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思科采用人工翻译与机器翻译相结合的方式将此文档翻译成不同语言,希望全球的用户都能通过各自的语言得到支持性的内容。 请注意:即使是最好的机器翻译,其准确度也不及专业翻译人员的水平。 Cisco Systems, Inc. 对于翻译的准确性不承担任何责任,并建议您总是参考英文原始文档(已提供链接)。
本文档介绍管理员应掌握的有关Cisco HyperFlex(HX)的一般知识。
SCVM =存储控制器虚拟机
VMNIC =虚拟机网络接口卡(V)
VNIC =虚拟网络接口卡卡
SED =自我加密驱动器
VM =虚拟机
HX = HyperFlex
VNIC | 虚拟交换机(vSwitch) |
VNIC 0和VNIC 1 | vSwitch-hx-inband-mgmt |
VNIC 2和VNIC 3 | vSwitch-hx-storage-data |
VNIC 4和VNIC 5 | vSwitch-hx-vm-network |
VNIC 6和VNIC 7 | vMotion |
注意:对于HX Hyper-V,这将不适用,因为Hyper-V使用一致的设备命名(CDN)。
由于SCVM提供Cisco HX分布式数据平台的关键功能,因此HyperFlex安装程序将为控制器VM配置CPU资源预留。此保留确保控制器VM在访客VM占用ESXi虚拟机监控程序主机的物理CPU资源严重的情况下具有最低级别的中央处理单元(CPU)资源。这是软保证,这意味着在大多数情况下,SCVM不使用保留的所有CPU资源,因此允许访客VM使用它们。下表详细列出存储控制器VM的CPU资源预留:
vCPU数量 | 股份 | 预订 | 限制 |
8 | 低 | 10800 MHZ | 无限 |
由于SCVM提供Cisco HX分布式数据平台的关键功能,因此HyperFlex安装程序将为控制器VM配置内存资源预留。此保留可确保控制器虚拟机在ESXi虚拟机监控程序主机的物理内存资源被访客虚拟机大量消耗的情况下具有最低级别的内存资源。下表详细列出存储控制器VM的内存资源预留:
服务器型号 | 访客内存量 | 保留所有访客内存 |
HX 220c-M5SX HXAF 220c-M5SX HX 220c-M4S HXAF220c-M4S |
48 GB | Yes |
HX 240c-M5SX HXAF 240c-M5SX HX240c-M4SX HXAF240c-M4SX |
72 GB | Yes |
HX240c-M5L | 78 GB | Yes |
仅计算节点具有轻量SCVM。它仅配置1个1024MHz和512 MB内存预留的vCPU。
root@SpringpathController:~# stcli cluster storage-summary --detail
current ensemble size:3
# of caching failures before cluster shuts down:2
minimum cache copies remaining:2
minimum data copies available for some user data:2
current healing status:rebuilding/healing is needed, but not in progress yet. warning: insufficient node or space resources may prevent healing. storage node either down or initializing disks.
minimum metadata copies available for cluster metadata:2
# of unavailable nodes:1
# of nodes failure tolerable for cluster to be available:0
health state reason:storage cluster is unhealthy. storage node is unavailable.
# of node failures before cluster shuts down:2
# of node failures before cluster goes into readonly:2
# of persistent devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:1
# of node failures before cluster goes to enospace warn trying to move the existing data:na
# of persistent devices failures before cluster shuts down:2
# of persistent devices failures before cluster goes into readonly:2
# of caching failures before cluster goes into readonly:na
# of caching devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:1
Storage cluster is unhealthy.
Storage node is unavailable.
state: 2
nodeFailuresTolerable: 0
cachingDeviceFailuresTolerable: 1
persistentDeviceFailuresTolerable: 1
zoneResInfoList: None
spaceStatus: normal
totalCapacity: 3.0T
totalSavings: 5.17%
usedCapacity: 45.9G
zkHealth: online
clusterAccessPolicy: lenient
dataReplicationCompliance: non_compliant
dataReplicationFactor: 3
root@SpringpathController:~# stcli cluster storage-summary --detail
current ensemble size:3
# of caching failures before cluster shuts down:2
minimum cache copies remaining:2
minimum data copies available for some user data:2
current healing status:rebuilding/healing is needed, but not in progress yet. warning: insufficient node or space resources may prevent healing. storage node is either down or initializing disks.
minimum metadata copies available for cluster metadata:2
# of unavailable nodes:1
# of nodes failure tolerable for cluster to be available:0
health state reason:storage cluster is unhealthy. persistent device disk [5000c5007e113d8b:0000000000000000] on node is unavailable.
