Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3
Configuring a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Shadow Server

Table Of Contents

Configuring a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Shadow Server

Before Configuring the Shadow Server

Verifying Requirements

Obtaining the Necessary Information

Installing the Shadow Server

Checking the Licenses on the Shadow Server

About Configuring the Primary Server

Configuring the Primary Server to Recognize the Shadow Server

Attaching the Shadow Server to the Primary Server

Restarting the Primary Server

Backing Up the Database of the Primary Server

About Configuring the Shadow Server

Verifying That the Shadow Server is Configured as a Conference Server

Saving the License

Restoring the Database Backup

About Configuring the Shadow Server While in Standalone Mode

Configuring the LAN Parameters for the Shadow Server

Configuring the Telephony Parameters for the Shadow Server

Configuring the MeetingTime Values for the Shadow Server

Verifying that Languages Copied to the Shadow Server

Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server

Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server without Backup Gateway Machines

Switching Behaviors When the Primary Server Fails and the Shadow Server Becomes the Primary Server

Configuring FlexMenus for the Shadow Server

Configuring Custom Prompts for the Shadow Server

Configuring Translation Tables for the Shadow Server

Restarting the Shadow Server

Testing the Shadow Server Configuration

Changing the Shadow Server to Act as a Shadow Server

Checking the Configuration

About Testing the Shadow Server Switchover

Running MeetingTime Reports on the Primary Server

Shutting Down the Primary Server

Changing the Shadow Server to the Primary Server

Testing the Switchover

Changing the Shadow Server Back to Shadow Server Mode

Bringing the Primary Server Back Online

Configuring a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Shadow Server

The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system supports shadow server capability. The shadow server is a backup Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that can replace the primary Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server in case of a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system or site failure. Having a shadow server ensures that complete Cisco Unified MeetingPlace functionality is maintained with a minimum loss of time and disruption in service.

In the following sections, the term "primary server" refers to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that is used on a daily basis. The term "shadow server" refers to the backup Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server that replicates the database from the primary server.

Note The behavior of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106 and the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112 shadow servers is different than that of the PCI shadow server. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106 and the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112 shadow servers have database replication, but there is no automatic failover mechanism.

The following sections describe how to configure the shadow server and how to switch from a primary server to a shadow server:

Before Configuring the Shadow Server

About Configuring the Primary Server

About Configuring the Shadow Server

About Configuring the Shadow Server While in Standalone Mode

About Testing the Shadow Server Switchover

Before Configuring the Shadow Server

Before installing the shadow server, do the tasks in these sections:

Verifying Requirements

Obtaining the Necessary Information

Installing the Shadow Server

Checking the Licenses on the Shadow Server

Verifying Requirements

Before installing a shadow server, verify that you have met each of the following requirements:

The primary server uses Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.1 or later.

The shadow server uses Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.1 or later.

The shadow server has a clean database.

The shadow server has a shadow server license.

All TCP ports are open between the primary server and the shadow server.

All IP ports are open between the primary server and the shadow server.

You have scheduled a restart of the primary server so that you can configure the shadow server.

Obtaining the Necessary Information

Before installing a shadow server, obtain the following information:

IP address for the primary server

Hostname for the primary server

IP address for the shadow server

Hostname for the shadow server

Ethernet address for the shadow server

Default gateway address for the shadow server

Subnet mask address for the shadow server

IP address of the NTP server for the shadow server

Installing the Shadow Server

Installing the shadow server is the same as installing the primary server. See the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3 for detailed information about installing the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8100 series.

Checking the Licenses on the Shadow Server

The shadow server must have the same license keys as the primary server.

Step 1 Verify that you are connected to the shadow server.

Step 2 Access the CLI by following the procedures in the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Note CLI commands are case-sensitive. For CLI command information, see "Command-Line Interface Reference."

Step 3 If you do not already have terminal logging turned on, turn it on. For information on logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 4 Log in to the CLI as a superuser, by following these steps:

a. Connect to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system either via telnet, ssh, or locally.

b. For the username, enter the default (admin). For the password, enter the default (cisco) or if you have changed the default password, use the new password.

c. Enter su to change to the CSC privilege level.

d. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server system prompts you for another password. For this password, use the Password Of the Day (POD). Contact Cisco TAC to get this Password Of the Day. See the Guide to Cisco Conferencing Documentation and Support for information about contacting Cisco TAC.

