“At Cisco, everything starts with our customers, and our Customer Experience organization exists to ensure they are consistently having the best possible experience with our technology.”
Chuck Robbins
Success Program 是旨在推动客户深入采用 Cisco 产品的关键活动。
Catalyst Center
DNA Spaces
Nexus Dashboard
Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform
Intersight Kubernetes Service
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12月10日 10:00-11:00 Dec 10th10:00-11:00 |
[NX]专家讲堂 | 部署思科 Catalyst Center 设备 Deploying the Catalyst Center Appliance
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胡 轲 Ke Hu |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,我们的专家将带您了解如何安装思科 DNA Center 设备。分享最佳实践和思科建议,以及通过Maglev配置向导或者基于浏览器的安装方法来逐步安装 DNA Center 设备的工作流程。 Join us as our experts walk you through how to install a Catalyst Center (Formerly Cisco DNA Center) appliance. We will cover best practices and Cisco recommendations, as well as the step-by-step installation workflow to install the appliance using either Maglev configuration wizard or browser-based installation. |
12月17日 10:00-11:00 Dec 17th 10:00-11:00 |
[NX]专家讲堂 |部署:使用 Meraki 开始进行部署 Getting Started with Meraki |
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张 琦 Qi Zhang |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,我们的专家将带您了解第一次部署 Meraki 网络所需的主要步骤。您还将了解到 Merak i的组织结构和许可模式,以及如何利用零接触调配功能来简化部署的扩展。 Join us as our experts walk you through the main steps to follow when deploying your first Meraki networks. Learn about Meraki organizational structure and licensing models and how you can utilize zero touch provisioning features to simplify scaling of your deployment. |
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12月4日 10:00-11:00 Dec 4th 10:00-11:00 |
[SEC] 专家讲堂 | Umbrella VA与AD集成 Umbrella Virtual Appliances and Active Directory Integration|
注册会议 |
谭亦 Yi Tan |
在本课程中,我们的专家将指导您Umbrella与AD集成,并介绍VA部署方法及集成带来的好处。 In this session, our experts walk you through this session, which will be your guide to enable Active Directory integration with Umbrella. Additionally, you will get started with the basics of this deployment method and discover the value of deploying Umbrella Virtual Appliances. |
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12月19日 10:00-11:00 Dec 19th 10:00-11:00 |
[DC]专家讲堂 | 思科NDFC 12.x 功能概述 NDFC 12.x Features Overview
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程郭颖,金鑫 Tiffany Guo, Tina Jin |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,您将了解 Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller 为 VXLAN EVPN Fabric 管理带来的一些功能和增强功能。我们的专家还将向您介绍 NDFC 12 与之前的 DCNM 版本相比的一些架构变化。 Learn about some of the features and enhancements that Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller brings to the management of VXLAN EVPN fabrics. Our experts will also guide you through some of the architectural changes in NDFC 12 compared to previous DCNM versions. |
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11月12日 10:00-11:00 Nov 12th10:00-11:00 |
[NX]专家讲堂 | 使用 Cisco Spaces 与你的客户进行互动 Using Cisco Spaces to engage with your customers CAMNATXA704
注册会议 |
苏 莹 Sarah Su |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,我们的专家将带您了解企业中的不同团队如何利用 Cisco Spaces 来提高他们的业务成果。探讨销售和营销团队如何利用 Captive Portal 和 Location Personas 的组合来实现灵活且有针对性的客户互动,以及 HR 如何利用 Location Analytics 和 Behavior Metrics 来了解他们的混合办公计划是如何影响楼宇使用情况的。 In this session, our experts provide guidance on how different teams in your organization can leverage Cisco Spaces to enhance their business outcomes. Explore how Sales and Marketing teams can leverage a combination of Captive Portals and Location Persons to create dynamic and targeted engagements and how HR can leverage Location Analytics and Behavior Metrics to see how their hybrid work plan is affecting building utilization. |
11月26日 10:00-11:00 Nov 26th 10:00-11:00 |
[NX]专家讲堂 |思科 Catalyst Center 无线 3D 分析器 Catalyst Center Wireless 3D Analyzer CAMNATXA1306 |
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李一书 Yishu Li |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,我们的专家将带您了解思科 Catalyst Center的3D地图功能的优势。您还将了解如何利用3D地图来规划AP的最佳位置以及创建AP运行环境的详细模型。 Join this session where our experts will walk you through the benefits of the 3D maps feature in Cisco Catalyst Center. This session will cover how to leverage 3D maps to design the optimal placement of your APs and create a detailed model of the environment in which your APs will be operating. |
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11月13日 10:00-11:00 Nov 13th 10:00-11:00 |
[SEC] 专家讲堂 | Umbrella DNS安全入门 Getting Started with Umbrella DNS Security |CNSATXA301
注册会议 |
谭亦 Yi Tan |
在本课程中,我们的专家带您探索Umbrella DNS安全。参与者将了解到DNS层安全的概述以及Umbrella的可扩展性和安全执行能力。他们还将发现可以通过Umbrella DNS安全启用的各种功能,学习如何将安全服务迁移到云端,并在会议结束时观看演示教程。 In this session, participants will receive an overview of DNS layer security and Umbrella’s scalability and security enforcement. They will also discover a variety of features that can be enabled with Umbrella’s DNS Security, learn how it shifts their security services to the cloud, and will be given a walkthrough demo at the end of the session. |
11月27日 10:00-11:00 Nov 27th 10:00-11:00 |
[SEC] 专家讲堂 | Umbrella部署介绍 Introduction to Umbrella Deployment Methods | CNSATXA302 |
注册会议 |
刘贝 Betty Liu |
在本课程中,我们的专家为您讲解各种适应您组织需求的Umbrella部署方法。此外,本次专家问答环节将帮助您全面了解这些方法以及如何配置它们。 In this session, our experts will walk you through a variety of Umbrella deployment methods to accommodate your organizational requirements. Additionally, this Ask-The-Experts session will help you learn all about those methods and how to configure them. |
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11月28日 10:00-11:00 Nov 28th 10:00-11:00 |
[DC]专家讲堂 | 思科Nexus Dashboard与Nexus Dashboard Insights升级 Upgrading Nexus Dashboard and Nexus Dashboard Insights DCNATXA412
注册会议 |
郭颖,金鑫 Tiffany Guo, Tina Jin |
在本次专家讲堂课程中,我们的专家将引导您完成顺利升级Nexus Dashboard 集群和托管应用程序,例如Nexus Dashboard Insights 的必要步骤。本课程还将涵盖升级准备的重要资源。 Join us as our experts walk you through the necessary steps for a smooth and successful upgrade of a Nexus Dashboard cluster and hosted apps such as Nexus Dashboard Insights. This session will provide you with important resources to prepare for your upgrade." |
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