services or the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed on the Cisco Unity server, they must be reset now that you have run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant. Do the following two subsections, if applicable.

Re-enabling Virus-Scanning Services

Re-enable any virus-scanning services on the Cisco Unity server that you disabled in the "Disabling Virus-Scanning Services" section.

When you re-enable virus-scanning services, you need to exclude from scanning the directory in which Cisco Unity is installed so that the Cisco Unity Administrator and the Cisco Unity Assistant will work properly. If the Cisco Unity system is using Cisco IDS Host Sensor, you also need to exclude from scanning the directory in which the Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed, so that Cisco IDS Host Sensor will work properly.

To re-enable virus-scanning services and exclude two directories from scanning

Step 1 Refer to the virus-scanning software documentation to determine the names of the virus-scanning services.

Step 2 On the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.

Step 3 Re-enable each virus-scanning service:

a. In the right pane, double-click the service.

b. On the General tab in the Startup Type list, click Automatic, and click OK.

c. In the right pane, right-click the service, and click Start.

Step 4 When all virus-scanning services have been re-enabled, close the Services MMC.

Step 5 Exclude from virus scanning the directory in which Cisco Unity is installed (the default directory is CommServer). Refer to Help for the virus-scanning software for information on excluding directories from scanning.

Step 6 If the Cisco Unity system is using Cisco IDS Host Sensor, exclude from virus scanning the directory in which Cisco IDS Host Sensor Agent is installed.

Resetting the IDS Host Sensor Agent to Run in On-Protecting Mode

After you have run the Cisco Unity Installation and Configuration Assistant, reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent on the Cisco Unity server to run in On-Protecting mode.

To reset the IDS Host Sensor Agent to run in On-Protecting mode

Step 1 On the server where the IDS Host Console is installed, on the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Cisco HIDS > Cisco HIDS Console.

Step 2 In the left pane of the Console, click Agents. The Agents view appears in the right pane.

Step 3 In the right pane, right-click the name of the IDS Host Sensor Agent on the Cisco Unity server, and click Set to Protecting Mode. Note that it may take several minutes for the Current State to match the Requested State.