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本文檔介紹如何對Cisco IOS® XE平台的IS-IS協定進行故障排除。
本檔案中的資訊是根據Cisco IOS XE軟體。
DeviceA#show isis neighbors detail System Id Type Interface IP Address State Holdtime Circuit Id DeviceA#
DeviceB#show isis neighbors detail System Id Type Interface IP Address State Holdtime Circuit Id DeviceA L1L2 Twe1/0/9 DOWN 28 05 Area Address(es): 49.0001 SNPA: a84f.b1c3.9484 State Changed: never Format: Phase V Remote TID: 0 Local TID: 0 Interface name: TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 Neighbor Circuit Id: 5 Adj sync: Full
DeviceA#ping size 1500 df-bit Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with the DF bit set !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms DeviceA#
DeviceB#ping size 1500 df-bit Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 1500-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: Packet sent with the DF bit set !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms DeviceB#
DeviceA#show running-config | sec router isis ip router isis router isis net 49.0001.0000.0000.000a.00 DeviceA#
DeviceB#show running-config | sec router isis ip router isis router isis net 49.0001.0000.0000.000b.00 DeviceB#
3.驗證鄰接關係是否在 無連線網路服務(CLNS)。這會提供連線到您的裝置的鄰居的摘要。
DeviceA#show clns neighbors detail System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol 0000.0000.000B Te0/0/4 6c31.0edb.3b5f Up 257 IS ES-IS Area Address(es): 49.0001 Uptime: 02:02:11 Interface name: TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 DeviceA#
DeviceB#show clns neighbors detail System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol 0000.0000.000A Twe1/0/9 a84f.b1c3.9484 Down 20 L1L2 IS-IS Area Address(es): 49.0001 IP Address(es):* Uptime: 02:02:09 NSF capable Interface name: TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 DeviceB#
DeviceA#show interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is 8xSFP+, address is a84f.b1c3.9484 (bia a84f.b1c3.9484) < mac address appeared on SNPA DeviceB Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
DeviceB#show interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Twenty Five Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c31.0edb.3b5f (bia 6c31.0edb.3b5f) < mac address appeared on SNPA DeviceA Internet address is MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
4.運行命令 show clns interface
裝置A |
DeviceA#show clns interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 |
裝置B |
DeviceB#show clns interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 |
在此案例中,問題與MTU不相符有關。如果無法訪問遠端對等體, debug isis adj-packets
注意:僅當命令處於啟用狀態時, show clns interface
列印 if state INIT
DeviceA#debug isis adj-packets TenGigabitEthernet 0/0/4
IS-IS Adjacency related packets debugging is on for router process null
*Jul 18 23:24:16.598: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:16.599: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 < MTU sent to the neighbor >
*Jul 18 23:24:25.189: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:25.189: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
*Jul 18 23:24:34.057: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:34.057: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
*Jul 18 23:24:42.866: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:42.866: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
*Jul 18 23:24:51.646: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:51.646: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
*Jul 18 23:24:59.606: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:24:59.606: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
DeviceB#debug isis adj-packets twentyFiveGigE 1/0/9
*Jul 18 23:53:22.420: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:INIT, length 9212 < MTU sent to the neighbor >
*Jul 18 23:53:22.591: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9)
*Jul 18 23:53:22.591: ISIS-Adj: cir type L1L2, cir id 05, length 1496 < MTU received from neighbor >
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state DOWN, old state INIT, new state INIT, nbr usable TRUE
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x49000184 Length:5
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: newstate:1, state_changed:0, going_up:0, going_down:0
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: Action = ACCEPT