# of node failures before cluster shuts down:2
# of node failures before cluster goes into readonly:2
# of persistent devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:1
# of node failures before cluster goes to enospace warn trying to move the existing data:na
# of persistent devices failures before cluster shuts down:2
# of persistent devices failures before cluster goes into readonly:2
# of caching failures before cluster goes into readonly:na
# of caching devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:1
Storage cluster is unhealthy.
Persistent Device Disk [5000c5007e113d8b:0000000000000000] on node is unavailable.
state: 2
nodeFailuresTolerable: 0
cachingDeviceFailuresTolerable: 1
persistentDeviceFailuresTolerable: 1
zoneResInfoList: None
spaceStatus: normal
totalCapacity: 3.0T
totalSavings: 8.82%
usedCapacity: 45.9G
zkHealth: online
clusterAccessPolicy: lenient
dataReplicationCompliance: non_compliant
dataReplicationFactor: 3
root@SpringpathController:~# stcli cluster storage-summary --detail <snip> resiliencyDetails: current ensemble size:5 # of caching failures before cluster shuts down:3 minimum cache copies remaining:3 minimum data copies available for some user data:2 current healing status:rebuilding is in progress, 98% completed. minimum metadata copies available for cluster metadata:2 time remaining before current healing operation finishes:7 hr(s), 15 min(s), and 34 sec(s) # of unavailable nodes:0 # of nodes failure tolerable for cluster to be available:1 health state reason:storage cluster is unhealthy. # of node failures before cluster shuts down:2 # of node failures before cluster goes into readonly:2 # of persistent devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:1 # of node failures before cluster goes to enospace warn trying to move the existing data:na # of persistent devices failures before cluster shuts down:2 # of persistent devices failures before cluster goes into readonly:2 # of caching failures before cluster goes into readonly:na # of caching devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:2 resiliencyInfo: messages: Storage cluster is unhealthy. state: 2 nodeFailuresTolerable: 1 cachingDeviceFailuresTolerable: 2 persistentDeviceFailuresTolerable: 1 zoneResInfoList: None spaceStatus: normal totalCapacity: 225.0T totalSavings: 42.93% usedCapacity: 67.7T clusterAccessPolicy: lenient dataReplicationCompliance: non_compliant dataReplicationFactor: 3
# Check if the cluster is SED capable
root@SpringpathController:~# cat /etc/springpath/sed_capability.conf sed_capable_cluster=False
# Check if the cluster is SED enabled root@SpringpathController:~# cat /etc/springpath/sed.conf sed_encryption_state=unknown
root@SpringpathController:~# /usr/share/springpath/storfs-appliance/sed-client.sh -l WWN,Slot,Supported,Enabled,Locked,Vendor,Model,Serial,Size 5002538c40a42d38,1,0,0,0,Samsung,SAMSUNG_MZ7LM240HMHQ-00003,S3LKNX0K406548,228936 5000c50030278d83,25,1,1,0,MICRON,S650DC-800FIPS,ZAZ15QDM0000822150Z3,763097 500a07511d38cd36,2,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38CD36,915715 500a07511d38efbe,4,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38EFBE,915715 500a07511d38f350,7,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38F350,915715 500a07511d38eaa6,3,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38EAA6,915715 500a07511d38ce80,6,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38CE80,915715 500a07511d38e4fc,5,1,1,0,MICRON,Micron_5100_MTFDDAK960TCB_SED,17261D38E4FC,915715
root@SpringpathController:~# stcli cluster storage-summary --detail
current ensemble size:3
# of caching failures before cluster shuts down:3
minimum cache copies remaining:3
minimum data copies available for some user data:3
minimum metadata copies available for cluster metadata:3
# of unavailable nodes:0
# of nodes failure tolerable for cluster to be available:1
health state reason:storage cluster is healthy.