The csc$ prompt appears.

Step 5 At the csc$ prompt, enter om -c. This outputs the list of licenses, similar to the following examples:

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106:

meetingplace:csc$ om -c
avail (erc )  name           versn  ocount  xdate       sdate    ecode
576   (0   )  accessports    1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E020407148BF2B2B1218
1     (0   )  calendar       1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 4A7148E020407148BF22
576   (0   )  confports      1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 A0C204C07148048BCB2B
576   (0   )  dataconf       1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B024040B71E48DB0714B
1     (0   )  directory      1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 70207407148BF2B071EC
1     (0   )  exchg dataconf 1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 402071480407148BF271
1     (0   )  fax            1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B02040071487148BF1A9
1     (0   )  flexmenus      1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 602040707148148BF29D
4     (0   )  languages      1.000 4       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 5020407148BF2B07549E
576   (0   )  mndata         1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E020407148F207619B68
1     (0   )  mpvideo        1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B02040071487148BF1A9
1     (0   )  mpwebcam       1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 602040707148148BF29D
1     (0   )  msmail         1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 0020407148B071481203
0     (0   )  multiunit      1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 70204071480F2B2B1251
1     (0   )  netmgt         1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B02014865ACF2B2B12FE
1     (0   )  notes calendar 1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 2020407148BF2B2B129F
576   (0   )  notification   1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B0204071407F2B2B123A
576   (0   )  recording      1.000 576     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 602048BF2B993F6012BB
1     (0   )  sametime       1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 00071480407148BF127A
1     (0   )  shadow         1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 00048BF207148B2B129D
1     (0   )  smtp           1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 007148020407148B129B
1     (0   )  voting         1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E02007148407148B1201
100   (0   )  web            1.000 100     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 50700F1173F84D916199
110   (0   )  workstations   1.000 110     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 309090E10C840031B759

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112:

meetingplace:csc$ om -c
avail (erc )  name           versn  ocount  xdate       sdate    ecode
1152  (0   )  accessports    1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E020407148BF2B2B1218
1     (0   )  calendar       1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 4A7148E020407148BF22
1152  (0   )  confports      1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 A0C204C07148048BCB2B
1152  (0   )  dataconf       1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B024040B71E48DB0714B
1     (0   )  directory      1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 70207407148BF2B071EC
0     (0   )  exchg dataconf 1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 402071480407148BF271
1     (0   )  fax            1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B02040071487148BF1A9
2     (0   )  flexmenus      1.000 2       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 602040707148148BF29D
4     (0   )  languages      1.000 4       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 5020407148BF2B07549E
1152  (0   )  mndata         1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E020407148F207619B68
1     (0   )  msmail         1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 0020407148B071481203
0     (0   )  multiunit      1.000 0       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 70204071480F2B2B1251
1     (0   )  netmgt         1.000 4       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B02014865ACF2B2B12FE
1     (0   )  notes calendar 1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 2020407148BF2B2B129F
1152  (0   )  notification   1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 B0204071407F2B2B123A
1152  (0   )  recording      1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 602048BF2B993F6012BB
1     (0   )  sametime       1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 00071480407148BF127A
1     (0   )  shadow         1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 00048BF207148B2B129D
1     (0   )  smtp           1.000 1       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 007148020407148B129B
1152  (0   )  voting         1.000 1152    01-jan-00  01-jan-00 E02007148407148B1201
2     (0   )  web            1.000 2       01-jan-00  01-jan-00 50700F1173F84D916199
200   (0   )  workstations   1.000 200     01-jan-00  01-jan-00 309090E10C840031B759

Step 6 Access the primary server's CLI.

Step 7 Log in to the CLI as a superuser. The csc$ prompt appears.

Step 8 At the csc$ prompt, enter om -c. This outputs the list of licenses, similar to the preceding examples.

Step 9 Compare the output from the shadow server with the output from the primary server. The license information for the shadow server and the primary server must be identical. If the shadow server does not have the same licenses as the primary server, do not proceed. Contact Cisco TAC. See the Guide to Cisco Conferencing Documentation and Support for information on obtaining technical support.