*Jul 18 23:53:22.592: ISIS-Adj: ACTION_ACCEPT:
DeviceA#show clns neighbors System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol DeviceA#
DeviceB#show clns neighbors System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol DeviceB#
裝置A |
DeviceA#show clns interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/0/4 |
裝置B |
DeviceB#show clns interface twentyFiveGigE 1/0/9 |
6.啟用 debug isis adj-packet
DeviceA#debug isis adj-packets TenGigabitEthernet 0/0/4
IS-IS Adjacency related packets debugging is on for router process null *Jul 19 13:32:52.788: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 13:32:52.788: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 13:33:00.708: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 13:33:00.709: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 13:33:09.726: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 13:33:09.726: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 13:33:18.376: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 13:33:18.376: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 13:33:26.132: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 13:33:26.132: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 DeviceA#
DeviceB#debug isis adj-packets TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 IS-IS Adjacency related packets debugging is on for router process null *Jul 19 14:01:32.125: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 14:01:32.125: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 14:01:40.005: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 14:01:40.005: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 14:01:49.602: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 14:01:49.602: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 *Jul 19 14:01:58.284: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 *Jul 19 14:01:58.284: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496
並將其上傳到TFTP伺服器以瞭解更多詳細資訊。.pcap file
DeviceA#show monitor cap cap parameter monitor capture cap interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 BOTH < Interface from where send and receive the Hello Packets > monitor capture cap control-plane IN < Packets to be process and generated by the CPU > monitor capture cap access-list TAC < ACL for capture only the IS-IS packets > monitor capture cap buffer size 10 monitor capture cap limit pps 1000 DeviceA#show access-list TAC Extended MAC access list TAC permit host a84f.b1c3.9484 host 0900.2b00.0005 < Local MAC address towards the IS-IS Hello > permit host 6c31.0edb.3b5f host 0900.2b00.0005 < Remote MAC address towards the IS-IS Hello >
DeviceB#show monitor capture cap parameter monitor capture cap interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 BOTH < Interface from where send and receive the Hello Packets > monitor capture cap control-plane BOTH < Packets to be process and generated by the CPU > monitor capture cap match any < match all the packets on the switch > monitor capture cap buffer size 10
註:Catalyst Cisco IOS XE交換機的EPC僅捕獲傳出IS-IS問詢,而不捕獲入口資料包。作為替代方法,建議使用SPAN擷取。
名稱 | 目的Mac地址 |
所有L1 IS | 0180.c200.0014 |
所有L2 IS | 0180.c200.0015 |
所有IS | 0900.2b00.0005 |
所有ES | 0900.2b00.0004 |
裝置A ISIS被擊落
DeviceB capture顯示hello資料包被傳送到其鄰居(紅方形)。但是,與上次捕獲類似,它不會收到來自鄰居的Hello資料包。
DeviceB ISIS已關閉捕獲
此案例中的問題出在中間裝置不允許傳送hello資料包。如果您觀察到類似情況並需要進一步的疑難排解,請開啟Cisco TAC案例。
DeviceA#show logging
Jul 19 15:05:03.623: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired
Jul 19 15:05:15.075: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency
Jul 19 15:07:04.575: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired
Jul 19 15:07:15.759: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency
Jul 19 15:09:04.983: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired
Jul 19 15:09:14.835: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency
DeviceB#show logging
Jul 19 15:05:02.316: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired
Jul 19 15:05:18.191: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency
Jul 19 15:07:09.280: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired
Jul 19 15:07:18.876: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency
Jul 19 15:09:06.080: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired!
