
Hierarchical Navigation


Data Center Seminar Kenya



February 17, 2010



09h00 - 09h15

Introduction by General Managers

09h15 - 10h00

What is Virtualization and the Added Value of using Vsphere - VMware

10h00 - 10h45

How to extend Server Virtualization to Networking (Nexus), then consolidate with UCS - Cisco

10h45 - 11h15

Refreshment Break

11h15 - 12h00

Information and Infrastructure Management in a Virtual Data Centre - EMC

12h00 - 12h45

Data Center Architect to show "Next Generation Data Center" using the 3 vendors - Partner

12h45 - 13h45

Closing & Lunch


This agenda is being finalized. Please check the site regularly for updates.