Note The only exception is that the primary server does not need to have an ocount value for the shadow license. (The shadow license allows a server to act as a shadow server.) The shadow server must have a value of 1 for the ocount for the shadow license. The primary server may, however, have any ocount for the shadow license. To use the primary server in shadow server mode, the primary server must have the same ocount value that the shadow server has for the shadow license.

About Configuring the Primary Server

This section contains the procedures that you need to follow with the primary server before configuring the shadow server. Follow these steps:

Configure the primary server to recognize the shadow server. See the "Configuring the Primary Server to Recognize the Shadow Server" section.

Attach the shadow server to the primary server. See the "Attaching the Shadow Server to the Primary Server" section.

Restart the primary server. See the "Restarting the Primary Server" section.

Back up the primary server's database. See the "Backing Up the Database of the Primary Server" section.

Configuring the Primary Server to Recognize the Shadow Server

Step 1 If not already connected, access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 If you do not already have terminal logging turned on, turn it on. For information on logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 4 At the tech$ prompt, enter net. The following example appears:

meetingplace:tech$ net
 1) View the server & site configuration
 2) Modify the server configuration
 3) Select another server (current unit = #0)
99) Quit

Step 5 Select another server by entering 3. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system prompts you for a unit number.

Select: 3

Step 6 Select unit 9 by entering 9. The following example appears:

Unit: 9
 1) View the server & site configuration
 2) Modify the server configuration
 3) Select another server (current unit = #9)
99) Quit

Step 7 Modify the server configuration by entering 2.

Step 8 If unit 9 is currently inactive (which it should be) the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system asks if you want to make it active. Enter y. See the following example:

You have selected a new configuration for this unit.
Unit class = SHADOW
Site class = REMOTE
Update the initialization file (y/[n])? y
NOTE: Changes take effect with the next restart of the unit.
Unit class = SHADOW/REMOTE

Step 9 Select options 3, 4, 5, and 6 from the net command menu consecutively and enter the appropriate data by following the prompts. Enter the data from the "Obtaining the Necessary Information" section. If you do not want to change a specific value, press Enter to move to the next line without making any changes.

Step 10 To select a different site for the shadow server (if the shadow server is physically located at a different site), enter 2.

Step 11 After you confirm that the shadow server is set to active, enter 99 to return to the main net command menu. The following example appears:

Select: 99
Current server configuration:
    Unit:                 #9 (vp9)
    Active:               YES
    Description:          Shadow Server
    Kind:                 Shadow server
    IP Address: 
    Ethernet address:     0001bc0211b8
    Site:                 #0 (Home Site)
    Site subnet mask:
    Site broadcast addr:
    Site default gateway:
Do you wish to commit these changes (y/n)? 

Step 12 Confirm the settings shown here match the information in the "Obtaining the Necessary Information" section.

Step 13 If the settings do not match, do not save these changes. Enter n and repeat the necessary steps of the procedure, entering the correct data. If the settings do match, save these changes by entering y.

Step 14 Exit the net command by entering 99.

Attaching the Shadow Server to the Primary Server

Step 1 Log in to the primary server in MeetingTime.

Step 2 Go to the Configure tab.

Step 3 Select Usage Parameters from the left pane.

Step 4 Click Query. Values appear in the right pane.

Step 5 Scroll to the Network Shadow Svr section about halfway down.

Step 6 Change the value for Shadow attached? from No to Yes.

Step 7 Click Save Changes in the bottom right corner.

Step 8 Log out and close MeetingTime.

Restarting the Primary Server

Restart the primary server for the changes to take affect. This restart should have been previously scheduled, as described in the "Verifying Requirements" section.

Step 1 If not already connected, access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter restart enable. The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system prompts you to verify you really want to restart the primary server.

Step 4 Enter y. The primary server restarts.

Backing Up the Database of the Primary Server

Back up the database of the primary server.

Note The backup mechanism has changed in this release of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. It is now done through the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Backup Gateway. For information on how to install, configure, and use the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Backup Gateway, see the Administrator Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Backup Gateway Release 5.3.

About Configuring the Shadow Server

To configure the shadow server, follow these steps:

Verify that the shadow server is configured as a conference server. See the "Verifying That the Shadow Server is Configured as a Conference Server" section.