Jul 19 15:09:17.948: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency
3.使用命令驗證CLNS鄰居相互傳送流量 show clns traffic interface
DeviceA#show clns traffic interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 CLNS: Time since last clear: 00:01:57 CLNS & ESIS Output: 3, Input: 21 Dropped Protocol not enabled on interface: 0 CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0
Interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4: IS-IS: Time since last clear: 00:01:57 IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: PTP Hellos (sent/rcvd): 15/11 < DeviceA sends hello packets and receives less than its sends> IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 0 IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 0
DeviceB#show clns traffic interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 CLNS: Time since last clear: 00:00:27 CLNS queue depth: 0/100, drops: 0, highest: 2 CLNS & ESIS Output: 1, Input: 14 Dropped Protocol not enabled on interface: 0 CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0Interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9: IS-IS: Time since last clear: 00:00:27 IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: PTP Hellos (sent/rcvd): 4/5 < DeviceB, sends and receives a couple of hellos in comparison with DeviceA> IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 1/1 IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 0 IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 0
提示:命令 clns traffic
根據IS-IS級別和IS-IS網路型別顯示IS-IS Hello。
4.啟用 debug ISIS adj-packets
DeviceA#show isis adj-packets TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 < Hellos sent to the DeviceB with no response > Jul 19 18:58:34.779: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:34.779: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 19 18:58:42.719: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:42.719: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 19 18:58:50.430: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:50.430: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 19 18:58:58.356: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:58.356: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 < IS-IS declares the protocol down > Jul 19 18:59:01.879: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired < IS-IS sends hellos to the neighbor and receives a response from DeviceB > Jul 19 18:59:01.879: ISIS-Adj: L2 adj count 0 Jul 19 18:59:07.724: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 Jul 19 18:59:07.724: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:15.894: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 Jul 19 18:59:15.894: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from 6c31.0edb.3b5f (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: cir type L2, cir id 0B, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: TRUE Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000A Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0x5 Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: newstate:1, state_changed:1, going_up:0, going_down:0 Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: Action = GOING UP, new type = L2 < DeviceA declares that the adjacency is UP and starts to establish the session > Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: New serial adjacency Jul 19 18:59:15.896: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state INIT, old state DOWN, new state INIT, nbr usable TRUE Jul 19 18:59:15.898: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:59:15.898: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:INIT, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from 6c31.0edb.3b5f (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: cir type L2, cir id 0B, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state UP, old state INIT, new state UP, nbr usable TRUE Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000A Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0x5 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: newstate:0, state_changed:1, going_up:1, going_down:0 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: ISIS-Adj: Action = GOING UP, new type = L2 Jul 19 18:59:15.900: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency
DeviceB#debug isis adj-packets TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 < Hello sent to the DeviceA with no response > Jul 19 18:58:44.105: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:44.105: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 19 18:58:51.814: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:51.814: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 19 18:58:59.768: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:58:59.768: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496 < IS-IS declares the protocol down > Jul 19 18:59:07.886: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired
< IS-IS sends hellos to the neighbor and receives a response from DeviceA >
Jul 19 18:59:07.887: ISIS-Adj: L2 adj count 0 Jul 19 18:59:08.422: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 Jul 19 18:59:08.422: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:16.144: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x0 Length:5 Jul 19 18:59:16.144: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:DOWN, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: cir type L2, cir id 05, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0x49000184 Length:5 Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: TRUE Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: newstate:1, state_changed:1, going_up:0, going_down:0 Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: Action = GOING UP, new type = L2 < DeviceB declares that the adjacency is UP and starts to establish the session > Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: New serial adjacency Jul 19 18:59:19.001: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state DOWN, old state DOWN, new state INIT, nbr usable TRUE Jul 19 18:59:19.002: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 19 18:59:19.002: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:INIT, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: cir type L2, cir id 05, length 1496 Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state INIT, old state INIT, new state UP, nbr usable TRUE Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000B Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0xB Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: newstate:0, state_changed:1, going_up:1, going_down:0 Jul 19 18:59:19.004: ISIS-Adj: Action = GOING UP, new type = L2 Jul 19 18:59:19.004: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency
5.啟用捕獲,以驗證資料包是否已傳送到每個鄰居。擷取完成後,將擷取匯出至bootflash作為 .pcap file
DeviceA#show logging Jul 21 10:03:38.633: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 10:05:10.272: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency Jul 21 10:33:41.528: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 10:35:07.979: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency Jul 21 11:03:42.442: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 11:05:08.469: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Up, new adjacency
DeviceB#show logging Jul 21 10:03:44.535: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 10:05:13.281: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency Jul 21 10:33:38.408: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 10:35:10.989: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency Jul 21 11:03:39.291: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired Jul 21 11:05:11.479: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Up, new adjacency
5.禁用日誌記錄控制檯並啟用 debug isis adj-packets
DeviceA(config)#no logging console DeviceA(config)#exit DeviceA#debug isis adj-packets TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4
DeviceA#show monitor capture cap parameter
monitor capture cap interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 BOTH monitor capture cap control-plane IN monitor capture cap access-list TAC > match only the packets allowed on the ACL monitor capture cap buffer size 100 circular > when the capture reaches the size of 100 MB this overwrite the previous information. monitor capture cap limit pps 1000
DeviceA#show access-lists TAC Extended MAC access list TAC permit host a84f.b1c3.9484 host 0900.2b00.0005 < Local MAC address towards the IS-IS Hello > permit host 6c31.0edb.3b5f host 0900.2b00.0005 < Remote MAC address towards the IS-IS Hello >
DeviceA#monitor capture cap start
7.在思科裝置上配置嵌入式事件管理器(EEM)。一旦問題觸發系統日誌模式,就會生成儲存在快閃記憶體中的日誌,作為 .txt
DeviceA#show running-config | sec event event manager applet ISIS_Flap authorization bypass
event syslog pattern "%CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE:.*hold time expired"
action 1.0 syslog msg "ISIS down Please wait - capturing the traffic"
action 1.1 cli command "enable"
action 1.2 cli command "show clns interface ten0/0/4 | append bootflash:ISIS_DeviceA.txt"
action 1.3 cli command "show clns traffic interface tenGigabitEthernet 0/0/4 | append bootflash:ISIS_DeviceA.txt"
action 2.0 cli command "show logging | append bootflash:debug_DeviceA.txt"
action 2.1 cli command "undebug all"
action 2.2 cli command "monitor capture cap stop"
action 3.0 cli command "end"
For switches to append the logs it is neccesary to use the append flash:, as example:
event manager applet ISIS_Flap authorization bypass event syslog pattern "%CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE:.*hold time expired" action 1.0 syslog msg "ISIS down Please wait - capturing the traffic" action 1.1 cli command "enable" action 1.2 cli command "show clns interface ten0/0/4 | append flash:ISIS_DeviceB.txt"
action 3.0 cli command "end"
8.一旦問題觸發,繼續在bootflash/flash上匯出捕獲,並確保 .txt
DeviceA#monitor capture cap export bootflash:ISIS_DeviceA.pcap Exported Successfully DeviceA#dir bootflash:*.txt Directory of bootflash:/*.txt Directory of bootflash:/ 19 -rw- 6048 Jul 22 2023 13:33:40 +00:00 ISIS_DeviceA.txt 20 -rw- 103153 Jul 22 2023 13:33:40 +00:00 debug_DeviceA.txt 26975526912 bytes total (20527607808 bytes free)
DeviceB#monitor capture cap export location flash:ISIS_DeviceB.pcap
Exported Successfully
DeviceB#dir bootflash:*.txt Directory of bootflash:/*.txt Directory of bootflash:/ 356939 -rw- 660 Jul 22 2023 13:33:42 +00:00 ISIS_DeviceB.txt 356943 -rw- 103283 Jul 22 2023 13:33:42 +00:00 debug_DeviceB.txt
DeviceA#copy bootflash:ISIS_DeviceA.txt tftp: Address or name of remote host []? < TFTP IP address > Destination filename [ISIS_DeviceA.txt]?!! 18144 bytes copied in 0.095 secs (190989 bytes/sec)
TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4 is up, line protocol is up Attached to: isis Checksums enabled, MTU 1497, Encapsulation SAP ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec. CLNS fast switching disabled CLNS SSE switching disabled DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface Next ESH/ISH in 30 seconds Routing Protocol: IS-IS Circuit Type: level-1-2 Interface number 0x0, local circuit ID 0x5 Neighbor Extended Local Circuit ID: 0x0 Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: DeviceA.05 Level-1 IPv6 Metric: 10 Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 0 Level-2 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: DeviceA.05 Level-2 IPv6 Metric: 10 Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 0 Next IS-IS Hello in 574 milliseconds if state DOWN CLNS: Time since last clear: 00:29:37 CLNS & ESIS Output: 33, Input: 241 Dropped Protocol not enabled on interface: 0 CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0
Interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4: IS-IS: Time since last clear: 00:29:37 IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: PTP Hellos (sent/rcvd): 205/199 IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 0 IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 0 DeviceB TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9 is up, line protocol is up Attached to: isis Checksums enabled, MTU 1497, Encapsulation SAP ERPDUs enabled, min. interval 10 msec. CLNS fast switching disabled CLNS SSE switching disabled DEC compatibility mode OFF for this interface Next ESH/ISH in 20 seconds Routing Protocol: IS-IS Circuit Type: level-1-2 Interface number 0x0, local circuit ID 0xB Neighbor Extended Local Circuit ID: 0x0 P2P retransmit queue size: 0 Level-1 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: DeviceB.0B Level-1 IPv6 Metric: 10 Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 0 Level-2 Metric: 10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: DeviceB.0B Level-2 IPv6 Metric: 10 Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 0 Next IS-IS Hello in 7 seconds if state DOWN CLNS: Time since last clear: 00:29:34 CLNS queue depth: 0/100, drops: 0, highest: 1 CLNS & ESIS Output: 34, Input: 243 Dropped Protocol not enabled on interface: 0 CLNS Local: 0, Forward: 0
