Monitoring Cisco MSX Service Status in MSX GUI

The Cisco MSX GUI has:

  • The Operator Workspace is only visible to operator users. It lists all tenants that the operator is managing and the services they have subscribed to.

    Click on a tenant's tile to see details specific to a tenant in the Tenant Workspace GUI.

  • The Tenant Workspace, which allows tenants to access the information related to their subscribed services.


Only users with operators permission can view the Operator Workspace.

The figure below shows the Operator Workspace:

Figure 1. Operator Workspace


Only a user with the permissions to manage this Tenant can access the Tenant’s Workspace.

The figure below shows the Tenant Workspace:

Figure 2. Tenant Workspace

Viewing Tenant Workspace

A Tenant Workspace allows tenants to access the information related to their subscribed services.

Menu Name



Display all services subscribed by a tenant, service status, and other service metrics.


Display an overview of the tenant’s sites, site status, and allows access to site details.
Displays only the sites that have latitude and longitude.


Display an overview of the tenant’s devices, device status, and allows access to device details.
Displays both mapped or unmapped sites or devices.
Service Controls Display the custom service controls that are used to manage the services.
Offer Catalog Display existing subscriptions and allows subscribing to new services.
Billing Display billing information about the tenant’s subscriptions.
Settings Configure service-level settings.

Monitoring Cisco MSX Service Status

The overall service status updates are based on the Lifecycle and Health statuses of the devices and several service-specific characteristics applicable to that service subscribed by a tenant.
The table below describes the Service statuses that are displayed on the MSX Portal:
Service Overall Status Indication Service Status Severity Number
Red Critical 7
Orange Poor 6
Fair 5
Green Good 1
Grey Unknown 3

The figure below displays the aggregated service status:

Using this procedure, you can view the service status.


Step 1

Log in to the Cisco MSX portal using your credentials.

Step 2

From the left pane, choose Tenant Workspace > Services.

Step 3

To view the overall status of a service, click to expand a particular service panel. The service and the overall status of the sites using the services are displayed. Also, the list of devices being used for the selected service is displayed.

Monitoring Cisco MSX Site Status

The Cisco MSX platform provides the overall site status updates based on the health status of the devices attached to the site. The site status are categorized as critical, poor, fair, good, and unknown. The device health status are categorized as Up, Down, and Unknown.

The status of devices in the Cisco MSX system are updated periodically. The health updates are triggered by monitor microservice. The device beat constantly pings the device and the monitor microservice queries the data produced by the beat to update the health status.

The table below describes the site status calculation:

Table 1. Calculating the Site Status

Device Condition

Severity Number

Site Status

Site Overall Status Icon

No device.




All devices are Up.




All devices are down.




All devices are unknown.




Devices with different health status.

Values correspond to the device with the highest severity number.

The figure below displays the status of the individual site and aggregated sites:

Figure 3. Site Status

Using this procedure, you can view the site status.


Step 1

Log in to the Cisco MSX portal using your credentials.

Step 2

From the left pane, choose Tenant Workspace > Sites.

The Sites Overview window is displayed.

Step 3

To view the status of one site, hover the mouse pointer over the Site icon on the map view. The site name and its corresponding status are displayed.

Step 4

Click the Site icon to land on the Site Overview window. Alternatively, you can use the list view or the tile view to access Site Overview window. The list view of the sites appear on the right pane and its corresponding site status are also indicated.

Hover the mouse pointer on the Sites to know the aggregate site status data.

Monitoring Cisco MSX Device Status

The Devices menu option in the Tenant Workspace provides the devices' overall state. The Devices menu displays both mapped (latitude and longitude defined) or unmapped devices.

The overall device state is calculated based on various status, such as device lifecycle status, device health status, tunnel status, pnp status, sync status.

Within Cisco MSX, the state of the device is numbered from 1 to 7, with the highest number 7 indicating the state as 'Critical' and the lowest number 1 indicating the state as 'Good'. An overall state looks into the available statuses (lifecycle or device health or other status) for a device and picks the highest number and maps it to the below overall states.

Overall States vs Severity Number in Cisco MSX
Overall Status Critical Poor Fair



Severity Number 7 6 5



The following figure illustrates overall device state, device health, and lifecycle status for an SD-WAN device.

Using this procedure, you can view the device status.


Step 1

Log in to the MSX portal using your credentials.

Step 2

From the left hand pane, choose Tenant Workspace > Devices.

The Devices Overview window is displayed with overall status of the devices.

Figure 4. Device Overview window
Step 3

To view the status of a device, hover the mouse over the device and click to view the device summary.

The device view expands and its overall status is displayed.

Step 4

Click Device Details to view additional details of the device.

Viewing an Event Log

Using this procedure, you can view an event log.


Step 1

Log in to the Cisco MSX portal using your credentials.

Step 2

From the left pane, click Event Log.

The Event Log window is displayed.

Step 3

From the Event Log screen, filter the event log records. Select the available tenant from the drop-down. You can filter these events by severity and time frame. To list event logs for a specific duration, select the Custom Range and specify the dates.

The figure below displays the Event Logs window:

Figure 5. Event Logs

Page-Level Actions

The following table lists the page-level actions available for various services in MSX:

Table 2.

Cisco MSX Services

Page-Level Actions Available with Documentation Links

Managed Device

Enterprise Access

Add New Controller


Add Site

Monitoring Service Panel

The Service Panel in the Tenant Workspace allows tenants to see the next steps that they can perform for their subscribed services. After the services are set up and the network has connectivity, the panel also shows the services-related metrics.

Service-Specific Actions

Tenants can perform additional operations for the subscribed services from the service panel using the ellipsis (...) and the (+) options. Use the table below to know more about the service-specific actions:

Table 3. Service-Specific Actions

Cisco MSX Services

Service-Level Actions Available with Documentation Links

Managed Device

Enterprise Access