Run the savelicense command. See the "Saving the License" section.

Restore the database backup. See the "Restoring the Database Backup" section.

Configure the shadow server parameters. See the "About Configuring the Shadow Server While in Standalone Mode" section.

Restart the shadow server. See the "Restarting the Shadow Server" section.

Test the configuration. See the "Testing the Shadow Server Configuration" section.

Verifying That the Shadow Server is Configured as a Conference Server

Step 1 Access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 If you do not already have terminal logging turned on, turn it on. For information on logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 4 At the tech$ prompt, enter swstatus.

Confirm that the shadow server is configured as a conference server as shown in line two of the following example. If it is not, contact Cisco TAC. See the Guide to Cisco Conferencing Documentation and Support for information about obtaining technical support.

meetingplace:tech$ swstatus
Conference server 5.3.0   S/N: M00002     Cisco Systems
System status:  Operating
System mode: Up
Temperature: 30
Power supply: OK

SIM                  UP         "8/14/04 20:08 MPBUILD-rel530s"
LSH                  UP         "8/14/04 18:53 MPBUILD-rel530s"
SNMPD                UP         "8/14/04 20:33 MPBUILD-rel530s"
DBQSERVER            UP         "8/14/04 19:13 MPBUILD-rel530s"
DBSERVER             UP         "8/14/04 19:13 MPBUILD-rel530s"
POSERVER             UP         "8/14/04 19:43 MPBUILD-rel530s"
CPSERVER             UP         "8/14/04 19:40 MPBUILD-rel530s"
CONFSCHED            UP         "8/14/04 19:58 MPBUILD-rel530s"
WSSERVER             UP         "8/14/04 20:09 MPBUILD-rel530s"
VOICESERVER          UP         "8/14/04 20:28 MPBUILD-rel530s"
GWSIMMGR             UP         "8/14/04 20:41 MPBUILD-rel530s"

  10    0  OK        UP         GATEWAY      8/23/04 04:38:08
  11    0  OK        UP         GATEWAY      8/23/04 04:37:38
  12    0  OK        UP         GATEWAY      8/23/04 12:25:26
  13    0  OK        UP         GATEWAY      8/23/04 19:41:28
  14    0  OK        UP         GATEWAY      8/23/04 04:37:19

Note Until the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system is up, the temperature reads "Unknown." After the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system is up, the temperature reads correctly.

Saving the License

Step 1 Access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 If you do not already have terminal logging turned on, turn it on. For information on logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 4 At the tech$ prompt, enter down disable. This takes the shadow server down.

Step 5 After the shadow server is down, insert a disk into the floppy drive. The floppy drive is located in the front of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8106 and in the back of the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8112.

Step 6 At the tech$ prompt, enter savelicense.

Step 7 When the savelicense command is finished, remove the disk from the floppy drive.

Restoring the Database Backup

Step 1 Access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 If you do not already have terminal logging turned on, turn it on. For information on logging, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 4 Locate the backup you performed on the primary server in the "Backing Up the Database of the Primary Server" section.

Step 5 Restore the backup by entering restore.

Note The restore command copies the database of the primary server to the shadow server. This may take five to ten minutes depending on the size of the database.

Step 6 When the restore is complete, insert the disk from step 7 of the "Saving the License" section into the floppy drive.

Step 7 At the tech$ prompt, enter update.

Step 8 After the update is complete, remove the disk from the floppy drive.

About Configuring the Shadow Server While in Standalone Mode

Complete the shadow server configuration by performing the tasks in the following sections:

Configuring the LAN Parameters for the Shadow Server

Configuring the Telephony Parameters for the Shadow Server

Configuring the MeetingTime Values for the Shadow Server

Verifying that Languages Copied to the Shadow Server

Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server

Switching Behaviors When the Primary Server Fails and the Shadow Server Becomes the Primary Server

Configuring FlexMenus for the Shadow Server

Configuring Custom Prompts for the Shadow Server

Configuring Translation Tables for the Shadow Server

Configuring the LAN Parameters for the Shadow Server

Step 1 Configure the LAN parameters for the shadow server by running the net command. Use the information in the "Obtaining the Necessary Information" section. See the "Configuring the LAN Parameters for the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 8100 Series" section on page 1-1 for more information about configuring the LAN parameters.

