Cisco Unity Troubleshooting Guide, Release 3.0(1)
Chapter 2 - Internal and External Calls

Table Of Contents

Internal and External Calls

About Problems with Internal and External Calls

Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Any Internal and/or External Calls

The Phone System Settings Are Incorrect

Cisco Unity Was Not Restarted After an Exchange Shutdown and Restart

The COM Port Is Unavailable to Cisco Unity (Serial Integrations Only)

The Phone System Is Not Generating a Ring Signal (Non-IP Phone Systems Only)

Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Some Internal or External Calls

Hunt Groups Are Programmed Incorrectly

Routing Rules Are Not Working Correctly

Incorrect Number of System Key Ports

Calls Are Sent to the Wrong Cisco Unity Ports

A Port Is Disabled or Set Incorrectly

A Phone Line or Voice Card Is Not Working

Internal and External Calls

About Problems with Internal and External Calls

Call problems fall into two categories:

Problems that prevent any internal or external calls from being answered

Problems that prevent internal calls from being answered are a subset of problems that prevent external calls from being answered. See the "Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Any Internal and/or External Calls" section.

Problems that prevent some internal or external calls from being answered

If you determine that the problem occurs only with some internal or external calls, see the "Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Some Internal or External Calls" section.

If you encounter a call problem that is not described in this chapter, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Any Internal and/or External Calls

Possible causes are:

The Phone System Settings Are Incorrect

When the phone system settings in the Cisco Unity Administrator do not match the type of phone system that Cisco Unity is connected to, Cisco Unity may not answer calls.

To verify the phone system settings in the Cisco Unity Administrator

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, click System > Switch.

Step 2 In the Set Active Switch Type section, verify all values.

Step 3 Correct any incorrect values for the phone system.

Step 4 If you changed values in Step 3, click Save.

Step 5 Shut down and restart Cisco Unity.

Cisco Unity Was Not Restarted After an Exchange Shutdown and Restart

When you shut down and restart Microsoft Exchange on the Cisco Unity server, Cisco Unity may need to be restarted manually.

The COM Port Is Unavailable to Cisco Unity (Serial Integrations Only)

Serial traffic during a Windows startup may result in Windows assigning the COM port to a Microsoft Ballpoint Serial Mouse, thus making it unavailable to Cisco Unity. When Windows starts, it searches for the pointing device (usually a mouse). If a serial mouse is detected, Windows disables the port so that a device driver for the mouse can load instead. If a device is not detected, Windows disables the port. A disabled COM port does not display any information in Control Panel > Ports.

If the serial integration was working correctly before shutting down and restarting the Cisco Unity server, but not after, perform the following procedure to determine if the COM port is available.

To view COM port assignments

Step 1 Go to Control Panel > Ports.

Step 2 Confirm that the COM port connected to the serial cable, usually COM 1, is listed in the Ports box.

If the COM port for the serial integration is listed, skip to the next possible cause for the problem, in the "The Phone System Is Not Generating a Ring Signal (Non-IP Phone Systems Only)" section.

If the COM port for the serial integration is not listed, continue with Step 3.

Step 3 On the Windows Start menu, click Run. Enter Regedit and click OK.

Step 4 Click Hkey_Local_Machine > Hardware > Description > System > MultifunctionAdapter.

Step 5 Click folder 4, 5, or 6 and locate the SerialController folder.

Step 6 The SerialController folder contains folders with a single digit numeric designation (0, 1, and so on). Click the folder that corresponds to the serial integration COM port number.

Step 7 Double-click the Identifier key in the folder you chose in Step 6. If the Identifier key Value Data is Microsoft Ballpoint Serial Mouse, instead of a COM port (COM1, COM2, and so on), continue with the next procedure, To disable the detection of devices on COM ports in Windows.

To disable the detection of devices on COM ports in Windows

Step 1 Make a backup copy of the Boot.ini file.

Step 2 Remove the Hidden, System, and Read-only attributes from the Boot.ini file.

Step 3 Using a text editor (such as Notepad) open the Boot.ini file.

Step 4 Add the /NoSerialMice option to the end of each entry in the [operating systems] section of Boot.ini. The /NoSerialMice option is not case sensitive. See the following list for syntax options.


Disables the detection of serial mice on all COM ports.


Disables the detection of serial mice on COM<x>, where < x> is the port number.


Disables the detection of serial mice on COM<x, y and z> ports.

Sample Windows Boot.ini file with /NoSerialMice option added:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
   multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation
      Version 3.51" /NoSerialMice
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT35="Windows NT Workstation
      Version 3.51 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos /NoSerialMice

Step 5 Save the Boot.ini file and exit the text editor.

Step 6 Restore the Hidden, System, and Read-only attributes to the Boot.ini file.

Step 7 Shut down and restart Windows.

The Phone System Is Not Generating a Ring Signal (Non-IP Phone Systems Only)

In order for Cisco Unity to answer calls, all ports and trunks must be configured correctly.