Interface TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9: IS-IS: Time since last clear: 00:29:34 IS-IS: Level-1 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 Hellos (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: PTP Hellos (sent/rcvd): 202/202 IS-IS: Level-1 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 LSPs flooded (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-2 CSNPs (sent/rcvd): 0/0 IS-IS: Level-1 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-2 PSNPs (sent/rcvd): 2/2 IS-IS: Level-1 DR Elections: 0 IS-IS: Level-2 DR Elections: 0
Jul 22 19:17:24.929: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 22 19:17:24.929: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from 6c31.0edb.3b5f (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: cir type L1L2, cir id 0B, length 1496 Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state UP, old state UP, new state UP, nbr usable TRUE Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15 Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000A Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0x5 Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: newstate:0, state_changed:0, going_up:0, going_down:0 Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: Action = ACCEPT Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: ACTION_ACCEPT: Jul 22 19:17:33.626: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 22 19:17:33.627: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:17:42.671: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 22 19:17:42.672: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:17:52.008: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 22 19:17:52.008: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:18:01.475: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15 Jul 22 19:18:01.475: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:18:01.685: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired Jul 22 19:18:01.685: ISIS-Adj: L1 adj count 0 Jul 22 19:18:01.685: ISIS-Adj: L2 adj count 0
Jul 22 19:17:25.693: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:25.693: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9)
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: cir type L1L2, cir id 05, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state UP, old state UP, new state UP, nbr usable TRUE
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000B
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0xB
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: newstate:0, state_changed:0, going_up:0, going_down:0
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: Action = ACCEPT
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: ACTION_ACCEPT:
Jul 22 19:17:34.637: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:34.637: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9)
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: cir type L1L2, cir id 05, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: rcvd state UP, old state UP, new state UP, nbr usable TRUE
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: RCV:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: Nghbr Ckt ID changed: FALSE
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor System-ID (must be our) 0000.0000.000B
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: received Neighbor ext.circuit ID (must be our) 0xB
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: newstate:0, state_changed:0, going_up:0, going_down:0
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: Action = ACCEPT
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: ACTION_ACCEPT:
Jul 22 19:17:43.270: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:43.271: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:51.658: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:51.658: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:18:00.248: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:18:00.248: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:18:06.579: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired
Jul 22 19:18:06.579: ISIS-Adj: L1 adj count 0
Jul 22 19:18:06.579: ISIS-Adj: L2 adj count 0
Jul 22 19:17:24.929: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:24.929: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:31.685: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from 6c31.0edb.3b5f (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4)
Jul 22 19:17:25.693: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:25.693: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:27.882: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9)
Jul 22 19:17:33.626: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:33.627: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:34.637: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:34.637: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:17:36.579: ISIS-Adj: Rec serial IIH from a84f.b1c3.9484 (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9)
Jul 22 19:17:42.671: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0x5 Nghbr Ckt ID:0xB Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:42.672: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496 Jul 22 19:18:01.475: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:18:01.685: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceB (TenGigabitEthernet0/0/4) Down, hold time expired
Jul 22 19:17:43.270: ISIS-Adj: SND:3way Adj. Local Ckt ID:0xB Nghbr Ckt ID:0x5 Length:15
Jul 22 19:17:43.271: ISIS-Adj: Sending serial IIH on TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9, 3way state:UP, length 1496
Jul 22 19:18:06.579: %CLNS-5-ADJCHANGE: ISIS: Adjacency to DeviceA (TwentyFiveGigE1/0/9) Down, hold time expired
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
27-Jul-2023 |
初始版本 |