Note Configure the shadow server locally as unit 0.

Step 2 When you are done configuring the LAN parameters, restart the shadow server by entering restart.

Configuring the Telephony Parameters for the Shadow Server

Step 1 Configure the telephony parameters for the shadow server by entering the blade command. Use the information in the "Obtaining the Necessary Information" section. See the "About Configuring the Blades" section on page 1-6 for more information about configuring the telephony parameters.

Step 2 When you are done configuring the telephony parameters, restart the shadow server by entering restart.

Configuring the MeetingTime Values for the Shadow Server

When you entered the restore command in the "Restoring the Database Backup" section, you copied most of the MeetingTime values from the primary server to the shadow server. Use MeetingTime to manually change any values that were not copied from the primary server to the shadow server.

Step 1 Log in to the shadow server in MeetingTime.

Step 2 Go to the Configure tab.

Step 3 Select Telephony Access from the left pane.

Step 4 Click Query. Values appear in the right pane.

Step 5 Verify that the main telephone number and any other applicable parameters are the same for the shadow server as for the primary server. Change any values that are not the same.

Step 6 Click Save Changes.

Step 7 Click Server Configuration in the left pane.

Step 8 Click Query. Values appear in the right pane.

Step 9 Verify that all values are accurate.

Step 10 Verify that the Max Recording Space (min.) field is set appropriately for the current configuration.

Verifying that Languages Copied to the Shadow Server

Verify that all languages installed on the primary server are also installed on the shadow server.

Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server

Configure the gateway routing in one of the following two ways:

If your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system has a set of backup gateway machines, install and connect them before bringing the shadow server online configured as a shadow server. Set up and connect the backup gateways while the shadow server is in standalone server mode. See the appropriate Cisco Unified MeetingPlace administrator's guide for gateway installation procedures.

When you convert a primary server to a shadow server, the gateways are down. After you convert the shadow server to the primary server, the gateways reconnect.

If your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system does not have a set of backup gateway machines, configure your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system so that if the primary server goes down, the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system reroutes all TCP requests to the shadow server. See Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server without Backup Gateway Machines.

Configuring Gateway Routing for the Shadow Server without Backup Gateway Machines

This section describes how to configure the primary Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server to automatically accept gateway re-attachment after the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server changes from the shadow server to the primary server.

Step 1 Install any Cisco Unified MeetingPlace gateway servers (such as Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace for Outlook, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services, Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Backup Gateway, etc) that your system uses. For complete information, see the installation sections of the Administrator Guides for the gateway products that you are installing.

Step 2 After you have installed all the gateway software, the gateways appear as a unit attached to the primary Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. Each gateway server is automatically assigned a number between 10 and 32.

Step 3 On the primary audio server, use the net command to retrieve all of the network information for each of the gateway units, as in the following example.

bigrock-lat:tech$ net
 1) View the server & site configuration
 2) Modify the server configuration
 3) Select another server (current unit = #0)
99) Quit
Select: 3
Unit: 16
 1) View the server & site configuration
 2) Modify the server configuration
 3) Select another server (current unit = #16)
99) Quit
Select: 1
Current server configuration:
    Unit:                 #16 (MPWeb-SFcisco)
    Active:               YES
    Kind:                 Gateway server
    IP Address: 
    Ethernet address:     000043388c48
    Site:                 #0 (Home Site)
    Site subnet mask:
    Site broadcast addr:
    Site default gateway:
 1) View the server & site configuration
 2) Modify the server configuration
 3) Select another server (current unit = #16)
99) Quit

Step 4 On the shadow server, use the net command to set up network information for all of the gateway units from Step 3. Match the unit number by selecting the same unit number that the gateway appeared under the primary audio server database. The network information for each unit must also be set up exactly the same on the shadow audio server as on the primary audio server.

Note If you get a warning about site configuration, such as site information is undefined or the site mask is incompatible with the IP address you have assigned to this unit, you can ignore those warnings. Site information is not used in establishing connectivity between gateway and audio server.