To test whether the phone system is generating a ring signal

Step 1 Set up a test phone (Phone 1) for single-line testing. For more information, see the "Troubleshooting Preparation" section on page 1-1.

Step 2 On an extension that is connected to the phone system but that is not connected to Cisco Unity (Phone 2), call Phone 1.

If Phone 1 rings, the phone system recognizes the port and is generating a ring signal.

If Phone 1 does not ring, skip to Step 6.

Step 3 Repeat Step 2 for each extension that is normally connected to Cisco Unity.

Step 4 On Phone 2, dial the access code necessary to get an external line, then call Phone 1.

If Phone 1 rings, the trunk is configured correctly to be answered by Cisco Unity ports.

If Phone 1 does not ring, skip to Step 6.

Step 5 Repeat Step 4 for each extension that is normally connected to Cisco Unity.

Step 6 Verify the phone system programming, and change values as necessary.

Step 7 Confirm that the wiring and the jacks are securely connected.

Step 8 Repeat Step 1 through Step 5.

If Phone 1 rings for each extension tested, the phone system is generating a ring signal and the ports and trunks are programmed correctly.

If Phone 1 still does not ring for each extension tested, contact the phone system vendor.

Cisco Unity Is Not Answering Some Internal or External Calls

Possible causes are:

Hunt Groups Are Programmed Incorrectly

Do the appropriate procedure for your integration type when the lines connected to Cisco Unity are organized in one or more hunt groups, and the phone system is programmed to forward calls when ports are busy.

To confirm hunt group programming at the port level (Cisco CallManager integration only)

Step 1 In Cisco CallManager Administration, click Service > Service Parameters.

Step 2 On the Service Parameters Configuration page, click the server that Cisco CallManager is installed on.

Step 3 In the Configured Services list, click Cisco CallManager.

Step 4 In the Configured Service Parameters list, click ForwardMaximumHopCount.

Step 5 Confirm that ForwardMaximumHopCount is set to a value of twice the number of CallManager ports connected to Cisco Unity. For example, on a 48 port system, the ForwardMaximumHopCount should be set to 96.

Step 6 Confirm that the voice messaging ports are set to forward on both Busy and Ring-No-Answer.

Step 7 Put the first voice messaging port into a Busy state.

Step 8 Set up two test phones. For more information, see the "Setting Up For a Diagnostic Test (Cisco CallManager Integration Only)" section on page 1-1.

Step 9 Access an external line from Phone 2, and call Phone 1. The first available port should take the call.

Step 10 Put the next port into a Busy state, Disable the port you just tested via the Cisco Unity Administrator, and then repeat Step 9.

Step 11 Repeat until all the ports have been tested in a Busy state. When all voice messaging ports are disabled, and the last port is busy, CallManager should do whatever you programmed it to do when all lines are busy, such as forward the call to the attendant number. If not, change the CallManager programming and repeat the test.

To test hunt group programming (non-IP phone systems)

Step 1 Set up a test phone (Phone 1) for single-line testing. For more information, see the "Troubleshooting Preparation" section on page 1-1.

Step 2 Connect Phone 1 to the last line in the first hunt group.

Step 3 Busy every extension in the first hunt group except the last one by using the phone system programming. (The Ports page in the Cisco Unity Administrator does not currently allow busying of individual lines.)

Step 4 From an extension that is connected to the phone system but that is not connected to Cisco Unity (Phone 2), dial the first hunt group pilot number.

If Phone 1 rings, continue with Step 5.

If you hear the busy tone or if Phone 1 does not ring, verify the phone system programming for the first hunt group and change values as necessary, then repeat this step. If Phone 1 still does not ring, contact the phone system vendor.

Step 5 Busy the last extension, so that every extension in the first hunt group is busied.

Step 6 On Phone 2, dial the first hunt group pilot number again.

If you hear the busy tone, the first hunt group is programmed correctly.

If you do not hear the busy tone, verify the phone system programming for the first hunt group and change values as necessary, then repeat this step. If you still do not hear the busy tone, contact the phone system vendor.

Step 7 Repeat Step 1 through Step 6 for each hunt group.

Routing Rules Are Not Working Correctly

By default, Cisco Unity does not reject any calls. If routing rules have been changed, Cisco Unity may have been unintentionally programmed to reject some internal or external calls.

To confirm that Cisco Unity routing rules are working correctly

Step 1 Before attempting to reproduce the problem, click CommServer > MaestroTools.exe.

Step 2 Click the Diagnostic Grid RegEdit tab.

Step 3 In the Groups list, click Arbiter.

Step 4 In the Flags list, click Diagnostics 14, 15, and 16.

Step 5 In the Groups list click Ruler Domain.

Step 6 In the Flags list, click Diagnostic 11.

Step 7 Check Notify Cisco Unity.

Step 8 Click Update Registry.

Step 9 Reproduce the problem.

Step 10 After the problem occurs, format the diagnostic log via MaestroTools. The formatted diagnostic log will be located in CommServer > Logs > diag_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_fmtd.txt.