# of node failures before cluster shuts down:3
# of node failures before cluster goes into readonly:3
# of persistent devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:2
# of node failures before cluster goes to enospace warn trying to move the existing data:na
# of persistent devices failures before cluster shuts down:3
# of persistent devices failures before cluster goes into readonly:3
# of caching failures before cluster goes into readonly:na
# of caching devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:2
Storage cluster is healthy.
state: 1
nodeFailuresTolerable: 1
cachingDeviceFailuresTolerable: 2
Cisco Hyperflex M4和M5服务器之间的SCVM位置不同。下表列出了SCVM的位置,并提供了其他有用信息。
思科HX服务器 | ESXi | SCVM sda |
缓存固态驱动器(SSD) | 管理SSD sdb1和sdb2 |
HX 220 M4 | 安全数字(SD卡) | SD卡上3.5G | 插槽 2 | 插槽 1 |
HX 240 M4 | SD卡 | 在PCH控制的SSD上(esxi控制此) | 插槽 1 | 在PCH控制的SSD上 |
HX 220 M5 | M.2驱动器 | M.2驱动器 | 插槽 2 | 插槽 1 |
HX 240 M5 | M.2驱动器 | M.2驱动器 | 后插槽SSD | 插槽 1 |
复制因子 | 访问策略 | 失败节点数 | ||
读/写 | 只读 | shutdown | ||
3 | 宽大 | 2 | — | 3 |
3 | 严格 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
2 | 宽大 | 1 | — | 2 |
2 | 严格 | — | 1 | 2 |
复制因子 | 访问策略 | 失败节点数 | ||
读/写 | 只读 | shutdown | ||
3 | 宽大或严格 | 1 | — | 2 |
2 | 宽大 | 1 | — | 2 |
2 | 严格 | — | 1 | 2 |
root@SpringpathController:~# stcli cluster storage-summary --detail
current ensemble size:3
# of caching failures before cluster shuts down:3
minimum cache copies remaining:3
minimum data copies available for some user data:3
minimum metadata copies available for cluster metadata:3
# of unavailable nodes:0
# of nodes failure tolerable for cluster to be available:1
health state reason:storage cluster is healthy.
# of node failures before cluster shuts down:3
# of node failures before cluster goes into readonly:3
# of persistent devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:2
# of node failures before cluster goes to enospace warn trying to move the existing data:na
# of persistent devices failures before cluster shuts down:3
# of persistent devices failures before cluster goes into readonly:3
# of caching failures before cluster goes into readonly:na
# of caching devices failures tolerable for cluster to be available:2
Storage cluster is healthy.
state: 1
clusterAccessPolicy: lenient
[root@node1:~] vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
Vmid Name File Guest OS Version Annotation
1 stCtlVM-F 9H [SpringpathDS-F 9H] stCtlVM-F 9H/stCtlVM-F 9H.vmx ubuntu64Guest vmx-13
[root@node1:~] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.off 1
Powering off VM:
[root@node1:~] vim-cmd vmsvc/power.getstate 1
Retrieved runtime info
Powered off
[root@node1:~] esxcfg-nas -l
Test is from 3203172317343203629-5043383143428344954 mounted available
ReplSec is from 3203172317343203629-5043383143428344954 mounted available
New_DS is from 3203172317343203629-5043383143428344954 mounted available
通过在Compatibility > Upgrade VM Compatibility中编辑VM设置来升级VMware硬件版本是vSphere Web客户端不是SCVM上支持的操作。SCVM将在HX Connect中报告为Offline。
root@SpringpathController0 UE:~# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 2.5G 0 disk `-sda1 8:1 0 2.5G 0 part / sdb 8:16 0 100G 0 disk |-sdb1 8:17 0 64G 0 part /var/stv `-sdb2 8:18 0 24G 0 part /var/zookeeper root@SpringpathController0 UE:~# lsscsi [2:0:0:0] disk VMware Virtual disk 2.0 /dev/sda [2:0:1:0] disk VMware Virtual disk 2.0 /dev/sdb root@SpringpathController0 UE:~# cat /var/log/springpath/diskslotmap-v2.txt 1.11.1:5002538a17221ab0:SAMSUNG:MZIES800HMHP/003:S1N2NY0J201389:EM19:SAS:SSD:763097:Inactive:/dev/sdc 1.11.2:5002538c405537e0:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 98:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdd 1.11.3:5002538c4055383a:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 88:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sde 1.11.4:5002538c40553813:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 49:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdf 1.11.5:5002538c4055380e:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 44:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdg 1.11.6:5002538c40553818:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 54:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdh 1.11.7:5002538c405537d1:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 83:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdi 1.11.8:5002538c405537d8:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 90:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdj 1.11.9:5002538c4055383b:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 89:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdk 1.11.10:5002538c4055381f:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 61:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdl 1.11.11:5002538c40553823:Samsung:SAMSUNG_MZ7LM3T8HMLP-00003:S 65:GXT51F3Q:SATA:SSD:3662830:Inactive:/dev/sdm