Administration Guide for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services Release 5.4
Appendix: Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services Plug-In Functions

Table Of Contents

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services Plug-In Functions

Plug-In Uses

Plug-In Guidelines

Available Plug-In Functions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services Plug-In Functions

See the following sections:

Plug-In Uses

Plug-In Guidelines

Available Plug-In Functions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory

Plug-In Uses

Use plug-in functions to manipulate the value of an attribute when you import the attribute into Cisco Unified MeetingPlace. Plug-in functions allow you to do the following tasks:

Extract, append, or replace attributes

Concatenate attributes

Assign random attribute values

Filter attribute values

Plug-In Guidelines

The standard syntax for using a plug-in function is &fn(att), where fn refers to the function name and att refers to the attribute.

Guidelines for using plug-in functions are as follows:

The ASCII code for \ is \5C.

Each plug-in function has a predefined set of optional and required parameters.

A percent sign (%) preceding an attribute means that it must have a value.

The asterisk (*) character represents the all-values qualifier, which, when prefixing an attribute name, means that all of the values of the attribute should be used, excluding blank values. This qualifier has no effect on a single-valued source attribute and is illegal for a single-valued destination attribute.

Functions must be declared in the [Conversion Functions] section of the MetaLink configuration file to be usable. For more information, see the "Synchronizing a Single-Server Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services System with a Corporate Directory Server" section.

Available Plug-In Functions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory

Table A-1 lists alphabetically by name the plug-in functions that are available in Directory Services.

Table A-1 Available Plug-in Functions for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services 

Function Name


AND = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapAND

Takes any number of attributes as parameters and returns the value "TRUE" if all attributes specified contain a value. If any of the attributes specified do not contain a value, then no value is returned.



attrHasValue = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapAttrHasValue

Takes an attribute as the first parameter and a string literal as the second parameter. If the attribute has a value that matches the string, then this value is returned; if not, no value is returned.

Abs_Person = &attrHasValue(*objectClass, person)


BitMask = MPPlugin.dll,mlkBitMask

Tests the attribute given as the first parameter against the bitmask in the second parameter. If the attribute value matches the bitmask value, the function returns "1"; if not, it returns "0."

To allow all disabled Active Directory users into the directory:

Abs_Person=&attrHasValue(&BitMask (userAccountcontrol, "2"), "1")

Active Directory uses the flag ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE = 0X0002 to represent a disabled user. The Bitmask matches the value and returns "1."


CaseAllLower= dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,AllLower

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

AllLower—converts all characters to lowercase.



CaseAllUpper = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,AllUpper

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

AllUpper—converts all characters to uppercase.

AllLower—converts all characters to lowercase.



CaseFirstNormal = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,FirstNormal

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

FirstNormal—converts first character to uppercase and remaining characters to lowercase.



CaseFirstUpper = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,FirstUpper

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

FirstUpper—converts first character to uppercase.

FirstNormal—converts first character to uppercase and remaining characters to lowercase.

WordUpper—converts first character of each word to uppercase.



CaseWordLower =dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,WordLower

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

WordLower—converts all characters except the first character to lowercase.

WordNormal—converts first character of each word to uppercase and remaining characters to lowercase.



CaseWordNormal =dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,WordNormal

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

WordNormal—converts first character of each word to uppercase and remaining characters to lowercase.



CaseWordUpper = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapCase,WordUpper

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and applies case transformation according to the value of the optional parameter in the registration, returning the transformed values.

WordUpper—converts first character of each word to uppercase.



Createdate = mpplugin.dll,mlkCreateDate

Creates a time-date stamp for any attribute that calls the function.

&creationdate("0") - mmddyy

Example: 063004


FilterAnd = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkFilterAND

Adds two or more expressions.

Abs_Person = &FilterAnd("4", &attrHasValue(*objectClass, "person"), sn, GivenName, SAMAccountName)


FilterBuiltin = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkFilterBuiltin

Filters out any entries with an attribute equal to a given value.

%Vuname=&Filterbuiltin(telephonenumber, "1234")


FilterNOT = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkFilterNOT

Inverts an expression.


GenNum = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkGenNum

Generates an increment number by given length (first argument) and increment value (second argument).

Note This plug-in uses the registry to keep track of the latest number.

%VUName=&GenNum("5", "1")


GetMailBoxAddress = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapGetMailboxAddress,SMTP

Used for synchronizing an e-mail address from an Exchange server. It extracts a specific type of e-mail address from those stored in an Exchange mailbox.



HexString = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkHexString

Converts each character in a string to its 2-digit hexadecimal equivalent. Can be used in a correlation rule to convert the Active Directory objectGUID value to a unique hex string.

EmailAdd = &HexString(objectGUID)


LDAPtoDN = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapConvertLDAPDN,LDAP

Takes a single attribute as a parameter, converting DNs between DC-Directory and LDAP form according to the optional parameter, returning the converted values.



ManyToOne = dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapManyToOne

Takes multiple attributes as parameters, returning a single list that contains all of the values of all of the attributes. It can take a maximum of ten attributes.

destCombinationAttr=*&ManyToOne(*srcFirstAttr, *srcSecondAttr)


MapString = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringMap

Maps a string according to a file-based table. The table is passed via a filename.

Groupname=&mapString(employeetype, "E:\Cisco Systems\Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Directory Services\DSG Admin\group.txt")


MidString = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringMid

Returns a substring from a given starting index, containing given n characters.

Note If the strlen(string) < (start + n), MidString returns an error that is logged to the suspense file. Use StringMidNoEnd if necessary to avoid string length errors.

FaxNum=&midString(Telephone-Fax, "3", "5")


MultiValToSingle = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapMultiValToSingle

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and maps all of the values of that attribute to a single value by concatenating the values, by using the optional parameter as a delimiter. Any occurrences of the delimiter string within the values are escaped with a backslash. Backslashes are also escaped with backslashes.



NormalizeInitials = dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapInitials

Takes a single attribute as a parameter; each letter is converted to uppercase and followed by a dot (.), returning the normalized values. This is used to normalize initial attributes.



NOT = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapNOT

Takes one attribute as a parameter, returning the value "TRUE" if the attribute specified does not contain any values. If the attribute specified does contain a value, then no value is returned.



Random = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkRnd

Returns a random value from 0 to n.

GroupName = &mapString(&Random("6"), "C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\MeetingPlace Directory Services\DSG Admin\map.txt")


RemoveRDN= dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapRemoveRDN

Removes a number of RDNs from the end of a given DN string. The first parameter is the DN, and the second parameter is the number of RDNs to remove from the end of the DN. If the number of RDNs to remove is greater than the number of RDNs present, then a null string is returned.



ReparentDN = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapReparentDN

Used to map a DN in one subtree to an equivalent position in a different subtree. The first parameter is an attribute parameter; the next two parameters are string literals. The second parameter is the initial parent DN; the third parameter is the new parent DN. The DNs must be in DC-Directory rather than in LDAP form.

destNewDNAttr=*&ReparentDN(*srcOldDNAttr, "/c=US/o=MyCorp", "/dc=com/dc=mycorp")


ReplaceSubstring = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapReplaceSubstring

Used to perform a substring replacement on all values of the attribute, replacing all instances of a specified string with an alternative value. The first parameter is an attribute parameter; the second two parameters are string literals. The second parameter is the string to search for; the third parameter is the replacement string.

destProperAttr=*&ReplaceSubstring(*srcShortHandAttr, "Init:", "Initials:")


SingleSpace = dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapSingleSpace

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and in each value replaces any occurrence of multiple consecutive space characters with a single space character, returning the modified values.



SingleValToMulti = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapSingleValToMulti

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and maps a single value to a list of values.



SpaceNormRDNValue= dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapSpaceNormDCDRDN

This function takes a single RDN value as a parameter and normalizes it by removing any spaces from the beginning or end of the value and replacing any instances of repeated spaces by a single space. This normalized value is then returned. This function should be used to normalize RDNs returned from DC-Directory through Remote DCD Sync and LDAP Sync to DC-Directory MetaLink agreements.

fullDistName = "/c=US/o=MyOrg/cn=" + &SpaceNormRDNValue(givenname)


String2Number = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkString2Number

Converts a string to a number based on the standard telephone pad.



StringLeft = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringLeft

Returns everything to the left of the first occurrence of a given character.

fullDirectoryName= "/"+&StringLeft(Assoc-NT-Account, "\5C")


StringMidNoEnd = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringMidNoEnd

Returns a substring from a given starting index and containing given n characters.

Note Unlike MidString, StringMidNoEnd does not produce an error if the strlen(string) < (start + n).

FaxNum=&StringMidNoEnd(Telephone-Fax, "3", "5")


StringMidNoStartNoEnd =MPPlugin.dll, mlkStringMidNoStartNoEnd

Returns a substring from a given starting index and containing given n characters.

Note Unlike MidString, StringMidNoEnd will not produce an error if the strlen(string) < (start + n),or if strlen(string) < (end - n).

FaxNum=&StringMidNoStartNoEnd(Telephone-Fax, "3", "5")


StringRemoveNonDigit = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringRemoveNonDigit

Removes all nondigit characters in a given string. This function is useful for mapping a phone number to vuname.

%VUName=&StringRightN(&StringRemoveNonDigit(telephonenumber), "7")


StringRight = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringRight

Returns everything to the right of the first occurrence of a given character, starting from the right.

fullDirectoryName= "/"+&StringRight(Assoc-NT-Account, "\5C")


StringRightN = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkStringRightN

Returns a substring of n characters, starting at the right end of a given string.

%VUName=Telephone-Office2 | &StringRightN(Telephone-Office1, "4")


TelephoneValidate = dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapTelValidate

Takes a single attribute as a parameter and normalizes it by removing all characters other than those allowed in the standard international representation of a phone number (that is, the digits 0 to 9, space, and the + symbol), returning the normalized number.



TrimWhiteSpace = dcmlkcnv.dll,mlkAMapTrim

Removes blank spaces from start to end of each value.



Truncate= dcmlkcnv.dll, mlkAMapTruncate

Truncates a string value. The first parameter is a string value to be truncated, and the optional parameter on registration is an integer specifying the length to which the string is truncated.



UnixDate = MPPlugIn.dll,mlkUnixDate

Converts a standard date (mmddyyyy) to Unix time format or vice versa.

To convert standard date (for example, 12/31/2003) to Unix time:

VUPasswordLastChanged=&UnixDate(VUPasswordLastChanged, "0")

To convert Unix time to standard date (for example, 12/31/2003):

VUPasswordLastChanged=&UnixDate(VUPasswordLastChanged, "1")