
Today, there are many ways to collaborate in real-time and off-line to get work done. These mixed modes of collaboration can include calling, messaging, meetings, events, asynchronous video, polling, whiteboarding, and more. Poor collaboration experiences hinder active engagement and inclusion, creating misunderstanding and having people feeling left out. Usage trends indicate:

  • People are looking for ways to have their voice heard, be included in conversations, and find ways to keep all team members engaged.
  • Mobile access to meetings is on the rise as people are adopting hybrid work habits.
  • AI-enhanced meeting features, such as background noise reduction and virtual backgrounds, are being rapidly adopted to provide better hybrid work collaboration experiences.
  • Calling is still a fundamental method of collaboration; and the use of cloud calling is accelerating.

Work styles and preferences are different for everyone. A one-size-fits-all approach to collaboration forces people to live through experiences that don’t support their needs or goals. Collaboration for hybrid work includes having the flexibility and choice to communicate in ways that meet the needs of individuals and teams. Modern collaboration platforms create experiences that go beyond the basics by offering features and enhancements that are more inclusive and engage everyone. ​