Deloitte and Cisco Solutions

Helping our joint clients to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and drive sustainable growth.

How Deloitte and Cisco make an impact that matters

Enabling clients to embrace scalable and adaptable solutions to support their digital transformation.

Together, we are helping clients to move to smart operations. We provide secure connectivity to improve operations, performance, visibility, and sustainability to support our clients' long-term growth.

Industrial smart operations

The Smart Factory @ Montreal

To keep up with technological advancement, organizations need increased agility and the ability to gain insights from data. The interconnected systems of smart factories rely on the convergence of IT and OT.

The Smart Factory @ Wichita

Using Cisco technology and solutions from over 20 ecosystem partners, Deloitte's Smart Factory @ Wichita shows how organizations can merge existing technology with new innovations to support Industry 4.0 transformation and growth.