Step 5 After the shadow server has been configured with the appropriate network information for the gateways, go back to the gateway server and configure the gateway SIM with the hostname of your shadow server. Follow these steps:

a. Stop the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway SIM service.

b. Double-click the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace icon (orange door) in the system tray. This opens the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Gateway Configuration window.

c. Double-click the hostname of your primary Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server. This opens the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Server Entry window.

d. Enter the hostname of your shadow server in the Shadow Server Name field.

e. Click OK.

f. Reboot your gateway server.

Step 6 If you have more than one gateway unit, repeat Step 3 to Step 5 for each gateway unit.

Switching Behaviors When the Primary Server Fails and the Shadow Server Becomes the Primary Server

Although the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system supports the concept of primary and shadow servers, with the shadow server as a backup when the primary server fails, the shadow server does not automatically switch from shadow server mode into primary server mode.

Follow this process to automatically switch from shadow server mode to primary server mode:

Step 1 Take the primary server offline.

Step 2 Shut down all gateway units.

Step 3 Switch the shadow server into primary server mode.

Step 4 Reboot all gateway units. Gateway units will reattach themselves to the new primary server (formerly the shadow server) when they come up.

Note Even though the server name listed in the Shadow Server Name field is now functioning as the primary audio server, you do not need to modify the values in the Server Name and Shadow Server Name fields in the Server Entry configuration window.

Configuring FlexMenus for the Shadow Server

If the primary server is configured with FlexMenus, configure the shadow server with FlexMenus.

Configuring Custom Prompts for the Shadow Server

If the primary server is configured with custom prompts, configure the shadow server with the same custom prompts.

Configuring Translation Tables for the Shadow Server

The translation tables for the primary server and shadow server may be different, especially if the shadow server is in a different location. The translation tables for the primary server are not replicated, so you need to configure the shadow server's translation table to match the primary server's translation table.

Restarting the Shadow Server

After configuring the parameters for the shadow server, restart the shadow server.

Step 1 Access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 At the tech$ prompt, enter restart enable.

Step 4 Confirm that you want to restart the shadow server by entering y.

Testing the Shadow Server Configuration

The following steps must be done while the shadow server is still in standalone server mode.

Step 1 Confirm the shadow server functionality by completing the steps in the Installation and Upgrade Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Audio Server Release 5.3.

Step 2 Verify that you can log in to MeetingTime.

Step 3 Verify all gateway functionality and connectivity. See the appropriate gateway administrator's guide for more information.

Changing the Shadow Server to Act as a Shadow Server

This section explains how to change the shadow server from standalone mode to shadow server mode.

Note The net command overwrites the setup configuration. Therefore, if you run the net command after you run the setup command, you must run the setup command again.

Step 1 Access the CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 At the tech$ prompt, enter down.

Step 4 Confirm that you want to bring down the shadow server by entering y.

Step 5 After the shadow server is down, enter setup. The following example appears:

meetingplace:tech$ setup
This program determines the basic personality of this unit.
Current unit class = SINGLE
Current site class = LOCAL

Select the unit class:
 1) MeetingPlace -- Standalone (SINGLE).
 5) Shadow Network Server (SHADOW).
99) Quit.

Step 6 Select shadow network server by entering 5. See the following example:

Select: 5
You will now be prompted for host name and IP address of the primary
This information is used to establish the network connection. Please,
when prompted for a host name, enter a proper Internet host name, with
no spaces or funny characters, not the IP address.

Host name of the primary server []:

Step 7 The Cisco Unified MeetingPlace system prompts you to enter the primary server's hostname. Enter the proper Internet hostname with no spaces, not the IP address.

Step 8 Continue following the prompts to enter the other necessary information. At the end of the setup, you see an indication that the site class is "REMOTE" and a prompt to update the initialization file as in the preceding example.

Note The site class is always set to "REMOTE," even if the shadow server is physically located at the same site as the primary server.

Step 9 Update the initialization file by entering y.

You have selected a new configuration for this unit.
Unit class = SHADOW
Site class = REMOTE
Update the initialization file (y/[n])? y
NOTE: Changes take effect with the next restart of the unit.
Unit class = SHADOW/REMOTE

Step 10 Bring the shadow server back up by entering restart enable.

Checking the Configuration

Step 1 Access the primary server's CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter swstatus.

Step 4 Verify that the shadow server, unit 9, is connected.

Step 5 Access the shadow server's CLI.

Step 6 Enter swstatus.