Step 11 Remove the Diagnostics flags set in Step 3 through Step 6.

Step 12 Click CommServer > TechTools.

Step 13 Open the AvRulerEditor.

Step 14 Click Routing to view the actual conditions of routing rules. Compare the conditions of the routing rules with the information gathered from the diagnostic file to see why a rule is applied to a call.

Step 15 If you need to make a change to a routing rule, in the Cisco Unity Administrator, click Call Management > Call Routing.

Do not use AVRulerEditor to change routing rules. For more information, refer to the "How Call Routing Rules Work" section in the "Call Routing" chapter of the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide.

If you are unable to determine if routing rules are the source of the problem, or need assistance interpreting the information in the diagnostic logs or AVRulerEditor, contact Cisco TAC.

Incorrect Number of System Key Ports

When the system key is programmed for fewer voice ports than are installed in the Cisco Unity server, Cisco Unity does not answer calls on the extra ports. (For example, if the voice cards in the Cisco Unity server have 48 ports but the system key is programmed for 24 ports, Cisco Unity will answer calls on only the first 24 ports.)

To verify the number of ports

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, click System > Licensing > Licensed Features.

Step 2 Confirm that the Voice Ports value matches the number of ports on the voice cards.

If the values match, continue with the following "Calls Are Sent to the Wrong Cisco Unity Ports" section. If the value is smaller than the number of ports on voice cards in the Cisco Unity server, contact your sales representative.

Calls Are Sent to the Wrong Cisco Unity Ports

If the phone system is programmed to send calls to a port on Cisco Unity that is not configured to answer calls, Cisco Unity will not answer the call. In addition, for systems equipped with certain voice cards, the call will never be dropped. This means the port will not be used again for its designated purpose (for example, turning message waiting indicators on and off) until the Cisco Unity server is restarted.

To confirm that calls are being sent to the correct Cisco Unity ports

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, click System > Ports.

Step 2 Note which ports are designated to answer calls.

Step 3 In the phone system programming, confirm that calls are only being sent to ports designated to answer calls. Change the phone system programming if necessary.

If you have a Cisco CallManager integration, continue with Step 4. For all other integrations, skip to Step 7.

Step 4 Press the Test button on the TSP. If the test fails, the problem is most likely in the CallManager configuration. If the test succeeds, the problem is most likely in the Cisco Unity configuration.

Step 5 If there is no failover CallManager, confirm that the Automatically Reconnect to the Primary CCM on Failover box is not checked.

Step 6 Confirm that Remote Access Connection Manager is disabled.

Step 7 If you make a change to the phone system programming, shut down and restart Cisco Unity to clear any hung ports.

A Port Is Disabled or Set Incorrectly

If a port is disabled or set incorrectly, it will not answer calls.

To confirm that ports are set correctly

Step 1 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, click System > Ports.

Step 2 Verify the settings for each port.

If a port is disabled, uncheck the Disabled Out of Service box to enable it.

If all of the ports are enabled and set correctly, continue with the "A Phone Line or Voice Card Is Not Working" section.

If all of the ports cannot be enabled by using the Cisco Unity Administrator, perform the next procedure, To enable ports in the Registry.

To enable ports in the Registry

Caution Changing the wrong registry key or entering an incorrect value can cause the server to malfunction. Before you edit the registry, verify that you know how to restore it if a problem occurs. Note that a typical backup of the Cisco Unity server does not back up the registry. Refer to the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe for additional information. If you have any questions about changing this registry key setting, contact Cisco TAC.

Step 1 On the Windows Start menu, click Run.

Step 2 Enter Regedit and click OK.

Step 3 If you do not have a current backup of the registry, click Registry > Export Registry File, and save the registry settings to a file.

Step 4 Click Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > ActiveVoice > Arbiter > 1.0 > PortConfiguration > Dev<n>, where <n> is the number of the disabled port.

Step 5 Double-click Capabilities.

Step 6 In the Edit Dword Value window, change the Capabilities to 0xfffffff.

Step 7 While still in the Hkey_Local_Machine > Software > ActiveVoice directory, click Miu > 1.0 > Initialization > Port<n>, where <n> is the number of the disabled port.

Step 8 Change the OfflineStatus to 0x0.

Step 9 Restart Cisco Unity.

Step 10 In the Cisco Unity Administrator, click System > Ports.

Confirm that all ports are enabled. If a port is still disabled, contact Cisco TAC.

A Phone Line or Voice Card Is Not Working

To isolate a problem with a phone line or voice card

Step 1 Swap the phone lines from one jack to another on a voice card.

If the problem follows a phone line, the problem is in the phone line.

Step 2 Swap the phone lines from a jack on one voice card to a jack on another voice card.

If the problem follows a jack, the problem is in the jack.

Step 3 Swap the locations of voice cards.

If the problem follows a voice card, the problem is in the card.

For information on testing Dialogic voice cards, see the "Universal Dialogic Diagnostics Utility" section on page 9-15.

Related section

The "Voice Port Settings" section in the "System Settings" chapter of the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide.