User Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 2.x

Table Of Contents

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V -




Cisco Unity web tools 3-1

Connection by phone 3-1

Help for Cisco Unity web tools 3-2


alternate devices 14-3

alternate names for private lists 22-2

alternate names for yourself 14-3

alternate spellings of your name 14-2

personal contacts 12-2

rule to rule set 19-12

addressing setting, changing 15-6

addressing voice messages with Cisco Unity Inbox Address Book 11-10

alternate devices, adding 14-3

alternate greeting

about 17-2

disabling by phone 17-8

enabling by phone 17-8

alternate keypad mappings

N phone menus and shortcuts 23-10

S phone menus and shortcuts 23-13

X phone menus and shortcuts 23-11

alternate names

adding different spellings of your name 14-2

adding for your private lists 22-2

adding for yourself 14-3

alternate spellings of your name, adding 14-2


busy extension, call holding options for (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-3

busy greeting 17-2


caller groups

about 19-2

changing name of 19-4

creating 19-3

deleting 19-5

deleting callers from 19-4


changing settings for leaving messages in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-4

changing settings for leaving messages in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-21

options for leaving messages (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-4

call holding

changing settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-3

changing settings in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-21

options when extension is busy (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-3


applying personal call transfer rules to all incoming 19-24

canceling applying personal call transfer rules to all incoming 19-24

canceling forwarding of all incoming to Connection 19-24

direct, about 18-1, 19-26

forwarding all incoming to Connection 19-24

indirect, about 18-1, 19-26

placing by using voice commands 13-1

call screening

changing settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-5

changing settings in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-22

options (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-5

options in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-23

call transfer

changing settings by phone 18-2

changing settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-3

options (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-3

canceling forwarding of all incoming calls to Connection 19-24

cascading message notifications 21-5

chaining message notifications 21-5


alternate name for private list 22-2

caller message settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-4

caller message settings in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-21

call holding settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-3

call holding settings in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-21

call screening settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-5

call screening settings in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-22

call transfer settings by phone 18-2

call transfer settings in Cisco Unity Assistant web tool 18-3

Cisco PCA password 4-3

conversation settings 15-1

destination group 19-9

directory listing status 14-4

e-mail program password to match Cisco PCA password 4-4

information for a personal contact 12-3

loop-detection setting for phone destinations 19-7

message addressing setting 15-6

message information that Connection plays 20-5

message playback order 20-3

name of caller group 19-4

notification device 21-1

notification phone number by phone 21-6

personal destination 19-6

personal settings 14-1

phone input style 15-4

phone password 4-2

playback device 16-1

private list members 22-3

private list name 22-2

recorded name 14-1

recording device 16-1

rings-to-wait setting for phone destinations 19-7

rule 19-15

rule processing preferences 19-25

source of greetings 17-3

time format for message time stamps 15-4

what Connection plays at logon 15-5


deleted messages by phone 10-3


by phone 7-1

in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 7-4

in e-mail program 7-5

what you hear 20-1

Cisco PCA

about 2-3

password, changing 4-3

password, securing 4-1

updating e-mail program password to match 4-4

Cisco Personal Communications Assistant. See Cisco PCA

Cisco Unity Assistant web tool

about 2-3

accessing 3-2

accessing Help for 3-2

adding in

alternate device 14-4

alternate name for private list 22-2

alternate name for yourself 14-3

alternate spelling of your name 14-2

changing in

caller message settings 18-4

call screening settings 18-5

call transfer and holding settings 18-3

Cisco PCA password 4-3

conversation language 15-1

conversation menu style 15-2

conversation speed 15-3

conversation volume 15-3

directory listing status 14-5

greeting 17-5

members of private list 22-5

message-addressing setting 15-6

message playback order 20-4

message-playback speed 16-4

message-playback volume 16-3

name of private list 22-3

phone input style 15-4

phone or pager notification device 21-2

phone password 4-3

recorded name 14-2

SMTP notification device 21-3

source of greeting 17-5

time format for message time stamps 15-4

voice-recognition settings 15-5

what Connection plays before and after a message 20-5

what Connection plays when you log on 15-6

creating a private list in 22-1

deleting a private list in 22-6

disabling greeting in 17-5

enabling greeting in 17-5

enabling Message Type menu in 20-2

recording greeting in 17-5

setting up in

phone or pager notification device 21-2

SMTP notification device 21-3

Cisco Unity Inbox web tool

about 2-4

accessing 3-2

accessing Help for 3-2

addressing a voice message with Address Book in 11-11

checking messages in 7-4

deleting messages in 10-6

forwarding a voice message in 11-10

managing receipts in 8-3

Refresh Message List icon in 7-4

remote contacts in Address Book 11-10

replying to a voice message in 11-7

retrieving messages in Deleted Items folder in 10-6

sending a voice message in 11-4

Cisco Unity Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. See Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool

Cisco Unity web tools

about 2-3

accessing 3-1

closed greeting 17-2

Connection, working with by phone 2-1


about 2-1

language, changing 15-1

menu style, changing 15-2

message time stamps, changing time format 15-4

settings, changing 15-1

speed, changing 15-3

using touchtone keys 2-2

using voice commands 2-2

volume, changing 15-3


caller group 19-3

destination group 19-9

personal destination 19-6

private list 22-1

rule set 19-12

current greeting, rerecording by phone 17-7


deleted items, effect on mailbox size 5-2

deleted messages, checking by phone 10-3


caller group 19-5

callers from caller groups 19-4

destination from destination group 19-10

destination group 19-10

messages by phone permanently 10-2

messages in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 10-6

new and saved messages by phone 10-1

personal contact 12-4

personal destination 19-7

private list 22-6

rule set 19-17

voice messages in e-mail program 10-7

destination groups

about 19-8

changing 19-9

creating 19-9

deleting 19-10

deleting destination from 19-10


about 19-5

changing loop-detection setting for phone 19-7

changing rings-to-wait setting for phone 19-7

phone 19-5

See also personal destinations 19-5

SMTP 19-5

direct calls, about 18-1, 19-26


changing listing status 14-4

using alternate names for yourself 14-3


alternate greeting by phone 17-8

greetings 17-3

notification device by phone 21-5

rule set, about 19-17

rule sets by phone 19-20

rule sets in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-20

Transfer All rule set 19-23


e-mail program

accessing voice messages from 2-7

checking voice messages in 7-5

deleting voice messages in 10-7


alternate greeting by phone 17-8

greetings 17-3

Message Type menu 20-2

notification device by phone 21-5

rule set, about 19-17

rule sets by phone 19-18

rule sets for days of week in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-19

rule sets for range of dates in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-19

Transfer All rule set 19-23

enrolling as a user 1-1

Exchange contacts, importing into personal contacts list 12-4

extension, call holding options when busy (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-3


finding messages

Go to Message option 9-7

Message Locator option 9-1

Phone View option 9-3

first-time enrollment 1-1


all incoming calls to Connection 19-24

canceling of all incoming calls to Connection 19-24

messages by phone 11-8

voice messages from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-9

full mailbox

notifications of 5-1

reasons for 5-2


Go to Message option 9-7


about 17-1

alternate 17-2

alternate, disabling by phone 17-8

alternate, enabling by phone 17-8

busy 17-2

changing source of 17-3

closed 17-2

disabling 17-3

enabling 17-3

holiday 17-2

internal 17-3

managing in multiple languages 17-1

overriding 17-1

playing all by phone 17-6

recording 17-3

recording in additional languages by phone 17-9

rerecording current by phone 17-7

sources of 17-3

standard 17-3

system 17-3


Help, accessing for Cisco Unity web tools 3-2

holiday greeting 17-2

home phone, using as an alternate device 14-3


importing Exchange contacts into personal contacts list 12-4

incoming calls, handling with personal call transfer rules 19-11

indirect calls, about 18-1, 19-26

input, changing phone style 15-4

internal greeting 17-3



changing conversation 15-1

recording greetings in additional, by phone 17-9

tools for managing greetings in multiple 17-1

logon, changing what Connection plays at 15-5

loop-detection setting, changing for phone destinations 19-7



deleting messages to manage size 10-1

managing size 5-1

notifications of full 5-1

reasons for filling up 5-2


mailbox size 5-1

receipts by phone 8-1

receipts in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 8-3

Media Master

about 2-4

changing message playback speed 16-4

changing message playback volume 16-3

choosing recording and playback devices 16-1

menu style, changing conversation 15-2

Message Locator option 9-1

message notification. See notification

message number property 20-5

message playback settings 20-1

message properties

about 20-4

message number 20-5

message type 20-5

sender's information 20-5

time message was sent 20-5

message retention policy, effect on mailbox size 5-2


addressing setting, changing 15-6

changing count totals played at logon 15-5

changing information that Connection plays about 20-5

changing playback order 20-3

changing playback speed 16-3

changing playback volume 16-2

checking by phone 7-1

checking deleted by phone 10-3

checking in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 7-4

checking in e-mail program 7-5

deleting in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 10-6

deleting new and saved by phone 10-1

enabling Message Type menu 20-2

finding with Go to Message option 9-7

finding with Message Locator option 9-1

finding with Phone View option 9-3

forwarding by phone 11-8

options for callers (Cisco Unity Assistant web tool) 18-4

permanently deleting by phone 10-2

replying to by phone 11-5

retrieving in Deleted Items folder (Cisco Unity Inbox web tool) 10-6

system broadcast 6-1

what you hear when checking 20-1

message size, effect on mailbox size 5-2

message type

menu, enabling 20-2

property 20-5

mobile phone, using as an alternate device 14-3


name. See recorded name or alternate names

NDR. See nondelivery receipts

nickname. See alternate names

nondelivery receipts

about 8-1

effect on mailbox size 5-2

managing by phone 8-1

managing in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 8-3


about 21-1

cascading 21-5

chaining 21-5

changing phone number by phone 21-6

enabling or disabling a device by phone 21-5

of system broadcast messages 6-1

setting up a device 21-1


Optional Conversation 1, phone menus and shortcuts 23-7


pager, using as an alternate device 14-3

pager notification device, setting up 21-1


changing Cisco PCA 4-3

changing phone 4-2

securing 4-1

updating e-mail program to match Cisco PCA 4-4

personal call transfer rules

about 19-11

adding to rule set 19-12

applying to all incoming calls 19-24

canceling applying to all incoming calls 19-24

Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool

about 2-4

accessing 3-2

accessing Help for 3-2

adding personal contact 12-2

adding rule to rule set 19-12

changing in

caller message settings 19-21

call holding settings 19-21

call screening settings 19-22

destination group 19-9

information for a personal contact 12-3

loop-detection setting for phone destinations 19-8

name of caller group 19-4

personal destination 19-6

rings-to wait setting for phone destinations 19-7

rule 19-15

rule processing preferences 19-26

creating in

caller group 19-3

destination group 19-9

personal destination 19-6

rule set 19-12

deleting in

caller group 19-5

destination from destination group 19-10

destination group 19-10

personal contact 12-4

personal destination 19-7

rule set 19-17

disabling rule set 19-20

enabling rule set for days of the week 19-19

enabling rule set for range of dates 19-19

importing Exchange contacts into personal contacts list 12-5

reordering rules in rule set in 19-15

testing rule set in 19-16

personal contacts list

about 12-1

adding a contact to 12-2

advantages of adding Connection users 12-1

changing information for a contact 12-3

deleting a contact 12-4

importing Exchange contacts 12-4

personal destinations

changing 19-6

creating 19-6

deleting 19-7

phone 19-5

See also destinations 19-5

personal settings, changing 14-1


accessing Connection by 3-1

changing by

call transfer settings 18-2

conversation menu style 15-2

directory listing status 14-4

phone password 4-2

playback speed for an individual message 16-4

playback volume for individual message 16-3

recorded name 14-1

rule processing preferences 19-26

checking by

deleted messages 10-3

messages 7-1

deleting new and saved messages by 10-1

disabling by

Transfer All rule set 19-24

enabling by

Transfer All rule set 19-23

finding messages by 9-1

forwarding by

messages 11-8

managing receipts by 8-2

permanently deleting messages by 10-2

replying to messages by 11-5

sending messages by 11-1

working with Connection by 2-1

phone destinations 19-5

phone input style

adjusting voice-recognition settings 15-5

changing 15-4

phone menus

alternate keypad mapping N 23-10

alternate keypad mapping S 23-13

alternate keypad mapping X 23-11

Optional Conversation 1 23-7

standard conversation 23-5

phone notification device, setting up 21-1

phone number, changing notification by phone 21-6

phone password

changing 4-2

securing 4-1

Phone View option 9-3

placing calls by using voice commands 13-1


device, changing 16-1

speed, changing 16-3

volume, changing 16-2

playing all greetings by phone 17-6

private lists

about 22-1

adding alternate names 22-2

adding remote contacts 22-4

changing members 22-3

changing name 22-2

creating 22-1

deleting 22-6

sending voice messages to 11-1

sending voice messages to, from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-3


read receipts, about 8-1


managing by phone 8-1

managing in Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 8-3

types 8-1

recorded name

changing 14-1

changing what plays at logon 15-5


device, changing 16-1

greetings 17-3

greetings in additional languages by phone 17-9

remote contacts

adding to private lists 22-4

in Cisco Unity Inbox Address Book 11-10

reordering rules in a rule set 19-15


to messages by phone 11-5

to voice messages from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-6

rerecording current greeting by phone 17-7

retrieving messages in Deleted Items folder (Cisco Unity Inbox web tool) 10-6

return receipts, about 8-1

rings-to-wait setting, changing for phone destinations 19-7

rule processing preferences, changing 19-25


changing 19-15

reordering in rule set 19-15

rule sets

about 19-11

adding rule 19-12

creating 19-12

deleting 19-17

disabling by phone 19-20

disabling in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-20

enabling by phone 19-18

enabling for days of week in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-19

enabling for range of dates in Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool 19-19

reordering rules 19-15

testing 19-16


screening. See call screening

sender's information message properties 20-5


voice message from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-3

voice messages by phone 11-1

setting up notification device 21-1


alternate keypad mapping N 23-10

alternate keypad mapping S 23-13

alternate keypad mapping X 23-11

Optional Conversation 1 23-7

standard conversation 23-5


destinations 19-5

notification device, setting up 21-1

sources of greetings 17-3


changing conversation 15-3

changing for message playback 16-3

standard conversation, phone menus and shortcuts 23-5

standard greeting 17-3

system broadcast messages 6-1

system distribution lists

sending voice messages to 11-1

sending voice messages to, from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-3

system greeting 17-3


testing rule set 19-16

time format, changing for message time stamps 15-4

time stamp message property 20-5

touchtone keys

canceling forwarding of all calls to Connection 19-25

changing a greeting 17-4

changing members of a private list 22-4

changing notification phone number 21-6

changing recorded name of private list 22-2

changing source of greeting 17-4

checking deleted messages 10-4

checking messages 7-1

deleting a new or saved message 10-2

disabling a greeting 17-4

disabling alternate greeting 17-8

disabling notification device 21-5

disabling rule set 19-20

enabling a greeting 17-4

enabling alternate greeting 17-8

enabling notification device 21-5

enabling rule set 19-18

forwarding all calls to Connection 19-24

forwarding a message 11-8

permanently deleting messages 10-2

playing all greetings 17-6

recording a greeting 17-4

recording greetings in additional languages 17-9

replying to a message 11-5

rerecording current greeting 17-7

sending a voice message 11-2

using 2-2

transfer. See call transfer

Transfer All rule set

about 19-23

enabling and disabling 19-23

types of receipts 8-1


updating e-mail program password to match Cisco PCA password 4-4

user, enrolling as 1-1


touchtone keys 2-2

voice commands 2-2


voice commands

changing a greeting 17-5

changing source of greeting 17-5

checking deleted messages 10-4

checking messages 7-3

deleting a new or saved message 10-2

disabling a greeting 17-5

disabling alternate greeting 17-9

enabling a greeting 17-5

enabling alternate greeting 17-9

forwarding a message 11-9

handling system broadcast messages 6-1

lists of 23-1

managing receipts 8-2

permanently deleting messages 10-3

placing a call 13-1

playing all greetings 17-7

recording a greeting 17-5

replying to a message 11-6

rerecording current greeting 17-8

sending a voice message 11-3

using 2-2

voice messages

accessing from e-mail program 2-7

addressing with Cisco Unity Inbox Address Book 11-10

deleting in e-mail program 10-7

forwarding from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-9

replying to, from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-6

sending by phone 11-1

sending from Cisco Unity Inbox web tool 11-3

voice recognition, adjusting settings for phone input style 15-5


changing conversation 15-3

changing for message playback 16-2