Step 7 Verify that the shadow server is connected to the primary server, unit 0.

Step 8 Wait at least 15 minutes.

Step 9 If there are meetings taking place on the primary server, log in to the shadow server via the CLI, then enter cptrace.

If the data is replicating properly, you will see data being logged from the call traces. If there is nothing in the trace, contact Cisco TAC. See the Guide to Cisco Conferencing Documentation and Support for information about obtaining technical support.

Step 10 Exit the cptrace command by entering q.

Step 11 Enter alarm.

Step 12 Make a note of any alarms.

Note While the shadow server is operating in shadow server mode, the telephony interfaces are not active. A connected PBX sees a red T1 alarm on all spans.

Step 13 Clear the alarms by entering clearalarm all.

Step 14 Confirm that the date and time are correct by entering date.

About Testing the Shadow Server Switchover

Note Wait a few hours before testing the switchover.

This section explains how to test the shadow server switchover to ensure that data is replicating correctly. Follow these steps:

Running MeetingTime Reports on the Primary Server

Shutting Down the Primary Server

Changing the Shadow Server to the Primary Server

Testing the Switchover

Changing the Shadow Server Back to Shadow Server Mode

Bringing the Primary Server Back Online

Running MeetingTime Reports on the Primary Server

Step 1 Log in to MeetingTime on the primary server.

Step 2 Go to the Report tab.

Step 3 Select Raw Meeting Details in the left pane.

Step 4 Click Execute.

Step 5 After the report is finished, save it in a convenient location.

Step 6 Select Raw Profile Information in the left pane.

Step 7 Click Execute.

Step 8 After the report is finished, save it in a convenient location.

Step 9 Exit MeetingTime.

Shutting Down the Primary Server

Step 1 Access the primary server's CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter down disable.

Step 4 Confirm that you want to shut down the primary server by entering y.

Changing the Shadow Server to the Primary Server

Step 1 Access the shadow server's CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter setup.

Step 4 Select "MeetingPlace -- Standalone (SINGLE)" by entering 1.

Step 5 After the setup changes, enter restart enable.

Testing the Switchover

Step 1 Compare the data in the Raw Meeting Details Report that you ran in Step 3 of the "Running MeetingTime Reports on the Primary Server" section to the newly configured primary server's (originally the shadow server) information to be sure it is replicating.

Step 2 Compare the data in the Raw Profile Information Report that you ran in Step 6 of the "Running MeetingTime Reports on the Primary Server" section to the newly configured primary server's (originally the shadow server) information to be sure it is replicating.

Step 3 Access the CLI.

Step 4 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 5 Confirm that the gateways have reconnected by entering gwstatus.

Step 6 Confirm that the spans are up by entering spanstat -s.

Step 7 Log in to MeetingTime to confirm you can connect.

Changing the Shadow Server Back to Shadow Server Mode

After completing the test switchover, the shadow server must be reconfigured as a shadow server.

Step 1 Access the shadow server's CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter down.

Step 4 Confirm that you want to bring the shadow server down by entering y.

Step 5 After the shadow server is down, enter setup.

Step 6 Select shadow server mode by entering 5.

Step 7 Enter the necessary information as you are prompted.

Step 8 After the setup is complete, enter restart enable.

Note The net command overwrites the setup configuration. Therefore, if you run the net command after you run the setup command, you must run the setup command again.

Bringing the Primary Server Back Online

Step 1 Access the primary server's CLI.

Step 2 Log in as a technician. The tech$ prompt appears.

Step 3 Enter restart enable.

Step 4 After the primary server is back online, enter swstatus.

Step 5 Confirm that the shadow server, unit 9, is reconnected.

Step 6 Log in to the shadow server via the CLI.

Step 7 Enter swstatus.

Step 8 Confirm that the shadow server shows itself as being connected to the primary server, unit 0.

Step 9 Wait at least 15 minutes.

Step 10 If there are meetings taking place on the primary server, log in to the shadow server via the CLI.

Step 11 Enter cptrace. If the data is replicating properly, you see data being logged from the call traces. If there is nothing in the trace, contact Cisco TAC. See the Guide to Cisco Conferencing Documentation and Support for information about obtaining technical support.

Step 12 Exit the cptrace command by entering q.